Justice By Any Means | Julian Jones

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tonight on justice by any means a young you could hear screams as neighbors rush to the scene I would like oh my god no it can be her as her deaths and shockwaves through the community the young woman's on refuses to let the killer get away scot-free even if they're dangerous person I refuse to give up so I'm gonna make sure that justice was done be served it had to be but her quest for the truth thrust her into a dangerous world of bloody and floral a lot of gang that was gonna be athletes a lot of athletes what if he gave them people are afraid to talk learn about retaliation write about himself being next nothing with stopper for climbing justice by any means that was my baby I can't give up justice had to be CERN it's everyone's worst nightmare someone you love is brutally murdered and the killer is never apprehended monster to justice these are the true stories of mothers and fathers sons and daughters every day people who would stop at nothing to avenge the horrific acts committed loved ones real-life heroes risked everything fighting for justice by any means in many American neighborhoods drive-by shootings are an unfortunate fact of life victims families are left suffering as they try to figure out what happened with the tragedy while also facing potential retaliation from gang members if they dare to go to the police with anything that they know and then there are individuals like April howl when her 22 year old niece Julianne Jones was murdered in a drive-by shooting April refused to remain quiet she was willing to risk her own life to find justice by any means August 19th 2011 9 p.m. it's a muggy Friday night on Macon Drive in southern Atlanta 45 year old April Howell is babysitting for her niece 22 year old Julian Jones about time I got home she had just put the kids asleep Julia walked out and she was like I'll be right out here so with her aunty watching her children safely at home she felt okay to go out and have a little fun Julian steps outside to visit with her longtime friend Jalen Jennings in the front yard of the home next door his mouth had gotten him into a little bit of trouble around the neighborhood so people gave him the nickname for stroke like the motor they grew up like friends like sisters and brothers they would hang out there and talk and joke and laugh around 9:30 April peeks out the front window to check on Julian and Jalen they're still out there all is well and with the kids asleep April decides to do a little housework while was vacuumed I heard a gunshot out now why Wow so I started looking so by the time I came outside Julie you land on the ground shot and I don't know well for Oakland this is a horrific scene you have a lot of blood what in the world happened how lucky your essay was achieve my last one there is my leg she was trying to move it around she said I tear her everyone is hopeful that she's able to make it out of this alive there's a lot of blood that she's losing but she is conscious to fear her laying on the ground it was this heart Brooke moments later the paramedics arrived followed shortly by April's sister June woods who is also Julian's legal guardian is he gonna be all right and it was a lesson I say uh-huh while June follows EMTs to the hospital April stays behind waiting for police to arrive 30 minutes later April receives the terrors Julian is dead I can't believe my heart I never got a chance to say bye one of the bullets hit her in the leg and she lost so much blood it was just too much for them a sailor it was the worst day of my life I mean you here today and you gone tomorrow play in this case just for the kids down then go outside and this to happen to her that's devastating growing up in Atlanta Abril Howell had always been close to her sisters June and Maine we have a lot of love to give grown up but in the later years if the adult part of life it wasn't easy it was hard April and June's sister was appearing to a schizophrenic she sees certain things that's my air that was part of her disability unfortunately it led to her being taken advantage by some guy in the neighborhood and she ended up getting pregnant with Julian when medical officials found out they realized this was not going to be a good fit Aidan's recommend her to take care of the baby so when Julian Jones was born in 1988 June Woods adopted her so that she wouldn't wind up in the state's foster care system Julian I decided to take on the role of adopting doing it my family is close we refuse to lay in of our kids door defense regardless the situation is I raised Julian's since years two days oh I was 21 and April was 22 we were young but we took on have responsibility and just sure love and while June was Julian's legal guardian April was always there to help out she was raised by her two aunts June and April who were her heroes they were great to her then provided more of the emotional needs she was a stay-at-home mom she was the caregiver whereas April was the financial stability they could have gone about their business but they decided no we're going to take on raising this child it's an approach that shapes Julian for the better as she grew up Julia was the fun type person she was just silly hey you laughing Julian was always and lower ticket she knows how to mix things up and how to make things taste good she wanted to be a chef she wanted to go to corner art school in high school Julian also developed into an attractive young woman she was gorgeous she had the hair she hid the body as protective as April and June tried to be Julian enjoyed the attention she received she got bright near fifteen no bother he disappeared he wasn't around so we just decided to say well okay called school do what you need to do to complete it and we'll help you raise your son April and June also encouraged Julian to take a job at a local restaurant in order to keep her culinary dreams alive she got pregnant but she went to continue doing what she was doing this encouragement was classic April she was really always encouraging and looking out for all the kids in the neighborhood so why wouldn't she do that for her own niece even when Julian met and fell in love with a young man named Adonis Malik April kept her on track Julian kept working in the restaurant she tried to learn every position she could whether it was working in the kitchen or serving as a hostess and as she became more financially self-sufficient her and adonis decided to start their own family they got closer and closer she was in love with her dumbest it had three kids together she was this type of person where she would go to work on school come home India were key or her and Adonis would be together but as Julien's relationship with Adonis evolved it became clear to June that Adonis didn't share Julian's work ethic or dreams of a brighter future Adonis was an accomplishing nothing with his life he dropped out of school he was not working he wasn't helping Julian support the kids jr. was working and it managed to take care of her and Ford head but she made it work with the families Hill and she did a great job in the spring of 2011 April and June encouraged Julian to break things off with Adonis when Julian deferred honest and started moving on with her life she was happy she didn't have any worries actually once she got a GED she was given to go to college to be a corner art student but on the night of August 19 2011 Julian's bright future is snuffed out in a hail of gunfire this is the area that it happened where she got shot by the time I came out to her she was just laying here crying she was hurt and he was hurting real bad I was trying to come for her it's gonna be all right Julie is gonna be all right you gonna make it in the hours that follow April watches police process the scene among them is a familiar face detective Jay Thorpe jr. I met Julian Jones when she was 11 years old she first got to sixth grade she was always that good kid never had an altercation never had at her stirring up trouble detective Thorpe had once been a resource officer in the local schools but now 12 years later he was the lead detective assigned to Julian's case miss April in Miss June remembered me the hospital I'm gonna get this done police recover two shell casings from a high-powered firearm and witnesses report that the vehicle driven was a black Chevy Tahoe SUV but other than that nothing else definitive is really known and even though there's now a crowd of onlookers that's now gathered at the scene April notices there's one individual who's conspicuously absent a stillness see where horse broke work I really know where he disappeared to [Music] jaelyn 4-stroke jennings immediately catches the detectives attention detective Thorpe tells April that 4-stroke is not just some small-time criminal he's actually a member of the ROC crew which actually runs the neighborhood April never expected to be a member of a game not in a million years I didn't know anything about this it's absolutely bizarre to think that Julian would be involved with anything that would be gang related detective Thorpe is very blunt with April he tells her that if this case has anything to do with the world of gangs the investigation is going to be tough people in the community even if they did have information regarding this murder would not speak to the police just in fear of retaliation April understands the difficulty of the situation and offers to share anything she hears and detective Thorpe is grateful for any assistance she can offer this will definitely be one of those investigation that required everyone to come forward and help everyone just the police need everyone to step up and do what they need to do it bring her justice but in the hours ahead April Howell will be forced to take an even more active role in the investigation even as it potentially puts a target on her own back if I know you did so well I'm gonna come compared to so I'm gonna make sure that this is done be served it had to be has been 12 hours since Julian Jones was murdered in a drive-by shooting as her aunt April Howell tries to process what happened she's hit with a host of unanswered questions what was the motive and who was responsible wasn't a random act of violence or was her niece somehow connected to the gang culture and with the police department unable to answer these questions April is forced to bridge the gap between law enforcement and a community too afraid to speak up August 20th 2011 the morning after her niece Julian's death April has a steady stream of friends and neighbors dropping in to pay their respects people were shocked people were angry and of course they wanted to know who did it what did anybody have against her but nobody is more desperate for answers than April she wanna know something she got enough I just was questions I had to find out what went on what happened April asks everyone who stops by if they've heard any indication that Julian might have ties to local gangs but nobody has heard anything of the sort so talk turns as far as the motive and who was the intended victim and people start looking at 4-stroke and they think you know yes he was involved in a gang but they weren't so sure that he was the intended victim that's because jailing 4-stroke Jennings isn't the only young man Julian knew who had ties to gang life allegedly so did the father of three of her children adonis Malik Oh done with fate all the fun day he's involved in a gang the relationship between Julian and Adonis had been increasingly troubled with each year but his behavior was starting to get increasingly violent as time goes by we learned that he was abusive I was still enjoying in the first time he ate you it's the first time that you should have left him if he hit you once he gonna hit you again there's exactly what happened Julian I think was very hopeful for this relationship they had three children together she wanted to make it work she had that dream of this is going to be the quote unquote perfect family while Julian initially remained hopeful about the relationship April says the abuse continued until the spring of 2011 when she and her sister helped convince Julian to break things off with Adonis there is no way that she's gonna save this relationship so she was done Dinah's Nessa said that he was gonna kill her if she be a dentist could have been the one that did this to Julian and now that she had in fact died it was really easy for people to point the finger and say did Adonis do it that evening April shares this theory with her longtime friend detective Jay Thorpe jr. Julian's friend for stroke was a member of the ROC group which is an affiliate of the Bloods Adonis could have bought that Julian started dating for stroke and the thought of his girl dating him could have pushed him over the edge April tells detective thorne that if they want to know if Adonis was involved in the shooting they need to speak to jaylen 4-stroke Jennings I have a sense if 4-stroke was involved in this he has something to do with this but detective Thorpe explains he managed to track down 4-stroke earlier that day and has to have little luck leaning any additional information from him he did not want to talk or stroke without our go talk to you unfortunately four-strokes refusal to speak becomes a harbinger of things to come the street code of no snitching is now fully apparent fearing that the case is reaching a dead end April has to make a bold move not only is she going to keep her ear to the ground she's also going to go out into the street and get answers the police can't get no matter how much danger put Cerreta April Howell is stalking the streets of Atlanta in search of the individual responsible for shooting and killing her 22 year old niece Julianne Jones now she also believes Julian's friend meant for stroke as the answers that she needs although police cannot get this young man to speak she believes she can have more success and why wouldn't she she's known him his entire life is named because of the kids raised on Cleveland you have something that's robbing students aching you have something that's not why should I be scared it's my neighborhood no a lot of the kids they know me not um give me hugs and kisses but you doing wrong in front of me I'm gonna let you know this being on TV though everyone in the neighborhood knows April no one is willing to tell her where she can find 4-stroke it's 72 hours after Julian's death and it appears that after speaking to police two days earlier 4-stroke has gone into hiding she checks his home and all of his usual hangouts but she finds nothing April is undeterred she hits the streets she's looking around talking to everybody she's just not gonna give up her search when she's talking to people in the community it's clear to them that she loved this person that this person mattered it does kind of help to grease the wheels a little bit even though the detective was doing a job I did a lot of Investigation the kids especially will come to me and they will let me know what's going on in a neighbor it will sort of exposed herself personally to this world of gangs by beating the streets asking questions she's willing to go out there push people and talk to people but she hears some things she said that she don't know how to Lydia one knew more people here's repeatedly is that 4-stroke sacrifice Julian in order to save himself I heard a lot about 4-stroke shilling itself with her he pulled her in from him and this how she got hit when somebody started shooting I did a black towel for stroke for Julian infra and I know and she was shot three turns you didn't get no marks at all this only adds to this woman's sense of urgency but sure enough as she's asking questions only a few blocks from a house a kid comes up to her and he tells her that someone wants to speak to her in one of the project homes nearby though it could be a bonafide lead or an ambush April is willing to take a chance if it gets her closer to the truth she heads to the home in question where she finds jaylen 4-stroke Jennings waiting for her horse broke he can look me in my eyes 4-stroke is distraught and guilty over Julian's death not just because she's died but because he thinks he's the intended target he explains that he believes that whoever killed Julian is after him April didn't care about any of that she wanted justice for Julian she wanted to find out who did this as April presses for stroke for answers she wants to know for sure if Julian's ex-boyfriend Adonis was responsible he goes as far as to say Adonis is not the tough guy at all and that there's no way that he would be a killer instead 4-stroke believes the shooting was done in retaliation for a robbery that he had recently committed with the help of his brother Jay Vaughn a few months earlier they robbed a rival gang member and his cousin at a local barbershop they had apparently flashed some cash and jury so they robbed them and took it at gunpoint they thought they had gotten away with it until one of the men they had robbed tried to shoot four-strokes brother he already shot him one of the brothers so that tells me you looking for the other bro you know Robbie although his brother escaped the incident unharmed 4-stroke tells April he's positive the same two men who fired on his brother are the ones who killed Julian he said the shooter is in the passenger window I looked him right in his face he recognized was broke of being the one that was him he said he made sure I saw his face he pulled the gun out he saw sudden I saw flashes of fire coming from the barrel he said I merely jumped down to the ground and the cars been away that's when he heard Julian screaming out his name that she's been here she's been here he say it was nothing I can do for her he said I cannot believe it happen April is really trying to get to the bottom of this and while she may not believe everything that four-stroke is telling her she does believe that the truth is somewhere in what he's saying after meeting with four-stroke April heads back to detective Thorpe's office she's hopeful he can help her dissect four-strokes statement and sort fact from fiction I went in to talk to the city it was no turning back Thorp is amazed by April's results especially when his own investigation is really going nowhere they start by examining four-strokes claim that Adonis had nothing to do with Julian's murder detective Thorpe believes 4-stroke is telling the truth but in order to be sure he interviews Adonis who claims he has an airtight alibi i Donna said no I didn't kill Julian and I didn't have anything to do with her getting killed he was at home at the time of Julius Nick cellphone records would have nowhere involved in anybody near the situation we even did vehicle checks on him to see if he had a dark-colored SUV and no he did not he never ran away from any question you never shied away from me any question April's legwork has not only crossed the Donna's Malik off the suspect list it validates 4-stroke story while pointing even more clearly at the case of strongest lead yet the barbershop robbery miss April was that linchpin between the police and the community she was very honest tappable and she was like you need buddy else to talk to do not hesitate in like hey no problem as April digs deeper into what happened she makes a startling discovery and uncovers an unlikely suspect he was a church-going guy play basketball have a lot of growing off for his self it is strange strange strange April Howell uncovered the first real break in the case a barbershop robbery that might have led to the death of her niece teaming up with detective Jake Doyle Jr April is more determined than ever to seek justice for Julian my husband built a memorial for Julia was love about meaning do you is this my sweetheart we have a bond that I don't think anyone else else I had to see who could have been involved in this murder over the course of the next few days Kate will continues making the rounds through the neighborhood and encouraging people to speak to her under the condition of anonymity folks are looking over their shoulders hoping that no one will see them divulge information that could result in violent retaliation but April really has a supernatural ability to get people to open up to her thank you then they look click they saw it talking then one person neither that look click might come to you every time people would tell me stuff I would discuss it with the detective April even convinces a few sources to speak to Detective Thorpe on the record a few of them yeah I had an urge you saw something little no don't hold back April was getting all the pieces of the pose she was trying to fit it all in the right place April Howell meets detective Thorpe at his office to review all the new Intel they've collected poring over the witness statements they quickly discover a recurring theme they kept harping on that is about the robbery at the barber shop several eyewitness statements also mention a stranger seemed prowling the streets of April's neighborhood the night prior to the shooting there were several people saying he came through here with the hoodie over his head so he's walking through the apartment complex late at night it was discussed about him being robbed his jury taking his money taking he was on a mission he had put into his mind he was going to get retribution for whatever - whoever did that to him as April sits at detective Thorp's desk he checked police records for any robberies at the barber shop eyewitnesses have mentioned by name in their statements they come across a police report dated April 21st the police report goes into detail saying that he was robbed of fifty five thousand dollars worth of jewelry and he was robbed at gunpoint the report also identifies the alleged victim of the barbershop robbery a man who if eyewitness statements are correct may also be the same man who targeted for stroke for retribution and killed Julian in the process but when they see the man's name April and detective Thor can hardly believe what they're reading it is strange strange strange it's a man named Javaris Crittenton everybody knew Javaris his name he was a huge star in high school who was a first-round pick into the NBA Javaris was drafted by the Lakers he was a star of Atlanta he's one of those kids you could say hey if this local kid can make it I can make it too but he was young it was really difficult for him to find his footing he thought he should be starting for the Lakers he didn't have any patience after a couple of seasons of unveiled potential Javaris was first traded to the Memphis Grizzlies who then traded him to the Washington Wizards he was later relegated to the NBA's Developmental League but many people believe that if Javaris stayed focused continued to work hard it would only be a matter of time before he was back in the league but if Javaris is the one who had the $55,000 stolen is he the one that shot Julian April really just can't see him as a killer he was a hero of sorts how did somebody like Jabbar's become accused of a murder Gerrard ed and I grew up together because of my marriage so we were family I never knew I know James kids I just learned about de vars with the key is talking about him in the neighborhood he was a guy that was not only a great basketball player he was an honor roll student he was in Bible study he would do charity work he's a good he had a lot of gone off for his bill April even points out hey if it was Javaris is planned to kill the person who robbed him well then why would he file a police report in the first place detective Thorpe believes Javaris filed the police report for a far more practical purpose most the time people follow peace report is basic for their insurance so they can be reimbursed and get that property back or the significant money by you back I will hit in there background checks on him so that he listed several incident reports of him being robbed it just was amazing robbery robbery robbery property being an NBA player of course he would want to come back to where he's from and shine but simply being successful makes in Matar you no longer a part of our family our family is a part of the struggle reading the reports detective Thorpe notices that on several of the occasions in which he was robbed Javaris was accompanied by his cousin a man named Jackson wager Jackson wager is a guy who is believed to have some pretty substantial gang tied so it starts to make sense that if he is in fact the victim of robbery he wouldn't be working with the police to solve it he might try to solve it on his own is it possible that in their vigilante efforts to get justice against the young men who robbed them Javaris Crittenton and jackson wager inadvertently killed April's niece April certainly think so I thought this situation to be about loopy and he came back in the neighborhood to handle he's busy you can almost see April's eyes light up she is ready to confront Jackson wager now what as April pushes ahead with her own investigation is she truly prepared for the potential danger she may think you murder somebody you kill somebody so you need to be held accountable for that it's been more than a week since April Howl's nice Julian Jones has been killed in a drive-by and in that time she has been able to help police hone in on a possible suspect one with gang ties and a dangerous reputation but as April continues to put her life at risk in the hunt for justice it becomes clear that there's more to this case than meets the eye oh no no no I've been opening their neighborhood for a long time no I'm trying to resolve my niece a case she was that auntie or big sister in the neighborhood she had that persona about herself I'm like no I need for the badge my new real quick but as April continues canvassing the neighborhood rumors begin to surface that she may be pursuing the wrong man he would tell me auntie don't you know that boy Javaris needed following up with the eyewitnesses April has identified detective Thorpe is able to get even more information about the shooting it was a dark-colored SUV Chevy Tahoe Joba the shooter was in the passenger window he rolled out he pulled a gun out on sudden I saw flashes of fire coming from the barrel sorry I said did you see who was driving No did you see who's in the window no but it had to be him who else would be driving a black Tahoe through his neighborhood trying to shoot somebody though the information corroborates the version of events laid out by jaylen 4-stroke Jennings it does pose one significant problem and no court of law hearsay is inadmissible I heard somebody say he did it it's not good enough they need to get the crimes intended target 4-stroke to go on record saying he saw Jo Baris pulled the trigger but the chances of that are slim so rather than trying in vain to obtain a formal statement from 4-stroke detective Thorpe focuses his attention on the black SUV the shooters were supposedly driving the night of the crime Tavares did not live in Atlanta he was always on the road trying to play games and really get back into the NBA so police start to check all of the rental car companies detective Thorpe hits paydirt at the first rental Lot he visits insure we put into the parking lot the first vehicle we saw was a black Chevrolet Hybrid we walked in when they let us know a vehicle was rented by Javaris Crittenton it was turned in by Jackson rager and according to the rental manager upon returning the vehicle Jackson wager made an unusual request he wanted mr. credits his name taken off the rental agreement that was another they say red flag the police processed this SUV and while they are processing it for evidence they find gunshot residue they also recovered a fingerprint that was linked to mr. Chrisitan on the door him and everything scientific proved that he was in that vehicle so we had enough to secure an arrest warrant for Jabbar spritzed on August 29th ten days after the death of Julie and Jones police in LA arrest Javaris Crittenton on the charge of murder and extradite him back to Atlanta that same day Atlanta police also bring Jamar's his cousin Jackson waiter into custody they said we got him now in going knowing the news of the arrest comes as a relief to April Howell and as an affirmation that her hard work and that of Detective form has gotten them one step closer to justice for her niece the little stuff that I did was like where people in the neighborhood would call me Co father me but the detective was all my job with these days detective door really really carried with the arrest of Javaris Crittenton it becomes clear how susceptible anyone can be to the reach of gang culture even an NBA player but as the case has d'accord April can't help wonder if Javaris is celebrity status will get in the way of a fair trial fast forward to April 2013 it's been almost two years since the death of Julian Jones the case against her attackers basketball star Javaris Crittenton and his cousin Jackson wager is finally heading the trial the case is unsung hero April Howell anxiously awaits to see that justice is served yes it was important for you to see me to see how much support we have how much love we have for Julian we had to get him to understand she had four kids justice was needed you did a crime you need to pay for that crime before his trial even begins Jackson wager pleads guilty to the reduced charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and is sentenced to three years in prison and 17 years of probation but alleged triggerman Javaris Crittenton maintains his innocence Oh angry you send up here you got on the suit you looking nice you are these big-time basketball player you see a Fed I didn't kill anyone I'm canvassing there was several character witnesses including his Georgia Tech coach he had teachers from school and and an ex-girlfriend a lot of people saying no he gave me he can be done to me and my family he was a horrible person how did you be turned to a good person God's church kill somebody so now more than ever April is thinking Javaris may get away with this because of his celebrity status because of his ties to the community and de vars has money to spend on a defense she legitimately worried is that her niece's killer may walk but that won't stop her from doing what she needs to do to get justice that includes constantly lobbying jailing 4-stroke Jennings to testify against a virus in the days leading up to the trial for stroke had steadfastly refused to testify against a virus but April refused to take no for an answer it was intended for you not her what she got caught in your idea so you need to face up to it and deal with it I knew that the case was strong but enhanced over 4-stroke testifying days before Javaris trial prosecutors submit the final list of witnesses they plan to call at the top of that list is Jalen 4-stroke Jennings along with his brother Jay Vaughn Jennings and several other alleged gang members we have our witness we have scientific we have circumstantial he will be found guilty the trial is set to begin on April 29th 2015 he was in jail awaiting trial he had a change of heart the day that we were supposed to went to court he decided he wanted to take the plea how are you gonna wait four years later when you knew from the beginning that you killed a person Javaris Crittenton pleads guilty to the reduced sentence of voluntary manslaughter as part of the plea deal Javaris makes an emotional apology to the family he apologized to the family gotta forgive but you don't forgive but to fairly determine the sentence the prosecution wants the judge to understand how and why Julian Jones was murdered the chain of events actually happened way back in 2007 shortly after Tavares had been drafted as the 19th pick in the NBA Draft when he first moved to LA after he got drafted by the Lakers he was robbed at gunpoint almost a second week he was there in Hollywood so he started carrying a gun he started feeling like he needed some type of protection around him the prosecution states that after being introduced to some members of the Mansfield Crips Javaris was slowly seduced by their lifestyle even as he was traded from team to team there was a lot going on in his life he had got basically cut from the Wizards he could kind of feel his NBA dreams slipping away and when he got back to Atlanta he actually got robbed at gunpoint in his old neighborhood twice in consecutive weeks Javaris was livid then on April 21st 2011 Javaris was robbed for the three weeks Javaris now back home at the cleveland avenue barber shop amongst what would seem to be family but he's robbed he's punked he wants his respect and so he has to retaliate that was the breaking point for him he just sick and tired of it prosecutors assert that over the next several months in between tryouts with multiple NBA teams Javaris traveled back and forth to Atlanta searching the Cleveland Avenue neighborhood for the men who robbed him he took upon himself to costly right around that neighborhood prosecutors claim that on August 14th 2011 one week before Julian's murder Javaris spotted four strokes brother and accomplished J bond in a Southwest Atlanta neighborhood and allegedly opened fire the younger lady hit the ground shot hit the door of the apartment building he drove away his mentality is I've got status in the streets they know me out and even though I can shoot the rock well I can shoot basketball don't take me for granted I'm not afraid to shoot back then on the evening of August 19th Javaris and his cousin Jackson wager were again cruising in the rental SUV looking for 4-stroke and his brother as they rolled along Macon Drive they spotted 4-stroke chatting with his longtime friend Julian Jones Javaris lowers the window of the SUV his cousin is driving boom boom boom three quick shots the wrong person was retaliated over had nothing to do with nothing and then the car zooms down the hill and on the ground is a woman in her own blood and it's Julian Jones he looked at it as wrong place wrong time we're back a better terminology oops my bad and moved on he was sobbing saying that he never intended to kill anyone he simply wanted to scare someone and he was absolutely heartbroken when Julian Jones had died you didn't think about her family his family in a family that was involved in this case he didn't think about no one way himself after hearing the prosecution's detailed account the judge hands down the verdict but it isn't quite what April and her sister June had in mind 23 years in prison and then when you come out you get 17 on parole I feel like he should have got more time than we got I don't care for the first-time offender or not he should have got more time April was relentless she was unstoppable when it came to finding out who did this it was a tough battle but we had to deal with it and fight it so many kids in this world today are being murdered drive-by shootings and Rory was just a senseless crime [Music] today April still lives in the same home just a few feet away from where her niece lost her life and just a mile away from where Julian is buried we come here her anniversary day of her death her birthday we sit here we talk to her the kids play we tell them there she's a butterfly so when they see butterfly that's your mom say hi me stand on a lot of people with her case like friends or her coming talking and me talking to the detective we did a pretty good job in serving her case April Howell went toe-to-toe with some of the most violent and dangerous gangsters in the city of Atlanta and came out victorious by using her influence as a neighborhood auntie she was able to convince others to let go of the fear of speaking out and help put her nieces killers behind bars
Channel: Dark Crimes
Views: 147,879
Rating: 4.6809969 out of 5
Keywords: TV, Phelps, facing evil, William, true crime, candice delong, Kelly, Free, Latest, UK, true crime daily, John, Season, Crime, snapped, Online, M., Watch, Episodes, Women, Minds, ID, Discovery, Series, Full, documentary, Deadly, Dark, Download, female killers, documentaries
Id: IcKbcCwYpUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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