UNSOLVED: Tennessee's Shelley Mook case

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she's the last person you'd expect as the victim in a shocking missing person mystery shelley mook a young mother in a quaint small town seemingly without an enemy in the world she was so excited to have a little girl married to her high school sweetheart there was going to be nobody else for her and he was such a great guy a popular teacher she was beloved as a teacher she glowed everybody loves shelly but somebody made her disappear did somebody kidnap her was she carjacked taken to an area and killed brittany brooks remembers well the day when she and her best friend shelly first met tyler mook back in pennsylvania he was good looking we just needed to know about him and the rest is history i mean they immediately started dating and we're together all the time not long after that 18 year old shelly and tyler who is six years older are married with a baby on the way and headed to tennessee to live near his family it was complete excitement she was so excited to have a little girl dress her up and do all the things that a mommy does the little girl is named liliana but stress on the young marriage proves to be too much and after six years together the couple divorces even after things had started to go wrong there was always those second chances and hoping that it was going to be different and it never ended up being different shelly moves into an apartment in a neighboring town she starts work as a teacher at the local middle school from all accounts she was a good teacher well respected by her peers well liked by the students and she is sharing custody of her daughter with her ex-husband tyler when she starts dating someone new i actually didn't know him he seemed very very quiet and reserved compared to tyler things are looking up for shelley until the day she makes an appointment with a man at her apartment to get some work done so the handyman says she never showed up she wasn't there the next day shelley does not show up for work britney gets a call from the school and she has a bad feeling that something is terribly wrong they were really concerned and in that moment it was it was pure fear i felt as though i knew that she was gone britney starts making calls i'm talking to everybody that we could possibly talk to law enforcement asking them why they're not doing more why they're not pursuing more shelley's ex tyler also calls police after she doesn't show up to pick up their daughter at his house i do not know exactly what he told them when he called i just know that he called and reported her missing around the same time firefighters in a neighboring county are busy cleaning up after a late night car fire in a remote field nobody is in the vehicle and authorities figure it's likely an insurance job or a stolen car they did find an accelerant so they knew that this was arson they knew it was set but they didn't know why they thought this was probably somebody joyriding and they dumped the car everything in the car goes up in smoke the plates are gone and there's no way to trace it except for one thing after the car cooled off they were able to get the vin number from the vehicle and run it it turns out that torch car belongs to shelly mook what did the vehicle look like it was completely burned out it just looked basically like a skeleton of the vehicle and shelly is nowhere to be found literally without a trace community was devastated her disappearance affected everybody her students were very sad shocked police start retracing shelly steps from when she was last seen leaving work headed home to meet a man working on her apartment was the handyman ever found by police do you know yeah he was spoken to do you know if the handyman's alibi was ever verified i do not know that and what about the new man in her life shelly was dating someone at the time she vanished she was she actually searched shelly's new apartment in murfreesboro for any information that would give me into her frame of mind what was shelley's normal routine she pretty much went to work and went home 24 year old shelley mook is still missing without a trace authorities are searching for her and working the case hard but friends and family fear the worst never never would she leave her daughter her daughter was her world she did not leave voluntarily the tennessee bureau of investigation has now been called in to re-examine the case meticulously looking into all possible suspects including the handyman she was supposed to meet at her apartment and her new boyfriend did you interview the maintenance man i did not law enforcement had already interviewed him and cleared him private investigator kevin keel was hired by shelly's family to help find her keel says once cops cleared the handyman and the new boyfriend they shifted their focus back on her ex-husband tyler mook and it turns out that things in the marriage were a lot tougher than many people realized he was abusive at times cruel court records show that he pushed her around snatched her around when he would get upset there is a record of the domestic violence that was going on in that house remember tyler says he called the cops the day shelley went missing saying she was supposed to pick up their daughter but never shown now cops believe tyler may have been the last one to see shelley in fact they say she actually stopped at his house with their daughter liliana in the car after getting out of school and picking up her daughter she came to tyler's residence that afternoon supposedly to return a box of tyler's belongings she used to live at this house we know that she got there but nothing she just vanished into thin air as shelly's family suspicions mount around tyler shelley's mother files for custody of six-year-old liliana tyler fights to keep her and is interviewed on camera during this custody hearing but once on the hot seat he clams up you were upset with shelley's dating other men on divisive council our speculate declined to answer on the grounds of the fifth amendment shelley's family took him to court because they thought once they took him to family court he'd answer some questions but they were wrong astonishingly he pleads the fifth more than 150 times you exhibited violent outbursts against shelley as a result of other men on the vice of council i respectfully declined to answer on the grounds of the fifth amendment then out of the blue he suddenly answers a strange question about what happened in his house on the day shelly went missing did you have sex with shelly on february 28th yes what time on advice of counsel i respeculate to client to answering the grounds of the fifth amendment why do you think he would answer that question out of all the other ones it was it was baffling it was almost as if he was proud of being able to say that he had sex with her and and we don't really know if that's true he was proud of it absolutely but now authorities also interview little liliana about the day her mother disappeared and her answers raise a huge red flag the version that liliana told was that shelly got out of the car went to the door left her in the car seat shelly went inside with tyler at some point tyler came back outside got her out of her car seat took her into the residence and took her to her old bedroom she said she never saw her mother when she came into the residence it went into the bedroom she was told to go to her room and uh and she never saw her mom again there's no doubt in my mind that she's gone because of him police need mook as a person of interest in shelly's disappearance but they declined to talk about the case with crime watch daily and over to the dumpster private investigator keel has also spent countless hours digging for facts and working closely with shelley's family and the law and he has a very bad feeling about tyler mook and shelley's car found burning in a field only hours after her disappearance i think that shelley was probably deceased before liliana was brought into the house by tyler and at some point that night i think shelly was disposed of and her car was disposed out and then there is this bombshell if tyler was involved keele doesn't believe he acted alone he had to have had help if he were the one that disposed of the car and burned it because you're talking roughly 30 miles from his home there's no way he could leave liliana in bed alone go burn the car and then walk home in that amount of time and 10 days after shelly's disappearance keel also finds what may yet turn out as a key piece of evidence a surveillance tape from the early morning hours after she went missing i was able to uncover a video from a convenience store several miles from his home that showed him around 2 3 a.m on march 1st pulling up in his red s10 truck does it stop at the dumpster it does stop at the dumpster for roughly 5-10 minutes so who has the video right now the tennessee bureau of investigation has custody of the video will they tell you anything about the video they will not meanwhile investigators in the custody case are floored by another shocking revelation involving liliana they found out that tyler had been talking to his six-year-old daughter about burning down his ex-mother-in-law's house that was unimaginable he wanted to give the little girl matches so that she could actually help burn down her grandmother's house i mean this little girl's mother is missing and now this ultimately shelley's family wins custody of liliana but tyler is still seemingly obsessed with getting her back evidence in this 911 call he made by mistake hello incredibly it's a pocket dial from tyler mook himself they know that i'm not going anywhere right now during the 22-minute call he talks to his father while they work with power tools most of it is garbled but what comes through seems to be about shelley's missing person case they can't prove nothing they want to come arrested and he talks about a car exactly whose car we don't know about that car minutes later a second call to 9-1-1 comes in from a very concerned tyler mook this one is one he intended to make did you get a call from this number here a couple minutes ago yes we had an open line from it what happens on that open line does it get recorded and stuff like that investigator kiel says one of the biggest reveals during the call is mook's state of mind tyler is afraid the police are watching him afraid he's about to be picked up at any time and just seems really paranoid in the conversation with his father mooc has never been charged with shelley's disappearance and his lawyer has denied he had anything to do with it but his troubles with the law are far from over what happened to shelley moog cops believe one person knows her ex-husband tyler he's been named a person of interest but made it clear at a custody hearing he's not talking on advice of counsel i respectfully declined to answer on the grounds of the fifth amendment and now he's gone [Music] tennessee is in his rear-view mirror tyler's moved to florida looking to start a new life he buys a fast boat and has a hot new girlfriend 25 year old robin donath who also has a young daughter what attracted you to tyler he was good looking and said all the right things robin says she didn't know anything about tyler mook's past in tennessee in truth for a while she didn't even know his real name i saw a name on the side of his boat mook racing and i asked him what that meant and he said that's my last name and i said well i thought you said your last name was cook and he said no i was just joking it's muck but robin isn't laughing she searches tyler mook online and her eyes are opened wide didn't really know what to do i kind of freaked out she talks to her mother who has a quick response what did your mom say um you need to get away from them very fast as easy as you can and she lets tyler mook know what she knows but he wants to explain and she agrees to meet him at a local bar what's the first thing he says to you don't believe it and what types of things was he telling you that none of it's true and he was a smooth talker and robin takes tyler saab's story back to her mother i just told her that i feel like he didn't do it did you think your relationship was heading towards marriage yes right up until the day robin joins mook along with his brother andrew and his girlfriend for a cruise on a speedboat that's when robin says she'd wish she had listened to her mother when i got on the boat i had noticed that there was definitely alcohol drinking the whole day robin says mook is angry at her for being late and guns the boat to full throttle i said if you hit a sand bar i said you're going to kill us all and i just kept yelling at him to slow down slow down and for the first time she meets a tyler moop that she never knew existed he grabbed my sunglasses off my head and so i was trying to call my mom and he grabbed my phone and pulled it away from my face and he threw me over the side of the boat into the water but it's not over and i just thought that he was just joking and then i felt him jumping behind me grabbed me and turned me around and held me under upside down and now robin says it becomes a desperate battle for survival against an enraged tyler mook somehow got up and i got one huge gasp of air and then he grabbed me right away again and put me under right away again and i just kept fighting and fighting and fighting and that time i thought i was going to die and that's when he came after me again and i just yelled andrew please help me and then he pushed me under again robin says she is forever thankful that andrew mook decided to take action claiming he jumped in the water put tyler in a headlock and got him off her back and on the boat i just knew i had to get away from his boat as fast as i could and then i saw a boat coming from the other way and i just pleaded and begged him just to please get me out of the water he just tried to kill me the second boat takes robin to shore and soon after that she reports the attack to police mooc is charged with battery but robin feels like it's not enough he got arrested that night after the incident and his mom bonded him out right away i got a restraining order the next day really i was just in fear that he was going to come after me again and then about 10 days after the incident on the boat a blast from tyler's past robin says detectives from tennessee showed up in florida did you all meet yes we don't know exactly what was said in that meeting but shortly afterwards the battery charges against mooc are dramatically escalated to attempted murder in the first degree assistant state's attorney kristen chase says mook's attack against robin is clearly premeditated he removes her sunglasses he knows she's going in the water he takes her cell phone again he knows she's going in the water and then when he's actually in the water with her he doesn't let go he keeps pushing her back under each time he pushes her back under that's another act of premeditation he's has a design to prevent her from breathing but getting a conviction in court could be a challenge in the past mook's family has been solidly in his corner now the prosecution needs his brother andrew to open up about what happened on that boat he didn't want to testify we didn't force him to testify he was getting a lot of pressure from his family not to the trial gets underway as robin takes the stand what did he and turned the do down we were able to get that grass gas of air he pushed me right back under again and i was just pleasing for him then it's andrew's turn and it's make or break time for the prosecution do you recall if she said anything when she came up she yelled for me she was upset was she screaming she yelled for me when she yelled for you what did she say yelling when she come up he's trying to kill me state's attorney chase is grateful for the testimony and she knows it wasn't easy for andrew he said that the person that he was most responsible to was first god and then his son he said at the end of the day he loves his brother but he's got to tell the truth tyler does not testify during the trial and the jury delivers a verdict guilty on the lesser charge of attempted second-degree murder it's not what chase was looking for but she'll take it because their relationship was seemingly fine before this to them it seemed more of attempted second degree murder something that wasn't premeditated tyler mook is sentenced to 12 years in prison and that's good news for robin for now was that a huge relief for you yes is 12 years long enough do i think so no but she's not the only one who is glad that luke is off the streets attending the trial is an out of town guess that hangs on every word that guest is shelley mook's mother and she's there for robin it made me feel good that she was there to support me but it also was really sad for me tyler mook has never been charged in connection with shelly mook's disappearance but back home in tennessee her best friend is hoping that justice will one day prevail for shelley if tyler is watching this or has access to this story what would you say to him to be a man because there's no way i would ever use that word when it comes to describing him and he needs to come forward with the truth and while tyler sits in prison the search for what really happened to shelley continues josh devone with the tennessee bureau of investigation tells us quote our investigation into the shelly moo case is active and ongoing along with our law enforcement partners and the district attorney general's office we're continuing to pursue any and all leads as they present as with any case we would ask anyone who may have information that might help the investigation to contact our agency at 1 800 tbi find
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 384,340
Rating: 4.857903 out of 5
Id: agaiUKmGJG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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