In Studio with Emily

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live this is emily taylor live in my studio it is what is the date amelia bedelia 26 april 26 20 2000 2001 2021 20 21 okay holy cow i'm in a time warp um thank you for those of you who are joining me um if you have any questions go ahead and type them in the comment section and i will get to your questions uh just kind of this is just a time for me to share what i'm working on hello angela from costa rica it's great to have you with me um okay so i'm just gonna share a little bit about how my creative challenge is going uh this 30 day creative challenge that i began at the beginning of april has kicked my butt and i have learned so much so i'm gonna just kind of recap some of the things that i've learned and share the things that i'm working on hi sylvie from canada and betty from florida great to have you joining me um good morning vicki okay so um when i started out this challenge i you know as an artist i just have wanted to push myself a little bit and learn a few things and feel like i'm improving and i have definitely i feel like i've accomplished those things good morning everyone thank you so much oh let's see amelia said my mother's name was amelia and her name is amelia that's very cool thanks for sharing that amelia and from south africa welcome this is awesome i love seeing where everybody is from this is really fun good morning everyone okay so this challenge has been really really good for me um remember when i started out i said i expect to have kind of this 70 20 10 rule um and that that was 70 of what i would produce would be kind of mediocre so-so average 20 would be not so good and then 10 would be magnificent and i i haven't counted things up i need to kind of count up everything that i've done and martine from france great to have you um so i think that's probably really close um so i'm going to tell you a few things about what i've learned um number one i've learned don't work when i'm tired i think i've explained that one before um the other thing too i've learned is to just you know um don't get too anal or myopic on one section or one thing that i'm working on just get it done and move on take what i learn from those mistakes or from whatever it is that i don't like and move on and then the other thing one of the other really important things i've learned is that if i'm doing something that i love that's just totally because i want to do it that seems to be when i'm producing my best work so if you have followed me on social media at all you've kind of seen the progression what i've been doing and i'm just gonna give you kind of a recap so um [Music] you'll remember that i did the crab and the beetle the beetle was like oh i love love love that beetle and i had so much fun with that so last week when i was really struggling trying to figure out what to do um i dove in on these bugs and i can't remember if i had this done last week or not but um so i started in on the bugs again because i had a lot of fun and i felt like it turned out really successful it was really turned out really good so i have been purchasing um images on istock and just photographs and just again wanted to challenge myself nothing too big but uh big enough because you know it has to be big enough that i can have fun with the collage that's my that's the thing if it gets too small i don't i can't use enough fabrics so anyway i'm really happy with this little ladybug and of course i chose ladybug because that's my daughter's nickname she's always been my ladybug haven't you no yes yes she says okay so when we're in public in a store and you'll yell across the store ladybug i don't know if you heard that amelia said i just love it when we're in a store and i yell across the store ladybug she she's an adult now and she's not so i'm not so keen but she's my ladybug so there we go there's a ladybug um and then after the ladybug i was super excited about that and then i did my frog i love my frog so i'm gonna let me show you the the original photos that i used um i did purchase the photos i'm not swiping them so that's that one and then um here's the frog well let's see if i can get it on the screen there we go i love it i i just think it turned out so so fun um one really fun thing i've kind of learned about doing the frog and other things so you'll see in this picture a frog has pretty specific coloring he's got these little dots and he's got some stripes and rather than make myself crazy trying to replicate those i kind of have learned let the fabric just add the extra little interest because the fabric that i selected look at it i mean it's just got a lot going on in there so i don't need to replicate every single detail i can just kind of focus on the main points and the main points are where are the transition areas where are the shadows where are the highlights and you know get the colors right so that's been a really good experience for me to kind of learn and work on and i could not be more thrilled with this frog um and i use let's see i used the inktense pencils a little bit on the eye and the eye turned out great i'm really really happy with that and it was surprisingly very very simple so um there's that and then here is my my most recent this little goldfish um again i use the inktense i'm not i'm not entirely satisfied so i think i might go back in and kind of fuss with this eye just a little bit but maybe not maybe i'll just set it aside um and keep moving forward so i have another critter that i'm working on that i'm gonna start today that i've selected and um i want to tell you kind of this is a secret shh secret what i'm gonna do with these so you may remember that i've been really kind of struggling with composition and figuring out how i'm gonna do a composition and how i'm going to incorporate these in account into a composition and to be honest i don't really know how i'm going to how it's going to finish you know work out but i have been inspired by so i got the latest edition of american quilter and there was a really great article about janet stone and her alphabet quilts and i i mean look at these quilts look at that quilt it is just gorgeous and she she's amazing and i was just enthralled with these alphabet quilts so i thought oh my gosh i'm going to turn these animals into an alphabet quilt and hope that someday i have grandchildren and this quilt can go to one of my grandbabies so anyway that's kind of what i'm doing um i might i'm not going to put a deadline on myself i'm not going to promise that it becomes available as a pattern i'm just not going to do that right now for this these critters are just for me to have fun and i can set them aside if i want to and work on them later so eventually yes i will make them available and i will do some tutorials about it in fact i would love your feedback i am thinking about doing a live workshop in midway utah next year so i live in sandy midway is a beautiful little mountain village not too far from where i live and i am wondering if there's interest if people would be interested in coming and joining me in midway for a workshop next summer in 2022 and i think we would kind of then focus on these animals for the animal quilt so that's kind of what i'm thinking um i should sometimes keep my mouth shut but that's i would like your feedback so if you're interested in that let me know um i also would like to give a shout out to my cute friend heidi profitee who um she is an amazing art quilter you will probably know her by her uh mosaic quilts she's won big awards she's been featured in magazines and she is a darling sweet person and she and i have become friends over facebook and um that's one of the great things about social media that she and i have been able to connect and she when i had my i had a total hip replacement last month and i was out uh out of commission recovering and heidi was so cute she is a beekeeper and she uh sent me a jar of her homemade honey and she sent me these little tweezers that i absolutely love and i've been using them all the time for these collage these collage projects like right so if i need to bust with things these have been perfect so i just want to give a shout out to heidi and say you can buy these on her website it's heidi and i will also i'm going to be purchasing them wholesale from her and i'll make them available on my website as well because they are my new favorite thing so thank you thank you heidi and i hope you're watching and i appreciate your friendship and kindness towards me so anyway that's kind of what's been going on with me um amelia is there anything oh i do have we also got a big shipment of fabric um we've got a lot of pink a lot of blue and a lot of new greens is it right we've got three boxes we're expecting a few more boxes to get our bundles rounded out so just remember that we do have those um that we're working on we hand curate and cut and package those for you so uh that's coming along that was kind of fun to get that that shipment this week and can you think of anything else that is um new and interesting oh yeah the webinars that's another thing uh so also this past week i did launch um the pretty potted pit pansies pattern say that 50 times um the pretty purple purple and pink potted but they're purple and they're pretty too so anyway this is a new um pattern that we have just launched and that is available for pre-order on my website uh and i will be teaching a webinar about making this project so you can sign up for that on my website if you're interested and um the seating is limited it's a one-time thing i don't know if i'll offer it more i i am loving the the virtual classes and i'm starting to teach more and more virtual classes and i really really enjoy it so um i do have so next month plan on we've got this one we've got the orchid pattern and then we'll do a quilt along in the collage quilter academy facebook group where we have some giveaways i think we'll be giving away probably even a kit of fabric for that one and um patterns and books and all kinds of fun stuff so anyway i hope you'll join me with that and yeah so that's what's up with me i would love to know what's up with you let's take a look at the comments and questions and if you have any questions for me specifically go ahead and type them in and we will connect okay so let me let me just take a look amelia are you seeing amelia's monitoring as well questions to see if there are any diane from pennsylvania penny from idaho i laura from costa rica so that's two people from costa rica amy uh great to see you amy um i see i recognize you from instagram um so isn't it fun that we can create these friendships over over social media i love it okay uh let's see i am thank you for the for the kind comments um okay oh germany hikey there you are again you've joined me for a couple of these thanks for for joining me oh uh cheryl just had a great she just said love your bugs i drive a beetle that's green and i call it my june bug i have a little niece that i call my june bug so maybe that will be my june bug um victoria from this is my junebug oh yeah and i'm a grandma too oh her kitty cat that's a junior she has a kitty cat uh victoria from northern germany wow great to have you guys okay so let's see so we have a few people that might be interested in signing up for a live workshop that would be a multi-day workshop and i promise you we're kind of looking into that getting some hotels if you've ever heard of the homestead it is a beautiful historic charming place i think that's where we'll will hold our event and it will be a multi-day event and um so what i'll do is this week sometime i'll get kind of a sign up um about you know so if you're interested you can sign up and i will let you know what we what the details are as we kind of pull this thing together because i obviously i can't do it if i don't have enough interest but if there's interest then then we'll do it so it sounds like we've got a few people that would be um interested and i would love it too because not there's great okay here's another funny thing about the town where i want the little village where i want to hold this workshop my sister-in-law is the mayor up there and um so anyway and there's fun there's golf there's hiking and biking and just it's beautiful it is a charming place so i think it would be a really fun i think it would be a fun event and i i know how to party so i'd love to have a party with all of you um oh betty just said she's going through a hip replacement right now oh betty i wish you all the luck and quick quick recovery i just went to my doctor today and i'm doing pretty good i walked five miles on saturday but then that put me in my bed i was i paid the price for that long walk but i wish you well betty um okay let's see let's here's a question for us when doing flowers where do you start foreground or background okay so somebody just asked when doing flowers do i start on the foreground or the background [Music] that kind of depends on [Music] on what it what what it is for example we've got two flower quilts in the background right now um and they're made very differently so this one was made using my parchment pressing technique and i think i probably would lay out the shadows first and then the highlights and then move towards the middle mid-tones if i remember correctly um this one is made on a foundation panel and i can't remember i i'm sure i did the the green leaves first and and then then did the flowers so but again using steam seam and with these little tweezers that heidi gave me it's really easy to tuck things under if they should go underneath and i'm so i don't know if i answered your question very well i apologize for that but that's to start where you want to start start where you have fun maybe lay down the shadows first other questions amelia oh i see one linda asked will there be a blue heron pattern um you know what we have a crane do you want to grab the book or grab the aviary quilt i think it's sitting up there amelia i think it's folded so i'm going to show you what i have that's available in my new book that's called take flight hold it yeah come over here and hold it up so it's not a heron but it's very similar looking it's uh it's actually a crane so this bird right here is in the book so i don't know if that helps you or not but there you go linda um oh thank you somebody said that they've purchased several fabric bundles and they are great someone asked uh if there's a time frame for when these new bundles will be ready is there amelia you're it's up to you it's up to um we're expecting a shipment from hoffman to get here probably in the next couple weeks so we're gonna check on where our shipment is from hoffman and then they because we've got some batiks coming from them and then it's a matter of so how quickly our next bundles can be available depends on when we get our next order and how quick how hard amelia works to cut them and put them together they've had a long time they're kind of they're kind of labor intensive so uh we'll try and get them done asap but um give us a week or two to to hopefully get those so lynn just asked a really great question she said would you explain i stock istock is a website there are multiple websites like this that provide um you can buy a license to purchase artwork or digital digital illustrations or photos and so um istock has i so i have a you know i pay 300 bucks a year or something like that to access photos and it's it's not cheap but then the photographer is compensated and i can use them for my for my personal use um and then i think you can also buy an extended license too so anyway it's licensed it's a platform where you can buy licensed stock photos so that's what i've been doing so um i hope that answers your question lynn how many layers do you let build up on any one project okay great question so somebody just asked how many layers do i do i build up on any one project um let me show you the most that i would ever do so i generally okay except for the eye i generally don't layer fabric very much so the eye is just easier that way eyes i should say um but when i'm collaging i am trying to just so i've got my foundation panel actually let me just pull this away and i'll give you a quick demo okay so here's my cactus pattern when i this is a one of my cotton foundation patterns when i'm working on this the idea is to um overlap just enough so that i cover the background um and that means you know mostly it's just one piece over another piece of fabric so for example if i uh let me see where are my scissors come on amelia will you help me see if i can find my fingers i'll probably be sitting around here okay well anyway um if you can find them that would be great okay she found them and i'll just do a really quick really quick demo about kind of my process and how i work so i'm working on this little section remove that all right so what i've got right here is this is a mid-tone this is the number three value set and i recommend that people work in value sets so here's another you know demonstration so what i'll do is i'll just cut kind of a random piece of fabric i'm not i'm not super fussy about the way i cut things um and then the goal is to just make it fit so all i do is make that piece fit it's a little bit like doing a puzzle uh but i can cheat so it's actually easier than doing any puzzle you've ever done so there so the overlap that we see there is there's a little bit of overlap right there and there's a little bit of overlap right there and there might be a smidgen of overlap where there's one two three pieces on the foundation so at very most there are a few areas where there might be you know an overlap of three pieces mostly it's two okay um but the majority the majority and especially if the pieces are bigger it is that right on top of the foundation so the idea is to kind of just you know cover the foundation um but i but i can cheat and make sure that all the edges are overlapped like this never butted up against each other just overlapped okay so any other um any other questions amelia that you see is that a drafting table yes somebody asked if if this is a drafting table this is a drafting table that i have put coasters or casters on so that i can slide it around my studio and um it's not it's not a huge expense i think it was 200 220 250 something like that i got mine at world market didn't i yeah we have the same on our amazon shop though we have an amazon shop and we've got the same one on that i don't know how to find the amazon shop is the link on our website it's yeah if you go to our blog under our favorite products that's where you can find our amazon shop so we have a blog on and there's a post on there that talks about my favorite products and it has this uh drafting table now on the drafting table i also have a piece of foam core it's a quarter inch piece of foam core that's you know kind of spongy a little bit spongy and then that is covered with felt the sponginess allows me to stick pins into it and i kind of just have it set up here on my drafting table kind of taped in place uh the pins allow me to you know stick or the foam allows me to stick pins into it and then the felt protects the foam from my iron so if i ever need to iron a little piece on here i'm not going to burn the foam core so that's a little bit about my my setup here that's very very helpful i really like that in addition i do have foam core oh i just found my scissors amelia so i do also have another small piece of foam core so it doesn't it can be really any size and you can see i've just added um just taped the felt on it the other nice thing about it is or it might be you know i don't know if you might consider it messy but if i pull a piece of fabric off i can set it aside for using it you know using it in a different section of a collage that i'm working on so the felt is it's kind of a nice surface to work on okay any other questions that you can see emilia is that steam a seam on the back of the fabric yes so i have kind of transitioned um i started out using glue tacky glue and then i kind of transitioned to permanent fabric glue and i am currently in love with a light steam a seam 2 and the reason that i love it is um because it sticks temporarily i love that quality so you see all of these are stuck on here temporarily and i can just easily peel one off peel something off if i'm not happy with it and and move it around so for that reason i really like the light steam seam tube it is kind of spendy so i have some tricks about you know making sure that you're efficient in your use of stimusin but um and and then again light steam seam 2 is my preference you choose what you like there there's no right or wrong as far as adhesive but that's kind of what i have landed on right now i really really like that i really like the qualities that it has so um so yeah that's what i use um amelia are there other questions um will the parchment method work on a fabric on a foundation panel like a horse pattern oh okay so somebody just asked and and this is interesting i i was also i just responded to an email too where somebody asked the same question so um i have two methods of creating a collage quilt one is using a foundation panel my foundation panels are designed for fabric to be your fabric pieces to be applied right to this foundation panel and then the other method that i have is this parchment pressing method those patterns like the horse or adoration that come with a foundation panel are not designed to be used with parchment pressing um so i i wouldn't i wouldn't mix the two um those that are parchment pressing i've created them as parchment pressing patterns um they're just different than a foundation panel so if you want to you'll find that using a foundation panel is super super easy it's it's the easiest thing you can do it's really fun it's a little bit like paint by number but if you're concerned about not being able to use it again then take a piece of fabric and trace it out so you haven't you know traced the design out before you cover it so that you have another another use out of the pattern so that's what i recommend i don't recommend using the parchment paper um i recommend using your foundation panel the way it's designed to be used by applying the fabric directly to it okay so more questions any more questions what inktense pencils do you recommend oh somebody just asked what inktense pencils do i recommend so i'm having a lot of fun with these the durant derwent inktense pencils amy are these on our amazon store i'm not sure if they're not all out yeah we're gonna we're gonna make sure that these are on our amazon store and because i do recommend these these are really really high quality very nice and this seems to be a good amount so this is a set of 24. let me just show you what's in there so i have had good success with this i i think this is a good assortment so i reckon i do recommend these and i'll put these um i'll add those to my amazon um store okay other questions um steam a seam on the horse oh wait or glue okay so somebody just asked should they use steam a seam on the horse or glue um here is here are my thoughts about that um i think i use steam esteem again i really like the properties of steamism however it is expensive to cover an entire collage quilt you want to pull the horse up too while we're talking about the horse um but glue so glue is less expensive for sure by a lot and glue also has another quality that steam a seam lacks and that is that glue will allow each piece to fray a little bit and when you're making an animal like the horse you might want that texture um so i used glue on my grizzly and it's hanging down in my son's bedroom but it's kind of got a little bit of fuzz to it the grizzly and and i really really like that i think that was a good choice to use glue on my grizzly this again if you if you want that little bit of texture glue might be a good option so let me just tell you real quick how i would use the glue the fastest way to use glue is just to you know cut your pieces glue and apply but you might not feel comfortable doing that it might be easier to work on one section at a time and just pin each piece in place and when you're satisfied with it then go back and apply glue now that gets a little messy and it's a little laborious but that's you know that's how you work with glue on an advanced art quilt thanks love you can go hang that up so those are my thoughts about using glue versus a fusible web um let's see here let me see if oh somebody said hi sorry to hear no new pattern works until next year well actually i i think i misspoke or you misunderstood so this particular pattern i'm just gonna you know do that at my pace i will be launching other patterns i am working on other patterns that are designed to be patterns but this one is kind of just for me for the fun of it so don't fret i will have new patterns available coming out um okay so amelia are there other other questions or comments i'm just linking let me see okay she's just checking we're going down through questions oh we've got our friend from dubai and edmonton and belize great to have you this is so fun here's a question okay so here's another question if you were to use a piece of fabric to trace the foundation pattern what type of fabric would you recommend okay so someone said if you were to use a piece of fabric to trace the foundation panel what kind of fabric would you use i would recommend just a light 100 cotton sheeting or poplin um that's that's what the that's what this is it's just a very fine weave um nice lightweight cotton uh and you can but you know what i i really love the art gallery weight fabric their their cotton quilting fabric is just ooh it's buttery and yummy and i've used that before to trace things on their fabric so i would recommend that and it might even be fun too to trace on a color that's something that i'm doing right now as i'm working on another project um it's not ready to share but i'll work on it this week and i'll share it next week okay um any other questions what kind of glue what brand of glue do you want to go grab those glue okay so talking about glue we've got i'll show you what kind of glue i recommend and tell you a little bit more about these different glues okay so um aleene's tacky glue is the water-soluble glue that i've used now tacky glue so this is the same type of glue that kids used to eat in kindergarten so it's non-toxic but it's extremely sticky it's very thick and sticky so when you're using this glue you need to be you need to be sure to smear it around the edge of each piece so that there aren't clumps of glue this fabric fusion is also really nice i really like this glue this is much thinner than this glue and so you won't need to smear it you'll just apply a thin bead of glue around this be careful using this to have a rag because it does not if you wipe it on your clothes it won't come off this will so you're not going to ruin your clothes if you wipe your clothes with this but this will ruin your clothes i know from personal experience okay other questions um i don't think so okay well it seems like we have um oh someone asked if we brought an rv is there a camping area close by yes there is a beautiful campground called wasatch campground in the wasatch mountains so um i think we'll all in the in the sign up form i will ask or i want you to let me know and so we can reserve camp spots too up there um okay here's another question is there a white in the inktense yes there is white in the inktense so someone asked if there was white in the inktense yes there is i have not used it very much if at all i'm trying to think if i've used the inktense no oh no i didn't no i didn't use the inktense the white on that um obviously using white you'll have to practice with it to see what the effect is on different colors underneath it different fabrics underneath it other questions uh is the macaw pattern available on your website uh is that like a raven the pattern the um the kind of the parrot right here um no not uh the um the parrot is not available yet i'm gonna include that pair it's gonna be p for parrot so um it will be available it's not available yet and uh there you go so yeah i actually am working on another parrot as well so i will probably launch them as a pair okay other questions amelia i don't see any okay so someone teresa asked the amount of overlap with um each piece of fabric so my kind of general rule is at least an eighth of an inch up to a half inch so that's the range that things will overlap and you'll you'll see that changes because um sizes of fabric are different so that's about how much i overlap each piece 1 8 of an inch to a half inch okay let's see i'm just going down to make sure do you see any other questions amelia okay yes patty said we can cover the foam core with flannel absolutely um okay so oh thank you amelia for putting the link in there about our facebook shop okay so i think um i just want to also make this one comment um so in the facebook group this is this uh live video is streamed every monday at 11 o'clock mountain time to my youtube channel my facebook page and the collage quilter academy facebook group so i would love to have your it says to facebook is giving me a little tip it says invite your facebook audience to connect their facebook to restream to show their name and profile picture so i don't know whatever if um because i see your name if you're on youtube and i see your name and picture if you're on my facebook page but in the group i don't see your name and facebook profile so if it matters to you connect it with restream because restream is the platform we were using to connect to all those different those different platforms okay well i think time's up this has gone a little longer than normal i apologize for those of you who don't have the time to spend watching but anyway thank you again for joining me we will be back next week next monday same time 11 o'clock monday morning and mountain time and if you have questions collect them and i will be ready to share with you some new information and new projects that i'm working on so thanks again for joining me it's great to see all of you have a wonderful day please continue to stay safe stay healthy and we will talk again
Channel: Collage Quilter
Views: 2,657
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Guv7FJ1HucY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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