Jschlatt Busts The Biggest Drug Dealers on SDMP Minecraft with CaptainSparklez (Schlatt)

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all right charborg let let's see it okay so well uh this is the the base for the most part I mean there is an indoor an interior section which we'll get to I mean you can flip these around if you feel like it if you're bored um but with that being said I mean we've got the path going around back okay uh lots of flowers I love foliage yeah hey you know at least there's no weeds no weed there's some in the back don't worry I'll yeah just get rid of those you know I haven't done lawn care in a bit I'm supposed to get a mower but haven't uh you know just got the crafting table built a bit ago so that's fine we'll get there here's the interior section here oh is this a portrait of Jesus Christ uh oh you noticed the portrait yeah that's him that's God God's son Jesus I've been watching the prayer Channel this been uh I'm a big religious guy wow love God and all he has to offer wow this is beautiful and you will notice the TV license up there this thing is certified so oh you've got the license how oh that's convenient that's good that's good that is one of the bylaws you know okay how are we how are we doing in here oh good and also help yourself to some cake if either of you want it I just that I just feel like we're being so but up I do think that we have a we might have a video problem going on here what's wrong Captain it's the Bible That's the word it's still going to it's still going to lag I got the TV license I'm pretty sure it's still going to lag we might have to put that I don't know that's the word of God I don't know if you can I don't know if you should take that down I study this captain that would be frowned upon by a lot of people a lot of people come by this house to get a little helping of the Gospel it would just be you could play it you do it a a session in the in the theater Captain we can't be seen as the people who tore down the the Bible we'll get out that that will get out that will get out quick and that's not even him that sounded like a a threat if I'm being honest but like I I agree with him at that point you know it's I didn't mean it as a threat I just me like in a completely non-threatening way I will tell people behind your backs uh you know hey um what's I think gossiping about the HOA is against the bylaws actually is that is okay then I won't I don't have to tell anyone I could take it down right now but then it would reveal my secret room that I have oh well that's another rule bylaw of the HOA actually is no secrets so it's pretty you let us know about that that's good you showed us that so I should plug this I mean hey I'll just make a door here it doesn't have to be a secret no no it's no secrets from us specifically like you can you can have your secrets okay so I could just okay here I'll take the TV down I'll just you know I've got a Bible somewhere I'll just read the scripture to the to the people around here and I'll put a maybe a picture up okay charborg what's um what's this lever that that has a sign next to it's saying do not touch what does that do o I don't know I have not touched it I that was here when I no that was there yes I just haven't touched it I don't want to you know I don't want to disobey the sign but I will ined to I'm inclined to trust it if it was genuinely here when he got here yeah who knows what it could do and it's on a painting of the Lord and Savior yeah I you know I would I tried to move it but that involved touching it so I just didn't I put the painting underneath it wouldn't want to and look look at the way Jesus Christ is looking at the lever he's just got I don't know that we should touch that it it does feel like it's beckoning to me a bit Yeah well you got to fight that urge you know Psalm Psalm 371 talks a lot about that sort of thing maybe we could look behind the house and see if there's any Machinery that would activate good idea that's a good call I haven't thought to do that maybe we should look I don't right here nothing there doesn't look like there's anything it be right there it would be right there TR I I don't above oh that's another interesting hold on let's see if we can get like there is nothing above I can I can I'm very tall charborg I say this with full confidence nothing will happen if you click that lever are you sure yes well that's a load off my chest I'll probably click it later tonight then all right what about now yeah let's do it now oh well you guys are got so much going on you probably have to get to the next house probably have to get on your way right well I mean we we do need to inspect thoroughly which might involve that I we we have done some verification now and it seems like it might be okay okay that's good here let me get the painting put back down oh that's some sort of Coliseum that it is so you've you guys don't want to slice you're not hungry feel like you're delaying this why don't you want to pull that lever charborg it's just a sign seems so that's interesting what the hell this has been this has been in my house the whole time danger toxic gases [Laughter] I would gas it's says toxic gases ahead turn back now I would listen to it guys that sounds dangerous what it looks like whatever is here is like right there like it's like I can almost see like some kind of oh oh okay we before this is it see it's just weed man you didn't have to hi this from us weed is allowed of course you just have to cut us in yeah well how much how much of a cut what percentage are we going with 50 50% of all my weed yeah yeah what about opium I have an opium [Music] dimension guys I don't know the Opium I kind of want to keep that holy this is the biggest farm we've seen all day this is a lot of opium man okay not a lot of potential customers there's so much there's so much competition across the neighborhood it's it's going to devalue everything chorg I don't know how to say this but every other neighbor of yours is also growing I feel like well then I'm going to have to graduate to harder drugs I think I might have to make a third layer that's like I don't know crocodile please don't please do not put a redstone torch down revealing the third layer that will come in time okay that we've only got two layers at the moment but I'm planning I'm going for a theme of like the seven layers of hell and so I think I'm going to have to sort of think about what other crops to grow all right okay that's fine that's you know we just asked that Captain at this point I mean we're getting we've got a we've got our hands in in the PT in everyone's pie in the in the pot yeah you could say yeah we the whole pot even we're really in the weeds here we nice nice dude that was a good one hey what um what inspired the shift from weed all the way to Opium um I just had a opium gifted to me so I thought I'd replant it and see where it went and it turned into its own Dimension down here the Opium Dimension cool got it we just ask for a reasonable cut of anything and mail it what we do is we have a mail system so just send it right in the mail pack it up into a nice package and send it off in the mail to either Captain Sparkles or me I can do that yeah I've also I've already got some for the weed if you guys want a sample now sure we actually haven't gotten a sample of weed today it's just been the it's just been the Opium here there's a little package there you guys can sort through that I've also I mean I could probably roll a joint but I need a drawing table and well I just refuse to mine to get iron I've been taking all that I need from bird hey man look I got one for you thank you you know we're we're all pal here and that's what the ho does the HOA is about lifting this neighborhood up thank you I I appreciate it you guys have been super helpful and and sweet to me yeah just remember send us send us that product in the mail absolutely no secrets I'll have some I'll have more like by tonight I'll package this up I'll dry it out great approved I think that's full approval approval thank you oh my goodness Captain I I spruced up the area there were some weeds growing but we took care of those real quick oh I mean yeah there were some underground that's for sure um don't want the cake I made a I'm not hungry at the moment unfortunately also now it questions what else you baked into it so you know I think I'm good go no guys this cake is clean I swear I'm sorry I kept that secret about the you know the seven layers of drugs from you well two layers at the moment it's forgiven you you've been approved I just need a frame oh right here charborg we'll pop it right there thank you there you go thank you guys this is such a great that's so great it makes me so happy this neighborhood's on the up and up it really is you know we we're giving a lot more approvals than I thought we were going to do as soon as these drugs start getting out there in the neighborhood I think things are just going to get better and better yeah me too we can only go up here me too really really high really high up yep really high well thank you guys thanks get back there and uh read my scriptures so good so good that you uh that you were here for this you know it's after you missed the the grand opening yeah that grand opening but I mean I'm sure it was great without me right it was it great it went great I'm glad to hear it I mean hey next next time I won't miss the uh the next grand opening or maybe the grand closing whenever this whole shuts down I'll be there yeah when that's sad to think about we don't need to think about that yet right yeah we we'll cross that bridge in a coup TR light the mood yeah yeah okay thanks man I'll I'll be there regardless all right see you thank you guys okay farewell have a good one we'll do we'll do don't forget your carpet oh thanks is that yours yeah he gave it he gifted it to me oh and the flowers right how can I forget thank you yep
Channel: Jetermoh
Views: 47,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SDMP, jschlatt, aztrosist, fitz, minecraft smp, new smp, modded smp, modded minecraft, Captainsparklez, Jawsh, mikasacus, minecraft, sleep deprived, apandah, Schlatt, Sleep, Deprived, sdmp, schlatt, sleep deprived schlatt, sleep deprived minecraft, mika, mikasa, captainsparklez, captain sparkles, swagger, swagger sdmp, swagger souls, swagger souls minecraft, swaggersouls, government
Id: TROD35zw6dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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