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Gregg Munson another guy you've never heard of largest guy ever seen in my entire life including series you'll leave on all the body movement included Craig Munson a prison guy was one of the biggest guys I ever EC faced oldest bodybuilding contest will be held this Saturday in Venice the mr. Mill's Los Angeles contest has been running since 1939 and if you go this weekend you're going to see one of the most incredible specimens you have ever seen Craig Monson is a former Fremont High School football player he's also a Hollywood hairdressing no longer resembles either one Monson is 280 pounds of solid muscle the biggest body builder in the world I Got News for you you don't get a body like this out of a Wheaties box Frank lists witbier claims your heart like what we stand here that's right and that's from the pound is still mad muscle I'm the biggest thing that's down on the platform now I stand up there to get me to get beat up and if they don't you know they don't know all right I am so happy to finally get the chance to sit down with one of my eyes I'm so childhood but what am i young as a young man idols I looked up to this man and when I first seen him well lose it I'm just getting out look I'm all excited look when I first seen him I heard about him before I've seen him people told me and I had won a couple of bodybuilding titles a powerlifting title had won a few little titles and that's feeling pretty good about myself people see me and they say you know what you look like a little craig monster I said Luther I ain't no little no [ __ ] body I don't know who the [ __ ] Craig Munson is but I ain't little and I'll bet your life leave it at that and I seen Craig punch them on the Venice Beach Boardwalk and I he was way down the boardwalk I seen a big crowd of people standing around and the closer I got to that crowd people and the man standing them in the middle of that crowd was Craig months I said God day when I actually see Craig Monson I was happy that they said I was a little crazy I was happy about that to even be compared in any kind of way to the legend Craig much I was happy about it so finally finding out y'all heard me talk about it for years now and I had a setback you know you know I had a heart transplant it mate but it's finally here the legendary Craig Monson has entered the belly of the beast and check this out we're gonna get started the interview of a lifetime and that day you came up to me and shook my hand yes I be and I look I started I had big hands create holy Hannah oh yeah but you know they still lost the ball I thought okay big a his hand swallowed by I couldn't even see my hand oh no you made an impression on me when I met you okay didn't never hear nothing else about you but people in my gym was saying Menace this guy says he's such a he talks about you I had a fight guy come up and show me the end of your one of your twos were you with the back backdrop yeah and you said and cried Munson another prison guy that you've never heard of yes yeah this guy I've ever seen exactly okay and I'm like who's this you late you laid breadcrumbs for me definitely you don't want to put me on there no nobody said nothing and after you did that and then my buddy bill Pettis died oh here big deal and see me and Bill just work out in pit you probably saw that same day I'll be back on my three plates on the bed yeah stand up and do it yep now wait you went he went kind of fast over there yeah but I seen him doing tricep kick out through three plates on each side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sip it up from the ground and yeah you don't I bet you ain't nobody to [ __ ] see I'm doing that today I don't even know your punk head but I bet you you don't see nobody knows iam land kicking out three plates on the [ __ ] but I bet you know even today you'll see I haven't seen ya how do you do it Seth I think that was 81 around there when I seen him doing that it was early eighties and you have you know see people doing that [ __ ] today so I didn't wanna just go past that to fat and he turned my beard pedis at one time he said bill payers and the biggest arm in the world that's what they said yeah but and I used to always say bill I'm gonna catch you Costabile can see the old bill cardille had some of the most muscular yes okay David wasn't pretty to look at yeah they were just big Inge and I would say bill I'm gonna catch you and you know Bill had a speech and parody me he was stutters he he laugh at me and say you pretty pretty tidy and good yeah but I called him yo yeah I called him and I took pictures with him - oh I just take pictures with Arnold yep and I have a photo to make though that one guy but I I kept a bunch of I always kept somebody with me to take pictures we out there I was telling this story on the way here we are on a Sunday and a lot of the 11 kids our kids would want Arnold to take pictures with and he no pictures no pictures but he did it with me because I was a big critic yeah and I said come on oh no he says no posing I said okay fell on this side okay I gotta give him a bit more giving I'm a good he fell on my right side and I big Rio that's the guy was holding bench-pressing big big wheel convinced yeah and when they ID like that to wheel and repose in and just says he got right through that arm my arm was big as his face and honor is like this I would go up to God from Compton yeah and I would go up to Gold's Gym you know every so often just to compare myself with the guy I see in the magazine because all the management guys was there it was actually there at Gold's Gym working out so I'll go up there and kind of compare myself to them and when he tells you that he was bigger than Arnold for Ricky Lou Ferrigno and all the champions in the magazine he ain't lying because I seen him I compared myself to them and I felt okay standing next to them about 245 they um but when I scream Craig Munson dwarfed them walking he was just it was no compare - that's the truth we all had a heyday and I did do time in the piece yeah I'm actually about there uh-huh okay um I'd be at five years in San Quentin you didn't get better our lunch and work out and so you spent three to five minutes each yeah to that arm yep and back then it wasn't no chest and back this day dadadada I did arms every day way we waited got damn many did you hear did you hear what he said but and now but I'm let me go into the theory of it I'll be at arms every day for this week and then next week I did check every day but because I didn't have two hours they killed on the arm right see in the gym now you can kill it and tomorrow you you'd be dead and try to catch them off yeah so for 30 minutes I could touch the arms and then when I come back tomorrow I got a new lady man you did curls one day and back on to me to text and some forms that's a motor oh wait a minute cuz I didn't have but 30 minutes to hit it in the gym now you could do everything a two-hour mr. month yes sir you know big today they call that over train a [ __ ] she's my friend I'm not see to you they call it overtraining 17:16 well even that 14 15 16 17 I usually get my routine out of their books Iron Man stacked this high we working on the backyard and we're training this way yep but when I get to the pin who I got to do it differently because I got all the time 25 minutes on the back 5 minutes only No so I had to do it all then I I had uh I had back on Smitty I had a seaside buy bad Bob this is my workout team bad boys yeah now we entrap started off in Tracy and you have to get a 300-yard benchpress tree on it to get in the pit with the good way so they called it the 300 K so but after you get in that Club they also had a thing if you get too big they gonna send us out of here we used to challenge with Iran Hotel Oh nobody could see us all right I still got a bus ride to San Quentin anyway look people talk about Roy when I entered the gates of San Quentin I had 22 a charm mmm when I entered the gates of Tracy I walked here with 21 and a half man off the street I had never seen a steroid till I was 30 years old 31 years old look twenty-twos walking into prison when he walked in and without steroids it was out yeah oh that's impossible [ __ ] I got the big overhand my bones my daddy weighed over 500 my mama stood six two and a half okay she weighed 185 pounds at one time she's going out but I got brothers six five anyhow you can't get your 20 now when I did I competed I did a bunch of shows and have a diet down the tuna strawberries and all that old Reagan pre digestive protein and when I got to the show I don't eat up a lot of my muscles I'm flat but I'm being still oh yes I'm in the backroom pumping up with Roy leader my big Roy yeah once I start doing the flicker and all that yeah big Craig this is Roy yes I remember you you killed me yeah back backstage we're talking how do you keep the sound like that what drug did you change that you change your drugs when you get ready for a show man I ain't doing no drill time anybody you look like that without no drugs bigger than this he said [ __ ] they didn't believe no they thought they've been putting me on stuff that wasn't mr. Earley 1979 something like that so the guy start gives me steroids when I come in the gym he was giving me pills I didn't know what they were okay every day I'd come in at he said behind the counter and hand me a bunch of vitamins in my juice go work out and that was a Trojan Jam downtown mmm I'm in the back room they got the mirror above from the ceiling you go watch your chest and I'm inside back and wide and I had full 50 on I said give me who my new 500 Chintan I never did it once hmm Julio come back Julio these works at the counter what's all the noise it's an epic Greg that's hit 510 times you peeled I've been giving you pills I'm giving you Dianabol mmm oh he's getting it from Walter J Cox down Beverly Hills see the Sun mmm I want you to go with me to my doctor and see why I'm not getting strong like you it's working but any working for him yeah huh genetics right yep anyhow I do all that with him but that was my first introduction to steroid mm-hmm so the next show I'm ready for this I go to I like him no better or the bodybuilders up in Oceanside and I'm a monster yep and big Sergio Libya well it gets Posey wait a minute I was there Sergio Oliva was the guest post you saw me there and you know one third you don't want to see it I love Sergio that's my idol don't get me to what as far as size mass it's the true craig Munson made my eye to look small look Sergio told me to my face I had on the Grim Reaper robe yeah and we were pumping up together sir did you say cuz I had many much before I can yada right when I say I just went to see huh and he says let me see what you look like big cream and I peeled that robot now you know he was Cuban right yeah and then you know the way he spoke uh-huh he says oh he says to me the reason he was looking bad that night because he had had pneumonia oh oh he just came to give this three grand oh oh they gave him three grand a guest oh okay okay mr. money me I come to get my money I see I had was the first time I seen him in person too I had I only seen him in the magazines and he was always my favorite body behind always my number one favorite by to go and then but so when I didn't know anything about them you know losing 35 but when I seen him standing next to create that night he Dwarfs him Craig's his dwarf now on my Flickr account I got Sergio on the stage with the blue trunks on that was that night and you were seeing his flat yeah okay I have a couple of pictures there with the Gert with the backdrop gold curtains that was that night okay and I look great that's the night when I presented trophy presented pictures and AC dude cause he liked to wear them hats yeah I gave my hat and some pictures out in the lobby for you see assigning something he's signing my autograph picture this on my wall because he was my eyes yeah mine if I knew what I know now I want to beat my body up so mmm you see cuz I got no it's just uh oh did you do heavy squats in the day the most yeah well I put 300 more from here to there [Music] now it's big Sergio Livia I'm talking to the young ones now by Sergio being my idol Sergio always promoted maximum poundage yeah maximum poundage build mass yeah they will stick with you and he was the mask and he was the masking but nobody told us what the longevity would be because they didn't know right see when you talk about Sergio Livia and honor those were the guys who blazed the trail yep for us that's correct and now they didn't know what the side effects is no meat long time yeah Sergio also told me that this private number I can call me if I had a chance to do it all over again I wouldn't touch no steroids mmm he said it he said it to me I said no no he said this - monkey on your back you always looking you got to go find it search it out he said no be crazy I wouldn't do it I wouldn't do it so I'm talking to the others now yeah but I tell you a couple of guys in my gym that I got sixteen year old in the gym he's putting 500 on already man you got your bones are so soft still it's gonna tell on you later mm-hmm you know well they say well you know but I would love to be 80 and still be able to get a real yeah you know I got two brothers older than me a brother - yeah but psycho got killed you remember sloppy used to work put a pencil in his stomach he could hold me yeah Venice Beach um that's the law okay but if I knew what I know now about the maximum poundage I would only do it on certain things okay yeah you could probably bench press all day and it might not put them in the ligaments in there no but there means for your mobility walking around and your hips for standing you know you gotta stand in line to the bank yeah and it ain't too nice when they gotta pull up a chair for you know cause your hips are hurtin so bad and then you load up on Tylenol cuz you can't take a leave called your kidneys yeah you know what I mean you got to leave a load take Tyler because you don't want to mess up the kidneys and now we're talking about all the steroids and all the bodybuilders just not making it to 50 mm you know all them they dropping a now big rich done my Pam mmm we should sit on a Venus a whole bunch of days talking he'd um yeah big Craig let me see that arm flex it with me I said man you know I'm flexing now this I'm doing yes this is the 2001 you know I had a motor you want me to throw mine up with that you don't wanna be big Craig come on come on but why you say that be quick I say the last time I saw you you're here with this beard now you hear this be okay look at your feet we're sitting on the beach like this his feet on the top are overlapping okay huge I could see it if you're competing trying to win a show but steel is gonna get you but just for you no no but he keeping up the appearance okay ya know a lot of guys because I did a show with him in London holy [ __ ] yeah he was so massive head of the way but he was so full in London neither the crystal they sent for me they sent me a ticket and paid for everything to come compete in their show I I arrived in the in London Heathrow Airport then I got to get on the train to travel for three hours to the Midlands oh I'm enjoying the countryside and everything right when I get to the destination a band picked me up and take me to prejudging I did it John Brown was there mr. universe yes a bit Craig let's go we went and we had burritos and we're in London so they got but they called it corned beef and cabbage yeah ain't crazy about either we got the final Mexican burrito Big John went ahead to burritos and a glass of wine we had one boy for the vascularity Hill there yeah I filled out when I get to the show that night Paco RC was my sponsor he said be crazy your body came alive man look look I woke up my body woke up in the car it was standing room only now they had promoted me bodybuilding with me in their country man because London II wouldn't you know I think I heard about this show I know you heard about the mr. world where they had a riot yeah when I got off the airplane they had posters hanging from the ceiling down to floor first time in London yeah [Laughter] yeah anyhow they give me 30 yeah and they so mad I went backstage and pour the sink after wall in the bathroom I had water shooting up and had a steroid outburst okay they give me a bow Chur $17,000 voucher on stage I told him I said I'm gonna wind up in London jail if y'all don't straighten this [ __ ] out so they come give me the first-place trophy back stage Liat crystal bats they to calm me down and I relaxed but I was just man y'all dog me out like this give me over here [ __ ] okay then we got to go eat and we all eating the same dining hall Eduardo was sitting in front of me yeah his tongue is purple and I'm looking at okay and he had jagged teeth oh my god yes John Brown you want to calm me down he said I wish I could do some [ __ ] like that bit Craig you know you let him know how you feel they always can't so quipping us but I didn't look good okay I read some comments of people they were there they said big Craig was bigger than everybody there but he wasn't in contest shape mmm okay no I wouldn't know all that juice like that juice or whatever but I did go in huge yeah what did you weigh on stage - 72 - 72 yeah in 19 with you 83 mr. world live 8570 to the own stage with 23 inch arms and cuz I lost that quarter that's what I cook that's a big bodybuilder now that's Hughes man there was nobody up there when you can you imagine it was a monster he looked like a monster compared to the rest is just it was no comparison you see somebody in contest say that goddamn big was just unheard of if you even if you eaten in Weston you could train look you can go but now for those for the squeamish who I can't put it on there for them squeamish you know I'm squeamish I call them [ __ ] five no I got a couple people when I first started they tried to hook up with me look if I'm coming in at ten o'clock in the morning they're gonna be sure to come in it for you Rach you got a rat but all the the weeks how are you wield it on yeah I know you start with the heavy one do it five yeah we do the next one seven men you are you start to him do it a cup on you you know you get out they don't tell my back and forth yeah I got it I got a I got a 200-pound a bar I curl it and pass to be him yeah girly pass it back to me okay until we fall out there's that wait a minute till you almost throw up wait a minute okay yeah look you heard me say yes this is mine now you heard somebody else say it now once y'all pocket protect the wind you didn't figure this [ __ ] out in a laboratory I used to call you pocket protector test to [ __ ] tell you that this overtraining and that don't work they don't want to do it well the biggest one the biggest bodybuilding ever lived is telling you and you look at his pictures look at it and you still don't believe [ __ ] you still gonna tell me with something [ __ ] it would attest to said it's overtraining don't working on and you're looking at the [ __ ] proof sitting right in front that cancer that cancer that was in the 90s God pulled me through that and I'm telling it first time yeah okay now most people know about the gallbladder my mother died on on Sunday that Wednesday the ambulance had to come with me out because my mother had pulled on me so my gallbladder but I had told her before she passed mom you quit pulling on me but I couldn't sleep at night very clairvoyant and um she just smiled she could fast for 40 days not him and so when it was time for her to go she laid up there 30 days without eating nothing but she died in her own bed but anyhow when they pull my they had me on the big mast on the keel flow in the hospital for nine days I thought I was going to die the man and that beer died they had the big mass so I could breathe cuz I couldn't breathe so until they got that under control but it took me that was 16 2016 it took me all the 17 of trying to wait my body wouldn't respond right I'm like oh I'm gonna shut down okay but then six months ago somebody started waking up I'm like this I'm drunk I can do push-up oh thank god you know but I say thank God I hear tears hmm because I thought I was done I went back over to my brother's house no jump I got a great big old Jeep Wrangler sit up so high and I jumped you didn't look at you okay good yes that's on my side when I say old my neighborhood is gone I'm buried partner's dead yeah and I'm still here you understand I'm still here now God is good to me there sometimes I think how they get the more freedom mm-my telephone used to rang off the hook Christmastime I had so many cars all that's when you get old hey if you out Limpy was over and the young people once they I got people in my building when they start seeing the YouTube I'm out there what with my cake I got it I got a Chevy Corvette and the big Jeep and a Cadillac we've been what were you I'm ready to sell it to 78 anniversary you acted black and silver yes the black and silver one but I painted it all black okay yeah put it on Craigslist man did he put it on for 25 but I'll take 20 we took the high-rise in Halle off put an elder Brock got to look to this it's a Corvette yes and I'm 68 years old so where to get away from me when I Drive it you know it scares me you got that local yeah oh I wouldn't I don't give a damn ain't seven my go out there and wipe it off and start it up please say but that's all you do dear here I say no but people in my neighborhood see Matthew wiping off the car and we didn't handle you two back in the day I didn't know you two were coming in tapes acte gonna be on YouTube I said what the [ __ ] is that look I'll tell you I tell you CT I had never looked on YouTube till they told me about you talking about man and the guy in the gym I'm on the bench press I'm sitting on the bench press like this resting in the mirror right here he said let me show you let me see and I'm looking at you talking about me hmm that's the guy I've been telling you about he's like a motivator yeah he's a motivator I'm like so yeah here's my phone pull it up push up you know [ __ ] I've been doing it ever since you know let people know who motivated me who inspired me to to you know after I my whole mindset change once I seen Craig Munson because the attention that we a crowd will just form around 6 6 to 9 d understand at the pit gate and count the room yep [Music] from from corner to corner all the way around the pit now let me take them when I seen that I want it back yes I wanted that I wanted to be like Craig months so when you know I did my I did my thing I did my best to get the size and the strength I wanted to do everything that seemed you do I laid down and did put three plates on the EZ curl bar and did kick ass with it because ice cream Craig monster do it I won't be I cook I had the curl record lasted 20-something 25-year strict girl but I seen Craig Munson criminal a two plates on each side or Olympic bar just repping the [ __ ] I believe in the pit and I wanted to do that because I've seen Craig months of doing Craig muscles at 23 24 inch arms I want three people because I seen Craig months with I tried to be Craig Munson and that's you know so I had to pay tribute to you I appreciate I had to let him know you know that's that's that's who I looked up to that was you know that Craig Munsters was demand as far as I was son I never had a chance to sit down and talk to him like we're talking now but that was a I mean I've always wanted to and and I would be 16 on my birthday and I find me I get the chance to sit down and talk with my inspiration mr. Craig much like these it's still he told me in 69 what I used to people to me he's dead and more I didn't know anything about the cancer and that requires a different kind of strength holy man oh that's what made me cut my hair look I was so vain about my flat my bringing about that before the cafe yeah but you were talking about the and I saw it on the YouTube when you doing the strict curl tell you the story after they gave me a date they gave me a 90-day day 3-month date to go home from San Quentin they said well you don't been behind the wall so long we're gonna send you to a camp center to chill out sleep in dormitories I'm like cool yeah so time to go when they go to put me on the bus the handcuffs won't fit won't would not fit so they put the leg irons on me uh-huh that's the big old bulky leg on you're the mommy and see it now don't you act up I said man I'm going to kid you okay so I get to Jamestown and they give me my bedroll I go that the weights are out on the yard and the yard is like three four football fields and the center is built around and it looked like college school everything is dormitory 2nd and 1st level on the top level it's a balcony then wrap around and the guard was standing up lean and looking down at the boys working out right there yeah then happen to be writing from the dormitory I'm going to James I go in there make up my buck and I got to get to the aisle pow yeah oh yeah I make up my buck and I go to the on top and I'm putting all the way up at prison but not all the way up and I'm standing behind the weight [ __ ] they bench pressing and I say can I go next got it soon what I can do I got the established Massey yep can't wait to show so I ain't gonna have no problem Jim you get yourself a Stanley and they say yeah big brother go ahead and so it's Pierre guy me of wait a minute what kind of five quarters on each side yep 525 quarters and so on II know were like this to tighten it up yeah that's how you did it and the the benchpress racket is closed grip right here so I'll put my hands next to the closed grip and start there I curled it about 10 times just like that and the pony's looking like that and I look up at him and it's raised up when you live that right behind you when you come from icsq sanguine okay what bunk you stay in J is so and so social that night at 3 o'clock in the morning they shake my bed put me in the hole you can't stay here til the next bus came to take me back when I got back to Quitman they had a they had a laughing among the officers Jamestown yeah he sank when grown they hadn't even get my cell away they put me back at my baby be saying give me my job back I had to go back to the community here and I went to the hold you go to the hold you go back to home so I go to the Hornby section and quit when I go to community said man you went on but if what happened here they didn't want me there to be I mean I'm in the chow hall line who's strong getting my food and 525 that's 250 just in plates yes plus whatever to borrow come on you see when they change to this a lot of the guys back when they changed it over said we all never go in there yeah because they could and then like the dumbbells yes school and I'm like in my gym I go now they got the same sir and it's insurance purposes right well I got a hole we got [ __ ] compartments we have compartments up under the [ __ ] uh-huh with padlocks on them oh he will die out in Long Beach today so he may die [ __ ] and make apartments where they stock awaits a funny me and but we've washed down back there I poured 11-yard the country can my mother's backyard man so we have you know work out they had work on the mud and you still got there the both of them [ __ ] but now they don't got rust corroded come in here so long yeah bottom will be rusty but I look I won't try and look my brother's don't use it but uh dangle part with it oh yeah I even got a bar back there that I broke at Venice Beach I put a lot of weight on it and the bar broke outside keeping this one yeah cuz you know I used to bounce it yeah and when I bumped it it had 450 and it went up like that ain't no way in the world we should have waited this long I'm telling you two old dogs that been doing this stuff you won't get it on the apps of training program stuff like that the this type of stuff you won't get it from your textbooks and no test tubes and pot you pocket Patek mother fing obtain them like they they don't tell you all this [ __ ] that me and Craig Munsters telling you is wrong I was overtraining but you taught it to the biggest body builder where the big body barely ever lived and he tell you telling you that what he did hit that big you're believing you stared on breathe while you do you check out my whole new check about we're in the backyard Liyana we are - basically aren't we head here on yes we put the bar in the middle you gotta lay head in here okay I'll do it in time then you do it back and forth before God to the fourth yes you see anybody doing hey we're gonna stop I might have to do part two yeah here come back we'll stop for the day and you make sure you to me that's me make sure you get my show you sir the best [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: CT Fletcher Motivation
Views: 1,307,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4CmuCnGrHAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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