Just Because It's New... Doesn't Mean It's Good...

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hey there viewers and welcome back to the self made auto channel set inside the 1998 ford ranger it's got a stick shift here on the floor 249 or 0.96 are on the clock uh evidently the money light is on it is as he says so we got to bring it in and check that out uh it's the step side it ain't the splash pam anderson edition is that who that wasn't baywatch pamela anderson she drove a ford ranger splash up anyhow enough about that let's get it in see why the lights on uh apparently he threw some parts at it sounds like he threw some evap parts out and it still is broke so uh i haven't seen a 1998 ford ranger since about about 1999 so let's uh try our best at it here we can do okay so we have uh your classic p1000 uh so that's gonna be common on a ford for the engine light being reset and the monitors aren't done and then uh evap control vent valve control circuit malfunction so sounds like we're having a problem with the canister vent valve so it shouldn't be too hard sounds like it's a circuit problem so you know blown fuse broken wire bad computer would be my first assumption and from the sounds of it this sounds like he was combating evap code so i don't know what we have for a data here let's just see if there is a vent okay so we have cancer event status no fault it is off currently and then it appears to be that it can be duty cycled controlled which is interesting let's just see if we have any bi-directional controls and if we do we'll go find the little guy so a vapor management valve that's not what we're after that's like your purge solenoid um we want the vent valve that's in a percentage which is interesting uh we're going to type in vent we'll look at that data and we'll just see what kind of bi-directional we have here so we'll increase it okay so it looks like we can okay yeah then it goes right to straight to on so that's interesting it does look like we can control it it's interesting though if it really is sending power and stuff there that it's not seeing a fault on that circuit um i don't know how accurate ford was in these older systems but it looks like we could do some stuff so let's get after it before we go underneath we should have a look at a diagram here and here is the cancer vent solenoid so just you know it's pretty simple two wires it looks like we're gonna have power on or should have power on a light blue with orange wire and then the purple with white should be the control that comes out on number eight number eight goes over to number eight which here goes to number eight which goes over here to pin 67 evap vent so that is the control so purple and white is the control and then whatever other color that other one was the blue with orange light blue with orange that's our power wire we're going to check the fuse probably not because it feeds the hegos and i would assume we would have some ego codes your oxygen sensor codes let me see where that power wire goes it goes down here to the splice s109 right there and then like i said it feeds the ego and this ego and that ego or no yeah feeds action sensors and egr valve vacuum regulator and then go some other places too this thing goes all over the place comes up here does some stuff in the so uh it doesn't mean you know we can't have a broke wire but it means it's likely that fuse is not blown so we're not going to bother checking that let's get the carp in here find this vent valve and see what in the thunder is going on all right let's see oh she's slimy under here got the coat of the film it looks like i think that's the charcoal canister back here and i think that's the vet solenoid up there which looks relatively new and rust-free yeah because that's the filter for it all right that's the plug-in for it right there and heads on the net so that's the plugger um i wonder i wonder if this thing comes down yeah probably i'll not be meddling with things that i'll not be meddling in let's get your classic hanger um get some threaded rod action i tell you what i'm gonna set you fellas down let's see if i can't unplug that that's the solenoid itself looks new um but remember folks there's uh three kinds of parts good parts bad parts and new parts just because it's new doesn't mean it's good these rapid ranges are tiny little cars so i don't have a great spot to put you where i can still do my job so you're going to be over there we'll give you the play by play the best we can so i'm going to try to reach this little fella try to feel the lock tab but i don't get her unplugged oh look at that that was pretty easy okay let's get her down here looks like we have see what survey says here purple with a white stripe and then blue with a orange or whatever it is there so let's go get some kind of tool and see if we have power and wash my patties off here a little bit so the power that feeds the fuse that feeds this thing comes from the pcm relay which we have the key on currently so we should have power here on this wire and we do so we have i don't know if you guys can see can't see you but we do have power here so that's good okay i guess we need a different test light now to see if we have control so very gingerly front probe here being careful not to spread the pins we have a 194 bulb right there which i'll hold right here and then hopefully you guys can see it we're gonna use a scan tool we're gonna turn this thing on 100 test aborted not supported it says what the heck let me back back out here didn't we just do this test here we go again i'm gonna try to turn it on it's on at 100 percent oh well look at that well that's fun so that what's that tell us that tells us that we have sufficient power and ground back here to make this function my uh my chasing a code that says it's a circuit code and we never looked in service data i don't feel like a real ding dong here let's see i thought it said it was a circuit code but i should have looked in service data because that circuit is intact it does not mean that the um 1451. let me just look it up on service data to make sure it is a circuit code uh the other part of the circuit is the canister vent valve which we haven't plugged back in yet but let me just double check real quick like little bunny okay so 1451 according to ford service data indicates that self-deck detected a canister vent valve solenoid circuit to failure so we are good it is a circuit code so we can keep calm and carry on sometimes the interpretation on the altel or any scan tool for that matter how it interprets the code being read especially specific you know starting with the one sometimes can be interpreted incorrectly so it was my fault for assuming but um anyhow let's uh let's just see if our solenoid is any good uh we'd even heck we're here right service say we do have a resistance value 48 to 65 ohms but let's uh plug it in and see if we hear it click any clack don't talk back okay so i left it in the on position oddly enough under the canister vent valve status it still says that there is no fault in the circuit even though it's completely open so we know that data pit is garbage we know that we have power and ground here adequate enough to turn on a vent valve and then see if i can't reach up yeah you know what how about this though how about we just wiggle that baby right out of there and get it right down here in our hands there she is and then we'll plug it in down here where everybody can see it ready be quiet i don't hear any clicking so we're going to have to give her a little tube okay i'll show you how you do that it's pretty easy it has enough fluid film on it it should be sterile because fluid film's a sterilizer but give it a wipe with a dirty rag anyways before you blow on it now technically we shouldn't be able to blow through this right now we should be able to blow through this right now that's what i meant to say apply power to it it closes it ding down [Laughter] wow look at that we should still have power and ground running to it and the pins felt good so we're going to back probe it just to make sure oop so we have power and ground going to it as i said in the beginning just because it's new doesn't mean it's good so that was easy didn't it give us a gave us a homage spec on it which i think was something gosh i can't remember anything lately [Applause] let's see i think it was probably somewhere between 40 and 50 would make sense and we are at i'm assuming all we're at oh so we are at infinite resistance over the limits of the tool because our tool works we're auto ranging so yeah this thing's junk no sense of going any further easy peasy video let's flush this toilet so pop quiz what's the problem with putting a new one on and uh clearing the codes and sticking it outside oh that's a good question mister what is the problem with that well the problem is is working for the gp remember that's the general public uh you put that on and now it can run through a evap self-test you know it can close the cancer vet velvet and turn their vapor management valve or the purge valve on and it can pull the vacuum on the tank see if we have a leak so potentially you could fix this and have other evap problems so you can handle that one two ways if you're a shop you can put that on smoke test it look at the you know does the purge valve work you can actuate the purge valve see if it works you can seal this off do a smoke test on it see if you have no leaks and then you know check the fuel tank pressure sensor to make sure it's at you know the two and a half volts on a four to atmospheric pressure and then you know assume that once it runs itself test it's going to be good or plan b explain to your customer that this is a problem the problem that is currently happening we can put the vent valve on it let you drive it for you know a few days and see if there's any other problems so those are two different ways you can handle it you have to use your noodle because sometimes even if a customer agrees and says yeah let me just drive it all of a sudden when the money light comes on for a gross evap leak or small evap leak or whatever it is that's you know gonna come up or potentially could come up they typically all of a sudden have amnesia and forgot completely everything else you told them so document it sign it ship it and by no means am i insinuating that that's the way this particular customer is i have no idea i'm just saying dealing with the gp in the shop cya baby cover your hiney guy said fix it i called down got one with the bear on it yeah i cleaned the nap or the 2282 590 made right here in the us of a canister vent valve [Music] you can blow through this one well i heard it click hear it that's all i got i'll plug it back into the box i'm gonna go shut it off i'm gonna plug it in and then we'll just do a couple quick preliminary things here then flush it he did say he put a new filler neck on it because it was all rusty put a canister and that valve and stuff on it and then said to hack with it we're done so we have that little fella on there now we're gonna back out we're gonna go back into the vent valve test but we're going to pull up a few more data pits i want to see if we have fuel tank pressure so we'll do fuel and then we want to find tank pressure take voltage and then we also want the canister vent valve we're going to type in vent we're going to pick them out which i think yeah i've already got them picked there fuel tank pressure okay so then we want to come in here and right now we're close to two and a half volts so we're at negative point one zero which this is how it's translating to atmosphere there's no the vent is open the system's open what we wanna do is we want to seal it off and we would like to see an increase in pressure here over time um it's only it's 76 degrees in the shop i don't know how volatile its fuel is right now if it's gonna start building pressure but typically the fuel tank is hot it's going to stand up like a gas can that you got capped off out in your shed and we'll start building pressure slowly now uh we might have to take and set it out in the sun to bake it but we've got other things that we can do i'll give this some time and what this test is going to prove if we build pressure under its own naturally we likely do not have to run any type of evap test and i think we're going to be okay we're going to give this probably all five six minutes here anyways well that wasn't working folks so obviously there's a leak busted out the avocado smoker got it hooked up to the vapor management valve right down here and then i think i already found a leak so we're going to kick that on and we can see the floaty ball is flowing high and here we'll kick the hose off if the system is sealed the floaty ball will float low until it goes to the bottom well naturally it takes some time to fill up the void the open area in the gas tank however like i mentioned he did say he put a new filler neck on it but i come back here and i could hear some hissing and it's this gas cap doesn't doesn't even click it's uh you can probably hear it hiss in there so you hear that hissing and it's weird because obviously the filler neck is new uh the cap is new but just because it's new doesn't mean it's good this guy's gonna hate hearing from me so the cap fits on there you know it's got the three male dongers you stick it into three female doggers and then it rotates but it doesn't it doesn't cam it doesn't lock down it just see i can hold it down and then ready i can't hear it but if i hold it down it will actually start building pressure yeah you guys there we go so we can get this out of there so uh i'm gonna wait for a nap or bring us up a new cap uh i think this guy got a whole bunch of brand new junk parts from the sounds of it or from the looks of it from the evidence collected and this is a perfectly good example of cya cover your butt uh as we've learned um you know we fixed event valve which that was the code but you know if this thing left just like i mentioned you know it's going to come back it's going to come back with that gross leak so we're going to make our best effort to make sure that you know we've diagnosed the entire evap system and once we once we know it can seal up then we're going to go ahead and make sure the purge valve works and then if that works then technically the rest of it should work providing you know the ecm does its deal so that's it we play the hurry up and weight gain 703 17 18. i don't know i got a bad feeling about this i've seen some aftermarket filler necks that just don't work right because uh this looks about the same am i right my guy let's see yeah that one feels a little different but it doesn't really feel like it cams down hard let's uh well i guess we could tell it doesn't click though doesn't it say on it that it should click playing until cap clicks quote unquote or gordon grove service engine light may be turned on it's the owner's manual this one definitely feels different but not great at least this one makes a little snippy snap this one doesn't do anything this one just this one just flippy floppy so let's stick this one in there we go let's go see if that one does not leak or indoor leaks hey look we don't even have the avocado smoker on and guess what she's doing she's building pressure already so we'll let it go back to atmospheric pressure we close the system and theoretically if everything is tight like a tiger it should build pressure so there that cap works well you know what do you say huh let's turn on the avocado smoker there she goes now we should be rapidly building pressure there we are that's nice it switches from inches of water to psi for us that's a really cool feature i think that smoker only goes up to uh 0.5 i believe but we'll see we'll let her go and we'll see where the old floaty ball goes looks like she's blowing some kind of relief valve under there the way that things bouncing interesting so watching that ball as it pulsates i can go back by the cap and i can hear it very similar to this so i don't know if it's blowing off the pressure relief in the cat but what i'm gonna do is we're just gonna turn that off i'm gonna make sure that it can maintain its pressure i see it's losing some but i'm wondering if it's gonna get to a spot where it plateaus and stays there without putting a lot of time in this evap system i'm i'm curious about this uh particularly because it has an aftermarket filler neck so this is where it seems to have steadied out about this 0.3 psi and uh been here for some time now to the point i'm pretty satisfied with it so i'm almost at the point where i just want to check it under vacuum because that's how the system normally works is under vacuum not under pressure but i've never seen a cap that comes off pressure relief wise with just using the avocado smoking so being that it's you know has steadied out here i'm i'm pretty satisfied with that so we're going to open this up let it relieve the pressure that's quite a bit of pressure in the tank so we can see that decay pretty quickly back to atmosphere the smoke machine is turned off and then like i say when we turn it on just the natural pressure from the volatile fuel is starting to build up so i'm pretty i'm pretty satisfied i'm thinking what's that new [Music] that's fun oh my gosh does this one work okay where were we uh i didn't erase the money light yet i need one of those what i wanted to do was check the purge valve so let's see we're going to turn it on oh she does not look sucky sucky stalled her out but we can see we did draw it into a deep vacuum uh let's go sit inside and do this one more time because we're childish okay so it's safe to say that the purge valve opened and it's safe to say it's not stuck open because we're not drawing any vacuum on the tank with it commanded off so let's bring up our ours we can see it instantly pull vacuum on the tank or shut it off but it shouldn't be able to hold vacuum because the uh vent valve is open and that's what we that's what we want so this is what we expect to see so again we'll shutter shutter down kion engine off we can hop back out i think we're all on the same page right now we'll go to the vent valve and like i say we should be good we're wasting time at this point but sometimes i like to show you guys stuff more than once let it sink in and then we know why they duty cycle that we shut that off 100 and we start to build tank pressure so we're good i'm pretty sure we're good i think we must have been hitting the gas cap relief with the uh with the avocado smoker so i'm pretty sure we're in good shape for the shape we're in so at this point i think we see a why i ate ourself enough to say you know we can tell it's sealed up uh it can hold natural vacuum uh or natural pressure uh i don't think there's any you know big obnoxious leaks on the system and it appears to be uh blowing off around that gas cap however i'm not 100 satisfied the way that gas cap fits but we're also dealing with an aftermarket filler net so at this point i can document what i've done for the gp we'll put it on the bill i'll explain it to the customer you know we we replaced the gas cap ours fits better um we did the vent valve which you know he's aware of and at this point you need to run it through a drive cycle to see if the vehicle is satisfied uh with the test that's gonna run i used to be able to bypass the five hour cold soak or five hour hot soak on these fords is you could go out and quick run the evap test but i didn't see the option on this one so at this point clear the codes give it to the guy let him drive it and if the car is happy boom we're good it appears that everything on the evap system works fuel tank pressure sensor the purge the vent and the system appears to be able to seal itself at least up to 0.3 psi which that's not how it works you know irl it works under vacuum so i think we're golden and why don't you be golden in that comment section the questions the comments the instinct the facebook y'all know y'all know and just remember viewers if i can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 293,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _FyIAtQHF5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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