Joyce Meyer || False Teacher

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what's a habit in polite society I hope you had a good week shout out to John who suggested the topic for this week's video well the number of false and heretical statements that Joyce Meyer has made over the years is very very long coming up Bobby responding to some of the prosperity teachers erroneous assertions all right let's delve in Joyce Meyer is a famous religious author and public speaker she is also the president of Joyce Meyer ministries her early life bears some striking similarities to that of another false word of faith teacher or paula white like Paula Joyce has stated that she is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse also like white mrs. Meir claims to have heard God's voice calling out to her Joyce rose to fame through st. Louis radio which helped her become one of the leading religious voices in America this led to her own television ministry I used the term ministry very loosely and a series of best-selling books over the years Joyce has become infamous because of her excessive and lavish lifestyle the prosperity leader reportedly owns a ten million dollar private jet and a two million dollar home the scriptures clearly prohibit teaching for sordid gain but even worst in Joyce's opulent spending czar her blatantly erroneous and heretical teachings the point where he said I commend my spirit into your hands at that point he couldn't do nothing for himself anymore he had become sin he was no longer the son of God he was sin this is rank heresy nowhere do the Scriptures ever teach that Christ stopped being the son of God this is nothing short of an attack on the very nature of Christ and it is a dangerous dangerous false doctrine in essence Joyce is saying that Jesus stopped being the divine eternal son this is an egregious addition to the sacred texts that mrs. Meir needs to retract and repent of Joyce is completely wrong there's really no other way to put it being born again means being saved from the wrath of God to come as a result of one's sins it is also a biblical phrase used to describe regeneration Joyce seems to be piggybacking on the horrific errors of some of the positive confession movement teachers who say that Jesus became born again again this is a serious serious error you know I was listening to a set of tapes by one man and he explained it like this and I think this kind of gets the point across he said you know why do people have such a fit about God calling his creation his creation his man not his whole creation but his man little gods if he's God what's he going to call them but the god kind I mean if you as a human being have a baby you call it a human kind if cattle has another cattle they call it cattle kind so I mean what's God supposed to call us doesn't the Bible say we're created in His image this is a common word of faith or radical teaching that is primarily based on faulty interpretations of Psalm 82 John 10 and Genesis 1 Psalm 82 is a warning to unjust judges God is the judge of judges just as he is elsewhere described as the king of kings and Lord of lords God accuses these judges of judging unjustly and accepting the bribes of the wicked he tells them to defend the poor and fatherless then God changes voices and talks about these unjust judges saying that they do not understand God says that he has called them gods and that they are children of God nevertheless he warns them that they will die like men and princes dying and being made in God's image doesn't mean human beings are little gods the imago Dei means we have dominion over the animal kingdom and that we are personal beings like God it does not mean that we share God's divine nature that is a lie from the pit of hell that is what I work and if I still was then Jesus died in vain I'm gonna tell you something folks I didn't stop spinning until I finally go through my thick head I wasn't a sinner anymore and the religious world thinks that heresy and they want to hang you for it but the Bible says that I'm righteous and I can't be righteous and be a sinner at the same time yeah I mean you can't get more heretical than this first John 1:8 clearly states if we say that we have no sin we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us notice that both John here and Paul elsewhere include themselves among sinners does anyone out there seriously believe that Joyce is better in character than these two apostles yeah I didn't think so by failing to recognize her own sinfulness Joyce places herself completely outside the true family of God I'm not going to speculate as to her motives behind this but this false teaching is as anti biblical and unchristian as you can get Joyce's apologist often try to defend her by saying that the prosperity teacher made these statements years ago and no longer teaches any of this in fact they would argue that recently Joyce has even said that her prosperity teaching got quote-unquote out of balance but as Justin Peters has said genuine repentance bears fruit genuine repentance from Joyce would look like her confessing that she has been teaching a false Jesus with a false gospel she would withdraw her endorsements of false teachers like Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen she would shut her heretical ministry down and place herself under solid qualified elders and spent years learning sound doctrine Joyce has done none of this there is so much more that could be said about Joyce Myers such as her direct disobedience of 1st Corinthians 14 of 1st Timothy 2 which restrict the office of pastor elder to qualified males only as well as her bizarre teaching that Jesus was tormented in hell but I hope you found this brief survey helpful I've posted some additional links related to Joyce below which I think you'll find useful in summation Joyce Meyer is a false teacher who has been marked as a heretic by solid Christian leaders for many years now if you are caught in her web of deceit I pray that the Spirit of God will work in your heart and enable you to turn away from the false Jesus of the Word of Faith Movement and turned towards the true Jesus as he is freely offered in the true gospel ladies and gents if you have your own thoughts be sure and leave them in the comment section down below thanks for watching guys if you like that video please give it a thumbs up if you like the content on this channel you can subscribe by clicking on the icon on the bottom right then you can hit the bell for notifications I upload a new video every Wednesday and every Saturday have an awesome week and for my brothers and sisters in the Lord may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all always I will see you all on the next video God's blessings on your week
Channel: Polite Leader
Views: 263,561
Rating: 4.5617528 out of 5
Keywords: joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer false teacher, joyce meyer false prophet, joyce meyer heresy, joyce meyer heretical quotes, joyce meyer little gods, joyce meyer jesus is not the son of god, joyce meyer jesus was born again, joyce meyer i am not a sinner, joyce meyer false gospel, joyce meyer prosperity gospel, joyce meyer word of faith preachers, joyce meyer exposed, joyce meyer false christian, joyce meyer christianity, joyce meyer 2020, joyce meyers 2019
Id: yagLOZLaAaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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