[katuri Compilation] S2 Full Episodes 27~52 | 120 min | katuri cartoon

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[Music] mommy's watching you freeze hey you moved i caught you hey i thought you moved yeah tiptoe slowly mommy's watching you embrace [Music] whoa did you see that let's follow it mommy's watching you freeze hey all of you moved huh what's that thing wait for me why hello there little peasants what's that you're writing mr otter oh well i call this a bicycle a bicycle oh my hello mr otter that's quite a nice bicycle you've got there isn't it i made it myself actually you made it wow you see children mr otter is the best builder in the forest mr otter may i try your bicycle of course but first have you ever learned how to ride a bicycle i could teach you all yay please teach us mr r now who will go first then children there's only one bicycle you must take turns now now i will make it so that all of you can ride together oh more of us now if you'll hold on a moment there you are [Music] here you go now you can ride together wow that's cool now who's ready to learn how to ride a bike careful now i'll hold on that will help you all to keep your balance now then hold the handlebars like this and put your feet on the pedals here yay all right now then push down on the pedals and off you go down the road time to give it a try and push those pedals hard [Music] and one you're doing great children one two and one two there you go all right pedal faster and one that's it keep going one two one [Music] [Music] hey are we going a little bit too fast now how are we supposed to stop this thing oh no guys we never learned how to stop it oh no i forgot to teach them how to stop i've got this ah here it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] children are you all right yes we're flying in the sky wow [Music] incredible i've never seen that before flying in the sky on a bicycle now then it's time to return the bicycle to mr otter mr otter needs it to get home don't worry about it in fact i'd like to give it as a gift to all of you so much [Music] all done you see the pheasant taxi really oh wow can we please have a ride on it sure have a seat yay well we finally arrived wow we're here mommy can we give you a ride on the pheasant taxi of course where to ma'am hmm where should we go ah won't you take me to the raspberry field please yes next stop the raspberries [Music] thank you so much pheasant at taxi service mommy have fun with the taxi children i'll be right over here picking raspberries yes mommy let's get another passenger guess but where will we find one passenger what is this this is a bed and taxi we don't have any passengers we hope we'll have some soon all righty then i'll be your next passenger welcome squirrel where would you like us to take you hmm take me to squirrel's home in the hat fairy tree the fastest in the forest [Music] faster faster [Music] wow already that was really fast thanks for the ride little pheasants anytime you need a ride let us know really could you give me a ride mr bear you're too big for our pheasant taxi sorry but we can't give you a ride mr bear but but i need to take a taxi i promise to meet raccoon he's across that stream and i'm running late well then let's try it mr bear okay no my foot's too big isn't it [Music] [Music] hey mr bear are you all right sure there's nothing [Music] that's cool [Music] that bear he's gonna be late again isn't he [Music] guys you okay uh yeah but are you feeling okay mr bear oh uh yes i'm all right huh bear you're kidding how'd you get here so fast thanks to the pheasant taxi i got here on time taxi so this was the pheasant taxi little pheasants thanks for getting me here no problem sir the pheasant taxi is at your service anytime oh i'm good but maybe raccoon would like to give it a try i sure would [Music] here goes [Music] we told you to be careful jack ah don't worry about it now come on let's get our leaves back [Music] is it here here how about here our leaf bag totally disappear [Music] oh look there's our leaf bag [Music] hey there it is [Music] [Music] huh [Music] hi little birdies well looks like they all came out here to play with you today oh really try saying hi to them huh hello hello here you go see i found my leaf bag hey baby birds would you like to play with me i think he's saying that he wants to play with us oh yeah that was super fun then let's get on it and play i hope it's not too scary [Music] oh you guys like to play with the truck too okay off we go then be careful now you're right this really is fun isn't this fun would you all like to go a little faster then [Music] this is awesome what's wrong son daddy i can't cross over this [Music] you don't have to worry son you can get across the creek by stepping on the stones really [Music] oh i can't do it hmm why is he doing that i think he's kind of afraid of crossing the stream [Music] hey baby birds my babies what were you doing here we were playing with our brand new friend but mommy he's afraid of crossing the stream on the stones ah i see well why don't we all cheer him on this ah that's a great idea mommy let's cheer mom like this one step two well look at that they're cheering for you son oh little birds [Music] what do you think shall we join them over there yeah here hold on to daddy's hand [Music] now one step another step that's my brave boy [Music] well we made it across thanks to the help of the little pheasants yes thank you little pheasants [Music] where are you going now son i know it's hard but it's time for them to go home do they have to see you next time [Music] let's play again soon okay forest cleaners [Music] here goes oh yeah here you go chip here's my special dirty dirty tea wow thank you dirty it smells really good how is it wow this is good dirty can i please have some more children it's mommy mommy my babies it's lunch time you must be hungry yes [Applause] now who would make such a big mess and just leave things laying [Music] that around delicious children what did you do with all your toys um where did we put them during the playground mommy did you leave your toys in the playground yeah but we were gonna go back there to play that won't do we must always clean up after ourselves let's go do that together shall we yes [Music] where did your toys go children but uh they were all right here where did all of our stuff go huh oh no did someone take all of our toys away huh [Music] what's this hey check it out everything that was missing is right here really let me see wow all of our toys are still here hey i want to see huh hey what what's happening huh hey dad oh jack [Music] wow mommy this is really fun jack mommy will save you wow watch [Music] are you okay kid yeah i'm okay oh jack mommy [Music] yeah oh yeah [Music] you've all got to be more careful thank you for your help mister thank you but who are you i'm the cleaner of the forest who loves to tidy up more than anything also known as the famous mr badger you're the cleaner of the forest that's right i clean the forest so that you kids don't trip over anything fall down hills get hurt by something or go flying through the air wow [Music] oh wow you make cleaning up sound fun would you mind teaching them how to clean up mr badger sounds great would you all like to join me in cleaning up the forest together yes [Music] now just sing along with me kids one step two step hop hop hop three steps four steps skip skip skip airplane goes inside the zap bouncy ball goes [Music] huh what's going on why is it so noisy aren't those the little pheasants huh my acorns where are my acorns whoa [Music] this is fun [Music] where are they what did you do with my acorns where have you hidden them all my acorns are gone but your acorns are right here squirrel huh oh my dear acorn i was looking everywhere for you when you leave your acorns all over the place you wouldn't even notice if someone took them no anything but that i promise to always put my acorns where they belong please don't take them away again goldfish in the forest it's been raining all day and i want to go on the slide on the playground it looks like it'll stop soon [Music] yay the rain stopped let's go play who is that wow he's so pretty hello there my name is chip well hello there chip i'm a goldfish goldfish oh then are you actually made of gold oh no all goldfish have pretty golden scales that is how they got their name ah i understand uh but goldfish what are you doing all alone in the forest actually i am looking for a place with lots of water ah the pond you see in our pond there are fish and lots of water yeah we can all carry you over to the pond if you'd like yes i'd love that one two oh yeah that's it good job hey off we go to the pond [Music] [Music] children let's take a rest here in the playground okay [Music] mommy i'm thirsty i'll go get you something to drink little pheasants you stay here with goldfish okay hmm okay wow hey guys oh what's that over there that's our slide goldfish you climb up there and you ride it by sliding all the way down oh wow that sounds fun okay let's go down the slide wow it's so much fun [Music] it's fun how was it isn't that fun wow it is it's really fun oh what is that those are swings goldfish do you want to try those too yes please are you ready to go time to swing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was fun [Music] hey you guys did you see me flying did you guys let's get her to the pond quick children [Music] huh hey we can use that hey goldfish do you want to pretend that leaf is like the slide at the playground that would be fun i love to slide here we go thank you you were bringing goldfish to her new home okay are you ready to go home now yes see you soon goldfish let's go play again someday [Music] bye bye little pheasants [Music] baby hawks first [Music] here i go [Music] huh [Music] why aren't you jumping off the rock look at squirrels he's flying huh hello little physics [Music] check it out anyone can fly as long as they have this leaf glider wow does that mean we could fly like you wow can i have a turn two squirrels no way this is my very special one-of-a-kind toy jack what are you doing with my leaf glider i'll give it right back after this ride oh no my glider [Applause] oh wow you're really fine hi jack huh isn't he going too far away squirrel hey jack please don't break us don't worry i got it [Music] hey that's the playground and there's our house [Music] huh who is that help me out right now okay [Music] thanks a lot my name's jack uh it's okay hawks my name is this your house whoa cool wow i can see the whole forest [Music] careful we are really really high up you are amazing how do you live up here well where do you live me over there [Music] you live all the way down there whoa what's it like what haven't you ever been to the forest no i can't fly yet it's okay i can't fly either neither can dirty ship or bobby none of us can fly at all [Music] oh but hey how did you file a way up here to me then with this i flew on these wings oh wow that's amazing hey hawk come with me we'll fly really but my dad said until i can fly it's dangerous out there really then i guess i have to go by myself farewell hawk huh hold on hold on take me with you i wanna go all right here we go wow this is so much fun wow [Music] what's happening i don't know this is only my second time flying on it [Music] [Music] [Music] no what are you doing uh i don't know but i think i'm flying by myself you're really doing it hawk [Music] this is my very first flight here we go [Music] wow my son is flying all by himself [Music] oh dad look at me i can fly by myself now and hello mr hawk you're all grown up now son yes i'm taking jack back to his home in the forest well may i join you on your adventure into the forest [Music] deer yes okay [Music] what can you do with these [Music] you're good at that [Music] [Music] aren't they funny i guess um maybe he doesn't think what they're doing is funny but what why not we're not funny great squirrel let's show water dear how funny we really are right well he better get ready to laugh at us that'll be fun to watch oh yeah [Music] [Music] that was so funny i bet that made water do you laugh [Music] he's not laughing again uh uh i've got to go how can he not laugh at this maybe we're not funny after all that's not it you two are really funny but then why isn't water deer laughing who's not laughing mommy the squirrels were acting really funny but water deer still won't last and no matter how hard they try water deer never laughs hmm how about we all try to make water deer laugh wow that sounds like fun we'll do it together okay we are gonna make water deer laugh all right everyone gather round [Music] water deer huh hey wait uh you trying to get me to laugh again oh no i'm just here to show you where the best tasting grass is huh what do you mean the best grass oh where is it just follow me [Music] are you almost there yeah we'll be there any second now um [Music] [Music] get ready this is for you water deer hmm [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what's that is he angry i don't know i i think he's crazy water deer is that the sound you make when you laugh yeah that's my laugh it's so embarrassing i knew i never should have laughed now you're all gonna make fun of me like everyone else water deer your laugh isn't strange at all it's a very fun and awesome laugh right children yeah i wish i had a left that was just like yours water deer i do too how in the world did you learn how to laugh like that yeah you gotta teach us do you like it nobody's ever said that before we do it's amazing [Music] [Music] mommy what's that this is a gift for the calf dear who's the cat is it a baby that's right mrs cow had a baby so we're going to visit her new calf mommy could we go with you to give this gift a cat could we uh why not we can all bring it to the calf okay mommy water please oh here here [Music] it's okay the pheasants are here to say hi cow [Music] hello mr cow how are you hello mrs cow welcome mrs flora it's good to see you welcome children oh what do we have here a special gift for calf our mommy made it all by herself it's a really beautiful bib thank you oh calf the pheasants have brought you a very special gift oh is he unhappy with the gift oh i'm sorry it's because my baby is still shy calf shall mommy help you put the bib on [Music] wow it looks beautiful on you [Music] come on calf you can stop hiding that's right you don't have to be afraid of us i don't wanna huh why don't you wanna play i'm sure he doesn't mean it children mrs cow would you like to join us for a walk ooh that's a very good idea [Music] this is fun [Music] children pick a game that cath can play too [Music] it's cold mommy i'm sorry i want to go home huh all ready i have an idea why don't we all go over to the frozen pond to go skating [Music] let's give it a try all right let's try it slowly together careful careful [Music] oh my baby [Music] hey it's okay cav it's okay we'll help you catch [Music] you can do it i know you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you all right mrs cow yes oh thank you mrs flora watch it's really easy you just push your feet like this like this and like this oh wow you're doing a great job [Music] have uh children [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] are you okay yes sweetheart are you all right we can go back home now if you'd like no thanks i want to play skating is so much fun i want to go again again [Music] the sleepy door mouse [Music] [Applause] children be careful not to slip on the snow watch [Music] oh oh wow that really looks fun mommy mommy i want to play outside too squeak squeak no dear you have to get ready to hibernate now come and lie down but i want to play outside mommy [Music] maybe i'll go out for a little bit guys guys let's play together squeak squeak well who are you my name is dormouse um don't you sleep in winter i do squeak but why aren't you sleeping now oh i'm not sleepy one bit i want to play in the snow with you guys okay let's all play in the snow [Applause] [Music] my hands are cold you don't have gloves oh hmm here you go you can have one of mine oh thank you wow that is so warm [Music] let's decorate the snowman okay [Music] yeah so what are we gonna do next squeak what about sledding you sleepy huh no way i wanna go sledding ready guys [Music] are you sleeping no i'm not sleeping i think you need to go to sleep dormouse no no i'm not sleepy at all the sled was just a little slow squeak squeak all right i'm going fast going fast [Applause] oh yeah dormouse isn't this fun um [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh what's the snowball molly who are you making a snowman no that's not it dormouse is inside the snowball the dormouse [Music] there he is but wait he said he wasn't sleepy in the wintertime dorm i sleep and when the spring comes they wake up i'm worried that dormouse is cold oh do you know where his home is oh dear where are you over here [Music] how can i ever thank you mrs flora it was nothing [Music] we better get going here i think this belongs to you sleep tight little dormouse you in the spring [Music] well see you all in the spring then [Music] cat in the playground [Music] [Music] why do you keep throwing the bow so far away jack don't worry i'll get it [Music] why because can't you see the line what's that for to remind you that this is my land and you can't come over here huh what are you talking about yeah what do you mean your land my land my rules [Music] but we're just trying to play cass so could you give us our ball back sorry this is my land so everything that comes over here is mine she's kind of strange i know she's saying everything's hers why is she acting like that well we don't have a ball anymore let's play tag all right [Music] oh right here tag me come on really yeah not really catch me if you can [Music] you crossed the line so now you're mine meow what he is not yours that's true because chips are brother i told you that everything that crosses the line is mine chip you can only play with me now please i want to play with my brothers and sister oh chip what should we do oh children mommy what's going on mommy it's the cat she said everything over the line is hers and she said that chip can only play with her because he crossed the line mommy please help me so everything that crosses the line is the cats hmm ah i've got an idea what should we do [Music] like this oh no then mommy you belong to the town too now mommy can play with chip and the cat now get ready chip and catch [Music] um now pass the ball to the cat huh okay [Music] wow hey cat i didn't know you were so good at this really you really think i'm good at this game well why don't you come play hmm [Music] hey catch jack my turn ready here it goes [Music] now it's my turn here i go [Music] [Applause] huh the cat crossed the line mommy what do you think isn't it more fun playing together yes you're right it's so much more fun that means we don't need the line anymore do we [Music] black snake train [Music] okay shall we wait right here when is the black snake i'm going to be here mommy let's see he should be here any minute oh but it's hard to wait for the train oh my darlings are you all excited to ride the snake train yes make way for the black snake train soon last night hello there my friends sorry i'm late but i'm here now so hop on all right my little pheasants have fun yes mommy black snake be sure to be careful now it's always safety first with black snake now all aboard next station is the duck stream let's go [Music] let's go let's go ride the black snake train twisting round and round like a vine slide with us wow that's beautiful i'm so bored [Music] [Music] hold on [Music] look who's joined us hello black snake let's see if you can go faster [Applause] [Music] why are you so slow safety first was black snake black snake train goes faster hey squirrel you can't stand up on a train come on he has to go faster than this [Music] i bet you want to go faster now don't oh it you please all right let's go down [Music] hold on tight everyone [Music] my ducklings the black snake train is on its way yay [Music] [Music] [Applause] we made it it's the black snake train he came right on time didn't he hey ducklings are you ready hop on board let's ride hey guys where did squirrel go [Applause] the water's shallow there huh you're right well shall we go then wait for me [Applause] squirrel are you gonna spin this up again are you kidding it's safety first with me all right all aboard let's go [Music] mommy what are you making with that tada i made a morning glory phone for you what's a fun for mommy let me show you children you can use the flower phone to talk to each other even from far away yes let's play with the phone now when you play with the phone you have to greet each other with hello hey durie say something in the flower hello jack it's sturdy can you hear me yummy wow i can't hear you my turn jack i want to hear hello chip this is me calling you calling you it works say something else hey jack what are you doing i can hear you from here how about uh-oh jack don't go so far away [Music] yahoo yeah [Music] don't worry i can get it back [Music] [Music] and he dropped the flower into the prawns and now our flower is stuck in there well why don't we use the phone to ask for help from our friends in the water wow yes is anyone there is anyone down there who can help us oh who's there who's talking but nobody's there you guys hello who's there is that you turtle hmm hello there uh we are the little pheasants oh little pheasants well i'm grandpa catfish and i live at the bottom of the pond so my dear little pheasants what brings you all to the pond today grandpa catfish our flower bun fell into the water and got stuck down there can you find it catfish oh of course of course now don't you worry little pheasants flower phone huh i'll find it for you now let's see um no that is not it grandpa catfish have you found it soon oh you see it's just that my eyes aren't that good anymore i know it's around here somewhere this is it [Music] i found it it was stuck in a small rock [Music] can we pull it up now one moment huh let me just move the rock okay you can pull now hey he said we can pull now hold on don't pull yet [Music] oh my whiskers [Music] what's grandpa catfish is that you well i just got my whiskers stuck in the vine while getting the phone free [Music] well shall we untangle grandpa's whiskers thank you for your help little pheasants that really feels so much better we should be thanking you for helping us mommy can we go home now and play with our phone again oh no are you leaving already and i had such a good time talking on the phone with you and helping you find it [Music] here you go grandpa catfish oh oh are you giving me your phone yes grab a catfish and we'll all come right away whatever you call us you're such a good boy when you call me little pheasants i'll come running oh i forgot i don't have legs [Music] little squirrel romney [Music] one more time [Music] that looks fun i want to play too [Music] you guys who was that [Music] this is so much fun who is that girl brother [Music] mommy you can't run off like that romney went on the slide oh you know who this girl is girl this is my little sister romney who's visiting the forest hello hello um hello ronnie wants to go sliding again hey now hold on [Music] huh why you have to share the slide and let you turn in line with all of us huh not for me waiting in line and taking turns is no fun [Music] why is she like that romney's still a little kid could you guys just let her go first this time please okay squirrel i know we could find something else to play how about trey hey [Music] i want to go on it too [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's still my turn to drive you have to get in line behind me [Music] no no way mommy's going to go first hey guys can you please let romney go first okay squirrel get on the train okay all of us yay oh my children oh that's no fun oh a swing robby wants to go on the swing well now who's that that's gross sister and her name is ramy and she's not very nice and she only does whatever she wants to do hmm i see maybe she doesn't know how to play well with others yet but we can help her we can help her [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh that's right we're playing a game looks [Music] okay you play with that one we'll play with this one [Music] thanks [Music] one more time mommy wants to play that too [Music] it sure is fun to play together [Music] huh romney you want to play the game with us mommy wants to play together [Music] [Music] are we all playing together together [Music] mrs magpie is missing persimmon hey chip do you have it yet almost there yeah yeah i almost got it all right let's bring it home to mommy [Music] mommy huh where did mommy hey let's hide the persimmon and surprise mommy when she comes home yeah [Music] mommy is going to be so surprised oh mommy huh mommy mommy we have a gift for you [Music] oh i wonder what it could be you'll like it because it's a very special gift by any chance have you seen my persimmon persimmon i'm talking about the one persimmon we had left in our tree it was gone when i came back from my walk it was such a large and right persimmon oh dear i'm so sorry [Music] persimmon it was the only one left mrs magpie i'll look for it with you thank you so much mrs flora children i'm going with mrs magpie to help her look do you think our persimmons [Music] oh no you guys i think this is the persimmon mrs magpie is looking for let's put it back quickly before she figures it out let's go let's go [Music] but it's so high how do we get it up there we have to put it back but it looks impossible [Music] see it's a hug wow let's hang it on the tree [Music] huh huh wait a sec hey guys isn't this mrs magpie's persimmon yes it is but we didn't know it was hers when we picked it and we're trying to put it back but the tree is way too high oh i see well i'll help you guys huh really sure uh but only on one condition but what condition well you see i just need one bite of this persimmon before putting it back no way all right fine okay squirrel here grab the persimmon [Music] children what are you all doing here [Music] hey isn't this my persimmon it was here all along oh this is the one you were looking for uh mommy we have something to say actually mrs magpie we sort of picture persimmon oh uh we promised we didn't know it was yours and we were really trying to put it back but no matter what we do we can't get it back up there oh i understand it was a completely honest mistake oh wow so it's okay we all make mistakes sometimes but to be good children you just need to tell the truth all right we will tell the truth from now on mommy we're still hungry oh my i completely forgot mommy's coming to feed you darlings [Music] oh but would you children like some persimmon too [Music] yes there now you can all share some wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] you're riding so well let's follow the stream shall we yes [Music] hey you guys look at the fish wow why are so many fish swimming in there oh my the salmon must have returned the salmon have returned they live in the ocean for a while and then they swim home again if they're swimming home where do they go oh i'm not really sure where they go hey let's follow them home yes let's follow [Music] huh what's that on your head what ribbit ribbit hello digging frog hello you are really cute hey you guys where did all the salmon go ribbon over there look there they go but how will we follow the salmon now ribbit just take the bridge that's right there digging frog you know everything [Music] oh i see them [Music] look there's one all by itself [Music] hey salmon what are you doing here [Applause] oh hello i know you you were following us on your bikes so why did your friends leave you all alone [Music] you see they all jumped over this rock but it's too high for me so that's why i'm all alone [Music] we'll have to move the rock so that salmon can go home ribbit why don't all of you work together just like you did on the bike of course that's a great idea can you show us how [Music] now and one two three [Applause] oh yeah we did it [Music] thanks for all of your help now i get to swim upstream with my friends oh let's see where she goes [Music] [Music] all right just a little bit further [Music] hey guys i made it back oh you're back [Music] this is just right uh mommy what's salmon doing well now watch carefully [Music] she did salmon swim back home from the ocean to lay their eggs when the time is right so will baby salmon hatch from these eggs yes hey salmon one day we can race you back to the ocean bye little [Music] pheasants coming [Music] playing with the dragonfly [Music] wow [Music] hey i wonder what that is hello gotcha hey look up there yeah wow she must be a dragonfly hello dragonfly what's going on whoa dragonfly oh my hmm that wasn't very nice jack you scared her away um sorry you guys here she is hey dragonfly would you like to play with us oh no where are you going dragonfly [Music] oh i've dropped all my cherries why are you all in such a hurry the dragonfly is flying too fast so we can't keep up oh no look how far away she is already [Music] hmm well now she must have been surprised dragonflies can be a little bit shy but how are we supposed to make friends with dragonfly if she's so shy [Music] these cherries are so sweet it sure would be nice to share them oh do you think the dragonfly would like some cherries too we should take some to the dragonfly mommy can we yes of course what a wonderful idea children thank you mommy be safe and have fun i wonder if they'll make friends with dragonfly where do you think the dragonfly went look she's over there [Music] why does she keep flying away from us we won't be able to give her cherry that she doesn't come down well what if we held up her favorite things and waited for her to land good idea [Music] dory do you think this is really gonna work oh she's coming everyone hide [Music] hey he's gonna land on mine be quiet [Music] hey guys he's sitting on mine chip your idea worked the cherry bobby hair dragonfly would you like a cherry would you [Music] oh no she's flying away again but dragonflies we have a treat for you [Music] we didn't mean to scare you wait for me [Music] [Music] dragonfly be careful thank you dragonfly you're welcome [Music] but why are you guys following me we just wanted to play with you that's all [Music] what hey chip have you made friends with the dragonfly she saved me and now we're really good friends well i have to go now my friends are waiting for me you have to go but i thought we were going to play [Music] come to the cosmos field i'll be there if you want to play okay see you later [Music] [Laughter] almost there we're here mommy look at the dragonflies children is dragonfly a new friend yeah she invited us here to play here you are little pheasants i want you to come and meet my friends come on [Music] squirrel and the baby weevil i found chestnuts [Music] now chestnuts have prickly husks so be careful [Music] it's really fun to collect yummy chestnuts [Music] it looks just like a hedgehog mommy chestnut oh sweetheart that must have hurt [Music] what a huge fuss over nothing [Music] i've hey it's not hurting anymore thanks for helping me feel better mommy but i'm hurt oh hmm i'll just eat my chestnut [Applause] who are you huh huh who me a dada is that a baby bug living in that chestnut that's right and baby weasel thinks squirrel's his dad [Music] [Music] hey there daddy will take really good care of you so cute i want to touch it [Music] hey you guys are scaring the baby we're sorry [Music] i'll keep it strapped on my back so i can always take care of it now shall we all go back home and eat these yummy chestnuts yes please hey squirrel do you want to come eat chestnuts with us no thanks you all go ahead i'm gonna play with my baby [Music] come on bobby let's go eat okay huh the giant acorn all right little fella that's a good treat over there daddy's gotta go get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wait till you see the treat that daddy picked off the tree for you [Music] where's my baby where did he go baby baby weevil my baby [Music] baby weevil baby weevil how did you find us hungry he wants chestnuts too my baby where are you oh there you are oh my baby [Music] mrs weevil is baby weevil's real mommy his [Music] i don't know who you are but i'm his mother [Music] [Music] i know it's hard but a baby needs its mother [Music] all right i realize that i'm not his real family [Music] but mommy why can't they live all together baby we will miss as we've won squirrel huh live together here this is great it's good to have a family penguin adventure [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] were you sledding [Music] mommy do you want to go sledding with us [Laughter] i'm sorry but i have laundry to do the water's frozen here so i'll have to go downstream be careful now okay we'll be careful let's ride the split again [Music] [Music] [Applause] finally it stopped yeah what were you doing you could have hit us yeah uh sorry excuse me but who are you hey i'm penguin from the south pole nice to meet you south pole the south pole is really far from here it's always winter there so it's covered in snow all year wow is the south pole far from here hmm well you'd have to cross a huge ocean to get there so uh which way to the ocean the ocean ah we've been there remember uh i know follow the stream and it'll get you to the ocean that way [Music] so i just have to follow the stream i'm out of here come on you guys let's go [Music] that's a great idea let's go to the ocean together just glide on the ice like mommy see moving forward like me we [Music] coming through [Music] that looks fun there all done well my children are waiting i'd better hurry back [Music] oh hey look it's mommy what mommy [Music] oh no children it's too dangerous [Music] [Music] look over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] no it's water [Music] oh [Music] he's a great swimmer well penguins are the best swimmers at the south pole children oh really wow well gotta go now come visit me at the south pole [Music] see you later then goodbye rabbit in the spring water [Music] mommy and is hungry children [Music] mommy sorry for the weight uh mommy are you sick what i must have caught a little cold out there don't you worry about me i'm going to lie down for a bit then i'll feel better [Music] you can have one too i don't really feel like eating yet i am thirsty though just one moment huh oh no we're out of water what should we do mommy we can go get some water from the stream for you that would be nice yay we'll be right back [Music] let's get mommy's water here [Music] it's completely frozen in the [Music] huh hey little pheasants but hey who's that with you oh bunny she's my little sister wow i like your balloon balloon is mine uh wouldn't it be okay if i just touched it no touch it's just that she loves balloons so much so what are you doing out here well we're trying to find water for mommy but the water in the stream is all frozen [Music] [Applause] i know come with us to the spring [Music] the water is really good for you wow so this is spring water let's get some [Music] the spring's too deep how do i get the water i'll show you how to get the water [Music] rabbit i want some sure i have water right here there you go [Music] [Music] we'll get you out of there [Music] hold on to this oh pull me up guys it's freezing down here [Music] [Music] my bucket's all broken we can't bring water home without the bucket oh no we told mommy we'd bring her water [Music] here you guys you can use my balloon to hold your water oh [Music] what is it children mommy mommy we got this just for you mommy this is spring water and it's going to help you feel better really well i should have a drink right away [Music] how is it mommy oh my i'm feeling so much better thank you children mommy playful baby tiger [Music] i want a turn baby time for your lunch [Music] okay we're all done with lunch now it's time to take a nap go to sleep baby [Music] i want to try the boomerang now fly oh [Music] move over and let me try it [Music] that was scary hey tiger could you please give our boomerang back no thanks tiger wants to play with the boomerang [Music] oh no he broke our boomerang what oh no it's completely [Music] ruined hey what's that huh oh oh wait you can't play with this doll because my mommy made it just for me i want to see it tiger wants to play with a dog too stay away tigers [Music] [Music] [Music] there finally done let's see hmm i'm glad i used such strong vines [Music] what a tiger [Music] it's a baby tiger mommy tiger wants to chew up the doll you made me tiger wants to play with the dog [Music] tiger deer this is chip's special toy wow it's the dolly you made just for me sorry it's cause my teeth are itching but why are your teeth itching i see tiger's just a baby so he's still teething he bit the doll because his teeth were itching ah so he didn't really mean to break the dog chip um oh what's that [Music] mommy how did you make that swing so strong it's made of very strong vine [Music] of course that would work [Music] [Music] this doll is chips whoa [Music] both are made from very strong vines so they'll last so wow could chew on it and it won't even break thank you mommy [Music] hey over here hey it's my bowl i got it [Music] mud skipper skip [Music] ah here we are in the mud flat wow this mud is huge [Music] wow you have such a big claw [Music] what is that [Music] that looks like a fish [Music] wow it's skipping away [Music] hey skipping fish huh oh it went down the hole hey skipping fish where are you please come back [Music] i was looking for you uh do i know you well i'm chib and i'm from the forest and i think you're really amazing oh wow i'm mud skipper i like to skip and jump really high wanna see [Music] oh no i'm stuck in this hole oh what's wrong mud skipper i can't be stuck i have to skip i'll help you hold on tight [Music] oh thank you now i can skip for you we have to go now dear sorry my mommy's calling me so i have to go i wish you could stay me too [Music] goodbye see you later [Music] mommy mommy i just got to play with a skipping fish a skipping fish hey what kind of fish can do that he's right but it's true he's right over huh oh i promise he was just there well are we ready to go home okay it's true i really saw him [Music] oh hey this must be chip's scarf [Music] i'm gonna get you home safe [Music] you need your faces cleaned here huh chip what happened to your scarf deer huh where is my scarf oh did you lose it where'd he go [Music] he said he lives in the forest oh sorry that's okay if you don't mind could you help me find chip chip he must mean the yellow pheasants oh chip's home is right over there [Music] ah thanks a lot [Music] is that what i think it is worry about it dear we'll look for it tomorrow but mommy can't we look for it now it's too late now dear but we'll look for it first thing in the morning yeah chip we need to look for it together all right it's getting late now time to go in okay [Music] did you come to see me look what you left behind my scarf you brought it back to me jiff dear who's your friend see i told you it's the mud skipper [Music] hello oh wow i can't believe it's a real skipping fish so cool by the way he's a great jumper too right mud skipper uh-huh i'll show you [Music] wow you're amazing a little hopper [Music] i'm done i see you ate all your food mommy can we go play now that we're done eating [Music] of course hey look at that grasshopper wow he's a great jumper darling you have to eat before playing no thanks i'll eat later [Music] need more food before you play huh let's hop like the grasshopper yeah he's a ball of energy mrs grasshopper well hello there mrs flora oh yes but he worries me because he doesn't eat very much wait why are you following me we're the little pheasants and we like you you're really good at hopping want to play together um okay but i'll be the leader cause i'm the best yes captain hopper all right it's time to get happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh now where did my hopper go oh he has to eat a hopper [Music] now what do we do watch captain hopper [Music] [Music] captain hopper what should we do the mud puddle's too big no prob watch me [Music] all right my turn [Music] my turn [Laughter] over here hold on tight thanks captain hopper captain hopper how can we hop like you to jump high like me you have to bend both your legs like this push out your bottom really far and get ready to push hard when you jump wow that's amazing [Music] hey can you go up this cliff captain hopper uh that's way too high for any of us wait a sec you can do a kid to captain hopper well you don't call me captain hopper for nothing you know [Music] wow one two one two ha i'll show you how it's done watch me [Music] are you all right uh that's strange well i'm gonna try again time for the hopper jump i give up captain hopper what's wrong are you feeling okay i don't have any energy huh sounds like you're hungry oh maybe that's it children [Music] mommy what's wrong sweetheart are you feeling sick well i kind of think it's because i might need something to eat now hopper didn't i tell you you need to eat something before you play here you go okay [Music] that was really good hopper's a good eater now we're good eaters too mommy i did it i finished all my food [Music] um time for the hoppy dog [Music] an adventure with granny wagtail [Music] catch me jack stay there i'm going to catch all of you over here [Music] you need to be careful little one oh thank you granny that's okay huh excuse me but who are you oh well i'm granny wagtail do you children live around here yes we do our house is all the way down this path ah let me see oh dried persimmons anyone [Music] wow persimmons [Music] oh i almost forgot i'm looking for an oak tree is there one around here oh milky hey guys isn't it squirrel's house an oak tree hey granny come with us we'll show you oh thank you my dears my delicious giant acorn and it's all mine over here oh who's there oh the little pheasants hey guys hey girl how are you let me see huh it should be here huh what what's in where huh whoa that was a close one oh thank you granny huh [Music] it's here what's there granny uh someone's been measuring their height here yeah and they must have been a little kid true just your size and playful too uh do you know who that child was granny i do and i'm going to visit her today would you like to join me yes we would all right children then follow me okay [Music] it was here somewhere [Music] it's still here whoa what is that thing granny all right now climb inside you want us to climb inside the little child and i used to ride this boat home together wow looks fun wow now get ready for a ride [Music] everyone hold on tight oh my goodness [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that sound [Music] wait that's a rubber shoe where did you find it found it and gave us a ride oh my that was rough on an old bird oh my aren't you mrs wagtail who's this it's me little flora oh you're flora i can't believe it you're all grown now yeah it's been such a long time granny it's really you isn't it mommy do you know granny yes when i was little i used to ride on that rubber shoe with her all the time wait you mean the little kid in the story was you oh yes she was a little rascal who was always running everywhere oh that was ages ago yes i remember how you loved dried persimmons and i brought some for you oh you did remember i've missed these hey i like persimmons too you know well i have an idea why don't we all share yay picnic with the water strutters part one [Music] how come it's raining so hard [Music] mommy does this mean we can't have our picnic tomorrow i'm going on this picnic whether it's raining or not don't worry children the rain will stop by tomorrow really yeah of course now let's get a good night's sleep for tomorrow yes mommy mommy's going to sing a lullaby rock-a-bye baby go to sleep time for sweet sweet dreams [Music] i'm going on a picnic [Music] oh hey the rain stopped you guys [Music] hey wake up mommy was right the rain did stop oh it did yeah all right [Music] our yard is flooded oh it really is we won't be able to go on our picnic well we can have fun at home today and make some treats to eat okay [Applause] [Music] huh it sure is a nice day i really wanted to go on a picnic today [Music] [Music] how are they doing that huh those are water striders they glide easily across the surface of the water because they have fur feet that don't get wet see [Applause] [Music] huh did you call out to us [Music] we saw you gliding merrily but where are you going ah we're gonna have a picnic whenever it stops raining we have one wow the flooding is keeping us from having our picnic really shall we help them let's do it well we'd like to help you have your picnic you're gonna help us how can you you'll have to wait and see [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing [Music] it's ready for you is this a bow thanks to the water striders we can have our picnic now thank well you we have a surprise for you ready [Music] [Music] hey hi mrs now whoa it's our playground [Music] [Music] wow look at the cherry trees [Music] i can reach the cherries [Music] okay are you ready for your picnic [Music] part two [Music] i can't do anything when we're flooded oh so bored [Music] [Music] where are you guys going we're all gonna have a picnic with the water [Music] hurry up squirrel we want to go okay [Music] you'll need to leave some of that behind that's impossible these are my very favorite acorns and they're coming with me but that'll be too hard to pull [Music] don't worry it's easy for us guys too that's what i thought i'm ready for my picnic let's [Music] go hey guys hey over here it's me hey hello hello can i join you guys i haven't been able to find any food because of all the rain you must be hungry mommy can you join us here on the boat water striders is that okay we're all right aren't we [Music] wow thanks you guys [Music] oh dear there's too much water we have to wait all right [Music] joined all of you i'm sorry there's really no more room left nice mother we're having it sure is i thought i want to go on the pod i'm going anyway oh wait i've been pranked i just got birthed [Music] be careful [Music] [Applause] hey we can figure this one out [Music] huh [Music] guys now our nest boat looks totally cool huh see now we can all have the picnic together squirrel do you want to help out [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're here [Music] thank you water striders for saving our picnic it's nothing this is so much more fun it's good to be together [Music] part one no i didn't move jack uh-huh you did too children mommy oh boy those cherries smell good mrs chicken gave them to me would you like some thank you for sharing with us [Music] mommy why aren't you eating some too mommy doesn't want cherries they're all for you uh that's really nice thanks [Music] you're done already here please take these dried persimmons to mrs chicken [Music] okay hey [Music] hmm hi thanks for the cherries mrs chicken here mommy says these are for you oh thank you did mommy like them huh actually she said she didn't want any cherries what do you mean cherries are her favorite fruit in the whole world but wait mommy said she didn't want cherries my tears she was just letting you enjoy them we didn't know that we ate up all of her cherries i bet mommy really wanted to eat some too what if we picked cherries for mommy as a surprise sounds great mrs chicken where can we find cherries no well there's a cherry orchard right over there oh yeah thank you mrs chicken wait for me [Music] but the cherries will all be picked off by now this must be the orchard where did the cherries go let's go in [Music] uh someone's picked all the cherries look there's one over there hey you're right [Music] i can't reach it guys [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] hey that cherry was for our mommy ping doug i'm sorry about that [Music] oh hey guys i know where we can find more really where oh the cherries are over there follow me [Music] this is it look at that the box is full of cherries come on let's get some chip hurry up hey kid throw them [Music] [Music] little rascal you've already had more than enough cherries for today see you later peg dog [Music] [Applause] guys chip's gone oh no what are we gonna do hey look paint dog's still chasing the truck don't worry hang dog will bring chip back faster pain dog [Music] [Applause] chips amazing adventure part two [Music] hmm [Music] where am i whoa who are these giants [Music] huh hey mama look a baby bird huh a baby bird sweetheart baby birds aren't in the supermarket but mama i just saw him there phew he's gone [Music] aha i smell cherries over there [Music] my mommy's gonna love these huh how do i get down huh i know i can climb down over there now then i still need some cucumbers mama i'll get them for you will you oh get me two cucumbers please [Music] a bird [Music] hey you come here [Music] finally caught you little rascal [Music] oh ping dog i'm so glad you found me hanging here for you chips which way do we go hey look we can ride the truck back home [Music] hey we're right here a farmer had chip in his truck and he drove down that road ah a farmer hang duck chased after them but they're not back stay here mommy will find chip chip where are you [Music] thanks for rescuing me you got it [Music] mommy [Music] where's chip don't worry here he comes oh chips oh chip are you all right we were so worried about you i'm okay you guys and guess what mommy look oh what's this it's a surprise for you let's see oh cherries oh chip you went all that way for these yes you could have some cherries now yeah don't pretend you don't want them [Music] these are the best cherries i've ever had [Music] children you don't have to go off in a truck for cherries ever again you are far far more precious to me than any cherries [Music] here subscribe to our channel
Channel: KATURI TV
Views: 12,650,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KATURI, Kids, Animation, katuri, kids, kids animation, nature, #katuri, katuri english, katuri full, katuri full episodes, season2, bobby, dury, chip, jack, for kids, katuri tv, katuri 2, คาทูริ, การรวบรวม katuri, katuri พากย์ไทย, katuri s2, katuri cartoon, #katuritv, katuri cartoon english, katuri season 2
Id: 7B_AGCQjfHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 43sec (8683 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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