(Aug 4, 2018) THE DISCIPLE (Part 4): The Call, The Character, The Cost

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[Music] okay.i I can't begin to tell you how how good god is but you probably can't begin to tell me either and that's a that's a good thing well you really can't voice with a human language and by the way I don't know how you did pulled it off Elijah but your Filipino is exceptional nice work we've been visiting this little section these eleven verses of Scripture and Luke five for the last three weeks this is week four and I just I'm waiting on the Holy Spirit to figure out if we're gonna get one more one more week out of this forgive me but it's been so rich that I don't it's not that I don't want to rush it I'll rush it I don't I don't care whatever God wants so I'm just I'm waiting on it so we'll see what happens okay I'm just trying to here let's look at those eleven verses again I know it seems redundant but as far as I'm concerned you you could never read scripture too much even the same passage it's like it's like the ultimate diamond it has so many facets depending on where you are and and what your angle is of the word you'll see something different all the time but this is what we've been visiting for the last three weeks this is week four now so it's been a month this is like the second year view shoes ministry if you will the first year he's spent ministering in Judea and you'll find that in John 2 through 5 chapters 2 through 5 just to give you a kind of time line if you will says one day is Yahshua was standing on the shore of Lake Kinneret CA Galilee Lake Kinneret it's it's Kinnear it means harp and the lake is shaped like a harp with the people pressing in around him in order to hear the word of God this is what they warm it you know this is what they were hungry for he noticed two boats had pulled up on the beach left there by the fishermen who were cleaning their nets he got into one of the boats the one belonging to Siobhan keifa Simon Peter and asked him to put out a little from shore then he sat down and taught the people from the boat by the way Yeshua just constantly taught the people we desperately need teaching in the body of Messiah today because the only way a person could be discipled is through systematic theological teaching preaching is okay but you don't get disciple through preaching then he sat down and taught the people from the boat when he had finished speaking he said - shamone Simon put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch shamone answered we've worked hard all night rabbi having caught a thing but if you say so those words of money to the Lord our down the Nets they did this and took in so many fish that their nets began to tear so they motioned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both boats to the point of sinking when he saw this shamone keifa fell at Yeshua's knees and said quote get away from me sir because I'm a sinner for astonishment had seized him and everyone with him at the catch of the fish they had taken and likewise both Yakov James and Jochen and John Simon's partners don't be frightened Yeshua said - shamone from now on you'll be catching men alive and as soon as they had beached their boats they left everything behind and followed him I'm not gonna belabor it because all these things are on line - to listen and go over and you'll you'll pick up points you can only pick up so much here today your brain even if it's you know a superior very highly intelligent if you're intelligent quotient is very high and you're super duper smart you're only gonna pick up a very small percentage it behooves you if you're interested to go over it um test test me on this whatever you pick up today tomorrow in your spare time listen again and get a pen and paper and watch how many things you write down that you didn't pick up today you'll be amazed you'll be amazed and so people want de cycling it's here you have to make the time though you're not gonna be spoon-fed you know you want to be mature believers then I think you should conduct yourself in such a way but let's look at some of the lessons we learned just briefly we've learned six lessons and there's just one more lesson to learn number seven lesson one was whatever we yield to the Lord he'll use you know he gave his boat right look God has given all of us gifts we all have gifts spiritual gifts we have administrative gifts you see that in first Corinthians twelve in Romans 12 respectively but these these lists are not exhaustive they're tiny there's many more gifts that God has given what I recommend is I recommend we give God a gift and the best gift I think you can give him is give him back the gift he's given you and use it for his purposes and his glory what a beautiful thing it is for the creature to use the gifting to bless the Creator don't use your gifts to bless the world the world doesn't deserve it too we have to quit hugging the shore faith has deep waters issuer said go out into deep waters listen playing it safe is just another word for regret I'm gonna say it again playing it safe is another word for regret some of you are way too cautious in your faith now we all have regrets today's a new day right so how about we don't have any more regrets going forward just be zealous be passionate the worst thing that can happen if you get out of the boat is that you start to drown but if you'll notice in the scripture it says immediately Yeshua extended his hand and grabbed on to Peter you're never gonna know if he's your Savior unless you give it a shot I'm here to tell you shot be flagrant be flagrant about the Lord and watch what he does three leaning on one's own understanding is futile the secret for success is to hear and obey God's voice Luke 5:5 look the song remains the same guys you don't need a new wave after shave faith there's nothing new Under the Sun if the Bible says that you're listening to a pastor who says God is doing a new thing that goes against the Word of God how do you reconcile that so that pastor knows better than this book there is nothing new Under the Sun God is the same yesterday today and forever the song remains the same trust and obey it's the only way period being a disciple number four is about sacrifice and effective sacrifices always costly Luke five six through seven when it all comes down a faith that costs nothing is worth nothing a faith of course nothing is worth nothing the entry fee into the kingdom is free of charge the annual dues in that kingdom is gonna cost you everything most people stop just entering in they never go through any sanctification process you can't enter in without progressing into the kingdom impossible just impossible number five when we see the king and his beauty Majesty power and of course his holiness that will own unworthiness comes into plain sight Luke 5:8 it's simple we have to decrease so he can increase guys there's only so much room in your tabernacle if you spend a lot of time talking about you are you making a mistake if you spend a lot of time thinking about you you're making a mistake if you spend a lot of time focusing on you you're making a mistake this is a society we live in with iPhones and iPads i-i-i the society is taking an overdose of vitamin i you can't say it's about him and talk about you just get out of yourself first of all it's depressing to think about yourself too much free yourself free of mind and dwell upon the things of the Lord six what are all the fish in the ocean compared to the incomparable privilege of seeing one soul one for the Lord Luke five nine through ten I don't know how to explain the inexplicable honor and joy there is and being used by the Lord to lead a person into the kingdom of heaven I'm sorry I don't have the words some people have never experienced that I'm not sure why I mean at least try you know at least get an A for effort it's not to you it's not whether it happens or not because all the Bible says is we have the power or the ability or the call to lift him up only God can draw him in so you can't take the credit but you don't have to assume the responsibility from them not getting it but if you don't even lift him up how could God draw them how will they know unless somebody is sent it's simple go go stop staying so much get out there get out there among the non-believer so we come to lesson number seven the last lesson in this and this I don't know what you would call it I call it being a disciple which to me is crucial if that's where we are today in the world let's take a look at that verse for a minute it says and as soon as they beach their boats as soon as they beach their votes not let me pray about it yuxuan let me pray about it let me get back to in a couple years I mean as soon as they got from catching the fish to the shore it's not even like we're gonna have lunch and and talk about this Wow as soon as they put their feet on land from the boat and they followed now the bottom line is if you want to be a disciple you have to leave yourself behind it's gonna be a little tough hearing some of this but I'm not sharing with you anything that is not in here if I do you can stop me say rabba I don't see that in the Bible I'll defer I'll defer the dilemma that I had personally was that I wanted to just finish this last week I wanted to just talk about you know when we meet the king we just realized how far away we are from God's holiness I wanted to talk about getting out there and not just looking to convert people but to disciple them making disciples by teaching them systematically and biblically and then I just wanted to finish with this but the Lord was adamant adamant he said hold off on this last verse until the following Shabbat so I said okay but Lord the following Shabbat we do the Torah portion do you want to blow off the Torah Pasha and we'll just do next week's Torah portion how do you want me to handle that he said no the Torah Pacha is fine it's gonna work and I said I don't even know what the Torah posher is in other words it's it's a hundred verses but Jason picks a couple of verses but I don't even know what that is he said I'll have him pick don't worry it's gonna work and so father knows best right so although it was a little strange you know like you know I'll defer right then Jason sends me the posher a few days later and what do you know let me show you what I mean this was the Torah Pasha it says so now Israel you know a parsha a piece of the piece the Bible tells us in the Torah that way to read the Torah the first five books in a year so the rabbi's just broke it up into pieces so that every week there'd be a piece read so by the end of the year we fulfill that commend simple and of the piece we read a piece because if we read 120 verses I'd have to explain 120 verses and I guarantee we'd be here and we'd see a shoe we'll come back so this is what it says so now Israel all that I don't know your God asks from you he's saying this all I want I'm not asking you for a lot this simple is all I want from you Israel so all I want from my kids every parent wants something else maybe for their kids but this is what God wants from these kids I just want you to fear me it's not asking too much is it I'd say I just want a little respect don't I deserve that he says I want you to follow my ways make no mistake don't tell me you love me and don't and you're not walking in my ways I'm telling you son that you're speaking with a forked tongue if you love him you will obey Him then he says love me that's how you didn't say love me and follow he says follow me and love me if if you fear me and you follow me you're loving me and don't forget I'm God serve me with all your heart and with all your being to obey now this is priceless for your own good I'm gonna be 60 soon some of you are much younger than me listen to the old man it is for your good and don't think you can't mess up sir don't smirk like you've got this because if you think you got this you absolutely don't satan's gonna nail you in your arrogance he will nail you in your arrogance he has to Satan works for God God pours out his grace on the humble but he opposes the proud this is for your own good the Mitzvah the commandments the regulations of Allah Noi which I I'm giving it to you you don't even have to search for them I'm telling you I'm handing it to you on a silver platter and make no mistake it's all for you it's all for your good look at how it says so now if you read chapter 9 it transitions they're ready to go into the Promised Land and God's going over the history there's some highlights and there's a bunch of low lights and he just went over the golden calf into that he says you're coming into my house I've prepared everything for you you're gonna drink water from cisterns you never dug you're gonna eat the finest fruits and the finest vegetables have the finest oils of trees you never planted I've totally provided this beautiful place for you but my house my rules right but make no mistake I love you it's for your good I'm doing it all for you and I'm handing it to you I'm giving to you on a silver platter that's he's going over the history and then he says so now there's a transition from history to exhortation there's a transition from this is what's happened now let me encourage you and the Lord sums up his desire this is a summation this is a very beautiful section of Scripture he's summing up his desire for his children and this my friends sums it up beautifully and basically what hit me is he's asking them to be his disciples the term isn't a new term it's not a New Testament term he's asking him them to be his disciples so I was like okay cool perfect then we get to the New Testament reading and it's the third and final trial for Yeshua it says once more the adversary once more there's the third time God works in threes many times it's it's his number it's it's his number for divine perfection not spiritual perfection that's a that's a number in geometry i-73 is divine perfection and he's showing us that Yeshua is divine and he's perfect so the adversary the enemy how certain Satan the deceiver of the Brethren took him up to a summit of a very high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world and they glory and said to him all this I will give you if you bow down and worship me does he have the right to say that he's the god of this world if you're not of this world then he's not your God I'm in this world I mean of this world are you no this is not my residence just passing through and so he has access being the little g.od of this world to give him those kingdoms but Yeshua would never step out of his timing it wasn't his timing he will come back and he will receive the nations kiss his feet lest the Sun be angry Psalm 2 he will come back every knee will bow whether they like it or not they will but the timing wasn't right and God's a God of timing it's all about timing and promises and when timing intersects promises when God's promises intersect with God's timing you have destiny and they one can't happen without the other so we have to wait on the Lord you can't force it so he says it's not my time he says away with you Satan are you kidding me I all inherit the nation's when my father tells me whenever the nation's not you yeshuaa told him for the Tanakh that's an acronym for the Torah the K to Veeam and the Navy it's the Old Testament the writings the prophets and the first five books for the Tanakh says worship I don't know your God and like how many times am I gonna get this when are you gonna get this see you messed up you weren't willing to worship the Lord your God you were the highest cherubim you messed up I ain't messin up get lost not instant anything you want to give me I have everything I need so the Holy Spirit leads him into the wilderness it almost sounds cruel to the unskilled and the immature in the faith but he had to prove his moral fitness he had to prove himself worthy now let me ask you something sir if Yeshua the Son of God the Messiah has to prove his worthless to God where do you get off thinking that you don't he had a big job to do he had to come into the world and save it he had to prove that he was morally fit and then he proves I am fully consecrated Lord and once you're consecrated that's when you can get your commission and what does this show me Yeshua is the ultimate disciple the ultimate disciple so look I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I'm no bowling ball as soon as I got the scriptures from Jason I'm like and it's not like I looked up and say you never cease to amaze me because God everything he does is amazing so I have these scriptures this is what I have I have Deuteronomy 10 12 Matthew 4:10 in Luke 5:11 and I think they all fit very beautifully it says so now Israel all that I know you've got asked from you is to fear I don't know you God follow all those ways love them serve them with all your heart away with you Satan shoots home for the toxins worship I don't know you've got and serve them only and as soon is they had beached their boats they left everything behind and followed him it's all about discipleship Deuteronomy 1012 sums up what it means to be a disciple Matthew 4:10 says we had a worship God and God alone another way of defining a disciple and of course Luke 5:11 says for God has always called his children to be his disciples now going back to our verse that we have to look at again it says as soon as they had beached their boats they left everything behind and followed him I think what I need to do or at least what I think God wants me to do is define some terms now some of you have been here for years any like wow you're fairly anal rabbi I don't know I don't know if that's so because if you change one word in the Bible you change everything so you you could have your opinion there's no listen you're more than entitled I wouldn't even disagree with you you might say you seem to be a little uptight and I might say you seem to be a little loose we just have a difference of opinion we have to disagree agreeably I think the Word of God is very definite and I think you don't need to be sloppy with it you know some of you will work on something mechanically and you're so careful to just do everything exactly as it says what why not with the Word of God so let's let's define the term followed follow follower it's in the New Testament so we have to look up the Greek word it's a Greek word it means to join one as a disciple to join one to be joined to the Lord to be attached he wants to tax himself to you you have to be willing to attach yourself to him the word disciple because it says to join what is a disciple again in the Greek it's a learner a pupil it's a student make no mistake it's a student that's your student I'm a student aboard a disciple though is just not a student but a follower meaning a disciple is one who adheres completely to the teachings of another back in the first century I've tell you this all the time there were many many many rabbis they don't even know him as Messiah at this point in time they don't know he's the Messiah they haven't received that revelation they know he's a rabbi they know he's a teacher they know now he is a holy man there's something very different about this rabbi and they want to follow him they want to be his Talmud his disciple and so they're going to they know what it means to be a disciple and in their mind being a first century Jew who's a student of the Torah they know that they have to adhere completely to his teachings okay in other words they have to make his teachings their rule of life and conduct they're not just along for the ride they understand what they're getting themselves into now your shoe has followers and please let me emphasize you might hear a couple of things that are gonna cause you to have a tilt but just hear me out a little bit your shoe is followers were called disciples before they were ever called Christians now the average person today would never call themselves a disciple I don't know why they would never even thinking themselves as it's like all right it's true I know it's okay you could admit it you're gonna hear some things that are different but if you know everything and I'm gonna just share with you everything you know what's the point of being here Yeshua's followers again were called disciples Yeshua himself never ever used the term Christian not in the Hebrew or not in the Greek the word disciple or disciples is used over 200 times in the Gospels alone the word Christian or Christians first appeared to us in the Bible in the book of Acts it's only used three times in the whole Bible times in a very derogatory fashion okay now let's let's look at Acts where it shows up for the first time now we're all ready you know Yeshua is long gone right long gone it's not like they use this word the next day Yeshua is long gone Paul had received a revelation of who you sure was you know he he he escapes to Tarsus and there's a congregation that the Jewish guys from Jerusalem started in the capital of Syria called Antioch okay it's just above Jerusalem and it says here then Barnabas I'm reading it in the complete Jewish but I'm also gonna read it in the New Living Translation because I think sometimes the complete Jewish Bible might take a live video too and in this case I need to read it another section then Barnaby Barnaby is son bar his son okay simon barjona son and naba is encouragement Barnabas was known as the son of encouragement very encouraging he went off to Tarsus okay to look for shallow Paul and when he found him he brought him to Antioch as I said that's where this congregation had started they met with the congregation there for a whole year and taught a sizable crowd now this is already at least seven years at least seven years so for seven years all they call themselves was disciples why would they call themselves anything else when Yeshua call them disciples over 200 times and that's what we have recorded who knows how many times he said it also was in Antioch that the Talmud Dean for the first time were called messianic so that's his version well let me show it to you in the New Living Translation for a minute then Barnabas went on to Tarsus to look for Saul when he found them he brought him back to Antioch both of them stayed there with the church for a full year teaching large crowds of people it was at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians now it doesn't say they called themselves Christians you follow so technical no they called themselves disciples now you might call yourself a Christian and I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that but here's my premise every disciple is a Christian but not every Christian is the disciple that's just rabbi Greg steak you can listen you know me I'm some of you I'm your good friend you don't have to agree with everything I say it's not necessary because trust me I don't agree with everything you say but let's look the word up let's look the word up crystal honest Greek word a follower of Christ a follower of Yeshua so when people say to me you a Christian I always say can you define the term just answer I can't answer that because I'm not sure what you're asking me are you asking me if I believe you as the Messiah Satan believes he/she was the Messiah are you asking me if your shoe is the only way to the Father Satan knows that what do you ask me you ask me if I'm a follower of him what does that mean uh well do you believe it you're talking about salvation are you asked me if I obey Him if I've become a disciple if I decided to make his teachings my way of life and my conduct then if you're asking me that then okay I am but you're not asking me that all yeah no of course not and therein lies the problem most scholars just not every scholar there is theological scholar totally agree that the early believers did not call themselves Christian they called them Christians because it was a term of reproach oh you follow that Jesus guy huh it would like be calling a Muslim a Mohammed ight you follow a term of reproach the disciples refer to themselves as disciples Talmud II that's they they refer to themselves as you sure refer to them make no mistake now it says in John 2:23 through 25 and this is very early on in his ministry I mean right out of the gate it says while Yeshua was in Yerushalayim at the Pesach festival there were many people who believed in his name you see that listen I'm not trying to be difficult but the demons believe in his name when he would walk the demons would shudder and say what do you want with us Yeshua son of the Most High God they knew his name in fact the name doesn't mean just the name in in Hebrew reckoning the name is the person's reputation it's the person's renowned so they knew who he was you're the Messiah you could do anything you could you could do anything to us you have total control you have total authority over us and they would see a shoe a pleat you know beg him not to cast that when he did cast us out into that herd they knew who he was so believing in his name is not is not good enough now if anybody's sitting here and you want you're saying to yourself it might really say first of all don't don't do that you don't know you're saved I mean you know you don't know that well rabbi I sinned yes I understand that is your sin a way of life or is it an interlude if you're married and you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend it's your way of life you understand what I'm saying that's a problem if you're stealing on a regular basis it's your way of life I'm not telling you to steal once in a while I'm not saying that I just I just want to make that clear somebody's thinking cool so I can steal like every other week of course I'm not saying that but I think this is really important because something went amuck I don't know when I have a feeling it was like right after your shoe it took off things started changing very early on and it's been changing ever since it's just now it's kind of out of control but listen be careful not to be too much of a judge best to always judge yourself it's always best it's always safest to just ask the Lord you know test me Oh Lord you know show me if there's anything wrong in my heart it's always a good place to be don't worry too much what this church is doing at that church some of you is spending too much time being being you know messiahs cop he didn't call you to do that I'm just a word to the wise I'm just I'm just saying some of you were way too angry your witness is just rough I mean rough I mean what would you say bye I thought it was grace God's incredible mercy and favor you need to extend that a little bit you're not the judge of the earth we know there's problems just make sure the problems aren't in your tabernacle so there were many people many means the majority who believed in his name why did they believe in his name listen first of all let me make it perfectly and abundantly clear miracles are defined as something supernatural Satan had before miracles not every miracle is of God not every miracle has its origin in the Lord now you might look confused but how could you look confused when Pharaoh's magicians guys it's right there I mean in the very beginning don't be impressed with miracles you think miracles are hard you you think it's hard for God to perform a miracle everything God does is a miracle by his very nature of who he is God is 100% holy and 100% supernatural so everything he does everything he does is beyond the natural there's not anything he does that's not beyond the natural you follow don't be impressed with miracles you know what I'm more impressed with I'm more impressed with somebody that doesn't get the healing but they take care of their parent till the parent passes into the next world that's what impresses me it's easy to pray for somebody and see a miracle it's really hard taking care of somebody that needs 24/7 care until they close their eyes that's impressive let me ask them what do you think God's more impressed with why do you think he doesn't give you the miracle the miracle is when you love God so much that you're willing to sacrifice love is sacrifice do you have any idea how much I've sacrificed the low burn okay no it's not a diss it's biblical sweetheart you just don't understand the Bible why do you think God made marriage to teach you how to die to yourself listen listen your job as a disciple is to die when Yeshua called his disciples what he said was come and die today in the church it's come and live it's all about you it's all about the music it's all about some crappy little 12 minutes fill in the blank message you'd be in hoodwinked those guys are good guys they mean well and they love God but I don't know what they preach him and the marriage covenant was a crucible and if you each do it right if you each not well if she does this and I'll do know if both partners start dying to themselves and living to the Lord their marriage will be an absolute witness to the unsaved but nobody tells you that in the premarital counseling that you go to for two weeks right and when you sit there and you answer yeah I'll do that yeah no oh yeah it's like so tell me about yourselves well we both like country music we're both vegans and we both wear skinny jeans well that's a match made in heaven right there you guys are destined for greatness I have nothing to add I want to officiate that it's not about the merit of all the greatest miracle is that you're a child of the Most High right now how did that happen how the heck did that happen maybe you're not impressed by that I'm incredibly impressed by that maybe the second greatest miracle is that you house a manifestation of God's holiness the spirit of holiness the Spirit of God maybe the third greatest miracle is that God's gonna fulfill every promise he's made in the Bible which means he is coming back for you he's not gonna leave you alone his love is annoying and I like it but he did not commit himself to them [Music] so he knew what people are like that is he didn't need anyone to inform him about a person you don't have to tell the Lord oh this person is stop it what is that game I don't understand you know when the Bible says we are more than conquerors how can he be more than a conqueror like I think a conqueror is enough right I mean you don't get better than a conqueror so what does it mean sometimes it says more than conquerors some verse and say we're super conquerors what does that mean when you do things that bring glory to God blessing to others and blessing to yourself that makes you a super khakhra because that's a win win win and that doesn't happen anywhere the only person that loses is Satan so think about the next time you're doing something or saying something is it a win win win am i bringing blessing to others and blessing to myself and glory to God look let's break this down quickly and then I'm gonna let you go John 2:23 while Yushu was in Jerusalem at the Passover festival there's three times we see him at the Passover festival in his ministry three as a ministry just to show that he was totally obedient to the Lord but I think he went to these festivals very happy he then felt obligated I think he enjoyed him because his father has a point at times and there's not that many I mean he's like keep seven appointments with me so he's at the Passover festival a time of you know it's a time when when Israel is celebrating their freedom from bondage it doesn't get better than that you know they're really excited and there's music going on and partying going on and everybody's happy everybody's having a wonderful time and there were many people at this time early on who believed in his name when they saw the miracles he performed they profess to believe in him they did and I'm not questioning their heart but the Lord is trying to tell us something very early on they profess to accept Tim I accept Jesus but there was no reality to their profession obviously it's similar today there's nothing new Under the Sun nothing's changed these folks were just as human as we were and are the same temptations they have we have don't think they were superhuman they weren't they were just like you and me and everything we go through they went through and and here you have many people who were following and professing they're professing and and today many people claim to be a Christian but they've never been born again it was exciting to follow him who doesn't want to listen if I go outside right now in the parking lot and I teach this section and you're like 10 yards from me and you're laying hands on people are getting healed whose line do you think it's gonna be longer people love the show Heys doing miracles this is fun this is exciting and not only that but we're getting free food right we just need to bring a kid along with five loaves and two fish and 5,000 of us get a freebie this exciting John 2:24 he did not commit himself to them that's I I don't know what you think but it's like they were committing themselves to him or so they said he never committed himself to them for he knew what people alike they believed in him but he did not believe in them they believed in him it's not enough to do the feasts it's not enough to weigh your tally it's not enough it's okay if that's symbolic of what's going on inside but this is this is that I don't ask you but this is the thing they were coming to him out of curiosity they were looking for the sensational in the spectacular that's why some of these ministries have people flying in now I got to tell you in Orlando you know when Benny Hinn was popular now he's you know totally done when he was popular and everybody knew who he was and everybody was flocking to his congregation I wanted to go so bad I lived in Ormond Beach I want to go so bad and one day I just decided to go you know and that day he wasn't there and the Lord told me you know like you're coming to see a man you've traveled all this distance to see a man you think he's a miracle worker and then if he passes away then the miracles pass away and you know I'm gonna tell you you know sometimes I say things do you like how can you say it I don't know forgive me but in his whole ministry he doesn't have one documented legitimate medical mirakl and how many people flocked John 2:25 he didn't need anyone to inform him about a person he's divine he's omniscient omniscient now let me okay god this before miracles okay I'm here to tell you okay just the other day I saw one somebody was very very sick head exploding ready to throw up all over the place and I prayed for them it was even out of the country and instantaneously they got better I've been prayed for what I couldn't even walk and somebody prayed for me and I got up right away one time I have really serious back issues I was laying on the floor so in so much pain 27 years ago and God told Verna that step on his back step on his back and she did [Laughter] but still you know what I mean and instantly I was healed I've prayed for blind people in India that received this sight I prayed for bent oval women that stood straight up but in most of those cases it's because these folks have to see that your God is more powerful than their God so they can give their life to your God it's for the purposes of their salvation not a dog and pony show and when you do it for the dog and pony show or you do it because you need to see the miraculous it's probably not gonna happen the bottom line is will you serve Him in spite of it you know Fanny Crosby after five days of birth somebody put ointment in her eye and she became blind you know she's written 9000 hems just about all the hymns in the Baptist Church - sung by Fanny Crosby little do they know she was born in New York ain't that a pip but there was a miracle worker you know performing miracles and everybody's flocking and the S Fannin is sing a song and when he sat with her afterwards he said Fanny wouldn't it be great if God healed you and she said I don't want to be and of course this guy was like okay so now you're gonna act super spiritual you know those folks right and he says come on fanny you're telling me you've never seen anything you wouldn't want to see the sky maybe the face of your mom I said no I don't he said have you explained that and she said because I know when I get before you're sure I'll see and he'll be the very first thing the very first face she got it yeah she got it yeshua knows what's in our hearts yeah wait we can't fool him man i could fool you you could fool me but it doesn't pay look this is rough stuff you know um you should only pitch one one message there were these you know drive-bys if you will I mean parables and not really messages they're there quick little spiritual lessons that keep you in the game but one sermon I'm one sermon only and towards the very end of the sermon this is what he says in Matthew 7 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven only those who do what my father in heaven wants on that day now he's talking about revelation 20 at the great white throne judgment hopefully none of us will be there on that day many will say to me Lord Lord the home Lord didn't we prophesy they prophesied in his name like prophecy didn't we expel the they cast out demons in his name then we before they performed miracles real miracles then I will tell them to their faces I never knew you get away from me they professed him but he didn't acknowledge them biblically speaking a Christian should be a disciple and a true Christian will have to be a disciple not in name only Yeshua was quite clear and quite definite about the cost of discipleship you you check me in on this all throughout the Gospels he taught his would-be followers what its gonna cost them way before he ever spoke rewards today all we do speak rewards without any cost I've told you about salvation you know about salvation it's free of charge but the annual dues to be in this kingdom will cost you everything even your very life and every decent theologian from the first century on understood this every single one look I want to encourage you that when the Lord calls you into his kingdom he's not telling you to give up your family to give up your job to sell everything you have it's totally out of context the rich young ruler love money so much he had to understand his sinful position so the Lord told him he had to give up everything he's he might tell you that chances are he won't chances are he won't there's many Psalms and many teachings in the Bible that says there's nothing wrong with you having some wealth look I'm gonna tell you something if some of you didn't have savings how would your kids go to school so that's not an issue the issue is when you love it so much that that's your God and most people it is and they don't even see it with that being said next week I wanna I want to finish I want to talk to you next week about the costs of discipleship but understand this I don't want you to leave sad because I know some of you are this is a process I've been being processed for thirty years there will be thirty years in September in September 30 29 29 so we thought we got married in support it's 29 years ago remember remember you said yes you you you were sober right I know that small window and you will waste it I think it was up there in front of the rabbi I do we got saved on a honeymoon so if I talk about being wasted we were wasted on a regular basis prior to meeting issue ax then we will then we got wasted for sure then we wasted our lives on them and I'm here to tell you it's been the greatest I've lived 60 years 30 years in total debauchery and 30 years found the Lord and this past 30 is so far superior to that first 30 I can't begin to tell you [Applause] it's a process all I want to tell you before you leave and we come back next week and finish this and it's gonna be a real crescendo we're gonna get into Luke 14 and you can you can you got the scriptures you got the bring cold look at them study them get yourself familiar with them and Luke nine beautiful sections Yeshua being so honest and so loving and so forthright and so open and so real nothing was hidden a man who has nothing to hide hides nothing and he was totally upfront because that's what love is it's honest and it's upfront there's no guile there's no manipulative there's no strings attached pure love is beautiful and that's how he operated but this is a process you just gotta be willing it doesn't mean you got to give up something but if he says if your dream is to live on the beach in Ormond Beach if that's your dream your whole life you worked your life to live there and one day out of nowhere he just says Macon I was hoping he was he was talking in the tongue and he was really saying like San Diego I'm not trying to be a big show I'm just saying you've got to be there's a there's an acronym that's thrown around a lot you know you got to be fat faithful available and teachable it just means you got to trust them you got to really trust the man you got to trust them and you got to say look I trust you it's hard to trust anybody these days you can trust the Lord and then you have to make yourself available the Great's always did at Abraham Moses Isaiah he named me it means I'm here your disposal I'm here and teachable what do you want me to do we have many times I have many times that beautiful times just with my family beautiful times with friends maybe eating and fellowshipping but if God tells me to do something by golly I'm gonna do it he's not gonna abuse you the Lord loves you you don't abuse what you love he loves you more than I can explain more than you can explain more than you could fathom more than you can understand he really loves you and he really absolutely wants the best view so if he just tells you to do something just have fun man how beautiful is to hear the Lord and then do what he's told you to do and to and to walk back and have God go have God go you don't have to get it right all the time but just have God know that's my boy man I feel God's a that's my boy I'm in heaven I'm in heaven so next week we'll go over the cost we'll finish what it is to be a disciple and then you're gonna leave and realize on the disciple of the Most High God that's how you're gonna think yourself I'm a disciple of the Most High God and you're gonna separate yourself and segregate yourself from all the lukewarm crap that's out there let's stand together you have it just pinch yourself and go how did this happen what I know what you thinking I know you meant yes how did I end up with him in this place doing what I do Wow yeah but not your answer I'm very I'm very blessed you're very blessed you're very blessed to have the Lord God call you his son and his daughter you think you're proud of your kids think of how proud God is of you you walk out of here with your head held high and and let the Lord do whatever he wants with you trust him I'm telling you people come and go the Bible clearly says don't trust in Princes and drone trust in horses meaning armies or Kings trust in the Lord now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his beautiful peace in the name of the principle peace issue annoy the East mereka you're paranoid point of Alyssa Vanessa yes I don't know ho for novela ha they are somewhere Oh I love you guys about Shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,412
Rating: 4.9629631 out of 5
Keywords: 4part 4, Hershberg, Getzel, Disciple, Call
Id: ICQhkzb5Ock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 21sec (3561 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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