Just Glad to Be Alive: Zermatt's Oberrothorn Traverse

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[Music] foreign [Music] we are high in the Swiss Alps on what is perhaps the most perfect day possible to explore this area as you can see the Matterhorn is just glistening behind me and today we have crafted our very own Traverse to oberothorn Peak which from the very limited beta we have this Traverse should have the most spectacular views of the entire Zermatt Valley p glaciers Galore it's gonna be an insane and awesome day so a few days ago we were hiking around this area and we ended up eating lunch at the restaurant blauheard and I kid you not Adam would not shut up about his love of the mincemeat Pita and his snack spot views at that restaurant the whole way back to zimrat so when we got home I took a nap and when I woke up Adam was bouncing off the walls about this Traverse that he had found us in a similar area he was talking it up and talking it up and I was like oh my gosh we have to do this Traverse sounds amazing and then come to find out Adam goes yeah and you know what the best part of all is that it ends at the restaurant blauheard and that is when I realized that Adam had spent the last three hours concocting an entire plan for a Traverse simply around eating at this restaurant oh but wait what do you say computers are not good you have to repeat that feeder it's a repeater oh no oh no I also wonder spent the last hour coming up with that to share with you guys this is what I'm living with you guys I'm going to tell you guys something yes this Traverse is going to wind up at restaurant flour and we are going to have pitas but as you will see it will have the most spectacular views of this area possible it's going to be amazing all the all the bait I could find said that and there wasn't a lot of beta but it's gonna be great already at least when you see a fixed rope that is legitimately Steep and here's the funny part up till baritone is the only part where there's even a trail or any fixed ropes after that it's gonna be all us funny [Music] wow some new views of these look at this oh heck yeah wow we are getting near to the top of a Barrett horn this is what I'm talking about I guess all that we need to motivate Adam to find is good stuff is the world's greatest snack spots crack the code oh [Music] I can't believe you're already snacking when our whole end of this hike is planned around epic snacking but run out of snacks well Elise can make fun of me all she wants for this snack spot but how often do you get a snack spot with Alps glaciers Matterhorn a nice dangle I mean come on please you made it oh bear Thorne Summit oh Barrett horn wow this is really gorgeous up here I cannot wait to show you guys the 360. I can't believe these views holy moly we are so blessed today so blessed today it's we just talked to a Swiss guy and he's like it's never like it never happens yeah it's just never like this it's so perfect um we're gonna explore up here a little bit show you guys some views and then comes the gnarly part because the Traverse no more Trail it looked really really nice I'm a little concerned it'll be all right let's enjoy ourselves up here first Adam hacking once again but you guys back me up on this is this not the snack spot that is a dangle maybe a 3 000 foot drop oh my God and these incredible Glacier views look good I'm really happy with the brown horn yeah I'm really happy I'm honestly just still stunned by the views I know it the camera won't do justice to the yeah Majesty of it but I hope it's coming out for you guys it's I've never seen anything quite like it honestly you see our Traverse right there [Music] there it looks not on dicey thank you And So It Begins Elise wow this is going to be some Traverse yes it's gonna be gnarly [Music] whoa that's a drop yeah it is a drop whoa I don't know if the drops coming out on the camera but it is let me just see if I can show these guys hope you guys can see this it's sheer really spectacular honestly but very sheer that's it nice Elise it's not that feeling where you're excited but also a little queasy that's what's going on here this knife edge is so gnarly and the drops are so Steep and so far that even I have no fear of heights really but I guess I do because I'm feeling this one foreign [Music] dot is enough we have made it to the top of peak number two and we are calling it there this thing is too gnarly no yeah yeah it's it's so dicey it's too dicey for us yeah it's it's actually too dicey I would feel better honestly if we had like some equipment and some ropes and stuff but it's just like it's really class four maybe a couple of easy classified moves but the problem is if you make one mistake or one loose Rock goes under your foot you're done yeah you're done so you know we don't need that we have many decades of hiking ahead of us so we're gonna just try to get ourselves back over these two freaking Peaks safely man and uh and we will check in with you guys once we get back safely so you know we're all right racing yeah that was gnarly that's okay you just do whatever's the most comfortable thing this ain't about Style [Music] [Music] [Music] you know it's super gnarly when Adam is like on all fours butt slide in all that good stuff it's all about the footholds Elise those are solid you'll be okay I'm sure it doesn't look like that on the camera but one wrong step in that spot and I would have gone flying one one step in any of these spots I'm ready to be honest ly this feels easy now compared to that other part doesn't it this is like play time it feels good it's not super technical but when one mistake is your last mistake you feel every single move remember how this felt scary on the way out now it's like ah it's all good I would have taken this a million times with Mass Ive drops and it's just rocks breaking off in your hand yeah thank you I Now understand why it was impossible to find beta on this no one does it no one does it but I have to say it was really quite exhilarating the views were incredible but in case you're wondering how we decide when to turn around it's when things get class four class five and the rock breaks off in your hand I had one rock break off in my hand and it was getting loose and crumbly and at that point you know it doesn't matter how good a climber you are if it breaks off you're dead we don't we don't mess with that stuff yeah it was like um uh it's a little Sanji Traverse except with a 3 000 foot drop not cool so that's how we decided when to turn but now we get to go to the restaurant get you yeah oh and it's gonna be safe it's all trail from here yeah so we will toast along with you guys when we make it back to the restaurant well we made it I am very happy to be getting that delicious Pita the repeater oh boy but honestly this is the cheers just of being alive they're being alive I'm so glad to share this adventure with you as always love you see you next time live [Music] together [Music]
Channel: livehardxlovehard
Views: 238,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hiking, hiking switzerland, switzerland hiking, zermatt hiking, hike, hike switzerland, oberrothorn, blauherd, sunnegga, switzerland hikes, swiss alps, matterhorn views, best hikes switzerland, hikes in switzerland, switzerland mountains, mountain hiking switzerland, europe hiking, hiking europe, live hard love hard, live hard x love hard, adam and elise
Id: gkvdGAGbwHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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