Kai Reacts To Niko Pranking America's Most RACIST Man..

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i prank america's most racist man today is all profit positivity you heard ah this is america's most racist you should do a risk academy story of how i found this man and tricked him into giving me an interview but the craziest thing about all of this is that it was all an accident because originally i was traveling to harrison arkansas because based off the videos i've seen online it's america's most racist town hey who hey who's from arkansas so so this is basically like a another another um video that uh judeon had there right who's from arkansas let it out now no no no man prayers for buffalo in the chat big prayers for buffalo and as i have a lot of history trolling racists they're taking our houses they're taking the loft and they took your teeth as well yeah they did i thought i was definitely qualified to go down there to see this town for myself and find out if it really is racist i'm gonna admit it that isn't here it's a toast to this crib you know i haven't given me good memories and i'm not gonna lie chat if you see me drunk today i don't wanna end it so i traveled from london all the way to northwest arkansas we're here well we're not here yet we have to get a taxi and then we're gonna be there and unfortunately there were no taxis so i had to try and hitchhike my way into getting someone to drive me all the way to harrison which is a two wait yeah i got no uber y'all got ubers in arkansas what the two hour journey harrison yeah harrison yeah what's in here um so basically we hear it's the most racist town in america oh yeah yeah that's why you came yeah that's why i came the whole way i'm saying we get a road trip for harrison i really want to take you i have to catch a movie but i'm let me see what moving you gotta watch that okay yeah i think you can pull it off you think really you think you can pull it out yeah yeah we're not killers we're not killers first thing we have to do we just have to prove that we're not killers it's the passports this is where i just get out the zip tie and uh i joking dude have you guys heard much about a lot i can't just trust things like this bro shout out niko bro but i ain't gonna lie i'm not trusting like this like you got the craziest trust that gang i'm not gonna lie i don't know who you are bro but hopefully god is with you gang what about harrison they had like their headquarters there i saw a video on youtube last year somebody like just had black lives matter sign and people were telling them like don't be here after dark oh my gosh about 10 minutes i'm gonna be back you better be gone one of those towns that if you are a minority don't stop for gas there if you can avoid it okay so it's like that and you feel like i should be nervous going uh i would be a little more nervous oh my gosh george what we did ourselves wait is nico how often is nico how often is nico in the u.s is it like he's always out here sometimes or is like he's like he's in the uk he's never wait so he came from the uk to here first of all again you in a whole different country gang that's crazy this was already sounding like a bad idea and to make things worse daniel told us a story about his friend who went to high school there so your friend he's black right he found a noose in his locker one time and every day after school he didn't stick around any longer than he needed to he was straight to his mom's car to pick him up god man what for all what we getting ourselves into are you scared you should be smiling right now this is probably safer than england oh why does it be so epic bro what the all right i think we're pretty much here this is um i believe to be harrison we're a couple minutes away from our hotel and then uh we're going to start exploring thank you so much my friend i do want to give you some cash because obviously you drove us all the way down there okay how much cash 300 yeah yo i swear to god bro conte creators got it bro these is rich bro you could just you could just give that much money here we go so i waved off our good friend daniel and just like that yeah yeah you're the wrong guy he's paid yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's paid into this hotel it is actually on the national register like you see i just i know i could never tell you that it was a secret because y'all like like bro it's not i can't trust y'all for real bro cause y'all gon go go go spill the beans everywhere but i hate you historic places so uh metal stuff has gone down here hello how you doing i'll be here until 11 tonight perfect if you want torture just come down and i'll torture you yeah we'll talk again berinda what do you mean by that huh um oh what do you mean by that leave me ever felt like a horror movie it's this one there we go now we've just got to explore the town a little bit where's best for like night life here good luck this town's dead you might head down to the square no square off we go no oh my yo brave ass bro this one this feels scary you know i'm actually scared yeah i'm relaxed oh i wonder why george to be honest going out late in a town that is seen as the most racist town in america alone i wouldn't say after dark man might be the stupidest thing i've ever done on this channel and that is saying something i presume this is the square and this place is dead just like that and this place is dead and just like that arkansas arkansas where's the best place to go on harrison like where's this smart site i know where's the yo where's the tabula hey harrison bro where did we stumbled across our first local resident of harrison arkansas we're new to this place we're just filming a documentary for the bbc okay where's it popping where's the knife life going on yeah not really a nightlife in this town no nightlife no but i don't know how people could do this bro this is what we call this how can you live in a in a town with nothing going on right now and it is what like 9 30 on a saturday yeah it's crazy you got any friends around here uh we're actually playing uh cards in the card shop right down there can we join you uh sure thank you so much for letting us uh sorry what's your name oh richard richard nicholas and richard here had brought us nah nico you wowing i like you got balls bro you in a whole different country bro you got balls you just you just trusting people left and right gang into the land of the n-words oh big up i'm playing the command tower what card is he played this is shipwrecked marsh [Music] we played a game called magic the gathering and i was claiming to be a pro but honestly i had never played it before in my life and i think it was obvious yeah okay a draw card got you all right so okay yeah draw card no from you oh yeah of course but then i became a prestige 1000 level wizard i believe my fellow magicians respect which meant i could ask them to tell me the truth about this town we were sent here on behalf of the bbc because we were told that wait is bbc big black cats yo harrison is actually the most racist town in america we get a lot of hate about harrison being a racist town it's not that everybody here is that way okay just that there was a history in the past yeah i'm pretty sure there's like a white supremacy group or whatever they're in another town they just like to come here so people don't bother their town when they do it so where abouts are they it's a place called um there's a guy that runs a church down there that it has a small group of guys that come out and march and do things but they come here ain't so these racist places as a black person myself it doesn't make sense for me to go to at all what would they do if they saw me trust me if you went there you would not be welcome just you driving through the town you are darker skinned than they are the police will pull you over and they will strip your car from one end to the other because they assume because you're different that you're probably also a criminal this was honestly a shocking start the stuff they were telling me was so bad it didn't sound like real life and although okay let me i know i know racism is everywhere right right i know racism is everywhere right how is it in like the uk like is the uk pretty racist like how is it like do y'all get involved a lot like like is it just like all the same how is it some areas no uk races yes it's the same yes same okay these guys seem cool i mean i even took richard's number i still needed to dig deeper as that was just one group's opinion so i went and found this bar to speak to a few more people we've seen like that this area is what's the name oh you so there's a mystery man in zinc okay who is the leader of the racist group is it safe in zinc no there's some people that live there would they like people like me i don't think so i didn't know about it one thing i could say that i like about this town is that bro they're gonna give it a snack with you they don't give a hey yo bro you're black oh yeah you're not like you're not going to be running running bushes and bro you're black get out of here yo you're black you sell drugs yo no this boat is crazy two years ago i was stunned by how secret it was yeah you are so wise gandalf what what is the name of the you're black of the grand master in zinc i can't you can't say his name he shall not be named no i'm not scared of him he's an old grandfather like me i mean but you are good and he is bad what is his name gandalf i can't clearly some dark magic must happen when you say this man's name but from our first night we'd found out some very interesting information which were helping me build an opinion on harrison arkansas what i'm thinking so far is everyone who i've spoken to seems proper nice and welcoming they're telling me that the people in this town aren't racist but it's just one area that just so happens to be very racist and there just so happens to be a mystery leader who is like the most racist man in the world it seems i'm gonna get it i don't know if we're gonna end up risking our lives for youtube we'll find out again again hey should i be spiderman tonight day two this is my opportunity that's why please please rise and beat it james say that one more time yeah okay but the same things carried on getting repeated the racism's honestly outboard oh give me give me a game and i'll beat that my brother it's zinc because that's where i'll beat it tonight interesting the grand wizard honestly a lot of people don't care we could be uncharted about harrison you know we're not racist you know most peop you can go down to almost any store and most of them aren't racism at least so it's actually sad that you guys have now been given this reputation because of the grand wizard yeah just because he lives near us oh my gosh it's there look at it it's not racist to love people white pride radio dog my nico got that a mary he got the mary hoodie on chat what the what the bro cap that's cat let's cat this cat this kid let's get this cat this cat called me cold you know what in fact they changed it they changed this side to make it more uh friendly they've modernized it now the billboard said harrison strong but not a single person i'd spoken to seemed to endorse it but that definitely doesn't mean that racism isn't here it just means i haven't seen it yet could do with some representation so i went into the town center with the hope that racism would reveal itself i went to get some food i met a delightful friend group and to be honest the craziest thing i'd seen wasn't even racist it was just something that shocked my english mind to make it look like i'm talking to the camera i just can't believe it right now right behind me there's a kid wave a gun wait not a little jit out here towing knockers the little jits out here is is is is carrying the knockers to get your knocked off how the hell does a kid get a gun america's different knife but don't worry not all kids were shooting guns some were shooting hoops basketball going on who's the best basketball player here that's you yeah what's your name my name they call me ringside what i want to do is i want to take you on and then if you beat me i've got twenty dollars if you miss you're done for good i think you're oh to fumble the bag oh that was this one guys i'm a basketball player i'm a basketball player oh like it should be nothing more like that should always like all three of them as they should that's regular normal in my locker i play basketball alerts are not all right now you got one where you got what you got oh he's failed listen you won congratulations the canon i appreciate it i know you're good i know you're good at this game chunks i'm charged yeah i'm jokes if i'm being honest everyone had accepted me in this town even richard from the magic game came back to meet up with me from the videos which we've seen online it looks like the whole town is racist they make it look like the whole time it's racing this game see i haven't seen anything i've seen people like you the reason we get this racist reputation from around the world is because we have a kkk leader there okay okay okay everybody knows this kkk leader does not arrest the like okay like okay bro we get it they work with they work with government and like that they've been exposed but like are they not gonna get arrested it's not illegal okay but like oh my god actually lives like 15 miles away so why am i focusing on harrison when one of the main reasons this town is seen as the most racist town in america is because of the leader of the kkk i think i've realized that this man has given all the people from this town had bad names he put up the billboard and he's the one who holds the racist marches so far my experience of this town has been positive there's been people like richard who actively wanted to help me literally agreed to take me wherever i wanted for free but it was even crazier when i spoke to him and found out the daily struggles he goes through every day i've had multiple leg surgeries i need to have a foot surgery but really yeah i've been putting that on the back burner for quite a while they wanted 3 200 up front really yeah and every day you're feeling that oh yes but it's just part of life for me this man is literally going through constant pain yet he still wants to help me and by no means am i saying that nobody in this town is racist i just don't think it's fair to say that this is the most racist town okay we're the main arkansas don't reasons live there so i think it's time to focus off harrison and declare war on the kkk and whoever their mystery leader is what better place than walmart the place featured in that viral video so i suited up and spoke to the people literally came from the uk just to document this area for on behalf of the bbc what's with this town and their whole connection to the kkk so they were having meetings in the hotel which we're in right now so that's got like racist yo links oh my gosh the hotel was standing there's a racist hotel yeah i'm a boy who's your editor bro he be like how the do you even do that lynx oh my gosh the hotel was standing as a like what the my husband yeah i can imagine so your husband's black yeah so you're you're with it man because the power it was time for me to find out who the wizard was and how i could find it i was wondering if you could help me i hear the great leader of the kkk or the grand leader of the kkk is in zinc i have the foggiest idea can you draw me a map on where we can go to find out your map i'm not drawing your map because i don't know what you're looking for what what okay do you know anyone who would so um we're just doing a documentary here for the bbc and we're trying to find the grand leader of the triple k i know that he has a compound in um in zinc and whereabouts is this compound i don't know zinc roast the north side so now you know not now you're going to pull out your minecraft map for your inventory and now you know where to go right when your not when your started talking to another now you know right now you know oh you're gonna make a left on this block then you would make this right right here though but make sure you make that right make sure you go around the loop like bro shut the up if you could just put it and put it down it's just easier for us to follow the map good job yo [Applause] this is drawing it now bro stop it oh that's his name thomas rob he's actually the thomas the leader out here for kkk it's supposed to be a big mansion okay too much you saying too much you say it too much that nigga's getting pissed bro that nigga's getting pissed about he with them okay if you can just draw me how the house looks honestly thank you so much you should be proud of your parents they've really helped me here today for the cause let's go [Laughter] and just like that the moment we discovered who the grand wizard of the kkk was an inside man from the kkk called the police on us and they escorted us off the property well we've now left so hi there's the snitch okay well i like okay and the police still did it so like how would like ah like like but why is he getting kicked out though that's the point like what's right over there the wizard obviously has people here trying to stop us from finding him but it was too late because i already had his name thomas rob leader of the ku klux klan and something tells me he's not a very nice person my friend when the lord we have the illegal aliens that's bad enough so-called legal aliens my white brothers and sisters you are a racial warriors and a race of conquerors i think ap is abomination the ku klux klan is an american okay wait hold on okay hold on hold on hold on hold on okay wait hold on is this tos for real is it cos no it's not right this educate this for educational purposes bro we gotta we gotta let our kids know what's going on bro so so judeo had this thing going right judeon had this thing going and now it's kind of like nico he got a little bit deeper like he got like the he going for like the head honcho so it's kind of like white supremacist terrorist and hate group also known as the kkk who have a history of many brutal killings of black people to keep them under their control even today their goal remains white supremacy and a white ruled america sounds stupid right well not stupid enough because they still have many many members so i think someone needs to go down there and make these people look as stupid as they are and i'll give it my best shot so it's time for me to track down thomas robb to zinc and there was only one man i wanted to take me there is that my favorite man from arkansas thank you so much man nice seasoning today we're going on adventures together absolutely what we do have here which potentially hopefully you can take us to is a map to zinc i was wondering if you could take us there i'll do my best thank you my friend the map gave us the key which has now activated the route to our destination so i made myself look presentable and i headed to the place where everyone said the racists reside feeling nervous if you're confident i'm confident no i'm not i've heard a lot of things about zinc and absolutely none of it was positive oh chad oh it's like a place called zinc unfortunately the map only seemed to take us to the town of zinc we couldn't see this mansion that had been so beautifully drawn out but the town population is literally 100 so i was confident we could track him down but it didn't take long for us to get attacked oh great great what's going on listen yo what's the what the hell is going on listen calm down you're racist that's what i thought i know what you're speaking about right now he's definitely being racist chill dog leave me alone george is right there george is so close to him and he's going for me but luckily we ended up finding this guy who gave us directions hi my friend um we're just here to interview uh thomas rob is the next dirt road to your right and this took us deep into zinc there was no going back now you quite possibly could get shot or hurt and then try to sue resulting in a long drawn out court battle you will lose because this sign will be i think this is that house okay well i was looking on a kkk leader's door thank you richard thank you so much my boy richard is you just going to lead these you giving back dew bombs what you mean i wish you luck you supposed to be coming with me richard the much for driving us out here oh my gosh here we go hello what do we do do we knock oh it's confederate let's speak this person oh hello my friend i need to leave i'm i'm here on behalf of the bbc are we not able to have a conversation give me a call tomorrow okay okay how can i give you a call can i just get your numbers just so i can give you a call i will call you up okay thank you is that him yeah that was him so we're now going to try and do this properly yo that was definitely him yo that was definitely him bro that was definitely that bro by booking in an interview with him tomorrow and hopefully we can make something work the only reason he seemed up for taking an interview with me is because i told him i worked for the bbc so i'm gonna run with that and say that we're running a positive story on the kkk and hopefully that tricks them into accepting an interview hello hello is this thomas robb yeah oh my gosh how does he answer it here we go hello yes i'm here i'd love to get an interview with you um i've come from the uk to speak to you we're trying to do a story on why the kkk isn't racist we basically just want to talk it all over with you if that's okay the reverse psychology the way he approaches so smart yo so hey what a smart guy man the way the way [Applause] thank you thank you so much bye i can't believe it you know we did the impossible oh my gosh you know what happens when you just say i'm from the uk i'm from the bbc he just thinks this is some important thing he didn't even think to do any research yeah oh my gosh yeah just bbc and i am a bbc the fact this man has accepted an interview with the bbc with no background check or any need for identification shows his stupid intelligence level so i'm definitely going to be taking advantage of that the marcus do you understand what's going on right y'all understand what's going on right bro these bro for years thomas trump is hiding these just entered the multiverse the multiverse bro do you understand that these just literally entered the multiverse these are playing with the universes right now bro they're riling gang the viewer has been able to put the kkk's racist views out into the world and i think it's time for someone to troll this man and make him look like the idiot he is yeah i can't believe i'm saying this but we're about to meet up with the leader of the kkk in the past when i've spoken to racist people i always try to avoid confronting them because the moment you confront them you get no information we're trying to show what he actually believes i i genuinely want to find out and then we start the trolling but god there is no organization more racist than the kkk so i'm genuinely scared to hear what he's going to say i go live oh oh this is crazy oh so we're here at the home of thomas rob i'm with the kkk here we are big up tom i'mma yo don't we notice oh yeah these definitely with the universes right now bro don't we notice i gotta understand these went there at the same time that means these went that at the same time bro that's insane like these these was both on timing [Music] yeah wherever you think it's best i'm about to interview the leader of the kkk and run with the name i'm announced this could go very wrong very very wrong what's your name ima what's that ima i'm our nuns what other pieces you've done do you have your head you think you're so stupid [Laughter] in the uk well i have it have you ever heard of energy defensively okay so you know about the english defense league okay yeah so basically the english defensively they just basically want to keep england for english that's unreasonable so you did an interview with them yes i've done interviews with them in the past welcome to the bbc i'm here with thomas rob my name is thomas rob i'm the national director of the knights of the ku klux klan i'm here [Laughter] i'm our norse and nos nance so now if we can just do that from the top i'm thomas rob i'm here with i'm our announcer he sound like a looney tune character bro isn't the leader supposed to sound like yo my name is my name is thomas like they gotta sound a little intimidating bro and he's with bbc yeah we're here having an enjoyable conversation about about my involvement um that's all folks ku klux klan i'm national director and welcome here to the ozarks thank you thank you very much i really appreciate this this is the highlight of my career the highlight of your career honestly i'm being i'm being real with you first off thomas um could you just tell us about the kkk when people hear the name kkk all kinds of images come to your mind we read his books that the clan was organized to subdue and put down black people we don't view ourselves of being anti-black we want to preserve our hair black people purpose how white americans you say we don't view ourselves of being anti-black we want to preserve our heritage we want to preserve our culture we want to preserve who our our identity you want to stay white there's nothing there's nothing racist about that absolutely really annoys me when people say um that the kkk is racist because there's nothing pointing towards the kkk being racist at all how did you start your journey with the ku klux klan did you get like a science did they like start you off on like quests or anything i was i was always involved in i don't care what he's involved in if i'm honest i just wanted to move on to the more important questions have you seen any of like the other clans out there i've seen clans like yo what is somolia what is that what is somalia what what is that please inform me educate me please chat yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what i'm saying uh a country okay why are we spamming it though like why why because i haven't i've seen that a whole bunch of times country in africa nah you spat it but you see what's so crazy with today's society bro i'm literally asking y'all to educate me on something and y'all just down playing me you see this is what sets our black brothers and sisters back 30 30 years bruh face clan optic clan i just think they're idiots no one would be a higher prestige level than you years ago i used to go and speak for some other planet but after a while i thought these guys are idiots yeah i didn't want to connect with these people so i finally stopped speaking to other other groups and so i feel that if i were to join the brazil career i could have been very successful those careers also yeah they mean well but they just don't have what it takes to take their client for the to the levels of the ku klux would there be someone from phase client here i don't know we don't ask you i don't yes yeah oh fair we don't discriminate in this church [Music] what do you mean by that buddy what you meant by that bro what do you mean by that yo leader what do you mean by that leader what do you mean by that real i don't know what you meant by that bro that that was a little tricky right there i don't care anybody who's donating right now or something i'm gonna get to your alerts after this video don't worry about it yeah he's laughing maybe we do because everybody's not welcome [Laughter] maybe we do because everybody's not welcome in our church i'm sorry so could i come to this church no okay no makes sense yeah yeah no fair enough what do you think of the people who say damn it jaden didn't get to go to the church so this is like like jaden and him kind of like filled in the gaps like today i got like the general information and nico got more of the inside misgive tweet what happened look at my phone real quick yo i'm not gonna lie bro like this people you think you could beat me okay i don't even know why i just read that yo chad i'm not gonna lie bro my neighbors are throwing a crazy ass barbecue bro bro i know but that is screaming content right now but i need to get mic'd up and go over there bro what the you're racist what do you mean by a racist someone who doesn't like black people or has prejudices towards black peop i mean i prefer being around white people i'm sorry that's the way it is you know oh you no but like i'm i'm like a supporter of you so including me like you prefer being around white people i'll be your friend but you're not going to come to my house for a barbecue oh you wouldn't invite me no oh fair enough yeah but yeah make sure and that's is that because what the okay yeah i'm a separatist i preserve my own people and i i'm not offended by a black person who says hey i prefer being around other black my black brothers fine i understand that [Music] that's my black rabbit yeah nah he's mimicking us bruh black person says hey i prefer beer on other black my black brothers fine i understand that i prefer being around my family than some strange family me personally as a fan of fan of you i'm not trying to portray all the kkk as racist because i've never seen anything racist by the kkk it goes back to the idea what is a racist if a racist is someone who hates black people and wants to do them harm or something then obviously you don't got to be only black people again no desire to i have no desire to yeah he's choking yo like bro yo like you being a grown-ass man and you like you choking on your words and stumbling over your mistakes right now bro it's pretty embarrassing bro yo what the black people and wants to do them harm or something then obviously i'm i have no desire to i have no desire to see misfortune come to a black child i have no desire for that i feel i feel i feel compassion for a young black mother whose child is get caught up in a drug or get shot by a drive-by should i feel much compassion for them i got to qualify that yo bro know [Music] yo i said it's crazy yo the stereotypes in this it's insane bro you see this is okay i think i gotta make them okay okay okay i know what i gotta do gotta make the final video bro i gotta go there at night and only record at night bro that's that's what i'm destined to do bro kc3 gotta go there only at night bro that's what i gotta do gang bro that's what i gotta do bro literally bro bro why the all those stereotypes so hot bro about lucky i didn't go to this bro cuz i ain't gonna lie i think i would have stopped them right there but like we already mean by that like bro ah i don't know a young black mother whose child is get caught up in the drugs or get shot by a drive-by shooting i feel as much compassion for them i gotta qualify that i probably feel more compassion for a white child i have i just have to say that i oh my god why can't b you just feel confessed for a child in general it's a child it's literally a baby it's literally a baby why is it why is racism becoming content this is wow bro bruce this is crazy i think it's like i think people attracted to it though i think i think the reason why people attract to it is because it's because of the that's coming out their mouths like they're open to it plus like bro you don't see this much youtube videos on the internet and educational purposes but i do understand what you're saying though like why should we chase you know why why are we going to like why are we why are we going to look for racism and record it and you know do our thing you know like me i would never go to arkansas at night like i would never say some dumb like that like me personally bro i won't ever say some dumb like that bro like i would never go to you know doing that dumb right the you know what i'm saying personally i believe that the black people in this country would be much better off if somebody like me was running things than the liberal crackpots that got worse in dc today why has there never been like a kkk party in this country okay up until we if we just look down the lens while we say this part okay in this country somewhere in the 1960s this country was a dominant white rule white white power structure what i'll call that that's not the way it is today yeah things have changed now the only way it's going to go back in my mind maybe i'm wrong i'll always always say well maybe i'm wrong but until white people reek once again control this nation black people will be unsafe in their own neighborhoods by their own people from what you've said i really respect you speaking this is so sad well i don't think i understand how sad this is bro like this just makes me wanna punch like this is sad bro like do y'all understand that racism would never end bro it would never end it would it would never end like the simple color like like okay me and tommy down the block we're the exact same gang we are the exact same we bleed the same we walk the same we breathe the same we run the same we jog the same we we we talk let's not talk the same but like you know we talk we talk everything's the same bro why should the skin of our body separate us like and you know what's crazy though that's what makes you know what makes me even more happy bro i'm so happy that i'm black though i think that's one thing i would say bro like besides everything that's been going on i can truly say that i've been i'm happy that i'm black because i remember me growing up i'm not going live bro i remember me growing up i used to watch a lot of superhero movies and chat i know there's not that much black superheroes bro so when i used to see all these superheroes that were white and all these like movies i used to watch where the main character was a white person and ain't a lot bro i don't know about y'all i don't gotta agree with me but there was times where because i seen like so much white superheroes in my head bro i was thinking like yo bro i wish i was white like bro when i was younger i used to always think like that because of the superhero and what i see on tv like i'll be like yo bro i wish i was wait like what if i was white you feel what i'm saying but i've grown to be like bro what the you're black like yo like i'm so happy i talk like this i'm so happy that my hair is like this i'm so happy that i can embrace certain things that you know you feel what i'm saying yo grunts hold them ads sub up little a heart like this i actually did some documenting in the uk as well where there was a group of supporters for the kkk in a town called claps and i think that honestly you're like a guy if you could shout out the the people from clapt the supporters of kkk in collaboration with anybody out there in the uk uk yeah in the uk including the uk ireland scotland wales um england howdy i just know they would have appreciated shout out shout out to the people from clapton shout out thomas shout out i don't really know the cloud people maybe i'm wrong no you are you are okay i'll clap guy all right forgive me clap people now that thomas had called himself clapped it was time for me to reveal the ace up my sleeve we run a group in the uk called the uk stand with um the kkk we made a post of me and you together and we mentioned if anyone wanted a shout out maybe we picked three names and you just shout them out they are your supporters let me see thank you all the people from the uk stand with kkk right here we have thomas and he is going to be shouting your names out i i i map you say i map you say i don't know my map you say but it says can't wait i guess bro i'm a piece a lot of the most creative i've ever seen a lot of the most crazy obviously this is actually creative it's actually really really creative right here i actually like this one the interview so well there it is as you can see it's great and then we got a bayelum bl bl and blm yeah so he's the best i guess i'm shout out to you and then so shout out to who you am yeah yeah that says you love him i don't know hope that guy's not gay what did you mean by that what do you mean what do you mean like you hope that guy's not gay yo what do you mean by that gangy yo what do you mean by that gang because you know we support everybody over here word yes says you love him i don't know hope that guy's not gay yeah i guess i pronounce that right it says love him so i i appreciate people like me i like i like him all these people are and that's the thing you have you have a lot of supporters in the uk thank you so much for chatting let's round it up properly because um look down the lens introduce your name properly so just say i'm thomas member of the kkk i've enjoyed this bbc i'm thomas rob i have a uh national director for the knights of the cube touchline and i enjoyed this uh interview with with the bbc no it's this bbc so it's just i've enjoyed this bbc it's a bbc interview i've enjoyed this bbc yeah i appreciate you taking this bbc am i the first mixed race person in this church we've had reporters from every european nation uh here before a number of years ago oh this is the second time you've don't know no like so why lie like what's the point of lying bro like woods so you so this is your third time taking a bbc it's your third time having a bbc a word okay it is as deep as this one oh yeah sure you've had a proper deep experience with the bbc yeah it's fine okay great thank you thank you so much thomas rob you have no idea what you've just done i'm not the bbc i'm just a random man making a mockery of everything you stand for i won't touch that just in case i disintegrate okay bbc here we have the flag of the klu klux klan no there's a nice party all right there's not a clan flag oh okay of the ninth party so they're different correct okay okay bbc here we have the flat oh wait wait we we haven't got the shot yet and here we have the flag of the night's party run leader of the klu klux klan has taken this bbc thank you very much such a deep interview all right appreciate you okay thomas rob had taken my bbc and was now struggling to walk but i had one final question to ask him i didn't mean to ask about the the hoods in the do you ever wear those hoods the pointy things we have for a cross line of ceremony where is it all right and just as a like a side question have you ever like made love with the hood on yeah okay well fair enough let's just get this pick and uh and we'll go at this moment thomas rob had realized he had been swindled and he was burning so never made love with the hood he didn't say no thomas oh now that the great is over i'm sorry you're getting a car you may leave okay wow perfect appreciate you thomas thanks for the interview just got bbc'd we tricked this man into thinking we were the bbc and now this man will never take an interview ever again he will have trust issues for the rest of his life yeah i know we're all a bunch of clapped guys here come down to captain the uk because anyone from the kkk is clapped cloud guy big up they go man respect what we've done today is we got the leader of the kkk arguably the most racist man in the world to shout out blm you know how funny that is and he has no idea absolutely no clue he said that i disgraced myself by asking him if he makes love with his hood on like he hasn't disgraced himself with his words but listen my friends we do this number one because it's right but also because we wanted to get to the bottom of the story harrison arkansas is not a racist town however it is home to the most racist person but the heart of arkansas has incredible people like richard and that's what we're going to take away i'm not going to say there's no racism in harrison because of course there is people have obviously experienced racism there and it definitely exists but to label the entire town as racist is just not true and it's not fair on many of the great people who live in harrison including the ones that i met like richard the man who literally helped me prank the kkk one of the world's most feared organizations and he did this after knowing me for 48 hours that's ridiculous and there was one thing i needed to talk to him about all right richard i have a confession to make i don't actually work for the bbc i i kind of figured that a few days ago at what point did you realize your education you said you only went to uni for one day so at that point you realized i just didn't have the guts to then tell you i didn't work for the bbc but honestly you've made this whole journey couldn't have done any of this without you and i feel like you are the best representative richard play your life richard i was really sorry to hear about uh your life you were telling me about the other day with your like foot and the surgery and all of that i wanted just because you're a great guy to help you out so what i've done i've got a thousand dollars and then i want to send you a further four thousand dollars later on as well thank you just because you're a great guy richard honestly you are an amazing guy richard play your life so um hopefully you can get your foot surgery you're a living legend my friend thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you this is one of the nicest things that anyone's done for me in a long time and uh it's been a wild weekend it's been a while listen man i've any any way i can help you i'm glad give me a hug man give me a hug thank you now honestly it wouldn't have been the same without you i really appreciate you man and honestly just your outlook on life everything is really really i didn't do it well my friends we came to this random state in america and met some great people but i can safely say i will never be returning here again as the kkk now have a direct reason to target so my friends of the nbl we have defeated another enemy please like and subscribe to join us you're not ready for what's coming next i ain't gonna lie that was such a wholesome yo kai your videos are ass yo kai what was your last video yo first of all bro bro this was so nico nico your was so good bro i did this with my first well i think my first time actually seeing bro subscribe you got my pull notifications on bro what a great guy man yo
Channel: Kai Cenat Live
Views: 1,616,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kai Cenat, Kai Cenat Live, Kai Cenat Livestream, Kai Live, Kai Cenat Funny
Id: 41ojNNxvIiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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