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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story crazy karen doesn't like that i smoke cigars in my own vehicle tries to grab one out of mouth and gets what she deserves people have lost that last bit of sanity during these troubling times okay so as the title states i smoke cigars mostly cheap factory rejects but an occasional good one too i do not smoke in my house or around other people as i know a very select group of people enjoy that particular aroma other point to note here i drive my youngest to and from school which is less than a mile away seeing as the weather in my neck of the woods is bipolar at best so setting yesterday afternoon i parked way outside the school zone in a line to pick up the kids probably a block away in a residential neighborhood i drive a big truck with a loud exhaust system i'm in the line of vehicles engine off listening to a good book on audible smoking the last bit of a good cigar for those who don't know a cigar can be set down and refreshed if need be also i never smoke on school grounds and always have it out before my kid gets in the truck it's my truck and no one else drives it so i don't mind the smell of tobacco and i have a bottle of febreze that i use every couple of days anyway about five minutes later i see a woman get out of her car and begin to approach me i watched her walk up past the two vehicles behind me and head my way she's got the typical karen looks hair clothes way too much makeup and the like she comes up right on my window and just stands there looking at me i rolled my window down all the way and asked her if she needed anything dialogue as follows what the hell do you think you're doing excuse me you're smoking the pot yes she called it the pot on school grounds you should be ashamed of yourself what in the blue hell are you talking about i can see it in your hand and smell it well obviously you can't smell it because this is a cigar i don't think so i'm calling the police knock yourself out you dumb witch after her brain short circuits from being called a witch she tried to open my door which was locked then she reached in my window and tried to grab the cigar out of my mouth now life has taught us all from a very young age that fire is hot and things that burn from fire are also hot but physics never seems to be on the forefront of these idiots so she immediately burned her hand on the cigar and jumped back screaming that i did that on purpose i started laughing because it was funny she then tried the door again and i obliged by opening it as hard as i could which knocked her back onto her butt which made me laugh even more you freaking jerk i'm going to report you for assault i'm going to get you and your idiot kid kicked out of here yeah whatever karen go back to your car before you have a heart attack she walked back to her car all the while yelling obscenities i made sure to keep an eye on her in my rear view until we got closer to the school now the school principal is always outside directing traffic between the parents and school buses he and i know each other because being in a northern state but being fans of the u of miami is not something you see a lot up here so we've talked about football and other stuff about the school god that was a disappointing season so he knows me a little and my truck is unique in size color and exhaust as i'm waiting to pull up to the place where you pick up your kid i see karen park get out and head directly towards the principal she made sure to walk by me and give me dirty looks like i guess that was supposed to intimidate me or something spoiler alert it did not she gave the principal an earful couldn't quite hear what she said but made sure to be as dramatic as possible probably telling him i'm a drug addict and child molester and all that principal is doing his best to direct traffic and put up with her bullcrap and i assume said something to placate her because she walked away all smug and again made sure to walk by me so i could see her big grin i smiled back and shot her the bird petty yes but in for a penny and all that i pulled up and my kid got in and as i figured he would the principal came over to me did you really put a blunt pot out on her hand and slam your door into her head that's so stupid i don't even know where to start first she reached into my vehicle and tried to get the cigar out of my mouth and burned her own hand like the idiot she is second she tried to open my door not once but twice so i obliged her the second time third if i'd opened the door as hard as i could into her head she'd be knocked out on the road if she got bruised along with her ego that's just tough crap he sighs volubly that's about what i thought happened just do me a favor and don't retaliate i don't need another headache no worries from me man just here to pick up the kid go canes my kid put up the you symbol as we drove away and that's it i'll be picking up the kid later today again so hopefully there's no repeat of that nonsense next story my daughter saw her first live karen my daughter 13 ran into the milk royal and stood in line behind a couple this is the story as told to me cast my daughter m karen k decent dude the second half of this couple d d cashier c my daughter walked into the milk royal with a short list she stood behind the couple and watched as the guy ordered you know those little display cases they have for their gift cards karen is living up the gift cards and stuffing them into her pockets karen after lifting at least 20 of these these cards are free right cashier looks surprised and glances at his screen before responding no ma'am you would need to pay for it she looks smug as if prepared for the fight and where does it say that it doesn't even have a price you have to say if it's not free apparently this had happened before the guy with her flipped what are you stupid of course you have to pay for them they had to pay for the cards you have to pay too stupid which the fight was on they yelled at each other the cashier stood frozen a manager tried to offer free ice cream but was turned down until finally the man stormed out stop staring just give me my food she yelled as i get all her food set on the counter she throws the gift cards at the cashier grabs her bag and leaves still yelling my daughter said she was so upset but that she knew if she had said anything the woman would have hit her she didn't want to get into a physical altercation as we drove away i walked her through how to make a phone call to the police in this situation you'd say i am i'm at the milk royal on third and there is a woman harassing the employees i'm starting to fear for their safety this is a white woman 50-ish years old could you see what was happening how do you know she was white how do you know how old she was i could only chuckle next story okay chad that's not how blood tests work i am canadian and the province i live in has a rather simple way of having blood tests done go to your doctor they fill out a request and you take that to the clinic for a blood draw easy peasy right apparently not for some people now with kovid our province has really gotten tough with their procedures understandably so to get a blood test you have to make an appt in advance have your doctor's request and wear a mask it's been this way for 10 months two months ago they added a new ruling that when you arrive at the clinic your outside mask is replaced with a blue medical grade mask while you are inside again easy peasy lemon squeezy introducing chad i had blood tests today heart condition as a frequent flyer i showed up at the clinic walked in to discover chad tossing a fit over having to put on an inside mask chad why the hell do i have to change masks screw this you freaking idiots dot and assorted pleasantries like that he was such a charming fellow he finally grudgingly put the blue mask on and i was able to sign in i headed over to the seats and there was chad smugly sitting and glaring at everyone while wearing his outside mask i said he was a charmer right chad gets called up to register do you have your request from your doctor the nurse asked i registered online that's fine but you need a doctor's request form to get blood tests sir why the hell do i need that so we know what tests you need sir just freaking test my blood it ain't hard there are about 200 different tests listed on the average form the nurse tries to explain this to him screw this crap and screw you bunch of idiots he shoves his chair aside and storms out i'm okay bye chad next story banshee of the flooded plains so here's a little background in my profession as a county storm drain maintenance worker i've run into about a dozen people in the past nine months thinking that we can't work on county-owned property for various reasons in this particular one a lady decided i'm gonna build a shed on top of the storm drain in my backyard without calling the county to see if this was safe it was not a neighbor reported it and the county said she had to remove it or face a fine she ignored that she got a fine contested it and won somehow the thing that got me was she put it on top of a box that was nearly 65 years old and when all that weight got settled on top and it rained next the whole structure collapsed and the water had nowhere to drain into so it floods her yard two neighboring yards and her basement so that morning i did my standard procedure got to work grabbed some coffee inspected my truck and hit the 7-11 down the street on my way to the first job my boss hands me the work order and tells me call me if there's any issues with this one and i instantly knew it was gonna be an interesting day i got to the disaster scene at 7 00 am and knocked on the door i knock again after about five minutes and there's no answer so i go back in my truck and confirm i was there when i was supposed to be so i walked into the unfenced backyard as we are permitted to do by county ordinance to check out the structure to give my four man crew some time to get here as they usually leave about 10 minutes after me most of the shed had been cleaned away except for parts of the lower frame that the genius decided to bolt to the already crumbling concrete top i take pictures and turn to go back to my truck their standing on her back porch was the witch queen herself i introduce myself and say the standard introduction hello ma'am i'm from the county here to inspect the structure that failed she cuts me off and says you idiots are here to pay me for damages i'm thrown off by this she continues you guys flooded my basement and my shed is broken she yells i scratch my head and say no ma'am i'm here to see the damage caused by your shed to the structure she starts yelling about how her shed wasn't the issue that i'm all of a sudden trespassing that she'll call the cops call the county etc etc and then my coworkers arrived she went full damn lunatic at that point and ranted about the most random crap possible the one thing that sticks out in my mind is she compared us to the gestapo and called us trump's cronies i just told everyone to get back in their trucks and that i'd call our boss while i'm in my truck talking to our boss a cop car shows up and i get out with a here we go thought running in my head and i get out to greet him my boss tells me on the phone he's on his way so me and the officer talk for about five minutes i show him my work order county id and was telling him what happened when the banshee runs out in her floral robe and begins screaming at the officer that i'm lying when all i had said so far was akin to i went down to check the box that i have an easement too and she started yelling the officer told me to go take a seat in my truck and he'd figure out what was the deal by the time my boss had arrived 30 minutes later not much had happened other than her repeating herself over and over at a very high volume my boss arrived handed her some papers to sign and we went on to the next job this happened about a month ago and from what i know she has to use a piece of her land for county easement since then plus had to cover the cost of the concrete top of the box next story woman tries to ask the cafe my brother works at to deliver food to her house even though they don't do deliveries this happened when the pandemic just happened this didn't happen to me it happened to one of my brothers who worked there the cafe was actually owned by my uncle this story is pretty short my brother got a call from the cafe phone the conversation went something like this hello hi i would like random food from the menu sorry you would have to actually come here to order your food but i don't wanna go out there's a pandemic going on you can go out with your mask the lockdown just got lifted after all yeah but i don't wanna go out just deliver it to my house we don't do deliveries ma'am have a good day my brother then hung up the phone the end i live in malaysia so at the time we don't have that many covet 19 cases my uncle's cafe didn't have a delivery service you have to go there in order to order and pick up your food next story entitled person demands my dad to park somewhere else this happened a year and a few months ago i just got into an accident and my foot was broken some people helped me get on the sidewalk and i called my parents my parents showed up a few minutes later and my dad parked kind of on the bike lane it's also a sidewalk but it's mostly used by bikes so my parents talked with the guy who almost ran me over and here comes the entitled person on her bike with probably her husband he didn't say anything i don't really know how the whole conversation went because i was close to passing out because of the pain you're not supposed to park here my daughter was just in an accident i'm sorry for parking there but we wanted to comfort her you still shouldn't park here we can't drive past you there was a lot of space and some grass so they could easily pass by my dad started getting annoyed you can still pass and have some respect my mom didn't have the energy to bother with her and told my dad to just move the car this isn't the full conversation obviously but just a summary i don't even remember them passing by because most of the time i was just seeing nothing i wasn't really passing out i just couldn't see i made a full recovery and i'm fine now the person who ran me over was a jerk too but i don't remember the conversation with him i only know he blamed me for it but he was in fault because he didn't look both ways before driving off i was on a scooter and i have to drive on the bike lane and the bike lane was a two-way lane but the thing i will always remember is that he blamed the sun too but the sun wasn't even behind me that always makes me laugh so i still have a good memory of that day thanks for reading and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 27,442
Rating: 4.8968573 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: KQJp_0VodH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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