Just kill Karlach to get these incredible rewards in Baldurs Gate 3

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most of the players interact Carlock here after coming to this place but now let's do things in a bit different way before interacting with Carlock we will go to Anders fast and let's find out what is his side of the story then we will kill Carla to see how things change in that case a little hint you're gonna get a very special clothing as a reward by mizora for killing kalak who's there please keep your distance you're welcome to shelter here but we've grave injuries to Tinder a devil the most deadly foe we've yet encountered we are paladins of tear Lord of Justice he sent us after an infernal being straight out of the nine Hells hiding in the form of a one-horned tiefling one horn then you mean kalak Arch Devil's boot licker you know her which means you know where the fiend is capable of she slaughtered countless refugees fleeing the absolute yesterday she butchered an entire family without Mercy we were lucky to survive our encounter with her I personally refused to be the vendors in my other playthrough when I saved Carlock I remember this man lied to us and I killed him do not you think he is lying again let us know in the comment section she was paying for her crimes if you capture her you will have served here where we could not this is the Sword of Justice blessed by tear I've wielded it since I swore my oath it's all I have that it's yours if you stop her bring me her head and tear will consider her crimes repaid May the just God guide you now let's find and kill garlic it's Don Carlock by my living Soul you will forever burn you know I could have used a friend pity that won't be you [Music] a bit [Music] the devil has fallen Hells I should be celebrating making toasts roaring in Victory but I can't had Pole's Visions out of my mind tell me we were right to strike Carla gal not exactly the words of solicit hoped for monsters not join their ranks no kalak blazed with the fire of avernus I saw it I smelled it infernal Essence tip to toe I've slayed Myriad Devils each one a threat to faeru I've taught from their heads without a second thought why should this time be any different my prey has fallen hail the blade hail again and may our strikes always find their marks if you get back to Anders and confirm the kill you will be given this sword this sword is good but you can get it by killing Enders too now let's go to the camp for a long rest to see what happens next she's coming well buddy I thought it was time I'd drop by the doghouse mizora the one and only you haven't introduced me to your friends where are your manners well you absolute stinker you you helped me a secret time to let the Hellcat out of the bag call me mizora I'm Will's Patron the fount of his power your warlock friend is my puppy and he's been a very good boy I say fetch and he'll fetch I say killer fugitive tiefling and well I don't need to tell you you've said Devils only she was a tiefling not a monster Clause G section 9 Target shall be limited to The Infernal the Demonic the heartless and the soulless you're up buttercup karlak had no heart you did the world of favor more to the point you obeyed he's the blade of Frontiers Devil's plaything just doesn't have the same ring speaking of [Music] always a pleasure shame that tadpole's gone and pissed on your party be damned if it goes it goes errands to do at March March I'll be back in three shapes of your tail keep an eye on him will you I'll be keeping mine on you oh and well don't forget our Pat still stands Tatar foreign to be honest I like the look of this rope very much and it is very rare and Powerful at the same time I try to find a way to have it by not killing Colac for this I kept garlic in my party then killed her thinking that I can revive her letter but in such case mizora didn't show up for will so unfortunate if you know any way to do this I mean to get the robe and not kill kalak at the same time let us know in the comment section if there is no way I will personally choose to sacrifice the Rope to keep karlak alive and what would you sacrifice kalak or the robe so guys that was all for today if you have liked this video please consider subscribing have a nice day goodbye [Music] foreign
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 review, Baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 guide, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldur's gate, baldur’s gate 3, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, BARBARIAN, BARD, CLERIC, FIGHTER, MONK, PALADIN, RANGER, ROGUE, WARLOCK, WIZARD, SHADOWHEART, WYLL, MINSC & MINSC, bg3 ending
Id: s7dpTXDIOaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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