Jordan Peterson: Guys who are too nice? Good luck.
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Essential Truth
Views: 3,575,379
Rating: 4.9022985 out of 5
Keywords: Jordan B Peterson, Jordan Peterson, Agreeableness, nice guys, attractiveness, dominance hierarchy, Essential Truth, what women want, bite-sized philosophy, Gravitahn, Ocean of Freedom, ScienceNET, MagiCal HD, Intense 5, 50 Stars, Ramble, philosophyinsights, Myers-briggs, MBTI, Personality quiz, temperament traits, compatibility, Transliminal, Evan Carmichael, The Rubin Report, StevenCrowder, mulliganbrothers, Jocko podcast, TheArchangel911, Psyche matters, PowerfulJRE
Id: b6-360oFHZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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