Tutorial for Making the Winter Cardinal Project

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all right i think we are live on the winter cardinal um tutorial webinar welcome everybody to this event i'm really glad to have you here and um let me just walk through um a little bit of the the format here so that you can participate as much as possible and um good morning diane okay so off on the right hand side of your screen you will see this chat and you can ask questions there you can say hello hello so we've got lots of people that are um the voice isn't coming through correctly susan said that's the one thing i do want to make sure that everybody can hear me um so if you're having a difficult time hearing me will you please let me know and we're gonna tweak a few things if that doesn't work um okay so uh you it looks like most of you have found the chat there's also if you click up there you'll see polls i've just put the poll up i would love to have you answer that so answer those poll questions number one have you ever joined me in a live event before number two have you ever made a textile collage project or a collage quote before it will help me to understand the audience better so that i can in future events make sure that i'm answering your questions and meeting your needs because the thing of it is i want you to have success with my projects and my patterns and it helps me to understand where you're coming from a little bit better so any input that you can give me will help me make sure that my events are just spot on okay you will also see up there near the chat is handout so you can click on that's just um the the uh supply list nothing fancy there but in future events as i get your feedback and understand what you need i'll be able to provide handouts in that little area as well so one more thing i i mentioned in my facebook group we had originally planned to do a zoom meeting and the zoom meeting could only accommodate um like a hundred people or something and we had way more people than a hundred sign up to participate in this event in fact we had more people sign up to participate in this event than we'll even be able to um be on the live event so this will be recorded and i will send it out i will send the link to everybody that has not um been able to access the live event so if you here are here live you're lucky and um this gives you the chance to interact with me and ask questions and i will show you live real time um in answer to your questions so just just know that we're i'm still kind of figuring out this this webinar platform i think that this is going to work out really well um in now today and in the future but in order to accommodate people that's why i switched platforms and i like the fact that it records it so that we can send it out to everybody that wants it okay so with that said my daughter's in the background and she's going to also be kind of moderating comments so um as you have questions go ahead and type them there and amelia will catch the comments so that i make sure that i answer everybody's questions okay um all right sounds great let's get started then the first thing that we're going to go through is let me see if i can remember how to do this i am going to just put the this is the supply list okay and again this handout this is under the handouts i want to walk through um so you'll need the pattern the pattern is available at collage quilter and that pattern is available as a download or as a kit now we have sold out of the kits for the time being we're hoping to get a few more ready for next weekend so if you're still hoping to get the kit you might be able to get it next weekend otherwise just gather up your own scraps and grab the download and you can participate the other thing that you will need is parchment paper and we'll talk about why i use parchment paper in just a minute i like uh the fusible that i recommend is this light steam esteem too now lights team seem to um i know that there are multiple versions of steam a seam i know also that there are multiple versions of fusible what i'm looking for is a double-sided fusible web and um there might be others that work really well with this technique but i have selected light sequencing too it just it just there are some properties that i really like that i'll go through and so for this method this method that i call parchment pressing um light steam seam two it works really really well okay so fabric for the background my fabric piece was 14 by 14. you can the nice thing about this parchment pressing technique is that you can select any any size your composition will be your unique composition so make it fit to whatever whatever size you would like um i have a mini iron and i actually have too many irons um [Music] let me show you the mini irons that i like i just got this one this little this little baby i love this because the pieces it's i mean like it's so petite and cute okay so that works really well and then the other mini iron that i have is this one here and i use this for um anyway these are both you know they just sit on my table right here on my pressing mat and they work really well um it so if you can i recommend investing in one of those irons we will be making those irons available on our website um hopefully by january so this the brand of this is clover um and the brand for this one is dritz and i know both of them are available on amazon and as i said we will be making them available on collage quilter soon so then the other uh the other item that is an optional item on the supply list is ribbon and embroidery and i have to show you this because i being kind of a crafty person i've always collected buttons and thread and ribbon and stuff and over the years this is what's become of some of my collection it's a disaster but i've had this um this silk ribbon is i have finally found a use for it i have had it for years and years but i have finally um really enjoyed using it again so let me let me show you the finished product really quick one more time okay so here is my finished wall hanging you can see that i've got a it's hanging with a little ribbon let me show you look at the back here okay so um this is a fun little trick look at this this is a poster hanger that i've just applied the ribbon to and i have done a facing on the back i kind of like being able to see the embroidery on the back and then these corners i are open and so i can just i can just stick that rod in there and then hang up the put up the hanging so anyway but i wanted to show you some of the embroidery embellishments okay so i am by no means an expert at embroidery but i did have fun and and you don't have to be an expert it just needs it just it's just a fun little touch and as a a little plug for my new book um i do have all the stitches in here that i've used okay so that will kind of show you the stitching and you can see that i've done it on the duck that's hanging in the background as well so um the book is now available we shipped everybody's pre-order out last week so i hope that you'll be receiving them soon you know how to contact me if you have any problems with any um orders that you've placed through collage quilter always email me emily collagequilter.com okay one more little housekeeping bit um and then we're gonna uh pick a winner for our first um our first giveaway we're gonna do two giveaways in this session we're gonna do one here at the beginning and then we're gonna do one at the end okay so um that's one of the incentives for being live um on the on the broadcast you have to be live to win okay so um i the other housekeeping thing is i want to mention if you haven't already joined my facebook group the collage quilter academy facebook group i highly recommend that you do i end up posting a lot of helpful information there and i check that group i'm interacting with people constantly in that group every single day just about and it's a place where you can post your pictures of your progress and um learn from other members it's a really great community i love it a lot so um if you haven't joined that i highly recommend that you do i know a lot of people aren't on facebook so that's fine too but if you are on facebook this is a fun group to be a part of and again the name of that is collage quilter academy okay so now let's dig in so we've looked at the supply list and i want to teach you a little bit about why i use the parchment paper so parchment paper is semi-transparent it is a little bit waxy but it is not wax paper and do not replace this with wax paper but it prohibits sticking right that's kind of it's kind of a non-stick surface and because it's semi-transparent we can easily see through it and that is what i like i like to be able to see the gray tone image that's included in your pattern through the parchment paper so you can see what i've done i've already sketched i've put my my pattern underneath the parchment paper and i've sketched this out now i haven't lined it up right but you get the idea okay i want to also mention one more supply that i use that's been really handy now this is just a piece of foam core i bought this you can buy this at any craft store like hobby lobby or um michael's and normally a foam core is sold in the framing department so it's a quarter inch foam core and then i've just taped some felt onto it so that now this becomes the surface where i can pin the project that i'm working on let me grab my handy dandy darling pin cushion that my friend patty made for me patty is a moderator today on our event so she can help answer a lot of your questions as well so the the nice thing is that now i can pin my my project my template onto that and then i can put my parchment paper right on top of that okay now obviously i um i pulled this off and now it's going to be kind of tricky to line it back up but you get the idea okay so that's how i want to have my my project pinned to this okay to to get started and then i will just dig in by applying fabric to this parchment paper let me let me talk just a minute about preparing your fabric with the steama seam okay i've got now for those of you who have received the kit you're going to understand really quickly that while i've only provided a six inch square i've given you a generous amount of fabric you should be able to actually make multiple birds if you want and you'll have you'll have scraps left left over if you're only doing one bird i recommend cutting your six inch square probably in half and then only because you won't need the whole piece at once but if you want to just put that whole six inch piece prepare it with the steama seam that's great too and then you'll just have this little piece left over ready to use in your next project i'm going to give you a quick little demo about preparing your fabric and with this with the light steam seam so i like keeping things in rectangles because it makes it really easy to apply to a sheet of steam a seam so what i do is just peel off this paper side so steam seam has a paper a plain paper side and a grid side and i'm simply going to apply my paper my fabric to that okay and then i'll press it on there with my iron and then my fabric is ready to use so i will prepare all of my fabric ahead of time with the steam machine now i also gave you for those of you who purchased the kit a really wide variety of fabric didn't i all the way from very dark to very light let's take a look at my project again and i want to point out where i've used it and i have taken a little bit of liberty you know i don't stick right to the lines and i'm going to show you that in just a minute but i do want you to take a look at the the wide variety of fabric that i have in there so you can see where some of the really dark pieces have wound up and then you know the mid-tone pieces and then the really light pieces the very lightest pieces in the bird wound up on his beak to kind of highlight his beak but all the way through here kind of where his breast would be is the lighter kind of tangerine orangey pink pieces okay now the other thing that you'll notice in the fabric that i selected i hand selected every single little piece of fabric for you there is a wide variety of fabric not everybody received the same the same pieces but i picked everything with this in mind that you would have a selection an assortment of light to dark but then that you would also have an assortment of some interesting patterns um let me get back to this slide presentation and show you kind of how i got started okay all right so here we are now once i have once i have sketched out my cardinal you can see i just begin applying the fabric right to the fabric that's been prepared with steam seam right to the foundation paper okay and the one thing i want you to notice is do i stick to the outlines am i really careful about making the fabric pieces match the drawing no i'm not it's just a suggestion right and because this is collage everything is going to kind of overlap and it's okay if it gets a little um a little sloppy i'm going to just um check in and make sure that everybody that i'm answering questions as i go so amelia are there some questions that we can answer because amelia's kind of moderating i've been trying okay there was some confusion with um what side of the fabric you prepare a steam seam okay amelia just told me that there's some some question about what side of fabric to prepare the seam a seam so you're going to put the steam a seam the seam seam is the fusible and so that needs to go on the back side of your fabric okay so when your fabric has been prepared with steam seam the back side is going to be sticky and then i can put it put that sticky part right on the parchment paper okay um is there anything else there you're wondering if you need to wash your fabric no in fact i don't wash my fabric before i get started i think that just makes everything twice as difficult because then you're going to have threads that you have to trim and you have to iron everything so i just leave everything just nice and fresh um use it right as i sent it to you sorry amelia what other questions oh someone okay we have questions did you enlarge your pattern and is this your design or did you find and trace the objects okay so i sketched um this yeah this is my design i sketched this and i am very particular about creating a gray tone that has just the right amount of grays we don't we want to have enough gray that we can see we want to have enough variation between the values so that we can see what we're creating and we don't want to have so much detail that it becomes overwhelming so i kind of have an idea in my head of how how many gray tones an image needs to be reduced to so yeah i create these with this in mind that i'm going to collage it okay i do see teresa asked a really good question about fussy cutting the eye and i'm going to walk through that in just a minute okay let's see somebody cynthia asked is the sketch reversed on the parchment paper no so i want you to if you've been if you've done applique in the past i want you to just throw everything out that you've learned with traditional applique and um let me just walk through this one more time okay um so i'm gonna go back to after i have i've drawn i've taken the pattern from the template the template from the pattern i put it on my board i traced this out and i can still see the gray tones through there then what i'm going to do is simply apply the pieces of fabric i'm going to take my fabric pieces and generally i cut fabric pieces that are roughly triangles and then i will normally round and the edges because everything that i we we want to soften the edges a little bit and then i will apply it to where i want it in the design now i'm doing this upside down but i think that would probably be about right now if my if my initial pieces don't stick so again this is the back side has the fusible and it will stick right to this parchment paper now if it doesn't stick because parchment paper is designed to be non-stick this is where for these first few pieces i'm going to take my little iron and just make sure that it's that adhesive is activated on the parch on the parchment paper okay so now this piece is going to stick so let's go back to the slides okay so you can see that's exactly what i started doing right here i just started applying pieces of fabric to the foundation and i've kind of begun hopping around a little bit so that i can get the you know figure out where the darks are going to go where the lights are going to go and then and then build up and and fill them in okay now the idea is that with collage collage implies that we're going to overlap so you always want to overlap your pieces by at least an eighth of an inch sometimes as much as a half inch depending on the size of your project now this little guy he's not huge so the average overlap is about a quarter of an inch okay um let's move on then here is here is the finished bird still attached to the uh parchment paper and i've got a picture of all of the fabric pieces in fact i'm missing i'm actually missing a couple of the fabric pieces but if we count this in this little teeny bird i've included 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 and i know there's at least one more that that we didn't get a picture of so i we've got 16 to 17 pieces of different fabric in this one little collage now why do i do that the reason that i do that is because look how amazing that little bird looks he just he is a delight because he's got a lot going on in there and it's that's what i love about textile collage i love the fact that all of these different pieces that have you know these pieces of fabric that have a lot of variation and interest it just creates something that you you can't do with paint you can't do it with colored pencil and um it's just fun it's just a creative way to um it's just creative and fun i don't know what else to say i just love it now one thing i also want to point out with my fabric selection for those of you who will not who don't have the kit there is not a single piece of fabric that is solid in this and that's because i prefer to use fabric that has some texture and dimension and pattern i don't like solids there are let me stop this slide for just a second um i there are a couple places that i recommend that you learn well i i wanna i've learned a lot as a collage artist what makes a good collage and of course it's all about the fabric it's all about the fabric there is a free video tutorial on my collage culture academy teachable site that's about selecting fabric and that's free so i'll go through there's a lot to it a lot that i think about as i'm selecting fabric there's also a section on selecting fabric in my book and what constitutes good fabric and why i select that fabric versus fabric that i stay away from so the one thing i'm going to stay point out on this broadcast is that i stay away from generally i stay away from solids i don't use a lot of solids once in a while one will slip in um and and that's okay but i i will very rarely use more than one um so to learn more about fabric selection go to either my book or that free video okay so let's see here amelia actually just added that link in the comments so you can link right to that um okay let's let's move on now i want to talk to you about the eye again there's a big section in my book about creating eyes and i'm going to give you a quick little rundown about the eye right now so let me um let me just remove this to make the eye i'm going to do um what i call a sass template now sas return refers to the steamer seam the light steam missing so let me grab these pieces of fabric back here that are ready to go so what i'm going to do is rather than make the eye using my parchment paper i'm just simply going to select the pieces of fabric now you can see on this the design has just the black and then a little highlight but i want to show you the the finished project okay do you see something different there okay you see that the eye the finished eye actually stands out from the black because it's got a really thin rim of um light behind it so i've actually selected three pieces of fabric so let what i did is um i take the main black fabric i peel it back and i expose the paper of that's covering the steama seam and i'm simply going to hold that right there i'm going to trace it like this i'm doing this upside down this is just a demonstration but you can see now i've got a guide okay for the eye so when i replace the fabric i have there it is let's see here right there you see that so that gives me a guide for cutting this out and then i can cut using that guide i can cut out that black eye around around on using that guide okay and then i take that little teeny black piece so let's just say i did that real quick and i'm going to press it on to i'm going to fuse it onto a slightly lighter lighter piece so i've already done that now what i'm going to do let me set this down is i'm gonna just cut this out real quick okay i want it to be just a tiny little outline so the easiest way to do that is let's see if i can get it so that the so you can see me i don't know if you can but i'm just going to cut around that black section so that now there is let's see if you can see that okay it's kind of hard now you can see that let's put it up against this then you might be able to see it there now do you see that i've got a little outline so now that that eye isn't going to just blend in if so if you want your eye to blend in don't put this background but if you want it to stand out just a little bit and then all i'm going to do is add a little highlight so i'm going to just take that lighter that um a really light piece and this is where let's see i have some little tweezers fabric tweezers this comes in handy for these for these tiny little highlights because i'm gonna just make a little itty bitty highlight and my fingers become too big to mess with it so let me show you what i'm doing here okay all right there's my little my little teeny piece you can see how tiny that is and i'm going to peel the paper off the back and i'm going to apply it to oops did i get it i'm going to apply it to my eye there so there's my little eye okay so that i is then i'm gonna keep that that gray part still has the the paper on the back but now that i can go right on top of the um where it needs to go on the bird now i want to also show you show you one other kind of fun interesting thing with parchment paper the idea is once i get this whole thing covered with the fabric and i and if it's the way i like it then i can press it if i don't press it then the pieces are only stuck to each other because they don't stick really well to this but then i can still take my either a pin or my little tweezers and i can so for the eye i can lift up the section that i need to make sure it gets placed correctly and put it back down and then the other thing i was so once i get everything the way i want it on my parchment paper the nice thing is everything will peel off in one piece and that is the beauty of using parchment paper that i can create the entire piece press it and peel it off in one piece okay um all right so i'm going to let's see i'm going to look at the questions real quick so eileen says with the eye do you layer it with the overlap too so with the eye um this eye that i've created outside you know off the off the design that's going to go right on top so it will this is one section where there's going to be how many layers let's see so we've got the layer underneath it so that's one and then we've got three layers right here so that's four layers that so i'm just going to put the eye right on top of that um collaged piece okay does that i hope that answers your question it does make it really super easy to do a nice eye um again i'm going to refer to my book there are step-by-step pictures about making the eyes okay so if you want to refer to that that will show you how to do those eyes okay um all right let's just double check um so teresa asked and this is a great question so let's move on just a little bit let's see if i finish this um slideshow here let's go to the final slide okay so um i have completed my bird i peel him away from the parchment paper and you can see that i've got some other elements now those other elements are also included in the pattern but you can create them how you would like so you can see some of those leaves and the branches are all in one piece all one piece of fabric some of them have multiple pieces of fabric and then the berries are created the berries only have one piece of fabric and then i've stitched on the the top of the berry with a lighter piece of fabric to create a little highlight so let me pause that for a second and go back to the okay so here is you can see all of those berries they all have a little highlight don't they so what i did was i selected my fabric for the berry and then i made sure that i used a lighter actually this was silk ribbon so they all have a little touch of silk ribbon that's just lighter than the the fabric that i used and i created some of them are a french knot so let's see oh right here is a french knot and it's got a little bit of texture to it and then some of these others are called ribbon stitches i think i did just another i think most of these are ribbon stitches so ribbon stitch there and there okay so that creates a nice little highlight okay so once you have um added all the elements and go ahead and add more and more and more i'm learning as i go because i'm still i'm still a work in progress and i'm still learning but as i do this um i am learning that the more uh fabric i add the more embroidery that i add the more interesting the composition becomes and i think i think that's the direction that i'm going i just kind of want to goop it up with beautiful stuff and it's so fun and it's really fast and easy so let me go back to this slide again um let's see here okay so the way that you can finish this is uh there are several ways um okay i'm gonna refer to my book one more time because the book that i wrote is actually awesome because it gives you it teaches you three ways to finish it so you can finish it like you've quilted it you can create a pillow like i've done here and that is quilted or you can do the little wall hanging so the wall hanging is not quilted let's go back to this i'm going to show you how i finished it okay you certainly can run this whole thing through your machine all you would need to do is some vertical lines you can do some doodle stitching whatever you want i chose not to i chose to just let the embroidery it's just a simple little wall hanging it's not going to go through the wash it's just a little piece of art to hang up during christmas time so i decided that i was going to do facing on the on the quilt to finish these raw edges so to finish these raw edges and to create these little hanging uh pockets i cut four uh triangles so i think these triangles were five inch either four or five inch it really doesn't matter it can be between four and six inches depending on the size of your project corners and you're going to lay those on the front of your finished piece and then you're going to take double strips of fabric that have been doubled up so those strips of fabric very similar to binding strips so they're two two and a half inch um in let's see they are i think they were four inch strips and then they were doubled and so the raw edge of the strip is lined up with the raw edge of my design and i just lay them right on top of those triangles now they don't go to the edge i'm i don't know for sure if you can see this but i didn't even measure them all i did was say okay i just want this to to um go halfway between the corner um corners of the of the triangle okay and then when i've gotten that done i flip it over so what i'm gonna do now is let me um let me just take this apart i'm gonna show you okay so if i take this out here is here's what my now i've already glued this down but you can see if i were to flip this around um those the edges of my uh my strips don't go they're just i left them raw and they don't go to the edge they you know you can meet them halfway between they need to just be halfway between this corner and this corner okay so if your strips measure from here to here okay and then um i stitch now remember these were all these were all laying on the front with raw edges together and again i i can't show you that because i've already glued it down but when i flip it through and poke the edge out i leave that little corner open but i have glued this down i've just taken a little teeny dab of fabric fusion not very much and secured that down so now all of my raw edges are finished okay i don't have any raw edges and again i kind of like being able to see the embroidery on the back and wouldn't it be awesome if this were just full of embroidery it would look really cute so um these you won't see the raw edges because they're under the corner of the triangle and i leave that open because they're stitched in the seam right here but then that they create that little pocket so that i can slide my my hanger into it like that isn't that isn't that cute i love it so let me tell you a little bit more about this little guy here okay um amelia will put this in the um i'm sure she'll put this in the comments as well um put provides the yep the link for the poster hanger so all this is is a it's a poster hanger um poster hangers come these are magnetic poster hangers and you can see that all i've done is i've applied a little bit of the ribbon so this happens to be this cute velvet red ribbon and i've glued it to the poster hanger i've glued it to the other um let me show you let me let's go back so you saw where i glued it to the front just to secure it there so it's not sliding around and then i took that around and i glued it to the other edge right there okay so this is you can see the magnets in the poster hanger so from one poster hanger a poster hanger has um four pieces it has in fact amelia do you mind grabbing oh actually yeah grab me those there are some poster hangers sitting on top of the so when you get a poster hanger it's gonna come in four pieces let me show you and you should be able to get some different sizes there's lots of different sizes of poster hangers so it comes in a package like this let me show you um i'll just open this up so i can show it to you so again amazon and he's going to provide you the link for this i'm so glad we discovered this this is my new favorite way to to hang something up so a poster here comes like this this is the top part and then then the idea is that you hang the bottom part down here and each of these pieces is magnetic so you put the poster in between that and those magnets hold it but the great thing is that if you're making these little projects all of the sudden you can get you can hang up four because you only need one um one of these like i've done here to create a hanger so the other um the other nice thing is if i don't want to and and there always will be one hanger that has you know the cut the poster hanger comes like this so you can replace that too or you can keep it you can see the duck in the background that was hung up the same way just using this poster hanger and the facing on the little quilt the anthology the avian anthology quilt behind me is also made that way so i've faced the quilt and then because it's a little bit larger i used a yardstick and i with a circular saw just cut it off to the right size and that's how i've hung that up and then the really nice thing too in fact i should just show you this it's the it's the best um let's see i've got my microphone on here but i think i can get over here and pull this off for you this is really the best so here's my yardstick tada easy peasy and then i've just put command strips on here so those command strips are what allow me to um to hang this up really easily so watch i'm gonna just let's see if i can do this without pulling the microphone out okay here we go guys this is live all right so i'm just gonna and you know the great thing about command strips is of course that we can um they don't ruin our walls we can take them down without a hole or anything else get those little velcro pieces lined up there tada how easy is that yes we have a bunch of people wondering what is the white stuff on the back oh yes thank you okay the white stuff on the back so let me talk about the fabric that i've got going on here so um the fabric that i selected for the the background of my design is just a really i just went shopping and just found at a fabric store this beautiful i think it's wool but i could be wrong i actually don't know what the substrate is but i think it's a wool herringbone yeah i know i'm getting there so i'm getting to the white part um so i applied everything here i pressed it down and then i was like oh yeah i want to do some embroidery so particularly if you are if everything that you've pressed down is on quilt weight cotton you're probably going to want to provide a stabilizer on the back so the stabilizer that i used is this pellon it's pellon shape flex all-purpose woven fusible so this is this is um a fusible and i fused it to the back of my background fabric so i've got my fabric and then i take a square of it and i a square of this and i fuse it to the background so it just provides a little bit of stability um to this so that as i stitch it it doesn't have gaping holes and i don't know it just keeps it nice and tidy okay so again i'm gonna um nope there is no batting in this one if i was going to quilt it on my machine quilt then i would add some thin batting and the thin batting i've discovered that i like um let's see it's in my book again let me see what it's called i have some somewhere but my book has it too let's see uh the batting that i like is just super thin batting where is it oh for the love of pete there it is thermor batting so it is a hobbes just a super thin batting it's designed for quilted clothing you can use any batting that you like but i i personally prefer something that's really thin but again no batting in this project because i didn't actually machine quilted i just wanted to embroider it so with embroidery i put a little bit of the pellon shape flex all-purpose woven fusible interfacing again this is sold at i bet this is sold at joann's and most fabric stores and you can see i've just picked up a bolt that's how i roll i buy stuff and this has been sitting in my closet for years i don't know the number i'll type it in okay it's sf101 sf101 uh-huh shape flex all-purpose woven fusible interfacing by pellon so the idea is that you just want something that will provide a little bit of stability for the embroidery um okay so i think that covers kind of the whole process of how to use the products how to use the fabric um how to create your little composition onto your background fabric how to embellish it with embroidery and how to hang it let's go through and make sure that i have answered all of the questions that you have so if you have oh dear i have a sneeze coming i'm so sorry i gotta sneeze excuse me i'm sorry about that okay so thank you sorry about that you guys oh and you know what we forgot to do a giveaway we've got two giveaways to do right now um let's do that so i'm going to give away a 25 gift certificate to two people and that 25 gift certificate will be good for anything you want to purchase at collagequilter.com and um let's see how should we do this we have we have a lot of attendees so i think what i'm going to do is i'm just going to scroll down here and while you're still typing your questions in there i'm going to choose two winners okay thank you for joining me everybody i hope this has been super helpful helpful it's been really fun for me okay so let's do some giveaways and then um i'll answer questions let's see so our first winner is we've got a lot of debbie's debbie guerrero um debbie let's see let me take your um okay let's see i'm going to add you allow okay debbie guerrero i've just allowed your webcam and microphone so hopefully you can hop on here and say yay i won but i'm going to write down your email address too and um make sure that we it's debbie jo 15 15. oh i probably shouldn't provide your whole email address in front of everybody emily do you see her i'll get it i'll get it so hang on and then um amelia do you want to be in charge of getting the next person the next winner yep i'm just scrolling down and randomly selecting someone [Music] okay um let's do this i see i see a whole bunch of questions i'm going to scroll down and then i can also um provide i can spend some time working on this too so i'm happy to do that um i just don't want to bore you all by the process but here we go okay um tara said don't be scared okay we'll take a few minutes let's see we've got it's 11 49 so i'll tell you what i'm happy to sit here and work on this and you guys can work along with me okay do you want to the second winner yes let's do the second winner okay second winner is renee renee r-e-n-e r-e-n-e okay will you write down her um her email address and we will email her okay so we've got two winners and we will email you and i'm going to scroll down and i'm going to talk to talk to you guys and i'm going to do some more um work on this okay all right thanks and i also want to say thank you guys for being here this was really really fun for me to be here it's such a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to have a small business i am so thankful for this privilege and it wouldn't be possible without you so thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and um enabling me to pursue my passion and support myself with this little business thank you okay let's ask some questions um oh let's see here [Music] okay the um one question is about the accessibility of this video so when we're done with this video recording it needs to process and then i will in the next day or so send you out an email with the link to this video okay thanks so much for your kind comments everyone i really appreciate it um okay so how can we see how you cut and place your pieces absolutely so um i've got a bunch of fabric here and i'm going to i will work on this little bird let me get this set up again uh where did my area is so for those of you who don't want to stay through the actual um actual putting it together you can you can take off now thank you very much for being here but for those of you who want to to watch i'm gonna i'll work on this for a little bit okay and i've got my eye sitting here and i've got my fabric so i've got my fabric pieces that are ready to go and amelia will you continue to kind of monitor and i will i will answer questions as i work okay so i'm going to slide back here so you can see me work let's make sure you can see me okay good all right now the other thing i'm going to do is i'm going to keep the picture nearby so that i can kind of see what i've done in the past so i am just going to dig in um the i think i mentioned to you that the most common cut that i make is a triangle just because it's the most efficient but then i will also round the triangle so what i'll do is round one or more of the edges the pieces of my design will end up being anywhere between the size of my palm and the size of my fingernail but because this is a smaller design they'll be a little bit on the smaller side so this is probably as large as i'm going to go and i'll just begin by sticking it somewhere and then again remember that i said that these first few pieces may not stick so to ensure that these first few pieces stick on my parchment paper i'm going to press them down with a little iron and that way it's stuck there now subsequent pieces of fabric i'm going to apply them right over the top of this so let's just dig in amelia will you keep providing me with questions that people are asking okay so this is this fabric a little bit lighter i'm going to take a take a piece here um i'm going to trim up any extra threads that are kind of hanging off of it lots of people are wondering how you determine where to start is there's a specific place you need to start with that's a great question where to start um i just i there's no specific place um where i start because this guy is just really little anywhere you want to start is fine so i'm starting on the middle a lot of times with a more complex design i will start on either end of the value spectrum i i will either start with all the darks or all the lights but in this one it doesn't matter now let me show you something that i just did there you might have missed that so some to get the paper off of the back i'm just going to score it with my pin and to score it means to scratch it so i'm just going to scratch it and that will make it really easy to peel that paper off of my piece and there's my piece of fabric so i'll show you what i'm doing here so again i've just taken my piece this new piece of fabric and i'm going to just kind of lightly overlap so it's overlapping by about a quarter of an inch i'm just gonna press that down now i want to be kind of careful um if i if i fuse this right now i can peel it away really easily but let me show you what happens if i press it while it's on the other piece of fabric so if i press it like this now that fusible is going to fuse these two pieces together so i won't be able to peel this off i can peel it only as far as it's attached to the to the parchment paper but now it's completely fused to that piece of fabric underneath it do you see that so just be aware of that okay i'm going to keep working so generally i'm very careful about not fusing the pieces to each other until the very end and i'm really happy with it because up until that point it's all interchangeable i can take a piece off if i'm not happy with the placement of it or the color or whatever now this is the fabric that i selected earlier and this is quite a bit lighter so i'm going to i'm going to make it lighter on its little back here will you um explain again why you use parchment paper over freezer paper and which side of the parchment paper you need to use yep okay so the question is and i've gotten this question many times um why do you use parchment paper over freezer paper so they're actually very different products parchment paper is the same on both sides so it doesn't matter what side you use freezer paper is used to make templates um so let me show you what i just did here okay so i just i see i want to start adding a little bit more of the light now this one piece seems to be sticking okay because that it's sticking okay to my parchment so i'm just going to leave it just like that freezer paper is has a waxy side and a paper side and that waxy side makes a great template but um it also will you know what i guess the best way to show that is to demonstrate emily do you want to grab the what the freezer paper that's over there and i'll just show them the differences but do not use freezer paper for this because the wax that's on the freezer paper will melt and we don't we don't want that so here's freezer paper actually here's a little piece in my freezer paper so freezer paper has a paper side and a wax side now the other difference between freezer paper and let me see if i've got a piece of parchment paper to show you the difference let me cut some off of this for you freezer paper is not transparent so this is freezer paper this is parchment paper and let's see if we put something behind it well you can kind of see i think you can see this one is just trans this is semi-transparent this is completely opaque but this is really helpful if i want to create um let's just say i want to do a leaf so if i draw this is freezer paper if i draw a leaf on the freezer paper i'm going to show you how i would use this so if i draw a leaf on the paper side of the freezer paper and cut it out now i'm going to use paper scissors on this i'm not going to use freezer paper or i'm not going to use my fabric scissors okay so let's pretend that this is a leaf and then if i want to add it to my paper it becomes a template and i put this on top okay and then i could press this i can press this little template on top of my paper and then i can use that template to cut this out okay so if you wanted to create an eye this way that would be a great way to create a little eye then the benefit with freezer paper so freezer paper goes on top to create a template and then i can just peel that template off and it doesn't leave any residue on the top of my fabric so i hope that explains the difference between freezer paper and parchment paper okay i'm just going to keep working here and emilia is going to continue to ask any questions that you have okay so amelia do you want to dig into some questions um there's my piece i'm going to score the back of it and i'm going to now i've exposed the steam seam and i'm just going to apply it to my okay so someone has questions with overlapping okay um she noticed that your piece like went way over into the next gray tone value so just explain why you why there's overlapping value is good for so the gray tone value is a guide but i'm not super super specific about getting each i'm not super specific about the differentiation so if there is overlap i don't worry about it and that's just because i'm messy um and i know that it really doesn't matter because there's enough variety and interest going on with the fabric that it's okay if there's a little bit of overlap into the other gray tone so here's my next piece and i want to show you something about that okay so you see that piece of fabric right there it's overlapping right here and it's overlapping this piece but there's a little teeny bit of the parchment paper showing through so now i'm just going to take one little piece of fabric and just cover up that hole easy peasy right lots of people have questions about the branches and the feet okay let's talk about them so can anybody guess how i would do those perfect little feet now the feet that i did are all in the um the feet that i did are all in the same piece of fabric so after what i've taught you what do you think is the best way to manage the feet okay any guesses any guesses now i've just covered up that little hole okay the best way to manage the feet and the branch for that matter is to just um to trace it remember this the the sass tracing so all i'm going to do again i'm going to peel back my parchment paper that has my bird on it and i move that away i'm going to expose the original the original design and then i'm going to peel back this um i've selected this piece of fabric for his feet and i'm going to take a pencil where's my pencil okay it's getting a little messy around here there it is right there right in front of my face okay so don't use a pen a pen won't work because it's too it's too waxy or something so i'm going to lay this right here and i'm going to trace out his feet and then i'll use that tracing to cut so there's one foot is the facing method explained in the book yes the facing is explained in the book yep okay there's the tracing of his foot now i'm going to cut this out so again this is the fabric the tracing is on the inside and i'm going to just cut that out well i hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving the date of this broadcast in case you're watching it later is let's see it is november 28th 2020 that you're from hell but if you're here and you're watching this then life can't be too bad right because we're together and thank goodness for technology okay so here is here's one little foot there's one little foot see that i've just taken the paper off i'm gonna i'm gonna apply him onto the parchment paper where it goes and i am going to press this to make sure it sticks and then i'll show it to you okay there there's one little foot let me show you the feet that i did in this one so the feet are kind of they're kind of a gray color and i think a lot of your kits have kind of this gray or some some of them have kind of this brown and i did the same method with the branches so let's see here let's find the templates here's the template that's in your pattern that's upside down so if i want to make that branch i i can do it one of two ways i can either go ahead and select the fabric that i want and i can trace it just like i showed you that tracing or i can put it under my parchment paper and build it in a collage um this you can see that mine was just a tracing so i didn't even bother to collage that it's just really super simple and then i've got i took some brown um ribbon and made some little stitches on there so that it looks like it's got some interest to it all right um i'll keep working amelia you keep asking questions or let answer the questions that people have okay absolutely yup you can reuse the parchment paper for a couple a couple of them the parchment paper paper will last oh several times three times or something but the other really nice thing about parchment paper and part of the reason that i use it is that it's very inexpensive so for a 50 square foot roll it's like oh three dollars um so yes you can reuse it and it's an inexpensive product people want to know there's questions about finishing the bird one of them is like do you clean up the edges afterwards do you set on every piece okay okay great questions so to finish the bird um once i am once i'm all done applying the pieces of fabric like i'm doing right now when the bird is all finished i press him and and then i'm done i leave everything raw edged and i don't stitch around each piece so that's the beauty of having using steam esteem when i'm using steama seam it means that the adhesive covers each piece edge to edge in a very consistent way so that there are very few threads and as i'm pulling off the paper on the steema seam so the steam seam covers that edge to edge and then when it has been fused or pressed everything is really stuck down permanently and there's really no need to then go around and stitch everything so i don't stitch over everything now if i'm going to make a quilt then i will quilt densely i always recommend dense quilting and by dense quilting i mean i want my stitch lines to be no more than a half inch apart and ideally about a quarter inch apart and that makes sure that every single little piece in a quilt is tacked down so if everything is if the stitch lines are a quarter inch apart that means everything has been tacked down with the quilting now for quilting you can you can do a an all over meander you could do custom doodle stitching you can do straight line stitching it doesn't matter just keep that in mind the dense quilting is the key okay more questions amelia okay ouch hot iron hot iron now i'm i'm working with these pieces of fabric and i'm getting a little oh this is the question okay people are curious do you trim the design edges before you apply it to the background no i don't um i don't trim the edges of the design that's the one area where i'm pretty careful about keeping my pieces um pretty precise they stay pretty precisely in the lines and that's why i'm rounding the edges of the triangles so that as i'm doing the outside edges of the bird like this piece is going to go on this bottom section here i'm pretty careful to make it make it fit when quilting these can they be washed does the steam seam wash out when um yeah if you want to wash this yes you can wash it the steam a seam is a permanent fusible so i just want to show you where i'm at so far okay you can see that i'm starting with the darker colors down here now and i want something that is all of these pieces are a little they don't have any other colors in them i just grabbed some colors and i'm going to have amelia walk over and grab some more of my reds because i want to get something that has a little bit more color so when you're quilting do you use a visible thread or matching thread great question these are all great questions so when i am quilting i find that that invisible thread can make me lose my no i mean i need that um you know the small the small scrap one but while that's here leave it here and i'll talk about sorry i'll talk about keeping my fabric organized um so invisible thread i i will only use invisible thread when it's on my domestic machine um only because invisible thread has a tendency to make me absolutely bonkers because it's so fine and i can't see it but normally what i do is i just match my thread to the project so for example in the quilt behind me i had four or five different threads from light to dark they were kind of natural toned and they i would just change the thread on my machine the background the bobbin thread was all the same color to match the back the back of the quilt and then the top um was is superior emily do you want to go grab that thread and i'll show it to them again the thread for the aviary quilt all of this is in the book about the threads okay talks about why i use the thread that i do yep um for me number one i don't consider myself a great quilter i i'm proficient i can do it but the thread that i have found that i really like is this micro quilter thread it's a very fine thread um it's polyester it's superior threads micro quilter thread and the beauty of this is that my stitching isn't going to really show up so the beauty of the collage quilt for me is the collage i don't really i'm not really interested in making the quilting stand out now when i have hired a quilter and she's a professional quilter and she's really great yeah i love to see her quilting but i'm not that quilter all i want is to be proficient and so i use a thread that isn't going to show up a lot so that's the thread that i use again that is mentioned in my book it's a hundred pounds oh i'm sorry about that you guys i'll repeat the questions so the this micro quilter thread is a hundred pound thread yeah 100 pound thread i guess that's how to say it right so i just grabbed this um my fabric over here because when i'm working on a collage i like to have as many choices to select from as possible so now you can kind of see as i'm getting closer and closer i will make pieces fit a little bit so i keep my scissors handy and i will kind of trim the pieces down but when i'm working i like to have all of the fabric nearby now this this is a little exercise in how i sort my fabric and how i keep my fabric tidy i have these a bigger bundle that has bigger pieces that have not been cut into some of these pieces you guys will recognize you received in your kits right so i really love love love this one because it's got some other colors besides just the red same with uh this one here that has i love the fact that it's got other colors it's dominant red dark you know dark color but it's got some others there's a little there's this i did use this um solid because it's such a great color um okay so oh here's some others so some of you got some plaid i love that plaid these are just they're really pretty colors that i selected and i kept a piece for me okay but i also keep my pieces that have semasine on them and um the p the smaller pieces that are just not um i you know i want to keep this piece but i don't want to it's it's too little for that big one so i'm now looking for some pieces that have a little bit more color okay so i'm going to select this one and the one i just flipped out of my bin here this one so this is actually kind of some orange you guys got some of the the that salmon color and you might be like what what why did i get this but i used salmon in my bird and i love the way it looks it's just a great little dash of color and we want to have a dash of color beyond just red it just makes it look so much more artistic to include some additional colors it makes it look more painterly i guess we could see okay amelia i'm ready for more questions okay so someone is saying what am i doing wrong when this game scene is sticking to the sewing machine needle oh that's a great question so the beauty okay here's the question the question is what am i doing wrong when the steamer seam is sticking to my sewing machine needle okay steam a seam is a product that is designed to be steamed i can't emphasize that enough steam a seam needs to be when we're all finished with this little guy we need to press him down on the fabric until it's just steaming and that steam will help the extra temporary adhesive dissipate so you will notice an enormous difference between something that has just been pressed down and something that has been steamed so when you are ready when you have finished your when you have finished your composition and you've got everything pressed down on here i want you to load yours your iron up with steam and press press press it until everything is damp and steamy and that will eliminate the gunk that you might find on your sewing machine needle now you still were still stitching through glue so you might find a little bit you might just want to take your fingernail and just get that little bit of gunk off but i'll tell you what that's it's minor it's not that big of a deal so that's my that's my tip um the other tips that i would advise you on our um when you're using uh thread for instance um embroidery thread let's see if i've got my little wax thing in here yes i do a thread conditioner is great so you can use a thread conditioner and i just when i'm using embroidery for examp for example i'll just run my thread through this and then it will make it go through all those layers and the steam seam really really easily so thread conditioner is great for embroidery and then sewers aid is another little product that i put on my sewing machine needle when i'm when i'm quilting and that will help a lot but steam is the key okay more questions amelia we've had a couple questions confusion about well when you trace onto the parchment paper want to be backwards or like reversed no so the question is there's a lot of question about reversing the image um so if i am if this is the image that i'm creating i don't have to do it backwards i can just do it trace it just on top of it so there's no reversing images just remove that from your head and when i'm do when i'm tracing on the sass or the sass tracing that kind of already is reversed so again you don't don't worry about reversing anything just trace it just like i've explained okay everything is straight up you don't need to reverse anything okay more questions i'm just gonna keep on working keep on trucking do you do you use your karen k buckley scissors to cut through the sass great question so that question was do i use my karen k buckley scissors to cut through the sass yes so i am once my fabric has the sass on the back yes i'm just using my fabric scissors because i still do have to cut through fabric and so if i use my paper scissors that will be disastrous i mean it just won't work so i do and and honestly i've had these i've been using these karen k buckley scissors for oh at least two years and they're still as sharp as ever they work great okay this is a good question how long does the sass last on preparing fabric that's a really good question so the question was how long does sass last on prepared fabric sass does have a self a shelf life and so that's the reason that i will only use small i will only prepare small pieces of fabric with the sass because i don't like to have a lot of fabric that has sass on it because it loses its temporary stick now look i can still use it afterwards but i'll have to press it again so i i only use a little bit but the key is sass will be reactivated any time you're you what any time you use heat again so for example i just saw a piece that had been it wasn't sticking very well anymore and all i have to do is press it again and it will be fine but it so i that's i hope that answers your question i don't like to use i don't like to have a whole bunch of fabric with sass on it do you put the collage in the hoop when you're doing embroidery work somebody asked do i put the collage in a hoop when i'm doing embroidery work i have not um because i still want to be a little bit careful with the raw edges i don't want the raw edges of something to be smashed into an embroidery hoop so if you can avoid smashing the collage pieces in an embroidery hoop i think it would be great to use it but i haven't needed to and that's part of the reason that i'm using pellon on the back do you use a light table to trace your pattern on the parchment yes somebody asked do i use a light table to trace my pattern on the parchment um yes i have a light table and i love it is it necessary no it's just an optional piece of equipment that i like so when i traced this little guy this morning no i didn't use my light table but if you have one it's it's great to use i love having a light table do you have to lift the fabric from the schema scene before you trace the image on the steam seam backing with the grid side down yes so the question was do i need to lift the fabric from the steamer seam in order to trace it yes let me walk through that one more time okay in fact let's trace his face again let me find the piece of fabric that i want to use for his face oh here it is okay so if i'm going to use this dark fabric for his face and i want to keep it all in one piece and i want to trace it let me show you how to do that again okay so right now i am i'm going to go ahead and press these pieces down to the parchment paper to ensure that everything is sticking let me give you a let me show how it's going okay now i'm going to do his little face area so i'm going to lift this up and lift the parchment paper so that i expose this really so i can see it really easily i'm going to take my my piece of fabric that i've selected it's got the parchment it's got the steamer seam on it i'm going to peel back that paper okay so now this is just an empty piece of paper and and i'm going to trace on the inside piece okay so i'm going to lay this down on my little guy and i'm going to trace his face so anything that requires a little bit of precision like his beak his feet his eye that's when i use this okay so you can see there's the tracing i'm gonna fold my paper back like this i'm going to flip it around and there i can see i can see the tracing now i'm going to use that tracing to cut out his face let's just do that right now and then i'll put this back on here i'm going to cut his face out so you're going to get a face little guy and then we'll put the eye on because remember we already created the eye okay amelia are there other questions that i can answer while i'm cutting this out so is the pellon stacking is that added um at the when the added so the pellon backing is added to the back ground fabric after i have applied steamed the collage pieces onto the background so i add the pellon right before i'm ready to embroider okay someone said please give info regarding conditioning the thread oh conditioning the thread if you're using um again i don't know where i got this it's i've had it for years but it's just this it's just this little product called thread conditioner let me show you how i do it so if i take a piece of embroidery thread let's see here so if i take a piece of embroidery thread and let's pretend it's already threaded i'm going to lay it down on my on my conditioner and simply pull it through it's kind of a wax so it waxes up the thread and now that thread has a little bit of wax it will make it go through the layers of fabric and the steam seam really easily um needles nobody has asked about embroidery needles but i'm going to give you some tips about your embroidery needles you will if you use silk ribbon like i have used you need a needle that has a large enough eye to get your thread throughs or your ribbon so some ribbons are let me show you some different widths of ribbon let's see here okay so here is an and i don't i don't have the i don't know what the width is but you can see the difference between this is probably a quarter inch a scant quarter inch ribbon i want to be able to fit this through the needle through the eye of the needle without bunching it up so you will want to make sure that you have needles that have a large enough eye to get them through let me show you an example okay i've got this needle right here now this is kind of a big needle embroidery needles i'm not an expert but i do know that i need a needle that has a big enough eye so that this can go through flat let me show you and you don't again this is just an optional thing you don't have to have let me trim this you don't have to have a a ribbon in your and you don't have to do embellishment with your ribbon but i like the french ribbon the french silk ribbon so see how that happens and then to to get my thread ready i'm gonna um prepare it like that so again it's in the book um so you can refer to the book easily okay so here's the piece for his face taking that off and now i can just make this fit right where it goes on the on the bird now i'm going to press that because i want that to stay where it's supposed to be and let me show you show you progress so there's his little face now remember i already did the eye but i want the eye to go right where it's supposed to go it needs to be in the right spot so i'm going to take a pin and i'm going to peel this away from the from the parchment so i can see exactly where the placement should go for the eye i'm going to take the paper off the back of the eye here's his eye without his um and that the little uh highlight on this guy got kind of big i would i would make it smaller next time but it is what it is right now and then i'm going to press him on there because i want him to be i think that eye is just fine see his eye easy peasy right okay so i'm just going to continue now um let me show you again one thing here as i'm working i want his eye i want i want some fabric pieces to be all the way around this right so all i'm going to do is lift it away and tuck a fabric piece right under that so i'll show you that right now other questions amelia can you see oh how do you make the decision to trace certain pieces like the feet and face but not others okay so here's a question somebody asked how do you make the decision to trace something versus collagen so how am i making the decision to trace his feet or to trace his face anywhere any in any of those instances where they're just kind of little pieces but they have to be quite precise um i will do assass tracing assass tracing gives me the ability to be super precise and it's kind of a cheater it's just a way to cheat and make it really precise so here we are with his little his little eye and his face and i want to make sure that i can get some fabric behind his face so that the black part is on top so i'm just going to lift it up with a pin and tuck it under there you see how i did that and i'll do that probably right here and around just you know maybe i'll probably put the beak right on top okay let's keep going i'm going to give you just a few more minutes folks and then i'm going to sign off okay um and before i do i want to remind you where you can find me you can always find me in the collage quilter academy facebook group we have lots of fun stuff going on in there always and you can post questions take pictures post questions get feedback and i think you'll really enjoy that community it's been really fun i'll just keep working here for just a few more minutes and if you have final questions ask them now do you have do you have anything finished on parchment that you can show them how you just peel off yeah what can i grab for them uh you know what they're see that see that stuff right there amelia grab those all right so i'm going to show you what it's like to peel something off the parchment thanks okay so we have a couple projects here that have been finished so this is this little bunny is part of the woodlands pattern and this leaf was i don't know part of one of my patterns so um you can see that the part they're still on the parchment they've been pressed on the parchment which means all of these pieces are adhered to each other so just like the bird once i get something finished i can just very easily begin to peel this off now this is ready to apply to my finish to my background okay and then if i'm not ready if i want to keep it until i'm ready for a later time i can just put it back on here and i can press it back on press it down again reactivate that steema seam and i can kind of keep it fresh on the parchment see that so there we go now it's on the parchment again and i can leave it on the parchment until i'm ready so that's kind of what i do with each of these elements so i get the the bird all finished i leave him on his parchment i get the leaves finished and i leave everything on the parchment until i'm ready to apply it to the background fabric i'll go through that one more time here's the bunny [Applause] he's all stuck on there and see how i can peel it off in one piece and kind of the interesting thing is you can see all the different pieces and the overlap on the background see that so i'm just going to leave him there because i'll use him with something else but that gives you the demo that's a demonstration of how to use the one of the great things about the parchment paper okay i am almost done with this little cardinal oh great question so somebody said what if i make a mistake and i do something that i don't like so for example let me show you let me give you an example of that right now so let's say i put a piece of fabric down on my collage that i'm not happy with this collage remember or this the great quality about steam seam is that it has this temporary adhesive see how it sticks to my finger because it's got temporary adhesive so if i put something down let's say like this can you see something wrong there well i do i don't like this piece of fabric right here because i want it to be getting darker so all i can do as long as i haven't pressed it to the other pieces of fabric and it's only stuck temporarily i can just take a pin and peel it off okay so that's that's the beauty of it i can peel off most of these pieces because they're only stuck to the parchment they're not stuck to each other quite yet okay anything else amelia that we any other pressing questions as we wrap things up sorry there's so many things to go through hey i see somebody lindy from north pole alaska wow welcome i bet you're in darkness right now aren't you anything else that you can see okay guys i'm going to give you one final peek at my cardinal i'm almost done with him in just a few minutes that i've taken to work on him and i want to see your cardinals in the collage quilter academy facebook group i hope that you'll share them with us and we'll probably do a really fun giveaway for christmas time in the group okay here's my cardinal he's coming right along i'll go ahead and finish him but you get the idea i hope i've answered your questions as i've worked and i want to thank you again for joining me and for um supporting my little business i hope that you guys have a great day and i will email this video out to you for those of you who have registered all right we're going to end this thanks again goodbye guys
Channel: Collage Quilter
Views: 27,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quilt, collage quilt, textile collage, art quilt, making a collage quilt, cardinal, easy collage, fabric collage, emily taylor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 32sec (6032 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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