Joseph Prince - Forgiveness Explained ( A Heaven To Gain And A Hell To Shun)

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in the agreement that God has with men today we have different kinds of agreement in the Garden of Eden all right the first covenant God says the only agreement for men to live forever in paradise is that every tree you can eat except for one the day you eat of it you shall surely die right what tree was that knowledge of good and evil so what if I'm ask you a question what if Adam kicked the dog will leave forfeit paradise well he dies physically no what if he and Eve had an argument all right and he says something he should have said to Eve will he forfeit paradise well he died physically no so what's the only agreement back then there's no Ten Commandments nothing in the garden only one thing don't eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil which is a very thing mended and if forfeited paradise as a result whenever you see a funeral whenever you look at the newspapers you see obituaries whenever you hear of children dying of cancer you see this nothing no this God is not at fault man is God never want these things to come in to earth but sin brought these things in to earth okay you need me to tell you how despiteful how terrible how awful sin is and you look at the cross of Jesus Christ all right God did not spare his own son when he took our place look at how he suffered on the cross because sin in order to appreciate the extra vegan love of God you must know the severity of sin our grace message is not a message of universal grace Universal love God love everybody you know God love the flowers the trees the birds the end the cockroaches the stones and I got love everybody you know it's not that kind of love it's not it's a responsible strong love where he sent his son because he God is also justice on one side God is love and God is justice in one because God is justice the whole universe is still in place because every time he says something it stands and when God says the soul that sins must die God cannot back up and say boys will be boys sweep everything under the carpet if God is a God of his word he must be a god of justice he must punish sin but then God is love he doesn't to punish you he didn't want to punish me he they don't punish our children so it seems like God has a dilemma isn't it but the wisdom of God God sent his son and on the cross Jesus Christ fulfill God's justice all right in other words Jesus Christ took our sins he who knew no sin he who did no sin in him is no sin became sin on the cross with your sins and my sins and then God punished Jesus for all our sins amen on the cross every lash of judgment every stroke of condemnation every stripe of disease fell upon Jesus stroke after stroke stripe at the stripe lash at the lash after lash after stroke until finally Jesus cried it is finish and the last stroke felt finished and all heaven he satisfied listen carefully our sins were they punished or not were they punished are we forgiven because we escaped the punishment of our sins no our sins were punished but in the body of another our sins were punished that shows God's justice but in the body of another that shows God's love because it was God who sent Jesus he was God who planned this he's not the kind of love God loves everybody universal grace universal love everybody going to heaven no hell no such thing there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun and God's God sent Jesus because Jesus preached about hell more than any other person in the Gospels he told us there's a place where the woman does not die and the fire is not quenched hell I mean sin is horrible cinema tell there's sin destroys relationships it brings diseases sin caused people to die you're going to have a a hatred towards sin Amen you can never appreciate God's grace until you hate you know have a kind of hatred towards sin then can appreciate God's grace and for you to have a true estimate of sin it's not just saying I hate sin look at across that's how terrible sin is it put even God's Son to die such a terrible death for you and I but the fact he did die now if you got is a just God and God look at you and you sin and God says never mind I am love never mind all of your going to heaven what kind of God is that there is no justice and none of you can enjoy life if you know it God can change its mind tomorrow today is a by my mercy I forgive all of you let me tell you this we're not forgiven by God's mercy God's mercy sent his son we are forgiven by God's justice we are forgiven by God's righteousness the the Bible lingo is righteousness it's God's justice do you understand when somebody took our place amen it does not just this there's no rules there's no fun amen I'm looking at the laws of Moses here I'm talking about about justice because of God's justice the whole universe is moving in His perfect cosmos in its order I love God's justice you don't got to be an unjust you won't got to be just so our forgiveness is not based on because it's oh you know what I pity all of you sinners so I just forgive all of EULA know there is a reason why he forgave us and the reason was provided by him he sent his son his son was punished because sins cannot go unpunished his son was punished at the cross for all our sins until every sin of your entire life is punished alright and God looks at you in got this from now on I cannot punish you if you believe in him why your sins have been punished that is God's justice and that gives us rock-solid foundation for our faith in Jesus do you understand
Channel: Joseph Prince
Views: 227,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grace, gospel, jesus, joseph, prince
Id: Wb0M4Vjt01g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2011
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