Summiting the Matterhorn with an FPV Drone
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Channel: Joshua Turner
Views: 600,758
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Length: 2min 49sec (169 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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check out the hut you can see in the video:
Pretty incredible that footage like this is possible now. Even ten years ago this would have been pretty much unthinkable.
Real soundtrack: 'bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'
I hiked around the Swiss alps last August. We stayed in Grachen a bit down the mountain from Zermatt and I had a damn panic attack. Ended up calling down enough to get in the train then had to see a doctor in Zermatt for $130.
Didnβt even get to see Matterhorn. May go back to snowboard in January to finally see it tho. Pretty bummed about it.
How stable / reliable are the radio signals on these? On the way back down it felt like a half a second lag on the instructions on what to avoid would have quickly ended badly
Pretty sure you are not allowed to fly drones up there. Switzerland has rather strict drone laws.
Wow. I donβt know much about the history of the Matterhorn, but have we ever gotten to see this close of a view of its summit before? Itβs a gd dragonback!
Looks beautiful. Also strange that there is a house so high.
looks like CGI