Ingraham warns of coming 'climate lockdowns'

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Back when they told us we “had” to have government mandated health insurance because it was for the public good I said this would lead to unimaginable taking of liberties and rights. I said using the public good argument they could dictate what type of car we drive for the public good. I said they would dictate what we could eat for the public good. I said they would even dictate where we had to live in relation to our jobs, for the public good. And the global warming scam will gives them the justification to do it. All you have to do is read headlines to see this my concerns were justified. They want us to eat less red meat, they want us to drive electric cars, they are complaining about urban sprawl or “white flight”. All of these things are being bushed in the name of the environment. They also throw in the racism trump card. But all of these things will impact the poor leaving the wealthy unaffected. They can afford the higher cost and/or tax penalty associated with non compliance. Covid gave them a taste of the power the declaration of a state of emergency gives them. I had a similar prediction when the transgender rights movement started and the debate was over bathrooms only. I said it would lead to men and boys in the women’s locker rooms, showers and on their sports teams. I was told it would never happen. I was called homophobic, a hater, and anti gay a long with things that should gotten people put in FB jail. I was told I was fear mongering.

I don’t claim to be a prophet or to see the future. All you have to do is look at history, not just the names places and dates you need to look at what lead up to theses events. Then compare that to current events and it’s very simple to see where we are going to end up. Look at how Venezuela went from a prosperous nation to a hell hole with a dictatorship. Look at the chain of events. Now look at what is happening here. If think we are safe you are living with your head up your fourth point of contact.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/johnnyg883 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why do people think that Fox isn't part of the scumbag establishment left? They promote leftist stuff just as much as CNN. Just because they're critical of it sometimes? Even negative press is good press.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Banned_Over_Nothing 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Climate Cult = Covid Cult

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chino780 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
now for many years now uh democrats have realized that the only way to turn their radical plans into a reality is to take more power and money from the american people and give it to washington they want control over almost every aspect of your life we can't uh drive our suvs and you know eat as much as we want and keep our homes on you know 72 degrees at all times can't do any of those things he said back in 2008 and all these years later we see obama's heirs carrying on his mission control in the same way that we have taxed cigarettes we're going to have to tax carbon we have to take the take combustion engine vehicles off the road as rapidly as we can would you support changing the dietary guidelines yes reduce red meat specifically yes i would now remember the left believes that america isn't exceptional it's systemically racist and that means we shouldn't be any better off than the rest of the world so the greeniac saw an opening when the global economy due to covid cratered last year because of the lockdowns closures and reduced demand carbon emissions fell by about 2.6 billion metric tons which was a seven percent drop from the year prior climate change activists who ignored or dismissed the human suffering caused by these draconian covert rules were positively giddy that kids were harmed from the cancellation of in-person learning and athletics was simply not relevant given the left's larger long-term goal of reducing america's carbon footprint so they saw covet as an opportunity to advance the interest of a global climate bureaucracy their pet media marveled about the environmental benefits of lockdowns again ignoring human suffering if there is a silver lining to this crisis is visible in the skies above china all of this inaction while causing so many humans problems has actually proven to be quite good for mother earth falling pollution levels brought about by lockdowns may have been shining an impact on sunshine wild animals are now roaming city streets how do we make sure these pollution levels don't rebound so the longer you were behind closed doors not commuting to work not going to church not traveling to see family the happier those people were but having a free country means that individuals are making their own risk assessments according to their own risk profiles the greeniacs hate that they much prefer to order you around or if that's not possible to frighten you into abandoning your own common sense so mindless coveted fear-mongering kept suburban women double-masked on running trails and sent urbanites to amazon prime for all their grocery orders my favorite is when they were frantically wiping down their bananas and their egg cartons worried about coven no the virus can live on surfaces for example stealing plastic for up to three days i'm just going to clean all the virus off here i don't need to do too much it's a pretty sensitive virus for cardboard it's typically going to be closer to 24 hours of course none of that was true right but he did do a good job of cleaning but after some fits and starts we won the kova debate their so-called public health experts were wrong on everything from lockdowns to masks to social distancing those measures inflicted enormous economic educational and psychological harm to adults and children alike and biden's attempt to take credit for th this not withstanding it was trump who greenlit operation warp speed yet now we see the usual suspects lining up to exploit another hyped crisis of course i'm talking about climate change and the end goal is the same they want more of your money and your freedom and if they have to take extreme measures to accomplish this oh they will unless we're ready for them so if we apply the lessons learned in our battle against the covet lockdowns i'm confident we can stop them and we can win this if you think the force is propping up biden aren't thinking about declaring a climate emergency in some form during its first term you haven't been paying close attention a report released yesterday by the international energy agency gave us a sneak preview of what might be coming and of course the lockdowns gave them the perfect road map for how to exert control over the population don't take my word for it they admit this the coven crisis demonstrated that people can make behavioral changes at significant speed and scan scale if they understand the changes to be justified now will we be ordered to stay at home because of the climate well perhaps not the left is real you know rarely that straightforward but even without government stay-at-home orders there are a lot of ways for the left to effectively lock you down like through gasoline shortages skyrocketing fuel prices phase outs of gas-powered cars just to name a few in fact the ieae's bucket list of climate controls includes carbon taxes fuel taxes limiting air travel reducing speed limits phasing out gas powered cars and many more agenda items doesn't that just sound grand san francisco among other cities is seriously considering implementing congestion congestion pricing with fees as high as 14 for every car entering the city new york and dc are already squeezing cars out by expanding bike and pedestrian lanes hawaii they've already declared a climate emergency there and the far left is already pressuring biden to declare one on a national scale aoc and bernie sanders introduced legislation back in february in fact to do just that but we cannot let the politicians or the bureaucrats abuse their authority again no more never-ending states of emergency no more executive orders to shutter businesses and schools if governors or mayors want more authority then they should ask for the voters to approve that you know pass a law the old-fashioned way through the state legislature pennsylvania voters offer a blueprint for stopping future abuses of emergency orders by governors who of course enjoyed exerting their unchecked authority to shutter schools and businesses in a rebuke of democrat governor tom wolf 54 percent of voters yesterday supported a ballot question to allow a simple majority of lawmakers to end a disaster declaration at any time democrats and so-called public health experts use remember half true skewed data and outright lies to pressure states to make the drastic decision to lock down only seven resisted only one state south dakota didn't order any businesses to close during the pandemic georgia was the first to reopen then florida and mississippi and others followed suit they brushed off the dire warnings and the power mad coveokrats these governors put the overall interests of their residents and the long-term survival of their states ahead of the alarmism of the moment this is the same approach that we need to take when they throw the climate hyperbole at us as usual if we want to see where the democrats are going look to europe in milan they're pushing cars out of there with bike and pedestrian lanes fuel taxes are being jacked up all over the uk and europe and france is moving to ban all short-haul domestic flights to stop this nonsense from happening here we need to aggressively push back at every turn just like pennsylvania did yesterday just like we did with covet and just like we're doing with critical race theory in our schools and we're winning that as well the only lockdown that should happen again is of the politicians who try to rest away liberties and hard-earned money on the bogus claim that government can solve every problem when we know all too often government just makes matters worse and that's the angle hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,770,867
Rating: 4.8225794 out of 5
Keywords: carbon emissions, climate change, climate change fox news, covid, covid fox news, covid lockdowns, covid lockdowns fox news, democrats, democrats climate, laura ingraham climate change, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news ingraham angle, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, ingraham, ingraham angle, ingraham angle monologue, ingraham angle tonight, ingraham tonight, laura ingraham, laura ingraham angle, laura ingraham monologue, the ingraham angle
Id: GD_cdkKDYWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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