Just Happened! Elon Musk Revealed Super NEW Shock 4.0 Solar Tech, Destroy Entire Industry!

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foreign [Music] solar power has grown 123 fold in Texas over the last decade Texas is a solar leader state in the U.S and the state's solar capacity has increased substantially in the last year alone with 7 352 megawatts of new solar energy works installed significantly outpacing California which installed only 2 697 megawatts of course Tesla is also present in this field and their Solar Products such as solar panels roofs Etc are gradually being chosen by many Texans so what makes Tesla's Solar Products competitive with other big companies stay tuned to find out Tesla is one of the largest U.S solar installers and has deployed over 430 000 solar systems Nationwide the company offers four sizes of solar panel installations measured in kilowatts which are as follows 4.8 9.6 14.4 and the largest at 19.2 kilowatt hours one very important reason why Tesla's Solar Products are chosen by so many customers is the low cost of installation musk stated that Tesla's solar panels are now 30 percent cheaper than the US average it has managed to cut the price per Watts but how can Tesla do that well it's simple Tesla's strategy is simply eliminating soft costs of installing the solar infrastructure for its customers soft costs include permits inspections and hiring salespeople for example if a family lives in an average 1500 square foot home they would likely need Tesla's 9.6 kilowatt system they will not have to pay a soft cost of up to eight thousand one hundred and sixty dollars to the solar panel supplier Tesla this helps customers save quite a lot of money which could come out to around ten thousand dollars additionally the customers will just pay about 2.21 cents per watt for Tesla solar panels before the federal solar tax credit but the price can vary depending on where they live ranging from two dollars per watt to 2.51 cents per watt Tesla's prices are cheaper than the national average cost for solar accordingly as per some sources the average cost of residence Central solar in the United States in 2021 was 3.28 cents per watt Tesla has made buying solar panels as easy as buying a new shirt by offering standardized solar system sizes small medium large and extra large Tesla's easy ordering process is one of the reasons they have such low prices their brand name recognition also helps a lot Tesla doesn't have to do a whole lot of work to get people to their website people know Tesla so they go right to it this plus the fact that their order process is entirely online and they only offer four standard system sizes eliminating a ton of overhead costs that many other solar companies face next Tesla's panels have more area meaning more solar cells can fit in the frame and as a result the power of solar panels increases Tesla's warranty says its panels aren't guaranteed to work at 80 percent capacity for at least 25 years this is a great product warranty compared to the industry standard of 12 Years According to some experts if customers regularly maintain Tesla's solar panels continuously the lifespan of these solar panels can be up to 50 years Tesla's solar panels have maximum efficiency ratings that range from 19.3 to 20.6 percent and when compared with other residential panels it's still better moreover Tesla boasts about its Solar Products Sleek design and high performance one of the biggest benefits of a Tesla solar panel system is its aesthetic appeal typical solar installations include skirting in an effort to hide all the solar panel mounting hardware from the ground view ensuring seamless integration into the roofing material however Tesla's first foray into solar power was not with panels but with storage its power wall battery is still one of the top choices in the industry to the point that other major solar companies offer the power wall with their installations the energy capacity of powerwall is up to 13.5 kilowatt hours powerwall is charged by solar during the day when solar panels are producing more electricity then the home is consuming Tesla says powerwall has the ability to power most appliances of larger 240 volt appliances is like air conditioners and clothes dryers may require more batteries how long 13 and a half kilowatt hours last depends on how much energy you use but if you avoid using energy intensive appliances like washers dryers or air conditioners it should last you a couple of days at least even then powerwall can continuously provide five to seven kilowatts of energy for a short Peak powerwall's warranty guarantees that the battery will hold at least 70 percent of its rated capacity after 10 years another important Hardware from Tesla's solar energy systems is the Tesla solar inverter which converts direct current that your panels generate into alternating current that your house can use according to the company a key Point here is efficiency Tesla's solar inverter operates at 97.5 percent efficiency it comes with a 12 and a half year warranty Additionally the Tesla solar roof tiles are small scale solar panels shaped like a typical roof shingle the Tesla solar roof tiles replace your existing roof and are permanently attached to the roof of a home solar shingles operate in the same way as solar panels using a photovoltaic system to generate solar energy solar roof tiles are durable strong and engineered for all weather protection furthermore the Tesla Gateway monitoring system keeps track of how your solar power system is performing when everything is up and running users can monitor it all from the Tesla app via the app users can monitor their energy production and usage if they have a powerwall they can also customize how it operates so how much do Tesla's solar panels cost Tesla solar panels range in price from nine thousand six hundred dollars to forty eight thousand three hundred and fifty two dollars before incentives depending on the system's size that is best for your home or business if you want to add energy storage to your system each Tesla powerwall will cost you an additional eleven thousand dollars before incentives and finally Tesla has also started implementing solar power supply project projects in the state of Texas Tesla wants to provide energy directly to Texas households its new subsidiary Tesla energy Ventures submitted an application with a Public Utility Commission of Texas on August 16th last year to become a retail electricity provider Tesla was then approved to be an energy distributor in the state of Texas the move is part of CEO Elon musk's vision for Tesla energy to become a distributed Global utility an Endeavor that could even outgrow the company's Automotive business not only that earlier this year Tesla unveiled its giant new mega pack battery project in Texas in a new video it's one of the biggest yet Texas is having to rethink its electric grid after bad weather last winter put so much pressure on the grid that had pushed it to the brink of failure The Strain resulted in many regions having rolling blackouts and a lot of people are rethinking their energy situation residential energy storage has gained popularity with homeowners in Texas since the crisis as they don't want to rely on the area too much Tesla understood the sentiment of the people of Texas and they made the very right decision the company shared in Angleton Texas an energy storage project was proposed to provide sustainable backup support to the grid this resulted in the installation of 81 Tesla megapacks providing greater outage protection while reducing the community's Reliance on fossil fuels on top of that most recently Tesla has filed to change rules for grid operators in Texas in order to enable anyone with solar and batteries including residential homeowners to participate in the state's energy Market solar technology is accelerating at such a fast pace that it makes us wonder what kind of stuff they'll be making 10 to 20 years down the road if you're thinking about buying solar panels but you don't want to remove your dome roof then flexible solar is an interesting option so does it have a chance to break away from the traditional rectangular glass panels the future of solar technology extends far beyond silicon with numerous alternative materials that belong to a certain class called thin film among various materials for thin film solar cells copper indium gallium selenide or cigs is one of the most developed having achieved efficiencies rivaling those of crystalline silicon though commercial manufacturing of cigs Solar Products has faltered in recent years the technology has retained plenty of Interest among researchers particularly for its potential inflexible or multi-junction devices bouge RV recently released its new copper indium gallium selenide thin film solar panel that has been gaining praise from users and experts alike the new material in this solar panel can be a supplement to existing solar panels not only that it's the company's first go at it the new flexible solar cell is a thin film photovoltaic device that absorbs sunlight and converts it into electricity it's created with cigs and cadmium sulfide for the absorber generates Power by absorbing photons from incoming sunlight and then producing electrons that travel from the end side to the P side or negative side to the positive side of the Junction in the absorber layer unlike silicon-based solar cells these thin film solar cells are more stable flexible durable and easier to install and as you know traditional solar panels will become less efficient when it's overcast this can be one of the biggest setbacks for Tesla's solar panels as well as other solar panels but thanks to wire intensive copper indium gallium selenide technology bouge RVs flexible solar panel is more stable it is said to be able to generate three times more electricity than your average solar panel and low sunlight conditions a flexible 200 watt 12 volt solar panel can produce 400 watts of power in the shade its modules deliver unprecedented efficiency the cells with then this solar panel are connected using a combination of series and parallel connections this means that if one cell gets blocked by shade it will still be able to produce power from any other areas left in the sun in short you might choose thin film solar panels to provide higher stability for your off-grid photovoltaic system for comparison a 200 watt Tesla solar panel produces 200 watts of energy per but in reality it would produce about 70 to 80 percent of its rated power this means that a 200 watt 12 volt solar panel would produce around 160 watts per hour on a beautiful sunny day but during an overcast your Tesla solar panel will only generate about 130 watts of power output which is not enough power for an entire house in Texas the solar panels generating that power don't last forever the Tesla solar panel lifespan is about 25 to 30 years but luckily the lifespan is constantly improving as solar technology evolves globally Bush RV says the flexible solar panels can last for 30 years when it has to work continuously and can last up to 250 years if they are not in use we can proudly say that bouge RV's flexible solar panels are tough and rigorously tested bouge RV tests them through a high pressure flushing test penetrating damage test and rolling limit test of automobile tires since the solar panel is designed for outdoor use on RVs and boats it is also ip68 waterproof this etfe coated flexible solar panel is a waterproof and has improved rainfall drainage to lessen the influence of partial shade partial shade this means you can slap it on the front of your boat or have it outside your RV during a bit of rainfall and you won't be risking any damage the connectors and junction box are also ip68 waterproof therefore it can operate well in a damp outdoor environment while outperforming a rigid panel the weight of the 200 watt Tesla solar panel is 26.46 pounds or 12 kilograms while the new flexible solar panel only weighs 1.84 kilograms only one-sixth of a rigid solar panel flexible panels are already as the name suggests more flexible than rigid panels and can be adapted to some surfaces especially curved ones the copper indium gallium selenide flexible solar panel is an upgrade of the ordinary flexible solar panel if an ordinary flexible solar panel can be bent 150 degrees then this flexible solar panel can be bent to 360 Degrees to achieve the real sense of bending it can even be curved to a roll and adhere to any uneven surface and it's perfect to get a start in solar for your house and great for off-grid applications use it for your RV van boat truck and trailer while on the road the flexible panel provides you with the most stable efficiency per space if you're worried about your phone or any of your appliances running out of charge during a camping trip or long hike a flexible solar panel can solve that problem you'll need to attach the flexible solar panel to your backpack or tent and use the power it generates to charge your electronics so what about the price of the new flexible solar panel Tesla's solar panels that come in 100 or 200 watt 12 volts with pre-drilled holes can cost at least 66 dollars on the other hand with a deal from bouge RV you can get yourself a 100 watt flexible solar panel for just a 199.99 by using promo code AFF 50. this means you can save fifty dollars it can be said that it is three times more expensive than Tesla's solar panels but one thing you have to consider is even though the price may be three times as expensive as the Tesla solar panel it won't cost as much to install it so you have to consider all the possible savings that you could get from installing flexible solar panels unlike some rigid solar panels that may require a professional to install flexible panels are faster to install many flexible solar panels on the market come with adhesive backing and plug and play components making it easier than ever to install your new solar system the cost of labor for rigid panels is expensive whereas a flexible panel can be installed with only a tube of psychoflex glue overall copper indium gallium selenide flexible solar panel technology requires fewer materials and less energy to produce if you're an outdoor Enthusiast then a flexible solar panel is a game changer maybe in the future this technology will also have the potential of reducing costs and become a cheaper solar alternative in the Lone Star State how do you feel about flexible solar panels let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below we will eventually run out of energy and die I mean and or civilization will collapse so obviously we must find ways to produce energy in a renewable manner Texans have been suffering from a brutal Heat Wave for the last six weeks and every morning they worry about the condition of the state's electricity grid so Elon Musk has developed a low-cost renewable energy source that may end the Texas emergency what energy source could he be talking about Tesla announced that its solar deployments had increased by 25 percent year over year in the second quarter to 106 megawatts energy generation and storage Revenue amounted to 866 million dollars which is equivalent to around 5.1 percent of Tesla's total revenue in the quarter with gross profit from The Division standing at 32.3 million dollars per month this is Tesla's strongest quarter League result in over four years so why is there so much interest in solar energy lately in an interview Elon Musk introduced a cheap solar power system specially tailored for Texas and we're going to show you how electricity from this new system is already cheaper than grid electricity costs having spoken with a Texas resident the grid cost in March of 2022 was 15 cents per kilowatt hour a rise of 22.81 percent year over year for the Tesla solar panels his cost is fixed at 108.63 per month which is the financing cost of the panels we can see that the solar costs are higher in the winter and lower in the summer because there is less Sun available in the winter for the solar panels during the summer his solar cost drops down to 7 cents per kilowatt hour ignoring installation costs the average home in Texas uses a thousand one hundred and seventy six kilowatt hours a month or 14 112 kilowatt hours a year a large Tesla solar system of 11.34 kilowatts can produce an average of 43 to 58 kilowatt hours per day equivalent to 1500 kilowatt hours per week that's huge savings solar roofs that look better than a normal roof generate electricity have last longer have better insulation and actually have a cost and installed cost that is less than a normal roof but besides solar panels Tesla also made a big splash with a new solar roof unlike Tesla's other offering of large solar panels these tiles are made to look like normal roofing shingles that generate electricity for your home a Tesla solar roof comes at a significant cost however between 39 800 and 48 700 with 6.4 kilowatt hours and potential buyers might wonder how long it might take for the resulting Energy savings to break even the solar roof provides clean and green energy without any emissions making it an intriguing choice for homeowners looking to reduce or even eliminate their power bills using an example of a 2 000 square foot home in California with a monthly electric bill of a hundred and fifty dollars Tesla ends a 6.13 kilowatt roof to provide 9265 kilowatts of power each year the cost of a new solar roof at this size including installation is forty thousand three hundred dollars since the old roof has to be removed there is a six thousand eight hundred dollar charge for roof tear off bringing the minimum cost to forty seven thousand one hundred moreover with the powerwall system maximizing the potential power savings buyers will be first set back by another eleven thousand dollars Federal and local tax incentives will lower the cost by Thirteen thousand six hundred dollars for this example a roof could cost a total of forty five thousand five hundred dollars including installation moreover Austin Energy's value of solar tariff pays you a little under 10 cents for every kilowatt hour your solar panels can generate dividing the total price of forty four thousand five hundred dollars by the one hundred and fifty dollar utility bill results in the total cost of the investment being recovered in 297 months which is 24 years and nine months while a Tesla solar roof is definitely a long-term investment it comes with plenty of benefits that can be enjoyed long before it fully pays for itself Tesla doesn't manufacture solar panels but supplies and installs them the tech giant partnered with Panasonic for a while to create its solar cells but this partnership had ended in 2019. Tesla is now working with a company called hanwa to manufacture its solar panels there has been a lot of skepticism since they are shipped from China a solar panel has a useful life of about 20 years that means a lot of panels installed in the early part of the century are ready to be replaced but what to do with them we still don't know how Tesla's solar panels will be recycled but until now most of them have been simply discarded in dumps and landfills because no commercially viable recycling process exists to recapture the precious elements inside them there are lots of raw materials that go into a solar panel but but getting them back out is hard the envelope-sized Silicon cells inside solar panels are first separated from the sheets of polymers and glass surrounding them using a hot steel blade while the recycling process uses harsh chemicals by recovering lead the process has also the potential to eliminate an environmental hazard that would otherwise wind up as recycling waste or in landfills there is potential to recover about 15 dollars worth of silver from each panel but there is no way yet to reclaim the Silicon without using an expensive and energy intensive process Tesla may be a big name but many other companies have slowly inched up in the Solar roof race GAF energy said it was building a 100 million dollar facility in Georgetown Texas that will bring its domestic production capacity to 300 megawatts annually up from 50 megawatts today you can expect to pay around forty two thousand dollars for a GAF solar roof and this can be reduced to around thirty thousand dollars with solar incentive programs however the price can change significantly depending on roof size and complexity their power production warranty offers 84.8 percent of initial output after 25 years of use with two percent degradation during the first year of use and then only 0.55 degradation per year Sunrun is now one of the leading solar installers in the United States a professionally installed Sun Run solar PV or photovoltaic system which is just another fancy way to say solar would cost around 22 to 33 000 all of sun runs solar panels are covered by a 10-year warranty although Tesla's energy roof seems to be more expensive it has a high aesthetic value Tesla's solar roof tiles are also called solar glass because the top layer is actually made out of glass in the end how much would you expect to pay right now for one of these roofs let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below and then we're trying to make the retrofit panels look real nice um and then but then the new product we're coming out with is if if you if you have a roof that's either you're building a house or you're going to replace your roof anyway in comparison to just adding solar panels to an existing roof or purchasing a new one and adding panels to it several people who looked at the Tesla solar roof concluded that it was still not financially worthwhile however Tesla received version 3.5 and has dropped the price by thousands of dollars so how effective is this new solar roof source is familiar with the report said that Tesla is working on solar roof version 3.5 and it's currently deploying the updated solar product at employee homes for testing Tesla has been putting a focus on durability and ease of installation when it comes to the solar roof lately if testing goes well Tesla is expected to introduce the new version of the solar roof when it restarts installation toward the end of the year version 3.5 of the tiles is less expensive faster to install more efficient and will last longer solar roofs that look better than a normal roof generate electricity last longer have better insulation and actually have a cost and installed cost that is less than a normal roof plus the cost of electricity Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that they had to make some changes to the product in order to become cheaper Tesla expects to be able to quickly ramp up production of these new solar tiles over the next few months resulting in a significant economy of scale and reducing the cost musk said the price of the new roof is less than average for a new roof plus solar panels Tesla's solar roof version 3 starts at about thirty four thousand dollars for an average home with a 2 000 square foot roof it costs about a dollar and 180 cents per watt to install the active solar roof V3 tiles however the cost of version 3.5 was reduced to 20 cents per watt its price is eight times lower than version 3. if you installed a 7 kilowatt Tesla solar roof version 3.5 the active shingles alone would cost fourteen hundred dollars before any incentives are considered the 3.5 version roof will be intended to save money in the long run by reducing or eliminating a homeowner's electricity bill entirely but disembodied narrator of techstars isn't that what all solar roofing companies try to pitch you with that it'll pay for itself by reducing the cost of your electricity bill well let's say you own a home in California that has a 3.5 version solar roof a 1700 square foot roof and uses about 9 300 kilowatt hours of electricity in a year to cover a typical 9 300 kilowatt hour electricity usage Tesla recommends installing a 6.14 kilowatt solar system that would cost 19 828 dollars to install before incentives of that cost twelve hundred and twenty eight dollars would be for active solar shingles 6100 would be to tear off your existing roof and 12 500 would replace your roof it's a lot cheaper than previous energy roofs and according to Tesla the install time is dependent on this size and complexity of your roof when the solar roof initiative was first launched Tesla said that it should take roughly the same time to install a solar roof as a tile roof which is typically five to seven days the new tiles are significantly larger at 55 long by 25 wide the increase in size not only reduces the number of roof tile units that must be installed but also eliminates a large percent image of the internal non-value added components in each of the PV or photovoltaic modules in version 3 of The Solar roof that translates to fewer potential points of failure and a much simpler faster and cheaper installation upgrading the base solar roof tile to a larger size reduces the installation complexity because the larger tiles cover more roof area that means fewer days to install the solar roof less Interruption to the lives of homeowners and a better overall experience Tesla is already aiming at installing a new solar roof in less time than a traditional roof can be installed with the ultimate goal being a faster installation than a traditional shingle roof that's less than nine hours it's similar to being able to leave your old roof at home in the morning and return home merely eight or nine hours later to a Tesla solar roof version 3.5 should we actually put our money on musk or not it does sound impressive almost most impossible we are hopeful but it is clearly a stretch goal for the time being the version 3.5 tile features a higher max power output of 100 Watts with more efficient solar cells Tesla managed to maintain the same tile size with a 52 increase in max power output it will enable Tesla to fit more solar power with fewer solar tiles on a single roof the new tile is bigger redesigned on the inside and likely to hide the solar cells better the new tiles are textured with new designs expected every six months thanks to the accelerated testing process they measure 25 by 55 inches whereas the old ones measured 15 by 45 inches they also reduce the number of parts by over half so if they're strong even though they're glass and we know glass breaks how long is their expected lifespan as you know these tiles are actually five times stronger than standard roofing tiles and are engineered for all all weather durability according to Tesla the specs specifically note that the tiles are rated for 150 mile per hour winds which covers a category 3 hurricane they also come with a class 3 hail rating which is about the same as a 1.85 inch diameter hail size which is kind of close to a golf ball a pretty extreme condition but it does happen from time to time all things considered than a conventional roof and I think taking this approach it can be that's where we're headed and I hope you agree that's the future in comparison to a standard roof which can last anywhere from 15 to 50 years the solar roof comes with a 25-year warranty which is pretty good technology is evolving and improving continuously what if I told you that a version 3.5 has a lifespan of a hundred years four times longer than the Tesla solar roof version 3. the main difference is due to materials workmanship and new technol apology when producing the tile it was fun to see Tesla's energy roof version 3.5 demo but overall it's a solid product at least on paper it's not clear when Tesla plans to officially launch the new solar roof version 3.5 but hopefully this is the Boost that the solar roof needs to become the important solar product that Tesla told people it would be that's it for today's episode we sincerely thank you for watching and for all of your support of our Channel as always if you enjoyed our video please leave a like share the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell to stay up to date on exciting developments in the world of EVs and green technology and be sure to leave a comment down below to tell us what you thought about today's content once again we thank you so much from all of us here we hope to see you again next time until then take care and love one another
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Keywords: Tesla Car world, 888999, 888999 tesla, 888999 evs, tesla motor, Just Happened! Elon Musk Revealed Super NEW Shock 4.0 Solar Tech, Destroy Entire Industry!, Tesla car, Giga berlin, giga press, giga factory, tesla giga factory, tesla news, Elon musk tesla, Elon musk new, tesla, tesla solar, solar technology, new energy, spacex, renewable energy, solar energy, solar, solar cell, alternative energy, solar panels, tesla news today
Id: T1Oq8o1UFCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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