Court Cam: BEST MOMENTS of Season 3 | A&E

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sit down and be quiet our first story takes us to las vegas nevada where judge douglas herndon's presiding the defendant is gary walters who's on parole for various financial crimes he's in court today over restitution he was ordered to pay as part of his sentence i've been making my payments i've been on social security and i've been paying what i can in restitution okay all of a sudden he says you got to pay 26 000 a month as walters makes his case there's a man standing a few feet behind him and the judge takes notice let's go back to original court and then possibly uh hold on a second who's this guy staring at me over here this is kim blandino i'm a cult plaintiff in the civil case kim blandino has nothing to do with this criminal case and he's not even a lawyer but he is a co-plaintiff in a civil suit that walters has filed against his former attorney blandino has earned a dubious reputation for filing frivolous motions and joining civil suits where he has no affiliation but judge herndon is not about to let blandino disrupt his courtroom okay you're are you an attorney no no then you need to sit down and quit staring at me like somehow you need to talk to me or whatever because you need to pardon me no okay i'm gonna make a record about you in a minute but you need to sit down and be quiet because you're not a plaintiff or a defendant in my criminal case you're not an attorney you can't appear in my criminal case and act like an attorney so sit down and be quiet mr walters go ahead walters continues but when blandino physically reacts to judge herndon's comments the judge has a few choice words for him and his habit of acting like an attorney all right you know what let me tell you something you want to act like an all act like an apple but i'm telling you that gets you nowhere in court and you know what else gets you nowhere in court sitting in the audience of a court while a judge is engaging with somebody and shaking your head and being all demonstrated so get out i'm sorry it wasn't imperfect no it wasn't inadvertent don't give me that it's not inadvertent it's never get out it's never inadvertent when you come in and act all disrespectful to people blandino exits but feeling disrespected he later files a motion to have judge herndon disqualified from the case the motion was denied st versus kim dennis blandino 18 months later blandino's back in court but this time as a defendant he's been charged with extortion and is under house arrest he has a hearing before judge james bixler who's well aware of blandino's history as a wannabe litigator landino is representing himself but the court has appointed steve alter as co-counsel which puts plandino in a combative mood mr albert will you accept appointments as stand by council have an objection shut up i have a right to object i believe you have the right to get held and content to court and that's what's going to happen if you don't shut up i'm not putting up with any of your crap here today your reputation has preceded you will you accept deployment on him as as standby counsel your honor i can however mr blandinos uh we spoke outside wanted a little bit of time to speak to me in detail about his case and his desires and then also to look into my background a little bit before he would want the interviewer yes sir i object to that laughing judge i object to you i think the defendant has already categorized himself as a vexatious litigant uh i might check being what did i just say what did i just say no i can't say anything no blandino refuses to quit to the point where others in the courtroom begin reprimanding him shut up you're getting real close to getting remanded blandino finally gets the message and agrees to meet with the court appointed counsel okay thank you i think you're very impatient blandino remained under house arrest for extortion and impersonating a public officer next we're in family court in las vegas nevada twenty-six-year-old monica contreras is here to vacate a temporary restraining order filed against her by her estranged husband the routine hearing lasts just a few minutes and contreras's two-year-old daughter joins her just off-camera so i'm just going to close the case out and dissolve the order all right thank you but before contreras is able to leave courtroom marshal ron fox takes her to another room to perform a drug search while her daughter plays with hearing master patricia doninger on the bench moments later contreras is back in the courtroom but there's a problem she begins telling the other courtroom marshall that she wasn't comfortable with how the drug search was performed [Music] [Music] still searching contreras purse marshall fox doesn't like what he's hearing okay so the store stands handcuffed allegations made against the police officers making a false allegation against a police officer in this context that wouldn't even be a crime in clark county hearing master patricia doninger turns her back on the situation then without getting any further explanation of the charges she asked to have contreras daughter removed from the courtroom can we do something with a little [Music] is the county's child protective services facility in just a matter of minutes contreras went from appearing at a routine court hearing to getting arrested and now having her daughter taken away from her you're saying do not turn around [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] sounds like contreras is going to recant her statement about the marshall's inappropriate handling of the drug search or maybe not that's what happened you put me in the room he asked me to lift up my shirt without it without a witness you asked me to look you asked me to lift my shirt without a witness as she's handcuffed in front of her young daughter contreras singles out hearing master doninger for seemingly ignoring her pleas for help [Music] i just try to defend myself he said ken can you please pull up your shirt without a witness he's like can you please pull up your shoe without a witness [Applause] you've already lied it's on [Music] contreras is taken to jail formally charged with providing false information to a police officer and disturbing the peace her daughters turned over to special services until the girl's father picked her up later that day two months after the incident contreras filed a complaint against marshall fox claiming that in addition to improper protocol the officer also groped her breast and buttocks during the drug search an investigation by clark county internal affairs would validate her claims she was later awarded two hundred thousand dollars in a court settlement as for those responsible for the courtroom injustice the perpetrator marshal ron fox was fired immediately following the investigation marshall james kenyon was later relieved of his duties and hearing master patricia doninger was out two years later after the video went public we've all heard of a judge throwing the book at someone for their crimes but you're about to see a judge who's throwing a book for a whole different reason lawyers and a judge are trying to select a jury a critical step in ensuring a fair trial the defendant is jose asusaina who's charged with 40 counts of sexual misconduct including kidnapping and rape of a minor it's day two of jury selection and as susana's attorney is interviewing a prospective juror who sits off camera the judge listens on so can you be fair to both sides i think i would be biased you're off this jury but you didn't say that yesterday it looks like the judge has taken issue with a potential juror listen but what we're not going to have in this jury is people coming in overnight and trying to make it up now so they can get out of the jury that's not going to happen all right right because if i find if someone says something yesterday under oath and changes it because they're trying to fabricate something to get out of serving on this jury there's going to be repercussions the judge is unsatisfied and demands an explanation what's going on here tell me what's going on i said i had other issues yesterday and you said you'd get back to me all right so so why you got issues why can't you you're saying that you can't be very powerful to both sides you're going to completely throw it out our entire justice system because you don't want to be fair disgusted with the juror who happens to be a nurse the judge throws a book which turns out to be a pocket-sized version of the u.s constitution against the wall things are heating up so attorneys attempt to intervene that we approach you you're not going to be very impartial like i said with my nursing history and i've been involved with child abuse and i've been involved with incest with young girls that deliver 13 years old it makes me rather you know bias your office sure you're off this jury you're removed go home right the nurse is excused from jury duty not before the judge gets in one last remark the case against asusanna eventually makes it to trial and he's found guilty he sentenced to life in prison but that's not where the story ends the nevada supreme court overturns the conviction claiming judge scotty created an intimidating environment which tainted the jury panel asusan is awarded a new trial and a new judge until then he remained in custody although scotty apologized for the incident his outburst resulted in ethics charges courtesy of the nevada commission of judicial go discipline all right i want your attitude next we're in miami florida where judge nusheen safie's about to recognize a familiar name on her bond hearing docket johnny ray smith jr oh my god these two have a storied history and you're gonna hear all about it the same charges that same baby mama she did the same thing that the wife did i left the house like you told me in a previous domestic case smith was convicted of criminal mischief and judge safie advised that he leave the home where he'd been staying with the complainant in that same case smith revealed to the court that he had fathered more than 30 children and apparently still counting she had remember she was pregnant and she had another kid so i'm at 40 now and that's your argument wait wait that's your argument for you want me to let you out no not that uh no listen do you remember that birth control extra i gave you guys 31 kids listen to you listen i swear listen i just moved out i stay on my own i got a new girlfriend that's what she mad about i don't blame her but listen i left i never went back to the house i've never called you you didn't listen to anything i said i did i similar to his previous case smith's charges today include criminal mischief and burglary related to incidents involving another mother of some of his as the judge goes through the case file a public defender chimes in your honor's history with mr smith's knowledge of mr smith as well as the allegations before the court at this point just make it clear that my history with him you're not staying there correct um i did exactly what you told me i left no mr smith doesn't have that kind of power but she can take away his social life by placing them under house arrest using a tracking bracelet a dollar a day for the bracelet you're gonna do me like that again that was true that was torture last time you're not gonna have to post about you're gonna be on a bracelet thank you before they part ways the judge also issues smith a final warning if you come back with any other baby mamas i'm gonna revoke the bond and keep you in jail condoms use them okay we're inside the highland county courthouse in greenfield ohio at the edge of the camera's view deputies are taking 34 year old nicholas garrison into custody he's been convicted of possession of methamphetamine but as the deputies are about to find out he's in possession of another kind of speed now he's going going gone let's back things up and see exactly what happened here watch as garrison waits to make his break until both deputies have their backs to him he then splits the two officers and a third is no match for his open court speed he hits the stairs as deputy ben reno takes a flying leap over the railing to stop him but garrison just slips through his fingers and is able to break out of the courthouse and escape outside nicholas garrison would elude police for almost four days before being captured he now faces additional charges for his courtroom breakout as for deputy reno who took that daring dive into the stairwell suffered four broken ribs and a minor concussion in his attempt to foil the escape but eventually made a full recovery okay is everybody ready to listen to me next we go to a child custody hearing in las vegas nevada the plaintiff is shelby bachmann and the defendant jonathan king the couple are arguing over visitation rights for their two-year-old son joseph the issue is king's unpredictable work schedule the attorneys are don procopius and for the defense machancy cramer because my client is a ups driver his schedule though is not a set schedule it varies so he has to keep her notified of when his schedule is changing so that she's aware of pickup she has told him now if he's more than half an hour late he forfeits his entire weekend and can't see the kid has joseph gone weekends that he would have expected to see his father without seeing his father he has not missed one weekend not one the threat was made no i can't ask you if the threat was made i asked if it happened you led me to believe that it was happening no my client has worked with him at times that it was till saturday morning that he there is a problem here after hearing from both sides judge sandra pomeranz points to the lack of cooperation between the parents what i see here is parties not being creative but these two need to be adult enough to say okay this happened where do we go from here but your honor and i agree with you and so what she's done is on these times where she's worked with him but then i think it was within the last two weekends i thought you said you agreed with me i do agree with you okay listen to me you're not going to be you're going to be done with this case when this case is over and these parties are divorced they'll never be done with this case okay so rather than complaining to me it's a discussion with mr is being creative it appears the judge has struck a nerve with the defense my client has come up with all kinds of solutions your honor and it it comes down to what mom wants is what mom is going to demand okay i don't buy that well your honor that's how it is what i'm telling you is have you discussed this issue with mr piccolo yes i have in the hallway okay and has it been a matter of making demands or saying what are we going to do things begin to get personal and the judge has a few words for kramer i do have experience with you using inappropriate language and you know that i would admit it if i had done it and if i was going to do it i would have done it to her face you know what you want to be a sailor fine go be a sailor in your private life but don't be a sailor in my court or in my cases i didn't again i don't judge people with sailor language because i use a little sailor language but only in my private life not in my courtroom not to a litigant not to an attorney i don't do that because that's not professional and ma'am i warn you one of these days the state bar is going to catch up to that because if you read the rules there is an ethical rule about fairness to opposing counsel i know that there are also rules about treating people equally without regard to race ethnicity or gender i find it highly objectionable that anyone complains about my language because i know all kinds of male attorneys who have no problem picking up the phone and screaming cuss words at me so if i am outside there where my first amendment rights are in full effect i will say what i choose to say when i choose to say and that is my right in this country are you done but after a few minutes of civility the counselor starts up again we've spent what five ten minutes talking about nothing that is relevant to this case because i as a female attorney and being chastised over language that men feel free to use every single day and they do you are giving me a headache because you're yelling and i don't like having i'm being attacked your honor no you're not sit down counsel i'm done hearing from you unsatisfied with the party's solutions the judge orders an evidentiary hearing which means the parents will submit evidence against each other and the judge will make a ruling in a child custody case it can get ugly your lawyers are going to be painting a picture for me in court and it's not going to be a great picture of either one of you about the other even after the judge makes your decision the defense tries one last argument i have nothing more to say and i don't want to hear from other either one of you i'm going to set the trial i understand now the couple's evidentiary hearing is postponed multiple times and has yet to be heard [Music] oh my god take me home we now go to brimfield township ohio where county judge rebecca dougherty isn't presiding over her courtroom she's making demands at the local police station do me a favor and have a seat so we can do our job i'm not going to call anybody yet okay we have stuff we have to do i'm going to tell you now to call lieutenant invert no have a seat call him or i'm going to put you in the cell so why is this judge so aggravated let's go back earlier in the night hello an officer's body camera records as he approaches an suv that's crashed off the side of a snow-covered road are you okay no i'm not what's going on [Applause] ma'am you've got vomit down here on your door have you been drinking yes okay do you have your id handy i'm becky dorado judge your judge to be more specific she is the county's common police court judge 55 year old rebecca doherty you're kidding me am i kidding about what i am absolutely out of my mind with you're intoxicated you i am so attacked the officer's body cam continues to record as the judge is escorted into booking oh my god take me home okay have a seat let me call oliver have a seat no rebecca listen this whole thing is being recorded do not do something you are going to regret tomorrow larry limbert is actually major larry limbert of the county sheriff's office do me a favor and have a seat so we can do our job i'm not going to call anybody yet okay we have stuff we have to do will you please have a seat you're trying to walk out the door and you're almost falling down can you please have it falling down paul larry lindberg rebecca i will put you in one of the cells okay now have a seat now and that's not the judge's only request what can i do for you we just literally told you 10 seconds ago that we're getting you a drink of water he's out front right now getting you the glass 10 seconds ago i went drink of water now thank you call after refusing to take a breathalyzer judge dougherty is charged with operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol give me my phone so i can make a phone call okay your phone is in a puddle of vomit in your car which is on the side can i finish which is on the side of the road that you crashed into yes the tow company is out there trying to get it out however it is extremely snowy and slippery out they are not able to get the vehicle out so far so your phone is off the table right now we don't have access to it judge daugherty receives a fine of one thousand seventy five dollars and a hundred and eighty days in jail which the presiding judge reduces to three hundred and seventy five dollars and three days in jail her driver's license is suspended for a year and she's ordered to complete a driver's intervention program meet the man in the fur caps 21 year old robert peterson he's the person filming this footage as he enters the kootenai county courthouse in idaho that has to go through the x-ray machine if you want to come in this building peterson is a hearing for a minor traffic infraction riding his bicycle at night without a light but from the moment he steps inside the door it's clear this won't be a typical security check and i'd just like to know where your warrant is i don't need it it's clearly posted on the entrance what clearly posted that i have to forfeit my right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure yeah every person is i'm not a person i'm a man and more specifically a free man peterson considers himself a sovereign citizen i'm not subject to your jurisdiction and um the court has already confirmed that i'm here for one purpose all right you can submit or you can leave that's fine i mean i'll do that but but you will be charged a bill charged a bill rather than escalating the situation one of the bailiffs decides to play along you will be served a bill i don't have any weapons i didn't come here to raise a ruckus after clearing security peterson finds a seat at the rear of the courtroom and continues filming so your camera's in court excuse me there are no cameras yeah there is no you have to put that away no i don't yes you do under what authority there's a quote you have to have a court order from a judge before you can have the camera in the courtroom okay well i'm going to capture this on video you got to turn off just for both of our protections well you have to turn it off no thank you enter bailiff number two shut the camera off now no thank you i do not consent to you touching me or seizing my property do you need to shout off now i'm not being i'm not doing anything wrong i'm holding you accountable because you're about to overstep your bounds the bailiffs then decide to clear the courtroom and question peterson directly what's your first and last name i don't have a last name you don't have alaska no what's your first name i don't have a first name either i've got a name my name is rob you can call me robert as you can see this bailiff keeps his sense of humor about the situation [Music] with the situation seemingly diffused bailiffs usher everyone back into the courtroom well except for one person okay excuse me excuse me you're blocking my freedom of movement all right well p barnes you just admitted to me that you're violating my rights no i'm not you can't come in with the camera well you're violating my rights and this is also freedom of the press this is also freedom of the press i mean i don't know what the hell law book you're reading man but it doesn't apply to me why are you worried about cameras because you want to do something wrong because you want to do something wrong because if it's against the rules that means it's because somebody intends on wronging somebody else because they're afraid of being held accountable p barnes it's a nice speech but you're still not coming in well please step aside i'm going in no you're not going in don't touch me you're not going in sir but the records show that you just battered me step back after peterson refuses to step back chief bale of pete barnes fires his taser and you're using stop please i'm not doing anything wrong hey you know what you guys are really overstepping your bounds right now what are you arresting me for the answer to that question peterson's charged with three counts of battery and one count of contempt of court he would later enter an alford plea meaning he didn't admit to committing a crime but acknowledged there was likely enough evidence to convict him jail time was waived as part of the plea deal and he was ordered to pay a fine for his original charge of riding a bike at night without a light you strongly swear to tell the truth the whole truth next we're in sylvan lake michigan for the deposition of 42 year old david e taylor the man on camera may look like just a regular guy but to the followers of his multi-million dollar mega church they believe he's truly holier than thou mr taylor you also go by the name of the apostle yes david taylor claims he was personally visited by jesus christ and now brings others into the light through his non-profit organization joshua media ministries international or jmmi today taylor's being deposed in a divorce case involving one of his volunteers a woman who donated over a million dollars to his ministry now as part of the divorce proceedings lawyers want to know exactly how that money was used on november 29th 2013 jmmi paid over six thousand dollars to louis vuitton [Music] yes what would that be for well this is for clothes concerning my tv ministry as well june 2014 you spent thirty five hundred dollars by jmi to versace in the bahamas yes well that ain't something i purchase all the time um well looks like you did several times and i mean i i'm a very frugal person when it comes to this i don't see macy's no you don't see that you know because macy's don't have the kind of suits that i wear 2013 and 14 you spent over jmma spent over 30 000 in your clothes that sounded about right what year was that 13 and 14. oh god yes because i was traveling so much and sweating through all my clothes exactly that probably wasn't enough the hot seat gets hotter when tailors questioned about the ministry's fleet of luxury cars you testified that jama my own three vehicles the bmw mercedes and the bentley yes i have a question just from our you know you minister the poor and the sick and all that it doesn't isn't it offensively driving around in a bentley and a mercedes to people that really um you know are impoverished and sick and ill it could be offensive if they didn't know my life and the baptism by fire continues when he's asked about a 2.8 million dollar mansion listed as a quote residential center by the ministry all right so what is this residential center oh this is a um a place that the ministry owns well not owned we're we're in the process of buying that right so where does the number two million eight hundred and forty four thousand come from on your liability that's i guess the appraisal value of the home wait the appraised value of what i guess the appraisal value of the home the lawyer catches the taylor refers to the property as a home is it a home no it's a residential center while taylor's deposition was just part of a divorce case it would later come back to haunt him after the more than three hour video was posted online the ministry and taylor himself came under fire as allegations of misused funds flooded the internet despite the negative publicity david e taylor continues to spread his gospel around the world next we go to a pre-trial hearing in ann arbor michigan jeremy shu age 39 is charged with first degree home invasion car theft identity theft and possession of a controlled substance the defendant arrives in a wheelchair after suffering a number of strokes over the years that's hugh's attorney walter white any other motions or preliminary matters i would just restate my previous request that i'd be allowed to withdraw from the case shu's attorney just asked to be removed from the case mr shu and i have basically no communication he prepares his own motions he has asked me to file them sometimes i have sometimes i have not he's had a series of strokes i mean he's in a wheelchair even though shoes in a wheelchair not even his own attorney is sure about the severity of his condition i don't know what his physical health is but i know that he's maybe not as strong as he used to be and so i would just ask your honor to consider allowing me to withdraw so that he can get an attorney that he can work with i previously ruled on your motion to withdraw and nothing has changed in interim so i'll stand by that really i'd like to represent myself then your honor that's right if shu can't have his way then he'll just represent himself well i would strongly urge you not to do that mr white's been a criminal defense attorney for as long as i can remember that's your opinion i don't i don't buy your opinion but that's fine you have to buy my opinion but he is a lawyer you're not i'm a better lawyer than you that's your opinion as well if you want to proceed and represent yourself we can do that jury trial will be the 21st of january at 8 30. i need time to go through pre-trial mode january 21 at 8 30. no time to go through pre-trial emotions what are you talking about sensing the escalating tension two court officers step in behind shoe in case things get physical well the case has been pending for quite a while mr white has been representing you for quite a while so mr white hasn't filed nothing he just asked to withdraw two different times you keep denying it no that's the way it is sir so we'll see on the 21st for jury trial it looks like shu's a little stronger than his attorney realized watch again as shu easily steps out of the wheelchair to flip the table [Music] the officers horseshoe back into the chair but he's not going quietly ultimately kept white as his attorney and it's a good thing he did white worked a deal where shu pled no contest to most of his charges and got a reduced sentence of two and a half years in a county jail we're in seattle washington the sentencing of convicted killer joseph mcenroe the 36 year old was found guilty of brutally murdering six members of his girlfriend's family on christmas eve mcenroe and the girlfriend opened fire on her parents later waited for her brother to arrive then shot and killed him his wife and their two young children michelle anderson the girlfriend and alleged mastermind of the gruesome plot was said to have convinced mcenroe into committing the murders the motive her brother allegedly owed her money after a more than two-month trial in which mcenroe wasn't heard from prosecutors are seeking the death penalty but now in this penalty phase mcenroe takes the stand for the first time to plead his case for a lesser sentence what did you do to try to stop this joe i can't even say now i tried everything that i could why not just walk out the door and then leave i couldn't do that mcenroe remains emotionless even as he describes exactly how he murdered one of the victims since she wasn't moving anymore and so i went over by where she was and i told her that i was sorry and i shot her in the head but in a split second something changes mcenroe breaks down as he describes what he saw as he cleaned up part of the crime scene to see the emptiness well she should be [Music] but what came next from mcenroe was perhaps the best indicator of just how divorced from reality he'd become at least nobody suffered the way that it is at least nobody suffered joseph mcenroe and michelle anderson would each be sentenced to six life terms in prison for the murders of anderson's family members okay next fellow joseph jerome [Music] we're in the broward county bond court in fort lauderdale florida the defendant is joseph jerome batten who's been charged with trespassing at a local track and casino for the second time in two months how are you doing your honor good morning i do have a history in the past two years batten's made quite a habit of trespassing at local casinos he's been convicted of it more than 10 times so he knows the bond court drill and he's not looking to resolve his case as the public defender suggested i already know i got a history this man ain't said nothing took me now time in here this morning all right you know uh i'm just being frank with you i i that's the only place i go only thing i do as you can see is nothing but trespassing trespassing cause that's my only entertainment all right is is go to the track and uh i like for you make an offer and if i like i accept it baton has just requested an offer of minimal jail time from the judge and he's hoping it's an offer that'll work for him he's also seemingly taken his case into his own hands are you discharging your public defender at this time sir now i ain't discharging but he being presented the way i wanted to be presented i ain't saying result i said make an offer which is how much time whatever is two weeks three weeks i want to resolve it in that frame in that fashion sir as his attorney attempts to rejoin the conversation batten doesn't let him judge i've explained to mr batten to not to talk about the facts of the case fact we ain't going to try i'm asking you to make an offer y'all straight up history proof is in the pudding that's the only thing i got as you can see ain't nobody been hurt i ain't never intoxicated when i'm arrested so it ain't nothing you know what i mean all it is is trespassing simple trespass battan's presentation is compelling enough to convince judge john cantini to follow through on the request i understand i'm going to respect your request sir i'm going to go ahead and offer you a chance to be if you were to plea no contest at this time sir i would offer you an adjudication you'd be convicted of course as you've indicated you have many of those already and you'd be in uh the plea offer would be 45 days in the broward county jail judge cantini has extended an offer now the ball is in baton's court well now i ain't gonna shut 45 days i did 30 days last time just just a week ago my birthday coming up i'm hoping you can say a week or two and i agree with that you know what i mean 45 days now i think i'm a regular judge let me out before 45 days well you can already tell i'm not really a regular judge judge cantini explains since batten is a repeat offender 45 days in jail is a reasonable sentence sir you have a real history and you've already indicated that's what you do and that's what you're going to continue to do yeah but ain't nobody been hurt i ain't never intoxicated i'm always bringing money to them places i respect your decision i respect your decision your decision is to decline the offer at this time is that right all right yeah i don't want i don't want to set the 45 though okay all right and in the end joseph batten did not serve 45 days he eventually appeared before a different judge pled no contest to trespassing and received just 17 days in jail we're in fort lauderdale florida where judge john hurley is holding bond hearings via closed-circuit tv with inmates detained at the broward county jail joseph britton is he in the courtroom it's mr joseph britton in the courtroom 42 year old joseph britton's charged with battery disorderly conduct and resisting arrest after an altercation with a restaurant employee the dust-up ended with britain licking his hand and putting it on the worker mr mr uh miller i'd back up and i back up pretty quick if i were you may i see one of the deputies mr britton take a step to your right so what is it exactly that has judge hurley so worked up gentleman has claimed he has ebola [Music] this is the first time guards and other inmates are hearing that britain claims he's infected with the contagious and potentially deadly ebola virus which is what he told arresting officers you should clear the courtroom of all the prisoners can you send them out in the hallway yes sir okay as the courtroom's evacuated the entire jail goes on lockdown it's estimated that britain has had contact with more than 200 inmates and personnel since his arrival off-camera hazmat responders arrive and transport britain to a hospital to undergo testing for the virus an hour later a guard returns to the now empty jailhouse courtroom uh you want us to start bringing them back in well well wait you know i'm a little curious about this is is someone determined that the man does not have ebola why they taking the steps now turns out the whole thing was a false alarm britain's test results come back negative and he claims he never told the arresting officers he was infected with the virus the confusing episode doesn't result in any additional charges and britain is released the next day on a thousand dollars bond [Music] we're in vancouver washington where a 16 year old is in juvenile court after violating his probation he's joined by his mother next to them is the court clerk but noticeably absent is his attorney as judge john wooley inquires about the lawyers whereabouts the teen addresses the court i would like to fight for myself and not have an attorney it appears this young defendant wants to play perry mason but judge wooley doesn't necessarily think that's a good idea oh that's not a smart play that's like going out on the field with the new york yankees and you've never even learned how to play baseball that's fine i'm not going to do that you're going to have an attorney assist you in this matter i'm not going to let him fly solo and walk into a court of law and try to practice law when he is finished high school i just want to say i'm guilty we're sending it over to tuesday what judge wooley doesn't clarify is that he believes a juvenile can't legally plead guilty without an attorney president i'm not going to accept the commission at this time so put it on for tuesday for either admit or deny or for whether or not there'll be a replacement of the attorney so far it looks like judge wooley's doing everything in his power to help this defendant but when the team continues to question him my job requires that i protect your constitutional rights you as an american citizen that's my charge and if you're too stupid to know that what i'm trying to do is protect you then let me spell it off you so step one is i bring the case back with an attorney and then we talk notice as the court clerk tries to signal to the team to be quiet because i'm doing my job sir then score some brownie points with the boss by backing them up and our state supreme court has backed you up on that didn't you they have to use it and i'm sure the us supreme would too and listen carefully as mom expresses her dissatisfaction with the judge's choice of words the supreme court has backed you up on that they have and i'm sure the us supreme would too okay you're gonna take this and you're gonna have a seat you're going to be back in court actually perhaps sensing the mood shift in the courtroom judge wooly offers an apology in my apologies to everyone in this courtroom i very rarely lose my temper if you want to call it that but when i do it's usually because someone is too stupid to recognize that i'm trying to help them there are just a few issues with judge wooley's backhanded apology one he's just doubled down on calling the defendant stupid which is because someone is too stupid to recognize that i'm trying to help them and two i very rarely lose my temper problem is that's not entirely true over a two and a half year period judge woolley was cited for four separate incidents by the washington state commission on judicial conduct for quote a pattern of discourteous impatient and undignified behavior judge john wooley would later receive a public reprimand for his ill-tempered courtroom conduct oh that's not a smart play thanks for being a fan of court cam subscribe to a e to never miss a new video and catch full episodes on
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Id: WeziONwkNJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 46sec (2986 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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