Jordan Schlansky Attempts To Stump George Lucas – "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"

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i also want to compliment you on your hair before the show i visit you in the dressing room and you've got you can do it when you want to do it it's all a special effect yeah very nice so much to talk about i can't believe it's the 30th anniversary of star wars does it seem like 30 years to you uh seems like about 130 years 130 years well i'm curious because uh at the beginning everyone now the film is such an institution it's become so mythologized but in the beginning the studio had problems with your your concept they did not like the title star wars why uh they didn't like it because they thought it would be a film about richard burton elizabeth taylor they thought it was about they thought it would be about really about celebrities movie stars fighting right right sort of uh the the baldwin basinger right story right right it could have been it could have been equally exciting i think uh yeah so so and initially your concept was that it was not gonna be luke skywalker that his name was gonna be luke starkiller is that right yes it started out as luke starkiller yeah it went through a lot of evolutions uh uh in the in the beginning because it was more about annika skywalker uh starkiller seemed like a better name and then when i put it down and uh got to it the the backstory wasn't there and it seemed better to make him less uh menacing unless well also it's a good thing you changed it because if you hadn't today you'd be trying to invite celebrities to screenings at the star killer ranch come to the starkiller ranch i'd rather not if it's all right with you um you finally after six films you finally put yourself in the last one uh why did you wait so long to put yourself in the film what was what instigated you to initiated this what made you do it uh my kids wanted to be in the movie and since they i decided this was the last shot at this sort of thing and they wanted me to be in the scene so um yeah they talked my kids talked me into it what about the character the character's name is is baron what is it papanoida papanoida yeah yeah and did you have any say over the costume because we have a photo here and i i wanted to show that right here let's take a look there you are is baron papanoida i look like one i like him i'm from the wizard of oz yeah yeah there's a little bit of a captain crunch feel there just a tad it must stun you how the fans uh of star wars uh unlike any other fans they have mastered every detail of of the films they know the characters they know the mythology so well that it must stun you they must occasionally they must challenge you okay i here you are george lucas you're getting some coffee i bet you can't answer this question well i have the advantage uh in that uh um people don't know that i'm my middle name is actually w yeah i am the other gw right and i am more than the decider i'm the creator you are the creator i am the george with a capital g i see yes my employees you're very confident my my employees call me god but my children call me garbage [Laughter] well we have i i want to see how good you are uh jordan who was uh featured in the uh in the remote uh believes that jordan schlansky believes he can stump you with a question jordan thinks he's the best i think we should bring jordan out right now jordan jordan uh your star wars trivia question for mr lucas please well as we all know there's a very famous scene in the original 1977 film where darth vader uses the force to strangle an imperial officer now although his name was never mentioned in the context of the film it was listed in the end credits what is the name of that character uh it is uh conan antonio motti hey well george i got it right uh congratulations and uh thanks jordan you're uh you're uh you're doing a star wars television show now is that correct you're working on one it's in development yeah we're uh it's an animated series about the clone wars um it's very much star wars it's not a you know south park comedy right it's not a kitties spongebob squarepants it's sort of the first dramatic animated show that is um pg-13 so it doesn't really go on late night it doesn't go on saturday afternoon it actually doesn't go anywhere i don't know what we're going to do with it but we're having a lot of having a if you don't mind uh we have a couple of star wars characters that we would like to audition as possibly being in the show was that we're here and i don't see you often if you don't mind all right first up i hope you enjoy them let's get them out here right now we call them r2 mr t2 let's see what you think next up uh next up and this is very fitting for the times he's lean he's mean that's right it's the liposuction to jabba the hutt liposuction [Applause] feeling good and finally we have you're never coming back and finally we have a wookie with deep-felt religious beliefs dating back to the old testament please welcome jew bacca [Applause] you like that last one yeah uh you know what uh we cannot uh i cannot thank you enough we you were one of our our our big wishes for this week in san francisco thrilled to meet you thrilled to have you on the show thank you very much george lucas
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 959,753
Rating: 4.9487233 out of 5
Id: gfDE3eJP9vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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