Joseph Anderson's Deltarune Experience In 20 Minutes

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so this is the worst part right here it's like noise [Music] whether it's a spiritual sequel or just based on the same world or there's characters i don't know i have no idea i'm not even reading chat right now because i don't want to be confirmed but it is linked to undertale like it's it's um like deltarune is an anagram of undertale um whoa no one's noticed that um so yeah uh so if you don't know what undertale is maybe you shouldn't watch the stream today i don't know um maybe chat will let you know if it's okay or not is that gonna like make me pick ahead okay first of all let's see okay which member of the gorillas do we want to be please give it a gift uh master key kindness mind ambition bravery voice voice well kindness is weakness mind just means he's going to be depressed all the time ambition makes you look pretty ugly bravery makes you stupid and voice means you're a target alright so what what kind of weakness do we want to give him your own name all right joe the oh joe the hoe excellent truly excellent joe though i think there's also a game console that has one normal controller and one knock off one the knock off one has a better analog stick but all the rest of the sucks because the main controller has been used too much and the analog stick has gotten weakened alright so what color does it like most red blue green cyan green there are crayons in the drawer their labels have long faded and there's no green so i recently uh told the boys that i was going to wash their hair with the dog shampoo that we have for the puppies and i thought it would be a really funny joke and uh and it did not go down well at all oh god they did not like that no no no no no they they freaked the out like they they screamed it was not funny like they were just so like so scared of the dog shampoo because if if apparently if you have dog shampoo um it turns you into a dog god can't wait to see this place on fire later all right here we go what what am i watching on my phone it's a schoolwork of course a animated school work and hey chris have you chosen a partner yet all right if i ever get a chance i'm gonna kill you dude because like man the whole do you like anime thing is haunting me do you know how many views that has on the twitch clips i hate you you're my most hated character in all fiction do you that do you understand if i ever get the chance it's going to be slow it's going to be painful it's going to there's going to be a lot of salt involved you understand like literal literal salt literal salt this is like this is like a a room full of poochies you know from the simpsons poochie what the is this the cool snake guy we're the ultimate academic duo ever since our first gym class it was a hula hoop day and they ran out of hoops for us so she used me instead that's our origin story [Music] what's this reindeer creature [Music] oh god oh no hey chris what's up did you lose your pencil again [Music] all right 34 bait let's go okay i'll ask enough screwing around we got to find a way out of here so we became like 80s hair metal band members when we've dropped down here on where is here anyway uh just so i'm not being insufferable the whole play through rousey is that how you pronounce his name ralph see ralph say rousey raul say rousey ralsi ralph say okay i'll say all right well it's me so we're just going to go flipping back and forth between them anyway mama miba i'm i'm top chef so i need to do my vampire voice to accidentally do a bad italian voice right my latest cake worked me to exhaustion so i took a little nap but mama miba a scary noise woke me up a beast was hunched on the table eating the cake like an animal so right now i'm trying to do a vampire voice i'm trying to do the count for sesame street but that just makes me really bad italian i spritzed it with water lancer you're just just bargain papyrus man no no skeleton jokes come on hey wait where am i help somebody help me i'm lost sign lancer hey hey hey kid you want to buy a tutorial right this way gentlemen gentle winners all right seems legit yeah nothing bad is going to happen here okay next let's try defending simply defend the game's attack will hurt you less not only that but you also gather tp watch the orange bar on the left i'll explain it later let's spin the next okay damn we get some tp so prepared great job chris now you've got a tp how about spending that cp tp in the toilet on one of my spells because i'm tp master asked me about toilet paper what's toilet paper toilet paper with toilet paper that's what lets you cast spells see when you see that orange bar casting spells when it's filled up far tp it's quite the cape where tp stands [Laughter] for are you ready to be stop stop talking ho ho ho what is that why are you saying that ho ho it's my evil laugh scary right you sound like baby santa claus i know right that's not true okay is it bad that i identify more with susie than anyone else so far [Music] what what does that say that's that's not true you're going to be thrashed merry christmas from the bottom the order of our rooms in car castle of course if you haven't been there you won't know it really emphasizing that it's impossible they haven't been there all right [Music] oh yes yeah dude you open the treasure chest inside was broken key c you put broken c key in your key items signed get impos impossible yeah okay get signed all right what does that do all right act check val deep out warning uh all right so this seems like a boss to me obviously maybe it's a fake out boss oh no so can you can you only kill bosses this is the thing like i'm trying to i'm trying to metagame from my knowledge from undertale and i feel like that toby fox is enough of like a smart guy to know that and intentionally game the game against me from trying to metagame my way through it but would he be enough of a smart guy to to gain my meta gaming of his gaming meta gaming susan whether you like it or not you're a hero one with the power to bring peace to the future could you please start acting like one yeah when you lay out like that i've been a pretty bad hero haven't i what you mean like in rpgs when you get to the land of enemies you're not supposed to kill everything and loot everything that you see and eat everything that's available to you what do you mean [Music] an enchanting gun with an air of mysticism a tomboyish blade reserved for upscale events it's burning with desire sure to make you blush garbage you're going to lose points it's a duck playing streamlined chassis for elegant thrashing a fast chassis for tomboyish thrashing tomboyish chassis for guns guns lovers the cannon is highly kissable duck just looking at this is making you lose points sneak sporty shoes for the athletic thrashing machine in your life attractive wheels leading the way weaponized treads for raising sophisticated dinner parties duck you're going to lose points [Music] how can we not do the duck like come on it has to be the duck [Music] your machine sucks ass is that okay yes it's just guys this evil plan sucks ass i'm at fault in any way nah you're good these shackles seem oddly fashionable take them yeah sure iron shackle was put in your armors life cannot exist without consuming even the moss drinks water perpetuate the cycle of existence yeah perpetuate you wait the moss tastes mossy hp was mossed out nice so chris what did you find what's all that green stuff around your mouth two minutes in jail and you've already started eating moss even put on prison shackles so hey idiots can you shut up okay so so a lot of the humorous game is really dumb but like it makes me laugh when it's involved with player choices and and uh doing typical rpd once the characters interact with each other it's it's a bit more hit or miss for me it becomes a little bit like you know again penguin the doom so if uh if if chris is not chris if susie is developing into a nicer person the is going to happen or elsie hey spooky eyes yeah even i got arrested i'm just a pair of eyes what's the world [Music] [Laughter] [Music] really all right so we know diamond is first if we know diamond is first then you know we're halfway there diamond first all right now does that mean the first one's diamond or doesn't mean the middle one's diamond oh spade diamond something spade diamond something spade diamond club yeah defense i'm pretty sure i did every other arrangement apart from that the devil's knife oh me oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no no that's awful that's terrible it's terrible oh my god all right uh do we need to use a cake what are we doing who can use the cake looks like a bed will you rest here no no you won't it's not your bed this is true looks like a bag will you rest here no you won't it's not your bed looks like a bed you rest here no you won't it's not your bed you thoroughly investigated all the beds your rank was upgraded to that inspector nice how about you oh we should have spoken to him first ah hahaha gullible worms that wasn't the really ultimate puzzle i have a waste better one here can we see it no [Laughter] [Music] nope hit let's ride the carousel game no let's not let's not let's not let's not ride the paris no no let's not write the castle game no no i don't like it i don't like the castle game these curtains are really on fire oh i hate this one oh my god oh it's awful it's so bad all right rousey's deed no no i need to learn that pattern it is is it really gonna like like blue ball on on the pin dropping like the opening was just so like hey we're gonna play a game and then you this is the game and then it's like and it's just being like yeah nice friendship whatever let's go and it's like i've been waiting for the pin to drop for like two hours like where [Music] ah dad i can't just say that to her oh my god i died literally die noel sweetheart first time i laid eyes on your mother i walked right up to her and told her she was a hot piece of work really yeah she slapped me so hard look at the flowers on the desk you know house dragon blazers three beat it yet now i'm still at the ice palace i've been kind of kind of waiting to finish it with you dad oh noel maybe maybe you shouldn't wait dad you should bring it here i'm bored as hell oh you're here come on chris be a little friendlier okay so in about 30 seconds i care about this guy more than lancer [Music] no i'm good [Music] don't let me down hearts donut oh that actually didn't enough kids you tired me up something terrible is coming what do you mean something terrible is coming what do you mean something terrible is coming kidding here's my final chaos oh my god what what kind of knights their own was that am i dead oh i'm not okay what the was that please it's just simple chaos oh man that's an easy one how how can we not be frisk [Music] we're chris how what the is going on oh hey now is alternate reality [Music] keep spinning the world around [Music] oh oh no no no no no no no no no uh it wrote oh hell okay uh revivement revivement uh rousey can do it kids are really keeping up no no it's the duck the duck is back does the duck not do damage no the the ducks does does damage okay we're dead all right they're gonna get mind wiped what the is this your mother huh too late i already befriended your mom last night she's great the mayor's charisma is about zero no it's negative do you want to be the the bear if she works hard and has a good track record so she runs unopposed that's politics people in chat are saying it's not a sequel i i mean it's obviously the same characters and it's obviously a continuation from from the original undertale like if it's not a sequel it's still in the same it's in the same kind of universe and it's continuing some of it like didn't he just say it's in the undertale series he's furiously willing for affirmation right now i'm not seriously going for affirmation i'm furiously googling to see what the truth is because i remember it being posted in jazz [Music] i don't care if i'm right or not i care about the truth i care about what he said uh dealt around i'll make another i am making a game called deltarune it is the second game in the undertale series okay like how like how can you say that it's not at least adjacent to a sequel after that like i like that's pretty clear is it not like it might not be a sequel in the traditional sense but it's still a continuation at some point it has the same characters for sake like uh am i oh there's some time listening that's going on there's a preview deal in the first game sans implies remembers until events both through girls be singing yeah it was implied that uh at the end of the genocide run in undertale that the the monsters and by monsters i mean like sans and alphys i think alphys more than anybody else they either have some sort of timeline jumping powers or or dimension hopping power something like that so i mean just that alone could explain some sort of uh some of the differences that are going on in the game that they don't they don't like the ending they think that it could have been better you know like in the first game the player is the one that is constantly changing things by going back and making all the rearrangements everything that happened right well what if the sequel is the monster's got that power and they've been doing it and this is just where the timeline settled out now you know how many times have they rearranged and things up because they wanted things to be better for everybody and that's the continuation of those characters in that canon and this is how they got to now and that explains a lot of differences in like i could see that being a thing okay the fact that you get rewarded for like skirting close to them is so clever for making you like get into dangerous positions all right i think we're okay oh i think we're okay i think we're okay i think we're okay i think we got him unless there's a face too there probably is a face too isn't there all right all right cool all right so that was what six tries was it six tries that's not common system compared to undertale and or turn-based systems i i'm surprised i'm saying this but i think i prefer the system to uh to undertales it has more to it and it still it still has the um some of the some of the good stuff i like about turn-based systems i do like a little bit of them a little bit uh that's the derivative there um but also it has the movement that i really like from undertale all the response to the movement when it's your turn and instead of just eating it so yeah i think i like it better than a teal system okay thoughts though okay so as as an experience all on its own this was really really kind of not really that great like i'm of course like what i mean on its own i mean like if i hadn't played undertale one if i was just playing this all by itself like there were some funny moments like that's that but apart from that it's kind of like what it's very confusing it's very unsatisfying but as a chapter one it's fine it's building a lot of intrigue i have a lot of questions i have no idea what the is going on and it also feels like it also feels like um uh you know when something that shouldn't exist it feels like it's breaking the rules undertale didn't need a sequel undertale was done it was like there was no real questions i had left burning in inside of me about undertale i had no desire to see it continue like nothing at all but it is anyway and it's doing it in a strange way so i'm intrigued so it feels kind of like completely like it's just breaking all the rules and going out of bounds you know it's like completely crossing the line so i want to see where that's going it seems to have some some sort of thing too as a setup for the rest of the game that's going to come out hopefully at some point um i'm very interested i want to see where it goes but on its own it's kind of like yeah it's just set up without the payoff and it's like watching the first season of a tv show and you have all these questions and it's like well you have to wait for the rest to come out and some people like that i don't really i don't really like doing that like i like to let shows get done before i watch them but yeah after maze [Music] [Music] um is that a bug [Music] where does it go [Music] okay i'm just gonna hold left you
Channel: Kusoro
Views: 24,067
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Keywords: joseph anderson deltarune, joseph anderson deltarune highlights, joseph anderson stream highlights, deltarune stream highlights, joseph anderson streams, deltarune stream, joseph anderson highlights deltarune, deltarune highlights joseph anderson
Id: gsKazeR13a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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