Journey Home - Former International Boxing Champion - Marcus Grodi w Paolo Roberto - 11-15-2010.flv

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hello and welcome to the journey home I'm Marcus Grodi your host and tonight we present to you guests who come to us from Stockholm Sweden the first is paulo roberto TV host and former international boxing champion his radical conversion was rooted in his childhood and Italian heritage which exposed him early to the Catholic faith Paula welcome to the journey home program it's it's great to have you a part of this this program has been going on for about ten years as a result of mother Angelica's invitation to interview men and women who are converts of the church or in your case came back to the faith after being way out there for a while and I think when our audience hears the stories like your as it gives them a real encouragement for themselves as well as well as their family that they even though they've drifted way away yet the Hound of heaven will keep after them so what I'd like to do is get out of the way and then invite you to start a bit from the beginning talk about your early spiritual upbringing of you well at the beginning I was you know brought up as a Catholic you know I went to church every Sunday I went to Sunday school I was an altar boy you know I was the dream son and I liked going to church I liked being an altar boy you know I really loved money here in Sweden Stockholm Sweden yeah and it was a bit strange for my you know the classmates you know a kid who goes to church and you know because Sweden is the most secular country in the world so it was a bit strange but at that time you know I always loved being a different type of person but it all changed when I came up growing up and got interested in girls and I was starting having problems in school and you know and I can exactly know the moment when my life changed i was i was going different coming up going to school with all the children and I was training already at that time everyone you know I'm the boxer I was a boxing champion on everything and I was training then you have your mind set in that direction in terms of those goals or you just like working out no no I was training I was competing at that time I will change training martial arts I was a champion in Taekwondo and kickboxing and everything yeah the boxing was much later in my life but I was growing up and was starting a different grade with all the kids and they wanted to pick on me because I was you know it was coming from a foreign country my father's Italian I got the Italian name and you know I was Christian Catholic and and one of those kids were the tough guy in the corner that's interesting because you were Italian Catholic yeah in Stockholm Sweden yeah that was a problem that was a problem to picked on man you know as a little strange kid and then foreign you know it's always women in Sweden did talk about they have no problem with racism they had one of those kids he punched me and I got mad trained all my life since I was 7 years old and and I punched him out really really bad and he was old and bigger and everything and from that day I was the King on the school and from that day my life changed I started to hang out with tough kids with problems you know going to Stockholm City you know drinking fighting you know my life went to literally I never I never noticed the different of everyday but it's like a small it's like a scale every day you take a small small step and you get more into it more criminal more bad person the first first time you see in a fight somebody bleeds somebody you know fellow human being you feeling the pain you feel for them you know you feel for them you feel bad but if you there many times you have many people bleeding in front of your feet then you notice something else power a little bit yeah you know yeah no but every stuck on said to everybody know if they didn't know what I showed them and you know and the small small steps into violence into the bad life you know attend the police rank me that's one of the three most dangerous men under 18 years old in Sweden or eighty yeah I'm stabbed three times you know I'm got shocked and everything so it's just luck you know God's grace that I'm alive is that kind of gang life a problem in Stockholm Sweden yeah it is I think nothing to say the viewers outside yes we may not know no no but it is it's not like in America it's not but the problem you know I'm stabbed three times it comes out and it's a problem it's not the bigger problem that is maybe not the country's believe it's a problem and it's getting much bigger in Sweden we taking on many many refugees with problems you know all this adds up to so that we sweeten is one of the most Sweden is the safest country in the world almost done but it's but you also mentioned one of the most secularized in the world and a part of the result of that is going to be this kind of outbreak of violence because the loss of a distinction between what's right and wrong yeah I mean you had some upbringing as a choirboy yeah and an altar boy but that as you said slowly had been weaned away from your conscience because you it's got so many rewards that is immediate like this you get famous you get girls you get sex you get everything your money you know you're famous people are afraid of it you get power you know you imagine the sounds for a kid that age you coming to and people are afraid of you its power you you even you have the police running here in Stockholm they were afraid of me and I wasn't young young kid it's it's it's under 18 yeah it's an easy just curiously was the church at all in your life during that period yeah yeah it was actually I think I always kept the reference to God because I'm brought up you you pray every time you go to bed and I always prayed it didn't mean nothing to me during that the years but I prayed and I still had the contract with God and I think that's important and if you go to jail and you know they you cry and you pray to God and they'll help me help me but he was always there you know on the floor in jail you know it's God it's important and I want to you know that was big you know Easter and you know I want to show your cousin because you know we do that as a tradition because of faith but I always believed actually it's the strangely as it may seem always been I always believed in God and actually how I came off the street wasn't my faith it was a farm boxing yeah I was describe the difference between the the kind of pugilism you did before versus boxing what is the difference it's a big difference if you fight in the street that the fights are very short it's it's pure aggression pure hate it's like and mostly if you hit hit the person you know they they you don't knock them out they feel the pain I didn't want to continue maybe many people can't take the pain but in boxing they can take the pain it's 12 10 rounds the other guy is prepared and he wants to fight you it's a whole different story it's not one round it's 12 rounds and you have to control that that's a thing that people don't understand they people think that boxing is aggression it's it's the opposite it's controlling aggression you have to be a little bit aggressive first round a little bit aggressive second round 12 rounds you have two doses every one so so you also have some padding on your hands yeah right you got the gloves it's different because if you punch a guy in the face in the street you know it cuts and everything but a professional glove it's very it's not big so it's in the way that's different the power in the punch is the same industry as in the boxing you don't get cut that's the big difference but you know how'd you get involved that because you said in the one hand you're being sought by the police but then you have the freedom to go into boxing and you not develop the records such that that had prevented you from the freedom of going you have not being locked up a couple of times but not for a long time in Sweden at that time the young young because I was young and I think that's good actually I think if they put me into jail with all the people I wouldn't be here today I would 100% be dead and I can see your mouth France you know all the the guys who ruled the street the the mouth the mob and everything it's my own France you know they they they governed around the world of Stockholm and they're rich you know the drugs and everything so but I found boxing and was I was a Taekwondo champion and I was they wanted to make a fight the kickboxing champion of Sweden against the Taekwondo champion of Sweden and see who's the toughest and I was at the cuando champion another guy near a close the kickboxing champion and and I understand stood because it was gonna go professional rules kickboxing that I have to learn how to box because I was I could kick but I could have box and I went down to the nearest boxing club and I punched a bag bit or no training look at that thing but then he didn't give a damn because they were too important guy who gonna fight in the next week and he was boring but the next round he looked a bit and he screamed over the training facility so watch your weight and I went 69 kilos in one candy can you be six to six to seven Saturday as a yes then you got a fight so I trained three times and I made my first amateur fight and won that a knockout one month after three days of training yeah a month later a box for the for the kick boxing championships professional kickboxing I was champion and half year of the data I was a professional boxer and it was 10 years of my life 10 years yeah what I did 34 fights fought for the world title in everything and it was it was like wrestling with my demons the boxing it helped me a lot and it made me a champion made me famous in Sweden you know maybe rich I got money and everything but and he took me off the street that's what's important so you the environment in the boxing world yeah it was a positive one for of course it gave me that might be a surprise to the audience yeah it gave me everything the streets could give me except it was negan so I could all my aggression all my head because I had a lot of a lot of aggression my growing up that bad life you know I had that in my I hated a lot of hate and my boxing people talk about technique you know I had no tag you know it was pure hate I was you know I'm more famous in Sweden for my title fights when I lost because I could take a lot of punishment that come turnaround fights and everything so some of us are aware of the Rocky movies yeah is there a resemblance Swedish rock you know one time the fighter broke my jaw got two teeth pawnshop broke my nose broke a rib got 22 20 stitches in my face but I didn't go down getting famous getting money in down it was something missing in my life see I was wondering you'd said the boxing environment was a positive move yeah so it's same it makes it legal but it doesn't protect you from the power the prestige the prosperity there's still that there which can be that demon yeah that demon of self centered yes power you're top of the world yeah so you were there right I mean you would experienced all that I didn't change much I was still a bastard actually were bad against the people now you know that was a bad persons but uh I didn't fight in the street you know controlled environment for that expression but you know I've had a lot of women you know I was a gigolo and you know everything except punching people in the face there I was punching people in the face in the ring now so so it saved me from that but something was missing for me to be a whole person because I had still big big wounds in my soul you know that I needed to heal start becoming aware of I felt it you know if you top of the world everybody wants your autograph you know a champ you know on that you know but I wasn't really really happy something was missing I was standing there so look I'm telling on television I always made two films I started two films you know I went something why why why am I not happy this is happiness if you read in the book you made it you live in a big house you get everything Drive the expensive car you get beautiful girlfriends no one you got girlfriends what's missing actually you know I went to Catholic school when I was a kid I understood of course it's the soul so I started to read about some Buddhism no it's interesting there was nothing for me you know meditating started with yoga but it didn't he my soul and I was wounded with a girlfriend in Rome the flashy guy and took it to Rome and we live in a big fancy hotel and I you know you have to if you're in Rome you have to go to see st. Peter's then that's and I get some michael tattooed on my back a big being tattooed when he tell your audience I mean that was not as a result of going the room you had done that yeah I did it because it looks tough you know I was fighting an American lot and I saw the Mexicans again irreligious tattoos look tough that's a bit I'm a bit Catholic - you know I was altar boy when I was young some way I made the tattoo and I found it in a book there and I know that it was a drawing from st. Peters so we would go in there and we looked at all the things and some gotta see the big and it's Mikey's altar in wonder and was you couldn't go there was people stopped you come come and so what can do those people go they're going to confession I said well I looked at this big painting and I saw I saw actually he looked at me 75 look I just going to confession - and I went there and I don't know how many very very good the priests took my confession he understood Sweden he understood that we have you know free sex and I was you know in Sweden and we're a very secular country and he understood me and we talked and talked and talked and I confessed all my sins and and when I came out I was clean I washed my soul and I was crying big times and anything is a good country actually to cry and every everywhere were you crying is a big fat lady was to give you a hug so that's a good good banner banner that it was a lady I'm from that time I'm going to church and the girlfriend who was there she's my wife now did you continue boxing after that yeah I continued boxing I was a champion and but something healed in my soul oh you know I got civilized my wife got pregnant and I was going to be a father and I think I was happy for the first time in my life and then you shouldn't box because I some people maybe box some technique and I bought some pure hate and if you bought some pure hates being happy doesn't work so I defended my title and me my wife decide this is the last fight and a fourth örjan Tinian champion and as they fight for me you know it was nothing and and I jabbed and I felt this fights congruous and that's the last thing I remember next time I was sitting in the locker woman and I couldn't understand what happened this is what happened you got knocked out or something but I couldn't you know and did all these fights and my technique was you know people hitting the south tired of my oh my oh my hair you know but from that day but I actually didn't feel sorry I lost my title and you know your heart was different now now I put different and you know I continued my new life you know I work in television now on oh yeah what tell the arts what do you do now with your life I have three companies quite big I'm Northern Europe's biggest fight promoter I work in Sweden's biggest channel a channel 4 and I've write cookbooks I'm Sweden's most sold cookbook right yeah you can imagine that 18 18 years old 10 I tell my friends you know the bad guys I'm gonna be cookbook writer punch me out so so I'm mostly working on television with sports shows but now I'm doing a cooking show cook I'm going down tomorrow actually to cook with my aunts so it's coming there and that's in a couple months you know I'm wondering there might be families out there that have young people caught up in that yeah what do you say to the family I think I think it's it's many people go my my son gots got problems what can I do but it has to start much more sooner you you have to give them a foundation to stand on because when I decided that that's the difference with me and my friends are dead now were in jail and you know I had a foundation it was my Christian belief and my family I had something to stand on when I I wanted to stop off but if you if you're like 25 26 30 years old and you you living is beating up people doing robberies and you know what can you do what's what's the alternative nothing so it's it's a big fight you know to tell you about Iran especially when you're in a culture as you say it's so secularize there's a lot of voices out there from the outside as well as within yeah and if they don't have a good clear voice about their faith then pretty soon whatever voice is there about the faith gets drowned out by all those other voices you know like the voice of violence the voice of self-centeredness the voices of lust and all those things which you experienced yeah buts we just got big problems with the most secular country in the world we also the healthiest continual you know sweet serene whiteness but the Swedes are most sickly people in the world and and everybody goes in switch or what's wrong we're healthy but everybody's sick what's the problem I can tell you what's the problem is Sweden they're not sick these souls are hurting that that's the problem you've got nothing to live for well what if you don't have a God if you don't have a purpose with your life what should you live for of course you're gonna get depressed what do you buy a new TV set a new car it's not going to make you happy and then sweetness the example is it's the rich rich country and very very developed you know but people are unhappy and your own example of having reached everything you know is the example of people trying to seek meaning in life apart from God and then sometime God will let you go for a while yeah and then touch in the midst of that which is what he did in your own conscience yeah touch to help you know that you were missing something Paulo thank you so much for sharing your journey it's a good challenge to us because I know that there are young people that will be watching your families out there watching that the kids are getting pulled away into these other voices and your witness is a part of a witness to them yeah so thank you so much thank you turn your home and cooking show your cooking books and your other programs that's neat to see how God is using your witness here in this culture in a variety of different ways so thank you very much okay and I thank you for joining us on this special episode of the journey home from Stockholm god bless you welcome back to this journey home the Scandinavian episode taped in Stockholm Sweden we turn now to off silver link science teacher an editor for Catullus Observatory a Catholic newspaper in the diocese he and his family were also instrumental in providing ongoing help and information that helped make this program possible all welcome to the journey home it's a great thank you and to have you as a guest and and I wanted to take the time also to thank you and your wife what was your name again si si that's our eyesight for such fine hospitality providing the meals for us as we take these sessions here in Stockholm I'd like to invite you as I do most of my guests to begin the program by giving us a little summary of your spiritual background thank you it's an honor for us to receive you in Stockholm this distant corner of the world weather around maybe 65 or 85 thousand Catholics so that's a growing number here in sui it's a growing but you know converts are not contributing that much around 70 or 100 year but we have of course a lot of immigrants coming and now from Iraq Chaldean Catholics many but I didn't know anything about that during my when I was brought up because I was brought up in a very normal Swedish family with three brothers my father was caretaker in big farms south of Stockholm and my mother was teacher I wasn't brought up in any religious special way at all except normal and that is to pray in the evening and maybe visit the church when during Christmas so but it was one thing my parents gave us and that was don't lie so the truth to light was the worst thing you could do at home and that I think has really me and my brothers we have very hard to do to light each other to other people well that's a good gift yeah even though they didn't practice a faith that he said very actively but yet gleaned from the faith golden rule and the importance of truth so that was a good gift they gave you bringing so Christmas and Easter though was your main attendance right is that common amongst Easter you know Christmas Easter no Easter is just three days for Swedish people well interesting why yeah that's interesting just the Easter holiday did the Lutheran Church here in Sweden after it broke from the Catholic Church during the Reformation did it also break away from the the Catholic celebrations yes we we have actually some some small remaining so what you should say for example in my home we had fish Friday and that's maybe something from the Catholic time I don't know what might be that the swish is what the fish is one of the biggest markets in Sweden right but your primary product so it's a good support fish on Friday but that's great so what about your catechesis growing up and you'll learn your faith very strongly oh no nothing actually I went to Sunday school but it was this you know very fundamental fundamental things that they talked about God we didn't pray I don't think we prayed with things like that I was in the choir in the old medieval church in our village I don't know what I had from that but a question about faith and about religion came later on in high school when we were some friends some boys were interested in in ideas in science to discuss we read a lot Dostoevsky all the novels philosophy and of course if you did with philosophy and history you have to deal with religion sooner or later and with with the church and with Christ sooner or later you you have to and it came to a point where one of my friends he came up to me I was maybe 25 years old or something like that with the Creed and he's he said he read the first sentence and said yes or no what are you doing I said you cannot expect me to say that now of course you are now in a grown-up intellectual man you have to you have to have some opinion about this and then he started to read next sentence yes or no Wow you cannot do that to me this is private it's not private itself so that was a start point actually and then I asked myself do I believe in God yes and his son Jesus Christ Oh much harder so and then I started to think and then I came to that point yes I believe in God the Creator and his son but what about church well I belong to the Lutheran Church I'm baptized there I stayed there but I'd never go to church should I start to go to church okay I start so I started I had no I had no experience supernatural nothing and I went to the Lutheran Church during Sunday's it was quite boring actually because what I saw was people who were passively when sitting listening and I was also sitting and listening and then I started to read the whole history of the church and the controversy theology Luther everything I tried to save Luther oh I was really fighting for him I tried I gave him a chance yes of course because that was my church right against my Catholic friends because two of my friends became Catholics independent of each other in from the same class from school and I thought something's happening here I had to defend myself and defend my Lutheran faith which I didn't even had acquainted from the beginning so I tried so you're having to learn your faith in your 20s so you can defend it against your Catholic radians except that's great but you know to solve something that they haven't done in 500 years and I should do it myself it was very hard so of course you hit the wall sometime and then I did so and I went out to I traveled a lot I came to Spain I made the whole Spain Spanish Peninsula walking all this and I came to college the pilgrimage students and no part of it okay I visited many Roman Church and churches and these old portals with the features and it was something in the faces of all these romantic sculptures that attracted me and said I said to myself this is the European spirit this is something I want to be like that I saw something there that maybe was lost here and I also met people who had this sense of human weakness you know especially I remember one scene from Siviglia I came there semana santa and from practically from Sweden into semana santa Siviglia you know and it was a procession and they stopped and someone singing very you know it's tragical songs for Christ and Ross and for the band standing next to me a good suit and so on and he was crying took up his handkerchief it's really crying and I know they're very religious I thought and then he took up a big cigar like that put it in his mouth and lit the cigar and really enjoyed the cigar and continued to cry and to me why do I tell you that because it was against what I have learnt about religion religion is church it's someone you know some religious feelings and so on but and the other thing the cigar is the world but not the two things at the same time no be possible and then I thought maybe I had to learn something from this culture which actually is the European culture the Christian European culture and then I started to smoke cigars no but you started examining this aspect of your own Catholic history yeah that had been left pushed out that's right here in Sweden so really seeing it there in Spain was a confirmation to what you were experiencing back at at home did you did that bring about your conversion to the Catholic Church down there in Spain or what what were them no okay because I try to solve that Lutheran thing but I didn't so I started to go here in the in the catio where we are next next house here incognito Lost's well you know every Sunday almost without being Catholic I was just there just presented myself because I thought I cannot solve this anymore and I will just be here and see what they are doing so one and a half year I went and but I didn't have any you know angel coming to me you must be some Catholic no experience no supernatural experience nothing and then this was 84 maybe and then I was invited to a friend to retreat the first in my life it was when Opus Dei came to Sweden the first retreat in an ordinary village was quite horrible actually wouldn't reveal asoto was stockholm and then of course four days in silence you know it creates a lot of thinking mm-hmm and us I asked God should I become carefully but he didn't answer silence so what to do because now I had been you know every Sunday one and a half year studying trying to solve the Lutheran things no answer nothing and then I remembered a sentence from st. Augustine when he say if you don't have the faith see that you will have the faith do something so you will have the faith don't just wait for it so I I said to myself okay no answer from there or from there I decide I will become a Catholic and I went to the priest asked him and so on and he he said well it's so long but anyhow then I had made a step and I went out for a walk in the forest we have just you know one hour between the meditations then the Sun came through the clouds down and lit a small thing in front of me and suddenly the nature became so beautiful I never seen it like that and it it it it was a whole weekend so no he didn't say anything but at least he confirmed yeah you knew the devil you know sometimes I think God speaks to us in ways that when we tell other people about it they may not appreciate it as much as we appreciate it because we knew that that was God speaking to us you know sometimes I lose something in Lord help me find it I found it and I know he helped me I know he did I can't explain to anybody else but I know and what you're saying is that that moment of that shaft of light you knew was a confirmation from God him responding to your just your thinking about becoming Catholic in that way and that was on that retreat that you're on still right yeah well was that the moment I mean was it that was that the final decision or do you ever did your family like that decision for you well they were not against it maybe they didn't understood it but but you sense that that was your call did when you came back from the retreat during that weekend how long was it before you able to enter the church one here maybe so go through some our CIA training so yeah I went to some Father for I just had some few questions I said what should we do I think we start with Adam and Eve and then we go the whole way I said but we'd never reached further second genus the genus or something like that and then we were finished you were ready I had some questions of course because I had put all these questions against the church I think I have more arguments than the Adventists against the Catholic Church because there is also one thing that truth I've been I was studying the Fathers of the Church and also st. Thomas and what astonished me was that they had so far believed in truth so they could even put arguments themselves against their own faith so that was very impressive to me that's nice it's truly Aquinas right there in his whole soon as there everything right so I'm trying to live after that now and to me now in my life now the truth is very important and to try to so even in my profession to try to to show people that truth is something that is even if someone say there is no truth then you believe in him and then you must believe that he tells you the truth so that's in st. Thomas also you're this journey of faith for you which you describe is more intellectual than experiential yeah but would make sense for you I mean you're a scientist right you treat you teach science yeah how did you find that as a part of your journey of the Catholic Church that was there a contradictory challenge for you as a man of science as you were drawn to the faith did you find that a problem no I had problems with what colleagues when I was doing some research in genetics but not with science itself because I see it in the same tradition as Albertus Magnus and st. Thomas a search for truth I mean without those without the Christian philosophy and they believe the belief that truth is we shouldn't have any science at all we shouldn't have any Nobel Prizes so to me it's a bit strange this campaign against religion from the same scientific side it's really the history of science was essentially a search for the fingerprints of God I mean that's what science was it used to be that saw it started to see how God did things to understand that and of course now modern science you make a divorce between God is the creator and and the sciences and I what you're saying is that in your own search you recognize that faith and reason go together like our wonderful Holy Fathers have said very recently what are you doing now that you're Catholic in the service of your church well when I am celebrating my 50th birthday I certain to the guests that now I have to do something for the church because I've received so very much so I'm trying to run a web magazine called cattles Observatory which is like a fairy tale but we try to distribute texts translated texts from mainly from from the Pope at all from other writers from other sources even Fathers of the Church and all the articles and I'm involved in many things here and sometimes you have means but no ideas and sometimes you have ideas but no means so I'm also in a foundation that has a big fantastic villa donated to us and we don't know exactly what to do with it and that's very strange so sometimes you have something but not the the thing to do with it and sometimes you have ideas and no means but I I'm trying really to to use my talents for to distribute thoughts I think that's what what I mainly I'm doing now do you now is that you teach biology yes right that's particularly the area of science biology where most of the controversies arise oh yeah does that come up in your classes every day every week yes especially for my colleagues and they are they are really surprised by by my how I can put these two things together to believe in the Creator and and at the same time to to learn evolution they say you cannot say creator to the students why not maybe they think you are a creationist you know this that world has been created seven days and so on six days I say I am actually because I am a Catholic and I believe that the world was created of course and nobody can take that from me but how it was created well that's another story yeah we look in science we look at evidence but I mean isn't it amazing that Darwinists almost speak of natural selection as if it's a god oh yes it's an agent doing things in doermann he talks about natural selection as an agent dynamic forces and things the strategy of evolution and things like that so it's contradictory it is so they find it hard for us to believe in a God but they don't challenge their own absurd beliefs in in this age well what's this agent you know where people even talk about mother nature as if it's a being but deny the reality of God they're trying to put it somewhere else a a purpose somewhere else are you seeing in your work than in Sweden of the scientists do you see any openness towards the faith it's in Sweden you see that Nakata see within among my students sometime scientists I haven't seen very much it's hard there because it's their reputation and it's their position its tenure right I mean they've got a lot of issues and in some ways it's sad it it locks them in to a constricted environment of where they really aren't free to examine the reality of God but at the same time you have a lot of Jewish scientists you have Muslims and how they they do because they are more fundamental than than we Catholics are nobody asks about that question so that's a bit strange to me but I I admiring really the scientific work and I'm not against science to me it shows the mystery of the creation and for everything we have figured out we have five thousand new questions so it's a the miracle is every day actually we talk about miracles but it is every day life is a miracle and I mean the fact that you and I are sitting here with our hearts beating continuing to be killed all the years that we live that is a miracle we couldn't make our ability to try and make something to duplicate the heart is it's so difficult to do that but we have this simple organism that God has created that just if we can see the joy of that then that's really appreciating science the way it was intended to be appreciated rather than as humanity packing ours patting ourselves on the back for how smart we are I mean that's absurd it's really God everything we have is of God it's not a threat towards science but some people they think it is in your web magazine that you translate to have you translated John Paul's wonderful encyclical on faith and reason I think yes well I think so but mainly we have Benedict's texts and his wonderful thinking clear thinking we try to put it in Swedish language so that's a great service that's a great service well thank you so much thank you very much on the journey home for for sharing your journey with the audience and I think particularly your your commitment to recognize the relationship to faith and reason and science and our faith is not a contradiction but but very much a part of our Catholic faith the search for truth I mean that's what we're all about so thank you and also again thank you and your wife for your hospitality thank you for coming here and I hope you have a nice time in Stockholm and discover our beautiful city here all right thank you all and thank you for joining us on this episode of the journey home god bless you look forward to being with you again you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 14,454
Rating: 4.9741936 out of 5
Keywords: EWTN, Journey, Home, Marcus, Grodi, Paolo, Roberto, Former, International, Boxing, Champion, Ulf, Silfverling, Editor, Katolsk, Obsevatör, Catholic, JHT01252
Id: SCx3Mdib5D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 10sec (3070 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2010
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