Camping & Fishing Catch and Cook on Remote Abandoned Island - Crazy shrimp tacos!!

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[Music] oh it's cold and early [Music] [Music] no matter how you talk with me you never here by these feelings [Applause] oh all right guys here we are tangier island jake you ready to catch some big fish it's a beautiful day but it's a little windy and choppy it doesn't take much to put a wave over the side and swamp us i really need to get a sit on top kayak for this sort of thing it's all my to-do list you see all these houses sitting here on the dock these are little peeler sheds when you catch a crab that's about to molt you put them in the shed with a bunch of water and he sheds and becomes a peeler a soft little gummy crab that you can eat whole and they're worth a lot more money so this is where they make the peeler crabs more peeler crabs come out of tangier island than just anybody anywhere else we got about 12 to 15 mile per hour winds right in our face and we got actually decent little waves makes me a little nervous we might swamp the kayak because this is not a saltwater kayak but i've got an ace up my sleeve i think yeah we're only in 24 inches of water so even jacob could walk back to the dock if we had to so it's uh not exactly dangerous but just more of a wrong tool for the job situation we're finally turning around the island but now we've got to go a little bit of an angle to the waves we're gonna see how that goes all right we got a beach we gotta try to make it to that oh oh that was a lot of work yeah you were wet aren't you oh i'm dying i'm paddling for about an hour really hard to get to this island but we're only about halfway to where we need to be but i can't fight this wind and tide anymore so we're going to drag the boat along the beach to where we want to camp my arms need a break i'm beat this is not easy but it's a lot easier than kayaking in that i got an old crab trap hey look at this you know where it is look at this it's a chair we found this last time look it's a shark look at that it's a dead shark that is that crazy jacob's been talking about catching a shark for days that's what he wants to do more than anything else ah poop i think we ran out of beach we gotta get back in the kayak why do i have the feeling i'm about to get really wet oh poor jacob well i'm wet from the knees down but i think jacob got the worst event you went jacob yeah all right guys i need to put the camera down and fight some wind and current here all right i think we found our spot it's about an hour before high tide so real estate is a little bit scarce got to find a spot to set the tent so we need to find the highest spot we can to pitch our tent this might work but darn it it's close check this out this is kind of sad check out this grape a year ago it was in so much better shape this used to be an inhabited island but the erosion's been so bad that all the houses and everything is gone now and there's just a few artifacts left here on tangier island families bury their loved ones in their front yard because there's there's nowhere else to put them so this is someone's house every once in a while locals come and move the gravestones away from the shoreline but you know what the saying is you can't fight the tide oh look at this last year there was a set of gravestones right here and you could read them really well i actually did some research and found out some interesting things about the people that were buried here but after a hundred years of resting in peace it's gone yeah the shoreline's eroded away a lot too the beach was a lot wider this time last year well luckily this is the highest tide we're going to experience on this campout so as long as we stay dry in the next hour we'll be dry all night my little camping buddies wet cold and tired i better get the tent up and get him taken care of you know i think the tent's gonna be okay as long as it stays dry in the next hour i'm just worried about one rogue wave coming in and getting everything wet well now that i got the tent set up i'm gonna try and see if we get some of our clothes dried there we go got a dairy rigged a little bit hopefully that does something poor little guys tuckered right out oh that tent's already the perfect temperature jacob's just snoozing away i'm gonna let him get his rest and i'm gonna go bring up the fishing gear this is an old dayawa surf rod i bought it in hong kong they don't sell it here in the u.s and i absolutely love it telescope's out about 12 feet it's perfect for this type of thing this over here is a european carp fishing rod and reel it's a taiwan mission x with the fox eos bite and run reel great for catching carp but also an awesome surf fishing rod surf fishing is not rocket science i'm taking a pre-packaged rig chucking it out over a oyster bed at high tide using a little shrimp as bait if they're there i'll catch him if not i won't whoa that didn't take long got something good on here only been fishing for two minutes and already got an awesome keeper bass unfortunately the season doesn't open until next week so uh we're putting it back a fish like that is never swimming by itself this rod is going to get slammed i'm getting all these little nibbles must be like little spot or something striped bass don't nibble like that little spot make good bait so i always keep a couple of these number 12 size eagle claws in my bag i'm gonna go check one of those out there try to catch these little fish that are stealing my bait and use them for bait you know squid is so tough i just use it like a bait stop use that to help keep my bait from sliding off the hook oh got a serious fish oh there you got hung up we don't take the kayak out and see if we can't undo it ah my butt's nice and wet easier to paddle without jacob and the gear well whatever it was lost it now we'll throw it back in and see if we can't catch something i think the wind and the waves might be calming down a little bit well i'm nice and wet now oh we got a real one oh that was a nice fish oh oh see the end of my lines all curly and crimped means my knot was bad that's on me there you go that's a beautiful bait it's exactly what we want another little bait stealer look at this i got a blow toad is a puffer fish or we call them blow toads when jacob was just a baby i did a catch and cook video about blow toads and uh i got the video all done and jacob grabbed my external hard drive off the kitchen table and threw it and uh broke it and i lost all my footage but i'm gonna keep this guy this guy's good eating i've got a live well going on in here hey jacob you want to come fish with me well i am having a ball but i need to get this little boy some lunch [Music] making a little wind block so the flame doesn't get blown away did you test that too hot there we go we got two chunks of pin fish on a high-low rig we're gonna see what that catches we might catch a shark oh yeah that's bone dry that worked really well i think we need to have a campfire tonight so we're gonna make a little fire pit and get some firewood together let's put it right there okay careful yeah it's a stingray see look at that that's their stinger right there see look at that that thing is ferocious it's huge watch out watch out you can get you in the footages [Music] not a shark but a member of the shark family so you know there's that oh i just lost another lead i brought six of them but i'm down to only two after three hours the fishing's awesome though man i've been getting big hits i just got another rig hung up i gotta go get it i can't afford to lose any more leads i went and got this rig unstuck and then the other rod just went off something big grabbed it and so jake started fighting it and i kayaked over and started handling it and it broke the line oh i've got 20 pound mono on these reels and it's just too light i need like 40. uh i'm down to one lead it's a time to adapt and overcome so i'm gonna make some weight here we use this trick in off the beach shark fishing and once you catch a fish or you reel it in you'll drag this across the reef it'll tear it open the sand will dump out and the plastic bag comes back to shore so you're not littering but it's a kind of a one-time use weight all right there we go nice big chunk of whiting okay we're gonna put this in the kayak and take it out i dropped that bait way out there i expecting a big old striped bass well we got some bait soaking and it's getting late i think it's time to start cooking some dinner i'm gonna build a fire right here on the beach and uh we're gonna see about cooking up some tacos [Applause] uh [Applause] all right it's time to cook some tacos all right we call these blow toads but they're a type of puffer fish super easy to clean there we go nice little chunk of puffer fish it's kind of like a chicken drumstick really good tasting meat super easy to clean you know it takes 10-15 minutes to clean like 30 of these yeah i mean you can get really fast at it well i wanted to do seafood tacos but i didn't know what if anything i would catch today so i kind of brought a lot of stuff one they had a sale on live lobsters so i got a lobster and then of course we got our bait which is perfectly good fresh shrimp it's refrigerated and then i've got our click bait these are freshwater crayfish from thailand look at these suckers isn't that crazy they had them on sale next to the tiger prawns so i just had to buy a few you know just because i i've never seen one before hey jake you want to eat one of these yeah okay i'm just gonna take this and remove this yeah i got big old green peppers [Applause] [Music] all right jake hold it with your hands right yeah here wipe your hands on your shirt get all the sand off you like it okay oh that looks good oh oh that's good that's really good gotta lean over here though i don't want you eating on my drinking that on my sleep there you go it's a shrimp popsicle huh all right now we're gonna make a taco with the puffer fish there we go puffer fish taco all right good [Applause] you want to eat the lobster yeah big old buttery garlicky lobster tail we got a bag of marshmallows what do you want chocolate strawberry vanilla or sour apple whoa there we go go roast that bad boy that is a great beach fire oh there you go well we ate a ton of food and sat by the fire and counted stars and it's just been wonderful but it's super late and i gotta get to bed i'll see you guys in the morning do you sleep well last night you had your blankie and your survival shark oh that's gorgeous let's make some breakfast all right we're gonna have breakfast rice with our our water is all gone our water leaked oh we just lost about a third a gallon of water luckily i have a backup i used frozen water bottles for the cooler and uh that'll be our drinking water and cooking water today all right well that's cooking i think i'm gonna do some fishing there we go our very last fishing lead [Music] yo it's hot still there you go i really enjoy breakfast rice it's kind of like a mix between rice pudding and oatmeal but when i lived in japan the japanese people found it so disgusting people be like what have you done to that rice well lost my last rig so i guess it's time to call it and get packed up and head back to the main island well without all the water food and fuel we used up we're about 20 30 pounds lighter and the wind and the waves are much better today so we should have an easier time of it we got some swells but at least they're not breaking over the boat that's what matters and we're going to paddle with the wind and tide to our back that's going to be very nice we're shucking around pretty good we got turned a little sideways and had a good sized wave come over the side ah now my butt's wet yeah you got that now your fat dad is going to try to get out we made it back to tangier and we got about an hour or so before the ferry arrives so we're gonna go see about grabbing some food and wait for mama and uh company to come yeah let's see it's a little early there's only a couple restaurants on the island they don't open till 11 so we're gonna go to the grocery store here get jacob the snack okay let's see if they got anything right here we go you want that yeah all right there's no cars on tangier island so everyone rides utvs and golf carts and bicycles and stuff well the fairy should be arriving any moment now so we're gonna go get some pizza and ice cream and uh go and meet mama and the boys at the dock thank you very much hey jake look at that that is a big piece for a little boy you got that there's the boat that's mama's on there hey tommy hey come here bud ah hey look jake's got some ice cream and pizza for you too hey dad how are you guys doing good do you have a good yeah worked out real well hey dad all right guys we're just grabbing a quick tour real quick and uh that'll also help us get to the beach a little bit faster and there's small bedding breakfast and this is one of the highest points on earth island and we'll meet you back here at 210. okay well tangier's just a small little island that can walk the whole thing in about 45 minutes or so but despite that it's still nice not to have to walk it getting old yeah you see the crabs oh i am tired sitting down on a beach eating pizza sounds wonderful well guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you guys want to see more camping videos from the outdoor boys youtube channel check out our camping adventure playlist we have over 50 camping adventures posted on that playlist and don't forget to click subscribe we put out new videos every saturday morning if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor boys youtube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every saturday morning and hit that bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 265,569
Rating: 4.9377155 out of 5
Keywords: Camping, fishing, abandoned island, deserted island, kayaking, sea kayaking, camping on abandoned island, fishing catch and cook, catch and cook, catch clean cook, puffer fish catch and cook, cray fish catch and cook, shrimp catch and cook, lobster catch and cook, shrimping, crabbing, fishing on abandoned island, family camping, camping with kids, camping adventure, beach camping, surf fishing, costal foraging, foraging, Tangier island, Chesapeake bay, virginia
Id: zF3FfnPDX78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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