Judi Dench and Ian McKellen Recall Their Funniest on Stage Gaffs | Lorraine

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but okay I don't walk in them obviously I'm just gonna they're very comfortable go look lit you can walk in them well I have the gentlemen's equivalent imagine that there's socks no have yourselves but it's good how are you boy good good alright you alright you was exhausted usually never never stop never stop it both of you never saw can I say you're a fantastic Pussycats really really good Pussycats my trans pussycat huh yeah you are musica but you do it so beautifully and you two get a chance to work together again we hear I had a lovely day because I didn't have to do anything at all except just watch our fantastic it cuts and you ladies all over the country doing showing after their husbands how much to the film put in their backs out perfect is a perfect film for Christmas oh isn't it it really isn't it I wasn't prepared to laugh but I did out that and then I was moved when mr. Mistoffelees conjures up Deuteronomy [Music] delights yes Philip deletes that's exactly what it's like and anybody that's seen the musical which so many people have because its global I mean it's a huge success famous seen it on stage it was only a matter of time before it came to be meeting Jeff I'm like I never the dancing is amazing damn phenomenal days amazing and they can all sing Jessica a word what the triple stars are or you can sing I know and ah yes so definitely normal definitely no absolutely and you to do you feigned because I would imagine it's a stellar cast I mean it really is but I would imagine that you to have to put kind of people at their ease a little bit because you are legends and he might be slightly little bit laughs you are and I guess you've got to serve almost set the tone and I'll owe them you know put them at ease a little bit oh no I don't think that no no it's true seriously I don't think that I think everybody was pretty fried there were all so talented I felt a bit I shouldn't have been that beef when it's true I mean I known the dancers got up at something like 4:30 in them a pickup and then you come in then they would do a class and then they would do a 12-hour day they were simply wonderful it's a tough discipline day dancing isn't it's fun but you know never not a complaint not anybody complaining total professionals that's the rate it's only if you do that you do that you definitely have could I show you something which is kind of like it sort of works this is you Dean Judy do you remember Jim it because you were supposed to be in the hospital that shows me no spirit and good night is this a nice JD yes it is I think they won't be a nice teddy yes I thought was Andrew Lloyd Webber coming to see you cuz you were said with Trevor yeah you were supposed to be in the original but you hurt yourself you hurt your leg I need yeah and so he leaned Peter Benson and rampage yeah I couldn't yes I hurt my leg bring the Gumby cat I was I was doubling the true rates rates of course and then in plaster Trevor said in mind the brezza bells meant to be clapped out anyway you can come up in that so there I was in the plaster and I fell off the stage of the new London and so I went home and said got my key to phone up now that I got it no Pushkar there we are then and there you are so it was supposed to be so here you are no and cast again yes you finally finally made it and I've never seen a happier looking patient and of course we said you two have worked together before look at this one do you remember that that's 1966 the promise promise yeah with him was the only other person in it was Ian McShane oh and was this a kind of like a Russian please yes it was alexia boys off was it yes yes and we did it at Oxford raised and it was just meant to be at Oxford ah and then it went to London for nine months Wow and you have to come on infer that I remember something about it him who was a person yes that's exactly which it came to like yes and and we had dressing rooms above each other so excited with you there if he comes round and said if he comes round you got to send me a sign and there was a water pipe going so he can't eat it come round and he was getting obviously to see the others but he couldn't wait and so but he was like lying against the water pipe but I had to somehow get round him not knowing him before to go and say came in and said have you put a pair of scissors well one of you are me in the first scene hunt you did marry Russian see during the siege of leningrad did he live up to your expectations that eden was he was he a charmer he was a charmer he was very good eats I've got one more and remain Princess Margaret came Oh Princess Margaret well she she we were of a modus yeah and she didn't sit she didn't want to sit in the box which had been reserved friend she moved into the some seats with the rest and they put some students in there and it was a big story in all the newspapers about princes markets have been so generous to the students ah you have an England can music continues there we are and oh those are another couple that's not that was 1908 1976 1976 yeah amazing that I remember that very well and a lot of people who will remember this so well and because it's school you know they used to we learned the television and got in the class and they'd always show us this one that was what we that's how we my future she used to pull the blinds down put that in the machine and then leave the room and wait for the first girl to scream what an amazing way to introduce people to Shakespeare the wonderful really really good because you get that that sparks the debate you are yeah it's really a mystery of course there's and that gets people talking and that's what it should be about that's what it should be definitely there's never been a better maybe an we we used to sit in a circle to start it on orange boxes and you remember Roger Reese he snapped his Achilles tendon and was in a wheelchair there were no understudies and then and at the very beginning of it you he was there in the wheelchair we couldn't know understand it was packed we couldn't ever cancel it and then at the very beginning somebody used to help grief germs who's playing Duncan to his feet and also Suzie Dora's one of the witches used to dribble a bit and as Marroquin passed me she said it's the Lord's production somehow God is sword stuck through the orange box things that you have done continue to do please please please don't ever stop doing what you do I don't see I don't see the two of you ever see no clue you know if it's a heart that you really really want to do why do you beat you well I'm always frightened of saying go in case yes keep going oh I know you've got it got it is there anything the two of you have not done that you'd love to do together or separately or anything that you Judy has done every discipline she's done musicals as well as as the classics and um new players she's conquered television sit down with Michael Williams yes every time you have done the pantomime but there we are exactly suppose that's where next Christmas you could both do that next case yeah that'd be good apps those who could do it in wheelchairs I don't care if you have to do a few tears whatever you do just do it I love you both thank you okay thanks very much congratulations on being beautiful Pussycats thank you thank you very much indeed you
Channel: Lorraine
Views: 245,338
Rating: 4.8711095 out of 5
Keywords: lorraine, lorraine kelly, lorraine itv, lorraine interview, interview on lorraine, chat show, talk show, ian mckellen, judi dench, cats the musical, cats the movie, cats the movie 2019
Id: 6HW0d6oczzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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