Jordan Peterson on his GQ Interview - Joe Rogan

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everywhere you look that's all you observe you observe predators and prey and animals eating vegetables and that's it hmm and I think that this this concept of overcoming adversity so it's so human it's so a part of what we are then I want to bring it back to you because one of the things that I've been considering is that I've said this many times and I just had a conversation with my good friend Steve Rinella the other day where he brought it up independently he said I think Jordan Peterson is the most misunderstood and misinterpreted guy in the world he's like people are always like not just misinterpret but miss stating what you believe in misstating what you say this opposition to you this I mean like we were talking about this GQ interview which I thought was I thought that woman was far more intelligent than the and and her approach was far better and far more reasoned and well thought-out than some of the other attacks on you before so they're bringing in the varsity level players is what I'm saying but I think this is important I think this is part of what with what forges this message is that you are and you and this one of the things that Eric Weinstein and I had said about you is that you're essentially the the hoist Gracy of the intellectual dark web if you don't know what that means is the early days of the UFC no one knew what the best martial art was and the idea was like there was all these martial arts that are running around independently and that they were all claiming that they had the best technique and let's see what happens and hoist gracie was the one who represented jiu-jitsu and went out there and beat all these people with superior technique and superior strategy south american yes he's from brazil yeah okay and he launched this Brazilian Jiu and his family launched this Brazilian jiu-jitsu empire that has since taken over the world of martial arts but you are the one who's consistently engaging in these people you're the one who's involved these valley to toe events where you're debating these people who are coming at you hostile with notes and I think is uncomfortable as those moments are like who was the woman that said so what you're trying to say Numan gasps her I think her approach I think she misunderstood you I think she underestimated you I think she misinterpreted who you are and she thought that she could come at you with this straw man sort of article and argument rather in frame your positions in a very unflattering way it just didn't work no it just was it was like the early days of hoist Gracie guys would come out I'm flailing and he'd get them in an armbar and they tap out and they'd go [ __ ] that's kind of what happened with you but now this woman who you had this conversation with in GQ she was much more skilled you know she was better verbally she beat her her arguments made more sense you have seen more reasonable more well-read you know she was able to think on her feet quicker but still these are really important conversations well it was a funny day because I went to the to the hotel room in Baltimore you know and I went out of my way to do it and she was hostile to me the second I walked into the room really yes and and that really kind of put me off what is it how so well she basically told me that we were going to have a war you know not so many words that that but just there was a coldness to her and distaste for me that was sort of radiating from her she had a-- she was animus possessed from a union perspective that's the right way of thinking about it one of the ways of thinking about that is that she had a chip on her shoulder and relationship to me so she had already formulated who I was in her imagination and she it was also maybe a form of projection so like I was the embodiment of all the things that she found distasteful and that's who she was so there was no there was no willingness to consider on her part that I could be different than her preconceptions of yes right and so she was she was hostile to me in the way that you would be if you were prejudiced against someone right from the beginning and so by the time it was uncomfortable in the room and by the time and there was a photo shoot and so by the time the conversation started I was more impatient than I would normally be because one of the things that I do expect from journalists and Kathy Newman was like this by the way and so of some of the other people that go on have gone after me at least they had the professionalism to be civil before the interview started no like because there's a certain amount of politeness I would say that not that I'm owed but that someone you're interviewing is owed yes if they come out of their way to go talk to you it's like it's just human decency yes so there's no real conflict right until you have this conflict it's just hello nice to meet you yes thank you for coming to human beings interacting with each other yes yes well on relatively profession well even just professional right and just professional grounds it's like well we're both here to do a job and I've agreed to come but but no see there was palpable enmity in the air right to begin with and you know what I actually thought at the end of that interview I thought jeez you know maybe I'm maybe I've done enough interviews because I found that I was more impatient than I would have liked to have been now luckily it doesn't seem to have gone overboard because I've been watching the comments on that GQ interview and I think it's got about four and a half million views some ridiculous number of views and people have said that I was more impatient and a little harsher than usual which i think is true and I thought God you know maybe I'm starting to run out of patience which isn't good right right I don't want to run out of patience because then it it will flavor the message that you're putting out definitely and people will take it in the wrong way and they'll take it in with that bitterness yes exactly well you know one of the things that I think is very important is that you don't become resentful I can and well and and you know when I'm on this tour for example like there's no resentment for me because you think well this is you might think well this is a lot of work and I've been running around like mad and and you know it takes a lot of organization and it's quite demanding and all of that and that's all true and that none of that is a complaint and I decided with Tammy right at the beginning that well first of all that this was going to be work and not a vacation because we're not stupid we know you can't have everything at the same time if you have any sense you're lucky if you get some things that are good at once you know so we're very grateful to have that opportunity and that I was going to continue to do as long as I was thrilled to be in front of the audience and then when I meet people afterwards that I'm not looking at the end of the line to see when the night ends you know because I want to be sure that every single person that comes to meet me I'm you know president present for absolutely cuz I am I am actually quite taken aback and thrilled I guess is the right word grateful grats better us that they're there it's like God man some of these people you know like I was in they're coming from all over the place you know people fly in from Australia into Europe they've they've flown they've flown it's lots of Eastern Europeans came to England like they're making huge tracks or as guys who came from like eight they took him like 12 hours to get through Russia to come to Finland to watch the talk there you know and and and then not just a few people like that people are really gone way the hell out of their way you know and then and then they line up and it's not that it's not inexpensive because these venues are expensive and and all of that and I'm well I'm I'm do it and it's the same with the damn interviews it's like I'm doing my best to not take any of this for granted and not get annoyed about it and and that goes for the conflict too it's like well you know I've tried to have my agent screen out maybe the more egregious interviews you know the ones that would just be nothing but combat because there I find them quite stressful though I wouldn't say I'm hiding from them but you don't know to begin with how an interview is going to go and I could just say well I'm done having interviews and for a while but I I can't help but see that the conflict is a necessary part of this even though I don't find it pleasant like people think they accused me of being a provocateur of enjoying the conflict it's actually not true at all I don't enjoy it at all it usually takes me about three days to recover from like for a particularly contentious interview you know because I find it I find conflict interpersonal conflict quite stressful yes you know but I think we one does yes and to pretend you don't you're either a sociopath or you're a liar yes yes well there are people to enjoy that kind of intellectual combat you know that they'd yeah and the political types are more like that but but I think they still afterwards feel it and if they read the comments and people are against them it's just that the unease it carries well you would think so I mean I don't even know how people deal with it because I mean I'm being fortunate because although you know I've had a fair bit of negative press coverage the comments in on YouTube in particular which is where of the bulk of them are and and I would say among the general public have been overwhelmingly positive I don't know what the hell it would be like to be in a world where that was reversed where you know the majority of people are against you I've seen Jesus I've seen it happen with guests that I've had on the show where I've met them afterwards and you see a physical effect on them you see them beaten down like Jesus Christ those comments are so mean I'm like you can't read those you can't read those and you see how it's affecting them like they can't sleep they really yeah it [ __ ] with them they'll stay up for nights you know it's not good it's it's you're you're you're taking in all of these opinions of hundreds if not thousands of people that you don't even know you know if they're coming from a healthy place and and most of those opinions they would not express it that way if they were talking yeah I think he'd get the same message across like I think you were ignorant to these facts I think you are biased in your perceptions even if they had an opinion that was unflattering the way that are express it to you they'd be considerate about you and your your feelings as a human being and if they weren't you wouldn't take into consideration what they're saying because these guys just an [ __ ] yeah right but when you just see it in type we just see print it just doesn't it just it could be a smart person it could be a psycho it could be a fool it could be anything well it's also funny too because that the negative comments that are part of social media seemed to be just as potent as negative comments in real life but the positive comments don't seem to be as positive as the positive comments in real life yes like I don't they don't seem as real and I guess that's partly because we're wired you know to be more sensitive to threat and to negative emotion because well because we're we can be hurt it's also healthy to to not stroke your ego too much if you just like concentrate only on there like like there's something distasteful if you go to someone's page and they just retweet all the positive things that people say to them cuz any has this sort of reinforcing slightly people know that I say something really positive to Jordan he's gonna retweet me mm-hmm there are some people that they engage in this sort of Commerce mm-hmm you know like you say something positive they retweet you and you know it's it's a little it's a little to strokey right now right people get really into that stroking their own butt yeah yeah well I guess and yeah I guess the danger of that is that possibility of that ego inflation that you only want to avoid because that's a bad idea oh that's a very bad idea
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 3,940,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Jordan Peterson, GQ, feminist
Id: euC3kmns6l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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