BBQ Jerk Ribs! | Chuds BBQ

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what is going on everybody welcome back to chuds barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made these beautiful delicious Smoky spicy tender amazing barbecue jerk ribs with some Caribbean Johnny cakes coming up these are some pork ribs Pat them dry and what I got here is a full full spare rib picked these up at my local grocery store got some really nice marbling to them but today I'm going with a full spare which is pretty much a St Louis with all these extra rib tips on top and if you see my other rib videos you'll know that we're basically going to trim this down to a St Louis rack but leaving a little extra meat on there which is my preferred rib a little bit bigger nice and Meaty nice and fatty but we got to get these trimmed up starting with this skirty flat meat on the back just going to take that off beautiful flip it over and there's always this big muscle on top you know I like to remove that because it's meat then a layer of fat then meat so this will kind of overcook and probably slide off because of all this fat rendering underneath it but you could leave it on if you want no big deal piece of meat removed great for sausage great for a little pit snack now I'm going to go around and just kind of Tidy this up a bit I am going to leave the membrane on as I usually do with ribs I really don't notice much of a difference especially the way we're going to be cooking these and there's usually a breast bone right here but as you can see that's already been removed which is pretty convenient we do have some hard pieces of cartilage so I'll probably snip that down just a little bit more just a little bit of a sloppy Butcher on on that and now all we need to do is shape this up because as you can see it's really thin kind of flailing on this end a little bit so we're just going to kind of zip a little bit off the top giving it some good shape and same for this end there's no bones in there pretty thin so we're going to find that last little bone and just off it comes just rounding Corners at this point making sure nothing's too sharp and I probably should take this little bone off there but I really like gnawing on that one at the end of the cook so I'm going to call that a nicely trimmed rack of spare ribs then a minute since I trimmed one of these but pretty happy about it in fact I'm going to do two this one does have the breast bone on there still you can see that whole bone right there really easy to take off save that for some stock and this one does not have that flap of meat on there so things to look for when you're picking out a rack at the store beautiful very nice looking rack of ribs now we're going to hit these with the same marinade I did in my jerk chicken video so let's go ahead and make that marinade so into our food processor we're going in with one white onion one bunch of green onions a whole bunch of garlic some brown sugar some thyme the juice of one lime there's no juice in there maybe two limes that last one had not much in it it's like it's winter or something scoot that over CU into a hot dry pan I'm going to go in with some black peppercorns and some all spice berries and we're going to dryy toast those for just a minute or two until everything is nice and fragrant and once nicely toasted into the spice grinder we go and we blend it away that smells good and then in we go beautiful next up we're going to go in with a little shot of some soy sauce maybe a little more oops and some habanero peppers and I know Scotch bonnets are traditionally used here but uh they're pretty similar and I can't ever find Scotch bonnet so habanero is going to have to do and last time I know I had to add a bunch to make the spice level I want so uh oops oh no going to burn out Jo ym today you're eating one of these buddy and now lid goes on and we'll get this all Blended up and now while it Blends I'm going to go in with some oil probably about half a cup or a cup or so and just stream it in slowly beautiful and at this point I'm going to give it a little taste that tastes really good good amount of heat to it this time m is this too spicy I don't think so I know there's no apples in here right it's like a Savory applesauce that's very accurate should I throw some more Hoban arrows in there as soon as you said that I can feel in the that's what I said at first I was like oh this is really nice and fruity and floral and then all of a sudden I'm just like the apple sauce is going to work great with the pork ribs love it yeah he's literally editing videos right over here while watching Batman I'm literally not distracted at all now before I go throw the marinade on these ribs I'm going to go through and hit these with some salt because there's really not that much salt in the marinade other than that little bit of soy sauce this makes it a lot easier for me to eyeball the amount of salt I need both sides and we're not going to forget the side Ides folks that would be a rookie move and now into our intended vessel we go and now you guessed it on we go just going to try and get this as evenly spread as possible top and bottom oh that smells so good looking pretty good to me I'm going to let these go overnight I wouldn't suggest going much longer but at least a good 4 hours on this should do the trick so I'm going to wrap these up pop them in the fridge and I'll see y'all tomorrow one overnight marination later these ribs are looking pretty much same meat darkened up a little bit on them smells absolutely amazing so out they come I'm going to scrape off some of this marinade cuz it'll probably burn up on us on the pit but I'm not going to be too particular about it definitely leaving a good amount on there second rack coming out and looking absolutely beautiful and before I throw these ribs on the smoker I'm going to make a really quick jerk rub starting with some all spice berries and a couple cloves going into the Old Spice grinder into the bowl followed by some granulated garlic granulated onion little bit of ground ginger just cuz I have it some cumin some dry thyme little bit of habanero powder good amount of black pepper and some kosher salt and just get that all nice and mixed up I'm just kind of winging this rub if you couldn't tell and I just give it a taste and woo that habanero powder is nothing to joke around with so going to go with a little Pinch of Sugar as well balance it out a little bit back over to our ribs grab some of our rub and give it a nice light dusting all over just just building some more layers of flavor I love the black pepper and Thyme on there should help get some nice texture on these bad boys but these are looking pretty good to me so let's go ahead and fire up the pit and on the fit we go rocking a pretty standard cook on these ribs starting out bonide down got this fire rocking right around 300° going to get some nice direct heat flavor when the fat and juices start dripping onto the coals but I'm also going to throw a couple chunks of wood in there for a little extra smoke flavor and hopefully get a flame going because they like to cook over wood get some nice smoke rolling keep the pit nice and hot and we'll check back in on these in a little bit so it's been about an hour let's check in on these bad boys we had some Flames licking up so we should have some pretty good color on these but top is looking nice all that marinade and rub has set on pretty well looking underneath ooh got some pretty good color on there that marinade is definitely charring up a little bit as is to be expected when you put a marinade over direct Flames like this but I'm okay with it just like my jerk chicken it came out pretty dark but either way those are looking pretty tasty to me so now we're going to get some color on the top side and start working on our sauce for our rib sauce today we're going to take the rest of this marinade and we're going to go into a pot oo and we're just going to bring this up to a simmer to cook off any raw pork juices that might still be in there and let that veg start to cook down a little bit smells very good a little spicy and I'm also going to go in with some homemade chicken stock I was going to use use pork stock but uh I'm fresh out so this nice thick gelatinous chicken stock will do just fine and because that is a homemade stock and it's full of gelatin I'm also going to go in with a little bit of water just to pin this out a bit and once up to a simmer and everything's cooked down a little bit we're going to go in with some cold butter just to add a little more velvety mouth feel a little bit of richness and uh I never mind having butter in a rib glaze I'll tell you that much and just stir that in until everything is nice and melted probably going in with about a stick total I'm going to add a pinch of salt for good measure also going to go in with a splash with some apple cider vinegar just to add a little bit more brightness to this but tase and adjust as you see fit oh that's really good little sweetness sounds like a good idea too one other thing I'm going to attempt to make today is some Caribbean Johnny cakes and that's something I've never had before but I was doing some research earlier and it seems like a pretty easy fried dough recipe so to kick things off into this bowl I'm going to go in with some allpurpose flour some baking powder some kosher salt and some granulated sugar and just get that all nice and mixed up next up some soften butter be and I'm just going to work that in kind of like a pie dough trying to get that as evenly dispersed as possible and then start drizzling in some water going to go little by little until we get the dough consistency that I'm after and once a nice dough ball has been formed out we come and we're going to just shape this into a nice ball and really I just added enough water till it was a nice Supple dough and was all coming together nicely and now we're just going to KNE this for a couple of minutes we don't want to develop too much gluten but I want it to be nice and elastic and smooth and now we got to form this into some balls and I'm not really going to be too precise I know I usually bust out a scale at this point but we're going to just go by feel do feel is nice though I don't really care if they're all the same size or not and give it the old table roll and now I'm going to let these rest probably throw some grease plastic wrap over the top so they don't dry out and let that gluten relax but I think it's time to check back in on those ribs and off the pit we come looking nice and dark all that sauce cooked onto there pretty nicely they're rocking right around 185 and 190 internal and they are just smelling absolutely Heavenly and before you slide into the comments being like oh they look burned which I did hit them a little harder than anticipated but uh if you just Google any jerk rib they're all really dark same with jerk chicken and that's just extra flavor but these guys were on the pit for about 2 and 1/2 3 hours so pretty quick and simple cook and now we're just going to grab some of that sauce we made earlier and just go right over the top oh yeah don't be shy folks that's what we're talking about oops oh no flip these over throw some on the back side as well now my pit is almost dead at this point it's on its way down so I'm probably going to throw these back on for just another probably 30 minutes or so just to cook in the wrap a little bit also that sauce is really hot so that'll help kind of steam these until they are perfectly tender and ready to slice in out at the fryer here I grabbed one of our little dough balls I dusted that with some flour and you could roll these out but I'm just going to kind of pinch them a little bit and that's because we want to really flatten the inside of these so the inside doesn't get undercooked before the outside is nice and golden brown and in the fryer at 350 to 375° until they're looking nice and golden and nice and puffy now these definitely float so you're going want to go through every now and then and flip them over but we're getting that nice deep golden brown color I'm after so I'm thinking these are done so now I'm going to pull them up and just let them drain a little bit God they smell good and fresh out of the fryer these are looking absolutely beautiful love that golden brown feeling nice and puffy and smelling really good but they're still very hot so we're going to let these cool down which gives us plenty of time to get these ribs sliced up feeling nice and tender looking good beautiful rack of ribs take off his little nubbins at the end here nice cook on those pretty quick too got to love that and then we'll take some of this extra sauce and just uh oops oh no and there it is folks a big beautiful pile of some jerk pork ribs with some freshly made Johnny cakes on the side and uho I'm ready to dive on in got to say folks ever since I made that jerk chicken video I have been dying to make some beautiful jerk pork ribs and uh let's go for it M ooh it's so juicy look at that perfect bite M that is phenomenal definitely not too spicy but it's there in the background this just got so much flavor to it just going to keep going wow that is a good pork rib it's smoky it's Savory it's got that kick on the back end pretty herbaceous from all the thyme and onion and stuff in that marinade but it's still truly a pork rib right it's not overpowering in any way it's just a very pleasant experience that is a good rib Let's uh tear this open and see how it looks wo big old pocket it's like Aza let's just try it by itself first okay okay I can get behind that one thing's for sure though I definitely made them way too big I probably should have gone half or at least a third the size of this had little bites instead of these pretty much buns at this point but uh either way still tastes good it's like reminiscent of a doughnut cuz it's a fried dough but it's not yeasted there's not enough sugar in it to make it sweet there's not enough salt in it to make it Savory so it really is a perfect little blank canvas for whatever you want to do you know I could easily see throwing some like cinnamon sugar on this and making a dessert out of it or just putting some butter and salt on it and calling it a day with a Savory note but the real reason I made these is for sing up all these table juices and that extra marinade because that sounds good to me that's really good don't know why I waited so long to try this one folks that is just a flavor bomb Jo y Jo y Jo y Jo would you like to try some jerk ribs been smelling this all day that looks good all right Honest review let me know what you think did you wrap the ribs in foil the texture in the rib tip is really nice it's not that hot that's what I was saying it builds a little bit but it's like a very pleasant level of heat yeah this is kind of like entrylevel hot sauce heat mhm where it's got lot of savory notes and it's a little bit of heat just to like want you eating more right and it doesn't taste like hot applesauce anymore yeah it's a marinade but it eats like a barbecue sauce yeah it's great it's kind of tastes like a Barbe like an old school barbecue sauce where they take like the onions yeah and it kind of Blitz it in there right right the only downside is I don't really get much direct heat flavor cuz there's so much flavor going on in the sauce but for a 3-hour cook pretty good I'm okay with it yeah stopping up the sauce so you may have noticed that bones is not in this video because he's in Vermont skiing with his dad right now so we can't really do a segment of Bones try something weird so we're going to ruce a new segment called Jo y eats something really spicy it's a red one too I know yeah we were doing research on it earlier and they said considerably hotter than the orange cousin I was like oh no it looks so scary this is so stupid oh dude the whole thing oh wow I can hear your feet moving yeah oh okay oh my God Walk It Off pal I feel bad for my Plumbing that was a bad idea what do I do go for a jog there he goes on the move oh he's going for The Keg oh no he's not hogen Do's vanilla Swiss almond is my favorite ice cream I would have joined you on this challenge but I had to hold the camera you know please subscribe to my YouTube channel Knock Out BBQ he's earned it oh my God all right y'all with this very last Jamaican jerk pork rib I think it's time for the official taste test get that meat off of there there we go nice and clean oh no there's more all right yall and that is it that time to make some absolutely incredible Smoky jerk pork ribs I think this one is a must you know other than the fact that you have to marinate them overnight in a pretty big container it's a super simple recipe and the flavor is just outstanding and a very welcome change of pce from a traditional barbecue rib but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you do give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at@ chuds barbq I'd love to see what y'all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team CH and allowing me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 59,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerk, ribs, jerk pork, jerk ribs, bbq, bbq ribs, ribs recipe, barbecue, smoker, texas bbq, caribbean, jamaca, jamacan food, caribbean food, Johnny cakes recipe, habanero, hot sauce, hot ones, chudbox, grilled
Id: Dqgxwp05gaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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