Justice By Any Means | Bridgett Tabb

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tonight unjustice by any means a loving mother doesn't come home for the holidays it just wasn't like her to not be with her kid on Christmas Eve and it's beginning to look a lot like murder she was in the trunk of her car they were burnt beyond recognition her closest friend is determined to help police uncover the killer she had to make sure that the police knew everything about Bernie thea even her deepest secrets her tip leads to a dangerous murderer the police were now worried that they were chasing a serial killer but nothing will stop this courageous young woman's true singing for justice never gonna stop until we found the horrific crime it's everyone's worst nightmare someone you love is brutally murdered and the killer is never apprehended how far would you go to this monster to justice these are the true stories of mothers and fathers sons and daughters every day people who would stop at nothing to avenge the horrific acts committed against their loved ones real-life heroes who risked everything fighting for justice by any means the Christmas holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year a time to embrace family and friends when the last thing on anyone's mind is murder but for Bridget tab has become a season of sorrow when her best friend is sadistically killed and body found in the trunk of a smoking car her loss immediately propels Bridget into action it's a clear morning on December 24th 2011 on the west side of Detroit Michigan 23 year old bridgett tab is feeding her infant son when her best friend Verna Thea mccrary's mom calls Bridget was the first one that beneath his mom aw when she didn't come home her mom called me and she said she went out last night and she hasn't come home Brigid tells Denise that Bernie Thea went out last night to celebrate their friend Natasha's 30th birthday yeah it was like when I'm Sasha's birthday and she told me that they were gonna go probably downtown to the casino and I declined I turned down the invitation and I told her I would see your own Christmas Day but dinner at her mom's house as the morning wears on without any sign of burning gia bridgett grows concerned it's not like her to leave her kids overnight it was so out of her character with three kids running around she didn't get much time to herself she's somebody that you always knew nine times out of ten you drive by her house she's at home Bridget tries calling Bernie Thea her phone goes straight to voicemail I was confused it wasn't like her to not answer her phone and I missed the prepare for Christmas and taking care of her baby Bridget Steele was trying to really figure out where for Anita had gone she was tall in everywhere she was coming up with nothing I called all of our mutual friends I even reached out to some people that she knew that I didn't know through Facebook and other social media sites and just try to figure out where she had went more if anybody knew what happened to her that's when Bridget learns the friend Bernie feel went out with Natasha Curtis a thirty year old mother of two has not returned home either her boyfriend Cortez is worried right - at home I never my weight got to her especially on her birthday and Christmas Day except causing a friend kept calling guess going to voicemail that's when I know something's wrong for real I use every resource I could use to try to figure out where she went or where she was when she went missing it was almost like she had vanished into thin air Morning Becomes afternoon and still no one has heard from either woman it just wasn't like her did not be with her kids on Christmas Eve especially with her having a newborn at home and it being his first Christmas cuz she likes to bake cookies she likes so extreme the popcorn she liked to do that stood in the middle of the day Bridgette stops wrapping gifts and hits the streets her mom put in a missing-persons report everybody was out looking everybody east to west i searched the neighborhood I look do you know nobody know anything and nobody has seen anything and it was just it was sad I felt really lost I didn't know what to do next four hours searchers calm the West Detroit neighborhood with no sign of the women Brigette spends the night making a plan and worrying I didn't want to think the worst I didn't want to say it but I thought it then the next morning Christmas day dawns with horrible news it was Christmas Day and it was only about 7:00 in the morning 8:00 in the morning it was breaking news Bridget turn or the news to find out two women's bodies were recovered in the back of the trunk on the east side of Detroit I couldn't believe it I saw the car and at that time she hadn't been identified they didn't know who it was Bridget immediately recognizes verniers car you know it would have been pretty odd if it would have been two other girls in the trunk of her cars huh I mean I pretty much knew that it was them I sit there and I just cried I couldn't believe it named after her father burn in Boerne Thea McCreary was born on October 11th 1983 in Detroit Michigan a lot of people cannot pronounce her name so but she needed a nikkie and you know Bernie Thea who was called poo that was her nickname and ever since she was a little girl she loved Winnie the Pooh just like the children's storybook character Britney Thea was the same she was loving she was TAS she was friendly and she was optimistic verde Thea's childhood is far from storybook perfect with her father incarcerated her mother Denise has to raise the children by herself whose mother Denise raised her as a single mother without any support so you say Denise was very caring and loving and she was able to raise Pooh into a beautiful and carrying young woman neighbors are always accustomed to see her NEPA wave to the kids and smile and everybody in the neighborhood she was a good-hearted person at the time I heard that she was single she was looking for love she was she wanted to be loved like anybody and like her mother Verna Thea was raising children on her own she had three different baby daddies she had a daughter and two sons three kids she would do anything for she did it all on her own from behind the clothes to doctor's appointments she definitely was up against a lot when her first son was diagnosed with autism Vernie Thea quit her job she stopped working to devote a hundred percent of her to help everyday is therapy is the appointment or evaluation or test that needs to be done without a job Vernie Thea faced financial struggles she didn't want much she didn't want a fancy car and a fancy home and you know she didn't want to live in a in the best neighborhood she just wanted to do the best for her kids with what she had fortunately she was not completely alone it was tough being a mother of three but you know Vernita had a great system of support Renee thiet live with her mother Denise and Brigitte was there every time beneath you needed a hand but early on December 25th 2011 Brigitte watches The Morning News and here's that two woman's bye have been found in a burning car trunk she immediately fears the worst Detroit's not a safe area I think this decision show troit per capita is even more dangerous from being Afghanistan Christmas I opened up before gifts with my son I couldn't do it anymore I just wasn't happy I had to go over there I had to see for myself exactly the spot where her car was parked and set on fire this is where the police found her on Christmas morning 2011 at the time when I got the note I had to come over here because I just needed the closure I needed to know that what was being told to me was real because it was unbelievable nothing will deter Bridget on the hunt for her friends killer I needed to just do what I had to do to get justice for my friend she didn't deserve to die like this she didn't deserve to be left here like a piece of junk like she was nothing I cried uncontrollably for days and weeks and even months after that sometimes I still cry because I miss her so much I miss her so much she was more than a friend she was like a sister to me she took me in when nobody else didn't she's always been there for me and for me not to have her around now it's you know I never thought I would be without her many of us put family and friendship forefront in our lives especially around the holidays but as Bridget tab watches breaking news on Christmas morning 2011 she recoils in horror she recognizes the torched car on TV belonging to her best friend Promethea McCreary for the last 36 hours so she has worked tirelessly to find her friend once news broke of the murder and her determination to find her children India is now at over she didn't come home on Christmas and that wasn't like her that's when I figured something that happened the victims bodies are burned beyond recognition in discovering how they died will not be easy the medical examiner immediately got to work to identify the bodies of this two women even in one of the most dangerous cities in America these two murders stand out I love Detroit but unfortunately Detroit has a lot of crime gourdel a lot of anger a lot of murder a lot of evil happens in Detroit I couldn't believe what I was actually hearing I think my heart stopped I was extremely hurt I was distraught over it I couldn't even enjoy anything about Christmas I didn't enjoy opening gifts for the first time with my son I didn't enjoy Christmas dinner for the first time with Hoss for a night I didn't enjoy his first Christmas because I had lost my friend the Detroit Police Chief held a press conference to bring everybody up to speed about to Weber's bodies that recovered he confirmed tentative identification he wanted to be certain that he knew who these two women were before on releasing it to the public and he also had to notify the victim's family members the victims identities might not be clear but one thing is certain the police chief has ruled both of these as homicides yeah the one more murder soon after the Wayne County medic office identifies Vernie Thea McCreary and Natasha Curtis as the two victims they had to use their dental records to identify them because they were burned completely their friends and family were left to mourn without a final farewell we had to cremate her so that was a hard thing to deal with owning somebody just gruesomely killed your best friend they didn't even give us the decency to give her a proper burial all I had was a picture I heard sometimes life presents you with a choice that defines your character in the face of overwhelming tragedy Brigitte had to make a decision she could let grief overtake her she could take action instead of giving in to tears she starts asking tough questions we killed two loving mothers it wasn't like her to have enemies she wasn't a confrontational person she didn't start fights and she didn't start trouble she wasn't that fat person their bodies are so badly burned that investigators suspect they were killed by a lover or a boyfriend topping the list is Tasha's boyfriend of nine years Cortez Wingfield investigators go question cortex a few days later you know I need your help think of anything you know like it went wrong over who she had problems with a lot together and cut um love you said there and talked about it police quickly eliminate Cortez as a suspect he had an alibi he was just completely torn up by the loss of his girlfriend gonna be married police knew he could have nothing to do with poo and Tasha's deaths since Tasha's love life provides no leads police turned to Bernie Thea's exes it wasn't far-fetched to think that one of pools exes could have had something to do with her death the thing did seem to indicate a crime of passion investigators started with the father for first child the father of Bernie Thea's oldest child has an airtight alibi he was in prison at the time and the father of the youngest child was also eliminated he had an alibi and he could not have killed her they had a rocky relationship but we never thought he killed I personally never thought that it could be anybody that she was ever that close a week after the murders police have no suspects and no leads the investigation stalls Brigitte is frustrated and I just wasn't doing what we expected that mother was clueless - just like I was that leaves Jerome the father of Bernie Thea's middle child investigators learned that Jerome is in trouble he was trying to get money out of who to help him because he was a lot of money to a drug dealer who was in a gang if you don't pay him they eliminate relatives to get you to pay up and I really think that the Detroit Police was thinking it this was a drug-related prompt I first looked at it is first thing came to my mind neither of the women had any personal connections to gangs the area that the bodies were found was known to please as place where there's a lot of dispute between gangs so detectives could not ignore this theory that it could be a gang-related murder it would be a stretch that thick to toss their pools deaths were due to the Rawls debts if people try to collect auto if gangs are involved Brigitte could be in danger I was worried if he's going to try and find Brigitte but it's a difficult theory for police to investigate they kept trying to find out was there any connection with the drugs what was going on but nobody trying to look at the police it's also one that doesn't ring true for Bridget and rhyme she would be able to generate money to pay this the baby daddy's bills so you don't kill the person who can pay its debt that he owes to the drug dealer while police focus on the father of Boerne Thea second child Bridget must make a difficult decision should she keep a secret she swore she'd never revealed even if telling it would catch her best friend's killer Bridget didn't want to really tell police only a few of those know what was really went on Bridget made one of the most important decisions of her life I wanted to do whatever it's a to get justice I really wanted to get justice because I didn't want anybody else to feel the pain that we felt it was it's a pain that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy to lose somebody so close to you it's such a gruesome wave days after her friend's bodies are discovered in a burnt-out car trunk widget tab wants justice unfortunately the investigation into the deaths of Bernie Thea McCreary and Natasha Curtis has raised more questions than answers when Bridget talks to the police she learns they have made no arrests worse they have no suspects in fact investigators lack even the most elementary information they don't even know how her friend's died but Bridget is determined to get answers for pool retailer for police leader Tasha nor pools body shows any signs of trauma the cause of death was a big issue there was no ligature marks or grunts on their necks or any marks on their bodies at all the medical examiner's report lists the cause of death as unknown the evidence was burned away and the killer had an intent to do that probably to get rid of evidence get rid of any fingerprints or any fibers or DNA evidence that you may have left on the women so police didn't have a lot to go on and it turns out the one suspect Vernie Thea's ex Jerome was not involved when police brought her own in for questioning turns out he had an alibi that checked out he was with his friends at one of the casinos in Detroit and surveillance videos at the casino corroborate his story and the drug dealer he owed money to is also ruled out as a suspect the friends Jerome was saying gambling went in the casino where the same so-called drug dealers that he old this $6,000 to bridget is unsurprised by Jerome's innocence I personally thought that it was just somebody that she had met that night and it just went terribly wrong investigation coming up empty Bridget knows there is one door she has not yet opened now Bridget is torn she holds Bernie Thea's deepest darkest secret she faces a heartbreaking dilemma should she reveal this salacious detail to help catch her best friend's killer I think she felt kind of torn she wanted to get at the truth about Bernie Thea's death and then keep her secret but then she needed to tell the truth about what Bernie Theo's doing Bernie Thea's secret she was on backpage.com a website offering adult services she had confided to her that she was offering escorted sexual services on peg page back page is an adult dating site where you can have sex for money she turns her back page when she has struggles hernia told Bridget about this back page business and she swore her to secrecy and she and Bridget were like sisters they were closer than friends it definitely wasn't a life goal thing that she wanted to continue on with forever but it's what she had to do at the time to keep a roof over her her kids hey she really had to make some tough choices about how she was gonna provide for her family and you can only ask so many favors of your mom and your family hosting an ad on Backpage was something she never envisioned doing but it was a means to an end probably was looking for somebody who she knew could help her out financially and give her you know some love and attention she had to fight a lot like you know like I get my nails done I get my hair done and things like that but she didn't get to have those simple pleasures bridget has vowed to keep Renu feeis secret as long as she stayed sane she always made sure that whoever she met off the Internet you know like she checked them on it chose made sure you know like her surroundings was safe you know she carried her mace in her pocket knife Brigid admits she even escorted Bernie Thea to some of her dates to make sure her friend was okay when she would first meet somebody she would ask me though you know ride with her here and write with her dear and it was never too many questions eggs I was always there to help my friend so if she needed my help and she needed me to drive her somewhere or go somewhere so she felt safe I would now that Bernie Thea is gone Bridget knows what she must do I was gonna do anything in my power to help get justice for pool I couldn't rest until I got justice for my friend but before Bridget goes to the police she needs to tell Bernie Thea's mom it's one thing doctor tell the police but to tell Prometheus mom nobody wants to tell somebody's mom that they were on the page like backpage.com I remember her mom asking me like if you know anything I don't need you to keep any secrets because this is serious it was real hard to let her mom in on some of the secrets of her daughter but I felt like at that point it didn't matter it was no secret to be kept because it was about finding out who did this to her so I thought her mother everything that I knew she would have never thought her daughter would the other face like that was real hard time I'm about Backpage although denise is shocked by what she hears she agrees Bridget has to give this information to detectives that same day Bridgette goes to the police station I told the police places she had been and guys she said man I didn't mind giving them any information because it was about finding who did this to her I'm sure it was hard for her to reveal to police that her friend had admitted she was on Backpage because of the connotations that Backpage holds I think she believes she had to go beyond that and in order to solve this crime maybe it was somebody that she had met off the back page and it just went terribly wrong armed with this latest information investigators take a closer look at the adult site and find a new lead they told us that it was actually a post that had went out that night for her own back page the post was a little bit after midnight the Cu night that Bernie Thea and Natasha went missing maybe to a door back page was how tosser and Pooh kind of concept for killer then the investigation takes a surprising turn the police used the information that Bridgette have provided about Verna Thea's activity on backpage.com to draw a connection to another pair of unsolved homicides on December 19th 2011 only six days before Venezia and Natasha were murdered two other women 23 year-old Renisha Landers and 24 year-old dementia hunt had been found dead raineesha and Alicia were two other young mothers that were found in the trunk of the car in between two abandoned homes in the same hood as Tasha and ferny theory at least one of the women from each pair was on Backpage that's how it police were able to connect as with Vernie Thea and Natasha the two women were found in a car trunk on Detroit's east side there are a lot of similarities in both of these homicides detectives were afraid that they were now hunting for a serial killer they gathered hair fibers any DNA any blood spots any fingerprints found at the scene only backpage.com seems to connect the two pairs of victims was this guy meeting women on Backpage luring them to these abandoned homes in Detroit and killing them police want to know do they have a serial killer on the loose how could you sleep knowing that there is a serial killer out walk in the streets killing innocent women and Bridget searches for answers Bridget knows that she's got to take matters into her own hands I tried to find a new food and think about what was going on and she had told me a name but with the threat of a serial killer be enough to stop Bridget tab from seeking justice we're not coming to places like this and when I play with my son I often think of Poole she won't get to see her son's first words first steps because he was only eight months when she passed away she won't get to see her daughter's first day of cheerleading that's what she dreamed of you know she just wanted to see the best for her kids it hurts to know that she'll never get to see them achieve the goals that she wanted for them it breaks my heart the investigation into the deaths of the two detroit women fell in a burning car Christmas Day 2011 has come to a standstill until police meet Bridget tab she tells them about the difficult decision her friend Vernie p.m. Akari made in order to support her family police connect these murders with a pair of similar killings a week earlier all are linked to a website that offers escort services unfortunately it is this sensational detail the press focuses on everybody's just spot like oh she was on Backpage you know nobody loved her or maybe she didn't love her so but that wasn't the case not at all she was a great mom and she was doing what she had to do for her kids this information has the media in the eyes of the public it seems like this is a story about two dead Christians these news stories were incredibly hurtful for the victims friends and families it felt like the public was judging Rene Thien and Tosha before they knew the whole story you know media mixed up put the nose type of lives Natasha was not oh no damn back page this obsession with prostitution extends beyond the general public the police were stuck on the fact that hey she was on Backpage even though she was on Backpage she still didn't deserve to die that way Brigid is getting really upset because audit that was that she was on Backpage I think the Detroit Police affiliated both sets of murders in the back page and drugs and just put it on the back burner I don't think they really care about solving the issue here the Detroit Police Department is overwhelmingly understaffed and their caseload is so significant and they really need the help of someone like Bridget come forward to help them along with these cases as a week passes Bridget grows frustrated with the investigations lack of progress I felt like I had to do something I had to be the one to make sure that we caught this person we caught the criminal who did this to my friend Richard knows that she's got to take matters into her own hands so Bridget begins her own investigation I tried to find any clues and think about what was going on and she had told me a name or anything but it's time hard because when you are on Backpage most people use fake names stumped Bridget heads back to the crime scene on my way over there I was thinking about what could she know over here maybe it would strike something in my memory maybe it would lead me to somebody that could help me find out who did this to her I had to drive around this area and really take a good look at the surroundings so I could see if it was anything that I could remember any kind of clues that I could come up with as to what might have led her here or who was she here to see you you know just see if the area looked familiar to me and then something clicks I realized that I had actually come over here with her once it was for a short period of time and it was a very vague memory but I remember being over here it wasn't that exact house but instead blocked and it came to me later and it was like my mind I went blank because I didn't remember when I took her or who I took her to Steve because when we did go over there it was kind of dark as Bridget tries to remember it all starts to come back and she recalls for nithya talking with a man I didn't get a good view of him because it was God but he's really really tall was this shadowy figure her friends killer Bridget decides she doesn't have enough information to go to the police what am I gonna do go to the police and say hey I went over there with her and then they're gonna say well who did you see him know I couldn't pick him out of the lineup I wouldn't want to like pin that on any random person so Bridget turns to her friend Rodney Smith I got a call from Bridget and she was crying and she said you won't believe what happened and I've known Bridget since we was like 19 years old her boyfriend at the time was a Detroit police officer and I knew him so I caught right you know I said this just isn't right and we were talking about it and he said well maybe I can help you I have I have methods to find out information from people that other people can't seem to get acts on to see if we could get some phone records because the phone company wouldn't release my actual detail phone records in March of 2012 with the help of her friend Bridget tracks down Bernie theama Cranberries phone records we went forward and get the phone records Bridget knows the key to figuring out what was going on to be right in those phone calls they saw the last phone call it was somebody that nobody knew could that number belong to the killer they find that this man purchases new cell phones and changes his phone's regularly that's when they put all the pieces to the puzzle together March 2012 it's been nearly three months since the so called Backpage killer murder for Detroit women the homicides have made nationwide news for their ties to an online red-light district but as time passes with no break in the case the people of Detroit Michigan are living on edge and it's Bridgette Tabb who points to police toward a crucial clue me and her mom spoke with the homicide detectives and we gave them the phone records where highlighted marks like you know this is this person and this is that person and this was my number and you know this is her friend Barbies number looking at the phone records one number stands out this was like the last person that she's talked to we don't know who this number belongs to police had nothing else to go on so getting the phone numbers of people who the victims contacted or contacted them was extremely important and finding the suspect Detroit police could have subpoenaed and got the phone records immediately but they didn't do that they didn't do anything it wasn't until we actually came in with the car records that they actually started working on a face now investigators pull phone records from the previous victims Renisha and tamesha it was stressful it was a very stressful time I really really wanted to see that killer whoever had did that to my friend I wanted them behind bars they look into the cell phone records of the other three victims and they find a match the same unidentified member that appeared on beneath ia's call history is also among the last calls made by one of the earlier victims who had seen this guy several times before from them according to the phone records that they had calls back and forth so I was a little bit a little bit surprised because we gave them the palm records they were able to find out where she was when she made the phone calls and who she called when you make a phone call your phone signal goes to a cell tower in the area where you're located so police are able to match your phone to your location the police contact the victims phone companies they discovered that the victims last calls were made in Sterling Heights Michigan detectives traced the phone number to a man named James D Brown of Sterling Heights Michigan that's when they put all the pieces to the puzzle together well before we would in our bra they started to do some investigating daughter's life at first Brown appears in unlikely suspect James Brown seemed like he was an upstanding citizen he had a full time job he lived in straw Heights mother's basement and he had no prior records even the neighborhood seems an unlikely address for a serial killer see Detroit or forcely we have a lot of problems with cardboard over here break heads and home for sleep Bert but not Sterling Heights Sterling Heights doesn't really have those type of problems people leave their doors unlocked I could even think of the last title murder happiness throw highs there's no way a killer could be living up there rather than take Browne into custody immediately police put their suspect under surveillance probably bail arrest him just based on the phone records alone but they wanted to gather more evidence they find that this man purchases new cell phones and changes his phone's regularly this is a suspicious sign of nefarious dealings further investigation reveals shocking information in tracing James Brown old addresses they find yet another connection he had grown up only four blocks from where the bodies were recovered this suggests that he might have a familiarity about the area it was too many coincidences on May 1st 2012 police pulled James C Brown over they apprehended him while he was driving on his way home he is arrested in connection with the four women's deaths when they pulled him over and they searched his car that's when police find a solid link to Promethea center console he had her license and her phone which automatically gave them the right to arrest him James C Brown has read his rights on the spy taken to homicide and books they told us the day they think bottom and I remember her mom bought me and she was crying it was a little bit of relief to know they caught him they had him in custody while bridget is relieved to have a suspect in custody the investigation is far from over detectives need to painstakingly gather every piece of evidence against him the question is can prosecutors build a strong enough case to win a conviction and one of the case airtight life it's now November 2012 for 11 months Bridget tab has played a key role in tracking down the man who murdered her friends while she's not resting yet she'll do everything in her power to make sure that the killer never walks free again I was never gonna stop until we found boo idea that horrific crime I couldn't sleep I mean how could you sleep knowing that there is a serial killer I'll walk in the streets killing innocent for no reason at all how could you just let something like that just go it it just didn't sit well with me I definitely wanted justice and I definitely did everything in my power to get you juicy Brown is in custody but detectives have more work to do they wanted to gather more evidence get a sure conviction you don't want case to slip away based on technicality maybe the phone records get thrown out for some reason and then you don't have a case police are able to collect DNA from James Brown and see if he's connected to any of the DNA found on the victims lab results confirm that Browns DNA matches the DNA found under the fingernails of victims tamesha hunt and Renisha Landers the police examined Brown's home and it turns out that they find even more evidence of foul play three drops of Natasha's blood was found in Brown's basement investigators also noticed that a large piece of carpeting has been cut from the floor in his basement bedroom that's almost officious that he cut out a piece of carpet in his basement with this evidence investigators believe now that the woman had been killed at the Sterling Heights home and then dumped in these vacant Detroit homes he initially denied he knew the women but once they presented him with evidence that they knew he was with the one that threw back Paige he had started to admit that he yeah I was with the women but they died of natural causes he drank some beer smoked some pot and he says maybe the pile was laced with some chemical and they died all four women died of natural causes helps his claim he said he went to sleep and he woke up and I was dead or something like that I know what happened I didn't care what he had to say I knew that they had got the right person when they caught him I knew he was the rapers on November 26 2012 11 months after bridges friends are killed James C Brown is charged with four counts of first degree murder in addition to several other charges the battle case negative sod in Detroit Bridget tab in Vernon Thea mccrary's family prepared to face the accused killer February 2014 more than two years after the murders have taken place the trial begins when I fought his faith I said oh my goodness I put someone so together Bridget recognizes brown as the shadowy mystery man she saw with Venezia did he look crazy he does no wrong the medical examiner testifies as the first witness he explained the manner of death to the jury he used his big six foot ten 300-pound frame to just lay on top of him and smother them to death it was an awful way to die the victims were all smaller it all under five foot switches his friend said that around that time he noticed that James had a scratch on his cheek Brown told him that he had gotten scratch after he had rolled over his glasses when he was sleep and he also told his friend that he had injured his pan at work they found a blood supply from Natasha Curtis on a positive which provided further evidence that she fought for her life that night when she was being killed by him the police interrogation videos are shown to the jury Brown has shown pictures of the woman's corpses he reacts with disgust it appears as a pretty authentic reaction well jury members be swayed by this he seems generally repulsed by what's happened to these women never know what a jury's gonna think I just pray that justice would kiss her closing arguments are delivered on February 27 2014 over two years after the deaths of Ernie Thea McCreary and Natasha Curtis and the jury begins deliberations after only four hours of deliberation the jury returns a verdict I think the jury saw him saw his lack of emotion and his his size and I think they were pretty convinced case is pretty strong against him he was found guilty of all four counts of first-degree murder the courtroom erupts into cheers and sobs I never once thought that that was even an option for him to get off there was no way they had found so much evidence at his house I knew it was in a way that he could get off James Brown just showed very little for no emotion at all he never apologized he didn't show up for the sentencing and he was called a color by the judge and several family members he got four life sentences without parole the prosecutor leaves he would have kept on killing if he hadn't been stopped this is where justice was served this is where his story ended they put him away for four consecutive vison which means he'll never get out and he'll never had the chance to do what he did to anyone else I'm happy he got what he deserved it's never gonna bring pool Tasha or the other girls back but we cannot rest just a little bit easier knowing that he's put away and we have closure this is that story but it's a great ending because we did get justice Bridgette along with the friends and family of Bernie Thea McCreary Natasha Curtis de Misha hunt and Renisha Landers waited more than three years to receive justice for their loved ones this case shows that one person one citizen friend of a loved one who is killed to make a difference in the case by helping police you can get justice police were struggling with the case and Bridgette came along gay but the phone records really helped them now to take her Jack got involved it wouldn't got assault it's a it's time to get justice it wasn't an overnight process it's a weeks and the week's turned into months but we got just I didn't stop her mom didn't stop you know we never stopped we just kept going without Bridget tabs tenacity a serial killer James C Brown may have gotten away with murder instead he's spending the rest life in jail
Channel: Dark Crimes
Views: 336,681
Rating: 4.6445541 out of 5
Keywords: ID, candice delong, Discovery, female killers, Deadly, Women, snapped, UK, Latest, Crime, TV, justice by any means, true crime, true crime daily, Full, Phelps, documentary, facing evil, M., Dark, documentaries, 72 hours, Minds, William, Bridgett Tabb, documentary film, Justice By Any Means, murder in the thirst, Justice By Any Means | Bridgett Tabb, #BridgettTabb, #JusticeByAnyMeans, Vernithea McCrary, Natasha Curtis, Vernithea McCrary and Natasha Curtis, Vernithea and Natasha’s, DARK Crime
Id: RBnxKg4eOk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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