How To Run REALLY Long And Far | 50 MILE Ultramarathon Prep

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alright what's going on y'all in today's video I'm gonna show you how you can run really long and far the tips I'm going to show you today completely revolutionized by running it took me from being a runner who struggled with even short runs to being able to run ultra marathons so right now I'm getting ready step out and the hot Texas heat is very hot this week I'm getting ready to do my long run for the week and I'll come back and we'll go ahead and get into this training talk [Music] all right so I got back from that run and I literally looked like I jumped in the pool with how soaked my shorts were it is so freakin hot and humid in Austin Texas right now I keep saying it but this is gonna be an extremely hot and intense summer but it will be a good one so I actually wrapped up the full week of training for the first week of the 50-mile training prep I'll talk to you guys about how everything went where we are with the training all of that at the end of this video at the end of the training talk so with this training talk this training talk literally is one of the most important things if not the most important thing I learned that completely changed my running I was literally struggling runner that had trouble running just five six miles I load the running I was the type of guy that you know I would love strength training I'd love going up and throwing up a ton of weights and I could go out and max out you know a great set on bench or something like that but when it came to running I loved running because of how uncomfortable was and how few results I actually saw from me doing that I just thought I was the you know I had the body type that isn't very good for running you know after I learned this I saw insane results to where I'm actually you know I can run 50 miles and still feel pretty strong and I actually ran my first 50 mile or with you know pretty decent time definitely not an elite ultra marathoner time by any means but a pretty decent time in it far exceeded my goals and it's all because what I'm gonna talk to you guys about today so I could go into this training talk for hours I'm gonna give you all the kind of short simple sweet version of this that way you can get started I'm gonna give you the layman's version that way you know it's pretty easy to understand and you can get rockin and rollin with this so before I explain what all of this is I saw the proof in the pudding of this with my last 50-mile race you know I was very early on to the race maybe three four or five miles at most when a guy probably about my age came up next to me he asked me you know how I trained I explained this and then you know he told me his strategy and it was how most people train and then he took off from me we were getting ready to go up a hill and he took off up that hill and he was already breathing pretty hard I was listening to him breathe and I thought unless this guy is just you know absolutely just a beast like I've never seen before he's gonna have a pretty tough time the race and no joke literally maybe five ten miles later I saw him already walking and struggling through aid stations I don't know what his time was when you finished but that's how a lot of people go out with this and if you go ahead and you follow what I'm talking about today it will revolutionize your running and you will be able to run for a lot longer so how most people running on tucking most runners out there most amateur runners at least go out and they literally just put on a watch and they go out you know they'll be breathing hard you know they'll feel like they got a good workout in not really tracking if anything you know some people following the plan might actually go off pace if they've got you know a race goal saying marathon goal of you know doing their first marathon in under four hours or something like that you know they'll be trying to do certain pace that's a little bit better than literally just throwing on the watch and just going out and pushing yourself but most people go out there and essentially what they're doing is they're running their easy days too hard and their hard days too easy I'm gonna explain what all this means all right so to keep things simple I'm gonna refer to the heart rate zones this green yellow and red green obviously easy yellow is kind of in between and then red that's like all-out heart so the Green Zone that should be your easy aerobic run these are building up your aerobic base your aerobic basis where you really want to be for these really really long efforts if you're trying to go out and do say marathon or especially if you're going out and trying to do ultra marathon you know most of your runs at least 80% of your runs this is where the 80/20 rule really comes in 80% of your runs should be in that easy zone there's many different ways to calculate what your green heart rate zone is but you should be within that on your hard day so your track workout days this could be you know your interval days your tempo days they should be in that red zone this is 20% of your runs maybe even less than 20% but that's where you go all-out what most people do is they fall right in the middle of that in that yellow zone the yellow zone is the dead zone that's where you don't have very much benefit you don't have very much a real big benefit and frankly you're not getting many results on the anaerobic side either and that's where most people fall that's where I fell before I learned how to follow all of this and do it in a right way and actually get results from this so just to lay things out short and simple you've got a green yellow and red zone most people are following that yellow yellow zone which you can think of as the dead zone so to run really really far you want to build up that aerobic base that aerobic base that's that fat-burning zone that's where you know when you go out doing ultras you can't really just be relying on sugar you're not gonna head you're gonna run out of your sugar stores way too fast and they're not gonna be able to take in enough food it's quickly enough to essentially get you through you know 50-mile hundred mile 200-mile ultra if you're just relying on carbs and it when you're anaerobic you're really really burning into carbs you're not really burning into fat as much when you're aerobic you're really really burning into that and if you go ahead and you do a lot of training in that easy aerobic zone you're building up that aerobic base you're gonna be getting more and more and more efficient in that aerobic zone and that's where you can literally chug along all day long and that's where I've told you guys my strengths when it comes to running is not essentially running really really fast I'm not the fastest 5k runner out there I'm definitely not the fastest half marathon or even marathon but when it comes to getting up in you know the longer distances because I've built up such a powerful aerobic base I can kind of hit that one low gear and hold it all day long and just keep burning through my fat stores and really have energy to finish out strong so the type of training that absolutely changed my world is called math training MAF so this is essentially where you can go ahead you can find your heart rate you can do 180 minus your age and then there's a calculation that you know you might subtract five or add five depending on where you're at with your training you know have you been energy injured all of that but essentially to keep it simple to 180 minus your age and that's your math heart rate and you do not want to go over that so you want to be right under your math heart rate and hold it there and if you keep doing this day after day after day and at least 80% of your runs are in that math zone you're gonna get more and more efficient so to give you guys kind of a real-world example of this what might happen is if you find out your math zone you might find out your heart rate let's say your heart rate is 150 keep it simple let's say you're 30 years old your heart rate is 150 right now you might go out for a 5-mile run you'll stick at 150 you might have to slow down to say 10 11 minute miles even slower you might even have to walk to keep your heart rate under that amount but then what's gonna happen in two months from now you're now gonna be at say 1030 if you're 11 miles and now you're not walking anymore at that same heart ring this is conversation pace so this is where you can go out and you feel so comfortable this is where I talked about people are running their easy days too hard they're not really getting benefit this is where you truly are in that easy day and this is where you can run really far at that conversation face so you might start out to where you're at that 10:30 11 minute mile then you come a year later after you being consistent and on the same trail you go up for the same distance now you're doing that eight minute miles this is where it but you're still at that same perceived effort you're still at that same effort to where you're still talking you know this is exactly what happened with me when I found out my math heart rate and I really really committed to doing this I saw everybody's results with this I really committed to falling heart rate training you know in the very beginning it was very demoralizing I had to slow way down from the runs I did in the military runs I did you know in the fire department when I was doing half marathons even marathons I had to slow way down and this is where you know you can't have an ego when it comes to doing math training because you will have to slow down a lot but if you're willing to do that what will happen is over time your aerobic base will get so extremely powerful that you'll be able to you know go from running you know 10-minute miles at that one heart rate - now say eight-minute miles and then when you want to run fast remember I said that's your easy aerobic zone when you want to run fast now you can run you know 636 minute miles you know in it when before it crushed you to even run 7 min well so this is where it's extremely powerful to build up this aerobic base now I'm not saying to go ahead and cut out speed work or anything like that but at most follow the 80/20 rule what I did is essentially for at least a year I cut out almost all speed work you know I did about 90 95 percent of my runs were in this math zone and then occasionally I throw in you know tempo run here or interval workout here but 90 to 95 percent of the time for at least the first year if not a year and a half I was following math and I saw extremely insane results and to where I could you know go out you know I've explained my story about how I had a 16 mile run that brought me to my knees and now 60 miles I can go out and it's easy and I'm running it way faster than the one that brought me to my ease and I'm feeling very very comfortable doing that so this is where you know go ahead find your math find that heart rate zone and if you go ahead and you actually have patience and consistency because that's what it takes it takes both patience and consistency if you're willing to do that you will come out the other side is a great great great long distance runner this in itself following heart rate training and specifically math training you don't have to just do math you know a lot of the amazing amazing you know Olympic athletes and all that they don't necessarily follow math but most out there follow heart rate training and most out there absolutely follow the 80/20 rule to where they're not doing junk miles in that yellow dead zone most are doing you know they're there easy days in that green aerobic zone to where it is conversation pace and then they're hard days their red zone days they're going all out those speed workout days are supposed to be all-out where most people you know they're always in the yellow zone they're either on the the lower end of the yellow zone to where it sucks but it's not that bad and then when they have you know track workout they are speed workout they they may be in the upper end of the yellow zone but you know it's not in that red zone toward their going all out so now let's say that you've been following you know just a certain goal pace for your training runs or something like that and now you're wanting to get in tartrate training I'm telling you what guys if you're not into heart rate training this will change everything for you you'll actually enjoy running as you're doing this this is one thing to that this has helped me enjoy running so much more I'm able to on my easy days you know have active meditation or you know read an audio book or you know listen to a podcast in fact that and then all my hard days I can actually go all out and actually feel like I've got you know the reserves and the energy to go all out in that red zone on those days this will help you with everything when it comes to running so if you've been following pace and now you're wanting to get in a heartrate training you have no idea you know how to track this so first off you can go ahead and use a heart rate strap a chest strap that'll go around here that's actually what I did for the first year and a half two years of heart rate training so I use the chest strap that synced to my Garmin watch and I started with a Garmin watch for years I have it was a Garmin 235 I did that for half a marathon marathon training then when I went ahead and got into ultras I used the Garmin 235 for a while but the battery life on that won't last as long as I wanted so I moved over to Kouros chorus is a relatively new brand that has extremely long battery life and most of the runs now sometimes especially on speed workout days I'll still use a chest strap but I can go ahead and essentially just with the watch have my heartrate I've seen that it's it's extremely accurate you know it's not as accurate as a chest strap but it's it's good enough for what I'm doing so you know if you don't have a running watch like a garment Suunto a Koro something that tracks your heart rate by either chest strap or your wrist then I definitely suggest you get something that tracks your heart rate but that's the simple short sweet version of this essentially you've got your heart rate zones a green yellow red yellow is the dead zone that you don't want to be in green you want to be in at least 80% of the time that's building up your aerobic base to where you can run really really really far very efficiently being in that fat-burning zone all of that that's what you want you're just gonna have to take your ego out of it for a bit if you haven't been doing heart rate training you're gonna have to go ahead and essentially put your ego to the side because you're gonna most likely have to slow down quite a bit maybe even walk during some of your runs but just be encouraged because whether it takes three weeks whether it takes three months you will see improvement with this to where you're running the same exact route in that same exact effort to where you're able to have a conversation but now you're actually doing it much much much faster and that's the beautiful thing you'll go from running 10-minute miles down to 738 minute miles at that same exact effort to where you can have a conversation all that you can run all day long and do those 50-miler zazz hundred miles even more alright so I hope you guys enjoyed that training talk seriously this is one of the most important things not the most important thing I've applied to my running it really has changed my world and it's it's what I tribute to me being able to move over and told Tamara thoughts don't get me wrong you know even if you're running you know at that lower heart rate and you're able to go do 50 hundred miles your body still really hurts and breaks down you still have to go through those deep deep deep pain cases is not taking away pain caves and so I could definitely do a whole talk on how to run longer and further you know on the mental side because there's absolutely a mental callosum that you'll have to go through to run those those really long races or whatever but you know you're at least on the physical side this is how you do it you've got to build up that aerobic base so right now let's go ahead and do the weekly wrapup of this week of training so this is the first week of the 50 mile training prep everything went great this week body felt great I did six runs for a total of 50 50 miles all of the runs this week were in that aerobic zone I did all of them in my math heart rate my math heart rate by the way is 152 so I keep all of my you know robic zones usually between like 148 to 152 so all this week we're in that I didn't have any speed workout the only speed I really added into this week was I did some strides at the end of some of the runs but there's no speed workout this next week we are adding speed workouts and it's going to the 80/20 rule this next week and miles are upping so the first week was 50 miles total this next week it's gonna be even more miles I did five strength workouts and those were combination between core workouts weights and then hit workouts and those were all good so this next week the big change is just increasing miles up from 50 will never dip below 50 in this whole training prep and then adding in the speed workouts but overall all of this went great I know some of you are starting to up your miles I've been getting a lot of deems from y'all on Instagram if you're not following my Instagram definitely follow me over there you can ask me questions I keep you posted day-to-day with all of my training all of that love to go ahead and connect with you but if you have any questions about all of this drop a comment down below I'm hit me up on Instagram I love going ahead and connecting with all of you seeing what all of you are doing a lot of you guys out there are beasting right now and I love watching all of that but if you could please go ahead and smash that like button hit subscribe if you have already leave any comments or questions down below and I'll see you guys in the next 50 mile training prep video be happy be positive be powerful have a great day
Channel: Braden Wuerch
Views: 33,565
Rating: 4.8515377 out of 5
Keywords: how to run farther, how to run far, how to run longer, how to run long distance, how to run longer and faster, how to run ultramarathon, run farther, how to run longer distances, how to run longer without getting tired, distance running tips, distance running, long distance running, running, ultra marathon training, ultramarathon running, ultramarathon training, running training, running tips, tips for running, improving long distance running, long running, ultrarunning
Id: QN2oHZq__Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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