Jordan Peterson ~ The Main Reason Why Women Lose Attraction For Their Partners

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so one of the things you did was he he deeply deeply studied the sub structures of thought so for you like you know we talked about Piaget a bit and we said for PSA you kind of built your brain from your body upward brilliant idea it's so smart but young young has a lot of Piaget in him it's it's more implicit but for you not only was your there are some structures of your thought biological and so therefore based in your body but your body was also cultural and historical you know so partly because you're you're an evolved creature so god only knows what's in there 3.5 billion years worth of weirdness that you can draw on or that can that can move you where it wants to move you but also you're being shaped by cultural dynamics all the time and human beings in particular like we're just watching each other like mad all the time to see what we're up to what people think of us how I should behave are we being boring are people attracted to us it's like we're so so right to the core and and that's another way that you can understand an archetype is like part of the archetype is that we are social to the core so we're interested in other people and more if you're extrovert is less if you're introvert but doesn't matter by the standards of saying solitary animals we're so social it's just unbelievable and so that's built in it's built in what's built in is that you find that interesting that's the archetypal the archetype is whatever is that makes you find that interesting it's beyond your control but if you're extroverted you're interested in people you didn't decide that it decided it for you the question is what is it lots your brain your brain your limbic system whatever the hell back to me it's like we don't know what that means no we have no idea how your brain produces consciousness like well I am dead serious we haven't got a clue and what that indicates to me is is we've been hacking away at it first say four hundred years is that the way we think about consciousness is wrong because we're not getting anywhere we've got a long ways with lots of things we're not getting anywhere with consciousness okay so back to the archetype so cuz I can tell you how these things are rise to some degree so you're interested in other people say and so you're interested in them because they're unbelievably useful resources right because they know things they have resources that you want plus you want even subtle things from them you want their attention you want to play with them you know there's all sorts of things that you needed want from other people so these social interactions are incredibly valuable and informative but the information is interesting because part of what every single person is constantly broadcasting to every other person is how to behave so now if you meet someone and and let's say you find them interesting well I can tell you that the more ideal they are assuming you're not too warped the more ideal they are the more you're going to be interested in them does that actually is what defines ideal like as you become ideal you can say that is also the same as becoming high status as you become ideal then you're interesting to people so that's interesting because that what that means is that you can read off people's interest to find out when you're deviating from the ideal and they don't even know what the ideal is the ideal is that to which their attention is an exact inexorably drawn and they're always telling you when you should fall short of the ideal always it's being broadcast at you all the time and then your imagination back there is to try and figure out just what is this ideal you know because your imagination is watching you and appears you have a good sense noticing what you do and then trying to figure out what that is so you'll have fantasies about the ideal that often happens in a romantic relationship especially at the beginning of it because you know you you project your idealization on to the person that you're romantically attracted to that's the projection of an archetype so young would say the woman will project an animus onto the man the animus is her conceptualization of what the ideal man is it's unconscious because it's rooted in fantasy and the man will be in concordance with that projection in some areas that's those of the area where she likes it by the way and will be discordant in other areas and that's Lear is where she constantly disappoints him as the relationship develops so there it the projection is there in part to help the person understand who it is that they're dealing with because when you meet someone you have to you have to assume something about them it's the same as projection you have to assume something both and then if you find them fascinating which is what happens if you fall in love maybe it's because they smell good or they're symmetrical or something you immediately assume that while those things really matter you immediately assume that they embody the ideal it's an oversimplification but the oversimplification has a basis and the basis is if it's interesting to me it must be close to the ideal well yeah except the person that you're going out with attracted to is warped and bent and flawed and twisted you know 300 ways and you'll find that out soon enough just as they will about you and that often just blows the relationship into bits cuz the person will say well she wasn't who I thought she was like well who said whoever said she was who you thought she was it's like where did you get the misapprehension that she was gonna be who you thought she was God what do you know you know you're looking you're lying around by your sense of smell and your ability to detect symmetry it's like that yeah that's not very sophisticated so those are those are so the anima animus are two primary Union archetypes and they're very complex but that kind of gets at the surface the ideal that I was describing so people are broadcasting information to each other which is the ideal be ideal be ideal beat it's like be my ideal obviously but let's say let's say if I took a thousand ideals and then average them or extract it out the common ideal the ideal that was common to all of them that would be a savior figure that's what a savior figure is and then now now and then someone comes along who acts quite a bit like that at boof you've got yourself a religion so do you don't be thinking that these images that people fall around like like you like what bloodhounds on the trail do you know what be thinking that those things are like conscious cognitive constructs like conscious cognitive constructs like Marxism they last like 50 years and they killed 100 million people and then that's the end of that a good religious system man that will keep a culture going for like three thousand years and even at the end of it it doesn't disappear we know that the story of Horace and Osiris for example drove Egypt like Catholicism throw a euro for like three thousand years that's a long time and then it turned into Christianity so some like it disappeared
Channel: THE BESTS
Views: 4,609,961
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Keywords: Jordan Peterson, Jordan B Peterson, Jordan Peterson 2019, Jordan Peterson New, Psychology, Philosophy, Personality, personality disorders, self-improvement, Truth, Self Improvement, Jordan Peterson Personality, Jordan Peterson Personality Disorder, How to cure Personality Disorders, Motivation, Inspiration, How to improve myself, Self Help, Clinical Psychology, Depression, Jordan Peterson Depression, Jordan Peterson anxiety, Counseling, Jordan Peterson Psychology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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