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hello guys it's me Nikki hey every single time I upload a video or post a look on Instagram or here on YouTube the first thing people will notice if I have changed my brows I'll just the slightest bit pretty much all of you are like okay girl we see the change we noticed the change now tell us how you did it and I just want to say thank you for being so invested in my brow journey and it feels great to know that we're in this together so about a week ago I was just playing around with makeup and I just I didn't have to feel I was she's sitting him down getting glam you know trying new techniques and I tried this new technique and I was shocked so I tried this new technique where I transformed my very very very sparse very thin very lifeless brows into full hairy rough delicious looking brows so today I have no other option but to sit down in my studio and show you exactly what my new brow routine looks like it is hefty but it's worth it because to me it's worth it because I am so used to having sat looking brows that now that I found a way to make them full and hairy whereas before they just liked full in a lot of makeup it just means so much to me because I finally can rock that look so I'm so excited to sit down and show you how I do it so without any further ado if you want to go from this sad situation to something fun and enjoyable not that this is anything and never mind let's go alright glow babies time for a brow formation okay so my brows have gone through a long tiring journey so this is what my brows look like in their natural state and for me I absolutely don't have even brows whatsoever they're not cousins they're not sisters they're not twins they are like see when I'm talking the muscle in my head right here pulls so strong and this one kind of doesn't that every time I talk it looks like this brow is going off the nuts why do my muscles work like that like let it go let let go so this is what my brows look like they are super super sparse they are the like I don't have a lot of hair I have more hair than I used to have before a life but still when I don't do anything to my brows people will be like what happened I've tried lots of serums I've tried castor oil I've tried a lot of stuff to make them grow and at the end of the day they didn't grow so I'm okay with that I'm happy that throughout the years I somewhat you know grew a tail like before my brows would stop here and now I somewhat have a tail so that is that is great for me now I do all the tweezing and all that myself you can go to a professional to determine the shape for you and then you keep it up from there at home so every time you see your hair out of place they're like gone bye-bye but one essential vital tip I want to share with you is the following one trick that has totally changed my brow game / eye shadow game is this right here this is a razor before I wouldn't do this and my eye shadow game was getting too strong it was like okay you blaming girl but we see like something's going on there so if you find yourself doing your brows and then your killer eyes shadow look and you have some like patchiness in the shadows and you've you've applied a primer you've blended for ten hours at a time and still there's like certain patchiness going on chances are it's the peach fuzz on your eyelid the second I found out that there's a soft layer of super thin hair like above the crease it freaked me out because I was like oh my god that must be it alright so let's take care of that so what you always want to do is brush the hairs up using a spoolie and we're gonna get rid of that peach fuzz so we're gonna take the little razor take the lid off and without touching the shape of the brow you want to kind of get rid of all the peach fuzz here once this is gone your eyelid and crease and like brow bone will be so smooth that every single shadow that you put on top looks smooth and not patchy so I just placed the little razor flat to my skin and using short strokes I am just gonna get rid of the peach fuzz this also scrubs eyelid a little bit which makes it oh my god and this sound this sound oh my god you should hear this oh my god here we go so I do that little section there and then this this here is peach fuzz city so I place the razor like this like right about the main shape of my brow and I use short strokes stroking up and that will get rid of that peach fuzz right there whoo so once that is nice and clean you have the most smooth soft area to apply your eyeshadow to you and this made a major difference in my makeup game now what I would do is apply primer foundation concealer and powder because I do my brows after foundation so I'm gonna go ahead go off-camera for a little bit and I'll come back look like a pancake but I'll be there to show you how to have a brow formation will be going from this to this I love everything about this I feel like it's looking full it's looking like hairs especially from a distance it looks a little bit better but that's with everything in life the first step I always do is grab a spoolie and brush my brow hairs upwards this to showcase the straight line underneath I kind of do my brows and steps so I do one line on the bottom then I brush the hairs down to a line at the top fill in and then all the detail work comes in the eyebrow pencil that I've been loving lately is my Fendi beauty this is the brow MVP and this is in the color dark ash blonde one trick and I think this is a game changer once you have used the pencil the tip kind of gets squinted and rounded and when I do my brows I want the tip to be very sharp and precise I kind of scroll it down until there's like the tiniest point of the pencil left and then I grab my dirty-ass makeup towel and with that pencil I'm just gonna rub the tip flat now this will lose a little bit of product for you every now and then but I heard that people break off the tip to get a straightedge but if you just roll it down enough so you can like flatten the top once you scroll it back up you have a sharp straight tip again now I just create a line underneath my brow and I usually start somewhere in the center and then work my way towards the tail and then finish off towards the front and now with the Salida stuch I just drag that line inwards don't make that line too too intense because that will make it look wrong okay now that we have the bottom line done good job take a breather and move on to the next step which is brushing down the brow hairs to create a clear line of where you want to top to go I want a fuller looking brow so like you saw on the bottom I went below my actual hair and for the top also I'm going on top like above my natural hair to create more depth if you feel like you've created a shape that you're totally unhappy with fear not concealer carving will come as our last step so in the final step we're going in with a base to carve out the brow and with this you can really perfect and shape with that same pencil I'm just gonna fill in the outer third you can absolutely fill in the rest of the brow using that same brow MVP by fenty Beauty but I like just doing that outer third because I have the precision there to stay inside of the lines where as for the remaining part I don't mind it like going a little bit faster so I hop over to a bigger brush or a bigger pencil excuse me I hop over to a bigger eyebrow pencil this is by hourglass this is called arch brow sculpting pencil and I'm using the color blonde and with this I'm just filling in the remainder of the brow and make sure you don't like fill in all the way to the very front of the brow but you always want to leave a little feather like a little space or breathe because with our spoolie we can spoolie around and kind of drag that product towards the front so that remains softer so to be quite honest with you before this would be my end station I will put a little bit of clear brow gel in the brows and carve out with concealer and call it a day the difference in the technique now is that I work in layers so this is like the first layer we have to shape we have sort of like the backdrop color and now it's time to go in with the details so that is an extra step added that will take more time but it will make it look more detailed and hairy and full right now I like to work on the second layer which is going in with a detailed a brow pencil that also has a flat edge and draw individual hairs almost like gonna work as a shadow for the real looking hairs so if you look at my brows mainly like this area it needs more detailing because right now just looks like a blob of brown and with this I also go towards the front of the brow and create a couple of individual hair strokes to give a more hairy feel now on to the step that totally changed everything for me I know this sounds very dramatic but it truly did before I would now go in with its stronghold brow gel like a clear brow gel Abbe Roberts introduced me to pears soap which is a clear soap and I have stepped into the realm of soap brows so you want to wet the soap then once it's wet grab a spoolie and sort of scrape the soap onto the spoolie and make it even then you have the soap on the spoolie you're gonna brush the hairs up or into the direction that you want them to sit and the magic trick this is the magic trick once you have the soap in the hairs if you want to take this side of the the spoolie and press them down against the skin so we're spraying I am rubbing that spoolie in there and creating like a little paste almost and then we go in and we brush up [Music] the ones you've brushed Chris down it kind of crates he's like very detailed miniature hair strokes you see them it just makes the hair that I do have more visible and now for the most fun part to me and I know we're on like sep 27 right now but trust me if you want to give this a go I think you will really really like this technique this is one of the final steps we're going in with the Lime Crime bushy-brow which is everything we want right now and I'm using the color baby brown baby brown sort of matches the color of the detailed hairs that I'm seeing right here the most and the only part where I'm kind of missing the detailed brow look is like right here so that is pretty much the only area where I'm going to fake the look of fake little hairs I know it's a long process but I'm just here to share with you what I've been doing and the difference it has made for me and if you want to get glam and take your time with it I think this is really fun to try out now like I mentioned in the beginning if you have made any mistakes and you feel like you really need to clean up the shape a bit more this is our final step to carve out the brow and I think today or actually did a pretty good job but I'm still got to carve out because I love that cleanness that cut Ness that perfection so as our final step I'm going in with my P Louie's base and I use this to cut out my brows and my go-to holy girl brush for this is by Inglot this is a 20 20 20 20 20 this is a 22 t brush and for me it has like the best shape and like do you see how thin that can get this will cut that brow into perfection and I feel like because we went in with that razor as our first step this will apply so smoothly like it has no hairs that kind of gets stuck in like this will be so satisfying and then once you apply the rest of your makeup you should be left with a beautiful brow formation if you're a makeup lover like I am and you want to give your brows that glow up I feel like this is a really fun technique to give a try and to give it a go so yeah I am really happy with it and without any further ado let's go on to today's don't word of the day down below you can find the shout out to the previous Dutch word of the day ask for today's Dutch word of the day I'm not sure if I've done this word before but if I did let's refresh in that memory a little bit today's Dutch word of the day is for eyebrow vang Pao pink brow so vang Pao is one brow and pink brow one vang Pao one is browse to browse as always if you want to get featured in my next video all you have to do is leave a comment down below featuring the Dutch word of the day vâng brow or if you want to get fancy with it leave a video response on Instagram on there the hashtag Dutch word of the day and who knows you might see your face pop up in my next video that's all for me today folks I hope you enjoyed I hope you loved let me know if you give this routine a try if you did don't forget to tag me on Instagram or tweet me some photos cuz I would love to see your results and hopefully I will see you guys on the next one
Channel: NikkieTutorials
Views: 2,211,340
Rating: 4.9100327 out of 5
Keywords: how to fake full brows, brows, brow, brow makeup tutorial, brow makeover, sparse brows, how to create fuller brows, brow makeup, nikkietutorials brows, nikkie brows, nikkietutorials, nikkie tutorials, nikkitutorials, nikki tutorials, how to, how to apply, makeup, makeup tutorial, tutorial, foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, lipgloss, jeffree star, shane dawson, microblading, makeup microblading, trim eyebrows, easy eyebrow tutorial, step by step brow tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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