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hello everyone very nice to see all of you my name is Dylan George I'm a magician hypnotist and Mentalist with Omni magic entertainment I travel all over the world internationally performing for Fortune 500 companies celebrities and the most important people in the world which is you guys so I'm very excited to be here again Kai congratulations on meeting your gold man number one all right guys so I know a lot of you have seen many magicians before and I know a fantastic magician Max Matrix was here a couple days ago one of the best in the business I'm super excited to to follow him because it's very exciting for me to be here before we continue we're all of you there have all of you seen a magician before raise your hand good lots of times what you've seen Hollywood depiction of what magic actually is and usually what that is is up close magic coins rope bunnies out of hats which is really exciting stuff but we've all seen that a thousand times so as a magician meant to listen hypnotist I do modern magic for the Modern Age so we're going to try to do some new exciting brand new stuff for you today yeah this is a full participation show so I am going to need everyone's help as we go through this okay we're gonna Venture through the levels of mentalism we're going to start with mentalism level one then we'll go to level two and level three and depending on how much wine we have or drinks we'll get to level 16 and 17. but can I get a volunteer please yes come on up [ __ ] I saw you first come on up here everybody give it up for my man my first victim a participant participant very nice to meet you man come sit over here in front of the table so everybody's over here uh do you know how to read yeah are you sure kinda kinda okay that's totally fine it took me until I was 13 to read so this is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire uh this is the fourth book in the Harry Potter series have you read this hell no anybody here actually read this book no one have you seen the movies in just a moment all I want you to do is open this book to any page within the story all right when you do I want you to memorize a word on that page and don't pick the title page because that's boring I want you to get within the story of the book memorize the word on that page but a couple rules for you don't pick a name or a place because those repeat a lot it's way easier for me to guess something like that and don't make an easy word there's lots of times that Al or wand or magic or whatever repeat in this book I want a much harder for me to get like a word that's literally 10 11 12 letters or more something crazy memorize it and don't tell me what it is even under the circumstances God has given you there are about a million or so words in this book there's like 770 or so Pages find a page that you like find a word not a name not a place 10 11 12 it was letters or more memorize it and let me know when you're ready there's probably about hundreds of thousands of times millions of words in this book and JK Rowling he writes with huge mega descriptive words so even with the restrictions I've given you I'm sure you can find something that's incredible not a name not a place 10 11 12 letters or more let me know when you've got one all right let me know when you're finished no problem got it yeah perfect close the book I don't want to see what page it is and you can just set it in the table somewhere perfect okay we all know what this word is right yeah good all I want you to do is think about a an animal that starts with the same first letter as your word don't tell me what it is all right just think about it you got one yeah good I want you to picture that animal sitting on Kai's head small version of the animal I'm gonna draw it okay okay thank you okay I've drawn your animal before I show you the animal please tell us nice and loud what animal were you thinking of a zebra a zebra okay hold on I'm just kidding a zebra what do you think nah I'm just kidding man that just to get you just to get you the lap brother okay don't worry think about the second letter of the word that you found in the book okay don't say that loud but when I snap my fingers I want you to say that letter in your head and in your head only all right okay look at me please three e oh yeah yes good thank you now I I it's probably it's not so rough right because it's a big long hard word Ze think about the third letter of your word same deal in your mind three two one okay I've written it down so you guys can see what is the third letter of your word s yes you're absolutely correct I could still be wrong maybe I gotta chill with these bodies you have a really big word we could be here for a long time if we go letter by letter by letter right we don't want to do that so just think about the entire word the whole word this time and say in your mind yeah three two one this is a great word people don't actually say this word very often okay can you close your eyes and turn around for me please because I don't want you to see it I don't want you guys to react because it'll give it away all right here's my guess it has to be this word if it's not this word he's wrong okay turn around my man nice and Loud for us what word did you find in the book successfulness successfulness I'll tell you off camera I'm like nah because there was 3 000 words oh there's more than two thousand words in that book trying to think like how nah this is an adjective oh okay sure easy yes how many adjectives do you know that start with the Z no but you know he does bring out he brings it up an interesting point right this is what I told you mentalism level one we have to start at a base level so let's let's kick it up let's go a little harder thank you so much good job have a seat um let's move into something else uh two volunteers two volunteers you wanna go and you want to go excellent so yes I'm gonna give you this all I want you to do is go over there in the corner and I want you to write down 15 numbers between 1 and 99 1 in 99 15 numbers between 1 and 99 I have if you turn around take a look at this I'll scoot this up for you so you can take a look you're gonna stand over here this is right it's acrylic there's some magnets on it for the pieces to stick your hand through us you know there's no like trap doors there's nothing in there right chat chat I'm checking totally totally fair right it even disassembles so exactly so if if there's like it's not like a hidden mechanism it's all like this perfect we're gonna play a game and because I know that you're an incredibly intelligent man okay I wanted to challenge you to this game did you know tic-tac-toe was actually one of the most strategically difficult games in existence it is it is it's been around forever right you're gonna be the X's how many videos okay because you're such a cool dude I know you all are gonna allow me to go first so thank you so I'm gonna go right so of where you could go on this board where would you like to go bottom right right back here you're 100 certain that's where you want to go for sure because you could go anywhere you want on this board if you change it over here it changes the everything bottom right bottom right you want to go right here that's your choice yes for sure okay now I'll give you many chances and change your mind and you have decided not to so I'm not gonna let you win easily in fact I'm gonna go right there okay so it's your move where would you like to go where would you like to go I'm trying to I'll support this [ __ ] thought of you so right here this is where you want to go okay perfect we'll put you right here all right now obviously uh this is your stream but I can't just let you win that easily so I gotta go right here your move where are you going where are you headed right here okay that seems like as good a place as any with me all right and okay well let's see if I go here and I'll lose so yeah okay I gotta I gotta go hmm no I guess I really do have to go here all right so I'll go I'll go here but do I really want it to be right there but I'm worried that all right fine I'll go here I'll make it I'll make it easier on you go ahead where do you want to go now if you can't fool for the simulation no I'm gonna I'm gonna reveal something it's okay I'm gonna reveal something to you right now okay this is something mentalists won't normally tell you one of the most powerful tools everyone has yourself included is the power of influence right it's in your title you guys are literally influencers you change the world with how you approach the world as a mentalist and a magician it's no different from me we're constantly using um influence every single thing we do right so I might try to influence you as we move forward in this I have the entire game I you went here and I asked you to change it you said no right you're doing a great job resisting my influence now where would you like to go on this board you could totally move here he's trying to influence me to go there but I don't want to go there because it's going to first me to go there okay force me to go there so I'm gonna go ahead whoa if you go here he's literally he's literally been forcing me to to go to to out do him every time every time look I I had to go here I had to go here he's literally been forced me the whole time he goes dead I'm just saying I don't want you to lose this game I want to lose I want to lose you want to lose why would you want to lose only move for you to not lose is right here but I want to lose why would you want to lose the game because it's a trick I'm telling you bro I do not make him win I just don't want you to let me win that's all I want you to do the objective that's the objective yes because if I win then why you place it there yeah yeah keep it like this why you don't want me to win man because my hands I gotta I think you won either way oh you think I wanted well honestly anybody talking about you just told me I can move there so like can I move there I mean if you want it's gonna ruin everything because I'm gonna win the game and then there's nothing else to do I'm about to show you something okay and the reason I'm talking about influence here is important but in order for me to show you something I need you to prove that I can't beat you and if I beat you at this then it'll prove that I influenced you to win this game yes I'll say that okay yeah okay good so it's a draw actually be a draw because if I was actually influencing you right now I would have won this game correct now my man you have a whole bunch of different numbers written down on this board so you I want you to share those numbers with people share those numbers and I want you to just collectively pick one number is the number that he picked which number would you like before you tell me what this number is I will give you one chance to change your mind because if you change your mind it changes the entire outcome of whatever we're doing right now one chance one chance only it's a free world don't let me influence if you don't want me to but you get one chance you don't matter I don't want to we have a number selected yeah right now before I do anything I want everyone myself included what is that number between 1 and 99 48 48 48 is the number you've picked this is your last chance would you like to change your mind um you should change it it's 48 no wait wait if I'm changing it I'm changing it to either this one or this last chance no no I said no no stick with that follow your heart 48 48 I love it okay let's bring everybody in here I want you guys to check this out I've got a whole bunch of lists okay there are hundreds of different items on each of these lists literally a hundred famous characters top 100 movies playing cards celebrity scrunchies if you remember last time we did the grocery list you and your mom so let's go to different lists let's do 100 movies what was the other number you picked before you changed your mind 13 13. so if you had stuck with number 13 we would have had the Godfather right if you were going to change your mind to a different number besides 48 what would it have been 88 88. so if we go to 88 that number is the African queen but you picked 48. I asked you to change your mind you said no what is number 48 on this list before I continue do either of you feel like I was influencing your decision or did you have a completely free choice I have free choices okay good now I'm gonna bring you back to this I have to be honest with you I wasn't playing Tic-Tac-Toe to win I was playing Tic-Tac-Toe to solve a puzzle because on the back of every piece is a picture what and if I put the pictures back on the board in the exact way that Kai played this game we get we get a perfect grid of Spider-Man [Music] had you changed any movement whatsoever in any different orientation we would have had them excellent work so that is mentalism level two right well let's pick this up a notch I feel like I feel like we want to do something else how are you doing I heard you had a really long flight to get here how long was the flight 16 17 hours I feel like you may have encountered some issues on the way here did you lose your luggage perhaps yes you did okay pick any person here pick any person here that you like okay okay I bet Ty come on over here and then Kai I want you to pick somebody who's seated Topper Topper okay topper Stacy did for me please uh you can you put put your hands out like this I'm scared oh don't be scared this is gonna be totally fine okay and then uh can I I'm actually I'm gonna shift you back just a little bit like right over here good I want you to stay just like that up a little bit like this good good good uh can you all three of you make two Fists your left hand perfect put your right hand on top and then once you put your fist to your chest Kai what about you right-handed I'm right-handed same deal left hand fist right hand on top on the chest and you left hand your left hand okay perfect and I like we've done left left okay let's do left again your left hand and a fist put your right hand on top and then go like this topper nice to meet you Dylan George can make your hand like this I'm just gonna go and do this okay okay you can show that to everybody there's an X written in charge I want to flip your hands exactly where they are do not move that stop her this is Sharpie right that's not coming off easily just give it a little rub it's not coming off perfect put the hand here so everybody can see right here now we have a problem topper because we all know that you really like to go to the club and if you try to go to the club right now they're not gonna let you in right because you've got a big X and you're obviously under 21. yeah normally you'd have to really scrub your hands to get this off but all you have to do is touch this it does require me to touch your hand is that okay I'm gonna warm my hands up for you though okay hold on so this is not coming off not coming off ready three two one thank you very much the x is now off his hand it's in mind right here between my fingers are you ready three two did you feel it you don't feel this magic between us I thought you might I thought it's in the eyes I felt like I'm like a cold feeling yeah and everybody feels it differently sometimes magic keeps people up and sometimes it cools them open your hands okay what's your favorite magic word Abracadabra is good so on the count of three I want you to give me the best freaking Abracadabra you possibly can throw it out okay one two three was that good is the chat think that that was good enough was that good okay that's good did you feel that hell no hell no if you just open your hands it's kind of lame so do you know the dance Macarena you know it starts in the hips right so let's get those hips moving Brother come on come on man all my movements ready and oh one mocha two Maka three Macarena get this out of here [Music] try it what the [ __ ] okay everybody point at Kai people who have accents make sure that there's no X on your hands no X on that hand no X on that other hand I'm gonna take it right now yeah check right now chat chat look chat look hands don't touch me don't touch me I'm not gonna touch you on the saber here both amateur magicians right so let's go Point your exes at him I want you to go I want you to give me the best [ __ ] Abracadabra you possibly can [ __ ] why did you feel it worth to my mother like I'm knocking you the [ __ ] up homie this is my [ __ ] head I'll knock you the [ __ ] out show us three two you guys have never done magic before in your life right okay okay look they're amateur magicians so I actually think they might have thrown it somewhere different okay check the back of your left arm there should be two x's what the [ __ ] right there on top of all the tattoos two absolutely perfect and those aren't coming off I've been on this side of the room the entire time this side of the room the entire time all of you who have exes this is called a tattoo in Magic do you guys have any tattoos you do do you have a tattoo I got a few of them you got a few of them now you have one more he's a demon well done guys absolutely fantastic and you'll have that to remember for the rest of your lives let's continue you guys have a good time no have a seat excellent good job thank you guys I appreciate that let's move on to something a little bit more interesting I've got a book here okay this book is a hundred celebrity fails okay I read this book before I go to sleep every night to make me feel better about my life right so they gotta mess up at some time right eventually every celebrity in here is different here's Arnold Schwarzenegger Britney Spears Paris Hilton all all of these people okay totally different every single person can I get a volunteer yeah you want to help me sure you look pretty freaked out so I'm just double checking I'm gonna give you a free choice there's a hundred different celebrities in here and you can pick from page two to 127. you can either give me a page number or I can scroll and stop what would you like to do I'll give you a page you'll give me a page number what page do you want what page would you like like a random oh a matter of fact 45 45 yeah okay 45 . here's what we got okay I'm not even gonna look here's what we got it doesn't matter that I saw when we scrolled to the page I just want you to everybody uh the topper and you can you guys just each pick a word on either of these pages that is around eight letters or more eight letters or more completely random page that you guys picked eight letters or more don't even point to it I don't want anyone to know what it is except for you okay got you each have one make sure you have different words I don't want to hear it please tap me on the back where you have two words that are eight letters or more so it's not the or is or uh something like that and tap me on the back when you guys have conferred that your words are different yes that we're all good right perfect I don't need to predict who or tell you who is on the page because I actually decided what you were going to pick before I even came here today wait I didn't see I didn't I don't know the word no the person okay it's been public before I even came here every single person in this room chat included get your phone out cat get your phone out cat [ __ ] everyone on chat I want you to go to Instagram in the bio [Music] graphy was the person on that page Tom Cruise what's this [ __ ] look like is that correct because if that was correct you gotta follow me that's the way that works earlier every page is not Tom Cruise look Arnold Schwarzenegger Britney Spears Paris Hilton all these people are different every single person though you remember what your words are good you don't know what their words are right sir okay good I'm gonna use you in just a moment just say the first letter of your word out loud I'm gonna try to tell you immediately what your word is ready go I'm gonna write this down I'm gonna write this down we're going to reveal this in just a second in your mind say the whole word in your mind only okay I've written down my prediction there's no way I can change it please tell us nice and loud what word did you find in the book effectively um I want you to stand right over here nice right you don't know what this word is correct no good I want you to try to read her mind now you're you're not a magician so don't worry you're not a magician so it's totally fine think about whatever the first letter of your word is okay don't you say that level when I say my fingers I want you to send that letter to his head okay it's okay if you're wrong No One's Gonna judge you except the entire internet okay I'm just thinking just the first letter when you send it to him give us a big nod so he knows it's ready look deeply into each other's eyes come a little bit closer come a little bit closer three two one give me a letter B is it B is he close you're close I'm gonna give you 25 more tracks so you will eventually get this letter because you have to go closer to a or closer to Z okay so you were literally right there you were literally right there okay in your mind say the word to me one time do not say it out loud in your mind only got it please have a seat come on over here Ray I want you to stand right here Ray we do something really cool we are gonna do something called telepathy are you familiar with how telepathy works you're not so I'm gonna tell you what word she has but I'm not going to say it out loud you can you give me any random word that does not start with a any random word does not start with a basketball basketball that's the word you want you're 100 certain Cricket because whatever you pick that's what we're going with telephone telephone you're 100 certain telephone you know what xylophone I want you to take your fingers like this and I just want you to put them in your ears so you can stop your hearing really focus for me the word is xylophone xylophone xylophone the xylophone xylophone xylophone xylophone xylophone xylophone xyla phone ray did you hear my voice in your head yeah did you hear a word other than xylophone yeah perfect you want another voice I'm gonna ask him a couple questions but you can ask questions first if you like just so don't reveal what it is yeah so he he wasn't saying what the [ __ ] this word you wasn't here in xylophone is the dress blue I'm going to ask you a couple questions did you hear my voice in your head yes did you hear a word other than xylophone yeah where in your mind did you hear my voice back in my head in the subconscious area okay how many times probably four five four or five what letter did the word you start are you heard your mind start with a a please stand up for me please wait did you tell him the word no that word was never said out loud so I don't know how you got the word think about the word that you heard in your mind please tell her what word she found in the book bro [Music] all the time never said out loud I know xylophone xylophone I can hear it actually clear as [ __ ] and it's miked so there's no way I could whisper that to you but you ain't here nothing not even once oh [Music] [Applause] yeah you guys want some more bro say on your life you heard advantages I don't know the word just sound like xylophone bro you guys want to see some more yes yes I got one more good one for you all right okay let's get Kai Kai you want to come on up here let's get you up here man okay first of all man thank you so much for having me back you're you're a badass man well I thought this [ __ ] was a gel blaster [ __ ] bro I don't even do a whole lot of card tricks because frankly everybody's seen card tricks before every magician can manipulate a deck of cards we're gonna do something completely different okay all I want you to do kai is just in a moment I want you to reach inside this bag I want you to pull out one card in one card only the very first card that you pick I don't want you to show the card to anyone not even the chat I don't I want everyone on the exact same page for this I'm gonna close my eyes and you can keep one of the cameras or validate that I'm not peeking okay are you ready close your eyes reach inside this patio first card you pick pick out a card got one perfect take that card memorize it now hide it in your most secret special place all right stay right there nice closed come on over here we're not going to worry about anything over there you and I are gonna play a game okay we played a game before and you were really good at it this game is called say no to everything are you used to this no perfect are you ready no excellent first try this is fantastic okay say no to everything do you have long hair no do you have short hair no do you have hair no fantastic now I wanted you all to notice something very important about Kai as a mentalist I am trained to read people's body language okay the CIA and the FBI have very specific methods to tell if someone is lying or not via their body language so I'm going to get that off the table right now do not give me any tells because you were blinking every time you said no when the answer was yes okay I want you to make every single no the exact same okay all right is your card red no is it black no is it red no is it black no everyone who's here did you see it did you watch him very closely no I don't know what the card is I know I don't want you guys I want you to be on the same page as me here boom is your card red no is it black no who here thinks it's black raise your hand I think it's red break your hand more Reds okay you and I had a connection earlier uh you said it was black right okay we're gonna go with black in black there's two suits clubs and Spades say no to everything is your card a club no is it a space interesting who thinks it's a club who thinks it's a spade okay more people in the room this time I look directly at me please is your credit Club no it's a club no it's a club no it's a spade there's a spade no Spade no thank you Spade now you guys saw my amazing zebra earlier you know I'm really good stop smiling here's my Spade okay it we're going for the number of your card this is the most important thing so really focus say no to everything is it an ace no two three four five six seven eight nine no something very interesting just happened I stopped I didn't say anything else Kai said no again makes me think you don't even have to think about it past a certain number okay so let's go back is your car five no a four a three a two no it's the ace oh [Laughter] thank you very much hi is your card the Ace of Spades no oh sorry that was my bad you could this is when you say yes it's your card the Ace of Spades no it's not this space really did you remember what your card is no you seriously don't have the Ace of space no okay well hold on a second I'll tell you why it's not the Ace of Spades because Kai actually wasn't drawing your card I was drawing a deck of cards and inside this deck of cards is your card now I don't want you to tell me what the card is I just want you to think about it when I snap my fingers in your mind I want you to say the card only in your head you understand you can say yes to this you understand that no perfect only say the card in your head one time three two one I got it I want you to see this I want you to see this happen in real time so Focus for me ready [Music] no no oh my [ __ ] god this now this this is Harry Potter perfect now Ty I swear do you have your car with you I swear if this is your car bro get your car no no there's nothing about that no wires no anything on there this is a drawing what the [ __ ] he was holding up though bro I saw it flip over look at how perfect that part is get this Rift for you but I do as a thank you you can keep this okay so let's go over here um it's k-a-i right yeah okay everybody giving up for Kai and beating the world record on quick subscribers this is the King on the internet right here ladies and gentlemen congratulations guy thank you so much for having me back on here please give me a follow I am Bill and George on Instagram and I hope to see all of you sometime very soon bro thank you so much I really appreciate it well done thank you guys so much you're all incredible you are a fantastic audience
Channel: Kai Cenat Live
Views: 1,067,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kai Cenat, Kai Cenat Live, Kai Cenat Livestream, Kai Live, Kai Cenat Funny
Id: 2S490UoUwIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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