'Just Ask Bud Light, Target...': Mike Pence Rips 'Radical Left' In Iowa Before Expected 2024 Launch

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well hello Iowa it is great to be back at the roast and ride I rode and I roasted on the ride would you join me in thanking the incomparable Senator Joni Ernst for caring about our veterans so much and bringing together this great tradition again [Applause] great to be back on a Harley great to be with all of you great to be here with Senator Ernst and really one of the toughest and most harassable and Unstoppable forces in American politics Senator Chuck Grassley thank you Iowa and let me also say it's a particular Joy I know she led off this morning but it is great to be in the Hawkeye State home to one of the best governors in America Governor Kim Reynolds thank you for your leadership and finally I always wait to introduce the highest ranking official last she's a Marine Corps mom Christian School teacher and frankly the best second lady of the United States of America has ever had would you join me in thanking my wife Karen Pence who traveled to Iowa with us today [Applause] you know our life has changed a lot since the last time most of us were together we moved home to Indiana we bought five acres in a pond I bought a John Deere riding mower 54-inch deck 25 horsepower zero turn radius got a pickup truck Ford Ranger and the best thing that happened to Karen to me is that not once not twice but three times we became grandparents to the three most beautiful granddaughters in the world it's been great so we've been blessed but I can't say that about America I mean how our lives have all changed in the last two years I mean the truth of the matter is our country's in a lot of trouble I expect it's what brought you all out here today I mean under President Joe Biden and the Democrats in Washington D.C they've unleashed the worst border crisis in American history inflation's at a 40-year high Energy prices through the roof all from their war on energy and their weakness abroad and that disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan is embolden the enemies of freedom Wars raging in Eastern Europe and being threatened in the Asia Pacific I mean the truth the matter is President Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad but the answer Iowa is strong Conservative Republican leadership back in the white house and I know why I was going to tape it and deliver it you know people ask me all the time they say and I'm at the gas station at the grocery store they say you know Mike you think we can get it all back and I look at them and I say we're going to get it all back and then some because I believe in the American people and I know that with right leadership in the White House and in the Congress of the United States we will take America all the way back and then some to the prosperity and security of just a few years ago I mean think about it in the first three years of an Administration that Iowa supported every step of the way we rebuilt our military we revived our economy but cutting taxes and regulation we unleashed American Energy and we became a net exporter of energy and energy independent for the first time in 75 years we secured our border [Applause] we reduce illegal immigration and Asylum abuse by 90 percent and when it comes to peace through strength we made record investments in our National Defense and our Armed Forces took the fight to our enemies on our terms on their soil they crushed the Isis caliphate they took down their leader without one American Casualty and qasim solimani is gone [Applause] but beyond the prosperity and security of those days the people of Iowa supported perhaps of greatest consequence with the strong support of Senator Grassley and Senator Ernst we appointed more than 300 conservatives to our federal courts at every level including Justice Neil Gorsuch Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Coney Barrett and I couldn't be more proud you've been part of the administration that appointed three of the justices that sent Roe versus Wade to the ash heap of History where it belongs we gave America A New Beginning for life and we can do it all again and I'm here in Iowa today and I'll be back a little bit later next week because Iowa is the place that we shape principled conservative leadership Iowa is the place that shaped the standard bearer of this party and I have to tell you over the last two years Karen and I have spent a lot of time reflecting and praying about about everything in this country is dealing with and what we might do to serve and I don't have anything to announce today but I can tell you when I got time to announce come this Wednesday I'm announcing in Iowa [Applause] you know in contrast to the Democrats agenda of Decline and Decay Republicans have to offer a positive vision of the future grounded in conf in conservative principles and we've got to speak hard truths men and women we've got to resist the temptation to put what's popular over what works and has been proven over time I believe we have to resist the politics of personality and the siren song of populism on moored to Timeless conservative principles and we need to stand firm on the conservative agenda of life and Liberty and a commitment to Freedom that has always led us to Victory [Applause] we need to speak plainly about the challenges our nation is facing at home and abroad we need to Marshal leadership that will answer that cause and we also have to stand up for American families you know the truth the matter is we stand here today the radical left has been assaulting our values and assaulting our families almost as never before the great thing I've seen traveling across this country is that the American people American people are on to them just ask Bud Light Target and by the way a message to Major League Baseball religious bigotry has no place in America's pastime [Applause] the truth is I believe as conservatives men and women you have a once in a lifetime chance shape the leadership of this party in ways that will shape the nation as never before you know we don't have to accept a future of economic decline in moral decay we don't have to exchange the American dream for a socialist nightmare but we're going to have to turn to leadership proven leadership and proven principles to bring that about so I just came today to say thank you thank you first for your support during our years of service as your vice president it was the greatest honor of my life but lastly I came here to encourage you to end these challenging times let's keep faith keep faith in the ideals that have minted and defined the Republican Party over the last 75 years and carried us one victory for the American people after another keep faith in the American people you know as I traveled across this country as your vice president in my years as governor and in my years in Congress my opinion of our federal government went down but my opinion of the American people went up I can tell you from my heart I've seen the American people in good times and in bad I've seen the way Neighbor comes alongside absolute stranger like they did in that terrible tornado spur this spring hurricanes tornadoes flooding wildfires in America people pack up those minivans pack up the trunk with water and food and tools and go and stand in the front yard of people that they've never met before and never helped again never see again to help them rebuild their lives I want to tell you straight up the American people are the most Freedom loving faith-filled Innovative hard-working and generous people in the history of the world we just need government as good as our people again [Applause] and finally [Applause] I encourage you to keep that other kind of faith the faith that's defined this nation from our very beginning this miracle of democracy that was founded it was founded not at the end of a musket it was founded on a on the belief that we're endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights and I want to say with you a deep conviction that God is not done with America yet and if we will but renew our faith in him if we will turn our hearts to him as never before if we will as the Bible says humble ourselves and pray and turn he'll do like he's always done in a long and storied history of this land of freedom he'll hear from heaven and he'll heal this land this one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so thank you Iowa I'll see you soon God bless you all [Applause]
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 20,445
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Id: e5HpDjITQ3c
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Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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