Kamado Joe vs Weber Smokey Mountain - Pulled Pork

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all right guys I'm gonna do something a little bit different today I'm versus video today my grills all fired up back here and it's an amazing amazing day it's supposed to be in that in the 80s it's awesome so what I've done , I have 2 - 7.5lb pork butts, I rubbed them lightly with mustard as my binder I used a salt and pepper and my favorite rub all mixed together and I've just put it on a nice coat on on the pork butts the grills are each set up running about 275 ish around that I would like to stay up close to that and I'm using chunks of cherry and hickory wood so equal amounts of cherry and hickory wood on the grills and that's the goal is I'm just gonna let those roll on each cooker I am using a water pan in the weber smokey mountain and you know we'll see how that turns out I think it is good I see a lot of guys talk about using them some people talk about not using them and we're going to keep testing over time and see what's best and today we're just gonna actually do a side-by-side taste test comparison in which one is the best so I've got some friends coming over this evening and I'm gonna do a blind taste test with my friends you know I've always wanted to know which one is the best so I try to set them up identical right I tried to set up the grills exactly like each one you know the exact amount of wood and each one is that come on a charcoal the temperature is the same now I got real light smoke coming out of it and have a good day so that should be a lot of fun and I can't wait to taste these I'm hoping for a really good black bark on these things real thick so I don't know how in the world I'm gonna eat 15 pounds of meat but hey what a shot anyway I did have a lot of issues at the beginning with the Kamado Joe man it was just billowing out just this dark just thick smoke I mean it was crazy like a thunderstorm it was just out of control I got that calm down and never stick the meat on the grill when it is just billowing this big white puffy smoke man that's the worst time ever in the world so open it back up open the vents up let it that let that clean out and again get that smoke clean so and that it took me a minute to do that so I got it all calmed down and I'm not sure why it did that it's probably just from the wood not getting enough air and just let it work itself out if you open up the vents a little bit so I'm excited I'm excited should be good I wish you guys were sitting here super nice smells amazing this is good I love love cooking barbecue it's a lot of farm so this probably take about six hours seven hours see how this goes should be ready for dinner time my favorite style pulled pork is uh on Texas toast with onions and pickles that's my I love that oh my gosh it's so good I like to show you the bread I use this my favorite bread but hope that uh turns out good it smells really good I won't say this my personal preference I've all I do see a would a whole lot like I mean a lot I've just used a ton of it and I have a friend of mine his name's John and he had a cherry tree a while back that he cut and split for me and cut it into chunks and I've been using that wood and it's been awesome so John if you ever watch this video thank you for that that has really been great so I'm using the Hickory is well today and I will say it smells really good I think it may smell a little bit better than just cherry wood I actually not May it does smell better it smells really really really good so take note of that that smells darn good that hickory wood added to the cherry wood so good so so good I did a little problem with the kimono Joe I did it cook when it was cold out I don't know a couple months ago and it was cold outside and I cooked and you know I got done with the cook and you know cleaned it up but further away covered it you know stuff I always do and I came back out the next day I was gonna do another cook and my deflector plate the heat plate was broken it's just totally split in two and so I do have that kind of rigged up inside the grill right now it's into just one of the half moons is broken so that's that's a problem that I really I didn't drop it or break anything it just broke on its own inside the grill after a cook and I was I'm disappointed about that I mean that's a I think it's almost a hundred dollars or something like that to get a new deflector plates which I'll have to buy Noah it is what it is itself should be good cookin from the side that looks really good wow this smells really good this is the kimono Joe it looks absolutely beautiful looks awesome holding about 275 looking good telling you right now so today's been really fun I've been sitting outside almost all day just smelling the smoke it's been super awesome I'm gonna wrap these pork butts at about the four hour mark it is gonna be super super good I can't wait these things smell so good they both look about even you know really they bit they do at least I think they do they they look really really good it looks really moist they look juicy I am ready to eat these already you got a little bit of time left I'm gonna wrap them here in just a little bit the four hour mark and we'll see how they turn out I think it's gonna be super awesome what I'm most interested in is I want to see how they taste comparison wise right they both look really good they have a nice color and I think it's gonna be awesome I love to know what you think when I do make the video here I'd love to know what you think which one looks better I would love to know your opinion on this it's so fun to do and I love it I wish you guys could smell this it's so amazing we're almost six hours into this cook and I have pulled off the pork butt that I wrapped and stuck in the kimono Joe it is done to hit 205 206 and I'm just letting it rest in my Getti cooler and also the pork butt that was on the weber smokey mountain it is actually still cooking it's got about 10 degrees left to get to 205 I will say this is that the kimono Joe temps kept creeping up a little bit in this cook so it cooked a little bit faster now I'd say 30 minutes faster overall it would be about 30 minute pastor cook so whoever Smoky Mountain State about 275 and the kimono Joe it stayed about 300 roughly over a six hour period so that was a little bit harder to control that temperature of the kimono Joe I think because it's warmer outside the day and it's really hard to bring those temperatures down on the kimono Joe once they once they creep up it's really didn't want to do that so you know I just let it go pulled it off soon it's going to be resting I don't believe let's flavor so we'll see I'm about to pull this one off in a second man they look awesome look totally great when I wrapped it so all right so we got these things pulled out here and this one is the kimono Joe it looks really really good looks really solid and this one is the weber smokey mountain and it looks really good just from appearances they look almost I would say they look pretty close identical yeah I think so Oh what we're gonna do now is we are going to now do a little blind taste test all right guys I had made another portion of this video but it was so blurry it was unusable and it's really really sad I did a blind taste test with one of my friends Nick Nick I'm sure gonna watch this video the content was good it was just so blurry it was just useless so we did a blind taste test we had plates with each meat each of us got to taste it and my wife handed me the plates and we each took a bite of the kimono Joe and each to the bite of the whoever smell came out and you know what I really got to say the the pork butts looked identical they looked really really close so we just label them a and B and we each tasted tasted those and we didn't know what we were eating until we got done and so the tasted tasted both of them and I really have to say that I am completely blown away I have a lot of experience cooking on my weber smokey mountain this is not my first time I mean you've seen the videos that we've been doing in even before I started making videos it was a I cook on it right I've always cooking on it but I've never done a side-by-side comparison right so I did everything I felt like that was the same right I rubbed them the same I had left him on the grill pretty much the same amount of time even though that I guess it did take longer for the weber smokey mountain just a little bit but I don't feel like that affected the flavor or tenderness and if anything would've made him more tender but anyway we did the taste test and unanimously like no question about it the quemado Joe blew away blow away the weber smokey mountain it's it's unbelievable how how much different it was in flavor taste texture and tenderness I mean this overall flavor it was just really really really awesome it was just awesome now I will say this the Weber Smokey Mountain was really really good the meat itself it looked the same it looked the same but the flavor was not even close to the same so what I'm thinking is I have to do this test again because there was such a difference now it was it was mind blowing I couldn't believe that there was that much difference in especially tenderness and flavor it just it was different it was so much different the mono Joe outperformed the Weber Smokey Mountain no question all day it would have win at a competition over the weber smokey mountain is taste texture now let me say this maybe it was complete user error maybe I did something wrong maybe the pork butt that I used was not as good as the pork lift that was on the come out of Joe right you see it I'm thinking that could be true that could be true so I think it needs to be done again just test it out and man it was really fun I'm really shocked at these results I still think that the Weber Smokey Mountain puts out a really good product I enjoy eating it the last time I cooked a pork shoulder on that phenomenal really really good no but man you know that's what's so fun about barbecue is like you can just do this kind of stuff have fun with your friends and I've got so much me I don't know what we do I've been taking it to my friends my neighbors and all these five people so just had a great time it was fun doing this cook I would love to know what you think about this if you think I made a mistake or an error or something please let me know I really would love to know what you think I could have done better in this cook Amanda was fun this is what I enjoy about barbecue it's just really enjoy enjoyable just to hang out I did this all day long it was really fun that me and just everything was fun about this I love the results you know I do like my come out of jail a whole lot but I also love this smoked you down I mean it puts out great product I think it's really really good I'm not endorsed her I don't get paid to do this it's just I've bought my own grill so right I bought my own stuff so this is great it's fun I would love to know what you guys would love to see me do next if you are not subscribed to my channel I would love for you to hit the subscribe button and also hit the bell because when you do that it will let you know every time I upload a new video so love you guys hope that you guys really really enjoyed this video I really like doing this I love making this videos I love making these videos it's a lot of fun and I love interacting with you guys on YouTube so if you enjoy this content hit the subscribe button it's a lot of fun we enjoy this I enjoyed doing this I enjoyed cooking for my friends and family and it's love doing this on YouTube so hope you guys enjoyed this video subscribe and I will talk to you soon see you guys I want to taste this I'm gonna taste whatever faces but yeah Oh super moist christmukkah yeah that one there that was better way better not even comparable no way one more tender way by 10 the one I do say was way more tender and will flavor for more flavorful better smoke their meltdown my mouth Matt Mason want you to bites yeah this will be very interesting he got the name I gotta be that would be I'm really interested see I don't even remember how he gently he couldn't read it either you were harping on me looks like a Tim from our angle you know artists so which one was being
Channel: SMOKED
Views: 5,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kamado Joe vs Weber Smokey Mountain, weber smokey mountain, bbq, weber, Kamado Joe, Kamado Joe big joe, Pulled pork, wsm, Pork butt, pork shoulder, Louisville BBQ, Barbecue, Barbeque, Smoked Pork Shoulder, Kamado Joe Pulled Pork, Kamado Joe Pork butt, kamado joe pork shoulder, bbq pork, how to smoke a pork butt, pulled pork sandwich, malcom reed, atbbq
Id: cVM-bCwsHtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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