Kai Cenat & G Herbo Get HYPNOTIZED..

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like everything is got some truth to it yeah I think like every single thing we communicate a lot more than just our words yes like I think you probably agree with that right yes of course yeah but I'm just saying like what are you talking about aliens all that crazy everything got some truth to it I feel like I feel like people have been saying this because what the [ __ ] make you so special yeah right I'm not how did you learn um we're all special right it's kind of like weird thing I'm not special but actually we're all special so he was born like this you know how to this you know now did you notice or you were a kid learned learned yeah there's things I studied exactly yeah yeah so that lets you know that you could learn the same keynote um right now well I'll tell you what last time I was here you really wanted to get hypnotized right yeah so I got like a whole experience planned for you guys but I promise it's gonna lead that we're gonna head there I'm gonna be hypnotized well we can if you want to yeah all of you don't hypnotize me let me set this down and can you um come here unscrew the light bulb out of this let's try this that's cool okay pull it yeah pull it all the way out it's a little warm still and the one I'm scared oh bro oh you're weird as [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] are you chewing on what the [ __ ] oh my God okay shoot that too this one yeah yo what the [ __ ] oh listen listen hey bro can I get this let's get some of this it's like a Nature Valley bar be all over the floor too huh foreign [Music] so you asked me how I learned this yeah this I learned from this old Sideshow guy like this old Carney up in Pennsylvania and he told me after you do this you should eat a banana that's what he said it's like but didn't have any bananas but you can hold that can you understand well I just need something to push you down yeah well actually careful no careful whatever you want to do now hold on careful because oh no can you hold the bag it's a rope in there man because I don't want you to get this but you can get one out if you want either bro so we'll have them look foreign look the important thing here is there's four strings only one of these strings is tied to the hook in a minute we're going to play a game no and during the game I'm not going to be able to talk or explain myself so you guys have to listen to the instructions very carefully right now okay we're gonna play three rounds when it's your turn when I point to you there's two rules rule number one is you can only pull one string at a time okay rule number two is when you pull you have to pull as hard as you can are you sure yeah what's rule number one thing at a time one string at a time rule number two hard as you can hard as hard as you can oh that's what I'm saying bro I'm scared bro [Music] which I could pick which one wait take the rest of them oh be careful oh my God I had to look I wanted to see that go through his lip I want to see y'all need to see that oh pick that one can I pick this one this one yeah oh he got you man is one of these the one now you gonna tell which one the pickle he could pick it no he can't talk about this whole thing no he can't talk pick the right one pick the right which one okay what what no what what do you want me to do no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh what the [ __ ] how hello you got going on you asked me when this whole thing started what it is right everything you've seen so far is based on what I know about the body number one and what I know about people number two okay we think too much don't we sometimes I think we get in our own way yeah you question yourself you doubt yourself you tell yourself a story you tell yourself something somebody said to you 10 years ago you repeated in your head like it's the truth absolutely yeah it's no different than any other noise it's just so you base a lot of what you do just offer Instinct and people the way people react to something yeah but you could you could probably do it too you know in a in a different way let's do this um I need two cell phones who's got their cell phone open up your phone and pull out um Safari if you gotta close your tattoo yeah [Music] only one of you can play so who's gonna play you need to experience so he said close out all my apps you don't have to close everything I just don't want you to have anything on the screen I might show it to the camera or whatever yeah yeah not as good as good as good um you're on the Wi-Fi too in a second I'm gonna ask you to Google for something but when you do it's important you like hold it into your heart so nobody can see what you're typing not the camera don't even know where because it's important that nobody else sees it so when you're in here you're in here close typing okay um hold your hand like this just don't touch anything yet because I want to explain the rules of the game okay I need another phone open up Safari cool you got it um what month were you born tell me that much about you October October I'm gonna search up something on your phone October let's make it interesting okay okay tell me when to stop the [ __ ] go ahead do your thing all right that's a thousand bucks okay but I need that terrible this is the game all you have to do is Google anything I didn't just Google and you win a thousand bucks got it now hold up wait wait listen all you have to do lock in all you have to do is Google anything in the world on the internet other than what I just Googled but there's only two rules number one is once you hit search you can't change your mind right and number two is you only have 10 seconds nine six five four type it in three two one hit search you hit search hold it in close how did that feel you ain't thinking because I ain't thinking no but it's almost like you didn't even think of it you said I did but I didn't show everybody what you searched for you so so don't show everybody don't say nine don't say nine don't say nine yeah this is some random it's the most random ever bro too random for you know what I'm saying hello no it's because it's done just think about that I don't know it's your phone bro [Music] no no hey look you wanna know why because I was just watching all about the business and he said Brad he said that's like telling me to stick my tongue up Oprah Winfrey oh no yeah let's switch gears then let's switch gears I'll get out of your head you the police they called me before huh this was still to find a way to say this is scripted or fake um yeah no that's crazy because I'm opening standing game why are you still chewing glass it's in my teeth literally I used to do this in my show I did this like probably for three years I did like something like two 300 light balls my mom is there she hated it could you make me like fly on touring I need to get up to like 250 a show yo what if you like appeared on stage like make me yeah do some [ __ ] yeah they you know what I'm saying turkey yeah it has to pull their phone turn me up as an artist Angel used to do this bit where he would like kind of lean back and he would like levitate on one leg you know what I'm talking about it yeah that's something you could pull off like legit you could pull off on tour we're like costume change or something that'd be really cool so you're not a fly like literally everybody pull your phone out and then you come up and you do like some slow motion wait at the end of the scene can you make the subscribe Inception okay all right you ever play cards yeah once in a while not really sometimes yeah I never play cards yeah hold your hand up like this guy like this like a claw and grab a chunk of cards like half a little bit just like a chunk of cards it can be about half or a little more a little less it's up to you I'm gonna grab that and I'm gonna flip it over right where you cut don't worry about the six that's not important but we're gonna take the two cards right where you stop me okay that's the Jack and the six of clubs okay um you want the marker look can you take this yeah take the cap off and sign Your Name Across like the whole face of the jack they pick up a lot of space no like the most to the card yeah just take up a lot of space nice if you want to put a little like kc3 in the corner maybe something so the chat can remember okay and then who else maybe to say the marker yeah and then the other ones the uh six of clubs sign your name big I'm sorry so I don't know never learned cursive this is a one-on-one does that look legit you'll put like a little picture of somebody yeah change everybody look six of clubs Jagger Hearts you sign Jack of Hearts you signed six of clubs right yeah the game the object is to hold these like perfectly lined up like I'm talking like to the edge okay let me see if I can like do this like perfect it like it's four cards right I gotta keep it well that's because it is look it was supposed to be in two though two cards well it looked like it's morning oh okay got you I look like it's four yeah look I'll do this very slowly Jagger hearts okay six of clubs remember this image remember you signed the Jack of Hearts remember you signed the six of clubs since you don't trust me get behind me look over my shoulders look over my shoulder right here it's like the backstage view I'm gonna hold them very tight see more of those two cards watch this watch yes tear it down the middle of course he ripping like four cars I'm gonna go slow okay okay look six of clubs Jack of Hearts half of each hold your um put the cap on there yeah Kai's got the cap hold your hand out hold these two together that's hella card squeeze it squeeze it not like you're in your fist put a fist around yeah yeah take it behind your back yeah tight make it tight first squeeze tight don't let it out of your hand take it behind your back behind your back now look keep one hand behind your back look at me can I put your finger out like this hey don't do it come here come here no nothing don't drop the card take the Deshay take the cup the shade take the cup Kai keep the car behind your back take your other hand behind your back I think it's done I think it's done take it over there behind your back feel the pieces can you feel it between both hands yeah the cards yeah feel the pieces the cards and this is going to sound like spread them out and do whatever I want hold on listen it's gonna sound crazy I need you to do this for me listen look at me make it like you could unfold the cards imagine you could unfold the pieces I know that sounds crazy imagine you could unfold the pieces I know that sounds weird but look it's done yeah yeah unfold it look see this is half and this is half literally the camera I stick together though there's no glue no anything hold it towards the camera let the camera see what the [ __ ] hold them down like this I just ripped it again though well now you got a better souvenir what the [ __ ] cow but I'll rip mine again it was stuck together though for sure the game yeah please peel it please bro come on yeah yeah what the [ __ ] what but it was four cars bro you never let it go you never let it go I thought you was on the side you never let it go well when I felt it it was really too bro what the [ __ ] oh here's your lean please this guy's Amigos Max is back chat just touch me right here look just touch me right here bro do it again but this thing is a [ __ ] static shots the coins [ __ ] your static shock bruh the [ __ ] all right I've got a quarter okay I'm gonna put mine away because I don't want you to think just you only need one just pick a quarter yeah yeah old one new one whatever you want doesn't matter that's a good one that's going it's a good one yeah yeah come here come here I'm here I'm right here what take the marker all right I can hold it put like uh your initials on one side it's not a lot of space but like look who's this right put your initials on the other side I'll take the marker show the chat make sure everybody can see both sides of the coin okay okay Casey on the other side I was right there is right now okay who do you think is the strongest person in this room like if you had to guess like who's the strongest one out of the group what's your first name Jay Jay oh wait is here Jay okay hold your hand out like flat flat Palm up like this wait for Kai squeeze this tight not my finger let me get my finger out squeeze it tight turn your hand over like this what are you scared of look at me I want you to imagine that you were not just the strongest person in this room but you were the strongest person in the world squeeze that quarter and the harder you squeeze it you start to maybe feel it warm up you might feel a sensation you feel some [ __ ] close your eyes what you feel you might feel like a tickle or a sensation or a vibration or anything like that what do you feel you feel anything [ __ ] feeling how'd you feel how white his knuckles are turning here look at it look at it his shoe is already like that bring your hand down you signed it he signed it bro you haven't like the sweat made it goes right here slow slow slow I know I get it what what the [ __ ] that [ __ ] no you ain't that strong and this is rubbed off chat [ __ ] the sweat it's the sweat no sweat it's still the same coin though bro no this [ __ ] ain't been there I can't do it how the [ __ ] you do this what the [ __ ] [Music] yeah look at it keep it like a lucky coin yeah that's your magic coin this is gonna be like a long distance okay yeah let's hold that for a minute all right chat you guys can see those mixed up I'll let you guys see too take these with you over in the corner okay all right you have the box and the cards in your hand or just the cards put the Box in your pocket then I'm closing this [ __ ] Okay okay you got the cards only yep mix them up you can look down in your hands if you need to but like mix the deck up it makes it go crazy yeah you can do it like this you can do like this oh yeah it's lit all right it's important that you don't know the order of the cards either so keep them face down while you're doing this all right that way neither of us have any information and then when you're ready kind of like clean it up Square it up yeah yeah one more okay this is the last time we shuffled okay all right hold him in your left hand face down like you're left yeah like you're playing a game of cards and you're gonna deal them out you got them like this other hand up like this okay reach down and pick up a chunk of cards like cut a card pick up a chunk you got a chunk in your hand look at what you cut to you can do it behind the camera can you see that card put it back on top the deck put the cards back in the box they're in the Box put the Box in your pocket you remember the card yeah yeah pull out your phone call your phone open up your notes this [ __ ] pull out your phone get a new note a new note and then type the name of the card in your notes hold it to you hold it to you so nobody else can see and then after you you've done that lock your screen and then hold your phone face down like this and come over here you put a card in your phone I put a card in my phone earlier before the whole thing started okay if the card you put in your phone matches the card I put in my phone would that be crazy yeah it would but yeah it would it would be crazy it gonna be in your notes I'll show you yeah you'll be on the phone unlock your phone show the chat it's gonna be in your notes show the chat what do you go for I can see I already did it it's me I could tell you to go right yeah yeah to a diamond two of diamonds that's not what I thought you're gonna go for yeah right you still got the deck in your pocket yeah yeah no no for real for real take the deck out take the deck out bro you give me one more chance you give me one more chance because you shuffled the hell out of here okay back up at least but the card you're thinking of now put it in your phone and you can show everybody you can show the chat it doesn't matter what's the card that you thought of [Music] I can't read you you're the hardest guy in this room to read damn really really I'm not thinking I'm not thinking yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] all right you can't [ __ ] with me I believe it leave it he's got the best poker face in the room I had one in my phone but I'm not even gonna do it now I'm not even gonna do it now what the what look wait I'm not even doing this I'm not gonna do it now because I had a card in my phone no I had you on a different card because if you could have looked at any other card in the day if you give me one more this was your cell phone though I was going for a different card like that am I supposed to take a random Card wait wait [ __ ] all that how the [ __ ] yourself pull the deck out because this would be crazy let me see let me see look at this hey wait where your other phone hold this hold this wait wait hold this look the [ __ ] Vibe just went crazy can I hold your hand like this because you cut before he cut in the the first one yeah so maybe it's you squeeze like this pick up a chunk squeeze show everybody what you got you just cut to a card yeah yeah what do you got show everybody I'm done I'm sure you was in my phone yeah full of Hearts four hearts and you Shuffle the hell out of those [ __ ] crazy like crazy and you cut one car right now pretty crazy look at it oh literally it's still full of Hearts bro it ain't before it's the four it's the four huh not the force that's the four it's the four it's the four what the [ __ ] it's the four hey what the [ __ ] type of [ __ ] that's the Foe for real game bro what the hell oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] type of phone you had yeah let's don't step in there don't step this [ __ ] made out of a obsidian Stone close your eyes close your eyes no peaching no peeking remember anything that you think you feel no peeking at all and both of you I want you to raise your hand if you think you felt any kind of light tap or touch both of you yeah cool hand down [Music] both of you I want you to raise the number of fingers how many times was that type of touch okay that's fine hands down both of you point to the air of your body where you felt the taper touch on your eyes [ __ ] oh his life he [ __ ] touch you can't touch you bro oh my son he ain't just touch you he didn't go anywhere near you he ain't just touch your nose bro I swear to God he on my life [ __ ] he just touch your [ __ ] nose did I touch he touched my nose and his ass is open yo [ __ ] was closed bro like you saw him touch on those rooms I thought this no you didn't know you didn't want your mother I felt this in my nose words to my mother [ __ ] I spelled this how about this [ __ ] we didn't feel that there's nothing right about this hey what the [ __ ] is going on to my mother hey [ __ ] on my son that's sitting on my lap he ain't just touch your [ __ ] nose what how he's a demon that makes the devil's the devil gang he ain't just touch you what the [ __ ] how about what the [ __ ] is going yeah just a little bit yeah you can pour all that I'll drink it don't pour it off actually bring that with you because this gives me an idea come over here yo [Music] my God [Music] gang right-handed I'm right I'm right-handed yeah switch spots with me now I'm left-handed you got to be a little further away for this I'll explain why turn this way though so you can watch his face like square up to school like face y'all yeah hold it out like this like this did you want to levitate I need to promise me two things okay you gotta promise me two things number one don't move your arm I'm not okay and number two don't let go of the handle bet okay I'm not taking a [ __ ] from me everybody Focus your attention right here you're not taking the [ __ ] hold it tight bro oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no [ __ ] no did this [ __ ] just do gang what the [ __ ] hey drench what what the [ __ ] you just do okay get this [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of this house bro what the [ __ ] what is that be careful careful let me touch it nah [ __ ] it's not like like I was squeezing it but I wasn't like really trying to [ __ ] all you heard was this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you just do he's a demon no no no no seriously Sharp this [ __ ] is crazy Max you know how much [ __ ] you can get [ __ ] what do you know how much [ __ ] you can get bro you gotta teach me about me but please do you want to be my students yes I want to be a student for real yes for real like for real for real I will I will literally teach you mind reading magic yes chat yes yes do some oh [ __ ] okay unless you're trying to sign me up for the Illuminati no all good intentions that's my whole thing I'm so confused what the [ __ ] hypnosis yes you wanted to get inside the mine a little bit right I don't know [ __ ] it bro you the hardest you don't get a chosen one everybody Don't make me say no crazy [ __ ] though don't go in here because there's so much glass hey bro please don't make me do a say no crazy [ __ ] cause I'm [ __ ] a little bit gang hey hold on before you hypnotize me give me some liquor [ __ ] all in it's right there I'm gonna tell you when bro come here at the club am I gonna be conscious yeah I'm gonna be conscious yeah you'll know everything is going on you sure yeah I'm gonna make sure you're gonna knock his ass out knock him the [ __ ] out knock him the [ __ ] [ __ ] out [ __ ] if I do anything that crosses any kind of line you watch me get done you're done [ __ ] drink yeah yes Drake okay let me hit the cookbook hands out like this yo to be honest chat you can do this too if you want to like test your mind nervous Bros usually everybody nervous they do this right we'll take baby steps baby stuff baby steps okay you're like this chat same thing just like this squeeze your hands together nice and tight your thumbs crossed on top bring your hands up like you're making a prayer and then take your index fingers your pointer fingers put them up towards the sky there's some Illuminati [ __ ] look right here chat you can just follow along as well just look at the tips of your fingers and listen to my voice okay in a second I'm going to ask you to try and separate your fingers not yet and when you do it's going to feel like there's magnets holding your fingers together the strongest magnets in the world in fact imagine that Force building now in your hands make it real yeah and in a second when you try if you find your fingers can even come apart because most people can't even get them apart I know I'm a break I don't want to just go right back together they're going to want to go right back together so start to test your fingers and find you can't the harder you try yeah yeah yeah okay everybody do a hands out hands out okay yeah and chat you can try too hands like this good focus on the tips of your fingers and imagine on the tips of your fingers or magnets the strongest magnets in the world look at your fingers right here Ryan to say don't worry about anybody else look at the tips of your fingers right here as you focus on that Force make those magnets real in your mind you can begin to test those magnets now and you'll find that those fingers want to stay together and the harder you try to separate your fingers the more impossible it becomes really cool okay you're a strong guy but the harder you try the more impossible it becomes yeah it's back good relax your hands shake them out it was cool nothing okay let's do it this way and I got arthritis that's all right we'll do this Ryan put your hands out like this turn one hand up and one hand down okay and look right here and imagine in this hand was like a stack of books right weighing that hand down heavy like textbooks and then on this wrist here was like a thousand balloons and close your eyes and imagine those balloons begin to pull that hand Higher and Higher and your other hand gets heavier and heavier it can just start to go and the heavier those books get the more that hand goes down take a deep breath in one hand goes higher take a deep breath out the other goes lower deeper and deeper and deeper and anything you hear outside of my voice is just a reminder to come back to me as you go deeper and deeper I already feel this hands are like drifting it's drifting all the way up right I feel like I feel I don't even know how far it is I feel it yeah and open your eyes and look where you are [Laughter] yeah put them out like this yeah like this okay start looking right here picture like a big bowling ball it's easier to visualize picture here okay what's happening yeah but you're gonna feel it make it real in your mind the more real you make this better and then look here and imagine tied to your watch was all of these helium balloons lifting up into the sky close your eyes and imagine now that you feel that balling ball getting heavier and heavier feel the weight in your mind and your body will start to respond and that other arm can go higher and higher take a deep breath in slow it out one hand goes higher the other hand goes lower [ __ ] ain't working on me that's okay open your eyes open your eyes is this about exploring your mind why why okay stand right here and then Deshay on the other side over here maybe the camera's got to come in the front this all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna work with some energy [Music] what the [ __ ] we doing right now yeah yeah you can relax well Kai you watching you watch look I'm gonna move a little energy and all I'm going to do is I'm going to move my body and you're going to move with me if you feel it don't fight it that's all I asked there's no point in doing this here we go yeah putting a little energy this way you can still just feel it move your body to the side there it goes what the [ __ ] the shades there you're not going to fall over there no no no no no yeah we're gonna go the other way now here we go you saw that right oh yeah Kyle catch you if you're gonna go say I feel like my knees am I actually move you feel it right here look you're safe if you go this way to Shay's God you'll keep your feet planted if you go this way Kai's got you your whole body moves like a tree you're stiff see that okay and Kai's right here okay so you got backwards for real no no for real keep your feet planted arms relaxed here we go I'm supposed to be like looking at you I can just feel it look we can even go this way keep them feet planted stay ten toes dredge behind him you gotta catch him bro like I I don't know I don't know how to describe it I don't know hey [ __ ] what do you mean yeah it feels like someone's like taking like oh my God whichever way you go open your eyes good good you're right-handed yeah good right hand do you want to be hypnotized say yes sure yeah say yes yes look up at your right palm find a spot on your hand to focus on where two lines intersect listen to my voice and keep your eyes on that spot allow this hand and begin to relax when you notice your eyes change Focus just allow your eyes to close take a deep breath sleep deep all the way down deeper and deeper and deeper and the deeper you go the better it feels the deeper you go the better it feels anything you hear outside of my voice is just a reminder to come back to me no one can wake you up but me just listen to me and tune in because the longer you stay in this place the more relaxed you become you won't fall over your legs are strong you won't fall over deeper and deeper and deeper in a moment I'll say one too wide awake and when I do you'll open your eyes you'll find my hand just up above your eye line and you'll look at the palm of my hand and anytime I say the word sleep you'll just go right back to this state but you'll go ten times deeper every time you go one two wide awake open your eyes look right here so your eyes getting heavier and heavier sleep deep all the way down deeper Lego wake up and deeper and deeper in the deeper the more real it becomes From This Moment forward anything I say to you instantly becomes your reality if I tell you that you see something you will see it if I tell you that you hear something you will hear it from this moment forward everything I say to you instantly becomes your reality nod your head when that is your reality nod your head when you accept that one too wide awake open your eyes look your eyes are open right now look down at your feet right here yeah and I want you to imagine right here in this foot is the strongest magnet in the world and you feel the force starting to build yeah and then the floor is another magnet pulling that foot in Tighter and Tighter and the more real you make it the stronger it pulls in and now as you look at that foot you realize you can't even move it and the harder you try to move that foot the more impossible it becomes try to take a step with this foot but notice you can't the harder you try to have this leg look this one's stuck now too it's impossible to move either of your feet I think it's dead no no no no no look at me look at me the crazy thing is this look keep going with him keep going okay look if I tap here your feet just release and now it's effortless seven you can step [ __ ] watch right can I see your right hand demo what's the back of your palm as it comes here to your head you're gonna find that it's magneted to the top of your head just like your feet were before it'll be impossible to pull your hand off your head in fact feel that Force pulling that in it's like there's a steel plate in your head and a magnet in your hand and the harder you try the more impossible it becomes G come with me well how do you try the more impossible G don't hurt him but grab his wrist right here from above and you're gonna pull up like a steady pressure and it's going to be impossible the harder you try the more impossible it becomes pull it [ __ ] it's impossible but if it was hard to wait but like if Brian might be a [ __ ] MPC chat bro obviously they're not really a magnet no it's not a magnet but the gravity putting this [ __ ] down like this game no like that it wouldn't have been that easy bro like like this no funny [ __ ] hair like [ __ ] you feel me your [ __ ] it's not dude it's not it's not doing that it's like it's not falling back on your head like this bro what the [ __ ] look can you feel this here look at my hands tell me if you can feel this right it's like energy right I'm not touching look right here look right here tell me when you can feel it oh I feel that yeah hold up like this look right here yeah imagine you could feel here like a pulsing in your fingers you're looking right here almost like your heartbeat I felt that can you feel it right here there it is you feel that no it's almost like our hands are connected you feel that I'm pulling away right right what should we do can you put yourself you can pull it away oh some honest [ __ ] though Max we really trying to prove you wrong we won't approved it there's nothing to prove wrong it's just like it's about Focus like we do this in our own lives so I'm about to focus do some [ __ ] with me I got a lot of stuff to you you know not really okay you're gonna try something raise the card trick you lost on that one that's true that's true every time you try me you ain't did [ __ ] yeah yeah you're hard for me to read I'll be honest about that let me see if I can calibrate on you just because like you've been hard for me to read so let's see if I can calibrate on you set your cup down prove me wrong put your hands out like this you're right-handed yeah you're right-handed yeah left-handed I'm left-handed okay I'll put it here for you so take both hands behind your back close it yeah we'll take them behind your back mix it around between your hands I'm gonna see if I can get like a baseline on you and then we'll kind of go from there all right looking over here bring your hands out like this like and make a poker face you know this whole game you know what I'm talking about all right you need a poker face I'm trying to put him here so I can look at your eyes at the same time I'll say is it here you'll say no I'll say is it here you'll say no so don't worry about where the coin is just say no to say try to tell when he's lying okay all right is it here say no no is it here say no a little hesitation that's where the coin is that's the first one you can show them yet it's calibrated so now you understand the game because the first time the first time he didn't understand the game so my advice is don't think about the question just as soon as I ask just say no yeah in fact you can start saying no now you ready yeah say no no you wanna try this no perfect bring your hands out like this now he understands right went left on the first one I think yeah put your hands like this [Applause] coming out Poker Face strong a little lower just so I can look at you at the same time say no no say no no personality wise I gotta ask myself whether he'd stay in the same hand and try and mess with me or just play it straight forward I think this round he played straight so that'd be your right hand oh okay nice take it behind your back now we get a little rhythm when you're ready hands out you went left last one yeah we can even make it non-verbal because your words are given a little bit away yeah yeah yeah yeah Chad try to tell like work out where you think it is right lower though because I gotta be able to look at you at the same time personality wise this is the most challenging round because we played whether you're gonna switch or go same hand smart you're going same hand yeah what I think actually I don't know now did you go pocket okay I think I have I'm not even readable again I think I have a Vibe on can we try something else now yeah come on yeah you got a Fab on me huh yeah but you're really not am I really predictable though where's the coin all the time bro you can't really tell where's your phone at I'm shaking I'm just doing [ __ ] where's your phone at hold on let me see do that one more time part of it is why I'm doing this I'm feeling like his muscle tension like where he's tensing up that kind of thing you know come on yeah you guessed this right we need to work on some parlays [ __ ] oh like like betting style okay look at me look at me pure poker face no answers I'm not even looking at his hands I'm looking on his eyes you're doing something right now I'm gonna tell them what I'm seeing and then I'll tell you what I think it means okay I'm not gonna look at him as I'm saying this he's kind of giving me a little bit this way and I have to figure out whether he's trying to bait me or whether that's accidental and genuine if it's accidental it's the truth I think it's where the coin is he's telling me what the [ __ ] bro how the [ __ ] is he doing that though yeah he know what type of [ __ ] I am though cause really is you may teach you how to do it because I got a nice poker face though hey do that [ __ ] that she said you he thought of somebody and you told him oh yeah he's crazy I'm not trying to dox anybody we're not going to show anybody's phone numbers okay we'll just deal with like first names just to make it like not too personal well this is your contacts list right I'm stepping on glass for sure this is your but he said that you not in my contacts he said he thought of a name yeah yeah and you told him who you thought about I'm freestyling I'm freestyling a little bit so 1067 that's a lot of options okay here's the way the game works you're gonna spin see how it's spinning right yeah and then it's going to stop on somebody at random just the first name oops somebody's calling is that them that'd be wild no it's my auntie okay uh I bet so no but I'm showing you like look you spin and then it stops on like uh all right but okay somebody's first name can you say that loud you don't have to if you don't want to yeah go out feel me so that's the game it's like roulette You Spin and that stops on a name you don't have to say it allowed you don't do first one all right what's that say you don't say fizzle yeah all right you can spin as many times as you want yeah like up down both ways what are we doing though when they land or we got a column person no no we're not gonna call anybody yeah you ready don't look but start spinning so I'm gonna spin I'm not even gonna say no names no we're not laying on the name I'm not gonna say nothing no okay and then look tell me when stop it's locking the screen is it locked hold it to your heart hold it to your heart back up to the wall nobody near you you've been really hard for me to read all night I'm gonna try if I'm close all right I'm gonna turn my back when I look away not yet you're gonna unlock your phone and then literally just remember the name at the top of the screen do not say it out loud yeah do not show that anybody yeah can you remember that it's random as [ __ ] I'm so glad it I ran it off feel good about it yeah we'll keep going okay lock it and put it away yes yes [ __ ] yes you don't want to change it no [ __ ] no okay put it in your pocket so you can come back over here it's not on your screen lock your screen yes you said you're left-handed yeah um can I look again do you need to no I'm going to show them though no because then you'll swear right when I saw the camera I'm trusting you right I know it yeah I remember reading I remember I remember I remember uh left hand is to hold my wrist I'm right-handed but you hold my wrist with your left hand just hold my wrist okay and imagine squeeze tight man you're not gonna hurt me I promise good looking bro you're moving with me yeah that makes sense yeah so you're not no no you're not moving my hand you're moving with me okay so wherever I go you go okay but you don't have to do anything other than hold on hold your hand yeah okay now imagine here was like a dry erase board right you kind of show me how much space you need you're like tugging like no I need way more space than that so this is a long name yeah okay don't give me any more then try not to give me too much with your hands okay but I'm just picturing about how much space you need you're still tugging you're like this much you're still giving me too much but hold on just move with me see when you squeeze I'm over with you yeah yeah picture the first name here and blow up the first letter in your mind blow up the first letter of the first name in your mind can you see the first letter yeah that person ain't calling me okay blow up the first letter in your head that I got do you know this person's last name like even if it wasn't in the phone do you know their last name you know yep okay you're about to say cuz because you're about to tell me why you know them but don't tell me yeah okay think about how you know this person I know exactly I know this part I might be off on but the name I feel good about um like all my wrist thank you watch that the name was gonna pop up yeah oh my God can you come here Kai oh yeah hold your I just need something do you mind yeah okay don't look this way don't look this way I'm just texting somebody chat I think this is the first name okay this is the weird I think this is how you know them which would be this part I'm not sure about do you you said you know this person's last name like even if it wasn't in the phone you know it think about their last names I know the last name there's no way game there's no way but ain't no way this can't can't be this can't be right the sound I don't know if I'll get the spelling right but I think the sound is right um this part Kai I'm not sure about this I'm scared let me see now tell everybody what was the name you thought of say the name oh Emma Maxi how do you know wait how do you know them how do you know them that [ __ ] was crazy hey bro that [ __ ] was crazy you got me with that one that's a [ __ ] demon what's wrong with you bro for real bro I hit this lady car no you didn't going down Santa Monica and my McLaren [ __ ] and hit the back of the car boom I saved her number because I paid for her [ __ ] car to get fixed that's the only time you ever met her I don't know her oh my [ __ ] God I met this lady I hit her car on Santa Monica Boulevard in Beverly Hills man what the [ __ ] how was that I'm trying to think how was that absolutely all he said how is that possible he don't got [ __ ] hello nothing are you the devil be honest just really be honest like I swear like you know people care everybody nobody's gonna treat you the same everybody bro I never met this [ __ ] lady a day in my life but besides hitting her car bro I'm gonna show y'all I'll show you my text messages everything like literally she's your old lady bro but how out of everybody bro and it's one thing to get his name but how you met the person that's [ __ ] nuts bro and I was so happy that it landed on that how you do that because it's gonna be that crazy you don't know this [ __ ] is tripping man yeah
Channel: Kai Cenat Live
Views: 2,786,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kai Cenat, Kai Cenat Live, Kai Cenat Livestream, Kai Live, Kai Cenat Funny
Id: Z3duIP1c0KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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