Just a couple of bros...I mean brows 🙃

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hey so uh today i wanted to just show you kind of the difference between how i would do a very natural looking brow and a very structured brow a very structured brow a structured brow for me i guess so i guess this is gonna kind of relate to like i guess this is gonna kind of relate to like my dude series where i'm showing you like differences i kind of did a video already that was like how you shape your brows i guess and how it changes the way your face looks but today i just wanted to show you the difference like the two basically the two different brows that i like to wear just so you guys know if you aren't aware of this is literally a wrapper from some pistachios i don't know why i'm holding that uh if you don't know snitchery she does very similar videos where she kind of breaks down like different looks and shows like different eyebrows different ways of doing your lips different like nose contour whatever she has a very very different face shape than me i'm gonna say to me so i highly recommend checking out her channel if you don't look anything like me and you're just like i need more like i need more faces um so i can link her channel down below she's awesome uh so today we're gonna start off with the natural brow okay so the process is semi-similar a lot of the products that i use are very similar but uh there are some differences hey hey hey what are you doing why can you play with this instead so the first thing that i do for a very natural brow uh well first i guess let's talk about my eyebrows so they are actually like relatively full basically i over plucked them when i was middle school you know what i mean like early 2000s and they were so skinny and ridiculous looking and then when i got to college i was like you know what i'm just gonna grow this because that's when um like full brows were like coming in to style a little bit and uh they have grown out pretty well thankfully i didn't completely lose them i don't know i eat well and i take my vitamins i drink a lot of water that's pretty much what has helped i think but the little trick that i'm going to show you or this natural brow is going to be it's going to be great for sparse brows as well it's it's really the products that you're using so uh the first thing that i do is brush up my brows with this is gonna look gross but it's a bar of soap this is the dr bronner's bar of soap i think it's the lavender one you can use any of them i get them at target they've got them at ulta walmart like you can get this pretty much anywhere amazon whatever this one is the one that i like you can use certain bars of soap but i think it's supposed to be like a specific kind and i don't remember what there are plenty of videos on soap brows though if you have very dry skin and you're like no i can't soap makes my skin and my brows way too dry try the tarte tartiste brow gel that is the only brow gel i've ever used that really held my brow hairs up but soap is just better for me so oh i should i need to clean this hold on hey little buddy all right next spoolie that's what you need uh this one is from sigma beauty it's the brow end lash e80 uh spoolie brush whatever get the one from nyx get the one from elf does not matter you just need a spoolie i do like this one because it's quite detailed so what i'm going to do is now i'm usually sitting at this desk like filming so i use a setting spray where did it go oh it's so far now i use a setting spray this is the one from uh dominique cosmetics it's the collaboration with jdwady 180. it's just a face mist basically you could just use water it doesn't matter you just need to get it wet um so i'm gonna just pop the oh i thought the top was the cap and i just pulled it off oh all right anyway um so i'm just gonna spritz this a couple times so that there's you know enough i don't know if you can see it but just enough water in there you don't want it to be too wet and then i'm going to take my spoolie roll it around in the soap just so that it creates like a little bit of a paste kind of like that you know again i don't want it to be too wet because if it's too wet then it just ends up like not working you want it to be thick enough so that it really grips so i'm going to start by just brushing my brows and i'm going to make them real fluffy because like why not you know um so if you have makeup on already like like i do i have my foundation pulling against the skin a lot is going to maybe leave you know some marks like up top here so you want to be kind of careful i try to use like a light hand and just grab the brow hairs basically if you're obviously if you do this before foundation you don't have to worry about that but then i find it to be kind of difficult to apply foundation afterwards let's make them so fluffy like why not so i'm basically just going to brush them up straight and then kind of like do these kinds of motions brushing up and out really do that and flatten them against your skin but again you want to be careful about like your foundation and i'm going to turn it if you get like any soap build up you can kind of like turn it and pick up any leftover product but it's starting to dry so i guess i'm just going to leave it but yeah you basically just want to you know brush them up and out they obviously already look like super duper thick and full right doesn't that just look like so fabulous so now you just want that to set you want that to dry because otherwise if you start going in with a pencil or a pomade or a brow pen or even a powder it's going to get like kind of um stuck i guess and it can move the brow hairs it can like kind of ruin the process you want them to set and dry so that they stay in place okay now for this brow for like a very very natural look i'm going to be using the lime crime bushy brow pen i have a bunch of brow pens brow pens in general have completely changed my brow game they're basically all i use i have pencils and pomades and stuff i do use a pencil occasionally which is what i'm going to show you over here but i can't live without brow pens now this is one of my favorites especially for a very natural brow because it's a very nice like light color it's like the perfect shade for my brows it's not too dark there isn't too much pigment the color itself has a little bit more of an olive tone to it which keeps it from looking too warm it just kind of like blends in with my brow hairs very nicely it's not like too purpley you know so all i'm going to do now that i have the shape created is go in and just kind of like fill in the areas that are a little sparse so down here and i just use a very light hand and you can basically just draw in brush strokes so this is going to look a lot softer see already that is just like so nice and obviously you can build it up as much as you want but i kind of want to just keep it looking very natural and light so really just kind of looking at like okay so this is the area of my brow that's very full that has the most hair so i just want it to look balanced and i can kind of pick and choose where i apply more [Music] and then obviously in the more sparse areas i can like do a little more filling maybe bring them out just a tiny bit if you lay it a little bit flatter it's going to deposit more color make it a little thicker and if you kind of do this turn it like that and just use the tip you're going to apply less product and it's going to be more precise okay so that is my fluffy natural looking brow you obviously don't have to fill it in as much if you don't want to but i like to make it look nice and balanced but it obviously gives a nice lift it makes my eyebrows look a little less angry kind of because these are a little bit like this is pointing down a little bit more you know it kind of like brings my eye down a little bit this is making it look a little bit softer and a little bit more lifted so now for my other brow for a slightly more structured brow what i like to do is start off with a brow pencil my favorite are the ultra slim brow pencils by maybelline so i have a couple different colors this is in the shade blonde and then i think i have like pale blonde or light blonde or something like that warm blonde maybe it's a little bit lighter but i'm going to start off by sketching the shape so i kind of just like to why do you focus on my earring i know you love my earrings but like stop um okay so i'm going to start off by sketching underneath my brow so i kind of like just because i have this like little patch right here that's very uneven so i'll kind of shape the bottom of it now obviously if i'm trying to like get them even it's going to be a little bit different because this isn't going to look exactly like this you know but i'll kind of go in and just draw a line underneath the brow and i actually like to kind of leave a few hairs here because it just ends up making it look a little bit more natural and i also when i do a little more structured brow i like to extend the tail a little bit and then for the upper part i just use a lighter hand but i just kind of create a little bit more of a shape to follow so i'm creating like a little bit more of a guide so i'm really just using the pencil to kind of like shape it out you know and then i'm going to use the spoolie side to brush that out now sometimes when i brush it out i end up taking product in like other areas of my eyebrow so i'll go in with a little bit of concealer or my foundation if i want it to be like not quite as poppy you know i don't know if that makes sense so today i used the revlon colorstay foundation i'm gonna use that it's in the shade buff i'm gonna put a little bit on the paper on a paper towel and then with a flat brush i'm gonna pick that up on the tip and i'm going to trace underneath the eyebrow so even if i don't have color everywhere placing a concealer or a foundation underneath the eyebrow is going to just kind of like help sharpen that edge i'm not even really taking it all the way up to where i put the pencil but you're just creating a little bit more contrast between color you're putting like a slightly come on you're putting a slightly lighter color against that dark which is just going to kind of like help sharpen and make it pop a little so just kind of cleans it up a little bit now i'm going to do the same thing with my soap so i'm going to spritz it again pick it up with that same spoolie and brush that out when i do a more structured brow i don't like to make it quite as thick because it's going to be a little darker a little more like i don't know graphic sort of not really but you know what i mean so i do a little bit more of the like swooping to the side so i brush it up and then swooping like that so i just don't want it to be like too thick that's just how i prefer it i guess it's actually like the basically the same thickness huh never mind and then same deal i just want that to sit for a little while but while we're waiting you can kind of see that this brow itself just looks like a lot softer now granted this brow my right brow does just kind of like lend itself to that shape a little bit more and this brow is a little bit more structured but here you can kind of see that like going in and laying in that color with the pencil gave me more of a guide on this side i didn't really have like a line i didn't have any kind of a line guide you know so you don't necessarily have to do this you can kind of like combine the techniques now once that's dried the product that i'm going to be using is the nyx brow tint pen this is the nyx lift and snatch brow tint pen so this one is in the shade ash brown so it kind of ends up being a little bit of trial and error when it comes to brow pens because some of them are a little bit too warm some deposit way too much color uh that's true of the glossier brow pens i like the brown one but it deposits a lot of color the blonde glossier brow pen is straight up red so just be warned the lighter shades of the nyx brow pens are a little bit too warm which is why when i'm using a slightly lighter shade i like to use the lime crime one they just nailed the undertone on this one uh i think this is the only color that i oh no i used to use baby brown and that might be a little bit too red which is slightly darker than what did i tell you what color this is dirty blonde i didn't even tell you this is dirty blonde so when i'm doing a more structured brow i want like a little more depth so i want to use something a little bit darker uh like ash brown from nyx and i will show you the difference so this lighter one is lime crime and this is nyx so it still has a really nice tone to it it's not too warm it's still got like a really nice cool tone color but it is darker so now i'm going to go in and once again fill in the sparse areas but i'm going to be following that guide the nyx brow pens have a very thin applicator look at how tiny that is it's perfect for precision highly recommend these so now i'm kind of going like all over the brow with a very light hand trying to stay within that guide and this is just going to create a little more structure but it's still going to look natural now i personally think that this is the most natural looking way to create a structured brow compared to you know a lot of the ways that people see them because i realize it might seem like a few like many steps or maybe time consuming which once you start doing it's really really not i personally think that using multiple products like this creates the most natural looking depth all right that's it super simple there's a little bit more structure to this one it's a little bit more of a statement brow i guess this did get a little bit thick um please focus on my face you're being so rude right now um and this is a lot more natural and light personally this is how i like to do my brows the most i would say most often for most of my makeup looks i end up kind of doing something a little bit like in between the two yeah i don't know i hope that helped you in some way personally i think they're both really fire uh yeah if you want to see any more videos along these lines tell me what they might be because i'm running out of ideas dude this camera loves my earring i don't know why okay bye
Channel: Alexandra Anele
Views: 61,643
Rating: 4.9748869 out of 5
Keywords: alexandra anele, brows, eyebrows, sparse, full, natural, fluffy, soap brows, makeup, tutorial, how to, round face, narrow face, heart shaped face, square face, long face, thin eyebrows, brow gel, best, brow pen, pencil, structured, glam, makeup artist, tips, hacks, easy, simple, beginners
Id: XG-zlzfgFJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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