Unpacking for BABIES??? 🔴LIVE

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] hello well hello everyone it's chill again this music is so nice i do not want to turn it down [Music] this is the unpacking theme song the game we're playing today okay i'll turn it down a little bit just a little bit so you can hear me hello everyone happy wednesday hollow for life low five for life yes yes i see you guys in the chat simply have you got the t no not yet but you can be certain it's it's coming welcome to the mods i see hollow combo carol welcome guys when i say guys that that means everyone we've co-opted the word guys to include everyone including cats i call my cats guys what up josie silly munchkins for life nail art season benny caitlyn mathis bree angel simmer 64 toki rat is it toke rat or toki red you got your tea right beside you good excellent excellent thank you so much for sharing my these things taste like pepto-bismol nails no problem beauty envy i like those those are funny i shared those on instagram stories procrastinations in the house as well hi from norway norway hello i don't know the norway accent i mean i do but i don't know how to do it i'm like terrible at accents that aren't british even that's bad i know i know how are you doing chad how is chat doing is chat doing well do you guys want to unpack things [Music] have we all followed episode one of unpacking i know most of chat uh we did a poll last week where i believe it was a 12 only 12 percent of those who voted in last wednesday's pull had actually played unpacking so the vast majority of you had never played this game but i feel like this is one of those games that you don't need to have played you can just watch someone else play and you know see them do whatever thank you some knights some nights just some nights i dot dot dot yay for gaming yes yeah definitely unpacking is the type of game that you don't need to follow i didn't think there was much of a story line i thought it was mostly about you know just the satisfaction of moving things kind of like a puzzle game but there is a bit of a story which i'm i kind of like there's like an undertone that i didn't realize and now i wish that i'd thought of it or clued in earlier but yeah we began as a little girl in 1997 and uh we've grown up so i wonder if it'll give me a little recap maybe we can go through our albums today but yeah you bought it after so fun oh cool that's awesome yeah so it's kind of a chill game you don't need to like gaming to even enjoy this um it does offer some opportunity for conversation last time we talked a lot about roommates chris please pay attention to the story i am oh yeah what i what was i just saying we've got mel and nail art in here as well why are you guys all super chatting this little dude is this a new thing from youtube thank you grace what does this mean what does that mean he looks sad it's like a sad remote this is me trying to play it takes two i'm sad when is the restock i need duct tape cray oh um i don't know bad karma it's in it's in line i'm sure yeah you can you can donate stickers but there are i guess from like a pre-selection of stickers and it's kind of up to youtube what belongs in there so that's kind of cool did you finish it takes two no we did not i only played like two episodes before i was like i can't do it anymore i don't know maybe in the future all right we're gonna start soon but you know how it is just always hanging out with chad a little bit can i ben can i get menchie because i do have her bed set up to be featured under the the unpacking i personally really like seeing menchie under the gameplay i thought it was super soothing what's your favorite color um holo christine that was the quickest chapstick application i've ever seen really i want to see me do it again done chapstick queen i'm confusion what is happening we're gonna play a game it's not that confusing i am live in case someone's just showing up here and is not used to this i am actually live this me right now unless you're watching this as a vaude video on demand later in which case is not live it's just a video that's being played later but currently if you are here live right now on wednesday 507 pm eastern standard time then we are actually here live i'm reading you right now isabella oh my god i caught alive oh my god i caught you isabella first time i'm ever early on a stream oh my god welcome night menchie streams helped me do my law school homework thank you katelyn i'm glad to hear please send ben some love from me love you both thank you zoe seven day three month menchie gang member yeah there's no time stamps yet because the future hasn't happened so we can only do time stamps after we have the time to do the time stamps you know what i mean we've got a menchie benji and tea thanks man when she go in your little bed do you think she'll settle no she doesn't like that will menchie settle maybe this music will calm her and she oh she's getting into it if i keep talking she'll stay it's weird but it works sometimes if i sing hollow it's me she loves it because she's a freak menchie where are you going where are you digging oops i disturbed her menchie munchie it's biscuit baking time there you go munchie you can see all the people who love you you want the menchie bed for yourself i know same like can i get this as a bed honestly so obsessed with your whole streams i legit plan my whole day around them love you and the fam chris love from uk thank you angel simmer you plan your entire day around streams oh i feel bad i appreciate people who are here live but i also like the option for those um you know to watch it on your own time but i hope you're not like canceling work or something guys look i'm snoring i have the menchie sleep overlay on i'll take it off bench where you going you guys sit down girl get in the donut in the donut hole so yeah welcome on in thank you guys for joining me for another episode of unpacking we're gonna get started shortly just had to get menchie in bed and settled do you think she's settling in in five minutes you will not be able to find her oh she's yeah she's really getting in there imagine just forgetting all your problems just like that um if only life were as so simple as to be a cat all i want is to be a cat menchie menche the simple life of being a cat thank you meg remy97 watching yourselves honestly so relaxing i was gonna clean but now i'ma relax i've earned it just don't tell my mom you can clean and listen to stream at the same time because we're about to clean in a virtual world and maybe if you tell your mom that you're learning about cleaning then it's not so bad you know what i mean thank you kelsey paul got my first office job today congratulations moving on from retail and i catch a simply live stream what a great day love from saskatchewan thank you are you like physically in the office or is it a work from home but office job wow the i just realized like the language that we're gonna use but like corporate culture is going to shift so much because like do people go to offices as much i don't know questions that will be answered in the next 10 years thank you kirsten can you tell us if hollow taco will be releasing magnetic polishes i can't tell you just because you buy a super chat all the details of holotaco's release schedule you're so sneaky but i appreciate the effort i do melon nailer we have options to go back to the office for my job but it's still highly recommended to work from home yeah that's most of what i'm hearing at my office there's currently no option to go back to the office unless like you get some exemption i think but glad to see that menchie is taking a break from helping zeiler occupy the kitchen she is you know she's staying in her donut hotel for the night because it was just so um uncomfortable to actually stay in her cardboard convoy uh but she's gonna go back she's determined been a long time fan you're the best influencer on the internet hands down thank you thank you for everything and all the endorphin boots or boosts thank you mermaid's logic that's all i want to do entertain with this side of education just like this much education you know this much entertainment this much chill and you know just whatever and this much education just a little bit mench is in the zone she is she is a working girl exactly she's been working so hard on her her cardboard cat convoy 22 freedom for cats you know it's very difficult for these cats they are very oppressed i mean look at her this is this is oppression right here don't feel bad these give me something to look forward to i work full time but these dreams slot into my schedule perfectly thank you angel thank you i really appreciate it what are we unpacking our emotions since we have so many after life is strange what happens to xyler he's down downstairs he's in his cat convoy still holding out uh some people are watching with asking me about the super bowl i did not watch the super bowl i confession i have never cared about the super bowl i just don't really care about sports the donations are for charity i was ahem wondering so super chats aren't directly for charity but i mean like it depends how you look at it because i donate the majority of my memberships to charity so however you want to consider it they all kind of go into the same bank account and then i just decide an amount to give so i could tell you that it's super chats that are going to charity and partial memberships or i could say it's all memberships and no super chats doesn't really matter because it ends up in the same bank account but every month i show you how much i donate um to charity so there's that you may decide what to super chat if you wish there is zero pressure but um it's kind of kind of a fun thing that you can highlight comments and you can also get a free one if you're a member so if you see occasionally people have like green highlighted ones let me find one we went we read one earlier so when you're a member you get one of these free highlighted chats once a month which is cool i think that's somewhat new that youtube is doing are you a fan of the olympics no i just i don't know i don't really care it's fine i'm not mad at it i don't know but it's not something i really pay attention to thank you brittany thank you for donating to ottawa hospital earlier this month i'm not from ottawa i'm from st john's but it meant a lot to see that support thank you brittany i really appreciate it i appreciate everyone who's been giving me such positive vibes um you know positive reinforcement towards my pov and just the fact that i'm voicing anything which i guess people expected me to say nothing but it is very difficult to say nothing when you literally live here i live in ottawa in case you're wondering and currently in ottawa it's been 18 days of occupation and uh technically illegal protest it's been very stressful and i don't expect everyone in the chat to know what i mean it's fine the majority of people don't even hear about it or they only hear about it through a very particular american media lens so i've gotten a lot of positive feedback from people that even from my cat convoy snapchats people feel like they're getting a little bit more insight i didn't really start those as a you know teaching lesson i was kind of just having fun and people really like them so i'll keep going until there's a resolution until the cats get freedom or the humans step in and restore order we will see what the outcome will be time will tell there's only a few ways this can go down i know all of you are waiting to find out what happens to cat convoy 2022. please do a polish mountain stream with hollow taco come on danny it's gonna cost you more than two dollars for me to do that silly munchkins your streams are the best thank you for being here you never change thank you silly tilly thank you silly it's all over the news really i don't think so uh why did i get timed out on snapchat yeah i got a warning for violating community guidelines and i think that's because you know there were some people who were offended about the cat's course for justice maybe the way the cats voiced their opinions you know was highly offensive to people with other viewpoints so for that reason it's possible they've reported the cat's content from convoy 22 and uh decided you know snapchat has to listen to that feedback and gave me a warning that i shouldn't violate community guidelines i was not told exactly what those community guidelines were but i was referred to a link for the cats to read so they could make sure that in the future they continue to follow community cat guidelines okay and just in case some people don't know what i'm talking about um on snapchat for the last two days just snapchat i've been posting uh somewhat of a parody of the freedom convoy that's going on downtown in ottawa but for cats so i've been posting like my cats are occupying our hallway and cardboard boats or trucks and they won't move and here's the reasons why they won't move here's their demands and uh the humans must step in my cats are so oppressed et cetera et cetera so i've kind of been posting that as a parody and people really like it so i've been continuing this story for the last two days and then i think i'm getting trolled by people who you know don't think it's funny but that's fine you know you don't have to have the same sense of humor as me this is how i deal i already went through days weeks a podcast worth of explaining my serious views now i would like to have fun i live here yo people take so seriously and although it is serious i feel like i deserve to have fun and so do my cats i found it hilarious thank you guys that story was hilarious it's not over yet we need to find out how the story ends so you can expect my cats to keep snapchatting their cat convoy tails and we'll see what happens i don't know there's a few different ways this could end dang it i have to download snapchat now yeah sorry i i restricted it to snapchat because i was really i don't know it's just easier i don't if i have to post it to instagram it means i have to download every single story and when you just have like 30 stories it just becomes a lot so i just stopped hopefully it ends happily soon i agree for the cat's sake and the human's sake i hope that the use of force is non-existent preferably or very minimal and that there is no violence resulting that's what i hope for but the cats have been there for 18 days and they won't move i don't know what can be done people still use snapchat yeah i use snapchats it's where i shitpost um it's not that i prefer it over insta or i guess i do you know why okay this is why instagram has way too many beauty filters that are meant to just like make you look pretty and i don't give a about those you know what i want filters that make you look dumb i want the giant mouth filter i want the giant eyeball filter i want the cat ears and the dog licks like that's what i want and snapchat has done a much a much better job at those stupid filters so that's why i've just used snapchat and then occasionally i'll download my snaps and put them on instagram that's why you predominantly see my me like using snapchat aesthetic on instagram except for the occasional post where i i don't like usually when i'm posting like holo taco grids or something it's easier to use instagram because they have better formatting for grids but when it comes to dumbass filters and just basic posts i like snapchat because it's just dumb and i like them so instead of honking do the cat's meow all day all night oh they do in case you missed that snow that story zyler was meowing past 10 p.m despite the court injunction for no meowing and you know what no enforcement was seen there was no human cops nearby that even stopped him from meowing despite the court injunction it's wild out there it's wild cats are meowing disobeying the law they could give no we have suspended into lawlessness the cats are going rogue they do what they want they're demanding it all there is no control there is no more order and the rest of the world they don't get it because they're just a bunch of dogs you know they don't understand what the cats want what cats need anyways you'll download snapchat just for me i don't know if it's worth it also my stories have been deleted after like 24 hours because that's how snapchat works so i don't think you'll have the full cat convoy story this is hilarious out of context you know your name is cats over humans you you need to be subscribed to my snapchat it sounds like the cat convoy 22 is for you legal action will be taken you know i don't know there's been legal threats but no action has been taken no significant action all right shall we unpack things other than uh politics we don't need to unpack all the cat politics you know i'm sure you guys are sick of it are there any follower analytics showing people unfollowing you that'd be interesting i looked at it um but i didn't see any net negative so not that i can see but yeah like occasionally i'll get a random comment from someone saying like i'm gonna unfollow you for this you shouldn't be posting your thoughts or politics at all and i'm like okay bye but like four people say that and a hundred thousand people like what i posted kind of like when i did that poll on snapchat where 96 percent agreed that they want to see political content even though i don't i never mean to imply i'm changing my channels or all my socials into political commentary obviously come on guys but yeah you know when it makes sense to talk about it when i live somewhere where something is happening i will never unfollow you thank you anya nice way of filtering the fake followers yeah honestly if you want to unfollow me because of the cat convoy please do people who say i'm subscribing because mad are the karens of the youtube world yeah it's just people who like want to hurt you by saying you're losing my support just so you know and it's like okay i hope that made you feel better because it didn't make me feel worse i'm good i got my grandma holo taco for christmas we talked about how great it was for an hour last weekend oh that's awesome nicole bonding time with grandma you are open with your political leanings you think that these people wouldn't follow you enough in the first place if they're so offended i know and you know what i always think back to 2015 i think it was where i posted the gay american pride nails flag video oh and i always remember realizing later how naive i was because uh you know me and my naive world in canada and i don't mean all of canada when i say this please but in my personal contacts with the people i was raised around did not think i would ever be subject to so much negative attention for posting a gay rights video but i did and that was 2015 and so many comments were overwhelmingly negative and quite frankly disgusting they were disgusting in 2015 they are disgusting today but it really opened my eyes to politics in america and how there are so many people who have different views than i do that i deem way less progressive and that was like a culture shock to me in a way yeah so you know i know that there's people on the internet who don't agree with me but yeah you remember that yeah that was like a the biggest culture shock in terms of like the internet's facilitation of learning about culture shock if that makes sense that i've ever experienced because i never thought that it was possible that there'd be that many people who were that opposed to human rights honestly yeah and that was 2015. it's wild and that was i did that because america had just legalized gay marriage which had been legalized in canada for 10 years out on that date so like to me in my context like it's normal who cares it's it's a good thing but like it was it wasn't a big deal that you should be opposed like you shouldn't be opposed to this but a lot of people were and then i got a lot of hate from middle america and i still get hate from middle america yeah but yeah ever since then people should know that i voice my views i voice what i believe in where it makes sense when i feel like it makes sense i don't do it all the time all my content isn't you know consumed with politics or my what i think is best for the world like it's not but i do believe that it's important to speak up where it makes sense where appropriate where you can provide some education but also entertainment because that's what i like to do so is alberta like middle of america sometimes i feel that way but i do know that there's pockets of alberta that doesn't fit this description so you know shout out to those people living in those progressive pockets of alberta who feel kind of stuck i feel i don't want to blanket those people into that kind of statement because i get it like not everyone is you know that stereotype i appreciate you speaking up even if i feel like i have different opinions it's great to hear your opinion i like the logical stance you take thank you alana the lgbtq plus community stands by your side no i stand by their side i feel stuck in texas yeah i think a lot of my subscribers are viewers like feel stuck in their family and their friend group and they feel like they think a little bit more progressively than the people around them and that's gotta be really frustrating because i've never really experienced that hand most people i grew up with multiple i work with are progressive generally speaking my cat is trying to applaud your cat through the screen hi kitty vinci say hi okay should we play i don't want to you know derail this this unpacking episode all this to say i believe whether you are a public figure a business owner uh or or just like someone who works anywhere it's important to speak up for your beliefs and what you believe in where it makes sense within reason and i don't think you should tell people not to do so because it's not good for business or not a good look or whatever um you know if customers or viewers or subscribers decide that you're not right for them or they don't align with their views then they'll just unfollow or not purchase and that's okay but i don't think you should be hiding your views necessarily if you feel like something needs to be said um because you want to maximize revenues or something i got a comment on that on like a facebook group recently and i'm just like this is just the wrong the wrong take it's the wrong way to think i enjoy how you look at topics like this and emphasize that we need to look for primary sources and research our news yes i agree it's one thing to read a headline in the news but no matter who you are no matter what you're reading no matter what leaning media source you're reading please read under the headline and please find multiple sources for that news i think it is incredibly important especially now when people are getting information from headlines or twitter trending news l look into it um research research baby man we are really unpacking a lot here today yes andrew we are you know sometimes it's necessary and sometimes you know i'm not that simple that i'm just not gonna get on here and play a game or whatever i got thoughts i gotta unpack my emotions and frustrations before we unpack virtual boxes exactly you should do a stream where we all talk about sensitive topics i don't know that sounds like a hard time you know i'd rather just talk about it when it makes sense to if it comes up [Music] i think when it comes to large corporations they should stay out of it because their involvement ruins the employment of thousands of people who may or may not agree yeah i can see your point there um like if the ceo of a major corporation was trying to make a statement through their business i don't know i'm not trying to make ever make a statement through hollow taco though generally speaking like my personal snapchat is not hollow talk up that's what you want to say actually on the point of corporations i did see people repeatedly tag me on twitter about david's tea there was an article circulating saying that david's tea directly supported the convoy in ottawa i just want to clear up that based on my understanding that is not true it was david's if you if you read the article and the context from which that was derived it was the former ceo of david's tea his name is david he um his wife emily i can't remember her last name seagal emily seagal donated some dollars to the convoy which was really disappointing just as a person uh but it's david does not work for the company and he has not worked for the company since 2016. so i don't know if people knew that i've kind of joked about it in the past one of my videos and i've been sponsored by david's tea i'd be like dave doesn't even work there anymore but yeah he hasn't worked there since 2016 he stepped down so please don't hate on the employees of david's tea because of the action of their former owner's wife do you know what i mean if you read the media and read down to the actual facts i also think it's incredibly important to be careful about how we use facts from the media yeah as far as emily seagal is concerned yeah maybe you don't want to support her services i hear she is a psychologist in ottawa i'm probably not going to go there to be honest or david has a new tea company that's not david's tea he started a new tea company like was it last year don't support that business then wild how people sometimes just look at the headlines and not read the actual article yeah it's happened all the time but this is like a really good example because i've gotten at least 200 tweets from people in the last two days tweeting me saying like uh oh simply you better stop drinking his tea and i'm like dude please read the article and please look at the fine print um he hasn't worked there since 2016. they just kept the name i am spilling the tea yeah exactly david's tea is no longer david's tea it's true i don't know they just kept the name because it was iconic i guess that's a lot of tweets yeah it is annoying honestly like i get it and so i respectfully answered three times but i probably got like 300 tweets and i answered three times because i'm just like come on guys please read imagine canceling tea yeah we're gonna rebrand how i think david c just needs to rebrand in case he ever does anything in the future let's call it sim please t just putting it out there current ceo of david's tea that is not david simply she has a nice ring all right let's unpack i need to de-stress check it out we got a mensch all right where were we is it gonna give me uh let's look through my album is this how it works yeah yeah yeah okay let's go back for a quick refresh this book belongs to simply finally my own room in 1997 we unpacked lots of fun stuff we had bunk beds top bunk baby and then in 2004 we went to university wait was it that quick damn we're smart what classes start monday uni here i come and then we moved in with roommates wait we're all sharing one bathroom in 2007 and in 2010 we moved in with what appeared to be our boyfriend just based on you know the clothes and aesthetic of the room and stereotypically speaking anyways and we did see some evidence of like feeling like this we didn't have enough space to move ourselves in here and so the quote even says uh barely managed to fit myself in here i wonder if we can just replay this one see that this was our boyfriend's underwear drawer and it actually let us move his stuff around and we own a lot of skirts and he owns a lot of ties this is nothing i can relate to in my real life at all what cute little modern kitchen though is that an etch-a-sketch i don't know it was very hard to figure out how to fit in the kitchen because there was there's really not enough storage space for the pots and pans and i guess the point was that there wasn't really much room for her stuff so we spent our stuff we spent a long time trying to organize this section with the books um it's so cluttered and yeah then our degree at the very bottom here see that frame under the bed there was no room on the wall for us to mount our degree anywhere so the only place that the game accepted it was under the bed which is really sad and i think trying to tell us something that like we didn't have the space to be our true selves and show our accomplishments because our boyfriend's you know priorities came first and that is the t are we moving out next let's find out yes we are i think this is june 2012. two years later let's just observe the okay floor plan so who do we live with there's three bedrooms so maybe we moved back in with roommates we've got a bedroom bathroom it's a nice bathroom i like the tiling oh that's it we don't have anything else to unpack but wait we're this is a shared space interesting we're back to our parents oh is this our parents really maybe i'm just not recognizing it oh oh because we don't get to unpack in the other areas of the house is this our parents house do i have a terrible memory is this the same wall i gotta check i gotta double check here we can just do this quickly and look at the wall oh my god you're right we have moved back into our childhood bathroom from 1997 to 2012. you know i moved back in with my dad after university no life here that's sad don't say that you still have a life little simply a tamagotchi okay this is gonna be nostalgic though because now we're finding our old stuff and our parents didn't move most of it they updated the bedrooms now we don't have a bunk bed we have a desk we like to sew they kept our trophies because we're really good at soccer that's so nice of them yeah so looks like we broke up with our high maintenance boyfriend and moved back in with our parents no shame in that an increasing number of young people are staying with their parents longer or moving back with their parents due to the rising costs of rentals and home ownership these are facts look it up on statistics canada and american equivalents i'm just putting them on my desk to figure out where to put them because i want to know what i have the music's a little bit sadder is it just me or is the music a little bit sadder it's sadder but it's also like it's gonna be okay like a western music sad trying to go through the mountains but we're gonna be okay i know my desk is a nightmare do not judge me but we have a lot of things and i need to organize that our switch nintendo switch etch a sketch laptop coloring pencils more arts artsy stuff we have our scorpion yoga mat yoga mat can go there stuffed animals don't want to turn around turn around [Music] our degree okay this is what's most important we can fit it on the wall we have space here to be ourselves to be recognized to be empowered you want to take pride in your accomplishments don't let anyone tell you otherwise [Music] accordion fire fire i can't speak accordion file folder on the little guitar picture [Music] we've kept a lot of stuff for a long time eh there's our book don't worry guys i'm going to organize i can already tell chad's getting anxious over all the everywhere but i want to know what i have this is the more strategic way to do it what do i do with this i don't know there we go all right okay we've cleared the floor i feel better now we can move some of these things around uh why won't it let me flip them i want to put them vertically can i put them here no okay doesn't want me to put books vertically there we go got some books in there what is this this is a poster oh lisa frank okay cool we got an achievement rediscover childhood achievement unlocked sweet what's this what sound is that i don't know is that supposed to be like a ton of cookies let's put my bugs up here my stuffed animals here yep uh ben there is no music this second and stop playing but i can turn it up what am i supposed to do with these scarves okay let's put my art supplies in here yes yes yes this book can go there we'll put all the oh why won't it go vertically that does not fit no more space guys this is my tackle box i keep my and my moon goggle in there i make my string bracelets with stuff in this tackle box okay that feels like a better place for it yeah this should be more within reach these are karate belts oh i never did karate where's our black belt [Music] um [Music] alarm can stay i don't want too many things on my desk except for like my electronics can you put this on the wall i don't care a family portrait can go up there put trinkets there eraser can go there yes laptop laptop there you go maybe we do etch's catch on our bed now we have all these little chickies i suppose we could leave them there this game is so soothing i know isn't it nice put the sewing kit back what's the sewing kit this [Music] i'm okay with this oh is this a sewing kit how do i know what this is it doesn't open the cookie tin is the sewing kit well that's deceptive put the hot water bottle under the pillow are we gonna unlock something oh so we have a hot pillow is my pillow hot now i love that it's like those little hand warmers okay let's let's try the bathroom let's see what's going on in the bathroom oh you know it's your parents bathroom when the vanity looks like this okay well what the hell this is the biggest jug of soap i've seen in my life we're gonna need more space under the counter what is this shampoo are we sharing a shower with anyone it appears so but it's unclear because let's see yeah there's two bathrooms so maybe not let's put some stuff in here perfect there we go this is so satisfying i can't wait to do this in real life one day it's like the satisfaction of unpacking uh you know 2 000 bottles of nail polish a mug a toothbrush toothpaste the is this giant soap thing perfume [Music] cosmetics case uh i feel like we could move some around here like we don't need all this in the open right actually a candle is nice up there make some space a little purpley where's the toilet does this bathroom not have a toilet [Music] well all right then toenail clippers tweezers shavers or i guess that should go in the bathroom but there's like no space i don't this is the biggest jug of what is it lotion like go on the floor it's ridiculous oh it's mad at me is that okay it's the size of the goddamn drain yo where's the toilet oh there's a separate room for the toilet it's you know your fancy win you have a separate room for the toilet it doesn't like where i put my vial folder no no do i have to put it on my desk why can't my etch-a-sketch be on my bed i don't understand man there's no room for it can i put it on my chair no okay no how come it doesn't like it doesn't like this picture of my family what's wrong with my family look oh no that's my ex i was like i need to zoom in it wants me to tear up the picture of your ex burn it with fire okay guys where's the flames there's gotta be like a trick here right do we have a lighter can we put it in the down the drain can we cut it with a razor is there a garbage am i missing a garbage we don't have a garbage trying to figure out what to do with it where's the trash on the laptop no that doesn't do anything where's the bin but i don't have a bin oh in the bathroom ah why won't it do anything guys i we i thought we were so smart it doesn't it doesn't go what do i do [Music] just hide it no it doesn't like that put in the sink light it on fire there's a candle picture goes in the cabinet yeah it doesn't no it doesn't see unless you mean uh this cabinet no hide it under your bed but that's not good enough that it doesn't like that under your pillow we don't want to sleep with this not i'm not putting him under my pillow we need to destroy it we need to move on out the window can we i'm just trying to see what we could do up there [Music] big soap below the sink we can't go to the living room may we can only go to these two rooms [Music] [Music] doesn't seem to let me i thought putting it in the trash would be genius you have to put it in the cabinet maybe your file folder no you have to put it in this cabinet i don't want to keep this okay let's see if it'll even let me oh it does you're right okay all right all righty then thank you for solving our issues but we did not solve this issue oh there we go who does this i don't stack my etch-a-sketch on top of my laptop if we hate him though why are we keeping him i would have thought trash bin should have unlocked an even better achievement this room used to feel bigger yeah but now we're bigger and there's more things in our life our world is bigger because we're adult life isn't so simple anymore now it's 2013. it's time to do a dance recital to britney spears ooh wait are we in the same place no so we moved out of our parents into what looks like our own place it doesn't look like roommates because we got one bedroom we have a a studio or a study we have a bathroom a lounge and a kitchen not bad good for us go us also guys technology is improving i mean i don't know if we're quite at the hdmi port era yet because it looks like we have those three tri-colored audio input outputs we're not quite at bluetooth audio but we're moving up so is this our first real place like alone what a good feeling that happened to me in 2012 and this is 2013. internet imitates art or no life imitates internet okay remote le tour ifel leaning tower of pisa books or whatever these are mini books these are all of our figurines from around the world traveling is this like a dutch thing i think these are our collectibles from our world travels and now we're adding more right because that's new one thing i can't relate to because i have been absolutely nowhere 2013 doesn't feel that long ago i know it does and it doesn't i bought my first home alone um in 2012. so that feels like so long ago but also in 2013 was before i was on youtube so like i didn't exist yet it's simply an illogical so in that sense it feels like forever ago simply analogical did not exist in 2013 guys is that a wii i don't know if these are video games or books so i i don't really know what i'm doing maybe they're video games oh a little duck i don't know what to do with him so he's just gonna chill there i watched you before polish mountain thank you angel that would have been 2014 or 15 was pre-polish mountain simply you have two controllers you have friends no kidding holy guys we're maturing what is this oh like a picture hanger thing oh no it's a guitar stand yeah so if we do this and we put yeah yeah sick we play the ukulele i used to play guitar but then i had nails true story beanbag chairs yeah you know it's 2013 when i feel like that was earlier than 2013. we have too many of these is this that i can't tell are these all video games holy okay let's move we gotta re-strategize here our keepsakes will be here and then these guys will be here are donkey kongs yeah you also know you can't afford a couch when you have bean bags actually i don't know if that's completely true aren't beanbags expensive the inflatable blow up chairs though that i had in like 2002 those were inexpensive does anyone remember those those like clear purple ones that you just blow up and pretend are comfortable because they just look really cool to sit on but they're totally uncomfortable and sticky if you sit on them in shorts oh my god disgusting no it does not fit okay these stupid little books have got to move yeah yeah please give me two more of these with this exact size please what is this is that alexa you were rich if you had beanbags really i don't know i can't remember i mean like what's more expensive bean bags or a couch because we don't have a couch we only have bean bags this is a little mini one no more room for the minis okay let's put the minis here anyone remember minidiscs oh my god when cds were this big wild absolutely wild that technology died there's storage under the tv oh i'm dumb okay let's throw some of these in there yeah yeah yes why does that look like dw from arthur doesn't that look like dw from arthur swear to god arthur d w is that you we have too many books they do not all fit no what are we going to do without fitting the books good gracious we're gonna have to split them up it's not what i was hoping for i don't even know what series this is is this grand theft auto one two three four five there sure oh now i see some of the match yeah these three match i kind of wish that these are are these school subjects like is that biology geography and math don't forget to leave room on your shelves for the hollow taco collection exactly demi where am i going to put my holo taco collection this is my house i'll do what i want oh our little simply book a waist bin an umbrella perfect a cane we need a cane does ben live here he used to use a cane um can i put this guy on no okay you can sit there a froggy i don't know where to put these little guys yeah we're getting old guys we're 33 years old we need a cane and we also have ducks don't judge us we have many little ducks do not judge okay i'm moving on to our bathroom oh i like this inset shelf i feel like every bathroom needs to do this the fact that this isn't a standard thing in washrooms is absolutely crazy to me like come on guys build in some space to put stuff that you inevitably know needs to be in the shower smart smart building [Music] i'll show you why don't worry you'll see what i mean there look at that look at that spot so smart cup toothbrush can i put two yeah yeah yeah clear up my counter space i hate there you oh look at is this hand soap though okay maybe that should go here let's put that away since i oh it won't let me put away my hair straightener there we go thank you andrea c the lawyer trainee toilet paper yes cosmetics case yes extra toilet paper uh i need a one of those little holder a little extra rack for backups i guess you could just put it here okay fine we'll do that a scale i don't want that throw it out put it in the tub who are we weighing no need to weigh unless we're weighing our food our cat's food because either needed needs to go on a diet apparently he eats too much i feel like this should be there yes listerine it's a big bottle okay here you see what i mean put in the shower like this it's so smart guys always the next time you're house shopping or you're like building your own bathroom if that ever happens to you get this a cut out a recessed section in the tile it's just so smart because everyone needs the space we got so much shampoo and conditioner you know it's simply's bathroom one open the mirror oh we can put there can the listerine fit no but this can fit and vitamin d can fit band-aids could fit but we could also put them there what is that a jar of honey can fit nail clippers tweezers a loofah yes oh poison that's a weird okay i'm gonna leave the scale in the tub see what happens see if they scream at me we have so much to unpack guys we have our study oh i love a good office i love a good office um so excited holy this kitchen has a lot going on yo we got work to do guys buckle in get your tea we got work to do should we do our bedroom first yeah let's you you got to settle in with your bedroom i don't know why we didn't start here we have a lot of rooms for our first house or a first place i did not have this many rooms when i moved into my first home or when i purchased my first home rather alone i lived with roommates for many years before that is this like oh we have insufficient storage space we need more built-ins oh there's some that'll do for undies guys storage space man i tell you this not a good use of storage space we're gonna need way more of these we gotta go to storage solutions or bed bath beyond and buy like five more of these guys that a skirt man we can't shake the skirts yo i saw someone get mad at me for like not wanting skirts they were like and they were upset or offended that i couldn't just you know be the traditional woman and it was like the weirdest comment i've ever seen in my life well not the weirdest i've seen weirder that was exaggerating but i'm just like i don't i don't understand humans sometimes and their choices of what to write on the internet like why why are you so pressed who is this a picture of is our family a little tea light oh don't start a fire be normal christine i know you know so i'm so sorry nicole it's very difficult sometimes oh this is for our tea light cool here there now that's safer phew thank god shoes are switched oops more tea lights i'll figure out what to do with those next hold on actually this was probably a mistake i should probably put the underwear in a more shallow drawer this music is more upbeat than the previous one there you guys happy i don't know how many pairs of shoes we have yet so you know hold your little horse girl hair we'll find out another dress can make you uh dress lovers out there happy the feminine urge to push skirts onto other women exactly you know reminds me of the time that like people talk about me because i didn't wear a dress to a wedding it's wild it's just absolutely wild and i was not the bride to be clear but even if i was even if it was my wedding and i wanted to wear a badass pantsuit what would be wrong with that that's probably the same people who commented on my american pride nails in 2015 so it's okay i forgive them they can't change who they are the things people get upset of it i know i've seen it all and reacted to exactly uh one percent of it so even if it seems on occasion like i'm you know giving attention to negativity it's actually a gross under-representation of the amount of negative comments i get usually but sometimes i like to use negative comments as a edgy non-educational as like entertainment if i'm being honest um it's kind of funny to me sometimes and it makes me laugh and if it makes me laugh then maybe it'll make other people laugh where do i put my purse i don't know yet okay i'm putting it on the floor we have a lot of i don't know what is this a skirt yes frilly skirt more undies undies jeans undies i mean it doesn't really matter whether you like skirts or no but knocking on others for liking traditionally feminine clothing is very i'm not like other girls dude when did i knock on anyone else for wearing skirts i don't give a if you like skirts but if you tell me that i should be open to wearing skirts because that's what girls do that's not the same thing people are just so ready to be mad at other people because they're like personalizing thing and i feel like that's the biggest misconception that people on the internet do they think that a content creator is speaking directly to them about their life i'm not talking about anyone's life except mine and if i say these skirts in my virtual house then that's for me and my virtual house not for you i don't care menchie okay oh i have a lot of room here maybe let's put our pajamas in here that sounds like a good idea that should be hung up so should this this looks like it needs to be hung yeah jeans can go away what is this sure pajamas perfect yeah i'm going to replace the whole whole wardrobe with pajamas actually sweatpants i was thinking his wet pants everyone who dresses in fancy business clothes is also mad at me remember that that lady who said uh was that in the blueberry scone video i can't remember i was joking about how like i don't really care to wear dress pants at work and then i was called extremely unprofessional it's so unprofessional of you to joke about wearing leggings it's awful no one will respect you at your workplace you look like a gosh darn blueberry scone yeah it was that that's what i'm saying like it's it's funny our degree our degree we put it on the wall okay this is our office i feel at home now little desk light so we can look at our holo nails got the accordion file folder yes art supplies yes people are wild i know toki rat people are absolutely wild yeah remember when they gave me a suit for the youtube commercial that was not true that was fake i have never worn a suit i told them that i was like just so you know i've never worn a suit at work ever and no one wears suits at work i mean like maybe some of the directors wear it when they go to like meetings but like generally speaking no one wears suits and they were like yeah we know but you know you want to give off the polar opposite image and i get it it's just for looks but it still kind of makes me like i hope that the world has modernized in a way and we're not so archaic in our expectations whether it's like gender expectations of what you should wear as like whatever gender you are but also just like working in the workforce your work is not defined by how fancy your suit is like i don't know i've always felt that way i would never hire someone based on their suit that doesn't mean however that you're not allowed to like suits if you like suits and you want to wear a suit because you feel good and powerful in a suit please wear a suit what do i do in this towel does it go here yes we figured out the towel maybe i'm just i just have trauma because one of the first job interviews i went to the guy who was like doing the hiring told me to wear a suit um sorry not a suit a skirt he told me to wear a skirt and i did because like i was like okay i want the job and then i got hired and i never wore a skirt again like you guys weirdos that was a long time ago that was like 20 10. yeah it was over 10 years ago but uh yeah that that culture sorry not for me and i hope it's not for any of you it was a manager that told me to wear a skirt a male manager obviously look at our little cactus do not touch we will prick our swatching hands was it just you who had to wear a skirt or all female no it was just like for my interview he was like encouraging me to wear a skirt to my interview but generally speaking women in the workplace where i worked anyways in my context did not wear skirts regularly this was just like in the government we weren't like public facing you know it's not it's not like there was a uniform or an outfit that we were supposed to wear but there's just like some floors in some departments that just seem to care more about dressing professional and then others were way more low-key i don't know who decides that or how though you can't say the government is one way because like it's very different depending on your department but in one of the departments i worked for at one point they were way more like you know would like stick up their ass in terms of what to wear it was a while ago i wonder if things changed i assume they have are these my business cards yo wireless router the best place to put that is probably like on the windowsill right because what if we go outside hey maybe we'll put it on the floor it's gonna get hot though what are the departments that care more i don't know i can't really describe it it just depends like i'm sure you've if any of you have worked for a large company maybe there's some floors where there's some people that seem to care more and it kind of creates that culture it's not necessarily like it's dictated by an individual but it just kind of happens oh damn there's room in my cabinet what is this is my work laptop cool we got two laptops i love our printer it's very sleek my friends are in the finance field and they have to wear fancy attire all the time meanwhile i'm in tech and it's unusual to dress up at all yeah there's some fields where it's different but i also don't want to generalize like it really depends on the company the culture the floor and kind of the precedent that has been set because it can be very different dressing up for an interview shows that you understand that you have to dress appropriately for work it doesn't mean you have to dress that way every day but you can't show up in jeans for an interview i mean i think it really depends where you're going for an interview i don't think that's always fair and i hope that in the future managers aren't only looking at how you dress i know that that's probably an unpopular opinion because i've seen people argue with me over this anymore but we all grow up in different contexts and have different you know goals aspirations and ways that we want to hold ourselves and you know rules were willing to bend to just to be seen a certain way i'm more resistant i guess to that and all i know is that like my current manager would not give a if i didn't want to wear a suit but that's her and i'm grateful it's also very different for people working in like artists you know industries obviously obviously i'm not telling you how to dress for your interview dude like use common sense for what you think makes sense and what you feel comfortable with i had to learn what i was comfortable with and combine that with common sense to figure out what made the most sense and it takes time but uh you know i'm happy with my choices that i have made and i have learned from them and uh i have not worn dress pants in i want to say like five years and we've only been working from home for like two years what are these coasters we have no organization here i hate it guys we're gonna bake some carrot cakes i feel like this should have been in the other drawer okay i've made a mistake we need to fix this i don't like this maybe i'm gonna get an organizer hello so when i was 13 you noticed me on twitter when i bought the first holosexual shirt which i still have but now i'm 18 and still watch and love you thank you skylar much appreciated i do follow we'll follow but i reply to people on twitter quite frequently so thank you thank you for remembering that thank you for buying some of the og merch it's not sold anymore but that's okay we've moved on to different things um i did not wear dress pants for the youtube shoot they told me i could wear my lululemon pants like i had lululemon joggers i wear a lot of um because the the shot was only the top half so they let me wear whatever pants i wanted so i just stayed in my lululemon joggers that are just comfortable which are the same pants that i actually wore to the office for like years everyone has their own style and level of comfort i like to become comfortable and uh not noticed i don't want to be noticed that sounds sad but it's true like i just wear like dark clothes no major logos don't notice me but i do want to be comfortable if i'm gonna be sitting down for eight hours you know what i'm saying tea mugs okay we need a strategic place to have our team on collection i don't like how this shelf is going but give me some time we gotta unpack christine put the magnet on the fridge i did tea mugs okay let's let's move this these look like glass things let's put glass stuff up here should this go on the table maybe is that salt and pepper i can't tell did you dress up or care more when you were younger um i think probably usually people care more when they're young what they look like and i'm not saying that to you know in a negative way it's just true usually people care more about their peers and you know you get judged more by others when you're in high school because that's all you have to judge people on is what they're dressed like there's just kind of life but generally as people grow older they end up caring less about how others are dressing like i could give two what my employees have worn to work but maybe when i was a 15 year old i was judging people based on you know whether they had the real adidas or not because like i wanted the real adidas so when i was younger i'm sure i cared more i think that's pretty normal baking sheet ah paper towel we need like one of those i need a paper towel rack i hate just leaving it on the counter come on come on i need a rack i need a solution that's probably dangerous but i'm gonna put it there yeah can we do math here one plus two equals three you better give me a bonus yes achievement unlocked you can do math thank you en i've been watching christine for years and half a minute i never did my nails like ever i just love watching her do it or not thank you i know the majority of you watching don't even pay your nails because we did that poll at one point i think that was on the podcast but that's cool i don't mind i don't judge oh now we unbox the microwave like come on where do i put it now can i put it on top of here is that like not safe this is not according to code i probably can't reach it up here but i really want counter space so what am i supposed to do can we put it here will it fit this is really unfortunate design will it fit here okay that's probably better we can reach it yeah we're gonna have to start using the drawers more okay we're gonna have to start putting my kettle my kettle needs to be in the open guys nothing fits we don't drink coffee what is this okay let's put this in here where do you put baking sheets does this open i'm just gonna leave it on stove someone someone will clean it up lol jk i'm the only person who lives here dish soap not the same thing as oil if you guys remember extra sponges that's for our nails okay we are getting there a toaster this toaster is from another house a menorah we're celebrating hanukkah we never had a menorah before interesting why did this just come up now here i'll put it in the window it'll look nice and there's the candles for it um can i just leave it there we'll just leave it there pretend that we're uh baking something right click on the oven it does nothing okay it does not like a lot of things i have done okay that's better i forgot to put those away do not yell at me let's put that in the sink let's do this let's put that yeah yeah cookie cutters oops or maybe all the plates need to go in here this is a terrible way to store plates i'm not a fan but it's looking like we don't have much counter space oh yes that fits okay uh does not that works you guys are gonna yell at me if i put this under this thing again okay but the oil is what is this balsamic or wine or some can we open the fridge i've got to put my soda stream away okay it's not yelling at me for anything anymore it doesn't like this let's put that there nope nope let's do this there we go close the doors we've got some empty space here but that's fine room to grow maybe we can put no this guy's too big it does not like the scale in the bathtub chat where do we put the scale i do not want nor need this scale okay because we focus on strength not how much we weigh we're not trying to lose anything we are trying to gain muscle where's the gym where's we only have like five pound dumbbells i saw them somewhere where'd they go what happened they were at our last house we left them at our parents please you can fit it under can i go in the trash no it won't let me put it in the trash okay i have to criticize this game for forcing you to own a scale dude come on can i put it underneath here so we never have to look at it nope beside the toilet yeah but that's like suggesting we're gonna use it this game okay it doesn't like where we put the router maybe it needs more signal maybe it needs to be there we did it more signal by the window what's wrong with owning a scale i mean okay nothing this is my personal experience i don't weigh myself because i do not care how much i weigh however if if that's something you personally need to measure for healthy reasons then that's fine but i focus for myself and my own personal fitness and health on uh just focusing on muscle growth and i don't feel like weighing myself contributes to that because your weight is not an indication of your muscle mass but that's me that's not me telling you what to do that's me building my own digital room and universe and i will repeat this every time i say something yeah you do whatever you want to do i use this scale to weigh my cats because it's bad for their joints to get too heavy yeah for sure yeah we've done that with xyler and munchie before where you like have to weigh yourself and then subtract it sure i'm not saying never own a scale guys wait we have more is this a package from amazon holy guys we don't have any room what did we order now this is like me every two days i just have more boxes to unpack this is real life honestly [Music] wait wait what menchie maggie what did you do she went online shopping how did this happen who just dropped this here i'm so confused look at this we got we got a delivery man we have more everywhere oh wait there's a second place matt did someone move in with us who are they oh is this their stuff this is someone else's stuff menchie you're moving in okay um let's see which room should we unpack to figure out the most about them maybe the bathroom it's our new partner oh makeup brushes but i don't want to assume lady but based on the types of items they're giving me i think the game is suggesting it is a woman eyelash curler okay could they be more obvious all right okay all right honey we're unpacking your stuff this is like choosing steph in life is strange honey you have too much stuff look they have makeup and we don't we did not make room for them we didn't think that someone else would be moving in so that's why it's kind of a challenge okay all right we got to rethink this we have to be fair we have to give shelf space or we could renovate alternatively we could renovate if i do this does it give me more room okay this can i don't know what the hell that is scrubbing jar tampons yep not now it's a woman or a person who has periods but paired with the other items we've been given it looks like uh a lady is moving in with us ah they even brought a pink rug how nice of them and a pink loofah kleenex hair comb all right i gotta figure out how to put stuff away now okay perfect makeup drawer makeup chore um you put this away put that away yes yes okay we can fit these back here just the hair brush i don't okay we'll just leave it on oh wait isn't that storage yes okay let's do this hide this poison it looks ugly guys we have like five boxes of tampons no one will run out of tampons in this house we have so many tampons click the mirror oh yeah okay well we're all packed up in here we're good okay let's see let's see what's in the bedroom they really like plants thank you for bringing some life into our house uh um okay yeah we gotta move our childish here it's time to grow up here we go can we put can we put a lamp okay let's give them a lamp there that works and maybe can we put yeah there switch different room oh look at that style let's see if they have any skirts so far nope so far no skirts cool ass boots though hangers oh there's a fancy dress jean shorts oh we got two of these okay we have two of these storage systems perfect because we would have suffered if we only had one what the is this it looks like a xyler hot dog let's put these all here for now uh are these pjs yeah maybe kind of looks like pjs t-shirts okay close that t-shirt i wish organizing in in real life was this easy just like tap tap tap tap tap undo undo undo damn oh there's no room in our closet oh there we go phew it's gonna say we gotta move honey we gotta move make more space for the two of us oops i didn't mean to take a picture is that a walkie-talkie they're calling into oh so we can talk to each other from a different room okay well i gotta put in a different room here that's funny [Music] little crop top my girl likes crop tops oh that's a nice coat poorly organized but uh we've got summer fall all the looks is that like a fancy jewelry case wow she's brought her swarovski damn nice little backpack she has so much better style than we do god damn okay this is your side of the bed [Music] pants i think i put pants somewhere in the drawer a little cardigan whoa those are cool pants okay guys wait no i just want to open i want to open the pants so you can see why won't they open hold on look they're gradient pants look they go from purple to pink those are the coolest pants ever okay you can stay damn my girl's got style jean shorts cape perfect we are almost done um okay what's this what is this this is like unroll is that incense it looks like cigars what is this is that a temperature what am i supposed to do with it do you put this on the wall okay i'll leave it there um sandals maybe let's move this book yeah [Music] we could put that in there sure oops it's an incense burner okay so we need the the cup for it it's not going to fit uh oh we have too many shoes for our shoe rack we need a new shoe thingy or let me move these yeah there we go this can be our booties but we still have these shoes um i see maybe we gotta do this yeah there we go [Music] all right looking good looking gucci everybody [Music] we got zyler in the middle of the bed a little chunky mr hot dog oh my god we've got the kitchen next goodness gracious all right give me a moment while i pee [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] we are back we are playing unpacking we are unpacking i know i'm so fast the bathroom's like literally right there strategic the kitchen looks full christine what are you gonna do i'm that's what i'm gonna do we have no room and our lady really likes plants oh at least they they brought a dish rack what is this i don't know what are these bowls at least they stack oh that's cute what is this is this an air fryer oh my god we have reached peak millennial good thing i didn't waste too much time on the kitchen because now we had more to do cheese grater do not use with nails warning planter on the windowsill oh yeah i let our little guys get some like a lemon juicer why is it so huge [Music] is that maple syrup it looks like aunt jemima it's like the fake maple syrup come on woman where's the real canadian maple syrup can we write on this no a poop emoji oh we're a good fit [Music] an ice cream scooper thank you what is this like a serving dish spices oh it's for making matcha or for grinding up pills what is this called a mortar and pestle right the only reason i know that is because that is the foundation of the shoppers drug mart logo the mortar and pestle these are pretty [Music] is it a pestle and mortar no it's a mortar and pestle what is this it's framing a ticket like a golden ticket what concert is that beyonce um our girlfriend got a trophy for something i realize i'm just putting all their stuff on this shelf and not integrating it so maybe we could integrate it but i'm also like i don't know what to do with these stuffed animals there we go let's start integrating our these books line up nope [Music] ooh their laptop okay we'll put that there a nice pillow [Music] another pillow [Music] we're gonna have to move this giant stuffed animal why why do we have this giant stuffed animal [Music] it's a huge blanket um umbrella hey how come we can't add it to our oh i lied a snake interesting very interesting did i have room in here no no we're gonna need more spaces for books put all the chickens together you're separating the family there they're having fun on top of the world [Music] board games okay all right all right i'm gonna figure out what to do here i just need to understand what else she decided to bring okay stuff to water the plants that's good someone's got to keep him alive because it's not gonna be me what is this a poster anti-hero season two those are cool coasters [Music] oh we have some room that's death and taxes [Music] i hope they don't have more than four what the is this what is that oh my god [Music] should we be concerned what is this [Music] can i put anything up there can i can i what what is this oh god let's put him out of the way is this like where you begin to learn about someone because you first move in with them is the story gonna be like we learned that we actually don't like them or that we don't get along because they really did bring a ton of plants into our house and i don't know can we soil them what do i do with these potters like they're just empty can i put them up here no yeah this is like love is blind you watch that netflix show anyone where you fall in love with people based on their voice and you don't get to see what they look like okay we'll put this away for now but i'm unsure like we can't honey we can't just have a big bag of dirt hanging out in our living room it would be cute if the chickies went up at the top of the windowsill that's a great idea oh what if we put them in order of birth this is so unnecessary but how about an order of gradient [Music] oh the big one doesn't want to fit okay you can stay down here [Music] um oh yeah that should be there duh right i mean like you could also put them by the toilet okay where did we go wrong we're good here oh they don't like where we put the walkie-talkie why i thought it was so smart to put it in another room maybe it has to be in here nope is this a walkie-talkie or a cell phone maybe it's a cell phone there yeah that's our cell phone it's our nokia 3600 cell phone you know okay doesn't like the plant being in the office why nope [Music] we got something what do we win a green thumb award thank you that's our girlfriend's award not us we grew nothing we kept nothing alive [Music] okay what am i missing oh um it didn't like these stacked things there we win even though it's so messy like we need to build some clothes storage i think what do you guys think can we do some reno's we got a new sticker november 2015 looking forward to fresh culinary adventures achievement unlocked love we win okay it's 2018 only two years until covid and then everything will change but ho this house looks upgraded guys look stained glass wait are we still together we have a garage wow we have one study wait there's two stories guys we have a two-story house oh damn let's go upstairs oh we have a baby this is not my house anymore all right we've moved up we've moved on we are having offspring there's gonna be way more to unpack now whose baby is this it's not my baby it's your baby you unpack the baby we're growing up so fast what the i thought i was a kid and it was 1997. [Music] is there a lock on this window how do i get out okay where the did we begin can we start in the garage no it won't let us start in the garage okay we have a is this a kitchen kitchen oh that's the kitchen damned this is custom finishes a living room okay let's start in the entrance it seems uh easier oh the booties yo we have so much work to do and not even our partner or our child is helping us come on guys don't make me do all this work alone the is this it goes in the washroom i'll leave it there for now a picture of a cat do we have cats please tell me we have cats cats dancing the windmill thingy i'll put that there yo i want to know what our jobs are how do we get this sweet house all we know about ourselves is that we have a degree but and that we're an artist right we kind of know that we're an artist because we always have these like art books but i don't know if that's our career it could just be our hobby [Music] do not have enough room for shoes okay we'll put boots here [Music] maybe the nursery is for the cat could be possible maybe we have a room just for our cats where we baby them like i do right now you know this couch behind me it's menchie's couch yeah yes toothpaste in the mug makeup drawer uh i don't know what this is but it looks like it belongs there face cream toenail or no tweezers cream soaps what is this looks like a pot of honey [Music] how do you guys feel about closed storage space these are very important questions you know that that you consider when you turn 30 years old you begin to wonder do i want open storage space or do i wish that there were cupboards here so it would be closed storage space so i could hide all my telling you it's always important to think ahead on those things and decide what kind of storage space you want because it's hard or it's not hard but it's annoying to change later yes i put the rubber ducky in the bath judge me what does chat say closed closed i need to hide clothes storage for life i like cupboards cupboards are the best all right chat says closed i absolutely highly agree with you i prefer closed storage because i want to see all my garbage especially if my garbage does not match you know you can't really control what color packaging your tampons come in so if it's the aesthetic and the vibe is off like please put it away this is genius though if i could you know recommend myself um a mere vanity preferably a recessed mirror vanity that goes into the drywall a must-have in adult storage solutions like i don't want all this out not that i care you know it's not like anything's like shameful but i just like to see things cleaner it allows you to organize better what is that q-tips [Music] oh this scale put it in the tub i've never seen a toilet like this this is so weird if you guys ever seen a toilet where the plumbing pipe comes out the back and then down the floor i always thought it was like underneath the toilet what this is what's supposed to go in the hide this i think we hit this has to go in there right okay we can put the ducky in the bath too [Music] the garbage should be next to the yeah you're right it should absolutely be next to the toilet what was i thinking what the is this a bucket for our garage minchie a toilet bowl cleaner another bag of dirt like dude what do you want i don't know what this room is but that's where the dirt is going why are we packing dirt towels this is a laundry bin let's just put that there it looks like a laundry bin a little plant can that go in a shower can plants go in the shower or is that like bad for them but water is good for plants right show us what i know about plants um yes more tampies tampies pads what what is this i don't know what that is is that detergent maybe for your clothes oh yeah like laundry stuff where's our laundry room oh there it is look at that second floor laundry oh love to see that you know you're successful when you have laundry on your second floor i'm joking okay we have this giant jug of who knows what this is but i'm gonna like put it up here because i feel like it's from costco and we're not gonna need it regularly poison more towels those are not matched oops i did this backwards right the big one has to go there and then the little one the dining room that's baby powder oh god oh we have too many towels okay let's make sure there let's store these out these are our backup towels how about that laundry basket perfect let's put this in here sure all right that looks better so what is this is our closet oh we have a walk-in closet oh damn [Music] jewelry box skirts let's put skirts there [Music] these pants are so cool how come the dress won't hang up that's weird okay we do have drawers so i don't want to ignore the drawers but i like to not hang t-shirts i usually fold t-shirts i like to maximize my hangers for hoodies i'm not even just saying that you know all my hoodies yeah i hang them up they take up a lot of closet space sewing stuff jean shorts all right we're getting through it oh yeah we also have a bottom rack a dress a cardi a fancy off the shoulder shirt i would like to know what kind of events we're going to we are going to look so fabulous darling with all of these outfits so much to choose from too because there's two of us who own dresses so we have more options in our closet [Music] [Music] suitcase where are we going there's no room okay i'll just put it there i don't know where to put it suitcases are so annoying like where do you put them when you're not using them i don't know i always struggle with where to put my turkey because it's so big all right t-shirts and then pants at the bottom oh oh okay t-shirts go in here do we have i can't access these drawers yet put all the undies in the same drawer [Music] yes wait that's probably not good how do i know which underwear is mine and which one is my girlfriend's do people share underwear is that a stupid question i don't know i've never thought about it comment in the chat if you share underwear [Music] and i'm assuming you wash the underwear that's not what i mean yo i have dumb questions but i am curious oh some people are saying yes but some people are saying absolutely not socks maybe hell no no ben you wear you're just being dumb okay most people say no yeah i thought that would be weird but i didn't want to say it if it's like not weird to someone i don't know guys it's just it's not an issue i've ever personally thought of so i was curious to know other people's takes no sharing underwear but sharing of bras is probably cool right like if they fit bras are so expensive you better share bras oh we have too much already we are not done we have too much yeah sharing socks totally cool the shirts on the bottom need to go on the top oh yeah that would make sense right where do dresses go that doesn't want to go up oh is it just because they're longer more bras okay i kind of up here more bras won't fit in here that's t-shirts take the bars out of here put more underwear okay this is our girlfriend's underwear drawer we are not gonna wear their underwear wait are these pajamas i can't tell i do appreciate all the colorful undies though why is there a book okay oh our bed sheets is a gradient so nice perfume what kind of perfume do we have it's probably obsession by calvin klein or maybe it's a la quest touch of pink that was like all the hype when i was a teenager oh it's safe yo what's in this safe we gotta put it we gotta hide it all right okay we're finally getting somewhere laundry hamper if we move you back here it won't let me put the laundry hamper somewhere what if can i put the coat at the back of the closet can i put the laundry here no that's uh yeah that's hard now it's hard to access our dresses good maybe we have to um we have too many hangers now what if we just hold on let me just disassemble some if we were to put the laundry hamper in this corner so the closest it can get yes we put the skirts here no it doesn't even want to let us hang skirts over the laundry hamper guys i'm trying to be smart here [Music] i just think we have too much stuff where am i gonna put our bras [Music] you can only fit two pairs of jeans in one drawer oh come on okay um no more room for bras [Music] we have no more room for us we must hang them on the back of our of our wall [Music] can crop tops fit over the hamper good thinking but no doesn't seem to wanna oh maybe it's because i gotta yes good job good job chet i knew i could count on you okay not that crop top maybe this one yes thank god for crop tops uh i think that's all the crop tops we own [Music] what do i do with our extra bras they're just all right we're just gonna display them they look nice okay maybe we should throw out this hat that seems to be the problem this is really unfortunate as well this should go here this can go here with this little jewelry case maybe no you can't fit both hats this is a complicated closet this is like level seven there's not enough room hamper in the bathroom oh that would help a lot that's a huge hamper you know it's like protruding past the door it's a little much all right let's just see where it yells at me and we also have work to do here uh plants um a printer [Music] where's our office oh there we walked up the stairs down the stairs just to get our printer it was really annoying i don't know if i'm gonna finish this house tonight this house is huge and no one's helping me but we are still sleeping with the xyler hot dog um okay this is this dumb egg thing give it to the kid alarm clock i thought you didn't need an alarm clock when you have a screaming baby caboodle kit um there's little eggies i don't know what this is is this a baby monitor but we had it in the last house and there was no baby that i'm aware of but it kind of looks like it could be one of those things that talk to each other these lampside tables or these bedside lamps do not match [Music] our tea light more tea lights a picture more ducks guys don't judge me i haven't figured out what i want to do on the wall we still have the same cell phone technology come on man like we have to have upgraded by now little chickies what are we supposed to do with like eight little chicks do we have a backyard or a farm are they real do they lay eggs what's going on here and there's the mother hen i don't know i'm just putting them in the baby's room because i don't know what to do we don't have any storage space in our bedroom but our baby has storage space wait how old is the baby or is the baby not born yet it's interesting that we never really see the characters right what do we win fuzzy friends achievement unlocked um yeah it's interesting we never really see the characters we just see their objects so it's kind of like learning about people through their possessions i wonder if we spelled the alphabet would we win something a b c d e f g h i j k elemental b do we win anything come on man come on i thought i was being so clever oh there's neat guys we know the alphabet i don't need another d or another e [Music] i have no idea where to put things in a baby room 80's room so y'all are going to judge me already probably and be like no the wipes must be to the left of the chair do not put the soothers in the drawer because they're further from suckage don't put the clothing in the drawer how does the baby want their clothing okay you tell me where do you put the clothing of the baby look it's a rainbow thing like we have in the podcast [Music] i feel like i'm we have so many blocks like holy how many blocks does this kid need my kid is spoiled there at least that's more aesthetic okay can we put the diapers away nope maybe there we go yeah what is this a little book okay maybe we keep that for clothing the chicks are on the changing table this is a changing table do you see what i mean like what am i doing here who am i where am i what is this room what is it for why do we have so many blocks that spell only the first six letters of the alphabet i don't know look at this it's a it's like a cat toy where they go like this there's so many little hats for babies i never seen so many hats do we live in canada can i fit all the clothes in this drawer no almost close enough little balls what is this towel for if the baby's yaks on you for the baby to spit on you [Music] should i ever tell you that growing up uh i had cats like when i was a baby but then the cats would come into my cradle like this cradle and then they would suffocate me and sit on my head in the middle of the night so my parents had to had to get rid of the cats had to give the cats up for adoption because the cats were trying to murder me you know in retrospect i would say keep the cats right then she oh no she left me manche no manche that explains a lot what do you mean amy amy l that's how i decided that i love cats because they just tried to murder me when i was a baby maybe maybe they weren't trying to murder you know maybe they're just misunderstood and they wanted to hang out like that's fine [Music] okay there's so many books can babies read or something i'm confused oh look we're trying to turn our baby into us by imposing our hobbies onto our baby because it's a soccer ball [Music] let's not lie i would do the same i'd be like here you go baby here's some nail polish a baby have you heard of holo it's your favorite color isn't hollow your favorite color yeah that would be me let's not lie guys that would be me hey baby clean up the trash okay i'm gonna leave the chicks on the changing table i kind of think that they're they're chilling right there that was easy okay our office i want to know what what do we do we've won prizes we have a little witch thing yo we got trophies for something we still have some of our kind of arts and crafts style stuff that's fun we got black spiral notebooks you know your fancy win we have our accordion folder i feel like this is going to take up too much yeah let's put it there uh post-it notes eraser yes yeah business cards it's business time we still have our old macbook come on isn't it time for an upgrade i can't believe it still works we're on the oldest version of ios software and we are refusing to update our computer because we're terrified that it will crash what's this is that a cast it looks like a wrist guard guys we have typed so much in our life that we need a wrist cast that's gonna happen to me from swatching oops i did not do this correctly one two there you go on the guitar all right let's let's put you here i feel like the music is sad what are we not happy with our life have we uh gotten sick of the mundane ritual that is being an adult but we still find joy in painting and playing guitar and playing on our cat laptop it's the simple things that we've kept so long in our life the little things that remind us of the innocence we once had as children but now we must be responsible and the heavy weight of the world weighs upon is holy how many of the same book do we need what the is this book oh what is this did we write this book there's no other reason why we have so many copies [Music] did we write this book it kind of looks like is that a picture of us and maybe it's saying we wrote this book yeah we illustrated it the main character wrote a book how do you know that are we just supposed to know that from looking at this that's cool we love kids so much we wrote books for them to read there's our degree oh what is this is a tablet fancy i mean we are an artist right because we've always had these artist palettes um so yeah what do we do with all these books i don't think we need like all of them right there because that's kind of excessive but maybe we should file them away this is like me okay i have you know 47 hollow taco boxes don't come for me but i do and when guests come over if guests ever come over again um you know i would give them some but i also don't need like 47 of the same thing hanging out in the open or else it just looks actually ridiculous so i might try and find some storage for them like that [Music] oh my god dual monitors what am i supposed to do with this printer though oh tower okay now i have more space um [Music] i want to put this no it won't let me put it there okay fine the etch-a-sketch has been a drawing tablet this whole time oh shows you how many drawing tablets i've had zero but like we don't have room what am i supposed to do we don't have a room is that maybe the printer has to go over here i guess so there that works oh my god [Music] another room guys i mean this is a whole house i don't think i can do it there's still three more rooms wait how many have we done we've done one this is like half a room three okay so we've done four rooms and we have three more big rooms because like this is a big room the kitchen's gonna be big look at that stainless steel appliances okay maybe we saved that for next week yeah i know it's the last level but if it's going to take as long as me as long as it took me to do the last few rooms it's gonna take me that same amount of time which means it's probably gonna take another two hours [Music] i don't know if i can do it unpacking takes forever as we have learned right we got two whole stories you think i can do that in a few hours you're wrong sometimes it's okay to take a break have you know get some sleep and then come back to work when you're feeling refreshed it'll save it right yeah it'll save it yeah i gotta eat my dinner and i haven't even unpacked yet where is the level when we unpack simply's nail polish collection yeah i don't know [Music] oh my god my hair is wild did you want to see i took out my um braids but it looks so bad because i sweat in it you can kind of see the kinky hair anyways i had braids um and then i deliberately didn't wash my hair thinking that when i took them out it would look kind of nice but yeah joke's on me yeah guys i need a break because i know that that took you know two hours so and i would like to spend my time unpacking and doing it doing it well rather than speeding through it we don't want to speed run we want to play the game properly so we'll do that next wednesday and then we'll be finishing the unpacking game on wednesday i'm also starving to be honest and it's hard to play this game and eat at the same time if we were just reacting to i would totally just eat and you know watch it but we're not doing that so i'm gonna go have yes what's for dinner um we picked up some local ottawa stuff from time and again if anyone knows no one knows who that is exactly 14 people in this chat who live in ottawa maybe no time and again we like their food it's like kind of home-cooked meals for takeout so we picked up some of that and ben and i will have that for dinner tonight right ben what time is it yeah it's definitely dinner time it's 7 40 p.m where i am we usually eat around like six so i usually wait and have dinner later on stream nights absolutely you know i'm gonna put it on a garbage bowl we're ending on a cliffhanger but it's okay yeah well that's not a cliffhanger we just you know sometimes you're working so hard but you can't finish it all and you just have to accept it to take a break go to sleep and start again tomorrow and in this case our tomorrow is next wednesday thank you charlotte yes i don't know if and most of you saw i think you did though um but yeah ben's mother passed away he posted on instagram about that so thank you guys for your condolences i'm sure he appreciates it and whenever he feels like being on the internet again he will be but of course no pressure i know you guys never pressure him or me or any of us which we appreciate but i'm just reiterating that um we appreciate it yeah life and death suck don't they as we know yes [Music] please no one else die if i could just have one request please no one else died at least for like a year okay please no one ever in the entire world will die in the next year thanks to my request your grandpa died oh sorry i thought you said 107. do you mean to suggest that your grandfather was 107 that's amazing or do or is that a typo 107 sorry is that a typo did someone live till 107 that's amazing yo my grandmas are 94 and 92 that's also amazing death rates dropped to zero percent overnight how did this happen mysterious stream occurred simply now logical was streaming on the evening that the data began to reveal the no death rate mortality we don't know her thank you sarah i just lost my dad so i know how he feels love to you and ben thank you guys your grandma's also 92 i know it's wild i feel like all grandmas not all guys both of my grandmas are like 90 million years old your grandpa died at 98 that's amazing i mean you know what i mean like it's it is kind of incredible when someone gets to live that long right because it's so rare does anyone know anyone that lived to a hundred that's insane i can't even imagine one of your grandpas died in 99 wow cool i swear people's grandmas are either 60 or 90. yeah depends were you born in 1987 or were you born in 2007. your grandma was 102 wow grandma died at 99 wow so there are a few of you husbands grandma lived to 99. worked in a nursing home well oldest person you saw was 110. wow shout out to that person that's amazing some doctors study sanitarians yeah because you want to know the secret the secret to aging and not dying my great-grandfather was grandmother was 104 when she died she was born in 1904 wow that's incredible i don't think i've ever met someone well my great-grandfather died when he was 94 i think that's that's the one who was like a painter but my great-grandmother i think she was 96 but i was like a child so i don't really remember her i think she died when i was like six but she might have died when she was 96. it's definitely a thing in my family that all the women live till like forever so you know me i'll be streaming in the year 2082 i'll still be here actually no i'd be like almost 100. guys on my 88th birthday meet me here same time same place you know what to do subscribe to my channel for the next 80 years memberships they're going to last you 80 years simply old logical join the simply metaverse yep subscribe to join my metaverse we don't age in the metaverse actually that's the goal we'll all be in retirement painting our nails would you want to live to 100 um i don't know good question it depends on my like mental health or more like my cognitive health yeah and i guess everyone's different but for me personally if i was not capable for thinking or making like decisions for myself i don't think i would want to prolong that on other people but that's me so yeah it kind of depends on your cognitive status because it's always hard to watch someone with a decline in cognitive status i know we talked about this during life is strange one of my grandfathers had alzheimer's for like five years before he died he basically died from the unintended consequences of alzheimer's such as like not eating you know so that's really tough for the people around that person and that person so i don't think i'd want to live to 100 if that was the case but if that's not the case like my grandmothers who are pretty with it like one of them still sends me emails every day she's wild with her emails all right i'm gonna go we're gonna pack up except we didn't pack up we didn't finish unpacking so we're going to leave some things packed and we will resume unpacking this game and play the finale find out where we end up who we raise what we race and uh yeah what objects in our life have meaning next next wednesday uh on saturday i will be streaming same time same place i don't know exactly what i'm gonna do we might resume one of the nails 101 classes but like nails 102 maybe i'm not sure it does take more prep and effort for me to do that alternatively we might do something like we did last saturday which was more of a react i know i didn't even get through half of the stuff in discord so we could go back to that and kind of play a little bit of game and just hang out uh yeah not sure yet got to figure it out but i will be here saturday you will be here saturday so i will see you then live on simply not logical thank you for subscribing liking being a member uh leaving a comment after the stream on the video that gets saved whether you're here live or not thank you to the mods we got the zeiler holding the wrench and yeah the cat convoy is ongoing if you subscribe to my snapchat it's simplynaillogica without the l on snapchat you will see the resolution hopefully the resolution happens soon it's hard to say now though all right everyone it was good to hang out with you i'm just waiting until this logo shows my snapchat nope that's tick tock come on let's go show the snapchat there you go that's my snapchat all right everyone thanks so much for unpacking with me and i'll see y'all later bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Simply Not Logical
Views: 127,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simply nailogical, simplynailogical, holo, cristine, unpacking, organizing, cozy, chill stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 10sec (10270 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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