Katelin Akens case: Missing teen’s texts conflict with locations

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a night of binge drinking and group sex a morning after our regret she wasn't really left with much of a choice in the matter is this teenagers last flurry of text a confession or a cry for help she wouldn't answer text when answer phone calls two days later Catelynn Aikens vanishes did she run away or was she taken she flat-out didn't trust him next thing we know he's bringing out her suitcase and we were like oh now crime watch daily with the latest on a Virginia gone girl exclusive discoveries shocking messages coming towards us and they're running with a man police say is a person of interest and the last known person to see her you know I've thought you'd have to run away 19 year-old Katelyn Aikens was always unique she could make you laugh very quick the way she talks and when she touched bumble ever stop it's funny we laugh at her quirky also unpredictable and emotional sometimes she also cried a lot she was a crier she write it very easily but like any teen always attached to her phone we talked every day she's the one person that I could tell everything to and I think the same went for her too the outgoing teens romances were as devil-may-care as every other part of her life leading her from boyfriend - boyfriend and even to a girlfriend and eventual fiancee named Amber we were dating once we did it once yeah and I'd known prior that um her and Amber had had feelings toward each other I was like well Who am I to stand in the way of that when that obviously made her happy it's true love and Caitlin travels across the country to be with amber in Arizona and a new life far from her hometown in Virginia but there was one thing that sent her running back home her sister Gabby had a baby boy he's very excited soon and come here to see us and she saw a couple of friends while she was you know she's very excited Kaitlyn returns to Virginia in December to hold her new nephew but the turnaround had to be quick how long was she in town for from the first to the fifth she was gonna stay longer but she's supposed to start cosmetology school in the seventh but Caitlyn's trip back to Arizona would hit a disastrous roadblock and it starts with her ride to the airport Kaitlyn was supposed to leave December 5th December 5th I like 5:40 p.m. I had to work so I wasn't the a little taker so my last resort was was called my ex-husband that was the last resort last resort Lisa's ex-husband helped to raise Kaitlyn and her younger sister Gabby but Kaitlyn's friends say life with stepfather wasn't always smooth sailing she flat out didn't trust him she felt very nervous around him and that he was kind of abusive to an extent physically or verbally I can't confirm physical because she never got right told me but definitely verbally those allegations have never been substantiated and Kaitlyn never filed charges of abuse against her ex stepfather and that 9:20 on Saturday morning the day she went missing hours before Kaitlyn's flight at 5:40 that night Lisa drops Kaitlyn off at her ex's I talk to only make sure it was still okay and let her let him know what time her flight was leaving and stuff like that and he's like yeah that's fine he says I had to be at work at 3:00 that day so she'll just be dropped off a little early only can't that's fine he said okay and it never happened she never made it to the airport in a text at 1:52 that afternoon lisa's ex says Kaitlyn asks to be dropped off at the Springfield Mall metro station two stops from Reagan Airport in DC it's an odd request she's never really been on that Metro before since she was like six seven so I don't know why he would do that he just said yes I'm gonna do it he just said yes he was gonna do it odd but not alarming yet then a series of puzzling text messages appear only eight minutes after the ex says he dropped Kaitlyn at the mall Lisa receives this message from her daughter's phone I'm at the airport battery dying so won't be able to text for a bit but then Lisa learns that Kaitlyn had sent her fiance this peculiar message at 11:56 a.m. something came up I'm not coming back today I'll let you know when I get a new flight I won't be able to text for a bit I got nervous when Amber had texted or messaged me saying that Kaitlyn was getting on was it coming home but she needed a new flight something's wrong with her flight and I was like what do you mean she said she was there then at 7:15 p.m. two hours after missing her flight a final text to Lisa the message is simple but maybe the most disturbing I'm staying with a friend I need some time alone what you think didn't sound right I didn't look right because it was two messages - and she doesn't do that she'll wait for you to respond initial said another one wasn't her style wasn't her style those messages would be Caitlin's the last for her to not text me when she was going back didn't make sense to me because again like I said we talked every day we texted back and forth constantly I waited for the text of it I never got it but it wouldn't be the last sign of Caitlin two days after she disappeared a carry-on suitcase is discovered in the woods of a rural road 44 miles away its Caitlin's and what's inside may put a different spin on the entire case I'm staying with a friend I need some time alone that's the final text from 19 year-old Caitlin Aikens his phone sent after her except father said he dropped her off at this mall metro station just two stopped from Reagan Airport she wouldn't answer texts went answer phone calls it was like that until it's not her phone stopped working Caitlin's been missing for more than a year but not without a trace they said that worker had found her luggage on the side of the road I remember it like it was tossed out the window at the Spotsylvania County sheriff's station a deputy presents Caitlin's mom Lisa with the luggage a blue canvas carry-on next thing we know he's bringing out her suitcase and we were like oh your heart must have just sunk yeah me Gaby look at each other a roll like we're never gonna see her again but the suitcase only brings up more questions starting with what's in the suitcase and what's missing what was missing was her clothes her phone and her high school diploma that's it everything else wallet cash debit cards even her plane ticket home are still packed neatly in the case but how in the world did her bag get so far from where Caitlin's ex stepfather says he left her we're talking about many many miles many many miles like 30 40 25 miles away from each other no it's a long drive Caitlin does not drive either she's never had a license she's only had identification cards a look at her heaven why was his suitcase on River Road miles and miles away from Springfield Mall police want to know too they examine location records from Caitlin and her ex stepfathers cell phones police say those records tell a very different story than the one her ex stepfather is telling at 1:56 Caitlin texted Lisa writing I'm at the airport battery dime but at that exact time police say Caitlin's phone actually pinged here more than 30 miles from that Springfield metro stop and Lisa's ex when he messaged Lisa at 2:00 o'clock saying he dropped her off just guess police discover his phone ping close to his home but nowhere near the airport or the mall what about Kaitlyn's final text saying she wants to be alone police say that's when Kaitlyn's phone pings off a cell tower in Stafford less than 15 miles from where her luggage was found whoever sent that message because we don't know if it was her or not I said amber message and then me a message and that was the last minute that was on her phone according to Lisa police believe Kaitlyn never left the area around her former stepdads house what about cameras there are cameras everywhere certainly at Rainn Airport their camera is at the Metro the mall any camera anywhere pick up an image of Caitlin didn't pick up her doll or him or his vehicles nothing nothing there's no trace of him being out there was there foul play in Caitlin's disappearance and authorities are wondering did her stepfather now being called a person of interest potentially have a hand in it allegedly fudging his whereabouts is just the beginning of the stepdads inconsistencies Lisa claims he told her he had to work Saturday at 3:00 melesa finds that in fact he never showed up at the office so he never went into work that day right called in sick I just know he called it called and said I'm up that won't be arriving yeah why would he be lying beats me why would he lot of gays insane hi Kaitlyn's mom says police told her they searched his vehicles his computers and confiscated his cellphone the cops find anything no didn't find anything in his vehicles and he won't give him give up his passport first burning for them to get into it see it won't give him to all that code so there's that still waiting to get get love that what's more police say he initially great to take a polygraph test to clear his name then suddenly said that day they come up to his polygraph he said no he called detective I said no did he tell you why he did he said is not gonna help me so if there's no point in me doing it oh it helped clear his name right right and I don't know why he's still gonna take it I asked him and assembler if he'd go take the polygraph test to start talking he still refuses Raymond Jemma is a private investigator who joins Lisa in her desperate search for Caitlin Jemma isn't willing to open and shut the case on Caitlin's former stepfather he proposes another possibility I'm not sure anybody has determined whether or not Caitlin ever got into the ex stepfathers vehicle what have you seen or heard that would make you think that the stepfather isn't involved again it's speculation but a potential theory is that Caitlin may have ran away and he knows about her and she left her suitcase there and didn't tell him she was doing it she could have left without him even knowing that's a potential theory and once he found out she's missing it was kind of like an oh crap moment for him oh my god her suitcase is here I have to get rid of it that theory has never been substantiated in fact cops won't say how they think Caitlin suitcase ended up in the woods but what could prompt Caitlin - suddenly ghosts her friends and family the answer may lie in more texts one that paint a picture of the young girl in distress who may have seen no choice but to run away katelyn Aikens has disappeared gone now for more than a year wonder where she's at it's been too long questions still swirl around Kaitlyn's final days back home cellphone records show the team wasn't where her ex stepdad says he dropped her off and Caitlyn's last message to her mom is this blunt and mysterious text I'm staying with a friend I need some time alone Caitlin hasn't hasn't surfaced in over a year cops they won't call it foul play incident they can't tell if it's foul play or she left her wrong they said they're still investigating both ways there's a text conversation that may hold the key and it starts with Caitlin's words I just really need someone to talk to she of had messaged me and told me what happened what happened is a twisted tale of seduction and sex Caitlin pours her heart out to her good friend Kevin Eastridge about the night before when she partied hard with the female friend from high school and that friend's boyfriend what went down it's kind of a hard thing to describe really from what she told me they were all drinking together and then they proceeded to how do i phrase it I guess they'd kind of forced themselves onto her Kaitlyn confesses the party quickly got out of bounds she writes her boyfriend got me really really really drunk and then she kissed me and then he kissed me they did everything to me and each other to me just an outside observer reading these text messages that there was way too much alcohol flowing everyone seemed drunk and there was a threesome yeah Kaitlyn spends the next morning wracked with guilt why was she regretting it she felt guilty she felt like she had cheated on amber I guess you could say and she felt like she was I guess a bad person for doing it some of Kaitlyn's final messages I don't know how to feel or anything I've been depressed and crying all day it's in that guilt-ridden state of mind that Kaitlyn heads home to Arizona and her fiance but did she run away in shame or did something much worse happen to Kaitlyn was Kaitlyn suicidal mm not to my knowledge no she she was never a person to me they gave up on life she always tried to fight whatever she was feeling and like I said that's why she came to me she would come to me because she was trying to fight that we're tracking down one person who may know more about whether Kaitlyn was winning the fight a man police call a person of interest remember now Kaitlyn's former stepfather is the last known person to see her so we want to ask him right now to shed some light on that day was Kaitlyn acting strange why did he drop her off at the mall to begin with so a lot of suspicious and inconsistent behavior and statements so we're gonna try to clear this all up hey Sara Jason Mattera with crime watch daily we're doing an investigation on your stepdaughters disappearance we just had some questions for you you don't have to know if to run away sir it was just she was your stepdaughter don't you want to talk we just had some questions for you come on sir he doesn't want to talk he drives away so right now he just jetted The Stepfather just jetted into his driveway we just want to ask him a few questions about Caitlin it's amazing and now he's coming back hey sir oh now he's skipping out people gonna see that reaction and they're gonna be like it appears that something isn't right Caitlin's ex stepdad has never been charged in her disappearance and citing the ongoing state of the investigation police denied our request for an on-camera interview saying we are still actively investigating this case and are working closely with the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit private investigator Raymond Jemma has similar concerns about leaking confidential info that could compromise the case there is circumstantial evidence that points in one direction but I can't say which direction why not it's an ongoing investigation yeah but you're not law enforcement criminals watch the show that leaves Caitlin's family and friends at a standstill wondering where she is if she's okay hoping she'll return or at least see our story and call that's the only thing you think about all day you'd wake up thinking about it you goodbye thinking about her she's on our mind 24/7 here's one last look at Caitlin if you saw Caitlin the day she disappeared or have any information on where she might be you're asking all the Spotsylvania County Crime Solvers at one eight hundred nine to 8:58 22
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 1,001,947
Rating: 4.7642612 out of 5
Keywords: Katelin Akens, True Crime Daily, Crime Watch Daily, Spotsylvania County, Virginia missing
Id: aedSIbfpCaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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