'She Is Part Of That Radical Left': Mike Johnson Does Not Hold Back Excoriating Cori Bush

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let the gentle lady get situated the gentlelady from Missouri is recognized thank you I moved to strike the last word generally is recognized thank you thank you uh St Louis and I are here today in support of genuine Community safety and in our position to hollow hypocritical attempts to distract from policies that make our communities less safe that's exactly what this resolution is it's an empty and desperate Ploy by Republicans to avoid responsibility for policies they support that are getting people killed in St Louis and across this country so let's set the record straight on a few things first off the party of insurrection has zero credibility zero credibility when it comes to protecting law enforcement officers it was a Republican president who incited the January 6 Insurrection and cool attempt because he refused to accept that he lost the 2020 election it was Republican politicians who enabled January 6 by peddling lies about the election and it was a mob who supported these Republicans that stormed the capital and violently assaulted Law Enforcement Officers if Republicans cared about violence against law enforcement they would be marking up a resolution condemning themselves but the fact is that Republicans don't care about violence against law enforcement and they really don't care about law enforcement at all they will support any number of abuses that law enforcement inflicts on communities like St Louis but as soon as the law enforcement agency takes a single step towards holding them in their cult leader Donald Trump responsible for their criminal behavior that agency becomes Public Enemy Number One so Republicans don't care about law enforcement they support mass incarceration for black and brown communities and freedom from accountability for themselves and it is sickening to hear Republican politicians talk about Public Safety while they contribute to the client to the crisis of violence in this country as I have pointed out many times in this committee the states with the weakest gun laws like my own in Missouri have Republican legislatures and governors and the highest rates of gun violence in our country Republicans also take every opportunity they get to spread fear and distrust in our communities these moral and policy failures have resulted in Firearms flooding municipalities that are unable to override those state level policies and an American public that is on a hair trigger and primed for violence so let's get it straight Republicans are the arsonists not the firefighters they don't get to enable violent Insurrection and rampant gun violence and police brutality and then show up and pretend like we should just listen to anything they say about policing and Public Safety it is a farce and it's a distraction from policies that will actually save lives those policies do not invest in violence they invest in communities they recognize that we will never incarcerate ourselves to safety they will support non-police First Responders mental health and counseling resources Community Based employment programs Community violence prevention and Interruption programs after school programs substance use treatment programs public health and other wraparound Services affordable food and housing more parks and green spaces and re-entry programs that's just to name a few so that's exactly why I introduced The People's response act which would establish a division of community safety within the Department of Health and Human Services to research and fund evidence-based strategies that are proven to prevent violence and effectively manage crisis situations so unlike these Fox News talking points the pra is a real Proposal with real solutions that will save lives in St Louis and Nationwide and it's not only it's not only this proposal there are proposals that adopt a community-based approach to Public Safety many of my Democratic colleagues have introduced proposals that would break the cycle of violence invest in Mental Health Resources support counselors not criminalization ensure housing for all and support other non-carceral interventions that would make a material difference in people's lives but we're not here today to consider real solutions that will make people's lives better we're here as a distraction from the sad truth that dangerous Mega Republican policies make us less safe they deprive us of basic Investments that would move us closer to a genuine Community safety and at the end of the day Republicans refuse to consider those Investments because Republicans are not seeking solutions to the problem they are the problem thank you and I yield back the last time inspired young lady yields back Mr Speaker Louisiana uh recognize thank you Mr chairman actually the gentleman from the gentleman from New Jersey is recognized to yield to the gentleman gentleman from New Jersey John from Louisiana I think the gentleman from New Jersey um I want to welcome Miss Bush to the committee did she leave already oh is she still here that's unfortunate I was going to point out to her a couple of ironies she came to lecture us she was here for five minutes and three seconds I appreciate her time investment she came to lecture us about quote avoiding responsibility we've had four full committee markups she has not attended three of the four I'm not sure today her five minutes counts as in attendance but let's say she's she's made two of them now um I was going to ask her if she's still in favor of defunding the police because we have her on record more times than I can count of having been the great champion of that she wanted to talk about responsible Investments that will make a difference I wanted to ask her how that defunding police thing worked out uh I think everybody in the country knows what that we're facing chaos and and a catastrophe of crime violent crime in all the major cities that she went and and uh and protested in and many more that took the queue I wanted to ask her about the reality of how that works out in real life you know she accuses us of engaging in talking points we're trying to pass meaningful legislation to solve these problems and she is advancing policies and ideas that create the Mayhem so wow it's so unfortunate that she's not here to engage in a colloquy on that I'm not surprised this is what we get from the radical left she is part of that radical lift that is bringing down the party and having them associated with the crime crisis that we have on the streets this is the very reason that we need Police Week to reinforce our support for the brave men and women who are on the front lines that Thin Blue Line who put their their lives on the line every single day and we lose them now at alarming rates in the line of duty trying to protect their communities from wacko crazy maddening policies like the ones that Miss bush has supported in Congress I will also point out she as we noted earlier she was the vice chair of the crime subcommittee of Judiciary and she doesn't believe in funding police what a tragedy that she's not here to join us yo back well the general thank you um I will I just I need about a minute here um you know what strikes me as I I don't want to use the word humorous I don't know what else to use you all were in charge for two years you had the presidency you had the house you had the Senate you controlled it all you could do pretty much anything that you wanted to do and all I remember happening I was out there I was on the street talking to my people I remember what happened in Congress was to demean diminish defund uh despise the police and now you say a holy totally different thing and then you have somebody else come along and I don't know her very well who stays here for five minutes after most of us on both sides have been here for hours at least trying to Hash this out she says some real mean stuff and walks away and guess what that real mean stuff's not gonna work it's not the real world you need Law and Order you need police you need safety and you know what I do have some urban areas in my district and Rural and you know what in my district when I talk to people whether they're Vietnamese whether they're black whether they're Hispanic I say what's the number one issue and they constantly say like the city of Atlantic City they want better lighting they want more safety they want more police they want to be safe they don't want their kids to get hurt they don't want their stores to get robbed and you all were against that and you had control of everything with the gentleman yield I will I have to yield to my friend uh Miss Matt Gates first uh thank the gentleman for yielding Mr chairman I think what we just observed was a drive-by committee presence from the gentlelady from Missouri and what I would reflect on is that if someone is the victim of an armed robbery they don't need a green space they need a local government willing to fund their local police department if someone is about to be stabbed as one of the witnesses was at our field Hearing in New York they don't need a therapist they need force to be able to respond back and they need the law on their side which is why I've introduced a national stand your ground bill that I believe the committee ought to hear and if your car is being broken into you don't need wrap-around Services you need a detective day in and day out people in the communities run by democrats feel less safe and the reason they feel less safe is because they don't feel like the law is on their side and by the way funding up the FBI and the ATF and the censorship industrial complex at the at the DHS isn't what they need it's local police and those are the folks whose backs we have and who you all have spent years denigrated sun is expired gentlemen does the gentleman wish to speak on the bill or we got an amendment coming you know I I I I mean I'll recognize if you I think I appreciate it Mr chairman I I just want to say this I mean I think the the rhetoric's over the top down there I mean I was a prosecutor for 12 years um I've been endorsed by the fop every time I've run for office people in my jurisdiction by the way don't want to get rid of the FBI and the ATF they're very glad that we have them when I was a prosecutor we coordinated our prosecutions with them it's called project Exile I believe it was started by the Bush Administration by the way uh but we tried to do that to get gun offenders off the streets and to make sure that serial offenders got more jail time because they got more serious sentences in the in the federal courts the FBI and the ATF LED those efforts in those prosecutions and by the way the Sinaloa cartel take down that just happened to weeks ago there were no local police involved with that you know why they don't have jurisdiction to do it FBI ATF Homeland Security all were involved in those process in that takedown to print when you guys complain about not you know not doing enough to stop Fentanyl guess who it is it's working it's FBI it's ATF it's DEA all these federal agencies that you want to get rid of we need them to do that work I think we also need the local police to do the work too and if you find if you find some place where Glenn Ivey said defund the police I'd love to see it uh but I think we need both I'm glad that you all see the need to have I I think I'm hearing today federal law enforcement handle cases as well we need the Department of Justice we need the FBI we need the ATF we need the DEA we need help from all of them to deal with the major International problems that we've got going I yield back tell me it was back chair recognize himself yield to the gentleman from Florida I think them for yielding and I wouldn't want anyone in the minority on the committee to be of the view that we think that every single Democrat holds the defund the police few matter of fact we we don't think that and I think the gentleman was correct in referencing we've got Democrats who've been a part of keeping our community safe and we thank you for that your Patriots for offering to do that but when the Democratic party elevates to the position of chair of the crime subcommittee the very leader of the defund police movement you don't have to be for the defund police movement to be supportive of I think some pretty like dangerous platforming of ideas that make people in our communities less safe and there's been much discussion of these crime rates and what I've noticed is that in some places the crime rate may be higher in red places because those crimes are actually acknowledged practically with arrests and criminal process where in a lot of places like New York things like shoplifting aren't even a crime anymore with the gentleman yield for a moment I would would you agree that it's helpful to have the FBI the ATF the DEA and the Department of Justice to prosecute federal crimes would you think it's a good idea to keep them around just as you've not called to defund the local police I haven't called to completely defund the FBI what I've said is if they don't come to heal and if they're not responsive and constrained by their authorities because I think I think it is fair to be critical of an ATF that imposes Zero Tolerance on people and then they lose their own guns they uh keep records in the hundreds of thousands they're not it's a gentleman you and then they don't I just want to ask you about your legislation yeah your legislation is one line yeah and all it says is we're going to shut down the ATF I I doesn't say anything about all of the other stuff you just well that's what I was talking about the FBI as to the as to the ATF I would invite your co-sponsorship to that legislation I think it's crazy why would you want to defund the agency because the ATF has so greatly exceeded their Authority they are punishing regular Americans with no basis and soaked in the hypocrisy of seizing documents and holding records that even the Department of Justice the vaulted Department of Justice that you talk about their own Inspector General is hammering the ATF and so that's that's why I think they they maybe need a shot across the bow but the folks that are out in in our communities like the witnesses at our field hearing they count on a cop in their community and they count on a local government able able willing determined to fund those local cops and you heard from an investigator that represented a lot of the detectives out of New York tell you how the advocacy of these policies which I certainly would agree not every Democrat holds but but your leadership with the gentleman yield for a moment certainly Okay so your bill which you just called a shot across the bra the bow correct refund ATF you think that's a good message to law enforcement I think it's a good message to the folks at ATF who are breaking the law well I tell you what let's target them I don't think you have to shut down hold on you don't have to shut down the whole agency to to address any bad apples that's the same thing with Police Department similarly Mr Ivy the simulator I have to maintain entire agency to do the things that you've talked about regarding the Sinaloa cartel just as you as you may suggest not every single person at the ATF is a bad person and I don't think they are I don't think you need to keep the entire apparatus either so yes on the Continuum of the ATF I believe they have done more harm than good when it comes to people's civil liberties and when it comes to some of these other federal agencies they do need to come to heal so that by the way Democrats used to believe in civil liberties you guys used to actually think that when government overreached and violated people's constitutional rights there was a bad idea I must say and these guys you guys we still do as long as these federal agencies will go after Trump and Republicans they seem to get a lot more attention from you I I gotta say I've been at this a lot longer than when Trump was president and we've been able to challenge the FBI the ATF I've been on both sides of this when they crossed the line you prosecute them you fire them well deal with it but see all week the whole thing down our power is the power of the purse and we have to be able to use it and that way if you've been on that side you send the letter to the eyes he's saying you need to Target these bad apples in particular we send so many letters to the IG highlighting the things that we're finding in our investigations and if you've been on both sides what I would say is what are you waiting for to get back on our side on the correct side gentleman's time has expired the chair recognized the gentlelady from Pennsylvania they thank you so much I've got an amendment at the desk uh clerk will report I'll reserve a point over from Florida amendment to H Conrad's 40 offered by Ms Scanlon of Washington objection Amendment will be considered as read the general lady from Pennsylvania is recognized to speak on her Amendment thank you we've now seen multiple amendments ruled out of order because they referred to law enforcement other than local law enforcement and at least one of our colleagues across the aisle described a secondary purpose of the bill to honor local police who've been demoralized by criticism of local police so this amendment which is a version of the amendment offered previously by Ms jayapal would strike the entire text of the resolution and replace it with language that expresses support for the courageous local law enforcement officers of the Metropolitan Police who stepped up to defend the U.S Capitol on January 6 2021 I'm thinking particularly of Michael Fanon who was beaten tased so much as heart stopped and almost shot with his own gun as he defended this building and our democracy from attackers who'd been fed a big lie about the 2020 presidential election by the former president and some of his supporters how much more demoralizing must it be to defend the lives of members of Congress who then say that the violent mob that injured hundreds of Brave police were just tourists and to question efforts to hold those violent attackers um accountable so if my colleagues want to honor local law enforcement who may have been demoralized by criticism let's start by having all of Congress recognize The Bravery of the local law enforcement officers who protected everyone in this building and our democracy on January 6 2021 unless of course that's not really the purpose of this resolution I yield back generally yields back gentlemen from Florida is recognized thank you Mr chairman regrettably I must insist on my point of order despite sharing the sentiments the lady suggested in support of local law enforcement the amendment would introduce material beyond the scope of the purpose of the bill before us and therefore violates rule 16 Clause 7. yield back gentleman yields back gentleman from New York is recognized as ranking member thank you chairman oh I can go first okay just I don't believe that a a point of germanness has been stated here this is completely germane and we haven't heard a reason why it's not it's about local law enforcement the gentlelady yield sure gentleman from Louisiana's recognized I mean he's quite obviously not germane it's a January 6th resolution and if you want to bring a January 6 resolution bring it but it's not your main to the to the underlying bill that is not talking about an event it is talking about support for local law enforcement this is not complicated I agree it's not complicated you have put forward a resolution that talks about particular events and local law enforcement we're talking about we're talking about the point of order I've reclaimed my time of order I recognize chairman wants to talk about the point of order we now is recognized thank you you know look you're just moving the moving the goal posts here every time we bring another amendment these are germane you just don't want to talk about the underlying issues you can vote us down all day you've got the you've got the majority although I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go to rules because your colleagues coming back from New York they finally have the votes with the general idea who I think I thank the gentlelady for yielding and I must agree with her I have never seen such a rank demonstration of hypocrisy in the 30 years I've been here you have ruled every perfectly in order resolution out of order you have ruled it out of order for law enforcement officer to to deal with law enforcement officers who responded to the Capitol on January 6th you have ruled it or out of orders to recognize legislation that police officers uh groups also support you have ruled it out of order to support federal law enforcement officers when we I have been here 30 years I have never seen such a uh a raft of dishonest rulings intended simply because you don't want to vote on the on the underlying uh uh uh messages you don't want to vote to support the police officers on January 6 because you don't want to admit that January 6th was a right-wing pro-trump riot you don't want to recognize federal law enforcement because that would include January 6th this is entirely out of order you have the votes to do it but it is a a huge an abuse of the worst kind that I've ever seen when I was chairman I certainly bent over backwards direct to to find ways of of calling things in order when they were on the uh on the edge this is rank hypocrisy and that is frankly disgusting and I yield back to the gentlelady I yield back is anyone seek recognition the the chair would just comment Mr Nadler the the underlying legislation refers specifically to local law enforcement it does not reference any particular event and by change by this amendment diverts the whole meaning of this and and makes it about one particular event and so it is it's not germaneness Mr chairman it does reference a particular event the summer of 2020 looting rioting and violence in major cities that's a particular event no that is a trend a societal Trend that is not a specific event a specific date it talks about two three your summer of 2020 looting writing and violence in major cities during the summer of 2020 the material very specific reference the material that is introduced by this amendment is beyond the scope and purpose of the very simple bill before us every to every resolution hypocritically Mr chairman I'd like to be heard on the point of order gentleman's recognize I'd like to uh stand with Mr Nadler ranking member and his grave disappointment in the Republican effort to rule every single Democratic effort to acknowledge the extraordinary men and women law enforcement on January 6 as being not your main and now we're left with this final Amendment oh no I have one more this this most recent Amendment which as a result of your rulings speak specifically about local police on that day now the underlying resolution doesn't say we praise all police on every day local police on every day except January 6th it says local police and lo and behold the offered Amendment references an event in fact in which the gentlewoman from Pennsylvania would like to recognize and praise local police and simply because you don't want to discuss January 6th the argument has been made it's not your main it is more information about the underlying resolution that is praising police and this time it's not even about state or federal it's about local police an amendment is of the same subject matter if it's related to the underlying resolution it clearly is unless you're prepared to say you can't offer an amendment that doesn't do anything other than recite the words of the existing Amendment which means it's not an amendment that's that's what you're ruling this is clearly germane and the rulings you make today Mr chairman you will live with when you're back in the minority Mr Nadler is quite right I sat through those hearings where we painstakingly considered every Amendment offered by the Republicans and Mr Nadler ruled over and over again that they were Jermaine and they were voted down but you had that opportunity the decisions you are making today are doing real damage to this institution and you are going to rule the day because you will be in the minority and probably will behave responsibly and still allow your amendments to afford it because that's how we roll because we actually believe in this institution we believe in the rule of law we believe in the fair administration of the proceedings in this Judiciary Committee but you have two more opportunities to vindicate Yourself by ruling this Jermaine and the next one that I'm about to give you and with that I yield back thank you my friend for yielding back I am prepared to rule uh the the gentle ladies Amendment does not satisfy the subject matter and fundamental purpose test surprise because thank you Mr Rankin remember because it does quite clearly expand the scope and purpose of the bill before us I know you disagree but the Chairman's prerogative It's therefore not germane it is out of order uh who seeks record the other lady moves to appeal gentleman moves to
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Published: Sun May 28 2023
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