Kali Muscle Fresh out of prison Story

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roll it up so okay so one of the craziest things i also seen san quentin because san quentin was uh out of all the prison i always had to say the craziest because everybody there was trying to live up to a rep of san quinn the infamous saint quit but but when i got to saint clinton i didn't know anything about uh gays or transsexuals transvestites nothing none of that and so when i first got to the yard i see you know look like females i'm like is this a co-ed yard what's going on you know what i mean they're like oh no that's a a dude i'm like a dude titty like this and hey guys what's going on around here because in southern california with none of that in the southern california prisons and so if it was it was rare and uh and so i was like thrown off you know it was really like a like i was scared you know these people and it was a lot of them you know and so uh what happened was like i say i was naive to him and i was the gang leader so we prohibited any of our gang members to even associate with the transvestites transsexuals and so it came a time where i had to deal with them because they ran the laundry the store and so i would have to talk to her because i was i would have to say at that time i was homophobic because i was ignorant to what they was about what happened was would gain my respect for just the human race not only was a transsexual transvestite but it was human but i never forget it was a confrontation on the yard where two transsexuals was spatting over this dude who's supposed to be day lovers whatever and man this transsexual came out with a knife this long i'm not putting exaggerating nothing and stabbed that other transsexual i mean look like it came out his other side man and right then there my respect for the human race was at its utmost because i mean this had titty like this ass look like i'm talking about a model in the face it's stabbed it killed this buffer come on man i might have to go get some money you know what i mean and uh at the time i had a few associates that was doing the robberies and so i went to them and i'm like man y'all doing any robberies you know and so yeah yeah we going tomorrow night and so i'm okay i'm coming with y'all because they was hitting everything in fresno and ended up doing time behind it eventually but they called me the day before i was supposed to go with them and said ah we something came up we're not gonna be able to do it and so i'm i'm already app i'm like man i'm already amped i had a little pistol and uh i was already in my all black i'm like i gotta go do something and so i ended up riding around fresno actually i didn't want i was hoping nobody was out because i'm the type person where i'm like a machine i'm like a android a robot if i'm programmed that's what i got to do or i think oh you soft if you you know within myself and so uh i was riding around finally something came at me like man take your butt home so i'm like yeah look i'm going home i ain't doing nothing stupid so as i'm going home the devil i'm sitting right there he looked at me he said hey man turn to your left oh my god this man was at an atm you know and like i say i didn't watch a million of these type robberies so i thought i'd do i was doing and so uh i'm like man i'm talking to myself too i never forget i say why this man got to be outside at midnight you know and i'm like as i'm talking i'm busting a u-turn and so i get out the car and run up to him and put the gun to his head and like go ahead and get all the money out this atm and what's the number what's the pin number and so he's shaking he gave me all that so i run get in the car and uh it was meant for me to go to prison because it was just weird you know after i arrived i went and got in the car around the corner and left down the street and he just so happened to see the license plate and call it in after that i didn't see the streets for seven years but the court process on that it was shrewd it was the worst experience i ever experienced in court because i experienced like three times after that but what happened was because i was 19 and going to college a deal was on the table for two year joint suspension it was funny because i could have bailed out for two thousand dollars on my case but my parents like we're gonna bail you out i'm like oh no i'll stay in here i'm all right and then my time is gonna be accounted for if i do get some time who does that you know i mean most people want to get out when i went to preliminary hearing all my fraternity brothers came my mother father drew drove in from oakland and it was uh i never forget that's why i say i've never been prejudiced because this black young sister that was a district attorney she came oh it's a deal on the table two-year joint suspension i was like uh hurry up bring that paper i signed it with the quickness right because i was gonna get out on probation so everybody cheering in the crowd yeah you getting out happy right so she looked around in the crowd she said uh let me check with the office with this with my superior let's take a recess so she came back we came back in like two hours i already knew in my spirit that it was about to go bad and so we came back to court after recess she said yeah i made a mistake uh we want to give him five years cya you know youth authority in five years so everybody already in jail had already you know put it in my head that if i go to cya i ain't gonna get out for years after that five years you know and so i'm like ain't gonna know why right and so i'm like let's go to trial so the judge everybody came to me and like you sure you want to go to trial they try to talk me into taking the five years which at that time and i didn't know 85 had started the month i got in my case and so i didn't know that and so they was acting like i was going to be able to do half of the two out of the five years which was a bit two and a half but i had already been down at that time about six months so i refused the deal went to trial lost and uh it was a terrible experience man especially i always held a grudge against that district attorney because she was young and it was like she was just smirking and giggling at me so the guys in southern california in prison man was they they were serious about fitness bodybuilding man it was crazy you know you had guys that were in movies that worked out with arnold lou ferrigno that worked at adventist goals and so they were serious they they knew all about training so for me i came i was already i was 19 years old when i hit prison and i was already buffed i looked like a competitive bodybuilder because i always knew how to train right and eat right and so i just came in and gravitated towards the fitness world and at that time a lot of people didn't do legs and so oh you're the youngster from fresno state yeah we want to work out with you i'm like hey man and this guy used to deter everybody from working out with me i'm like hey man i do legs twice a week and so they like oh no we cool we don't mess with them legs we don't need what we need big legs for and we used to work out every day of the week seven days a week no rest days and so unless somebody got carpal tunnel or something in their wrist or uh sick with a valley fever or something that's the only way we didn't train and so i was used to that in southern california uh frightenizing the fitness so when i get to san quentin northern california i'm thinking the same thing man i'm looking on the yard there's hardly no it's like every race but the black race was in the fitness and this was odd to me because everywhere i had been in southern california which i had been to wasco delano to hatchimy uh and everybody was serious about training so when i got to san quentin everybody walking around kind of skinny uh you only see a few uh especially black people that's in shape and but i see every other race uh working out training like crazy so northern california they was getting heroin they was getting cracked you know all these drugs the southern california guys didn't want no parts of you know the southern california guys when they came to jail they use that as a rehabilitation to get things swole on to get big and buff you know you had some guys in northern california like that but uh it was just a trend of uh drug users that was in northern california so me as a gang leader you know most of the gang members was drug addicts from the street so this was tough on me because my game we had a hands-on policy you know if you didn't adhere to the rules which working out was one of the laws to be in this game then we would beat you down possibly stab you if you uh you know transgressed or if you tried to fight back so it was tough for me man especially you know to see that and have to fight with guys to exercise which exercise wasn't just for to be buff exercising was to in case you got a riot you had your wind you had your cardiovascular you had your strength so it just wasn't for uh the vanity muscles uh development it was for you know your body was your weapon in prison so when i got close to my release date they call it short time fever and i didn't know what they was talking about i had friends that got out before me and right before they go home they would do something stupid you know they're getting a fight playing basketball they're getting a fight on the basketball court or just stupid i mean nothing they did the whole time they would do and go to the hole lose time so i'll never forget i was at solano state prison that's close to sacramento a week before no it was like two days before i was to go home i'm on the basketball court i hadn't been on the basketball court in seven years of being in prison and so it was just that nervous energy anxiety scared you know because i was scared because like i said i was institutionalized my first month incarcerated so all my friends that was getting out was getting killed or getting life in prison so that fear was there like dang am i going to end up like them they seemed like they was you know had their head on straight and they dead or just got life so that fear was there you know i was actually scared to get out and so back to the basketball court i was on the basketball court and my cat was going up to shoot the ball and i slapped the ball out of his hand and he turned around like he was tough and i grabbed his neck this is two days before getting out so all my uh gang associates grabbed me like bruh bruh you about to get out what you doing i'm like man i don't care about getting to the streets i don't care about the street and that was my verbatim words that i didn't care about going to the streets and i'll never forget that and you know when i look back on it being institutionalized is is is just crazy man the hardest thing getting out of prison i would have to say is support system you know luckily for me i had a support system but most people don't and even me having a support system that still wasn't enough because me i think i classify myself as a uh addicted person to money i have an addiction for money and that's the that's worse than any drug addict a money addict is worse because a money addict would do anything to get it you know what i mean i mean running the bank uh home invade whatever you know and that's worse than the crackhead or heroin at it you know because they'll just go cash in some cans or you know to get a few dollars but uh so for me it was just about getting financially stable you know luckily for me i'm what you call an exhibitionist i don't have no dudes don'ts or won'ts you know i go get it if i got a strip if i got a pimp if i got to go work at mcdonald's if i got it whatever i'ma go get it and so most people i notice they get out they don't have that they uh get one track like i'm a sale dope you know what i mean and i'm a pimp or i'm a you know do a lot of illegal stuff but not do legal stuff and so that was the hardest part for me just getting financially stable you know and i'm not talking about greedy i'm talking about to where i could just pay my bills comfortably and have a few dollars left to feed myself get gas stuff of that nature so that for me that was the hardest part and which is tougher now for guys because even for me when i got out the last time i tried to go get a job at a gym you know and they first thing they say is are you an ex-con have you been convicted of a felony and me i always lied i always said no and so once they do that uh you know put your social security number up in there and all that they go find out anyway so that was tough man it's like i got this body i'm a personal trainer i'm certified i just wouldn't got the cpr and you i can't get hired so my neighborhood where my mother where i was raised in east oakland it was a drug street and so you know everybody know me as big homie big colleague just got out the pen you know my little brother was out there slanging at the time and so you know as my money started getting funny i started looking around i'm like who is these these weenies out here let me hey i told my brother i said hey go get me a kilo of that coke man i'm gonna show y'all how to do it at this point in my life i had never sold drugs in my life never and so just by that leader you know that thinking you smarter and got the leadership you know i was like man i'm about to start getting this dope game so i got in the drug game and i didn't last 90 days the police for some reason i was already marked as a gang leader they hit the street so if you see a big buff [ __ ] at the time i had dredged with and this before everybody started wearing dress this was like in 2001 when i first got out and you know it was like i don't know it was like man they had a heat seeking device uh a tracking device uh up in me up because man i didn't get 90 days and i ended up going back uh to san quentin for 10 months and so uh when did the gang stuff and got out from that again went back same police uh after i got out this time i think i was out about not even 90 days and i went back for at that time for a year get out from the year i did uh what was i at that time pelican bay i went to pelican bay that time so i get out from pelican bay and i go to uh i do what 16 months i get out from that and i'm back on the streets this time i get in the heroin game and i'm pimping swole pimping was my name always tripping uh dipping in it but yeah don't get me started and so uh yeah i was doing the pimp things and selling dope so that didn't last so sh let's see how long i stayed on the streets that time about six seven months and i caught a high-speed chase i had dope on me and a gun in east oakland i had to get away from the opd and so at this time also i had a lawsuit against the oakland police so i thought they was trying to kill me because it was killing everybody that had a lawsuit against him so i had a high speed chase got away but police knew who i was i was just waiting for the right timing to come get me so the corrupt police let me stay on the streets two months after the high speed chase and uh i ended up going to fight eight years and all these times i went back i was fighting cases our drug cases which drugs was never found but the police wanted me off the streets so they just said they seen me directing somebody somebody that nonsense so i also had my last time i had a lawsuit against other police but like i said he was killing people so i withdrew my lawsuit because it just wasn't worth it and so uh the last after the last time out i'll never forget this man i had never said i was never coming back to prison my mother came and got me from san quentin and i never forget i lo this was the first time doing this and i had been to quentin three times before i looked back which they always say never look back uh for people that's getting out of prison because if you look back you'll go back but i looked back at that [ __ ] saying quentin and i said i ain't coming back man simple as that and so right then you know at that moment i knew i wasn't going back fortunately i was able to meet the woman of my life my wife and and this would really change me she was the most beautifulest person i met in my life and we just had a spiritual connection and so she my wife my wife now she's my girlfriend at the time she said hey i'ma tell you you go to jail i'm not doing no writing not coming to visit you none of that right then my life changed she and she was like she had been to los angeles and so she's from oakland as well she said we going to los angeles and so i'm like yeah let's go and so i came to los angeles and before i came to los angeles i started bodybuilding and truthfully bodybuilding me being decided to compete in bodybuilding saved my life because before that i was taking ecstasy drinking and even though i was still working out a steel buff it was just i was a total different demon i mean i was demonized man when i was in that lifestyle the gym owner in oakland the gym i used to go to give props to diego chairs power alley gym in oakland he said hey man you need to get in bodybuilding and start messing around with you you gonna be buff for nothing and so i decided to start competing at that moment won my first show in orange county classic 2009 and from there i knew i had a gift because you know you don't see too many people do they first show it with first place out of 20 people you know so right then that motivated me to keep bodybuilding and then my me and my wife ended up moving to los angeles in 2010 and from there life just man elevated to the utmost you know i got into acting uh i still competed one mr california and i just man did geico commercial planet fitness the old navy life just changed for me and you know now i mean it's no stopping me so now after seven years out being in tons of tv shows movies a ton of commercials is just man is magnificent man so now i started my foundation x-con to icon that's to help trouble youth and ex-cons you know to give them hope and give them aspirations to be better in life i'm also doing a bodybuilding i just won mr california title 2012. that was a huge accomplishment for me because i always want to be called mr california and so i also have my book coming out now it's called x-con to icon the kali muscle story and that's going to be man action-packed book i'm talking about i haven't read nothing like it in my life and i didn't read novels action novels and iceberg slim books and this book is just man magnificent and i'm here to tell you i've read thousands of thousands upon you know books but uh my focus now truthfully is acting you know i just did a few commercials taco bells the geico planet fitness and so you know i just have a love for hollywood now man because they're the only ones that gave me uh opportunity to show my artistic side i could be myself i could be funny i don't have to walk around like i gotta stick up my butt you know mean mugging and i can just be me i could be a human being that's try to succeed in life and just prosper help others because that's my thing truthfully i like working with kids the youth they just look up to me respect me to the utmost of course i like helping adults but adults have a mindset on what they want to do and what they going to do and so i truthfully like working with the youth you know i have a other few other programs heifer university where i'm getting people from around the country to come work out and train with me stuff like that and so it just it's amazing man me and my wife in the process trying to have some kids so we can leave leave a legacy have a family and i just want to say to everybody out there man push push forward don't stop let the vices go because that's everybody problems that really does get out x-cons is vices leave that i mean if it's not benefiting you if it's not making your body healthy if you're not prospering financially leave it alone and that's my advice to people in order to make it i had to cut loose ecstasy i don't drink uh i mean i i'm high naturally now just off success and so you got to cut out the invices stay fit because fitness will keep your mind in sync your spirit everything in sync and let go all those impurities putting in your body and you'll make it man i did it i'm here to tell you that it could be done because i went back four times i didn't just get out and stay out and i'm here you know telling you something that i ain't experienced and so push man and find your niche in life so this is kylie muscle fresh out life after penitentiary you
Channel: Petty_Pac_VinnciEl_Tv
Views: 1,910,249
Rating: 4.8146353 out of 5
Keywords: Kali Muscle Fresh out of prison Story, Prison (Sentence), Muscle (Taxonomy Subject), stabbings, robbery, prison, jail, lock up, raw, Break, Out, Spring, Police, Air, Spring Break, Cctv, Cops
Id: vxHnVnBXf2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2013
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