Justice By Any Means | Islan Nettles

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tonight on justice by any means a 21 year old woman is attacked on a Harlem Street what she thought she was at that he hit her she's beaten within an inch of her life her eye was closed she had a hole in her head even with plenty of witnesses no one comes forward that is just a code among some communities around snitching a grieving mother in Keller's hatred people closed doors and her face they didn't give her a second look and indifference from police the police never gathered physical evidence from the crime scene she rallies a voiceless community and becomes a champion for the justice people can go home and sleep at night I can forget I can't forget I live it every day it's everyone's worst nightmare someone you love is brutally murdered and the killer is never an identity monster to justice these are the true stories of mothers and fathers sons and daughters every day people who would stop at nothing to offense the horrific acts committed against their loved ones real-life heroes who risked everything fighting for justice by any means the moment when a young adult first moves out of the family home can be a nerve-wracking time in a parent's life what mother doesn't wonder is my child ready for the world or is the world ready for my child for Dolores Nettles leaving home wasn't the only transition her 21 year old was under taking her given name was born the gender male on her birth certificate but throughout her childhood Vaughan nettles challenged her sexual identity with dreams of becoming a fashion designer she took on the name Elan to mark her new life as a young woman little did she know that living her truth would lead to a tragic end and for her devoted mother a battle no parent should ever fight it's August 17th 2013 Elan nettles is enjoying a night out with her friends in New York City's fabled Harlem neighborhood it was the typical Saturday night a party night alam was hanging with other transgender women Elan is gorgeous she's tall she's slender she was with her friends in her neighborhood they come across a group of young men on the corner of 148 and Frederick Douglass Boulevard they seize the men on the street but they don't think anything of it then that's when the cat calling started you know some of them was like yo that's across the street that's what I should like no let's keep walking like why do we have to cross the street because of someone else an intoxicated young man approaches and asks Yvonne for her number and when he saw like she was trans I believe his friends say oh she's trans but they didn't use those words yet enough of being misgendered she had enough with someone calling her that verbal altercation turned into a physical altercation they were tussling and she was winning they thought the fight was over but when she walked away he turned and punched in the back of the head she fell out on the concrete and he just kept beating now Ilan nettles was born valen metals in New York City's Metropolitan Hospital in 1991 she was her mother's second child and as Dolores thorn at the time her first son 12 pounds eight ounces beautiful happy baby boy my family we so close it's like you have a baby and wants to be able to come out you put the glue on them and we stuck that hello Dolores and her husband divorced while Vaughan was still a toddler she once sole custody and were going to have six more children all of them girls I don't know that anything to do with him being transgender but that's uh he was raised around a bunch of women I knew one was gay we're going to be gay as a young child Vaughan was a shy unassuming child not at all like other boys his age because those might want to pray but he just you know he was said on the side decree it didn't bother me I feel a person I have a right to be who we want to be who she label he liked all so I would let him play with dolls though Vaughan was loved by his family rest of the community was not as accepting his arm broken school because he wouldn't play with the boy I guess they know that he was trying to be a female because he didn't fit in little Vaughn did things he could enjoy a loan he liked control and design the time I've known him sketches and everything just came now surely alright let's see he bought a sewing kit and he were getting sewing things at home he made my little sister dresses and made my sister tutus for the parade and things like that by the time Vaughn and at high school designing clothes was his passion I met him initially as a model wanting to modeling and train and the program that leader turned into him saying I want to be a designer and showing up with sketches and I'm like whoa okay Bolin graduated from Brennan roses High School with plans to attend fi t New York City's respective Fashion Institute of Technology so he could pursue a career as a designer and one thing with the fashion conversations that I've had with Vaughn was you know express yourself this is art there's no right or wrong thing here and by expressing truth in his art Vaughn was also inspired to express the truth in his life as whan he played a gay role and the gay part wasn't working for him he still didn't feel like himself he felt there was more he started to express himself about wanting to be a female and wanting to transition and curious about how to transition where to start in early 2011 Vaughn made the life-altering decision to start hormone therapy Vaughn became Elan Ilan's mother sisters and friends embraced her new identity she told me I'm starting to take pills and I'm growing breasts and I was like your life let me see the pills and she showed me the pills and I'm like does mom know no mom doesn't know and then when she told my mom I was like I knew I knew all along I found out from a neighbor in my building she told me Vaughan is walking around to the bathroom changing his clothes it's a female gloves maybe he would think oh my mom's gonna feel a certain way no that's your life you have to live in how you want to whatever you are junkie whatever no matter we stuck together and alone with the new identity came a desire to build a new life Elon had an apartment she was in a relationship she was dealing with the guy she was living the American dream skipped the trans dream the American dream she was definitely happy as transitioning yes but she was in that body that she wanted to be in she was in that perfect place at that perfect time then on a gentle summer night on a busy Harlem Street Ellen's perfect world is shattered she is viciously attacked by a group of young men mayhem ensues as the guys jump on ilan her friends and eyewitnesses watch in horror fearing for elan a friend runs across the street to the area six police station cops appear within minutes the police actually pull this young man off her bloody body there was so much confusion as to who attacked elan so the police are not making arrests immediately why didn't they hold him why didn't make people as Elan is rushed to the hospital word of the incident spreads through Harlem but one significant person hears nothing about the nice horrific events no one called the mom Agutter like just knowing if that was me I want my mom there it's been my experience that as a forensic investigator notifications should be made as soon as possible when a party has been taken to the emergency room in this case it didn't seem to be a priority for anyone even the following morning authorities still having contacted the victim's family it's left to one of Yvonne's friends to break the news it was about 10 o'clock 10:01 alongs friend came over and said alone has been heard she's in the hospital but nothing this friend tells Ilan's mother prepares her for what she's about to see I saw not my kids somebody else that I didn't know it was a tube in the head a big wall and the face was so swollen like a watermelon it was ridiculous Ilan's head was swollen to three times its normal size her eye was closed she had a hole in her head and actually had tubes coming out of her head he puts Islam and I had so much fat here crack the skull friends and family gather in Iran's hospital room her condition is critical I was like is this blonde gonna wake up I literally had to like get out of there and I was sitting with Ilan mom and now we're all crying we're all just like trying to figure out what happened while her child fights for her life Dolores grows more and more angry and she is forced to go to one imaginable lanes to bring her child's killer to justice I said it's anybody from the police are gonna come to the hospital to see the severity it is he says no I have to do this this is what I have to do for my age 24 hours after a violent confrontation on a New York City Street Ilan nettles a 21 year old transgender woman lies comatose in a Harlem Hospital surrounded by family and friends her mother Delores praised for her brutally beaten child holding out hope that Elan will recover but it's her anger that drives her and she knows in her heart that will be up to her to demand justice I was sitting with Iran's mom and now we're all crying we're all just like trying to figure out like who was but you aren't like what happened how the people sisters friends other family members Dolores is angry Elan is in a coma there no police there's no one to tell her exactly what happened to Elan Dolores leaves her daughter's bedside long enough to find out what's going on with the police I had to put in the footwork to goes to the priest and on my own my daughter was laid up a little bit officers tell Dolores that after the attack a suspect was arrested a block from the scene okay what was they arrested for all I can tell you man was they arrested I said there's anybody from the precinct I'll come to the hospital to see the severity of this he said no we just arrested the police weren't telling Dolores anything they weren't telling her who they had in custody they weren't telling her exactly what happened it was upsetting she wanted answers I get back in the cab I go to the hospital this went off for the whole weekend as Ellen's condition worsens Dolores grows more incensed and wants to know why police aren't telling her anything Dolores didn't know what she should do it was then that she met a social worker her name was Miss wise in hospital and I was telling her situation and she called downtown with the help and aid of this social worker the police showed up the district attorney's office showed up everybody came hate crimes came homicide and now Dolores hears there's a suspect Paris Wilson a young college student who also lives in Harlem a charged Paris will set a charge them with harassment and a misdemeanor in my experience bludgeoning a person into a coma is not a misdemeanor offense it's a way more serious crime there was literally brain matter on the sidewalks in the streets of New York yet this man walked out on bail for $2,000 how do you beat someone into a coma and only get a $2,000 bail as if the news from police isn't bad enough the news from the doctors is worse the neurologists worked on how all that morning to me about FAFSA so heart.we was however dead he will come out of it it wasn't she even fills as far as pouring cold water and Elance ears if there's no movement that means she's automatically brain dead and there's no recovering from brain damage of that extent the test confirms doctors fears Elan is declared brain dead on August 19th two days after the assault now I'm hearing she's brain dead and we're like that's big fight fake brain dead police have their suspect but a shocking turn threatens to derail the case the media reported that parents Wilson was out on bail and his friend James Dixon came and confessed that he's the one who actually did it he said listen I don't want you to go to jail for something that I did Paris his mother overheard the conversation and said you know come on we gotta go to the precinct now so they could know what happened Paris Wilson's mom walked into the police precinct with James Dickson's she immediately told police this kid has something to say it was then that police taped a confession from James Dixon stating that he was angry he was angry that Ilan was transgender and that's why he savagely beat her that night Dixon gives a statement to police so tape recording them signed the confession what details in his statement don't add up the arresting officer remembers pulling Paris off belong then arresting him only about a block away from the same detectives suspect he isn't telling the truth and let him go and on the street everyone's talking about it some people were saying James Dixon did it some people were saying Paris Wilson business there was a rumor floating around that Paris Wilson's mother actually paid James Dixon to take the rap for her son at Ian's bedside Delores must make a heartbreaking choice they was telling me if I didn't take off the ventilator they would wait maybe just take it off yourself and I didn't want that to happen the Lawrence nettles is faced with the most difficult decision of her life should she take her off of the life-support system does she leave her on life support in a vegetative state I would rather get everybody together and we say our last goodbyes you know so I spoke with a day my mom siblings and I was like listen we be gonna have to say four emulator photos there's nothing because you with the criminal case falling apart and Ilan in medical crisis dolorous his fight becomes a rallying cry for the community black trans women in New York City were fed up with being erased and the mother's grief smolders into any girl now I'm emulsion so where's my face no you can't give up on August 22nd 2013 Dolores nettles and her family come together to say goodbye to her daughter Elan a transgender woman who was severely beaten on a New York City Street by bays earlier she has to make the most difficult decision in her life to take her child off life support surrounded by family eewan nettles passes away as Dolores mourns she feels increasingly isolated no one tells her what police are doing about the case I never had a child of murder I never knew anybody who had a child that was murdered so I didn't know what corners to go so the misdemeanor charges for Paris Wilson haven't been upgraded you would think that he would be charged with a homicide but no one is doing it James Dixon's confession has thrown a case into confusion the DA can only charge Wilson with a misdemeanor because police feel they cannot make a case for murder the police never gathered physical evidence from the crime scene they very sloppy in handling this case when you have a murder case they must collect evidence you interview witnesses and make sure they tighten up that case from the beginning on August 27th 2013 10 days after the brutal attack on her daughter dolores chooses to go public with her pain and holds a vigil for elan Dolores embraces the transgender community by bringing them together to mourn one of their own the lures held a vigil for elan everyone appeared even Laverne Cox they wanted to come out and support Dolores and help her in this time of struggle and grieving the vigil becomes a rallying point many local activists meet each other for the first time in New York City were fed up with being erased our narratives being erased that particular vigil was the catalyst for so many trans people to come together to hold each other to lift each other up and also to take back our power and Yvonne's funeral the next day a veil delicately conceals her beaten face and head you know that was another moment you know for me that I wasn't ready but it's just so much hurt and I know my baby he was sitting in there and the casket in this church place was standing room only also people I had a cremate it I slept with the urn for approximately two weeks because I thought in my brain that she was actually there she was in my house in my bedroom with all the love and support at both the vigil and funeral dolores gained strength to confront the district attorney she wants the charges against paris wilson upgraded to murder I went to the DA's office and I wouldn't stop darling Dolores is pissed the man that took her daughter's life only has the $2,000 bail and is now walking the street I have to do this this is what I have to do for my kid police have other problems Paris Wilson and James Dixon are the same age and look remarkably alike adding to the confusion neither eyewitnesses nor police could clearly identify which one attacked Ilan police were never invested in solving the murder the murder happened actually in the crux of a zone of three different police precincts a hot zone right that was highly lit had 14 cameras none of which were working this big treason that takes up a whole block of a half 48th Street at a problem and these cameras up here are not recording and then that work it has to go to different people houses in the area where the priests and words and get the finish we saw on camera that people were running toward the fight there's a video this show is long and to our friends walking you see how running kids just run it like fight fight fight from the cameras of those nearby buildings police identify who saw the fight and bring in the witnesses when these people were questioned nobody knew anything no one talked snitches get stitches and you know if it's not me don't worry about it you know you don't snitch that is just the code among some communities even eelain's friends who were with her that night hesitate to come forward Alon was warned several times by several loved ones about the new friends she was keeping these women left their friend they weren't at the police precinct filing a report upset over what had happened to their friend they were gone but this doesn't stop a mother driven to seek justice its court de paris Wilson has a handful of people with him yet Dolores nettles has an entire community rallying behind her Dolores family and many transgenders attend hoping to hear the charges against Wilson upgraded to murder it's then that the DA announced that the case won't be going to the grand jury they couldn't charge him with murder because the reasonable doubt was there Dolores meadows learned that they're dropping the charges against Parris Wilson there are too many inconsistencies in the story and they can't determine exactly who was the one that beat alive I was devastated and my family was also devastated when the charges against Parris was drawn when I heard it was a heavy blow now months after her funeral it's as if in the eyes of the law Ilan nettles his murder not only didn't matter it didn't even occur dolores feels powerless and it only intensifies her pain and frustration at the grocery store how would you feel if it was your child that was murdered then her strength is challenged again a month or two after that I ran into Paris Wilson on a hunt when he first we were passing by and all I could do was look at him I would not want my mother to ever have to experience anything like that I was just amazed like why are you walking the streets why why do you have that right - and it wasn't like she could move or relocate she has other children and it's also her home her neighborhood I actually had to sit on the curb on the street and just collect all my thoughts because all I want to do is murder I'm Madi with a lot it was just so emotional with months passing Dolores realizes that police are losing interest in the case but she is a fighter and this loving mother isn't about to give up I've got to the point where I asked the district attorney is this gonna be a cold case and he said I'm gonna be honest with you it can be a cold case after certain amount of time they they just forget about it the authorities may have given up on apprehending he wants killer but for the victim's mother this is just the beginning nothing allowed for that case to be cold that's my kid they taunted her they made fun of the fact that she lost a transgender child I believe when you keep fighting for something it will get justice three months after Ilan nettles was laid to rest the investigation has run dry and the local media has lost interest in the case no new arrest has been made once they let Paris Wilson go it was like everything shut down nobody was looking for anybody I do feel like there was some type of like underlining thing going on it's a transgender and it's a black transgender that that black trans women are seen as disposable we're seen as an afterthought the news of Ilan nettles murder is horrifying an alarmingly she is one of 14 transgender women of color viciously killed in 2013 in Florida Ohio California in big cities in Baltimore Philadelphia Detroit Milwaukee and small Mitali Louisiana in Savannah Texas anti-transgender crime is fueled by racism and bigotry and often these murders go unpunished but Dolores nettles wasn't about to let her daughter's campaign to become another unsolved statistic that's an allow for that case to be cold that's my kid Dolores decided that if she couldn't get the help she needed from the police department she would take matters into her own hand I figure I can't sit at home and do nothing so we all got together she reached out to the community she checked in with us she gathered our support and help galvanize us trans rights activists helped Dolores print up flyers and distribute them throughout Harlem let's put out flyers so people call a number you didn't have to leave your name anything you know just let us know that you know something they walked for over six hours something like over 40 blocks in the Harlem community to find out what happened to Elan that night we walked from 116 Alexa Davalos house 48 for a family and we're just hanging up besides if you know something say something you know please say something to be there like not getting tired being there fighting for her daughter fighting for what she believed was right they raised reward money for anyone willing to come forward if you come out and say something there is a conviction you can have this money but instead Dolores meets hate people closed doors and her face they didn't even give her a second look they taunted her they made fun of the fact that she lost a transgender child it was unbelievable we didn't give no responses like we should some of them was you know random dummy calls but at the end of the day I believe when you keep fighting for something you will get justice the Flyers raise awareness and more sympathizers join the cause the community that I live in they really don't have too many things going off for trans people but I've got to know so many that we we did a rally as far as her death won't be on her that's one of the beautiful things about miss nettles is that she aligned herself with a community unlike many other parents who may shy away or who may have negative thoughts and films about community soon there are marches sit-ins and other protests doing all over the place Vito stop Lenox Avenue all the way seven down eight down we were always st. Nick she organized a demonstration right outside of one Police Plaza there were over a hundred protesters when its line was but I think you for cut then one Police Plaza they wanted us to kind of be quiet about it not so loud but we still got loud because we wanted you to hear us they chanted transgender lives matter they held signs they rallied together as more people learn about Ellen's case Delores becomes a fixture at LGBT events she was given the opportunity to sit with Laverne Cox in the Pride Parade and she actually sat on the float and she held up a picture of Elon the entire time beautiful ladies you know call my sister mother give us a hug most respect that day was amazing and behind-the-scenes dolores continues to badger everyone there was always multiple calls to the DEA always keeping it in the media so like making sure we to get an article out Dolores meadows organized a march across the Brooklyn Bridge it was extraordinary I gathered up about 300 people we lighted candles we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge talking about trans lives matter and we want justice facelock Dolores used and in-your-face tactic to ensure that the DA would not forget about her and place her case on the back burner every day she showed up to his office and I wouldn't stop darling I was a stop calling when the DA went to lunch she was there when he got back when he came in in the morning she was there when he got there even though authorities are no longer talking to her Dolores has no intention of quitting I went back and forth to court during 2013 write back and forth left right nothing happened but his long voice is not gonna be heard I might as well the lowest metals is determined to get justice for her murdered daughter finally in March of 2015 nearly two years after Ewan's tragic death New York City detectives are ready to make an arrest and not surprising the young man is the same one who confessed three days after the assault it got so point where I think they got tired of hearing our voice she was unwavering in her support for her child so the DA missed the Nick force he's very nice to me and he built in a case that collected about three boxes worth of papers since no evidence was gathered at the crime scene detectives have to piece together the facts there were some people talking about this case that I think that pressure put on the police that they need to bring this to justice there's many layers to the story the confusion the person taking the wrong rap at first the police not understanding how to deal with a trans lock when being murdered and finally the district attorney is ready with his case the Loris gets a call around 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning to let her know that James Dixon was finally arrested for murder my mom was happy when the DA called him so I listened we got him in custody and my mom actually started crying I was ecstatic I started jumping up I started crying I was just so emotional I was like okay now they got but the DA warns Dolores that is possible Dixon might be remanded or sent home on his own recognizance most of the time going back and forth to court they would remand him but his lawyer was never ready to proceed into the case Deloris her family and a group of activists show up every day for the pre-trial hearings in those hearings the details about James Dixon finally come out Paris's mom she stated what actually happened that she didn't pay anybody off a statement was she took him to the precinct and he wrote down everything word-for-word what he did James Dixon Paris Wilson they're normal guys just chillin it's Saturday night they were drinking he had a couple of shots they're laughing and joking the norm is for them to all hang out together you know they smoke they play ball they try to bag girls and they see Elan and her friends walking down the street I was looking for it was young kids of all and James actually approached Elan and came right up to her he tried to holler as we say at her problem is so close-knit that we all went to the same different Harlem events and things like that James and Elan were friends on Facebook that wasn't the first time they saw or heard or interacted and being young men they decided they wanted to embarrass their friend joke and clown around James didn't even recognize who Elan was that night he went up to talk to a pretty girl and then upon learning that hey it's me it's Elan and yeah I'm transgender it upset him pretty much his friends were like you know that's a trans girl whatever his friends recognized Elan as Vaughn from Harlem she was thought out deceiving anyone she was that I out to trick anyone well the young gentleman asked her specifically are you transgender she said yes she professed who she was friends recognized that James was falling into a pattern he had just the week prior spoken with another transgender woman and they started to wonder what's James hiding his friends punked him and so I guess it affected his manhood so he got upset he felt shamed and that's what caused the violence reacting that way to prove a point for your homeboys and hyung and it's always a show it's always a show her Harlan she fought back and at one point she even had the upper hand which further enraged James Dixon there was a plane where she got hit and her head hit the concrete and she passed out he said he kept punching kept punching and punching and punching on the concrete and punch it I had into the concrete he said it he confessed that there was one moment during that fight that James Dixon actually paused and looked up and asked one of e-logs friends if she wanted some - Harris Wilson ended up not being the person who killed a lot James was actually the real I'll kill him the public is hearing details of James Dixon's video confession for the first time but is still unclear if a jury will get to hear it the defense attorney didn't want to use the video tape of James Dixon's confessions they claimed he was coerced they claimed there was no attorney present at the time they wanted it thrown out at one point they were saying that Paris's mother paid off James Dixon to take the rat but the lady works just like everybody else she's not rich oh why would she do that the prosecution they were fighting so hard to keep this confession in because there is no physical evidence to link him to the murder police have stated that they pulled Parris off of Ilan they also have stated that they pulled James Dixon off of Ilana why didn't please follow protocol why didn't they take DNA samples obviously James Dixon thought he was getting off he already pleaded not guilty as the trial date approaches and facts are revealed the early mistakes in the investigation will haunt the case well a judge and jury let James Dixon go or will Delores nettles finally see the justice she has fought so hard for a fight for that justice for is law nettles and that's what I'm gonna do cuz that's my baby dolorous nettles is joined by friends family and LGBT activists in a packed New York City courtroom to see that James Dixon is brought to justice but all is not going as they hoped for one thing the state hasn't charged James Dixon with a hate crime even though Iran was clearly murdered because she was transgender for another the strongest evidence against Dixon is his statement to police a confession his defense attorney wants hidden from the jury and for this loving mother she must prepare herself for even more pain ahead they had James Dixon on tape spouting a confession he went into explicit detail everything that happened that night James Dixon threw everybody for a loop after confessing on tape that he was guilty of beating Ilan nettles he changed his story now he claimed that he wasn't even there during the hearings Delores receives threats on social media pressuring her to drop the charges people were bullying the mother on social media and other means she would not back down from trying to get this conviction true I had the police sitting outside of my velvet as they were scared that somebody would come over there to comfort us friends and family feared alone as his life is in danger they asked me if I wanted to move that I was like for what I'm not moving I'm not going anywhere because the eyewitnesses were unreliable the prosecution needed that confession of James Dixon for there was no other case if the jury to see the video of this confession they probably had a slam dunk but if they kept it out that case was over the judge went in chambers and watched the videotaped confession the lowness is on pins and needles she's worked so hard to bring Ellen's killer to justice it was then he decided the jury needed to see it once the judge rules that the taped confession would be allowed James Dixon's lawyers changed their strategy he waited to this the last day they was not picked the jurors and he said I don't want a child I want a plea Dixon pleads guilty to manslaughter and awaits his sentencing at this point the Loras wants to know why if this man admitted to beating her child to death because she was transgender why wasn't he charged with a hate crime this is very important because a hate crime carries a much longer sentence than manslaughter a murder but according to the defense lawyers James Dixon didn't assault Ilan because she was transgender he assaulted her because she fooled him they couldn't prove what words were exchanged between them that night you said that you beat up someone because they was transgender because they were not what you thought they were that's a hate crime that's definitely a crime attorneys for James Dixon used the transpannic defense which blames the victim for fooling the perpetrator and sending him or her into a violent range LGBTQ rights groups have been working for years to ban this defense but as of 2016 California is the only state to prohibit its use the hearing comes to a close and the judge determines the sentence James Dixon was offered a 17-year plea do the judge reduced it to 12 12 years from murder for beating someone to death on the street that's what slap on the wrist no he deserved more time than that 12 years is not enough to give somebody that murdered which are bare hands cold their hands in cold blood mer and then you had an overnight he'll be out of prison just in his mid-30s he'll be able to have a life start a family smile laugh Ilan's life was cut short to me it was more than one person if Paris was associated in any manner with it give him five years six years because my friend is fighting I'm gonna pull my friend off James Dixon begins serving his time for manslaughter on May 5th 2016 meanwhile the lowest Nettles fights on to keep the memory of her daughter alive she had a funniest laugh to the top and I missed happy birthday set up married I miss islam's conversation we would be still have secrets that I couldn't tell nobody she really love and care well you are a zealot and as far dolorous nettles keeps elan spirit going every single day she's the reason why Alana's killer was brought to justice miss nettles when I think about her she is just she's such an inspiration for possibility models for all the mothers out here all the parents out here who have children who are trans Dolores metals would never give up she pressed the police department to make an arrest and she put pressure on the DA's office to get a conviction I fight for that justice for his lawn nettles and that's what I'm gonna do because that's my baby and I'm the mother I'm the voice of Islam now the movement for transgender rights and the organizations that grew out of the protests led by Dolores Nettles prove that her daughter did not die in vain Elan nettles would be 24 years old where she alive today her spirit survives in the haunts and memories of the many lives she touched in a fashion world and the LGBT community and in the streets of Harlem where she was born and raised
Channel: Dark Crimes
Views: 57,558
Rating: 4.5974302 out of 5
Keywords: UK, Latest, Crime, documentary, Full, true crime daily, Minds, Online, M., snapped, Dark, Kelly, facing evil, William, Download, Series, TV, Free, ID, documentaries, John, Women, Season, Phelps, Deadly, female killers, Discovery, candice delong, Watch, true crime, Episodes
Id: 21K68BhQFO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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