[katuri Compilation] Katuri Full Episodes 31~40 | 1Hour

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[Music] a tree for two [Music] [Music] my tree huh it's the squirrel's voice look there how many times do i have to tell you oh boy this is my house i tell ya oh are they fighting uh let's go stop making a hole in my tree hey squirrel what's going on oh the little pheasants i'm so glad to see you guys this tree here is mine but the woodpecker keeps saying that it's his that is not true i started building my house here first squirrel how about looking for another tree yeah the woodpecker says that he came first how how can you say that to me oh i don't want to move to another tree i love this birch it's awesome didn't you hear your friend go find another tree never no no never i like this tree here or perhaps you could share this tree together no way oh what should we do the one who cracks open this hard walnut gets to stay in this tree how about that oh that's a great idea i'm in [Music] okay you first all right i'm really good at cracking you know here we go [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] wow go woodpecker go what's wrong squirrel it's almost open it's my turn now i'll crack it that's not fair it's not over yet and [Music] [Music] you cracked it but but the woodpecker did you hear that they say that i opened the walnut so you go and find yourself another treat oh i'm leaving have fun without me woodpecker now this cool tree is mine i'm the happiest girl in the world [Music] squirrel what's that hole there what oh oh that it's the woodpecker's house but since this tree is now mine the house is mine too let's have a look [Music] how cozy i'll bring my acorns [Music] oh no what should we do let's help him out okay okay [Music] i'll come from one you pull on three okay quick chip i can't hold it for too long okay one two three mom what are you doing the squirrel is stuck in the woodpecker's house we kept pulling and pulling but it didn't work [Music] get me out [Music] we'd better ask the woodpecker as it's him who's made that hole [Music] no way i'm not gonna help the squirrel come on just one time please okay fine just this one time [Music] how's it going what woodpecker you you came to help me so i'll show you what i can do [Music] squirrel are you okay [Music] i guess i'm done here wait you can't just go like that please stay with me let's share the tree oh [Music] golden bat okay here we go [Music] [Music] oh mom wait for me i'm sliding down too it's bobby [Music] bobby oh so i fell from there [Laughter] so where is bobby [Music] over there i think he went over there then let's go over there [Music] hey buddy [Music] it's been a long time do you know me i don't think we met before well we could get to know each other from now i'm golden back okay i'm bobby we shook hands that means that we're friends now oh what friends yes friends i was really bored here all on my own let's do something fun together quick what should we do what should we do i can't play with you i need to get out of here what you want to get out yeah what's the matter with that nothing's fine [Music] i'll help you oh it is not easy you are too heavy oh am i but try one more time oh wow i can't i can't how about playing with me we can do so many fun things here come on fun things like what we can hang like this here and here [Applause] and here and play oh no but i really don't like hanging what you don't like this but it's so much fun but but golden bat are you mad at me no not at all i'm doing all this for you well how about living here with me what live with you oh no i need to go back home quickly my mom and siblings must be looking for me mommy mommy mom i see bobby's back over there your mom and siblings probably don't realize that you're not there they must be having fun no my mom will come to find me i don't think so they could be eating something really tasty without you oh no hey you can live here with me oh no i want to live with my mom mommy mom it's my mom and my family what mom oh bobby mom i'm here wait for a moment [Music] bye golden bat see you do something about that light [Music] are you all right i'm fine thanks mom [Music] [Music] whose footprint is [Music] [Music] all day long the birdie bus has arrived at the playground [Music] oh what's happened our playground is a mess who did this hey mom look here i see footsteps i think these are the footsteps of whoever destroyed the playground then we should find out whose footprints these are hmm let me see there you go let's find the forest friend with the same footprint as this one wow that sounds good let's go [Music] yummy acorn i better go home and eat it right away and eat it all right a bus it doesn't look like one let me see your foot huh what are you doing looking for someone who made a mess of the playground what the playground is a mess squirrel has a smaller foot squirrel's foot is smaller than the leaf so he's not the one oh oh i know an animal who's bigger than squirrel oh [Music] it wasn't me i wanted to be that someone this feels so good so good oh hello little pheasants [Music] black bear let me see your foot come on hurry up blackbear's foot is much bigger oh we're wrong again so whose footprint is this come on little pheasants better keep on searching [Music] there's something in the bushes i don't see anything what did you see that's strange where did it go hi guys oh hi rabbit yes it's me oh what's this it's the birdie bus [Music] a bus where were you going we were finding someone who damaged our playground have you ever seen an animal with a footprint like this hmm well maybe i have or maybe i haven't it's itchy [Music] what's wrong rabbit the tree audrey i need a tree a tree it's a tree you guys are saying he's the one who destroyed the playground it was you rabbit you destroyed the playground and you just destroyed our birdie bus too i did i'm sorry when my teeth get itchy i can't help nibbling the trees huh do you feel better after the nibbling yes it feels great i just can't help it come and look my sweeties the birdie bus has turned out much better what yeah rabbit do you want to nibble some more trees yeah of course i do [Music] and would you fix our playground for us ha ha fine i destroyed it before now i'll fix it for you [Music] [Applause] in the forest [Music] hey what should we do today [Music] so is anything good happening gray squirrel is coming to my house today grace he's a cool and funny guy like me you see hmm it's about time for him to arrive hmm hey squirrel [Music] squeaky now these are my friends the little pheasants howdy little pheasants i'm gray squirrel hello so what should we do how about playing with the toy that i brought [Music] it's a spinning top made of acorn you call the string around the top and [Music] this acorn top is so cool if you do this the top spins even faster i don't believe it my little pheasant's like a grey squirrel more than me now you can try [Music] i'll have to do something about this [Music] top spinning is so much fun move everyone go mushrooms [Music] hey squirrel our tops are all gone don't worry guys i have heaps of toys let me see ta-da this is a walnut yo-yo look huh [Music] wow that's amazing [Music] my little friends are becoming best friends with grey squirrels [Music] i will show them an even better toy and that will get their attention back [Applause] hey i'm gonna show you out of real fun [Music] [Applause] don't you think that he's going too fast squirrel you can stop now i don't know how to stop this oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] chip squirrel are you all right yes i'm okay mom yeah i'm okay too [Music] why were you on the skateboard in the first place i wanted to impress the little peasants to keep them as my friend [Applause] squirrel even if you make a new friend you can always keep the old ones beside you she's right even if we become friends with gray squirrel you'll always be our friend yeah oh oh really friends of course okay then let's go and play my friends [Music] the tall crane [Applause] [Music] dory you're growing up too i'm going to get taller and taller okay it's jack's turn now let's see jack's hide whoa jack's grown too yes i knew it oh my kids are growing like sprouts right let's see chips yes mom i'm sure that i've gotten taller too oh there's no difference no way impossible there's no difference i want to be taller like my brothers and sister [Music] don't worry chip you will be soon if you just eat and play well then let's go eat cherries together sounds good [Music] i can't reach any oh it's just too high um it's the tall one's job can you reach up that high sure can it's super easy oh wait a second chip [Music] everyone step aside there look at him [Music] hey there small ones i've never seen a tall bird like you who are you me i'm a crane as you can see i'm very very tall what do you think don't i look fabulous i am to you i want to be really tall just like you maybe one day you'll be like me oh i think i got it oh [Music] that looks just like my legs yeah anyone can be tall like you on these very long sticks then the shortest one can have the first turn huh wow me okay wow i'm so tall what what you are even taller than me wow chips now a beanpole mr beanpole chip can you reach the cherries over there sure i can i'll pick them right away [Music] i'll get some more of the cherries [Music] what a show [Music] i can't see anything somebody please take this off my face guys please help me [Music] crane can't you catch him i have long legs but i'm not good at running [Music] oh what come on [Music] please help me oh chip [Music] you okay chip [Music] yeah mom i'm okay [Music] ah chip what were you doing on those tall sticks i just wanted to be taller chip my sweetheart you will be soon oh really sure and you look amazing even though you are not yet really tall mommy's right yep you look just great not as much as me though run with me wildcat [Music] let's do the race to the playground what race again let's do something else then how about doing a pair run with your friends today that sounds fun i'll run with my strobel cricket then i'll run with black bear um who will i run i'll run with squirrel i'm coming i'm coming too aren't you going to get your partner i'm not sure who's going to be my partner i'm sure there is a perfect partner for you take your time okay you're right mommy have fun i will [Music] who's going to be my partner for the race [Music] what's this hi is this yours here my name's chip what's yours i'm wildcat nice to see you wildcat what were you doing there i was playing alone with this cotton ball you are playing alone too well let's play together we are all going to do a pair race today a parrots but i'm the only one without a partner would you be my partner a partner um fine [Music] i'm back huh who is that he's wildcat and these are my brothers sister and friends uh hello so are we all ready to start the pair run whoever runs around the playground and reaches here first is the winner of the race ready [Music] and go [Music] hey aren't you running with me i don't want to run why is that maybe he's too nervous oh then let's stay here instead of doing the race [Music] we need to speed up too [Music] what are you doing i've never seen such a perfect grass for whistling yeah let me play some music what what's wrong black bear my back is itchy we need to go [Laughter] [Music] oh [Laughter] chip right on my back huh why do you want me to because i want to do the pair run now really mom would it be okay if we start the race now of course chip and wild cat go hold on tight chips [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you are my best partner ever [Music] tortoise so chip when you play the stone hitting game you have to put the stone up straight you lose when your stone gets hit and falls down do you understand i got it dory you ready here we go [Music] oh come on wow good job bobby we are losing you know it's my turn now [Music] [Laughter] you can never beat me [Music] your stone is broken dirty let's play again one more time but how your stone is broken i'll get a new one i'll find a real solid stone and beat you let's go chip okay oh it's too small and this one is too big i can't find the right one wow [Music] it has pretty patterns it's the right size and it's not too heavy or too light great we found it [Laughter] [Music] tada cool isn't it wow awesome it even has patterns well that doesn't make any difference i'll knock it down anyway well let's play and find out [Music] all right i'm going first this time [Music] watch carefully this is how you play the stone hitting game [Music] how come the stone is there you missed the stone oh you missed the stone dory your stone has moved so this move here shouldn't count jack what are you talking about how can a stone move she's right a stone can't move it really did before it was here and now it's moved to there no way listen i'm the master of this the game what's wrong with it it's moving what hey it's not moving at all it really did trust me chip what's wrong with you what's so special about this it's an ordinary stone huh where am i oh what's wrong what's happened mom there's a stone that moves and it talks what's going on oh it's a tortoise it's not a stone it's a tortoise a tortoise yes a tortoise lives in fresh water hey y'all hello but how did you get here tortoises usually live near the river i was taking a nap near the riverside then um we brought him here because we thought that he was a stone oh so that's what happened he resembles a stone when he hides himself in the hard shell [Music] i'm really sorry tortoise for bringing you here i didn't know ah no problem friends if you get confused again next time rub one side and ask are you a tortoise or a stone just like this are you a tortoise or a stone good and if it's me i will answer you i'm a tortoise if it's a stone will it say i'm a stone [Laughter] [Music] we're here [Music] are you a tortoise or a stone [Music] i'm a tortoise he has lots of friends here thanks friends for bringing me here [Music] wise granny fox [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh what's that it's called a boomerang look at this [Music] let me try let me try [Music] how could you you shouldn't have thrown it so hard [Music] [Music] there you go wow thank you [Music] play safe with that [Music] i wish i was as big as as big as mr black bear yeah then i would be able to reach things that are high above then why don't you tell your wish to granny fox yes granny fox lives deep in the forest hidden and grants wishes with her magical powers wow [Music] kids slow down granny fox are you there [Music] did you call me [Music] we heard that you can grab wishes with your magical powers is that true yeah yes it is so what is your wish we want to become giants yes bigger than the trees oh it's not very difficult to turn you into giants but before that i have a story to tell you huh a story it's the story of a giant pheasant who lived in the forest a long long time ago ready now once upon a time there was a giant pheasant in a forest [Music] the giant pheasant quickly became friends with the animals in the forest [Music] when his friends were in trouble he could easily solve the problem and he would bring down the stars for his friends who were afraid of the dark [Music] wow all the forest animals loved the pheasant and praised their friend frequently wow it's really cool to be a giant granny fox please turn us into giants oh not so fast little pheasants there's more to the story there were also hard times for the giant pheasant [Music] the giant pheasant will blow his friends away with a sneeze [Music] he would spoil games with his huge body hey let me play with you he would even scare his friends when they were asleep i'm so tired [Music] [Music] i'm sorry guys and so all of his friends left and he became lonely in the end the giant pheasant left the forest so as a giant we couldn't play in the water and we'd be too big to fit in the nest so then who is first in line to become a giant oh i don't want to be a giant me neither i like the way it is now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what can i do for you oh i'm not sure oh i see you have a headache you need to get an injection you'll get better now oh now who's next you bobby me i don't want any shots then you jack i'm not sick i don't want to play this anymore let's play tag i'll be the tagger huh chip hey where are you going we were playing hospital oh they left who should i treat now nina nina nina [Music] huh the branches are drooping what are you doing oh i was taking care of the young pine tree i think it needs more water [Music] you see the soil is all dry here oh you're right in this case we need to give it plenty of water how much um about five acorn cups do you think you could help me sure all right it's done now wait for a moment [Music] wow the little pines got nice and healthy again who are you i'm ladybug i heal sick plants oh that means you're a doctor me too so how about healing the forest plants together huh there are lots and lots of plants that need help good [Music] okay ready to go [Music] oh over there [Music] oh the balsam flower is wilting let's see the ground is wet there is enough water [Music] well then ah satellite hey we came up with the same idea yeah the vine is too thick and it's blocking the sunlight fine can you move a little bit the balsam needs some sunlight catch me if you can i'll get you bobby gotcha it's story what is she doing let's go dory hello what are you doing i'm healing the balsam flower look [Music] the balsam flower came to life again let's join them all right then let's go [Music] look this branch is almost broken it's going to break if we leave it like that let's put a bandage around it yes first let's straighten up the branch [Music] that way yes yes a little more stretch your wing a little more [Music] is everyone okay i'm okay it's completely broken now what do we do we're really sorry what happened my chicks well we tried to fix the grapevine's branch but it's completely broken then we'd better plant it what we can plant it mm-hmm yes if we plant the branch in the ground then it'll grow into a new grapevine oh mom little vine make fruits again you got it and finished it's all planted it will grow again now i hope it'll grow really quickly my chicks have healed the grapevine because we're the best doctors in the forest now should we go take care of the other plants [Music] the pony princess [Music] with the help of the knights the princess met the prince again and lived happily ever after that's all for today [Music] let's play princess hello i'm princess [Music] let me try too hello i'm princess bobby bobby jack chip you can play the knights how's that oh good idea we are [Music] [Laughter] all right princess dewey is there anything that you need oh uh i need a crown because i'm a princess oh let's go and get a crown for the princess okay princess [Music] princess we made a crown for you please put it on uh let me see huh hey this is too big [Music] make it again what but we worked really hard to make it hey knights don't talk like that talk like what you're not a real princess anyway what [Music] wow he's pretty glittering golden a pretty face and long legs [Music] [Applause] huh real princess what are they talking about my princess princess you are a princess right well i look like a princess kinda from now on we will serve you princess we are the brave pheasant lights please put the crown on what that was for me [Music] what is it princess i have forgotten an important appointment oh no her appointment is probably with the prince [Music] see you later let me come with you you too fine then i'll hop on my back come with us dory no i'm not coming we're going to see the prince we don't have much time what are you doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is he we're going to meet here oh [Music] we promised to eat the carrots together not eating them without you was so very hard no sorry sorry oh i forgot about our appointment as i was playing with the little pheasants let's eat yeah [Music] that's not what i was expecting i thought she was going to meet the prince i'm not a princess although i may be pretty like a princess see i told you she wasn't a princess [Music] how did you get all the way to here mom mom we thought the pony was a princess but actually she wasn't oh no why did you think she was a princess honey has a golden maid and long leg and she's pretty too well i think dory is much prettier than her here i made a beautiful crown for a little princess story wow it really is perfect for me thanks mom i prefer carrots much more than a crown you
Channel: KATURI TV
Views: 12,646,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KATURI, Kids, Animation, katuri, kids, kids animation, nature, #katuri, katuri english, katuri full, katuri full episodes, season2, bobby, dury, chip, jack, for kids, 1 hour, katuri cartoon, katuri english version, katuri cartoon english, cartoon, english, katuri พากย์ไทย, คาทูริ, การรวบรวม, ไทย, การรวบรวม katuri, continue, full episodes, full, mom, mom cartoon, 3d animated, squairrel, nova, 1 hora, 1 jam, katuri tv, katuri bahasa melayu
Id: a2VzOXP4Xjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 33sec (3213 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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