Collage Quilt for Beginners, Stitch my Photo

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[Music] hi everyone it's julia thank you so much to everyone who's joining me today i wanted to take a few minutes and just say hi i have a bunch of new subscribers thank you so much everybody and thank you all for the wonderful comments you leave as well i just so appreciate everything just so thank you but a few weeks ago um i did a video on how i turned a photograph into a sketch and i wanted to turn that into a project this week and show you a little bit of what what i'm what i've been up to i'm going to link that video down below i turn i use the app procreate on my ipad to do that to turn that photograph into a sketch and so i'll link it up on the icards as well so you can go back and if you didn't catch it you can see what i'm talking about but i what i did was i turned it into a mini art quilt a little bit about me i think i maybe mentioned this before but i've never really felt i was a quilter and i i wasn't really i mean there's so many people who are just so hooked on it and i never the thing is i'm not a rule follower and i always felt that in order to quilt you had to follow a bunch of really rigid rules and i just didn't think that was for me but i stumbled upon in the last several months just a few youtubers and a few fabric collage artists and i discovered fabric collage quilting and it's such a form of art and i've just i my my you know you my wheels are just turning and i really have been enjoying it and so that's what i did with this sketch is i turned it into a mini collage quilt and this is a beginner's project because i'm a beginner and but i wanted to try some different techniques and just see what i liked and maybe what i would do differently so i hope you enjoy this and let's get started i do have a pattern available in my etsy shop if anybody else wants to create this mini collage quilt this is the original photo that we worked on a couple videos ago and the sketch that we turned into from the photo into a sketch and then i went ahead and i enlarged it with the pattern you will get four pages that need to be taped together and i do have red marks where you can tape or you can line those up so you know where where to get them into place on the design also i have the colors that i use by just by i just basically numbered them and then i have a coordinating fabric guide now i did not buy any extra fabrics i was able to find things in my stash so this gives you it just gives you a guideline on what i use but boy use your own own thing and your own color combinations each leaf has a main color and then i do have a shadow and a highlight on each of the leaves too just to give it some interest and those are all labeled on the on the fabric color chart you will notice also on the design there's a letter and i circled that in red the letter is also in red and it's letters a through h i believe and that is just the sequence and on how i put the the leaves on my design some of them are overlapping so you want the bottom layer on first and that just indicates which ones that i worked on first so i started with a and then went through h once you get this all taped together i did use an another template that i lay on the top of my design that you want to be able to see through so tracing paper works i actually just went to my kitchen and got some parchment paper and you can see through that very well so you do want to get that basic outline of the leaves on it and also the basic outlines of the shadows and highlights and then i also went ahead and did the colors that i needed here's the fabrics that i've chosen for my backgrounds similar i have about four or five of them i thought that the fabrics for my leaves would really pop on that background here's my leaf pattern fabrics there's four main ones and then the other ones are the shadows and the highlights that i've chosen for each of the main leaves and that's all on the fabric guide you can see a little closer on that i did label these with a little piece of tape i also picked out some fabrics for embellishments i love this little bird someone had sent this to me it's a little stamped image of a bird i'm going to try to add that and also that bright colored fall flower fabric this is my foundation piece i'm using just a piece of muslin measuring 20 inches by 24 inches i do have my cotton batting that i will be using and then the backing as well and i'm not going to use this part of it until after my appliquing is done the last thing i'm going to be doing is the quilting so i'm setting that aside but i do use a steama seam 2 for this i'm going to try that product out and then i also have some temporary fabric glue you can also use school glue you do want a glue that's washable i'm going to be using freezer paper method to apply my appliques and it's on to the background now i i cut these pieces four inches by four inches and i need approximately 36 to 38 i believe i cut you want to cover that entire foundation piece and i'm just laying these on my my steam a seam too this is a tacky product it has like a adhesive on that it's it's interesting it does have a tacky side so i can lay these out and but i can reposition them it's almost like a post-it note just going ahead and i'm laying all 36 of them down and then i'm going to be putting a press cloth on this a piece of parchment paper and just ironing these down and i'm not spending a lot of time with the ironing at this point this is just going to give it just to activate that glue cutting all these little squares out and then i also wanted to cut some of these squares into two inches by four inches so basically just cutting them in half this is like a patchwork back that i'm going to background that i'm working on and i wanted them to add a little bit more interest than just the four by four squares removing that paper backing now and again this is these are similar to a post-it note so i can again move these around when i wherever i want them if i decide i want i don't like something someplace they could easily come up and you can reposition them and i am overlapping a scant fourth of an inch closer to an eighth of an inch or i would say closer to an eighth of an inch i'm overlapping and again you can tuck underneath and reposition where needed i want to cover my entire piece my entire background or bat or foundation piece so some of these little ends i'm just cutting off and using those into another little spot i have it almost completely covered now and now it's on to ironing this and i'm taking a little bit more time here and using my steam to activate this glue completely now it's back to my sewing machine and i'm using gray all-purpose thread here and i'm going to be using decorative stitches and just varying a lot of different different decorative stitches here's an example but you can certainly just use a zigzag for this too just to get all those patchwork appliqued it's onto to doing the wrap my leaves now and i'm using the freezer paper for this you can see i did draw this one out already but you want to just trace your your design right on the paper side of your freezer paper and so that plastic side is down and i'm drawing on the paper side and just tracing all the little pieces i'm also labeling the color that i need this just helps me out when i'm putting this onto the fabric just getting the right color fabric rough cutting now and this is where i use my paper scissors and these are ready to iron onto my fabric and you do iron these right on the top side of your fabric or the pretty side up and then on to cutting and here i'm using my better scissors not my best scissors because i'm still cutting through paper but i'm using a scissor sharp enough to go through that fabric ironing these little details on as well now this is the tracing paper and i have my design traced i'm centering that on top and i'm just pinning the top of it i just want to pin the top because i need to be able to lift this up and get my pieces underneath and positioned where i need them to be just scooting that first piece under there getting it lined up this is the leaf a now i did label these leaves because there are the first five leaves go down and then the next three leaves go on top of it so i want to get those first five leaves down first i'm starting with a leaf a putting a little bit of glue just on the edges just folding up but keeping that leaf in the right placement on my on my background and don't worry if this oozes out a little bit because this glue is completely washable i just usually take a sponge and wipe anything off that i need getting that stem down and then you want to carefully remove this freezer paper you can use this freezer paper over usually at least two times if not three so if you're going to be doing this project again you can save all those pieces just make sure you have them all labeled flip that tracing paper back and now i'm getting those little details on flipping it again and then going on to the the gluing process removing that freezer paper and then it's on to the next b i believe this is the b leaf here doing the same thing my first five leaves are glued on and now it's to the what i call thread painting i'm using thread the same color as the leaf and i've just chosen thread that i had on hand ones that match the best some of them are cotton polyester are cotton wrapped polyester and some are cotton threads some are variegated this first one i'm using is a variegated i do have my free motion foot on i have my feed dogs dropped my stitch length is at zero and i'm doing the movement and i'm just going back and forth and back and forth usually go five or six stitches forward and then five or six stitches back it doesn't matter if you get off a little bit sometimes i like i like the look of it if the stitch is going on the background mainly want to just cover those edges almost done with this one just going up finishing that stem and these are all sewn on and it's back to getting that tracing paper lined up and pinning the top of it and then finishing those last three leaves and these are the ones that are going to be placed somewhat on top of the other leaves and these are going to be sewn the same way as i did the other leaves now it's on to the embellishments i found this on this little thing that says may good things grow i thought that was appropriate too and wanting to add some of the adhesive paper adhesive to the back side of these embellishments so much like the background i'm just laying it on this steamer seam and going to be fussy cutting all these out this is the fun part of the quilt i really love adding little details like this of course it's an optional thing but it's a way to make your quilt more personal to you cutting out this little stamped bird and we'll be adding that i'm going to be using some of those black flowers as well but those already had i think it was heat n bond light on the back of them from a previous project you have these little black flaws these have already added had stuff added to them so i don't have to to do that again using a parchment paper or some kind of press cloth and now it's on to fussy cutting these little flowers out i laid this on my bigger mat just to see to make sure i figured out what i wanted and where i wanted it and decided up the bottom right corner and the upper left just kind of i filled it in a little and just looked really nice once i had it tour i liked it i added the steam and got those pressed down and then edge finished them the same as i did the leaves and now the apple king is all going to be finished and it's on to the quilting i'm putting my my top piece now my top quilt top on my quilt batting and backing so i'm making a sandwich and just pinning these this into place i'm going to be taking this to my sheet my machine and doing my free motion quilting i decided what i wanted to do was just use cream colored thread to match the background and i'm going to be just stitching around each of the leaves to give that a quilted look and then echoing those shapes on to the background and you can you'll be able to see it here in a little bit i'm just going to be echo echoing those leaves that leaf shape there you can see it and then i also filled in the detail of the veins on the leaves and now doing my squaring up and removing all that excess i do not bind this quilt in this video but i'm going to be uploading a video in a couple days showing how i do the binding i wanted just to have a video just on the easy quilt binding just something for more of a reference for future just quickly show you how i'm doing the dowel sleeve this is a piece two and a half inches by 15 inches and i edge finished the ends of that and then just folded it in half so that the wrong sides are together and then i'm going to be pinning this on the top of the back of the yeah the back of the but at the top and just going to be stitching that a scant quarter of an inch and then the binding will go on the top of that i do have some pictures here at the end i hope you enjoyed this video i thought it worked made a great wall hanging but also a wonderful just a table centerpiece for this upcoming month i'm going to have this on my table through thanksgiving thank you everybody who's joined me i do have some more pictures here i hope you have a chance to create bye for now you
Channel: stitchesbyjulia
Views: 22,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Detroit Lakes MN stitches by julia, sewing, craft, DIY, tutorial, learn to sew, free motion appliqué, free motion sewing, textile art, mixed media, free motion quilting, collage quilting, collage quilting for beginners, art quilt, fabric collage quilt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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