JT Money Talks His Career, Meeting Tupac, The Miami Hip Hop Scene, Poison Clan & More | Drink Champs

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you what it could be hoping this would have sent me this your boy n-o-r-e what up it's DJ efn what the [ __ ] I'm trying to get my JT voice [ __ ] voice this is [ __ ] military drink chest happy hour [Applause] from the very moment we started this podcast from the very moment that we said we was going to cover Legends and we said that we was going to go out and we was going to get the people who's been down and who's people who's been and the other two houses too yeah two hours no side tracking and two hours there was people and then it was a time we didn't understand where our home was going to be but once we said Miami Florida is going to be the home of drink Champs I cannot tell you how many fans requested this man I can't tell you how many people has come up to us daily wherever we at when the [ __ ] y'all gonna have homie on yeah he's a part of a legendary group when you first think of uh Dade County arguably you think I looked at him some some people might say him and Luke depending on who you ask he's a legend legend lyrical I like to think of him if you put Tupac and Scarface together and they were from Florida this who he would be sprinkle a little Luke in there I've been listening to them all goddamn weak because we've been preparing and God damn it we're gonna get there what the [ __ ] dank is check we gonna find out that in case you don't know what we talking about the legendary the legend of Legends king of Florida king of Miami-Dade County represents pick that up whoa you'll want one and only legendary iconic JT [ __ ] [Applause] now off top off top I will I love your relationship with Tupac yeah I heard there was y'all was an inferno in Hollandale yeah tell this story are you and park in Inferno and and and and Holland yeah man you know um I had just heard about him though that's when I first met him but he had this song you know I think Brendan's got a baby was out but he had the song All they wanted to be a soldier I'm a dude can be there tonight I'm like no we gotta go see this guy so this is the only he only got Brenda I got a baby this is right after um you do sound like each other and I walk in the back you know so I walk in like oh okay but he already knew who I was though from two little like mothers but since then we've been tight you know so we'll see each other on the road at different conventions you know they used to have seminars and conventions back here impact yeah Gavin yeah right there not both here but running the playoffs you know it was good good game man okay and I heard there was one time that you bumped into him and you told him man you got all these [ __ ] on your album you ain't got me on here I was waiting but he passed before that right oh cause you know prior to that you know it was Luke records and death row right right right Once Upon a Time exotic arrival cows and continents you know all that was going on but then my man hadn't got hooked up over there you know I was just gonna be like me so how you got all these things it ain't happening that way though but that was it though I never get to tell you no but I know he done heard about nine because I understand that one once or twice so let me ask you right when I first I moved I believe him I'm going on I think 16 years like solid living 305 at this point just all right all right but one one of the first things that I heard was like the Broward and they like little sayings to each other right this is [ __ ] that I didn't know when I lived in New York right but then now I'm out here I see like they'll say like browers and cow cows they'll be like I'll get it I'll get sprayed in day well a lot of people tell me that that came that is the exact thing that directly came from Compton's get sprayed and dead yeah was it was it the feud between Broward and Dade somebody was no you're asking the question um it was just division you know day day was dating bro I was brought because anybody from anywhere else thought Miami was from Palm Beach down right and then Miami would be like no [ __ ] right you know just like like you hit a boy yeah he was like no in the game from Dayton from Broward right yeah okay you know but that's all I want but that whole uh cows and Counting inspiration date it was cows from Bravo at first I came from that yeah [Applause] but like that was one of the things you did in school was battled like New York people who came out here ain't no other [ __ ] around but then like I even started rapping because it wasn't no [ __ ] like me rapping yeah it was like it was all it was almost there so who influenced you like who influenced your rhyme it was killed with Scott for JT Money what I was always Cool J Rock MB Daddy Kane and cozy arriving you know but I I know the music you know I used to listen to [ __ ] like chill Rob G right and they just don't even know about these things you know just like I was way back how do you be influenced for something like that and then at the time uh it was Luke that was really really doing it and Bass music Imperial so how but everybody who named is real lyrical and you could when you listen to your lyrics you could tell that you're I was the first I was a fan of the lyrics to rap music I I actually heard him as a shorty like yeah that's that [ __ ] like but our music was you know the basics that made them base yeah but if you was in the early two-life crew the lyrics was similar to what Run DMC was I'm just saying which is really southern style okay right but it was to me two life crew was kind of lyrical for that time yeah today so okay and Uncle Luke initially hook up well Mr mix from 2 Live Crew he actually heard me and dip and uh like a little talent show Big Daddy 8600 that was out that was our money right we still in school now but we'll go out and do a college night Tuesday or Wednesday and we won first or second place dollars a week or 200 a week or something like that 500 of the 300. we even got the 500 or the 300 okay okay you know what I'm saying you know so yeah man you know 150 150 every week without Robin yeah Mr Miss Hurley you know he's like man y'all want to make a record and I don't even think Deb knew who he was you know East New York [ __ ] no Brownsville in there all right but I'm like yeah let's do it we wasn't even trying to make records like and I did we wasn't passing out demos we weren't going to see people right we didn't have no industry here it wasn't all right look if you wasn't down with Luke never mind so is it safe to say that Luke created the industry here he well we always had Gloria Estefan all right Casey and the Sunshine Band for rap yeah Michael Sterling [ __ ] we always have in a circle but that rap music Luke was like the biggest independent the major independent like you had other labels you know saying them how to label base station or the whoever Candyman all these every dope boy had a record label it just and then everybody get a local single but Luke looked at more marketing promotion more of an international scale you know they were the controversy you know that man was Nationwide right right International right there so you know that's the way I see it because I [ __ ] I ain't know nothing I just knew I was playing on the winning team and I was going Kobe that [ __ ] [ __ ] Jordan so so because because at that time it really wasn't and I don't want to label the South like and it's the time but it really wasn't lyrical like right like to tell you the truth like you're like the first lyrical person that I heard coming from Miami is that fear I was like I know there's been I know you said with your Idols but what made you want to go lyrical what made you not say let me just stick with bass if I'm around if I'm gonna talk to you I'm gonna tell you something I ain't gonna wish you his face and I ain't gonna waste my yeah scratchy right and I ain't gonna waste these vocal courses and I plan on singing next year I'm saying something so y'all went round from a new album I'm gonna do the rap thing man 30 years but um yeah remember the rap but again my dudes now you know in New York dude and I was rapping because you know it wasn't none that's being represented and everybody had damn near the same Rhymes you wrapped the colors you write the sodas you wrapped the Liquors you know I'm like yeah [ __ ] but roll out the red convert the vehicle flow of pimp dessert you know I talk about Miami [ __ ] but yeah but the first album they called y'all baby two Live Crew yeah baby too live yeah two little like mother second album though I say it's like Miami's NWA like like it's fair to Compton that's what it felt that's what Mandel split and by that time I was like oh y'all like that what did you do home team right they wouldn't do home team yeah right still my brother still love them we still are we doing the new Poison Clan but then wow when that after that yeah we got all the members you know everybody recording you know we got about 10 songs so far anyway but when we split by that time I was to the point of oh y'all like that but where did he get a load to do that's when you start getting the actions and the high heels and the whole stories and the saying what's your mama good laugh [ __ ] [ __ ] it's just doing me now it ain't even rap no more it's rep it's representing now it's representation right the first album I call that Devin Hobbes album you got the California producers New York [ __ ] the Miami [ __ ] I call that day I'm cool I just came in on the street and filled in the blanks right like we would get on the phone like a street and we'll talk say what you got for this beat we did all that then we're going to Studios all day all night you know but when I wasn't recording I was you know this is whatever I was doing the yard yeah I was doing my thing you know you know what I said so that's day out but by the time I got to pull them entirely that's when everybody left Luke everybody was going from too loud or to our own team my boy you know I just stuck with him you know and I felt like at that time there's a lot of [ __ ] waiting on him to fold too they ain't really like Captain look how Wayne's took with cash money yeah I wrote yeah good example I wrote with him you know what I'm saying and um I did my thing but like if you look like you hear my name a lot in that [ __ ] I made sure I just knew who I was I put that out no but even the album as you look at it right now it's labeled JT and the boys inclined yeah that's some Creative Marketing by the people who won the bankruptcy from Luke them and they using it because they had the right to do so and that paperwork back then that they won and all that right there but it's good they're not lying though yeah they're not lying though but I mean God damn holy [ __ ] I wasn't ready I got two separate careers man sometimes they don't even put me together if you listen to the radio station like Paranormal spiral you won't hear JC money so I'm going to pull the clan station you won't hear a Poison Clan record on the JT Money station if if the only one that'll probably bleed is shake what your mama gave yeah yeah other than that you won't hear none of those other PC songs if you listen to JT Money Radio that's crazy if you listen to Poison Clan radio tomorrow like on Pandora yeah yeah either one or like apple music or something why why they don't put them together it's two different lives it's not that workout beneficially for you all I ain't figured it out yet all of it is your legacy yeah well I mean my piece is my piece right so every 30 days or three months it'll show up you know what's [ __ ] up about us is what year you came up 1990 the two low-light mothers out okay so you you definitely I came 96 97. there was no digital in our country at all at all at all so how the [ __ ] do we even go and debate that y'all owe us digital money when we never actually signed a digital deal all right I said it's asinine listen I've actually read lyrics I mean not lyrics but concert and they say um for any and other do whatever and two come they they putting that in there for the next thing y'all yeah CDs through elephants they're like [ __ ] man but when Dance All Night came out before the album dropped so that was wasn't that 89. listen I hate before you be calling the girl that I hate listen all right well I got that in my notes all right that's 89. and then the albums are the 90. um y'all were running that through the pack Jam all right let me let me let me go to um something about pimpy something too short yeah wait how did you make this how did you connect with two sure what the [ __ ] is going on this record can play you play right now yeah we play that [ __ ] right now see when when Atlanta was the uh Mr before I went to Atlanta I was always Seashore right he was up though right now you know and I always want to do some videos so we always did a lot of shows so when I finally got a situation you put a little budget I was able to say hey man you know without being disrespectful because you know I oh [ __ ] we had no features that was my first time doing features on pimping on wax everything else was [ __ ] from the hood [ __ ] I knew the other Poison Clan you know what I'm saying yeah we didn't reach out to uh damn that's [ __ ] up I don't know what some of the dudes was asking me about fees and I go to the [ __ ] saying hey man you want to do a feature what you think he said I wouldn't do it so I ain't do it but I'm not thinking of networking or [ __ ] with nobody somewhere else you know what I'm saying spreading the game because I don't know I guess we was in the major independent at the time and the short was independent as well good job but he was so you know I guess he was doing what he wanted to do you know we took care of the paperwork but yeah that was just some [ __ ] I wanted to do like and you was on jobs at the time when he was on no I was doing um priority Capital priority who that was you know yeah a lot of people and you were independent through priority I got a situation me Dallas Austin and Tony Mercedes we had a situation and Dallas had the plug over that capital and capital tow property to work it and I just went out and did what I had to do because uh yeah I was getting more money than I was getting yesterday yesterday do you do you like being on a major or do you like being on um I like where I'm at right now I'm kind of like under the radar but over the [ __ ] you know it's like you know skating and [ __ ] and then throw the dick when I want to you know what I'm saying the Heisman on them all you know what I'm saying I'm free you know what I'm saying but that's amazing listen man I I believe they don't play with the money when they say they're gonna give you the money but then what you got it out there yeah okay once you got it you got it right so don't be trying to come back like about I think you know that's when they're gonna get crazy but if we say [ __ ] I need this right now I think they're gonna do that the major yeah I think so whatever you've done to me I asked them if I asked us what I want you know what I'm saying yeah so you pick independent major do I pick which one I'd rather be independent I win again I win again yeah the reason being because you heard he said when they bought that check though yeah I'm always major he's always independent yeah yeah see we don't mind grinding yeah yeah yeah you know I want I want pedicures even though I don't got a pedicure I want haircuts and [ __ ] but yeah man okay you sell pieces and bits of the hip-hop hits you know what I'm saying right because we're running out to you can't own it who JT would do a versus against you probably gotta get by two or three people to [ __ ] with me I'm just saying in real life though I mean and you can pick whoever you want to pick yeah like that boom boom huh check my brother I'll do anything listen see me and trick do shows like that yeah you do a song I do a song you do a song you know we don't rock the crowds like that no no you give it to me yeah we don't rock the crowds like that you know but again hey man whatever they want to do man what oh okay all right so no no let's finish asking this question so but I'm I'm asking yes yes you would yes okay now now I know now Trump's already saying I ain't [ __ ] with nobody from the crib but I mean it's like a celebration and that's how we got it yeah but if who you betting on against you or trick I got one I got two actually two give it to me let me tell you tell me if because I might be off the off the Record scale twister like a version yeah yeah I would but I don't know enough of his music I like the pope pimp again anybody man you ain't gotta know he's gonna go fast right yeah so that's what I'm saying it don't matter we got another opponent okay but look [ __ ] you know what I'm saying something for everything every genre yeah every style look at what you want to do you wanna roll out the red cobbler look first kids in there how much you want to do okay [ __ ] run the yard what you wanna do this game [Applause] I ain't gonna lie and imma just go out right now I'm gonna just go out right and ask it what kind of drugs was you on when you made that yeah cool [Music] who made that beat tricky Stewarts I ain't want to deal who that hold on don't go down here so what what is the first thing when this beat come on what did you say did you say did the chorus come immediately funny thing I had one of my little dolls with me and uh he's just he said while I'm writing the verses I ain't got no hood yet and he just put that [ __ ] in my ear what did he say he said hit him hit him hit him high he'll flow hit him high hit him no hit him I'm just like just like you doing now you know yeah you know we had the the riding Cowboys out here you know I like the Western that was the Western idea [Applause] what the hell yeah oh [ __ ] with some Croc [ __ ] yeah man that show that John Wayne so I know some [ __ ] like that right so now now with the feeling now music is at the top of the game correct oh oh it was a genre I was in Atlanta at the time so people thinking you from Atlanta when this record come out they did uh yeah that's when I learned uh by way of I ain't know nothing about that okay yeah you familiar about where Miami right right like I still have something from Miami man you know what I'm saying he was saying yeah I had to put the byway in yeah how could I do that wrong yeah you said it right yeah Miami Florida oh okay from now yeah Miami not there mine yeah all that I was talking all that [ __ ] right here so holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] I got I got notes all right I've Got The Inferno okay yeah hit them out we got that okay The Joint you got dedicated to the old school yeah yeah I like that rugger what made you do that I don't know somebody said they were gonna give me my flowers While I'm Alive I wanted to get them [ __ ] they flowers never ready all the stuff I was listening to the stuff we grew up too rocking and I'm like [ __ ] man because I was hoping one day one of my old [ __ ] Gonna Hear like but we're gonna get your flowers to your face right now [Applause] come on my way Miami it's disrespectful Miami [ __ ] they're holding it down for you my brother right that's right yeah but um let's finish the old school question so you wonder I was hoping one of them old school news was going to hit and be like damn what y'all gave us a shot you know I'm probably still like well who that who that little [ __ ] is don't know I'm grown as hell but they'd be like that you heard that boy shouted your name out Jeffrey OB wanted somebody Frankie Beverly be like [ __ ] JT Money said my name shout out to Barry White dude what's up yeah you were shot in all them out I'm holding them out on that record yeah man before I move on to this next question how come you trick and Ross they made a whole album together like that the Murder Inc or the mount West Marine or like Mount Westmore and you gotta add Trina you got to add Trina right I'm working on it all right we got to get all these cats in one room together like I'm thinking it's beyond ego and pride I hope that ain't it I'm hoping this busy schedule's uh priorities at first and you know oh do you have this idea yeah I've been trying to get in there like people been at me for that for the longest but I'm like well stop asking me y'all know I'm weird let's get these other [ __ ] on board and I'm gonna show up to work you know what I'm saying but I ain't gonna lie I think trick with it I think Trina would do it I think you just got to send the the verses to Roseanne well I think he'll do it me knowing all yeah it's a dream all fours or three of y'all well it was all three you know I figure trying to be there somewhere yeah it should be on all the hooks yeah yeah yeah so what's the name of the group if it's ever happened never thought that far the crib yeah the crib I like it right [Applause] here the crib I like it I like it let's go oh [ __ ] okay all right I'm gonna put that in now y'all [ __ ] he loved being from 305. that's one thing about y'all y'all Miami people y'all love being from Miami okay relax camera man okay relax what is it what is it what is it what is it about this Miami bride oh no I I think we think we different it's just like y'all New York [ __ ] yeah that's very true you know what I'm saying y'all got points we got poor yeah yeah she was being dropped in our backyard center of the world in the 80s yeah yeah I'm gonna give y'all one thing I'm gonna give y'all one thing and I'm born and raised in New Yorker but I've been out here quite some time I'm gonna give y'all one thing that y'all one million percent clearly beat us on what this is the most corrupt place in the world you can buy anything anywhere from anybody okay the way you explain that that sound like good to me I go out of the place I was like many [ __ ] Ain't hustling around here if I want to go somewhere at four in the morning give me a drink I would pull over at six in the morning just to show them [ __ ] I can go in the liquor store just to show them see that's what we do here together it's a liquor store around here it's called 23 yeah I just added that back then 2 000 or something yeah honest when I when in New York at 12 o'clock I look at stores closed so when I first started coming out here I would ask where's The Bootlegger because after 12. in New York we'll go to a bootlegger right and your your 30 bottle of Hennessy is now 95 right and I would ask people when I came out here when I first moved out here where the bootlegger and they would just look at me like what Bootlegger [ __ ] we could go to the record it's open I'm like what the [ __ ] my enemies are corrupt [ __ ] well that's not the corrupt part of it I mean that's that's the beginning of it yeah I can speak for the Cuban side of them another thing this is another thing that I learned early on in Miami just the strip club is not really a strip club it's a business place yeah like there's nothing sexual about a strip club when you actually in Miami like when you first it's normalized hear about you like oh okay like especially if your girl not from Miami or don't you like what are you going to tootsies for you're like I'm gonna have a meeting I'm like well the chef is five star you know the service like really and then your girl looking at you like rarely and then then she wound up going there like I fried Lobster is serious make the noise holy moly guacamole come clean let's talk about that yeah um motivational record you know scripture you know I'm saying if you're gonna do it do it all the way I don't do it at all come clean or don't come at all because when you half step that's what [ __ ] who have the name of that record first you or J with a damager looking good yeah you know and it's like well this information or just the game you know your car your outfit you got to come clean we going to you know I don't want to hear what y'all today [ __ ] I better come clean I better get it yeah you clean so so if he did it then then that means he beat me on that one okay I'm gonna have to shoot to that man you know one of my favorite Rocket Man so so one of the days this is one of the first days um this is crazy I know I told the story I told the story with trick before but we're on the tours me Big Pun trick I forget who else I believe Fat Joe was on this the trick caused me to his room so it's all black at first this is when you know we didn't have green weed back then like oh you [ __ ] green weed [ __ ] like we have brown weed back then like we had we used to call it time y'all like that so trick is rolling up and then before I know it like his his blunt went from Brown to straight white and then he flipped it and you know we from New York so we don't know what the [ __ ] going on and he lit that and we knew that was a different smell Trick Daddy is here you know the whole other side I'm like no you're not I'm like yes he is and sure enough is that what dank is or what somebody's version yeah okay but like when I was saying I was just calling weed dang anyway smoking on some good dank good things but uh yeah people was talking about uh yeah boom you know dirty heavy yeah this that's what I knew Miami is an ill place I actually do it one time I don't want to say his name because he kind of famous too and I said yo why you smoke that [ __ ] I swear to God he looked at me in my face and said this is more pure than we yeah he told me cocaine I'm gonna tell you something man he gonna defend that point of view picture your gramps telling you that [ __ ] I had this Good Hat it's the good [ __ ] the other [ __ ] man it's a good hat it's a good clean huh yeah man some people believe that but no that's it yeah that's it how we gonna compete with weed though right we just like the new crack now anyway you're right like it's more it's more weeding all over look and I tell y'all my way okay let's go let's go let's listen come on let's get that I throw a million places right yes it's always set it out the best of the best not everybody tired of me because I don't be smoking all day no more I did my seven years on papers clean just say 70 years seven okay no so you know everybody got their formula method like no Jay all you gotta do you can still smoke you just take this and do I say no [ __ ] it's not I'ma just stay out all right I'm not gonna piss dirty I'm if me being out here I've already not smoke and you know I'm single parent at the time I got my two young [ __ ] you know what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking so when I got all papers [ __ ] like oh mama guess you have one I tried to hit that [ __ ] once what like [ __ ] you talking about what the [ __ ] are y'all smoking this ain't reefer no more the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] somebody hide in the bed like even today I still sound like if you smell like I'd be like well then I hit it because it's you but one time you try to pass me like [ __ ] I want that [ __ ] yeah it's that Razzle head don't slow but I found me something else okay what you got what you got in there the new JT Money thing okay this moment versus recreational yeah I said all the drops yeah we had uh T.I and Boosie here and they both told us that they're doing an album together if you had a chance to do an album obviously besides uh the The Crib album what would it be one artist that you can you could collab with who would you who would you want face short cute one of them [ __ ] you know unless you're gonna give me a crucial McCain are you gonna give me some [ __ ] like that and I do my part they do they part let's go but if you had one [ __ ] Chuck D [ __ ] I do the third part I do the dirt part [Applause] you will replace Flavor Flav money and Chuck D what was this Chuck D or JT Money there's got to be something with something 360 it got to be something with the full circle poison enemies like conscious conscious poisonous enemy poisonous enemy holy [ __ ] I need in 10 Again holy [ __ ] so I did man listen they had a picture with Luke I said [ __ ] that's where I came from yeah I thought I posted it I said this is where I came from Luther Campbell and Chuck dude there's all other stuff in between man you see him look up you've seen Luke and um Fat Joe was like yeah my trick yeah yeah what you think about that they handle like they should because because I was hoping they weren't going to try to make it big like it's no big [ __ ] issue right who said he say she say [ __ ] the deal was done whoever got paid got paid you know yeah and then ah [ __ ] [ __ ] I think I discovered or something I discovered America [ __ ] I was here first I was there before you say America yeah that should be the next name of your album JT discovers America that is hard and look like and Christopher Columbus yeah Jesus I'm sorry that sounded harsh you ain't never heard of [ __ ] say buckets of Columbus I'm going way too far I'm going way too far we ain't [ __ ] them but I was here first though you know what I'm saying but he got the credit you know what I'm saying who you talking about Luke Christopher speaking about Luke before we get into QuickTime of slime what was y'all problem when when y'all had a a problem because you like you said you stuck around you held you held the ship and then y'all eventually wound up everybody say the same thing you know um is always Financial you know what I'm saying one day getting the money other than is probably watching outside looking to feel like they should be getting more now I don't know nobody deal I don't know nothing like my thing me personally I was getting more money and I was getting the rest of my freedom I didn't know the business but I figured I was strong enough to learn you know I bumped my head there oh waited to this table today ain't nobody taught me [ __ ] right I'm really trial and error everything so and then I look at Luke right like that line Parts a picture Jews being handed to an innocent child like he don't know what he got in the hand he don't know what it's gonna be it's just a diamond he just put it in my thought around it's a rock to him he don't know so that's how I look at him the game was still fairly young you know remember just a couple years before that KRS was a rapper in the hole ain't even 20 years old that was just a couple years before Luke yeah Luke was still learning but everybody but I mean I still think they could split more money then right you know I think gonna share some money because if that's all it takes for y'all not to tell my house here man it's the bag let's bust this [ __ ] over let's keep getting this money unless I'm thinking smaller I'm selfish they're not [ __ ] that's mine [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] up cause I heard one time he tried to like you got in trouble and he had like a 90 000 lawyer he tried to I wouldn't let him pay for that oh yeah listen I just get in trouble come get you man that's where that money I was like listen man before every album came out I got locked up yeah what's going on I don't know y'all [ __ ] man with that [ __ ] though bro but the FED thing was I was like nah bro that's not me I ain't doing it but when the fears come you know they really got so I said [ __ ] this time they ain't got [ __ ] they didn't so you know he beat the case yeah listen I I'm gonna take it to trial and it's time to go to Trail like came from the [ __ ] on the holy [ __ ] and you go through that door to go into the courtroom they let me out that door I work out there I'm over I got my mama got a bag of clothes well I'm lying wow they had enough man I was only locked up because I violated I stopped back smoking I was out on Bar for a year and it's like me muscles ain't got nothing on me [ __ ] y'all let's stop smoking as soon as uh oh it was Daytona Spring break so you know black biker week yeah black Beach Daytona okay freak [ __ ] like a week apart oh you know I'm going but I had to piss every week uh so I came in this when we just dropped and left I ain't waiting on the Hulk I went up the freaking it when I came back next week it roped you up yes I had to sit through but I think trial was coming up about four six months or something I had to sit wow but [ __ ] [ __ ] they had nothing on me you know you could have got we was just riding with him and yeah well you had about three I said well y'all should have did y'all job he said y'all have me in the car with three kids [ __ ] you crazy and y'all ain't getting me the three keys yeah they think I'm the youngest [ __ ] in the crew here today thinking I'm finna talk about like listen man I wouldn't get none of that money let me just like to hang with me cause I'm live you know [ __ ] like me they got the money I got the fame or whatever the [ __ ] it was I'll give them you know some [ __ ] like that you know what I'm saying we was talking about putting the money in the rap game [ __ ] I'm selling no dope [ __ ] you know like me I see some of them today and we'd be like before we had all that money [ __ ] I wish we knew then what we know I said that's every old [ __ ] we knew then what we do now oh yeah that was every oh if you guys one of my kids I say I say what's their favorite old [ __ ] favorite line they gonna say if I knew them I said so if you listen to me now [ __ ] you can be ahead of the game cause I'm only gonna give you yeah but I understand adolescence I understand thinking they know it all listen I ain't gonna parent on y'all [ __ ] so we drinking yeah but it was crazy like they they always um blame like Our Generation for not teaching the younger generation right but I'll be scared to embrace the younger generation not to not to think that they're going to embrace us back is that something that I'm that we're doing wrong is how do you feel about racist younger generation I I want to embrace them yeah I want them to be like you old [ __ ] yeah I mean like I'm talking about like you know publicly like yo and then like your old [ __ ] like wait a minute they call you OG I'm not like up enough right there but sometimes I gotta rhyme I said sometimes they call you OG but they don't really mean it they just calling you oh you got to read in between it you know what I mean I felt that way before first time when I came home they started that Unk [ __ ] I thought they were trying to make me old I'm like [ __ ] you man but then it's a sign of respect because me I'm a bit okay check I'm gonna be there but you know I I don't let a young [ __ ] get away man huh and I get it you can't see how yeah but pitching me rolling little [ __ ] okay you know that's your uncles and your big brother you know what I'm saying whatever [ __ ] but I'm gonna give you what I got for you so don't think too much a young person in love and they like kind of looked at you like whatever no but I've had real young and they ain't know who the [ __ ] was talking to him or what I was talking about okay but they was too young to even understand but I had some yeah just remember this day because like 10 years from now you're gonna be like damn yeah and then oh that's that [ __ ] I said I'm still you know just Platinum seeds man I'm [ __ ] there nah real [ __ ] real [ __ ] we'll do a quick time let's go how about you set it off you got to explain them again we always [ __ ] up the explanation you pick one answer out of two two names we give you if you if you pick both and neither we drinking if you pick one Nobody Drinks so one we drink we're giving you two things yes if I pick both both neither you people neither all right now we drink pick one right yeah all right so you ready what wanna Set It Off [Music] Tupac or DMX Scarface or Ice Cube I can't do that that's two different levels of gangster all right all right now I can't do that I'm just drinking we drink it give me a little bit I like the same vein oh dude we could go back we've never done this before then I owe y'all one okay okay I like that you're about to drink the whole list yeah yeah I got a hard one for me because you know it's certainly like Park and them they had a reaction like it was a certain reciprocation for them knees on the street where they related and I feel they had the same energy yeah until I got that Thug Life tatted on my chest like they identified the [ __ ] identify with that right that Thug yeah so uh all right so I did model okay all right next one Coco's a Rolex I'm Gonna Roll this dude okay Luda or Tia what whatever it's whatever it is to you ask me about how cares and goodies take a shot now I mess up everything my bad um all right so it's anything it ain't about yeah whatever you want it could be anything like who I choose whatever your criteria yeah whatever your criteria is all right you ready you said both for them right yeah I guess all right all right I got this one I did I'll get the next because the next one is definitely you yeah take one or the office time period like once upon a time now one was something but the author today take one as legendary Right Now what I'm saying there's a time and that's that's before EJ took over the Jukebox take one yeah no no he's not drinking he's a dog oh you're gonna do the office okay okay all right now you got to do this man all right pack gym or Studio 183. hey gentlemen and I'm from 183. climbing Knife Man okay yeah oh boy now I feel like I got the right to ask this one booby trap or kod the late night movie shot the one on the river that's the one you told me the one out there brother you know the one we talking about kod man shot for just that one I thought you was going I was but I ain't sure you say you know it's one okay to the shop of being confused right me too oh yeah yeah we might watch so you giving me all the good [ __ ] yeah um Sugar Hill DJs a ghetto style DJs I'm drinking it up man Sugar Hill is my family the other style is my family if you could have said any other name that's we're here to drink and I'll pick one I gotta ask how the [ __ ] did you lose your voice oh I had a flu for like three weeks are you just telling us now hey man it was the flu that wasn't cool not the flu or the flute I was not ready we got a drink he said both I did I drink she took my cup away okay now you got the next one gun player Briscoe no you skipped oh yeah all right we can go back uh we can go backwards okay my bad you can have those both Gunplay or Briscoe damn those are those guys right there that made the crush this up not me I made them thank you cause they got to be on the crib album too I know right yeah I drink to that so I'll do shout out Triple C's and Poets why you ain't on Love and Hip-Hop Miami they don't like me no I don't know though you know what I'm saying come on let's talk about it they gonna see this yeah they're gonna see they're gonna see this they're talking about right he could be in Atlanta too they don't know oh you live in Atlanta though no no no no no no okay yeah I did my time back to the career okay yeah but uh some people don't know man you know what I'm saying what I learned in today's coach is all algorithms and you know hotness on the you know what I'm saying like me I'm I'm in the DNA of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I'm in the [ __ ] right yeah all right chill J okay we already answered the um the uh come play yeah Brisco he took a shot to it yes yeah man all right um but Briscoe got this song that I love [ __ ] on me [ __ ] on me [ __ ] okay Mansion or cameo that's a good one I had fun in both of them I think I think um by the time I got up though I think Mansion was it because they gave me all the love okay like when Cameo was popping I probably was a little [ __ ] you know what I'm saying yeah and then by the time I got up the master oh yeah imagine man just can't imagine I drink just cause of that now we got a long list oh you don't do the one before that no you got to do that pitbull or FlowRider I love both of them I'm drinking of that I love both I already know we're gonna end up I'm like like really love these guys like yeah you love [ __ ] all right Karma or USA Fleet I'm from caramar you know but I hung at the USA but come on man that's my hood man it's okay all right honey Thursday flea market before was caramela 183rd Street Fleet Mario us one flea market down south yeah huh you got to ask this one which is oh trick or Ross [Applause] all right but over the [ __ ] my brothers though you all right this thing oh right now NWA or Wu-Tang Clan damn man because you know I was on the end of worship with them enough first who came up all right boom the first Blue Album when it was all them [ __ ] like six Chambers yeah anything after that I ain't showing too much you know like when [ __ ] come in they come in a RAR and then everybody gets famous and do all this [ __ ] and [ __ ] but that NWA was NWA they were consistent I respect that Dre had them boys okay yeah the source or XXL probably the sauce we don't go probably it's the sauce the sauce sauce okay I respect that I have friends over though okay MTV Raps or Rap City that's a good one MTV Ross the beginning right that's the beginning of the culture rap cities when they start pop tuna you know well but be the music box and the boxes before um right um and we had the boxes down it was in Miami right yep so did I answer the question I ain't answer the question that's the question at all the OMG City it's a little rap city with Joe Clay on them all right A lot of people say Big Tigger I like the fact that you went to Joe Clinton from the beginning and big glasses all right tootsies or cheaters nice I'm gonna go into this though around the corner and the fried Lobster and all that [ __ ] five star show yeah a lot of people say lemon pepper invented in tootsies I really don't know Rumor Has It lemon pepper invented in tootsies lemon pepper wings yeah so the seasoning that's out now they just invented up yeah I don't know that's a little crazy I don't know this is y'all rumor they made it popular maybe they made it popular some people from out of town all right but I ain't heard of them probably the Ross say lemon pepper my wings what [ __ ] what is that now I'm just playing mangoes yeah okay Kodak Black or ball greasy wow griezman little brother yeah I think you act the young goat man yeah me personally that's just my own thing me too yeah I just think she's an interview where he said man I like fly like like time like fly like fly like [ __ ] like [ __ ] I like to do [ __ ] like that I said I don't understand nothing but for some reason I understood everything right yeah that's one of our people though he got that [ __ ] all right so we remember yeah this one right here you're gonna have to drink Rock him or KRS one there are man okay rock him or Big Daddy Kane ah both of them [ __ ] is me cause you got one [ __ ] like this and you got the other [ __ ] yeah Battle of the Gods [ __ ] let me figure this out I'm here still the auto man the closest to the dope boy he was the closest to the [ __ ] I was seeing like until my Rakim yeah Rocky on the [ __ ] out looked up to was more him than he came yeah I like Cain you know but some [ __ ] I looked up to like the r okay that's crazy that he never cursed Rakim and his versus that's wild and it was hard yeah yeah hard as [ __ ] that's beautiful yeah yeah Luke or Master P look at the camera man okay but I love Peter today though man you know I think I thank God for Luther Campbell uh you got you got the next two Queen Latifah or MC like I'm gonna go with light three you got next four Jesus Christmas Billy blue or iceberg bird one of my favorite [ __ ] pure and I love blue burp all right let me just say something was like my favorite young [ __ ] out of the crib oh you know like my favorites them two [ __ ] the crib yeah from the crib I'm gonna take a regular drink being that we ain't drinking Piccolo or Grime mode I love both of them bro are you saying Piccolo the group or death slop figure let's say the group let's go to the group we're gonna take a shot right now yeah because when you say death like I ride with that [ __ ] every day and he said that's like I rap with this guy every day okay go ahead you got the last one too poor boy slip and slide slip and slide we got the last two more I'm taking it from the DJs no I'm gonna change this one though 99 jams or power 96. 990 E-class or Ted Lucas tear s yeah I know Eastern school but uh maintained their business man he ain't doing a villain we love each other we love each other he called me Jeffrey but [ __ ] we ain't there no business man that [ __ ] Phil check it's all over it up so-called drinks have a big drink I'm gonna do the last loyalty in respect do everything else all right DJ Khaled or DJ Epps that's personal with me that's like my guy okay you know how you think else with Spanish I ain't know that [ __ ] so yeah I didn't know anything yeah he from my way from here I'm Gonna Give You One More DJ Khaled or DJ Nasty the Miami DJ um come on nasty my God natural just at my pie I don't hate how I love cattle but I'm just saying you talking to me personally no matter what no he's just talking about like a Precast yeah say Khaled right pre-con just say Calvin and anybody somewhere else and I'm gonna say cowboy you say nasty or Epps right you know what I'm saying you say uncle hell you say rest in peace on Chico yeah I'm like hey man yeah that's me that's all that [ __ ] does me okay which leads you to the Uncle Al slick vehicle disco Dave man jump on the Disco Dave man that's my [ __ ] mixed CDs [ __ ] play D Gucci Crew go ahead oh it's inspect Uncle our Jam Pony Express I mean putting one DJ against the whole crew but I know where you're going right all right we talking about the CDs because Sam Pony got way more harder to see these older Funk out of another generation but now Alice my guy you know how I feel but damn funny [ __ ] that's the culture man that's where all that [ __ ] come from all right yeah but these Crews they all sped it up and cut the music out and did Rhymes but that's what it is really if you think about it is running out of there yeah let's sample that [ __ ] they got it yeah [ __ ] got real this is the last question everyone thinks it's trick question me and efn does not loyalty or respect that I prefer or that I give that's a good question they don't hear y'all they think is a trick questions yeah how about whichever way you want to answer it loyalty or respect I think the respect gonna draw the Loyalty if you respect somebody you respect it you will be loyal to it but if you Lord or something then you later on don't respect it you're gonna be like [ __ ] that [ __ ] I'm gonna get him I think like just say I'm being loyal to the set right now then I figure out the set ain't the set that I thought it was I lost respect for the set so therefore I'm gonna lose my loyalty right but I respect something and I ain't committed yet I'm tend to get loyal to it because I respect it because that should stay solid all the time sounds like a shot to me sound like a shotgun loyalty is a tattoo to these [ __ ] yeah both of them and I was with him on both that's why you got a [ __ ] yeah I got one more time and turn it into both right that's the first time we ever did this I'm taking a double shot I'm worried because brother because that [ __ ] me up you approved one side and then you approved then we can see it right we put it all on the scale we're gonna make it make sense okay you gonna take a double shot with me though right yes I don't want to be outside by myself uh and and you do right so I'm an old Chico all right cool how did mines get double shot like when I meant double shot could you put ice in it bro no I meant double shot it's double shot can can we do that one time that's it that's my last shot you don't want to double shot I'm with you man [ __ ] though that's definitely a single shot let's blow them up oh yeah I got that I got that yeah I'ma set it up when I say go then you go foreign [Applause] that we would have to hear on verses immediately that's gonna Crush everyone's bones let's go with the link know that all right that was my New York [ __ ] all right remember the AAU all right yo but another [ __ ] that we listening to um and a lot of people pointing this out to me they kind of said this is this is this is not us the kind of said a juvenile kind of borrowed your style uh-huh I I heard that before but I love juvenile too I that and that's all I'm gonna say about that because I'm a fan of it but I've heard that before but you know and um he ain't got nothing but love and respect now he never came to say Jay boy you know he ain't said so I ain't gonna see it him but but have you ever listened to it and and felt like a little bit of your influence in there well like immediately like we was going some discography soon as we heard it someone said juvenile got that [ __ ] from him like immediately I'm bigger than juvenile but I got another thing how I do it like certain records I hear from certain people I'd be like [ __ ] I think I made that [ __ ] for me I said he had that J Spirit on him when he did that because I feel that [ __ ] like a certain records different artists making them like oh I had to be right there with them because this [ __ ] feel too good right so some kind of way so it wasn't about because you know we all really grow off each other right yeah I know we influence right but so with me yeah just go take you ever ever feel like it though no well not I've heard it a couple times but I never felt like okay I never felt that all right I felt like uh he doing but now I have been uh comments under my [ __ ] like a [ __ ] trying to sound like juvenile like they want to say okay you know I don't do it dawg through the fingers [Music] I can't do that [ __ ] though y'all hate that who that one more time one more time play the whole verse until the next chorus is the artist yeah you play the the verse until the next chorus no that's the only one I didn't meet and I went there I went to this first show on Monday Temple what about 10 hours in the building yeah yeah and and the gangster short is open up yeah yeah damn where was that at Coconut Grove nah that's in North Miami foreign [Music] what kind of drugs was in this session listen that's not a normal brother that was his monster it was the energy man but I did hear a story that I thought I thought my story was diversion but the producer was on somebody else too and said another version of the story and I'm like hmm I don't remember that because I heard that they tried to get us a TLC oh yeah and I said that okay Mercedes came to me and said Yeah man they heard like they had they said the facials say they label out on the cruise or whatever you know the other thing yeah and tone like you know me and Tony was working he said I let him play all that [ __ ] that you know what's coming up for the next year he say yeah I waited and I played your [ __ ] Jay the boat went crazy and the [ __ ] was like damn tell me what's up with that record again and then and [ __ ] would say let me just get a [ __ ] fifty thousand or something I was like [ __ ] [ __ ] down the [ __ ] 50 000 [ __ ] that's my right think about it though yeah let's think about had you took that 50 000 right TLC with his friend who the hell I don't know how I would have went yeah you should have done a remix with them on it all right I ain't gonna lie what you on the record I don't know what I would have just did the hook but see now you wasn't getting that diverse nah this forever has to be his record on the remix I'm asking half fifty thousand nah but you but I already got 100 I already got 100 from them right I don't need another 50. right yeah I'm saying so how does this happen they own a boat they play the record and then they come to you and say that no I wasn't there I know when an egg came back y'all told them said yeah boy I played your [ __ ] and it went crazy and uh man I just had to ask I knew you was going to say that because I was like they come to USA uh we'll give you 50 000 for the whole record but you yeah well he chose home and say this I want that rather and he's like Manchester candy that's the man right and he's just getting 50 000 or something man I'm like boy I wish I was there for that conversation wow now [ __ ] how about 50 million let's talk about it you want it that bad at least a million come here at least how to grab that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you would have gave them the whole record listen man I would have promised the [ __ ] 100 000. come on [ __ ] I need to do something I'm gonna get 50 million from this [ __ ] drink sound man I'm let's get back to making the record y'all in the studio this beat plays no we hang out the night before okay now this is my version of the story we hanging out and you know we gotta set up you know what I'm saying this before making the rain and all that but we got bottles we got pictures you know we in the club or um Atlanta right it was called the gentleman club back then in Atlanta okay it wasn't right there right downtown by the mayor of Marquis right Club 112 as well what's that no no okay gentlemen club okay gentlemen GC but um I think I got home by five in the morning they calling by nine o'clock like put you gotta get back to the studio man we got this record man so I jumped myself we get there and that's what they had on the thing they had the hook they had the eye part you know I just added my homies again the beat is playing ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don't do that no who that yeah none of that was done yeah it was just a high yeah yeah but they had the uh it wasn't done right he had a I guess he had an idea because I remember building it you know certain yeah certain voices that's not that's in there get your memories so [Laughter] um you're in the studio right he only got the eye out and how do you put this together what what's the first thing that comes to your mind do you if you remember well we were talking about the night before while we hanging out we got all this going it was just different dudes coming around and I could remember well who that that's the man who that is so that's what I'm thinking they got the idea from because I remember these conversations the night before so who that so who that [ __ ] we like this our setup look like this cause now they're all these new people you know it was full cars with us right but now this game was somebody who that yeah they just starting to come up they're coming up they're moving in but they moving in you know like the business people come around us and we don't know who that is yeah so when they were like yo hold on I'm thinking that's where we going so that's why my verses well who that offering me like we're on the trying to hang with the [ __ ] flogging like you came with the click but would you bang with the click if it were thick or do you just ride dick could play I don't know you [ __ ] tell me who you with if you clearly you bound to get it I was today years old when I realized [Music] it's us I know us and I'm in my mind it's us against everything else but so now one how is he so comfortable that close to your life so what's up that's your guy like you know what I'm saying do that yeah who that so what you know we got lean on [ __ ] uh turn our backs and protect our [ __ ] you know whatever we doing that way I was there I don't know where nobody else I was born the night before yeah the night before that's crazy oh I was asleep three hours of sleep I'm finna go sit and like hey but you got to come back but we got this record but see now boom tricky got a version of the story he said he been had that beat and he done triggered Stewart the one who produces it okay he said he been had that he done tried all kind of different routers on it but it didn't come out right until we did it now I ain't know nobody in the world ever heard that before I thought this might happen we had a good night even in the studio couldn't sleep and called me back that's my version of it you know what I'm saying his version is he gave it to yeah well he didn't give nobody [ __ ] if he [ __ ] with him they come through okay let them drop but if they ain't snapped I guess he gonna erase it had a leader or whatever you know what I'm saying like I didn't ambition making mine foreign wow [Applause] big Ram boom on them nigga's ass way yeah my fresh [ __ ] deal for drugs [ __ ] might trigger [ __ ] that [ __ ] ain't slick what's all the names a poison clan name all the members [Music] you know these are the non-rapping numbers you know this is more faculty then he had little branches of where it was Chain Gang or CEO be like y'all in this ride our Hood but they their own crew you know what I'm saying mad man was with them [ __ ] at first but then he was like [ __ ] that [ __ ] if it's important I think yeah yeah this is predates of course yeah I mean I don't know actually I don't know when if they were saying no I'm saying Clan over there before we heard it you know okay yeah right but I had heard Poison Clan before when y'all heard Wu-Tang Clan I'm saying 92 93 yeah oh I was on the second now I'm gonna be the third one by the end all right let me tell you you take officially come out no 92 93. let me tell you the for the owner the other Clan who I was like if Luke would have dropped to say 89 because remember we had to wait a year because Professor Griff came down with that controversy opposed Clan right right because if we were the poison just for the red the black and they're green yes three right here yeah man yeah yeah so I'm gonna push it past no in 93. check out the Avenue you know what I'm saying and did you know that Professor Griff from Public Enemy was signing the loop records hell no yeah like I could sell more records his name his name yeah but remember he had some controversy there the controversy Luke was the only one that would take him all right so we waited a year but that was the only other class I was like damn thing all right and we can't even say oh they heard us and then they made up the whatever Clan right you understand yeah oh so you're trying to cause it wasn't no Clans at one point y'all thought that the Wu-Tang Clan what do you think x-clan no no x-class like we couldn't say uh like fought an hour there was no other clans right it wasn't no no other clans but then what time when this clan came out I think they record came before that was like 88 because we had to wait oh 87 I think because we had to wait yeah we had to wait that year 89 right so it's around the same time it would have been 89 right so I couldn't say oh them [ __ ] but again we was into that music so we like that [ __ ] anyway with the kids but did y'all notice how they took all that music away from us though well you can't even download that no yeah but just all that type of game just the difference of of us all our different right Shades and Hues of wherever we at in this you know it's kill kill kill people music yeah man there's no diversity in there let's sell our dope [ __ ] in our clothes [ __ ] and you know even even y'all like when I'm doing the research they always had that base like as a first single and then you had them some other stuff yeah and then even just the process of making an album we tried to have a record like this now we need something like this now we need something like this now it wasn't whatever that single was you do 10 of those which had to make 10 of those same records yeah that's proof they don't give a [ __ ] this is like man if that [ __ ] work keep doing that don't be no artist don't try to express yourself don't try to be creative [ __ ] this is what works stick to the script right that's the game so it's easy for a [ __ ] all right picture the hole and see all she gotta do is bend over and no show no emotions and she gonna get her money oh I ain't never even seen yeah you understand what I'm saying just like okay okay my forty dollars you know about it in the matter it's easy but but if you're a [ __ ] with some integrity and deity if you if I'm an artist and I'm serious about my [ __ ] if he's from Erykah Badu [ __ ] yeah I remember that line you gotta be hip-hop to know this man yeah yeah some of them I see it but if you like that it's like oh man I hate but don't hear that how you know what the [ __ ] they want to hear right because we sold this on you last time but Bill who to say I can't sell this today and this tomorrow whatever I don't know but it's the game I understand business I ain't no hater of business but you know I like freedom but you of course an independence I like Independence if I wake up one day and decide I want to slide to the left yeah I can do that to the right even if I could do that one step three whatever you know cause you don't know what's listen man all right you shooting that Mill you're throwing rocks at me if I just keep going around you're gonna do keep hitting me right yeah I got a fake one time with Doug what's up right the [ __ ] they think this [ __ ] man it's real life man so let me ask you right because I thought I made the best skit of all time and then today I found out that hold up some people what that better thing it's just about you it's about you it's about you hold on hold on because now I got a story about that record right though somebody told me today you have one of the best skits of all time so I had to go research it do you know what skit I'm talking about why must I take the cat is that what they say what does it say yeah [Applause] and I actually made that so you you heard this rumor you understand yeah there's a possibility in the whole game of rap you might have made the best skit of all times you know that nah they say I was good at it they said you don't do that [ __ ] no more why you don't do it I said y'all ain't listening to that no more y'all this is a single the first 10 seconds of a record for 30. that's all y'all want to hear y'all don't want to hear what led to the record no more right the skit area was dope excuse me back up in my house yeah you don't even want your [ __ ] where he just want to get hit [ __ ] I'm sorry man forgive me y'all I'm sorry man how about that that's cleaner USA interlude as well yeah yeah obviously you like Chase the cat better right no I I don't like I'm just I think whatever I was doing make the record make sense or make the like if I did this and I feel like it needs something up like you're like nah that [ __ ] is it but I'm like well let me put this before so it can make sense to me a smooth transition yeah a ramp uh straight whatever it is though but make it feel good versus uh a prickly you know getting stuff you know sometimes squid is sitting there sticky or they just stick that [ __ ] ah [ __ ] [Music] there's another one of the joints rap ass [ __ ] yeah man I think I think everybody in the game would appreciate it though right now that's it that work at work right now I thought no trap ass [ __ ] right and you gotta think about it that's the people who I don't know all right you see any reminding your business how many [ __ ] I told you they could bring you back put you back on top of what I like we don't know I'm gonna need to tell you I don't even want none I'm like man stop being stupid man they just rap ass [ __ ] yeah that rap [ __ ] man yeah [ __ ] out of here oh wait you were gonna say something about Super Thug yeah cause that was my record like okay I could be at a show right like I could be going whatever there's certain records that my [ __ ] waiting I knew what to play like you could play what what and I'm I could be like dude come on and I'm like this back right stab somebody yeah whatever the [ __ ] that was that's the [ __ ] we was on yeah yeah that's the energy but yeah I don't know if y'all remember the mixtape part this is what it sound like when we ride on it it's certain songs I will lift up to them that's fine 400 Degrees corporate thuggins like a certain song like them [ __ ] thought about me when they made these records man like face the noise oh damn they already got me filled up this is crazy that's crazy all right because you know why I'm a born and raised New York guy but I lived out here for uh long time 15 I'm going on 16. yeah and I I adapted the crib the crib adopted me I love it the show was born out here in Miami and the show was born out in Miami and from the moment we started this they said you gotta give JT Money his [ __ ] flowers and and let me just finish it I promise no and we this is an honor right um we wanted to make for a special moment to to give you your flowers at a special time because I'm gonna be honest I had to do research research because I wanted to really like let you know I know we know each other and you you guys know each other but this is this is this is an honor pleasure and um we didn't want to fall short and look at me which way yeah sure thank you brother I appreciate it and this is your [ __ ] house this is your [ __ ] house no no Take that shot god damn it no oh damn you took it around yeah yeah man jump um right I didn't actually seen people tag us all about yeah but it seemed like I'm bothering you I'm like y'all hit the man hit them [ __ ] but don't no no they didn't come out no no your fans really come out and let's just take time out to represent for your fans yeah hey guys what's the name of your fan club because everybody got a name today fan club what's the name of your fan club well it used to be family because it was never just fan Collide all right one thing I noticed then Stephen to me I'll be pulling it out man the JT Money thing funny like only [ __ ] who [ __ ] with me [ __ ] with me if they don't [ __ ] like if they on that rap [ __ ] and they don't know what they don't know they're like oh yeah yeah okay but the [ __ ] who follow me think oh yeah you know like all the [ __ ] who [ __ ] with me [ __ ] with me like if they don't [ __ ] with me they stay away for like snakes and pigs and rats they stay away from me thanks pigs and rats yeah they're gonna stay away from me they know you know ah anyway but uh what the [ __ ] I was saying you want to take a shot because of that snake peas and rats like pigs I'm thinking about snakes and peas and rats I'm like what the [ __ ] yeah I'm thinking about the greenest peas ever yeah yeah this is what the greenest fees ever so I'm like all right my bad now they stay away from but um yeah that's just the funny part about it so with that being said like one time with a fan it got to a point with me or only reason I was still like I still make records cause a neighbor like damn you ain't gonna give us nothing else it ain't like [ __ ] was like Manny get a [ __ ] up sit down [ __ ] get you a job [ __ ] he quit while you're here [ __ ] go lay down [ __ ] like damn [ __ ] we waiting on you give us up so I would do something well I was an outsider looking in That's The Insider looking out I don't know why without the situation what I'm telling you is you got real fast brother like these brothers these people these people I'm someone every day for six years we're going on seven years yep seven years at least 13 to 30 people to hit us down when you're gonna have Jesus it's day one that's the reason I worked but just in case you don't see them yeah we see them for you yeah and they out there and we that's why we we really want to give you a fly um yeah [Applause] I think of people who started when I started and especially in the position here because you know again I was always Underdog like No Label really knew what to do with me so it was always about my record my records is bigger than the artist this song down if y'all heard that song before Oh that's who made that song they don't know who made that song listen my fans is the reason I still work today like how many [ __ ] started with me can't even give away free shows but me I'm rocking with these [ __ ] and they still pay me so all right what what well I forgive one time I was somewhere with dude bumps into me he told me the record Being bigger than you dude bumps into me I turn look at him the record come on what what he's beefing with me the whole time right like he made that he got you because singing my [ __ ] that's you yeah that's why and beefing with me and I'm looking because we all surrounded him and he had no idea and we was going to beat the [ __ ] out of him to my record as well [Music] they don't give a [ __ ] but in their mind they they trying to impress you and they're trying to impress and test it don't I see [ __ ] that [ __ ] don't make sense you want to impress me or you want to test me what we doing I'm confused man cause but I'm so good at it now hey man look let's go have some fun man cause that's why we're here you know the only thing who you came to see you're impossible who you came to see whatever man all this everything relate back to a song with me anyway just in case y'all ain't know yeah I might always talk and then it's gonna go right into a lyric or something and let me ask you one more too real that girl um who is that that was a chick named evil but uh originally it was a chick name or lady cartel Tricia from Jacksonville but damn that's a good one because see now nobody in the world ever heard it so let me tell y'all this story because I did the song originally with this chick from Jacksonville it was cold it was cold in um before down came and I got [ __ ] up I locked up again yeah but tone and the chick was trying to cut a deal behind my back without me like oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] still you know he can't tell me what to do they gotta run this [ __ ] [ __ ] I say so you know I ain't doing nothing but you know [ __ ] was called it was a violation of my people got to go see they did a deal but then while I'm locked up they do whatever they do and they fall out so now you want to put another [ __ ] on the field in the blame if you'd have heard the original the record would have been way harder like I didn't change my lyrics to fit up it was just good too because you ain't heard the original that is why the idea of the song is that but if you would have heard where all right who that you know I say the night before and and everything just makes sense when you listen to it because ain't genuine tried to kill you to um [Laughter] hold on did we finish and then you know years later they married he don't care but oh yeah I'm about to say this finger popping but yeah whatever you got to relax I think we was in the Bahamas [ __ ] it could have been what hotel SLS I really don't know the Hyatt probably I don't know specific right all right please always call me right hey you don't remember that night listen shows and yeah are you staying on dream Champs I'm saying not only did you have Soleil on the record but you had you introduced so late to genuine you goddamn right and I'm saying it on dream Channel listen they came to me her her dancers and a friend and they're like we want a man and then whatever it was because we hadn't done a few shows and it's like bro hey genuine in your business yeah because he was on a pony at that time probably yeah you know he'll ride in that Vaughn riding a pony but because because you know you got to pitch a lot of people they always just ask about oh about you on solo I'm like no [ __ ] strictly before it was never no right nothing yeah and it can so late with son to LA Reid right and yeah and you were saying the producer that's how I see listen who that I originally did three verses to do that so you didn't have you didn't want so lay on it no I didn't know her yet okay I didn't know her yet then when I did it triggering them was like yeah boy he said put my female on that like while we was working he didn't play the right you know you're in the studio with somebody you hear what they working on they ought to so I heard a few songs and then he like man you should let me put on um on that hook board you know put a female on there I got this artist I'm saying I said well let me see the picture let me see her okay because because like let's just be clear we were Bozo men back in the days we bought Little Kim's album because she was spread eagle we bought foxy we bought foxy because she was she had yeah [Music] they need to do that right okay so with that being said it was just like well [ __ ] let me um see her and then when I saw him like she would run that [ __ ] then they did it we cut my first verse listen I did three 16s on that song but then I got a a eight and a 12 and then she got a 16 you know format listen I've been doing records before 3 16s and I was doing regular until we finished rapping but yeah you know we wasn't selling Beats and hooks right now yes I understand you know but I'm from the era when they thought rap was gonna die right but this [ __ ] gonna fade out this [ __ ] ain't gonna last it's a fad all right yeah I'm from that Arrow so we had no format now but you know four minutes not two minutes [ __ ] regular sell minutes I'm from that area where they had eight minute records but we didn't do that but still this is a man I'm just saying man and a classic was born yeah man I was even a sad taste man but how did you introduce her to genuine what happened was that a show I think we were right that was getting ready to rock or he just got through rocking they wanted to say hello and gee why he did he's riding his Pony yeah he probably was like hey how y'all doing he's like what's up girl what you doing you know she's about to say whatever you doing I don't know what I want a dog he just brought him together y'all and y'all know y'all yeah because we brought a all right boom I I came with three chicks one of them or two of them want to meet you I'm gonna let them meet you my one that stayed by me she wants it cause she can meet you too we talking about team you want to ask her whatever whatever we're talking about he's got fingers okay this it makes sense all right yes I like this man I like I'm in there hey man yeah and let's have fun you know not enough but I'm saying nothing ain't got nothing to do with nothing man and real was gonna stay man you know what I'm saying because the truth is forever lies but for a moment shoot this forever lies before a moment When the Smoke Clears The Truth Gonna still be here so no matter how much smoke and mirrors no matter what they do when the wind blow it's your [ __ ] man it's your dog you know what I'm saying that's all upset man all right in the Name of Love of course but y'all laughing everywhere they laughing at me but in the name of Hope problems thank you subscribe whoever name that is no no that's that's the name of your songs yeah because her problems ain't no problem but not your whole one to go let it go God I like this because listen all right that's one that's one of the funniest records right on that same album I got all right I gotta tell you I'm just tell you I ain't gonna tell you why I gotta tell you I'm just tell you that was one of the records I didn't care who liked it but I'm picking this one for my album for me but did you have a hole that was ready to go and you had to let it go no that's just the situation of Life all right when I'm when I when I first see now I got to take you all the way back to the [ __ ] size I gotta take you back the Poison Clan like they say I changed the Mind state of [ __ ] in my state do you understand ours so now [ __ ] see like we already got enough to deal with uh man we can't hide these problems here as well like listen here [ __ ] tighten up you either with me you ain't like yo come on man coming out and I think you fly I think you raw girl and I'm willing to but [ __ ] I'm not hitting the gas and the brakes at the same I'm not trying to spin out it's a mindset all right so with that I already did all right I did the push it pad no I already did uh it's the song The [ __ ] house is born right so now that's poison not JT Money solo so now when I do whole problem I'm thinking I don't know who liked this song because they like who that they like hold problems that I mean I hope from they like uh who that what the city with big guilt they're like all right they're like you know they like these songs because that's the vibe they was on the industry people who had a funny song cause they dropped who that and I don't even know what the second song oh all right on that album which it should have been something about Panther but the news is that priority yeah they were like no man let us do it man team it's the record this commence on Mercedes had something about people like but we're gonna drop who that we're gonna drop some of my pimping to say I'm gonna go um they want to draw all right cause they sound almost who that ish it's their crunk [ __ ] this is still cool but you know now we are artists because I want to do something like this I want to do something like this show the versatility different audiences I ain't trying to stay here with these kids like yo Uncle Jay here but now your brother here you know more of us before I feel like I'm just going right now all right let's go to um I was trying to say it's a funny song Because listen I was doing shows and then based on the hype or the algorithms at the time or whatever it was they wanted so then I will get through the shoreline I'm gonna do and they're like people still waiting like [ __ ] you're not gonna do the whole problem what the [ __ ] you doing like how you gonna not do over us I'm like oh y'all like this song that same [ __ ] happened to me we're running the yard them songs like the reason I get booked today I'll tell you you know that's in my nose too y'all today cause is it true I get booked for whole problems and running yard Chevy gang who that high low sexy mama gave you take your time again oh that's bonus that's actually like oh [ __ ] he did that too but them young [ __ ] on the street they want to hear I used to be a [ __ ] every day and they want to be scared to go that's the reason they booked me today I read certain songs I can't go nowhere and not perform I don't give a [ __ ] what new I'm trying to do it's gonna be like yeah whatever Jay [ __ ] I was waiting to hear my song right [ __ ] we paid you for my song [ __ ] like [ __ ] fans don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] funny y'all no problems kite to the boys come on stop doing my interview for me oh okay to the boys my next conversation yeah just so you know I saw it when you show me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I saw it though yeah you stop stop stealing my interview come on all right to the boys oh yeah what a [ __ ] that was it I wrote a letter I that's actually a uh a real letter I tried to send home to the boy that's when uh I violated my probation when I was sitting here probation a lot the federal oh no I wasn't on paper then yeah the the second second or third time the last three or four times it was violence man the first four or five times it was stupidness now this is playing a little wow um yeah but I was just that that was my story like uh kite of the boys Mama Dearest father to son that was really letters I wrote back home and I sent them home but and you turn it that rap [ __ ] then right and I wrote it lyrically but then [ __ ] was able to see it like all right he got something out of each other like say you don't tell stories no more man you know I'm so busy trying to say [ __ ] I'm so and so I'm this I'm that but they all just yeah that rap [ __ ] yeah instead of spitting them stories right that [ __ ] we know facing them mother talking the store so that's what my people were saying I used to do for them vividly they said I could so that's kind of one of those stories like they don't have been locked up if they get locked up after they heard that song they know how to do they beard that's all I hear if I go to your after hearing this song I know how to survive and we talk about okay to the ball okay to the boys yes but then then they can also take run the yard yes run the yard that was supposed to be on straight zoo with them I did that record three times before it came out that way I never go away that good [ __ ] listen I'll be waiting on the right beat because there's certain things you even know you don't know there's certain things you know everyone already and um that was one of them records man I did that [ __ ] three times before it came out yeah one more time [Applause] and that's that live resin there too that's that that's that y'all are here show them what how it look like it looked like dink a little bit show them how I look like the the um the rest oh let's show them show them look they bring it on over yeah show them yeah it looked like some guys it looked like I'm a Miami [ __ ] and hole when you look at that yeah it's something about the beautiful packaging y'all just said y'all just sell me some [ __ ] on some good packaging I'm gonna buy one for me I'm about one to hangover yeah and it's not light ladies and gentlemen yeah yeah please take that for yourself take that for yourself yeah yeah yeah yeah holy moly guacamole I got so much more all right cool oh you can take what your mama gave you man yeah that's such a classic man first time looting them took me to the strip club in Atlanta now what happened wait Luke wait yeah you went too fast yep you just said the first first time you ever went to a strip club with Luke no right is it in Atlanta and I stayed in the car the first time then then we went to the second place then I went in so what was the first place y'all went to I don't know it was the second place that you got into you got to remember the finger popping story could have been I don't know somewhere no no it was in Atlanta as early as my Magic City one could have the second place could have been Magic City okay for me you got pissed me coming out too low like mothers I was 17 probably just turned 18. you've been in this oh this is your first time but pack Jam was like a strip club down there no not then they didn't know listen what the [ __ ] I'm gonna go in there for and just get some [ __ ] my money I'm not I'm just crabbing I'm tight I don't whatever we was on we was shorty I wasn't we always had butt naked girls in Miami so we had skin to win we they just walk around with so I don't I'm not understanding the process pitching me rolling huh they're not going now and I and I enjoyed myself it's beyond you just give me some bits of money you can't take it with you good good conversation as well what up the vibe whatever it was then you round other money other monies because you know we are around the same little hood you know yep no [ __ ] can advance you over here but over here a whole nother world to see another a new color a new shade you know I'm saying I ain't even gonna go into the dimensional a new shade that [ __ ] looking anyway came back home he got a little over and over this bridge but see letting it seem good that was inspired about how it went like it wasn't long I never thought it ain't like I was at the club every week no [ __ ] I went that night and there's no like holding over this bridge but she blown let [ __ ] listen I'm gonna tell you about the beat Devastator gave me three Beats I picked this one he said no you can't get that's Lou I said why the [ __ ] you gave it to me then I wrote it to this beat but through interventions and he said no I want it on this beat and this is the beat that made it [Music] you understand like it's beyond what I thought of what he thought he said man to my game I picked this beat I wrote it for this I think this would be here Luke probably did uh work it out and Shake It Up or some [ __ ] on it sound like the regular typical Miami face [ __ ] right this one sounded like Poison Clan JT Money that [ __ ] was like ghetto fat it was like like if you'd have played the instrumental for a [ __ ] if he could handle it he could handle it but he would not I don't say no sauce [ __ ] on that you can't say no [ __ ] [ __ ] on that [ __ ] you got to get in that [ __ ] and get that [ __ ] you can't play with her see my cigarettes but that's those type of records that would turn a regular Club into a strip club because the funny part who that was the biggest all right I worked the longest of a shake with your mom again like I still play that now and we eat yeah they're very good like is it if I'm doing it showing it because you getting bored like we got to play that record here [Applause] who that came and went and then I stopped doing it in my show because I was still doing a whole problem shaking some Mama girl you push it around you know them Street songs then I wait five ten years when I drop it again like oh [ __ ] we like we missed that but it was so over fast rail play it was like I'm thinking that's are you in your mind you thinking that's the last song before you leave and check what your mama gave you that's a that's a Luke sample no no me and devastated everybody thought I just did the hook but that's devastated the dude who made the beat yeah you don't think that was maybe one of the last real base miami-based records that came out it feels long enough I don't like to take no credit but I just love to hear people's opinions it feels like to be in the conversation of good [ __ ] I like to be there I think that's one of the last real miami-based records that came out right that was kind of authentic all right like versus trying to do something Uncle I came out with his record after that but don't go out as a DJ this is not necessarily right I mean he was but you know it's different but I think Uncle all came with hoes in the house right after there's some holes in this house and then do the brown where do the brown living here though that Frank Ski 103. no he says it in a record okay he says yeah the one you were saying that's something yeah you thinking of tunes I love it all yeah you said Baltimore yeah and then he made me think a tough crew that's that's uh but listen I was waiting on my time to talk [Music] [Music] what your mama gave you hey that [ __ ] was in the streets [ __ ] I should have brought it but I said for my feeling besides when I went to Pittsburgh the [ __ ] sound like they were from London there was some kids you're not too like cool yeah but like Pittsburgh somewhere though [ __ ] sorry from London and when y'all did dance all night did y'all know you ought to hit well we thought that was just one of those regular lighting that's going to be our Miami record like we know how to work Miami we're not thinking about Outsider how far did it went everywhere right it really did I mean I'm a kid I'm in junior high yeah it really did listen man I can remember being in places right and you got a picture of Miami play and it was new and uh Miami base yeah just the sound so they looked at you got to pitch in places Midwest or not North they don't want to hear they're not they're not even used to hearing that [ __ ] but they were like like I'm still [ __ ] them the fights I was fighting we'll go out there and um [ __ ] be like this like but it hurts for a ride like [ __ ] Deuce for a ride and go like all that other [ __ ] and then it got to a point where I really started doing the hey yo life's a [ __ ] or what now they like oh [ __ ] now I got there too right because you they want to walk out there they said nothing they just doing whatever they're doing round the stage and so you're so from Miami real Pro what you a real promos yeah let me give a [ __ ] if we was there or not like who y'all [ __ ] here we gotta we got to pull them in oh check how about that one that's our job what because I didn't know like yeah man what the [ __ ] happened you know what I'm saying [ __ ] think he got fondled what the [ __ ] just happened this [ __ ] tried to steal from me when he touched my pocket bit and I bought in my pocket something but yeah yeah yeah but it's a method to the madness man I always have man it's just like [ __ ] yeah and this is another there's another question I always wanted to ask especially the um granddaddy you just passed away um yeah yeah so um you got a joint that will you sample the same exactly all right the [ __ ] that I hate the girl the girl that I hate yeah um who who sat with that first Mr Men or Mr Meese did that whole first album it was his idea David Hall Mister the producer everything on loot records at that time wow he did all that [ __ ] then and you realize you had the same beats something new yeah before hours too dance came up yeah we had it we we had ours made but we've been sitting you know but still I used to say how long they had earlier it's one of them arguments you can't you know but uh yeah he was talking okay boom his was he was talking about himself right then flowers was a relationship you [ __ ] you I didn't [ __ ] need hope it was a man and a woman right so yeah I think that Miami [ __ ] was always man and woman calling response [ __ ] be loving that wild [ __ ] I'm going for that I like picture everything before that that y'all thought was Miami baseball field close to her and then picture that [ __ ] right there right that [ __ ] that's not me just that [ __ ] there whoever that guy here doing that record who was that guy yeah listen it instruct the [ __ ] we're not asking we're not that [ __ ] his first line is hoping over and spreading but see let [ __ ] see them girls free touch the ground slap that you're giving instructions to the [ __ ] see the [ __ ] needs that yeah that [ __ ] don't want to be wasted the person don't want to be out here by herself doing anything wasn't his instruction again all right the second verse [ __ ] it work for this money Hunter stop faking I want to see some real wood so that's the grass the instructions [Laughter] we getting this good [ __ ] [ __ ] definitely some Miami [ __ ] yeah but I was just talking about that guy that guy I remember because when I heard it I was like when I heard that [ __ ] talking that [ __ ] back then in 192 I don't know be calling yourself oh yeah okay well [ __ ] it he was appalled holy [ __ ] yeah but damn I got another shot right here wild boy yeah boy and they're gonna be the first episode y'all gonna see all of us like this [ __ ] no that's good we good but um you gotta give another shot you ever had that you know you know what that is they make that in the tub and Kindle book I just spoke to him he's like I said man just bro with it call it call it I don't make a commercial like butt like they make changes all right you got the shot that's dope to me yeah listen so um so a lot of people ain't got nothing to do with us if we drink that cause we like that um so they ain't got nothing to do with our thing I like it we smoke dirty smoke Garcia on super clean just say super clean just say non-processed super clean non-process I I know people like that right yeah you love dirty girl lovers I hung like that for him okay for two days two days you like this dirty girl love us y'all [Music] no you say what's your name y'all get right and I'm gonna get right I know how to roll up these stuff yeah of course they better if you can't no if they smoke again when everybody was first smoking I said if you can't roll your own joint ain't gonna be the smoking [ __ ] are we talking about this for me I like business mind and grow your own because if you can't you know whatever because his was crazy now people are rolling like the good weed whatever the good cocaine it's like what is that called Death no it's just you know it's called waste of money we with the good cocaine or the bad the reason because they put cocaine was because it was bad weed already and we can thank and feel how we want to feel but they feel how they feel right like they're like well y'all just don't know [ __ ] y'all ain't got a clue like we should have been saying yeah [ __ ] but that's they're like [ __ ] that's what you think [ __ ] so I'm just like man tasia's on whatever [ __ ] but you know I write boom now I gotta bring it into them let's bring it to them and my family and my business and things like that I'd be like yeah you know I love you but you you can't come with me today uh you know I love you though but you can't ride today well we'll be back you know because I'm gonna come back and [ __ ] with you but but why they can't ride today because that because they run down my business that don't play in this yeah like it might play all you don't want to end up like Eddie everybody's pull you over here and play all out here but when I'm right here because you know I'm really responsible right that's what everything right here I still love you it's real but if you wanna y'all you can't be around y'all one of y'all I understand yeah and that's just that like you you can't ride with me today um but not always right but yeah but I won't always be here like I don't always be right here that's right yeah just some [ __ ] like that you know felt and honest is good man you know what I'm saying again but it makes a noise for being honest [Applause] truth is forever last but for a moment I'm telling him listen man let me ask you let me if we learned this [ __ ] as kids okay go ahead no is there anything you you regret that you didn't do in this game I want to regret some [ __ ] but me understanding whatever I understand for this life and decisions and God and Karma and me understanding what I what I believe is like it is what it is like there were certain situations when I had one of the hottest records in the country and people was asking me to do certain things I'm like well how much how much they paying me [ __ ] they ain't paying but they're trying to build something I wouldn't do that so you say you regret that I want to regret it okay I don't regret [ __ ] cuz I'm here today I'm still writing let's be honest like I'm just just a week what you're saying one of the things that I didn't know was not not I regret it but was I was doing features like um um and I never knew you're supposed to get paid for features it was pun who was just doing them I was just doing it like whoever was [ __ ] with who you [ __ ] with whoever [ __ ] with me and they wanted to do a record with me I just did it but ain't nothing wrong with that and that's an exchange sometimes that's that's what I mean that's why I feel like you know that's what it is like somebody else gonna use that again she's like oh well you crazy well you should have but they don't even know how far you not taking that little bit how far that took you you're actually in that area it worked out for me right but everyone else didn't work off your walk ain't there and and if they want to be judgmental let them fool themselves right yeah whatever just just don't be disrespectful but you can be stupid open up check you know because it worked for me I did that I didn't oh man I got I think all right even that play a part into the so-called Legacy or Legend of JT but we're gonna take with real [ __ ] I mean all right boom he got a better one I go see people I go places and I'm always somewhere then I see [ __ ] who in position I don't know them they come to me like boy you don't remember me boy you was and I was a little [ __ ] and you said to me and you did and I'd be like well thank God I was a real [ __ ] cause if I was a [ __ ] [ __ ] you could have gotten but but if I if I did some [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that was your chance to right so whatever [ __ ] I don't know if we were talking about I don't know how we got that but yeah let's make some noise who your favorite West Coast artist is favorite West Coast West Coast yeah they got a mute all my whistle I got to be some shorty got to be cute we gotta be snug it gotta be all the [ __ ] that we know okay all right now pictures of underground okay boom now you want to say your underground game I like I always like sugar-free we ain't talking about that pepper because that [ __ ] that was cold here you know um sugar free with the with the yeah it looked like I I don't see look we both do the same [ __ ] yeah I ain't seen him oh that guy's cold but then I've met other dudes you know and I think they're good but when you want to say the favorite they good for what's going on now I see them now fighting the fight in this era cause right now ain't nobody big until they say until they say they be like it's our boy he the man over here like for them streets it's other [ __ ] are still maintained like I think they'd be fighting to fight I fight like for some strange real I'm saying the reason I still get book is certain things those particular songs and that like if I make a new one good for me if I don't make a new one I don't know about for me but those songs is I don't know if it's a feeling or write a passage or like before you get to his stage you got to feel like this do you get over here you feel like I don't I don't understand it I'm just thankful I'm blessed for how we got on that subject I don't know yeah but I said I was gonna come talk to my brothers and you said you said you're working on a Poison Clan album a new one definitely that tell us more about that album huh independent obviously yeah well so far like if anybody feel free to want to uh do business with the foreign [Music] yeah but y'all should come like this now like just see if everything we want to do still sounded like 1990 and they're like no [ __ ] put that conversation over this 2024 beat I respect that some [ __ ] like that right and we got to respect that too and then we we got to respect it all right I I run into Old [ __ ] who think they know everything right I I know [ __ ] I know [ __ ] wrong with production right and he been doing [ __ ] about 20 years girls earlier and it gets to a point I'm so cool at home I had to I had to get something like well God damn this my 32 years don't mean nothing you're like and I got more accolades than him you just good at what you do you think you know everything I'm trying to tell you I don't know receive I'm gonna tell you something that I I think that Miami people don't actually take yeah this is my last shot you got another one this is my last one I'm with you man not [ __ ] to do I'm gonna tell you something that Miami actually doesn't understand Miami could actually be like Houston Texas like as far as that because like I in in New York we have barrels yeah we don't have cities like Opa locka's damn near its own city correct yeah Hialeah is its own City Homestead is his own City sure like like y'all are and I'm saying this as an honor I remember now like y'all can sell [ __ ] without leaving y'all actual state right yeah it's different here than like Texas what New York been doing that [ __ ] go platinum in New York right without going on and the thing is we were doing that in the flea markets it was happening out here right but the difference I think with Miami and some of those places Miami's constantly changing people coming from all over the place and it's always changing the demo but one thing he's never never changed is across the bridge right it's over there and living here too I I gotta do nah man you'll have an influx of this group that comes in Venezuelans or these people okay okay and I feel like it changes a little bit like Miami people they never want to feel they don't want to act like fans I don't know if you've ever felt this way oh yeah Miami Miami we we never feel like we feel like we talk about when I used to use the Miami Heat games when I first came here win LeBron came here oh let's just be clear yeah the most spoilers fans in the world as soon as LeBron wins my four points [ __ ] is leaving yeah because it's like oh we already won the game like I've never seen this you know I'm a Knicks fan you know how rude it is we will lose by 45 and Spike Lee was still stand right there all right right the spike ain't leaving we're not leaving right Miami fans is in club live in a great Goose Lounge like this taking shots they like I don't have to go to the concert I go to the VIP and I stayed at the Gray Goose Lounge in the back because it was like Club live I was like [ __ ] it well I go out there you're right like yeah yeah and the game is still on and [ __ ] and that unfortunately is a part of the Miami mentality that's very true but then how about in the 90s where it was the book shows for for us and we would come out here and the Miami crowd would be there but the New York crowd would be there too what happened to that what did it change New York always was there not there no more no no what would change for when we all party together and all that [ __ ] up yeah that was a beautiful time yeah it was I loved it I don't know I think pop culture did that who revived on the east and west did the South somebody did it yeah somebody section it off so they could charge differently wow ten dollars for this season 20 off of that section four dollars 1500 you saying the boiler section I don't know I'm just okay okay no you [ __ ] can't be friends [ __ ] that [ __ ] from over there here like this I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you and this is it was at one point I used to come to Miami and I just like it was Brooklyn in the house and people would lose their [ __ ] money yeah I couldn't stand that back again I couldn't stand you could not you cannot go anywhere in Miami it's Brooklyn in the house it'll be a Miami Jamaican that's from Brooklyn six but where was that boy [Music] they're proud again that was from Fifth Street Luke's on over like if you was here unless you went down south somewhere close to the girl uh when he was in Liberty City Council Locker located that wouldn't have went down right it was the clinic was to feel divided still because it was definitely Southeast yeah right but I understand that's what that was so they would be there like that's the way me and my New York [ __ ] will go you know but me and my Opa-locka City [ __ ] we over here and in the bottoms out the house right you know I would say Martin in that once in a while when I felt like [ __ ] don't worry about you with me but nothing none of this [ __ ] matters to you you with me right that's all that mine so we move like that yeah but that's and it was no disrespect to New York it's just you and your own City you don't want to hear like look look we said we both went to the biggie show his first show by the way we all went because yes let me just not like singled out Miami I went to Atlanta on that same tour I wouldn't tell him they had the same problem and I was like it was Brooklyn in the house by the way I'm not from Brooklyn from Queens right right so it was just something right it was a thing to say at the time I would go to Atlanta I'd be like in Brooklyn there's a house in this the place to go crazy like I know these [ __ ] are not from Brooklyn right but that was the thing to do that's what really said at the time yeah we used to call me and my crew we did a song called fake Out of Towners it was addressing that it was people that either they were from New York or they weren't but they they felt that that was their identity here and we're like yo if you pay your bills here and in all due respect and all due respect at that time New York did seem like they ran the world at that time it did in the industries it was that Lit right it was listen man New York Ram radio I think Calvin ran movies and TVs that kind of way and then when the ages got involved you [ __ ] had to figure out a way to work together but if still are still fighting trying to right this we want to get in the game I mean that's kind of my question we want to get in too is with like you said I I love what you just said you just said that Cali ran like the movies gangster rap game right and then they ran gangster rap but the New York ran the pretty much the industry what is the state of Miami I'm guessing I'm a stage of you and then you could pass out the efn what was the state of Miami at that time but especially especially I remember me knowing that Miami is the merch Capital at this time but y'all got shake with your mama you was blessed to know that much those with eyes I couldn't see they was getting caught up in it like the mentality at that time we still fans up it's just some of us who know what's really going on in some of us you know blind leading the blind sheep so much receiver but like at the time we were still trying to create our Identity or you know Democrat Republican or independent just us now you know what I'm saying east west south you know we was trying to create that beat yeah that's what we was trying to do then yeah but you know when the reality of it was it was still the culture but they hadn't already put those markers in place the dividers because you got to think like like like I said I went to school a lot of New York [ __ ] the [ __ ] we've been up and down do you understand what I'm saying and that's it that's it right uh they've been here as far as I know I always ran into a New York [ __ ] Jamaican [ __ ] Asian [ __ ] keeping it I feel these [ __ ] right right that's Miami right now look and being young I ain't even know who was who until we got older then I started looking at a [ __ ] like yeah like I always knew that [ __ ] Mama spoke Creole I knew that [ __ ] Mama spoke Spanish I knew that [ __ ] Mama smoked Patois but we was all the things I got you know until we get older I see other family members they started seeing these cheek balls you don't know ancestry.com right and like damn [ __ ] yeah yeah man so let me ask you um you me you know going through this interview and you saying how West Coast was influential on you was it was it Luke who came to you and said we got to go out these West Coast guys or was it something you guys already did in Luke cosine you're talking about a particular song thinking like games as Cowboys and condoms which one that little error because see right but Dre Day came out first right no this is this [ __ ] like gangsters we did on Luke Allen but we was talking about [ __ ] in the industry period you know a lot of [ __ ] thinking like gangsters like even my lyrics was pretty fake they were hard as [ __ ] don't get y'all let him go look it up but it's pretty very pretty open like fun things you know picture a [ __ ] that's good you know so then before the record is done because it's the record these [ __ ] I know they did a skit these [ __ ] out now and they they calling [ __ ] out and I'm like the West Coast guys yeah like but me I'm like what when we start doing that what part like as far as I know Luke and them [ __ ] was cool right when Porter's land got on we was cool with them [ __ ] they was there was them doing the shows against the world okay so I don't say nothing for this [ __ ] funny man then Luke came in still there that night he heard it and he laughing and I was never like but they had not made a discourse Luke at this night yeah I'm just scared you're saying and remember the record we did was vague it wasn't calling nobody out right you know might have been a laugh somewhere but it was so vague you know you you looking forward to you ain't you know what I'm saying whatever I um when the record came out it was like yeah anyway Luke allowed it because ain't nobody got to say so but with the camera he allowed it to go so when that record came out before that Nathan you know the next year and then they did Dre day because they like like and that would have never happened if he would have said no we're not doing that but but I also heard him and them and them talking and they were talking about yeah afterwards yeah a concert like pay-per-view in my mind I'm not thinking that say I'm still young and I'm with the [ __ ] I'm not thinking I'm like [ __ ] how you going and then like y'all playing NWA yeah y'all [ __ ] play too because I'm seriously first you know nwa's first interview that had AKs on there like it was like not the people to play with and it was all that but then the news was cool man this was cool right respecting each other's ass because I don't care how many hoes and [ __ ] ready to put in front of looting them together style DJ that didn't kind of [ __ ] was dead around I witnessed that on two little like mothers so I'm like there um I was there I was off the porch I was there 89 man but anyway the way that started I think it should have never started it did it did but uh I was uh I was with my guy you know what I'm saying bro with Luke yeah I was wrong but he got a funny part of that because being that I knew how it started you knew that it kind of was a little bit I wasn't with it at first I was like man he tried three or four [ __ ] I just gave him a number but he paid that number wait what period yeah I said um I'm gonna say it again say it again at first I wasn't with it okay then I gave my number and he like [ __ ] I'm getting that number then I did my version oh cause he didn't try three or four [ __ ] but they couldn't bring it home okay all right then like they were gonna bring it home okay and make it respectable and uh [Music] it was really some [ __ ] [ __ ] and it was like damn but I like them [ __ ] music but but if they against you boy you gotta roll with the crazy are you sure you yeah we gotta [ __ ] them up let's just cut off their lights for a week you know what I'm saying let's not kill them um something like that I'm just you got to be with me man check yeah but that's all though so you know I did it you know and that was that so then after the record comes out how do y'all become admirable well bleed with them like how do y'all thank God everybody was still players and then when easy and the road was beefing actually recall Luke on the phone with easy talking miles you know like yeah and that's the first time I heard that pay-per-view Show game because I'm like not all right boom he go a gangster when that nobody know ball where you at uh the video to don't sleep on the hill though push it back that's in California oh [ __ ] that's 93. that's at the same set way easy did this record for trading in the same record we drew them did what they had to sign with we're in the same Studio it cost me an extra 10 000 to fly to LA to do it like because we're in the height of the beef that's how crazy he was young [ __ ] right yeah well you could say ten thousand he'll do it here we'll just create a [ __ ] but if you fly out to Cali in the height of this beef you say ten thousand I'm like well [ __ ] [ __ ] let's go save the money not knowing this I wasn't getting none of that money anyway [ __ ] you could have got killed yeah I could have got kids we had a Max 12 and a nine in a something else under the plane you can fly back then with it yeah well you got a reporter you gotta let them know what you got in there yeah yeah we was doing that way back then yeah so we there so I'm still like this but now you got to think they still got extras in everybody huh but it was so it was just stupid but see the game wasn't what it was today because today was social here I mean it was should I sit down right for ten thousand dollars yeah but we talking about 93 1993 you know what I'm saying um yeah the game came I'm just I I tell [ __ ] I survived an era this is a picture going through a lot of [ __ ] and it's still it's a viral because [Music] [Music] um she got real oh that's [ __ ] up see I'm thinking of some new [ __ ] right but I'm here [ __ ] I'm alive so so what's up with me what's next for you that's why you know I'm doing my r b album I'm not sure I'm gonna do a bunch of B movies I'm gonna ride this Underdog [ __ ] and chilling circle to the [ __ ] save the Chipmunks they be like I like chitlins but I like the chicken yeah we understand that if I was to go back and do shows I would do the chips they love is organic it's genuine it's a hood yeah right you know when we get that out of love you know what I'm saying it it was helped but when it's there it's dead now can't take it can't take what is but um if they don't if you don't feed them enough you know they lose interest you know humans you know short attention span you know regular people you know I'm saying we superheroes out there man you got people you know let me stop that loyal fan base that's never going to go a lot of artists don't go I wanted to be lucky before but I like it's just a blessing because I swear it's the only reason I write if I didn't have them picture me rolling can you see me working on a 95 can you see me on somebody's desk how you see me bitching me rolling yo man I ain't gonna lie this [ __ ] has been so beautiful we glad we have got to give you your flowers my brother thank you bro take one more this dick that's it now this is it let me finish my [ __ ] Puerto Rican hold up I ain't taking my did I miss one no you go without me yeah okay no no regular drinks regular drink basically my last shot I cannot do it baby but JT Money yeah let me tell you something we got our friend Garcia he doesn't come out for nobody and he came out here with us because yeah real 305 [ __ ] Trail five you know what I mean today we Revenant love love y'all and you you a real one hold on you're a real one and you deserve every accolades and this is your house you gonna come in here how you talk some [ __ ] about other [ __ ] too this time it's about giving you your flowers but I feel like you you you you you you I'm going to start your own podcast as well um it's gonna be disputed by drink Champs [Music] um and invite me home and we'll do that because I'm gonna tell me hello
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 402,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, music, rap, r&b, hip hop, Drink Champs, JT Money, Miami, Tupac
Id: GzWZTgqUlkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 36sec (8976 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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