[Katuri Highlight Compilation] EP27 - EP52 | KATURI | S1

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[Music] wow oh they're pink my favorite color wow they're beautiful i'll make a flower crown with these [Music] tada the flower ground you look pretty hey let me try come back jack it's mine give it back [Music] [Applause] this rock is amazing it's all soft and smooth [Music] it's a black beard [Music] who's there i'm dirty and i need my flower crown back a flower crown well i don't have it it's hanging on your nose how did it get onto my nose oh i'm sorry huh oh no my flower crown and you've gone and broken it just look what you've done i'll fix it for you right now oh my flower now you totally broke it i'm sorry i'm so sorry i know a place with lots of flowers then please take me to that place hold on tight i may be faster than you think [Music] it's not your balloon oh [Music] should we do let's give the balloon to the baby hedgehog but we only have one balloon i love the balloon [Music] [Music] are you okay are you okay edgy prepare you some snacks at home who's crying if you stop crying and ask more gently then you could have another balloon oh really yes the little pheasants will help you right i want a new balloon oh um here's your balloon oh but wait don't you think the balloon is too big for him oh it's marvelous that is so kind of you thank you so much [Music] is mommy's coming hedgie are you alright [Music] we're fine it's so much fun one more [Music] water time ah at least it didn't go in the puddle hey there could you do me a favor oh my oh what's wrong chip a mug fish nice to meet you we are the little but why are you here this is not a pond it's a small puddle that's a good question well it was raining a lot a while ago wasn't it i got really excited so i jumped like this jump jump jumped whoa you guys are awesome i was jumping crazily and and i found myself here then you should go back to the pond you're right i need to go back but i can't [Music] why because the pond is too far away what should we do [Music] i'm a bit slippery oh yeah you're very slippery we can't even hold you oh hey i've got an idea a rock it's a rocky field water weight with so many rocks in the way oh no oh [Music] can you jump all the way over here that's a good idea okay my fish jump jump jump mudfish [Music] oh it's further away hey muffish jump into here [Music] okay let's do it [Applause] double drop [Music] oh look over here i am a snail nice to meet you wow you are really slow but you'll never get back home like that don't worry i carry my house on my back when i'm tired i can have a rest inside wow are you sure he's moving hey let's go and play the water reaches the playground first will be the captain oh no i could have won the wait i'm the last it's because you run too slow come dinner is ready my sweeties mom it's dinner time why aren't you running chip because i'll last one anyway hi again snail where are you going right now i'm going to climb up to the top of the tree i want to climb up by myself oh it's dinner time yes mom then good luck [Music] i are still sleeping the snail hey snail snail i'm here [Music] wow you made it up to the top i climbed up all night long how many times do i have to tell you hey hey squirrel what's going on oh the little faz this tree here is mine but the woodpecker keeps saying that it is that is not true i started building my house here first the one who cracks open this hard walnut gets to stay in this tree how about that that's a great idea i'm in [Music] okay you first all right i'm really good at cracking you know [Laughter] [Applause] wow what's wrong squirrel it's almost open it's my turn now i'll crack it that's not fair the nut is open it doesn't count do it again no no no no didn't i just crack the walnut you cracked it but i'm leaving have fun without me woodpecker [Music] how cozy [Music] i can't get my hat out [Music] one two three [Music] two okay fine just this one time [Music] squirrel are you okay i'm out i'm out please stay with me let's share the tree oh [Music] oh what's happened our playground is a mess who did this i see footsteps i think these are the footsteps of whoever destroyed the playground then we should find out whose footprints these are let me see let's find the forest friend with the same footprint as this one [Music] [Music] what are you doing looking for someone who made a mess of the playground squirrel has a smaller foot squirrel's foot is smaller than the leaf so he's not the one oh oh i know an animal who's bigger than squirrel [Music] [Applause] foot is much bigger oh we're wrong again so whose footprint is this better keep on searching [Music] there's something in the bushes [Music] oh hi rabbit where were you going we were finding someone who damaged our playground [Music] oh gotcha he's the one who destroyed the playground it was you rabbit you destroyed the playground i'm sorry come and look my sweeties the birdie buses turned out much better what [Music] rabbit do you want to nibble some more trees yeah of course i do off to the playground [Music] it's going to be fun let's go oh wait guys oh bobby for me oh [Music] bobby oh so i fell from there [Music] been a long time do you know me i'm holding back okay i'm bobby we shook hands that means that we're friends now oh what friends i was really bored here all on my own let's do something fun together quick what should we do what should we do to get out of here what you want to get out yeah what's the matter with that nothing's fine your mom and siblings probably don't realize that you're not there they must be having fun no hey you can live here with me mommy mom it's my mom and my family what mom oh bobby [Music] dazzling oh mom bye golden bat see you [Music] i had a so is anything good happening gray squirrel is coming to my house today grace he's a cool and funny guy like me hey squirrel [Music] there you are these are my friends the little pheasants howdy little pheasants i'm gray squirrel hello so what should we do oh what's that it's a spinning top made of acorn acorn top is so cool my little pheasant's like a great squirrel more than me now you can try so much fun everyone move go mushrooms [Music] hey squirrel our tops are all gone don't worry guys i have heaps of toys ta-da this is a walnut yo-yo look huh wow that's amazing my little friends are becoming best friends with grey squirrels [Music] i will show them an even better toy and that will get their attention back [Music] don't you think that he's going too fast chip [Music] i'm sure that i've gotten taller too oh there's no difference no way impossible there's no difference you will be soon if you just eat and play well then let's go eat cherries together i can't reach any oh it's just too high hem everyone [Music] hey there small ones hi i've never seen a tall bird like you a crane as you can see i'm very very tall what do you think don't i look fabulous ta-da [Music] that looks just like my legs yeah anyone can be tall like you on these very long sticks [Music] catch this [Music] guys please help me please help me [Music] chip [Music] you okay chip [Music] yeah mom i'm okay then how about doing a pair run with your friends today that sounds fun i'll run with my strobel cricket i'm not sure who's going to be my partner i'm sure there is a perfect partner for you what's this hi is this yours oh it's yours i'm wildcat nice to see you wildcat you are playing alone too well let's play together we are all going to do a pear race he's wildcat and these are my brothers sister and friends oh hello so are we all ready to start the repair run [Music] aren't you running with me i don't want to run oh then let's stay here instead of doing the race [Laughter] you want to try oh [Laughter] right on my back huh why do you want me to i want to do the pair run now really mom would it be okay if we start the race now of course chip and wild cat go hold on tight chips [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you can never beat me [Music] your stone is broken dirty i'll find a real solid stone and beat you let's go chip okay oh it's too small and this one is [Music] it has pretty patterns it's the right size and it's not too heavy we found it [Music] all right i'm going first this time watch carefully this is how you play the stone hitting game [Music] how come the stone is there you missed the stone oh you missed the dory your stone has moved so this move here shouldn't calculus don't move she's right a stone can't move it really did oh it's moved to there no way [Music] oh what's wrong huh what's going on oh it's a tortoise hey y'all hello i was taking a nap near the riverside then um we brought him here because we thought that he was a stone oh so that's what happened i'm really sorry tortoise for bringing you here ah no problem friends if you get confused again next time rub one side and ask are you a tortoise or a stone we're here [Music] are you a tortoise or a stone [Music] he has lots of friends here i wish i was as big as as big as mr black bear then why don't you tell your wish to granny fox [Music] yes granny fox lives deep in the forest hidden and grants wishes with her magical powers wow granny box are you there [Music] did you call me we heard that you can grant wishes with your magical powers is that true yeah yes it is so what is your wish we want to become giants yes bigger than the trees i have a story to tell you huh a story a giant pheasant who lived in the forest a long long time ago all the forest animals loved the pheasant and praised their friend frequently wow it's really cool to be a giant granny fox please turn us into giant there were also hard times for the giant pheasant the giant pheasant would blow his friends away with a sneeze [Music] or he would spoil games with his huge body and so all of his friends left and he became lonely in the end the giant pheasant left the forest who is first in line to become a giant oh i don't want to be a giant me neither i like the way it is now [Music] [Laughter] hey where are you going we were playing hospital they left who should i treat now [Music] what are you doing oh i was taking care of the young pine tree i think it needs more water [Music] you see the soil is all dry here we need to give it plenty of water how much you could help me sure all right it's done now wait for a moment wow the little pines got nice and healthy again who are you i'm ladybug i heal sick plants oh that means you're a doctor how about healing the forest plants together huh ready to go [Music] oh over there let's see the ground is wet there is enough water [Music] then ah satellite can you move a little bit the balsam needs some sunlight catch me if you can what are you doing i'm healing the balsam flower look [Music] wow with the help of the knights the princess met the prince again and lived happily ever after let's play princess hello i'm princess dirty we are the bravest of nice [Music] princess we made a crown for you um let me see hey this is too big [Music] make it again you're not a real princess anyway what glittering golden mane a pretty face and long legs [Music] [Applause] from now on we will serve you princess we are the brave pheasant lights please put the crown on how do i do i look nice princess you're very beautiful i have forgotten an important appointment [Applause] you too fine then hop on my back [Music] where is he we were going to meet here that's not what i was expecting i thought she was going to meet the prince this is annoying me how did you get all the way to here i made a beautiful crown for a little princess story look great it's lunch time everyone wow from now on i'm not dory i'm your mom our mom [Music] i want this too no jack that's mine stop you two be nice to each other [Music] now it's nap time nap time i want to play some more you should take your nap because it's good for growing children [Music] that was a good nap now i'll play no it's still nap time we can go and play later no i finished my nap i want to play now we're going to [Music] oh mom come play with us i'm not playing with kids who don't listen to their mom here we go [Music] [Music] try and stay still it will get better soon [Music] let's take shelter over there it's pouring down what should we do [Music] it's not easy being a mom is it dory no it's really hard hey it's me come and have a look this is an amazing boat ahoy little pheasant [Music] hey take me with you [Music] there are cute little baby birds in my hat they are so cute i better show them to my mom and dad the little feathers are in trouble they're in trouble i found these baby birds wow they're really cute it's lunch time little birds oh i'm so hungry [Music] me too oh [Applause] we're going home now what already can i take the baby birds home oh no the baby birds should stay in the forest i want to take them home [Music] it's time now to let them go goodbye baby birds [Music] thank you my sweet friend thank you a present [Music] bye thank you [Music] but look it's flying too far is this the leaf plane you guys are looking for that's not ours mr gold is this the leaf plane you're looking for yeah that's right sir that is our plane ah you are such honest little pheasant ah here i'll give you all of these as rewards wow thank you mr god what what's this those are such great leaf planes where did you get these huh we flew it over a hill and it fell into the forest then we met mr goat he gave us better leaf planes than the original one i'm gonna get away better wow you haven't you haven't seen my plane have you is this the plane you're looking for no mine is way bigger and it's much cooler then is this the plane you're looking for wow that's right this is my plane [Music] you okay squirrel are you okay oh that was a close one squirrel i'll never be greedy again you regret your mistake i'll give it back to you thanks mister ben let's go fly leaf planes together [Music] oh what a lovely feather hey who are you me i'm weasel fast as a flash i'll give you back the feather if you're gonna get my tail how's that huh all right catch me if you can [Music] but i have an idea what is it tell us please pretend that you are not playing the game anymore [Music] other well games i'll take the feather okay okay [Applause] fine i got it what [Music] we got look weasel we won so you made it my little chicks yay [Music] well i'm i'm a flying squirrel what is a flying squirrel is it different from a squirrel of course i can fly high in the sky wow that's awesome wow can you teach it oh what should i do how am i going to teach them to fly when i can myself so you little pheasants think you're ready to fly do you sure then we'll start with some exercise in stretchy stretch stretchy stretch stretchy stretchy stretchy [Music] if you want to fly spread your wings flap your wings then you're ready to fly so this is how you do it are you ready for this come on teach me well uh oh no stretchy stretch that she said spread your wings flap them then you fly it's not as easy as it seems [Music] it's actually easy i'm flying hey my sweeties have some cherries oh my goodness james [Applause] [Music] hooray i'm a flying squirrel now i can really fly in the sky happy birthday oh my goodness thank you very much birthday hey mom is today your birthday um that's why mrs pullover brought me a present we didn't prepare anything what should we do oh how about giving her a birthday party that's a good idea bobby we need the best cake for the best birthday party say what a secret well if you don't tell me why you need it i'm not going to give you my acorn we're gonna make the best birthday cake for her surprise party so don't tell anyone shhh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wow then let's go and get mom i will go where are we going can i open my eyes now no not yet mom you can now open your eyes wow [Music] it's so beautiful [Applause] [Music] i'll put this grass bandage on and then blow on the wound to ease the pain wow it doesn't hurt anymore what's that sound could it be a monster a monster let's go check oh no it's too dark there then let's hold hands and have a quick look how about that okay okay mom i can see someone there oh it's a young wild dog oh he seems to have heard his paw [Music] oh we can help you i'm just fine just go [Music] stop oh me [Music] how are you now [Music] i think i feel better maybe we were looking for you my they got hurt but the little pheasants helped me and i feel much better now thank you little peasants you're welcome bye-bye bye bye oh i don't see any fruit i'll go and get some persimmon from elsewhere where is all the fruit did you guys eat them all did you no we didn't have any in that case i'll go back to my secret place [Applause] okay fine [Music] wow do you see that weird looking house over there there lives a huge animal with a strong jaw and really sharp teeth and a really scary growl and did i say he was huge so try not to wake him up okay all right [Music] [Music] i'll shake and make it drop cat okay it's falling catches [Music] [Music] oh [Music] are you okay chip yeah i'm fine and ping duck wants to play with us so you were here my chicks oh where is squirrel over there up the tree my kite is the highest hey dory what you doing almost done this is my violet kite how is it wow it's pretty well kites don't have to be pretty they need to fly really high [Laughter] fly oh wow look dory's kite is the highest what's that oh it's a bee yay it's a beautiful flower mmm this flower smells sweet my friends come here drop [Music] oh they're coming this way let's go to the lock bridge [Music] my acorns the bees can't find us [Music] it's here [Music] oh what's wrong my sweeties the bees keep chasing us hello honeybees why are you chasing my kids we're not chasing the little [Music] unsweet pheasants collect as much nectar as you want ah the sweet taste of nectar [Music] well here we are miss chicken's house wow good afternoon welcome everyone how do you do everyone come in how can a bird sleep on such things mommy i'm hungry uh um i didn't bring anything to eat though [Music] we always have something to eat in here we don't even have to go outside wow yummy i can't believe it i want to play outside now what no way it's too dangerous you chick stay inside and play here there are lots of fun things to play with in the coop ta-da wow what's this you don't know this is called treadwell you see you get in like this [Music] [Music] good catch right oh what a scary dog [Music] [Laughter] okay just for a while what are you doing chip come on is everyone okay yes we're all right what's that a fish let's follow it be careful it's really fast [Music] hello friends i'm otter nice to meet you [Music] well i'm especially fast mr otter do you think you could teach my chicks how to sled please i sure can it's really really important to control your strength while sledding [Music] and when you want to stop you jump like this let's go i have an idea let's go speed up here we go [Applause] oh it wasn't even a cliff [Music] chip you have a little snowman on your head wow it's cute i want to make it too here are the eyes and nose [Music] [Music] hey chip is something wrong he looks so cool he'll be warm with this okay [Music] come on i think you'll catch a cold it's okay jim [Music] where is my snowman [Music] i'm coming snowman [Music] now you have a tail on your back wow you guys woke up too let's play together [Music] [Laughter] that's weird i was playing with the snowmen hey don't be silly they don't move let's go and start playing the teal no it wasn't a dream it was real [Music] here subscribe to our channel
Channel: KATURI TV
Views: 999,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KATURI, Kids, Animation, katuri, kids, kids animation, nature, #katuri, katuri english, katuri full, katuri full episodes, season2, bobby, dury, chip, jack, for kids, katuri tv, katuri 2, คาทูริ, การรวบรวม katuri, katuri พากย์ไทย, katuri s2, katuri cartoon, #katuritv, katuri cartoon english, katuri season 2
Id: VTA5VQY4fwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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