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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story my entitled uncle yells at my dad to let him plug in his ps4 backstory my uncle was the youngest he wasn't spoiled like how most younger siblings are he was actually seen as a disappointment he did hard drugs and had a bad attitude his entire life my dad always felt bad for him so he let him get away with a lot onto the story my uncle aunt three cousins and one of my cousin's new babies all came to visit a little after christmas in 2016. i was excited to see them considering they had moved to montana a while back and this is my first time seeing them in a while everyone gets there and the first thing i hear from my uncle is where can i plug in my playstation not a single hello or how are you just that my dad tried to be nice and say hi first but my uncle said where can i plug in my playstation i need to plug it in my dad told him he could plug it into the tv in the living room my uncle plugged everything in and talked to his online friends instead of his own family for 30 to 45 minutes everyone was getting to know my cousin's year-old baby at this point we were also chatting about life during this time and i found out something shocking turns out my uncle has been living in a constant state of fear and paranoia to the point where he doesn't go outside he was constantly scared he was going to have a seizure when he was outside and didn't want to risk it he didn't even have a job his wife worked two jobs to pay for food and housing while her husband stayed home played video games and smoked weed i was already mad at the fact that he had put on video games and was playing them over hanging out with family but after hearing that it was insane about one hour later my uncle turns off his playstation then goes over to my dad and asks can we order pizza my dad says sure because we were all hungry my dad was about to order what we normally get pepperoni and sausage pizza when my uncle says can we also get vegetarian i'm trying to watch my weight my dad agreed since he was very helpful in losing weight however with the grease of the cheese on the vegetables it's not going to be that healthy the food came and when he was done eating he went back to his video games it was so sad to see that he was with his family and didn't really seem to care my dad of course noticed i was upset when everyone was gone he asked me what it was and i told him i know he's your brother and you want to be nice but he's not a child he needs to spend time with family before he regrets it my dad said that if something like this ever happened again he would shut it down edit i just want to say my uncle acted like his family never loved him we really did he was seen as the bad egg of the family however he was never abused or anything like that he did hard drugs all through his 20s and refuses to do anything with the adult world now also when my dad died his only brother he was nowhere to be seen he had to have someone take pictures to send to him my family never abused him physically emotionally or mentally he just chose to have a life where he doesn't want to see his family in person next story entitled parents kids terrorize me and then entitled parent loses it after i let out a sigh this happened years ago when i was working as a grocery store cashier the way my store was set up it had a rotating baggage area with a hard top so we would place large items and filled bags on top for the cashier or customer to load into the cart and then spin to access new bags and then this entitled parent comes along to my line with her three little gremlins now these kids were absolutely old enough to know how to behave in public i started scanning their groceries when the kids started spinning the baggage area as fast as they could which stopped me from being able to bag i leaned over the bagging area and asked the kids to please stop when the oldest of the gremlins slammed one of the bag hooks into my leg as hard as he could with a big grin on his face i asked the mom who was engrossed in her phone and not paying attention at all if she could please move her kids away from the bagging area so i could finish up their order without looking at me she huffed what are you complaining about just finish i placed a 12-pack of soda on the turnstile and briefly looked away to finish the order when one of her kids grabbed the area as hard as they could which caused the soda to go flying and burst all over the floor in my register this got the entitled parents attention and she sneered seriously what is wrong with you i'm running late now get me a new case of soda and i will admit that i let out a soft sigh now this really got her attention she started screaming at anyone who would listen that she will never come here again and that i'm a horrible person my boss comes out and she shrieks she was harassing me and my kids i want her out my boss managed to coax her out of my line and finally got her to leave thankfully the customer behind the entitled mother stuck around to let my boss know what really happened even though this happened years ago i still get angry thinking about that lady and her horrible children next story entitled mom tries to derail medevac mission so about 10 years ago i was a corpsman in the u.s navy medical personnel for the navy and marine corps stationed overseas in a tropical paradise at the time i was the second most senior enlisted sailor in our department at a small forward-deployed hospital part of my duties included being ready to medevac psych patients at a moment's notice so i always had a medevac mission bag in my barracks room ready to go some details have been deliberately changed to protect the anonymity of my patient anyways one day while i was on liberty not on duty i got one of those you leave in two hours phone calls so off to the hospital i went my trusty bag on my back it was there that i was told how weird this medevac was to be i was flying commercially to the u.s with my patient instead of hopping on an air force flight and their mother oh by the way the mother just happens to be an entitled junior officer great i get all my paperwork together gather my party patient and mother and grab a duty driver to take us to the local civilian airport oh and while we are all dressed in civilian attire it is important to note that i am 100 on duty and acting officially in my capacity as a non-commissioned officer in the u.s navy hospital corps the mother however is 100 not on duty or acting in an official capacity this becomes very important later on the way there the kid is really sweet but is clearly recovering from a first psychotic break and has a lifetime of therapy medication and hospitalizations ahead this kid has my sympathy and besides the kid is my patient the mother on the other hand is clearly self-absorbed and is on her electronic devices are nagging the duty driver who i know and as an excellent defensive driver or is just in general complaining about anything she can whatever i can tune her out and do my job it wouldn't be the first or last time in my career i had to ignore a petulant junior officer and just get my job done the trouble started almost immediately after checking in at the airport she turned to me cleared her throat and in a tone that suggested that she was in charge said you need to get my bag without hesitation i replied no ma'am our flight leaves in 20 minutes we're going to the gate now with that i turned and began to escort my patient to the security screening area she stammers out some kind of excuse me protest but i didn't quite catch it because i genuinely didn't give a damn my mission was getting my sick patient to a higher level of care not playing enlisted butler to an entitled officer that seemed to get her to back off because we got to our layover destination without incident we board our international flight and the kid wants the window seat and mother wants to sit beside the kid fine i sit behind them and we take off the flight is going smoothly i give the kid their medication after the in-flight meal and the kid and mother settle in for a movie it was when the stewardess was handing out booze that things started to really go sideways the mother tried to give her very sick kid who is on an atypical antipsychotic medication a jack and coke without hesitation i reached forward between the seats and snatched that stuff up she turned to glare at me and chew me out but i didn't even give her a chance i cut her off with my super serious officer tone and glare i'm not ashamed to admit i practiced it before my first deployment and state flatly ma'am not only is my patient as underage but they're very sick and are on some pretty serious medication if there are two things that just plain don't mix it's alcohol and psychotropic medication respectfully ma'am i simply will not allow this i appreciate your compliance her face twists in rage and confusion i could tell that she had never been spoken to like this by a lowly enlisted person and she was trying to figure out what to say to me finally she said i didn't want to have to pull rank but again i immediately cut her off ma'am this is my mission it was explained to you that you are not in charge here and the skipper is allowing you to tag along as a humane gesture i am calling the shots here this is your kid and you want the best for my patient i get it but the best thing you can do right now is let me do my job and get him to the next treatment facility without incident our commanding officer placed me in charge and if the patient shows up to the next facility having drank alcohol it will be my head on the chopping block not to mention that you are putting my patient at risk your child could have a genuine medical emergency tens of thousands of feet in the air over the open ocean so ma'am if you pull something like this again i will report it thank you for your compliance ma'am you see read it in the u.s military positional authority is way way more important than your actual rank this is why an e2 canon will prevent a three-star general from entering a secure facility without the proper credentials it doesn't matter that the three star is like god to this e2 because not even god gets to access this facility without a proper military identification card sir this means that since the patient was released to my custody and since the chain of command placed me in charge of this mission my positional authority simply trumped her rank and even her status as the kid's parent and i had the paperwork to prove it to any authority back to the flight so after being told that she wasn't in charge she scowls at me and tells me that when we land she's going to call the cops or something i don't really care as i lean back and begin documenting the interaction for my own personal cya anyway we land and there aren't any cops called or anything so whatever she said was an empty threat we are about to go through u.s customs when she insists that she go through customs first then her kid then me the jack and coke incident is still fresh on my mind i'm convinced she's going to try to pull some shady nonsense so i shut her down i informed her that in order to maintain her kid's security and health i had to go first followed by her kid then her she protests and the protests start to get us stared at somehow we made it through customs without her or the kid taking flight or without any of us getting detained yolshi whined and complained loudly the entire weight i was seriously getting concerned that we were gonna get detained nightmare almost over we get through customs and we had to get the rental car all i have to do is get the patient to the next medical facility give a report turn over effects and i'm done i get in the car load everyone up and then the mother exclaims i left my purse she begins half flailing and freaking out and jumps out of the car she tells me that i am to wait until she returns now i'm not some kind of special forces ninja or some nonsense but i have been deployed and i have seen real people get seriously hurt and had to treat those injuries i've been in real danger and i would eventually develop ptsd from these experiences it was then and there that i decided play time with this delusional officer was over i turn and look at her through the open car door and this time i don't mask my frustration with this woman ma'am i have been on duty and awake for nearly 21 hours we have a 45-minute drive ahead of us then i have to give a report and turn over medications medical records and personal effects i have at least two more hours of work ahead of me before i can get some sleep and fly back to night ma'am there is no way you are holding this up any more than you already have this vehicle will leave in 10 minutes with or without you she stammers out that she will call the police and me for kidnapping her kid i tell her to go right ahead but that won't change that she now has 9 minutes and 45 seconds to get her purse at this point even the kid chimes in with mom stop trying to control everything this guy has taken great care of me and i'm really tired can't we just hurry up with that she storms off and miraculously makes it back with her purse in time i take them to the hospital with her silently fuming and furiously tapping away at her phone non-stop turnover gets done i bid the kid goodbye and the mother ignores me as i leave sweet sweet sleep oh it's not over fast forward a week and i find out that the mother has filed a formal complaint against me to avoid another long story i'll tell you that the executive officer shredded it and chewed her out once i explained everything that happened and backed it up with official documentation i don't know what happened to her or the kid but i never saw either of them again next story i hatched my first chicken five days ago now my dad wants me to give my chicken to a karen and her goblins to clarify i'm under 18 and live with my father my father is an absolute jerk who is not an anti-vaxxer but instead anti-microwave he believes in hitler the only good thing my dad has ever done for me is let me have pets i've had over 300 a bit of everything well over the last four years i've gone into a bird craze gotten rid of all my frogs snakes and lizards and swamped for birds a few parrots here and their nun are big ones i just have small medium parrots and now other than my parrots i have pigeons and quail i got an incubator for my button quail eggs and have had awful luck with it so far one day we stopped over at a friend's house and grabbed some eggs for us to eat none were refrigerated yet so i grabbed a small cream colored egg and popped it into my incubator in place of a quail egg that didn't make it 21 days go by and on january the 8th yukio hatched i don't know yuki's gender but i've been calling it a her today while my dad was away doing everything to not comply with kovid restrictions he visited the guy the first got the eggs from so here's how the conversation played out word for word cast my dad karen the guy the first got the eggs from chad dad karen said her kids took the chick back down to humboldt in california me wait what so her kids want yukio yes and it's there so that's how it'll be well that's a bummer and kinda pisses me off that no one asked me if i was okay with that but whatever her goblins can have yukio i know you never take no for an answer and that's one of the reasons i hate you dad okay that's no way to speak to your dad you're grounded and plus it was originally said that they were getting it back anyways no i said if i can't keep you keo then i'd probably give it back to chad's farm but i already have a coop set up and you said yesterday that i can keep her not give it to his girlfriend so her kids that aren't even related to chad could have them well listen it doesn't matter it was theirs to begin with too dad okay first why are you typing like a toddler talk normally and explain how yukio is chad's girlfriend when he gave us eggs originally to eat i just put one in the incubator to see what would happen how the hell is yuki theirs because i said so that's all you need to know i took their eggs and you grabbed one and didn't tell me and you hatched it i don't care that you bought a coop for one stupid bird you can just give it to karen and put those small cowl in the coop for one the cop's floor is wired when it goes up to the second level button quail aren't able to live on stuff like that secondly i did tell you you said it was okay to try out and that you were excited to see it moving in the shell on day 16 of incubation you sounded amazed that we could get chickens so easily now yukio is about five days old and you've changed your mind completely i get it a few weeks have passed since then but you can't just say you don't remember god damn you shut up it's there from day one okay so i truthfully don't wanna get rid of the chicken but if her kids have to have it then fine but that really does bum me out but think of it my way you said i could keep yuki i named her because you said it was okay and i even got everything she needs until she's one year old 250 pound bags of feed and seven of starter chick food you can't just say i have to get rid of her now i understood from day one they wanted it back i told you that many times too stop saying that i just called chad and he said he doesn't want any more chickens he has over 40 and he doesn't want another one his girlfriend's kids want a baby chicken and that's why you want me to rehome yuki how dare you talk to chad i'm disappointed in you you're an awful daughter karen's kids kid1 just turned 3 and kid 2 is gonna turn 5 next week it'd be a great birthday gift for her kid dad you know what i'm ending this conversation goodbye i'm gonna go call the witch and see what the hell she means i turned off notifications and went into facebook messenger because karen doesn't have phone service just messenger i called her using the facetime feature she answers and her two kids are sitting on each side of her smiling ear to ear she is also smoking which i noticed when some ash fell into the three-year-old's head she rubbed it into his scalp and smirked hey can we see isabella me what she cut me off why isabella the baby chicken of course okay karen you can't have cuts me off again look i'm a lawyer i will sue you if you don't give my babies the chicken my kid is turning five next week you have to give him isabella as a birthday gift i was thinking for a moment as i said you can't have once more i'm cut off karen and i did listen it looks like you have no choice the birds were my boyfriend so he said it was okay i don't see what your problem is my kids want that bird it'll be a great first pet come on they'd sleep in the same bed cuddle and be adorable together well karen your kids are too young you said before they'd sleep in the same bed if you want this bird you will have to give me a 20 rehoming fee to make sure she is safe with you it's mine you can't tell me no my boyfriend chad said i could have them give it to me in two weeks she said it in a weird pouty way that i couldn't understand fully okay karen i spoke to chad less than an hour ago he denied that he never said you could take my chicken she gets angry and flips me off dropping her cigarette onto kid1 who began to whine and pout she narrows her eyes and gets an angry face look at what you made me do i'll call your dad and we will sort this out she hangs up on me it may end up with her getting her way and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 46,457
Rating: 4.8826914 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: NjIqW40G6FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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