June Bloom

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hi i'm emily taylor from collage quilter today is the one and only video tutorial about making blooms this project behind me and you can see i'm just going to get started right here so i want to walk you through the entire process in one video and you can pause it as you need to so first of all let's talk about kind of my setup here you'll see that i like to work on a vertical surface this allows me to walk away and get a better perspective on what I'm working on you'll also see so it's a drafting table it has a piece of foam core and the foam core is covered in felt and this just holds my foundation panel steady so that it's not slipping around the foam core also allows me to stick pins in it and I'll show you more about how I do that in a minute I mean sometimes you know if I just want to have a picture or a pallet hung up it's really easy to do with foam core so that's kind of my setup and I like to have a table close by so that I can have everything spread out here now the supplies that you're going to need specifically for this project are the pattern which is available at collage filter com and again this is called blooms this pattern is nice and small it's an easy project to complete so that you have a beautiful wall hanging in time for spring it is 18 inches by 24 inches you can use a poster hanger to hang it up so you need a great pair of scissors and I really love my Karen Kay Buckley 6 inch perfect scissors these are great and then you're going to need your fabric Amelia do you want to show them what I've got here this is the palette that I've chosen so I've got I actually used this piece of fabric as my inspiration I really like the dark teal background and the bright orange and yellow and pink and those pretty chartreuse greens so that's going to be the inspiration for my palette of this project and then in addition to the fabric let me also show you that I selected spectrum so you can see it really good in the greens and you can see it good in the yellows that I go from dark to light again dark to light and then light to dark so all of them so I have a really good assortment of fabric and I can pull in anything else that I want any other pieces of fabric that I want but this is the bare bones of what I want to do so I've decided that my background is going to be this beautiful teal color in the background and then we're gonna do a big beautiful pink flower here and yellow and orange or vice versa something like that then the final thing that you're going to need is a method to adhere your fabric to your project to your foundation panel and I'm going to use this time light steam a seam - I really do encourage you to figure out which adhesive method you prefer so there are multiple different types of double sided fusible web you can use any of those I just prefer lights demoscene - or you can use glue you can use tacky glue like Elmer's glue or I like fabric fusion which is a permanent fabric glue you decide what you like so again a foundation panel that's included in the pattern scissors fabric and your adhesive and that's all you need to get started on this so I want to show you real quick how I prepare my fabric with steam essenes I don't like to have a lot of fabric with steam a seam on it I only want to create enough fabric that has demoscene this that will be used in this project because I don't like I don't like leaving steam a seam on my fabric very long so a little trick that I've learned is it's great when you are shopping for fabric to request that they just cut 1/8 of a yard and that's four and a half inches so then I can just slice off a piece of that size and it's perfect so what I'm going to do is double sided fusible web esteem esteem looks like this I'm gonna peel back the paper side and expose the temporary adhesive and I'm simply going to lay my fabric down press it down onto the foundation earth down to this Dima seam so you can see there's the sticky stuff and I am just laying my fabric right onto this steam a seam and now I'm going to lightly okay I'm gonna lay this piece of paper down just so that I don't get any residue on my ironing board and I'm just going to very lightly with a dry iron press the steam seen I don't need to use steam at this point but that will ensure that my fabric has now been adhered to the steam machine and now it's ready to go so and I think that's all you need to know now I'm just going to start working so I'm gonna just get my I'm gonna start in the background first here we go and I will say generally my cuts kind of look like that they're quite angular with maybe a rounded edge I use a pin to score the back so it moves along really quickly sometimes when I score the fabric it's gonna pull a few little threads so I'll just kind of clean those threads up so I've got my background fabric already and I'm just gonna move along [Music] [Music] all right I think this is the final piece of the background I'm going to put on got that done pretty quick okay so a few things that I want to point out this is the great thing about steam the steam is it's temporarily adhered and before I yeah bring it closer I want to just want to just show a few I want to show details okay so I can really easily lift it up if I want to and replace things but you'll see the overlap is about a quarter an inch sometimes a half-inch sometimes an eighth of an inch and it's kind of ragged around the edges because I'm going to overlap the flowers along these edges so they won't be sharp edges they'll be rounded edges everything will overlap and that's why I started in the background so that all the flowers and the leaves can overlap the background area okay so from this point what I'll do is if I'm happy with with it I will go ahead and iron it and rather than take it risk having pieces fall off carrying it over to my iron I'll actually plug in my little baby is a little guy yep and let's assume he's plugged in and he's hot and what I'll do is just press in just like this just enough so that everything is somewhat fused to the background and then I can really easily move it without worrying that these pieces are temporarily going to fall off so we're done with the background and I will continue working on the flowers and the leaves after I get my fabric prepared with the steam seen tasty in a minute all right now I'm gonna get started on the leaves this shouldn't take very long [Music] okay so I'm done with the leaves and now I can again take my little baby iron and I will just gently press everything so that it stays in place next up I'll be working on the flowers [Music] okay I'm back here I finished the quilt top so let's take a look at it I want to point out so I'm just about to press it so you can see that these pieces are there not impressed down yet what I did with this if you are on my facebook group you know that I tried a different a couple different fussy cut pieces for the center and took some polls and I just had to kind of fuss with it so a really easy and fun way to finish the center of one of these flowers is to select a piece of fabric fussy cut it out and then even fussy cut a few pieces and kind of overlap them like that so it just begins to mimic the look of a flower so we've got kind of this very impressionist looking method going on and then a fussy cut Center and then I tried to extend a little bit of the fussy cut pieces out to some of the edges so you can see a little bit of this out here and overall I think it turned out really well I'm really excited about the way it it has finished the way it looks so I'm just going to finish this now by pressing it I'm going to be steaming it really super good remember when we're when we're using lights tema seen too screaming it excessively is exactly what we need to to do to make that to soften up the quilt top and to cause the permanent fusion so I'll get this finished and then the next thing that I'm gonna do is I need to add some leaders because I'm gonna put it on my longer machine and this is so small I just have to anyway I'm learning how to use my longer machine and one thing I learned by a mistake last time was that I needed some leaders leaders are edges so that I can pull this up and and move it on my on my frame so I'll get to that point and then I'll see you over at my longer machine and whether I'm making mistakes or not we're gonna just dive in and you'll see how I'm gonna finish this and I'm excited to to show you how I'm gonna finish the quilt along the edges so I will see you in just a second hi everyone okay I've got my collage quilt top set up I've got the back the backing fabric the a quilt sandwich with the backing fabric the batting and then the quilt top and you can see I've attached them together with some pins in a few areas but most important I've got the top on leaders that the bottom is much larger than the top and then I've done a stitch line across here so I know that it's secure now on my machine and my machine is a coronet so it doesn't have it's it's much smaller and things are designed to just be attached with these things so it's really super fast and easy for me to just throw things on here and get started so I am now I'll be done with quilting with quilting this in just a few minutes probably 20 minutes I'm not gonna make you watch me the whole time but you can see how I do it I mean show the little taste okay I'll give you a little taste first of all let me show you again I'm not a professional long armor so and I didn't have the kind of thread that I want so I just picked out some thread that matches just thread that goes on my domestic machine this is all-purpose thread but it is the same color as the background so that's that's what was important to me and I'll be changing my thread throughout the project so I've got green lined up and then I'll use yellow and pink and I'll show you some close-ups of the finished project and I'll also post some pictures so here I go I'll just get started and then you can turn it off when you're done filming because this is going to be boring [Music] kind of thing is just make sure that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] section right here so I'm going to stop head over to another section okay okay I've just made a mistake that I have repeated actually multiple times so I thought I'd show you what this mistake is the quilting is going along great but I let this get underneath the quilt so that it has now been stitched onto my machine so there's a little oh it's just one little stitch like right there where the backside has been quilted on to the machine so I'm gonna have to get my seam ripper and pull out a few threads and I think Portia is just on the end so I don't think I'm even gonna worry about it but I thought I'd share that mistake with you because I've made it a couple times not with this one but with another one with my Clementine so anyway um let me take care of that and then we'll continue all right so I have finished quilting my project and I want to show you how I'm finishing this quilt so first of all can you see some of the quilting that's done on here again quite dense quilting gonna flip it around a little bit like doodle stitching yeah you might be able to see it I'm not sure if you can see it better in school okay so anyway but while you're looking at the back I want you to look at how I found this I'm actually not using a traditional quilt binding I am I'm gonna demonstrate what I've done so I'm just finishing the edges the same I want it to look like a collage edge to edge so I'm simply taking my fabric pieces they're about like that size and adding them to the edge like so tucking it around and then pressing each piece as I go so that the finished project looks entirely collage so I'm going to finish this up real quick while you're watching and then we will I'll show you at the back side and my plan for the back side and now once this is done I have a darling perfect little wall hanging just in time for spring this will ease some of the gloom of being stuck inside for all of us right now as we go through the great pandemic of 2020 hopefully you're all staying healthy and well know that we're all in this together I think I've got one final piece right there okay now let me show you the backside and what I'm gonna do on the backside okay here's that here's the finished piece here's the backside what the backside looks like so now to finish off that edge I have selected this darling ribbon and I'll just cut it to size and either stitch or or use a fusible on the back and just cover up that edge so look how nice that's gonna look tada and then it's a nice finished edge on the back it looks beautiful on the front and my project is ready to hang on the wall so there you go if you have any further questions you can always find me Emily at collage quilter comm that's my address you can also check me out check out my Facebook groups number one is collage folder but the one that you'll really want to check into is collage quilt along with Emily that's the Facebook group where i have lots of free content and video tutorials about making all of my projects so I hope you've enjoyed this video and it is helpful as you begin on your June blooms project I think we've changed the names a couple times anyway it's the flower blooms it's what we're gonna call it choose blooms or bloops okay alright take care everyone see you later bye
Channel: Collage Quilter
Views: 38,695
Rating: 4.9516702 out of 5
Id: AtKn9G7YaVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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