Joseph Anderson plays Danganronpa - Highlights

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[Music] [Music] how's it going oh man okay here we are with with danganronpa so we're gonna we're gonna turn it off and we're gonna play something else instead let's play some clicker here is soo is that out let's see um I'm refreshing not out that sucks all right I guess we'll just play danganronpa alright like if you asked me what my favorite song was or my favorite movie or TV show they'd all just be whatever's most popular at that particular moment while you're a [ __ ] nor me Makoto nor me is your name all right we're the normy well let me just tell you about the preparation oh yeah all right what did you do with koto yeah I too shall go very well hey wait don't leave me here all alone but don't make me say stuff that might destroy NASA's dreams I just couldn't bear that why are you significant or finger bro where was it where was it you got you eat you got a little party stash in your pocket and you've been you know fingering a little bit and then you're like get a whiff keep yourself calm like what's going on surviving students 15 oh wow really is fortnight during your stay here at hopes Peak Academy you'll find coins scattered throughout the school these mono coins are treasures valued by kings and Fiza like you can use the handbook menu to see how many mono coins you currently have there are more coins in here than there are moons in Super Mario I ought to see it don't believe you there's no way all right like I mean try it store yeah there's a coin oh we already searched that one though yes it was a coin site yes you've got 16 coins 16 coins we have more coins than the age of any of these girls in this game let's look at all them and see if one of them has a coin oh my god it does oh [ __ ] hell outside here's a cookie yes called it called it is there coin with the fish it's a fish tank there's a bunch of little fish thing or inside also a coin yeah looks like some kind of switch I wonder what it does it gives it's cool it really makes me nervous that there are three digits in that coin counter here's a coin I've never been more wrong oh I would this one with this one this one has a coin for sure for sure it has a coin there's nothing inside except a coin now oh no this is where the bathroom cleaning supplies are stored and the coin I don't see anything useful here but there's a coin just coin the [ __ ] here we go again coin rare coin yes yes all right it's really really important that we searched the whole thing for coins that itself looks exactly the same but no sack is slept on it makes me look forward to trying it out for myself yes yes the killer tux Ayaka in the main room which is when her wrist got broken after that the killer corner turned the bathroom where they inflicted the deadly wounds okay so what she tried to write a love Pesa akka to the wall behind her and there I saw okay written in blood with the numbers no it's Leon what the [ __ ] you talking about it's an leon1974 on it's Leon upside down one 103 7 Oh what could it mean I don't know dying message as it's so [ __ ] obvious I mean here sitting on hmm-hmm some people were late I wonder if that there's a correlation there hmm like the door there's no way they open the door at night so maybe and they must have known it was Mikoto that was in here so hmm I wonder what the reason the motive the person could and it's looking just a [ __ ] Leon [ __ ] written on the [ __ ] door and poking around at it - B - D - [ __ ] [ __ ] - D - D but there's all this predates to be and there's all kinds of trash [ __ ] like that maybe you'll get tired of - D and then turn - I would never get tired and C I would never get tired of to be that's when I hit the button last time where's the okay all right there we go all right so objection the killer used some random knife no no it wasn't some random knife no no that's wrong that's wrong it's time to duel do you think all right I know the meme that we're taking from this game no that's wrong is gonna be we're gonna say this every single stream for now on the knife disappeared while keno was in the dining room but I wasn't there the entire time in other words there's no way I could have taken the knife what's what's with the pumping of the avatar and left hand side there this is what Sayaka could have seen I'm sorry the seat isn't that bad I just take the [ __ ] pulsing avatars bouncing up and down it's just really making me laugh no you're wrong I'm gonna have to get a piece of paper and put all my funds on the screen my hands there I never want to see that ever again my left hand is up on the screen I'm blocking that out hey guys I'm thinking of replacing the dragon animation that plays whenever we got a new sub with something else that's on the screen right now what do you think but even if that really is an end and zero three seven doesn't make any more sense than before I just don't know rotate the image 180 degrees whose nickname is Noel whose nickname I excuse myself wait Leon here's my answer here's my answer if you turn the message around see you're soft you need more training okay I've got the perfect remedy to keep someone like you as fit as a fiddle huh what kind of remedy yeah actually I do this myself every morning go on you just strip down you ice go on then take a dry towel and start rubbing down your bare skin oh my god what I'm just proud you're dating Morgana in this game wait what what do you mean ow he is Morgana's voice actress what furious typing Cassandra Lee Morris videogame personified Morgana denken rambha ouch ah [ __ ] oh god oh god I'm I'm gonna I'm not gonna be able to not heat unhear it now okay I'm curious shut up you it is work now I hear it I hear it god damn you chat she's doing cat face again the Morgan is coming through I love going out on my apartment balcony stripping down feeling the wind on my skin and doing some good old-fashioned towel treatment god it feels so amazing I never let him morning pass without getting a good rub alright there it is I was wondering if it was being sincere or not but there it is there's the line okay yeah they knew what they were doing alright there it is Oh [ __ ] hell you'll fall down in front of me down on your knees I'll show you where to do it yeah big talk from someone whose face is about to explode this all morning they were buddy-buddy as soon as they walked in it feels gross yeah burns on her watch feels gross hell no it feels great more like out of the bangs I I think you guys should have to talk about it I agree I agree with Hitler guy I agree with Hitler guy she's up straight up into the air changing her stance as she did oh I don't want to see that Coco's body suddenly lunge backwards a huge thud echoed across the courtroom but in the next second is the tongue gonna be out now oh my oh god oh god oh and the bouncing out oh oh kill it tilt the fire so I hope it is her now I hope I hope I guess she didn't Frank I hope it is her get it away Big Mac I love it I love it we're Big Mac pigment are you referring to me locker room dumbbell I bet it was an iron pipe no that's wrong no what I declare in official class trial recess let's go look for coins [Music] okay okay got him I didn't know what I was doing then deserve that [Music] hey that's not too bad nice so many coins okay I don't care about searching or anything anymore for coins I'm over my clients point coin yes I lied I'm back on the coin bandwagon oh we got coin yes yes three for three yes nice coin nice give me a coin here give me a coin here there's all kinds of stuff piled up everywhere I could never get half this stuff neon several coins okay this time this is the one this is the one this is the one there's all kind of stuff all over I got kind of excited looking at it all because there's a coin oh no don't put me on the same level as Doc virgin I might catch his virginity oh really is for tonight with that strange comment in mind we all looked at the camera we can figure that part later right now we have to tell the others you're right shall we go the look on her face is just like like the next target beat toko huh what I completely forgot she's still unconscious in the equipment can you use less voice to say number 15 Burger King foot lettuce what number 15 Burger King foot lettuce what what we foot lettuce foot lettuce deez nutz we talking about chats going kind of crazy number 15 Burger King foot lettuce I he's doing a perfect impression he doesn't even know I I'll look at I'll look at it after after after screaming okay I'll look at it after shirt okay fine I'll look at I'll look at the goddamn foot lettuce one second one second number 15 Burger King foot lettuce okay there you go all right what is it is it nine seconds long is that the right one is it nine seconds long number 15 Burger King foot lettuce the last thing you'd want in your burger King burger is someone's foot fungus why does that large wet tears fell from her eyes the tears landed on he from his cheeks and then he came back to life if this was some world or make-believe that might be that matter than when he field opened his eyes but this wasn't a movie wait what what this wasn't what he's alive again wait where am I what is winter coming nani the [ __ ] Yoko and I mean she man then I've had the worst day you will believe the day I've had you wouldn't believe it watch hey men's gambit wristwatch w what I guess I hire so strange in those guys I'm gonna be mad if this works I mean that well Dan a lot points nice 100 points I know how he lost a lot of waifu points the last trial for being really dumb but consider this if you told her that you if you told her that you came I screamed that you wouldn't realize you totally [Laughter] [Laughter] hey Ally how's it going hey Ally hey hey Ally hey Howie you want some ice cream I want to ask you something sure what is it oh um I mean can you come to my room when you get a chance right here is is like huh okay see you later better not stand me up she's not in love with us so that's why I'm I want you to be I want you to be my boyfriend oh we're in we're in boys uh no no I mean not like my real boyfriend just like a practice a god damn it we're out we're out what's the matter if you're worried about the camera why not just write it down well we're friends you should you should be able to trust me isn't that what you said before you're right that there shouldn't be any secrets between friends but there's nothing worse than expressing doubt about your friend when you don't have evidence for it Collard oh it's a choice yeah we're telling her I haven't found conclusive evidence yet if I talk about it now it could just make things that much worse French and keep secrets but there's a [ __ ] you [ __ ] really really know we're telling her no we're telling her we're gonna be here all day [ __ ] you game no no we're into 10 times [ __ ] you game no god damn it game god damn it scooped ourselves up or getting a coin from this piano yes much weirder yes goddamn yes [ __ ] we're on a roll we're on a roll nice Wow no no no no no she's not dead open your eyes no way she's dead well why what happened well it took when he no just all of a sudden they were yelling and then they knocked the pepper off the table and that led to a stick really oh my god did it actually happen did it really happen let's do a [ __ ] useless flashback to one when I said that [ __ ] like a couple streams ago at one point there's gonna be pepper really oh it's really true that is matter right now she's gonna try and kill someone later and they're gonna throw pepper and over in her face everyone needs to carry around a packet of pepper from now on I don't get you guys how can you act so casual after murdering someone don't look at me don't think I'm acting casual being me I mean I murder anyone I I would love it if we get down there and it's like yeah it was Danny it's Danny it's Ted it's a five minute trial yeah it was Danny lose Danny Danny did it yet voting for Danny Danny Danny yep you've chosen you chosen right execution all right back upstairs you know this what would a shiny message even be how do you know that okay so did he did he find the the crime scene and he's like he walks in and is like you know he comes in the rec room sackers there he sits down you know he sits down with with his brewskis to see the side and he takes a drink and he's like so Sacre what what did you want to what did you want to meet me about and he takes another drink soccer doesn't say anything he looks around he notices a bit of Pepto Bismol on the floor the mat amazing rock he's like huh this sucker is being kind of the strong silent type right now takes another drink he's in there for a good 5 minutes and then he realizes oh [ __ ] she's dead and I've been here for five minutes the whole time waiting for her to talk oh no they're gonna think it's me Oh quick quick quick what do I do oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and they got a right toe go in the magazine oh [ __ ] oh no oh no oh run run leave leave leave now they're gonna think it's me like like what what the what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] it can't be him it can't be him [Laughter] exactly what I found the maneuvers Bobby was discovered oh no it hit the thing in my time just tell us the truth [Music] she just straight-up admitted it then you killed Sakura it happened admit she also hit hit her across the head and then left and Sakura's like what I do these people stickers are the only people wearing sneakers here are Lian Makoto and Lian oh yeah he's racing like that wasn't he the Leo I mean its back its back the mean is back long live the meme the Sammy's Furman's came from Liang's cougar cougar ghost the meme is back older Danny's just sitting at staying there smiling going just happy to be here I know I didn't kill anybody so I'm cool I'm cool this he's like this afternoon I thought I'd kill somebody now I know I didn't this day just keeps getting better and better this is Danny's day to shine I'm gonna go to bed sleep well tonight Danny okay well Danny well Danny say yes what will daddy say what like wait was it me why me I love Danny I mean yeah I smashed a ball overhead I don't know nothing about no poison I saw my crystal ball it's true yeah that's right it was only a glass ball then I see my glasses glass wall you got a relief three o clock in the morning sorry I'm tired apart get on my way Kyoko I gotta go to the bathroom get overweight time to poop yeah go poop it again and then that and then that was over but as I turned to leave kuzava the sixteenth flying hitting some sixteen student Lighting's in somewhere in the school one they call do her despair watch out for her watch out for her did you forget to lock your door again did you forget the lucky bag Mak good god damn it big man all of a sudden I was awake oh so yeah we're talking about that part yeah there must be some kind of trick to it some weird setup I hope Danny turns and goes oh hey Monica MA and then just continues doing is a trick what kind of trick she has legs and stuff well that's just because she's like the latest evolution in ghost technology oh yeah apparently sprinklers come on every morning at 7:30 on the dot yeah remember that Mikoto doesn't have an alibi for most of that time enough time to commit murder and I should think [Music] going on what do you offer me game we're not finishing it we've established a time frame for the murder all right we're done this game is absolute you sprinklers what what are what grand argument have you presented that I keep missing I'm not stubborn I'm right I'm sorry okay fine I'll give you a special trial run after all I've already seen what the future has in store for you what when did you see well hey you won't believe what I saw it would appear that the mother of your children and the mother of my children are the [Laughter] and that's how the class trial of Makaurau you could Saba came to an end I started to wonder whether Kyoko was actually innocent or regardless the truth was lost forever even for me I just stopped thinking about it that was the end of macros clock class trial and in the end it would prove to be our last class trial once that case was over there was never a single murder hope speak ever again what we had obtained peace in exchange for the lives of all the others Watts candlestick Jack never killed anybody oh my god inside the school peaceful only for us how did candlestick she'll die that was the only hope we had damn catchy looks like a proud dad there huh hope
Channel: Timmytimmy123123
Views: 478,433
Rating: 4.8973002 out of 5
Keywords: danganronpa, tripper happy havoc, dr1, dangan, anime, killing game, video game, horror, funny, stream, let's play, commentary, playthrough, live, Joseph Anderson, Joseph, Anderson, Highlights, Joseph Anderson highlights, Best moments, Joseph Anderson best, Danganronpa playthrough, Danganronpa highlights, Danganronpa best moments
Id: j-EfjMMwYo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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