Moment Aiden Fucci learns he will spend the rest of life in prison for murder of Tristyn Bailey

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I would submit that this case is probably the most difficult and shocking case of this county in Saint Johns County has has dealt with in the 20 years that I have been or 16 years that I have ben practicing law and the 30 yearst I have lived and worked in this. All of northeast Florida. This case is is one of only a vy small few that had this level and this type of impact on the on the Community. This court gives this factor great weight. As to the last two remaining factors, the effect, if any, of immaturity and petuosity, or failure to appreciate the ris and consequences of the defendas participation in the offense and the effect of the crime, excuse, and the nature and circumstancef the offense committed by the defendant, these factors. Are somewhat comd 114 stab wounds, 49 defensive wounds, 35 wounds to the head and neck, 29 to the back and shoulder, and six fatal wounds. This court has reviewed and seen more than its fair share of autopsy photos. The autopsy photos in this particular case were particularly difficul. The 49 defensive wounds indicate that Tristan Bailey was conscio, that she was aware, and that she was doing everythig she could to fend off this atta. She suffered a painful, horrifying death from someone that she trusted. Her screams were most likely std by her own suffocating lungs. He lured her into a secluded place in the woods near his hom, a person that she trusted, and e led her there under false prete. There was a heightened level of premeditation in this case. Based on the prior statements that he made to his girlfriend and his friend, he indicated that he was going o kill someone, at which point he determined that it was going to be Tristan Bailey. I don't know, but there was going to be a vic. He indicated that he was going, how he was going to do it, that he would take them into a wooded place, that he would stab them. He would kill them and then runy so that he could keep on killin. He told his best friend that he wanted to kill someone to see what it felt like, and he wanted to watch them bleed out. This particular crime was committed with the weapon of choice as a knife, which he nicknamed poker. That required a up close, personal type of murder. That is rare. It's unique. The court accepts that in 2019, of all juvenile arrests, only 7% were violent and only 1% of those were. Homicides. This crime is clearly an outlie, and it was shocking. And it is shocking to the consc. This court finds that the defendant's participation in this offense was not the result of immaturity or impetuosity. He understood the risks and consequences of his actions. He previously told his girlfried that he was going to do this. That clearly shows that he had been planning it. He attempted to cover it up by disposing of the murder weapon and throwing it into a lake. He then attempted to conceal evidence by hiding his shoes and shirt and jeans, taking a shower, stealthily entering his home, and then the actions. Immediately after with the Snapt videos in the back of the policr and the story that he made-up at pushing her and her hitting her head, which was clearly refuted by the video evidence in this case. All of that shows, and this court finds that this was not an immature or an impetuous type of crime. It makes it unique. It makes it extraordinary. What is also very troubling is that this crime had no motive. This was not done it of out of greed. It was not done in retaliation, retribution or revenge. It was not a crime of passion. It was not a crime that was committed because he felt rejected by her. It was not done in it and a fit of uncontrollable anger. There was no reason. There was no purpose. It was done for no other reason than to satisfy this defendant's internal desire to feel what it was like to kill someone. It was committed in a cold, calculated, and premeditated ma, without any pretense for moral or legal justification. And it was heinous, atrocious and cruel. This factor, and this factor alone makes this case and this defendant more than just unique. It is for this reason, and all of the reasons previously stated, that leads this court to the conclusion that there is only oe appropriate sentence in this ca. Mr. Fucci, if you and your attorneys would please rise. Council, is there any legal reason why this court cannot impose sentence at this time? Mr. Fucci, having entered a plea of guilty to the crime of first degree mu, I adjudicate you guilty of the premeded first degree murder of Tristan Bailey. I sentence you to life in priso. Because of your age, you are eligible for review of the sentence in 25 years. I order the Department of Corrections to notify you when you are elige to apply for your review hearin. Madam Clerk, if you will, please impose the minimum fines and court costs. Mr. Fucci, you have 30 days to appeal the legality of this Court's senten. If you wish to appeal but cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. You will be taken back to the St or to the Duval County Jail andn transported into the Florida Ste prison system. We are adjourned.
Channel: First Coast News
Views: 13,631,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [ crime, local ], news
Id: mDD8flMdwTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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