Kayleigh McEnany lashes out at Kamala Harris for dodging media

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where in the world is that kamala harris it's been more than a week since president biden told us she would spearhead the crisis on our southern border and yet she hasn't gone to the region she hasn't held a press conference and the biden administration's response to this humanitarian crisis is just awol according to cnn of all places the vp is fired up about a different crisis renovations at the vice presidential mansion are behind schedule and she is quote getting frustrated and sick of living out of a suitcase and at the blair house which is a different mansion on the other side of town so her suitcase is already packed why doesn't she just leave her mansion and go visit the children living in squalor without clean clothes at the border do you have plans to visit the border not today but i have before and i'm sure i will again joining me now is kaylee mcenany former white house press secretary and a fox news analyst uh welcome to the show kaylee and congratulations on your new job on outnumber we're so proud to have you part of the family um thank you very much well let's just talk about this because she's definitely awol and you know there's all this confusion about her job and what she's doing and she's changing it i feel like she's trying to distance herself maybe wash her hands from this whole thing because she knows this is going nowhere and it's bad rachel you hit the nail on the head i mean look we were told a week ago by president biden that quote the most qualified person most qualified to stem the tide of illegal immigration to our southern border is vice president kamala harris here we are a week out and all of a sudden she seems to have tossed this problem back to joe biden after the headlines came out like the one from politico that joe biden handed kamala harris a grenade a political grenade well she tossed that grenade right back to him because for kamala harris this was about having latitude without the blame and what i mean is the latitude to reach out to foreign leaders without accepting the blame when the ill-advised biden policy or lack thereof lack of a plan goes south as it already has and you have to wonder if she's actually speaking to those leaders because the president of mexico is not happy with what's happened he actually really liked the way donald trump was doing and he was cooperating with the country to stem the tide of people coming from central america i mean they weren't coming because they didn't want to get stuck in mexico it was a brilliant policy it was a brilliant policy exactly and you had an unlikely ally and uh in the mexican president there with president trump and i say unlikely they were at different ends of the political spectrum but had a great partnership in stopping uh this crisis on the southern border and styming illegal immigration and then you have joe biden come in and the mexican president good for him says this is the migrant president he's responsible and deserves the blame for what's happening on the southern border i'm paraphrasing him but that's in essence what he said because he saw the great work that can be done with the agreements we made with the northern triangle countries and the trump administration that joe biden for whatever reason came in and ripped up and incentivized what we're seeing which is not humane there was video that fox just put up of um two young girls a three-year-old and a five-year-old girl that border patrol put out and fox highlighted being left in the in the new mexico desert after being dropped over a 14-foot barrier this is inhumane it's sad and it's been incentivized by joe biden and kamala harris yeah there was a little nine-year-old girl who was drowned also it's just um it's just so heartbreaking um equally heartbreaking is the situation in san diego where we have parents who for a year have not had any in-person instruction for their children at the school and then they find out that hey the teachers are volunteering to go down to teach in person down at the border and it's weird because the whole reason they said they weren't going to teach the kids in san diego was because they said they didn't feel safe but the covid rates are higher among the border children yeah that's right and in fact in that san diego facility there were about 700 children there 82 of which tested positive for kovitz that's roughly one and eight testing positive for covid and you have teachers volunteering to go in person there but yet we know in these perfectly safe schools that oftentimes that that do use distancing that do have these protocols in place that the cdc put out guidelines back in the trump administration and these schools have been equipped with money and technology uh and and ways to keep our kids safe and we know they're not super spreader events but they won't go there to teach us citizen children although you have some volunteering to go into a place where one in eight illegal immigrants are testing positive for covet it's a huge disparity yeah well it's interesting the irony today by the way is cesar chavez day he's a labor activist very famous labor activist who's passed away now but today is his day there's actually a bust of cesar chavez in the biden oval office and so today jill went to celebrate that but it's such a weird thing because cesar chavez was a labor activist he actually was very much opposed to open borders he sent people down to the border including himself we went down to try and block it i think if cesar chavez was alive today he would be a hundred percent against what the the biden administration is doing i think he would bring the labor activists who know their jobs are going to be you know lower wages because of all of this influx of of people from south and central america i think he'd be down there trying to close the border yeah it's a really great point i mean we knew where he stood on these issues and you've got to wonder uh someone who was so avidly opposed to illegal immigration because it it would uh it would have the american workers suffer especially low-income workers here in the united states someone who was so fervent on that point how would he feel in the middle of a global pandemic when you had president trump who said you know i'm going to stop h-1b visas and non-agricultural temporary workers because we've got to protect american workers in the middle of a global pandemic with lockdowns pretty sure chavez would have been on this side absolutely well kayla you always have a lot to say because you have so much experience from your white house days we're so happy to have you on the fox family thank you rachel all right thank you for joining me
Channel: Fox News
Views: 869,530
Rating: 4.8493853 out of 5
Keywords: Kayleigh McEnany, McEnany, fox news mcenany, kamala harris, kayleigh mcenany, mcenany, mcenany kamla harris, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime today, primetime, primetime fox news, biden detention centers, border crisis, border patrol, border security, fox news border security, fox news immigration, fox news migrants, illegal immigration, immigration, migrant detention centers, migrants
Id: fIuJeEMeyh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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